Prayer of Jabez: Overcoming Labels, Lids and Limitations

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[Music] this morning I want us to turn our attention to the Word of God 1st chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 I want to preach on the prayer of Jabez overcoming labels lids and limitations look at somebody right now tell them I don't need your labels I don't want your lid and I do not accept your limitations yeah yeah yeah the prayer of Jabez personal benign now jay-bez was more honorable than his brothers and his mother called his name jay-bez saying because i bore him in pain and jay-bez called on the God of Israel saying all that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory that your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain so God granted him what he requested I want you to look at that last line again so god somebody say so god grant it to him what he requested the prayer of Jabez father help us today to rightly divide the word of truth I pray father in Jesus name that every insufficiency in me would be hidden and irrelevant as you come into this place and bring the preaching anointing that makes preaching life-changing today I stand before your people God declaring with them and believing with them that today the word of the Lord is going to change their lives and I thank your Holy Spirit for the anointing that makes preaching means something and I pray God that before we leave today having been exposed to this truth and this anointing that you give we will all need transformed and changed by the power of God in Jesus yes Lord and I serve notice on enemies right now enemies that have haunted and hindered the people of God and some of them have even come in this place today with audacious courage to sit here with the people that they've attacked and they think they're going to continue the attack but I serve notice on the enemy right now that the power of God is coming upon these saints and they're going to be loosed from every yoke of bondage and lie of the devil in the name of Jesus and I praise you for it now God and I thank you for it now Satan the Lord rebuke you the blood is against you and I pray the power of God would set every captive person free in Jesus name and everyone said amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord the prayer of Jabez I love the hidden treasures in the word of God and this text is one such treasure it is the text of obscurity tucked away in a list of names and genealogies it's almost missed in the monotony of ancestry it's sandwiched right in the middle of a plethora of people and lineage and then right out of nowhere in the middle of all these names and so and so big at so-and-so and stuff that we typically don't read when we're on our Bible reading plan right in the middle of all this monotony is this little two verse truth about a man named jay-bez he has not mentioned or referred to anywhere else in the Bible he suddenly appears and almost as quickly he disappears what we know about jay-bez we only know from this text he appears to be the son of a man named cause he is not an only child for the text tells us that he had brothers in fact the scripture says that he was more honourable than the rest of his brothers he was more honourable than the rest of his brothers he was more honorable he's known for his honor there's something about the honor and the state of honor on this man that causes him to stand out and stand up in the midst of a crowd I found out that being a man or a woman of honor is a quality that attracts the favor of heaven the word honors say honor the word honor in the Hebrew here is the word Chabad kab ad Chabad and it literally means up to a heaviness or a weightiness of of Honor on your life it is a unique word because it is the word that we use to identify people who are honorable and likewise it is the Hebrew word used to identify people who are honored don't miss this it's the same word to describe both those who honor and those who are honored in other words it's a reciprocating term you can't be a person who honors without being a person who is honored there are many people in the kingdom of God who do not understand the principle of Honor and honor is something that you cannot show unless you are willing to properly identify and value someone or something when it walks into the room have you ever been privileged to be in the room with someone who is significant or someone who is an official or someone who is well-known or someone who is famous when they walk into the room a person who is honorable rightly determines the value of that person and you do not sit there when a person of honor walks in kick back and say hey what's up a person of honor does not sit back and say hey what's up when someone's significant walks into the room when someone's significant walks into the room if you are a person of honor you stand up you extend your hand and you say hello my name is and it is and come on talk to me this morning church it is an honor to meet you how many know what I'm talking about why do we say things like that because we recognize the value of the person who walked into the room this whole thing about honor really doesn't begin with your ability to properly identify and value people it really begins with your ability to properly value and identify God when he walks into the room because if not can walk into the room and you sit there and say yo what's up then no wonder you don't know how to honor people who are people of honor when they walk into a room if you won't stand up for God you won't stand up for anybody if you are so self-centered in life is so much about you and your ego is so big that when somebody else how significance walks into the room you can say it's an honor to meet you there's no reason we got a big people to praise God in church when God walks into this room shouldn't nobody need a reason to just stand up and clap hands and weep and to praise Him and to lift our heads if you gotta have somebody beg you to praise Him it's just because you really don't know him yet if you really know God when he walks into the room you forget about who is sitting next to you and you forget about how your hair got did and how beautiful your nails are and you forget about how nice you look and how well put together you are when somebody's significant walks into the room and you're a person of honor you stand and say it's an honor to have you in this room I came to tell you right now we gotta get this honors thing straight in the church because this honor is killing the body of Christ if you don't properly value people and if you don't properly value the things of God you can actually dishonor what God's hand is own and miss the blessing that came when you could have honored that person or that move that God was involved in that's why I'm careful about how I open my mouth against things that I don't know about I'm not gonna get no help on this but there are people in this room right now and watching me on livestream you have no hesitation at all to criticize something that just doesn't look like your favorite thing and just because an angel favorite thing you can dim it you know what you are you're insecure and you're nervous that God is bigger than you and your little dog and pony show I'm gonna walk around I'm gonna preach till I turn over everything in this house today there's some people in the kingdom of God they get on my nerves bashing and criticizing and dishonouring things that don't look like their favorite thing can I tell you that the kingdom of God is big enough for to bless me and God to bless people who do it away other than the way I do it you gotta learn how to be able to celebrate people who do it like you do and you gotta be big enough and King demanded enough to be able to honor what God does in somebody else you would blow a blow your man at the people who how many were here during the 90 day revival several years ago four years ago we had a 90 day bible it will blow your mind that the preachers in this city that stood up and condemned us now the one a lot of them but there were there were people who stood up and said crazy stuff and all we were doing was preaching Jesus and people getting saved and they said are they turning that thing down there are new kids getting up on the stage dancing just hush I would rather be standing on this stage dancing and giving God praise and laying in the floor flopping like a fish and drunk under the power of God so much so that they didn't even know where they parked their car I'd rather for that to be happening then them laid up in a whorehouse or a crack house or some other kind of house what's wrong with people in the church I am careful about what I criticize because just cuz it doesn't look like we're the way I do it doesn't mean it ain't of God and if you want to know what real maturity is now I'm not talking by people who don't preach Jesus or change the doctor I'm not talking about that I'm talking about people who just do things a little differently wow you gotta have all them lights why don't you own them while y'all sing off the screen why are you singing out of a book I don't care if you're sitting up in a book or off the wall just sang it's a spirit of dishonor walking around has God's appointed man and judge of all things who do you think you are let me just talk to the TV so nobody in here gets it personal okay who do you think you are you are not the sum total of all things and all knowledge God is bigger than your feet will brain I'll never forget one Sunday preaching I was preaching hammering away sister Betty who sits on the second row sweet woman of God been with us all these years mid-80s she's sitting there and I'm preaching about people who cannot see God is bigger than than their little box and she said this Lord bless she said it's so loud the whole area right here hurt her she said Lord bless their feeble minds for you and I to speak against something that is different than it was our favorite thing is reveals how insecure we really are and I'm going to tell you right now what you dishonor you repel well I don't believe in miracles you're not gonna see many of them I promise I don't believe when he stands up and says God's gonna bless us financially stable stapler I don't care just stay broke how about we just honor the word and we honor the work and we honor listen don't get strangled and any and and don't run into a speed bump over methods and I'm gonna take it a step further not just speaking against movements but speaking against men and women there are people who do it differently than I do it but they love Jesus and they preach the truth and I'm not standing up in the pulpit to bash or to dishonor other people when the the currency of the kingdom of Jesus is a currency of Honor you do not get trusted with the wealth of heaven and I don't mean money just money I mean the favor of God you do not get the favor of God on your life as long as you run around as deputy sheriff in the kingdom telling the world how off everybody else is but you you are blind sit down and be quiet get the telephone pole out of your eye before you well praise God it's gonna be one that kind of sundaes just buckle up hallelujah it don't work that way you can't be a man or woman of dishonor and have a life that people remember and value if you want to be a man whose life is honored or a woman whose life is honored you've got to be a man who honors or a woman who honors most people who are dishonorable do it out of a place of insecurity jay-bez was a man who was known for the honor he demonstrated and the honor he received and the Bible says no never thank you lord let me rewind that the word Chabad kab ad in the hebrew is actually the root word of the word we use fork abode which is the old testament word for glory when you have honor on your life you actually walk in glory I can't find no help in this church today there is a glory that rests upon people who know how to demonstrate honor when you walk in honor God honors you with that the word commode is literally means wait it literally means something you feel like sit on your life like the weight of God's goodness when you walk in honor you attract the weighty goodness of God how many just want to be able to walk into a place and know that in spite of everything and everybody in the room that's looking at you like you are out of place you just feel the goodness of God resting on your life can anybody testify that you felt the goodness of God resting the weight of God's glory how many have ever felt the weight of God's glory in the way that it it's literally heavy why do them people fall in the floor when he prays or they pray I'll tell you why they fall in the floor they can't stand up why can't they stand up because the weight of the glory of God rests upon their life and the weighty goodness of the presence of Jesus sometimes lays us out in the floor it's a wonder we don't explode get all bent out of shape over people falling out I'm just thankful we're in one piece when he gets through with us hallelujah jay-bez was a man of honor he honored and was honored when you so honor your reap honor when you properly value God in his presence and you properly value people it just brings a rising quality to your life you just rise you just stand out there are people in this room right now you see the favor of God on their life in tangible ways I assure you they did not get that place to that place of favor by being a dishonourable person anyone you've ever seen that walks in this honor has few friends I'm gonna preach on honor all morning I think right now [Applause] you can't and I can't experience the fullness of the kingdom of God operating in a spirit of dishonor this works in marriage whoa watch everybody pack their bags you feel that the chicken spirit got on people right then it's like my god I'm hungry plating let's go don't leave stay here for it a spirit of honor works in marriage I dare you sir to stop this honor and your wife begin to honor and watch things turn ma'am I dare you to quit calling out the fool in him start calling out the King in him and watch things turn if you won't get honor in your marriage God will bless your marriage I want to say so much but it ain't walking honor demonstrate honor walking honor with your mother and father in fact honor thy mother and father and God said if you honor them I'll attach a blessing to it what's the blessing honoring your mother and your father and your days on this earth will be alone now I'm not the smartest knife in the drawer but if you dishonor your mother and your father you might be shortening your days how many want to live a long life say man then quit talking about your mama like a junkyard dog and cuts in your daddy out when you don't give you what you want and I rebuke every young person that gets on social media and dogs out your mother and father they brought you into this world and they they deserve for you to know how to open your nothing to steam them Holly who do you think you are god I feel like a parent right now I'll get honor if your honor people you your life will mean something if you walk around all the time talking about preachers why are we here Jesus walk around all the time talking about churches no wonder you can't find one your reputation precedes you this is a situation in the kingdom of God because we ought to be people who honor to the highest extent celebrate and yet we find ourselves someone sometimes trapped in a mode of dishonor jay-bez is not known for his great gifts or his great strength or his great abilities jay-bez is known in heaven and on earth as a man of honor he honored and was honored but the Bible says something let me keep going thank you some of y'all I would that thing we survived hallelujah the Bible says something about jay-bez it says he was more honored and more honorable than all of his brothers but look at this but his mother called his name jay-bez because she said I bore him in pain she named him according to her pain let me go over here for a minute his identity was a product of her drama it was her pain but it became jay-bez his problem and when I was in prayer over this assignment today Spirit of God said to me I want you to tell some people in here who are wrestling with an identity that had nothing to do with them someone projected their problems and their pain on you and now you are trying to live a life recovering from a label somebody else put on your life so I'm gonna preach on it for a minute coming around saya get up here please maybe a man of honor don't worry about you here took three hours to fix but we'll just okay got just not shirt on zoom in on this please right which camera wave at me yep okay zoom in on that it says hello my name is so this is what life is done to some of you somebody's problem became your pain somebody's drama became your identity somebody else had some sorrow so instead of running to Jesus and getting healed they ran to you and projected their pain God I feel the Holy Ghost on me right now on your life so instead of you knowing who you are in God you got your identity from somebody who lost so they called you loser hello my name is victim hello remember my pen my name is broke hello my name is should have been hello I got a whole list of them hold off oh yes yes yes my name they call me at it because someone who had influence in your life was addicted and the only way they could find comfort in their addiction was to create you in a mindset of their own addiction they wanted you to be an addict with them so they called you an addict and they said everybody in the house is an addict and that's how they got the feeling good about themselves is that we're now all a family of addicts and then hello Jesus help me my name is orphan hello my name is unwanted I'm gonna breach or talk or whatever I'm doing hello my name is failure hello my name is raped and molested and I feel like damaged goods because someone else had a screwed-up childhood and they took their pain out on me and did to me what someone else did to them because it was the only normal that they knew somehow I'm trapped in the pain and we have people sitting on our Pentecostal chairs paying their ties every now and then lifting their hands and they got labels you're stupid that's a good one you're dumb you will never be and you are living with a label someone else put on you I'm fixing to tell you something that you need to know for the rest of your life God didn't do it oh you a failure God didn't call you a victim God didn't call you an accident God called you son and so you come to church and I holler and I scream and I sweat and I spit and I say you're the head and not the tail you're a bluff you're above I'm not beneath your blessed in the city and you're blessed in the field and you go wow praise the Lord and then you go home and you look in the mirror and I have these labels all over my life not only did he have labels not only did they call him jay-bez not only was his name a result of someone else's pain but he had lids on his life you know what a lid is a lid is that thing that hovers over us to stay right here Isaiah don't leave I'll grab you for a year just stay right there okay I'm just kidding I'm just kidding a lid something that you put on top of a container that keeps the contents in and keeps other contents out it's a cap it's a ceiling hanging over your head that always seems to control your life it's like you get into a place of launching out in faith and believing God for breakthrough and you really extend your faith and you stretch it out there and you feel that thing that's always pushed you back push again it's like that unseen sealing and can I tell you that most of the time it's generational I'm getting ready to preach right here most of the time it's generational people who were raised in a context with a bunch of people who never identified the lid they walked around saying things like his family is never gonna get a break his family is never going to see a break through this family is never going to get a turn around my granny was broke my mama was broke I'll be broke you'll be broke somebody has got to stop the drama and you got to say let me help you understand something okay let's just get something straight okay you can curse your future if you want to but pardon me while I believe for the goodness of God to be revealed in my life I understand that your mama in the end didn't and you didn't get in on this but you've come too late to tell me that Jesus died so that I can feed off the crumbs that you have left over I believe that God has got a table of abundance what I'll need some help in this church right now God is getting ready to deal with a lid [Applause] labels lids and limitations limitations limitations are those boundaries that define what belongs to you it's the boundary that defines what and who you can be limitations tell you where you can and cannot go limitations it's like boundaries and property lines that square off and mark off things that are yours some people in this room precious saints of God hear me please you're in this room today and there is there is a blessing that has your name on it that is on the other side of a place that you have stretched yourself to God will not bring it to you while you stay bound [Applause] God will not bring it to you while you stay bound he will not bring it to you why you got this little religious mindset he will know if he did it would ruin your life God refuses to bring you what belongs to you while you're sitting on the other side of the vents and wondering about the goodness of God God is saying if you want what I have for you I refuse to bring it to you in the backyard of your limitation I'm trying to get you to expand your dead pigs I'm trying to get you to look beyond where you've been looking Abraham if you want to know what I'm getting ready to do in your life you got to get out of this pit that you've been stuck in come on out here look up into the sky tell me what you see I see stars that have no number good that's a revelation of what I'm getting ready to do in your life slap your neighbor karate chop them and tell them neighbor get out of your tent get out of your tent stay right there I said some of you been living in a tent for 50 years it's the tent your mom and daddy gave you it's the tent that religious system called a church you used to go to cave yeah it's a tent of a system people told you you couldn't and you never would and you can't do that you can't preach that and you can't say that you can't have that and you can't demonstrate that sometimes you got to let them holler at each other and you got to say pardon me for a moment I'm coming out of this tent God is trying to show me something bigger who am I talking to in this room right now there are some people who are satisfied to be locked up in a tent there are people satisfied in this room looking at the same old ceiling but there's some people that saw can't stay in these limitations I've got a step [Applause] so he got labels he's got lids and he's got limitations so what does he do he does some cray-cray he calls on the God of Israel look at it verse 10 Jay Beck jay-bez calls everybody say Jay mez called the word called in the Hebrew it's the same word used in Jeremiah 33 verse 3 cow unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you did not know you have to make a decision today somebody are you gonna live the rest of your life with labels and lids and limitations that keep you from coming into your purpose or are you going to get a praying spirit [Applause] stay right there eyes here ready to sit down my god I want to tell you today until you get a praying spirit you will stay labeled under a lid and limited the only thing that is here today to change your future is a praying spirit there are people in this room who have agreed with the labels you've accepted the lids you've entertained the limitations but somebody day I might have come to preach only one person but if I can preach to one person who is tired of the labels who is tired of the lids and who is tired of the limitations and if I can preach into your spirit the ability to pray and to call on the name of the Lord I don't care how labeled up you are how limited you been and how big the lid they put on your lives if you will call on the name of the Lord you're my shine God is getting ready to shift your future and change your life slap somebody tell them give me a praying spirit gives me a praying spirit when the kids get crazy get a praying spirit when your marriage goes to hell in a handbasket get a praying spirit when you watch the news and get depressed give a praying spirit when you see drugs and all kinds of craziness going on in your neighborhood get a prankster when you want to become something greater than what your past Bobby Holika to the brainstem so he's labeled up he's got all these labels on him and how am I gonna get this off they're called me they call me J miss because my mama had some pain when she had me now you know the first thing I want to say is chick who do you think you are Devin done had like 26 kids I mean four but it felt like 26 we have four kids y'all ready for this not one of them was Pleasant oh yeah women in here looking at me crazy I need some sisters then to make some kind of a man or something I ain't never seen somebody had a child and was like praise the Lord it's wonderful I feel so good when Devin had kids she spoke in another tongue and I'm not talking about a spiritual tongue Devin went from Devin to Darth Vader it's a true story like me I came in to give her consoling you know share with her you feel this girl girl we got this you ready for this oh you're not feeling this I see that look in your eye you are over me right now get out of the room nobody has ever had a child and then like this is a wonderful experience every birth is painful yep instead of accepting the pain and dealing with it she projected it onto her son so he lives his whole life with labels and lids and limitations until one day he calls on the God of Israel and some crazy happens when I'm through he gets a prayer life and he starts calling on the name of God that's my prayer Shaw and when he starts calling on the name of God don't miss this his prayer life conceals his labels I'm telling you right now some there's some people in this room you cannot outrun your label but you can pray your label into oblivion you do not have to be a recipient or a victim of what somebody else said about I'm telling you right now you can get so awesome in a place of Prayer you might worry that somebody don't know what God is doing in your life hear me please if you really get a praying spirit like I'm talking about today not only can heaven not ignore you Earth will see the glory of the Lord on your life the honor that God puts on your life will be undeniable that's why some people sitting near you today have the jobs that they have it's not because they're the most educated Enda in the whole business is not because educated in the company it's because they go home from there so what did he pray oh if I had lord have mercy what did he pray he started calling out on the name of the Lord his prayer was to what strategic and it was targeted he prayed for simple things Lord bless me indeed now I came today to confront all the religious knotheads that tell us we should never ask for the blessing of the Lord of course we should for the blessing of the Lord as if someone else has a blessing to give us he is the god of the blessing why wouldn't I ask him to bless my life in fact if you got a spirit of honor and you also have a prayer to bless you because if you and God bless you I'll tell you right now when you step into a blessing indeed you start reaping where you didn't so you're sitting in a roof right now that is a product of the blessing of God you better hit what I'm telling you we wasn't smart enough to do this we weren't sharp enough to do this we didn't deserve or earn this in fact when I walked into this about six years ago I looked around said this is too big for me and the Holy Ghost set back to me yes he said not only do I want you to bless me hmm but I want you to enlarge my territory yes because sometimes these people will put limits on you and they'll say you can have that and you can have that but you can't have that who said we can't have that cuz God just told me he could give it to us see this is what I'm talking about family when you call out to God and say enlarge my territory God will start giving you stuff that other people said you couldn't have I'm trying to break you out of a mindset of a limitation today I'm trying to get you to see beyond your backyard and your front yard God don't just want you to have the back in the front yard I believe the whole city block belong to you when we bought this church and we and we felt God in it and God made a way for us to purchase this church about a year and a half after we were in this church the president of the school called me you know Tennessee through University everybody in Chattanooga went to Tennessee Temple University people people who ain't even saved one didn't see them University everybody goes to Tennessee Temple University and all of a sudden the school is going belly-up and one day I get a phone call and the president says president says they're gonna sell the University so you know what Devin did Devon took Jim Phillips we're you Jim Phillips Jim Phillips and campus choir and she got shofars well you sit there be normal Devin got a shofar and she got campus choir and she walked out here around this school and she walked out here around it six times she said y'all get them shofars out blow them so far everybody starts now a hundred and fifteen people on a 98 degree day y'all not here when I'm saying she walked around screaming and hollered didn't say not for six times honest every time walked around lift it up the shofar everybody starts shouting and three weeks later we had purchase a totally I came to tell you the doc yourself is bigger than what you got right now you can elevate your faith believe I increase why increase see and let me tell you something increasing we don't broke the one o'clock barrier my chicken people we love you we'll see you next Wednesday praise the Lord we didn't start in this we started in a little thing overall 4th Avenue some people walk in here there's a hole this is so nice well we started in something that wouldn't fit on the stage with a bunch of people on Sunday afternoon over across the tracks in the worst red light district in Chattanooga and I'm telling you they tried to kill us you hear what I'm telling you they tried to kill us Chris will tell you the drug pusher across the street from the church down at the 4th Avenue campus one Sunday I was preaching and this man I'll call his name Bubba Bubba walked up and he gave his heart to Jesus and he looked at me and he said I'm a drug runner and I live across the street from the church and they told me that they owned me and they told me that I belong to him and they told me I would do for the rest of my life whatever they told me to do and I looked at Bubba and I say they don't own you and you will not do what they tell you the rest of your life from this moment forward you belong to Jesus [Music] praise God baba gasps a the problem for me is that Bubba went back across the street and he told the drug pusher the preacher across the street told me I don't belong to you no more and you're not my boss you're not the boss of me you are not my daddy and I'm not gonna be listening to you and your longer and the man the drug pusher said oh yeah i'ma go ahead talk to this preacher so he came over on Monday morning and he knocked on the door of the church and an elder from the church was over at before the Avenue campus and he locked the door and I said can I help you and the man said where's the preacher and he said well he won't be back here for next Sunday and the man said put his shirt up had a gun on his hip he said you tell the preacher he's not gonna be talking to my people like he talked to him on Sunday and I'll be back to take care of the preacher this coming Sunday oh my god all week long I was a nervous wreck my spiritual father police drove up to the parking lot on Sunday and the house that the drug lord lived here what's wadded up and shoved into a dumpster oh wait a minute where did the truck house go they come across the street they said pastor we can't believe this busted [Music] although somebody say you're large territory debisch and Abbasi oh gosh I feel an enlarging going on this morning I just heard the holidays I tell somebody they get home this afternoon I'm getting ready to increase their territory ah and then he says put your hand up on my life to keep me from evil I don't know that nobody else it's one thing for God to bless you it's another thing for him to keep you from evil there are some people who get blessed but don't stay away from evil I can't find no help in the church I don't want to just be blessed I want to live holy Oh God come on stand with me I'm through preaching that's why Jesus said lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil [Applause] [Music] labels leads limitations put that back Oh just the prayer shop [Music] you went to vote fix your hair you were made to wear robes of righteousness you were made to sport garments of praise it is the enemy's plan to keep you limited with labels but today God wants to the body to just accept indeed kind of blessings enlarge my territory somebody needs to ask him to do it right now come on open your you can't do this in your mind open your mouth and just begin to say bless me indeed you feel guilty asking God to bless you that's because religion told you he didn't warrant you're blessed but there's nobody God would rather bless than people with the spirit of Honor if you got a spirit of honor on your life throw your hands up right now and just begin to ask God to bless you indeed bless me indeed he rubbish [Music] Korena Showtime I did a Taliban CA I'm telling you you could pray a prayer right now I thank you lord when it says he prayed and God gave him what he requested don't miss this it literally means his request became the door of access in which through which he entered into the blessing of God did you catch it his prayer became the door of access through which he entered to live in the blessing of God your prayer becomes your door through which you step into the blessing of God I'm not here today to paint prayer as a mechanical transaction whereby you get what you want I'm here to tell you prayer becomes the thing that changes your entire existence [Music] my greatest weakness is when I don't pray my greatest strength is when I do pray my best friend in life pastor will Wendell Johnson he pastors a great Church in Lancaster Kentucky Lancaster First Assembly we were on staff together when we first started I was the associate pastor he was the youth pastor up in Athens Tennessee I was 21 years old I had just got married we've been married about a year Jeremiah was about to be born I was in a job I didn't know how to do in the middle of a revival and I'll never forget every day mark I will go into my office I would turn on worship music in the first hour and a half of every morning I'd cry out to God and I'm not talking about Lord I'm here today help me Lord I'm talking about my life Oh God and I'd be crying out and I'd never knew on the outside of that door was Wendell Johnson he said to me Kevin people ask me all the time what's the deal with Kevin Wallace he said I always tell him this his secret is his willingness to cry out to God in prayer I'm not talking about that cuz it's me I'm telling you right now when you don't think your prayer life is doing anything when you feel like you're praying prayers and they get the ceiling and bounce back down keep on crying after God you may be labeled that you may have lives and maybe in limitations but if you will call on the name of the Lord I am Telling You it will reverse the direction of your life how many want to get a fresh prayer life right now lift your hands and just ask him ask him right now Lord let a prayer mentor come on my life today a calling out unto God some of you are getting ready for increase in territory increase in authority increase in financial ability some of you are getting ready to have jobs that are going to be influential I am Telling You there are people right now nations are coming to your door nations are coming to your door nations are coming to your door you have to get on a plane somebody will and I'm thankful for the missionaries but there are people in this room God is going to bring nations to your front door the door of your business and you're going to have influence over kings and priests and kings and queens I should say and over leaders in the earth God is going to increase your territory I need you to pray right now like I believe that you believe I'm talking to you I know this sounds too big I know this sounds big and grandiose but I'm telling you we have thought too small we have been we have been limited by our labels and jay-bez jay-bez changed his life by calling on God Lord every hand that was lifted for a prayer life I prayed this week that their quiet time won't be so quiet let them call let them call let America shape but I love our SIA let them call on the name of the Lord this week let okay till heaven hears let them pray until Adam and run dead acara by Shia then will Hostetler God's been here in his God's been hearing you I declare your change in the trajectory of your life you're changing the trajectory of your life church call on the name of the Lord he is a God that answers call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things that you do not know bless us indeed bless this house indeed every label every lid every limitation it comes off of our lives it comes off of our church we will not wonder we will not be ender we thank your God in advance for the increase of territory I need you to pray with me right now for this house I've been praying for you but I want you to pray with me right now for this house enlarge come o pray enlarge our territory enlarge our territory in the grass because the kingdoms of this earth shall become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ we want people to see the goodness of God the glory of the Lord the power of Jesus enlarge our territory don't get us locked in don't let us get limited don't let us live under a lid enlarge enlarge our territory motive your voice women from it in the arch enlarge God we hear you today pull up the tent pigs pull up the dead pigs you said in large the place of your tent Papa thank you for calling us to make room thank you for the increase of God in about my shut up Oh God we praise you O God we praise you the day I dare you to pray in spite of the rush you feel to get out of this building somebody feels like your car is pulling you out of the parking lot but I'm telling you somebody is gonna touch God and your future is going to shift oh my god oh my god Oh hallelujah my territory bless my family indeed that's not children indeed come up the future I stirred the philosophers finger up to process with me not simply [Music] enlarge my territory enlarge my territory enlarged Matt [Music] every time you say it I see God picking up the tent peg and stretching that tent out a little further for you and you pray again Lord enlarge my territory I can trust you and when he picks it up again and it just takes a little further they sense it now why because the kingdom is increasing as you invite God into your life to increase increase I must decrease so that he might increase father I pray of our people today that they would experience the increase of God keep your hand on us so that we may stay from me no evil shall befall us neither shall any plague compare our dwelling moved on I pray right now father for the blessing of God to be indeed cover up every label swallow up every little and every limitation and let us be draped and clothed in a garment of praise and intercession and prayer change the trajectory of our lives and God as we find a place to cry out and call out to the God of Israel for you hear us when we pray I will release everybody needs to go but anybody can stay it needs to stay I just want to open up the altar right now for people just to come and just lift their hands and begin to call out to God right now I can't just shut this moment off I can't do that somebody needs to shift I hear that in my spirit so loudly I'm shifting trajectories today I'm shifting directions come on in here young man come out shunned out on Messiah if you gotta go god bless your seriously we love you get the babies we understand what time it is I will let anybody go that needs to go but everybody else that needs this moment come on into this altar come on I say it can be done baby come on into this altar and lift your hands and if your voice a began to call on God today you're shifting the trajectory of your life shifting the trajectory of your life enlarge my territory God parliamentary local Shia here I need some businessmen that won't God to bless what their business is up to come on down here just call on him and ask him and business ladies come on down
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 10,871
Rating: 4.9176955 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love
Id: xBTsPhgQf6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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