Trickerion - Teach and Playthrough

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hi everyone my name is monique and i'm davine from before you play and today we are going to be doing a teach and play-through of tricharion yes this one's published by mind clash games and designed by two different designers victor peter and richard amman and this is a game about us being dueling magicians in a vast land and we're going to be doing a bunch of different things yes and we're going to teach it today uh monique is going to do an excellent job teaching you oh and i will just hope so so this is actually the first part of a four part series where we're going to be showcasing a mind clash titles the first part is going to be to carry on or we're going to be doing two playthroughs so the first one is the base game which was which is what we're doing today and then the next video will be with the academy expansion and like davine was mentioning this is a game about dueling magicians and so as unique as that theme is it is fairly heavy so we are going to do our best to teach it today now we are going to include timestamps down below if you do want to jump around and if you like to see more videos like this in the future and follow us along on the mineclash series please consider subscribing and with that we are ready to begin so if you'd please direct your attention to the son of the table we are all set up here for our two player only game of trikerion actually this is not two player only this plays up to four by the way we are only playing two players that's right and we are playing with the original base game right now so if you do not have the collector's edition or any of the bells and whistles you can still play the version we are playing today with one exception which we'll tell you about later and so welcome to magoria this is the vast land that naveen was was mentioning and so just kind of give you the lay of the land this is the city where we are going to be performing our tricks as magicians here in the theater we're going to be going downtown to learn more tricks to hire assistance collect money and then go to the market role in order to buy components to prepare our tricks and some of us may also decide to go to the dark alley which is down here where we are going to be uh dipping our toes into some mysticism i suppose now this part of the board is specifically for the dark alley expansion version of the game which is a more advanced version if you're interested in playing the bass bass game then it is the opposite side of this board that just does not include this and it is two rounds shorter so five rounds compared to seven yes and that is included in the base game you can play with that mode without the dark alley today we are going to play with it and so like naveen was mentioning in this game we play as magicians who are competing to become the most famous magicians in all of megoria we're going to be doing this by learning additional tricks preparing them and performing them in the theater and trying to earn the most amount of fame over the course of seven rounds in the advanced game and so each player has their own magician workbook that details all the different tricks that you can um learn throughout the game as well as all of their components and how many points they're worth because it does take quite a bit of planning it does yes since we're playing the two player only game we are also going to be including a variant from the doll guards gift expansion for dueling magicians and we'll explain that right before we get started with the play through now in this world there are four main types of tricks that you can learn there's mechanical which is what naveen's specialty is there's a spiritual optical as well as escape tricks which happens to be my magician's specialty and so at setup everybody gets a specific board that has a specific specialty link to it we'll start the game with one starting trick some starting components to prepare the trick as well as a starting assistant and all of those uh setup aspects we will do before we start the game play and so if you look at a trick card all of these trick cards follow the same sort of anatomy there are three different levels of trick cards and that is indicated by the number on the bottom right hand corner there are specific components that you need in order to prepare this trick which is kind of like the ingredients of setting up a trick and in the middle here it tells you what the benefits you'll receive are whenever you perform the trick and that's gonna be in the form of money and fame usually and so the various areas of the board have to do with the different aspects of the tricks such as downtown is for learning more tricks market row is for getting these components and then finally the theater is where you actually perform these tricks and receive those yields and so the base game with the dark ellie expansion is played over the course of seven rounds and at the start of each round the very first thing that happens is all players have the opportunity to advertise and so if you want to become the most famous magician you have to advertise your show yeah let people know right and this is done in turn order starting with the player who's in last and this is the entire scoreboard here it kind of wraps around the theater and so if i were behind naveen in points then i would technically be going first for the round uh on the left hand column over here is where we would advertise and so the amount of money you pay in order to advertise is dependent on turn order the higher end points you have which means the later you go in the round the more expensive it's going to be advertising always gets you two points so if i am going to be first player this round i can choose to pay one money in order to get two points uh in a two-player game then you only use the one and three slot and so naveen would have the option of paying three money for two points this is always optional but it is a nice way for you to gain those uh you know additional points especially for a small amount of money afterwards we go into the assignment phase and this is kind of the main uh part of the game this is where we're gonna be doing all of our planning and all of our actions and if you have any confusion as to what goes next in the the phase order everybody has a magician workbook and on the back side it details everything in order of what has to happen during a round and so for this phase each player has their own hand of these small assignment cards and these cards pertain to the different locations on the board like we have dark alley we have downtown in addition each player starts the game with a magician as well as an apprentice and we also start by selecting a a specialist it's going to give us a third token and these are the workers that you're going to be placing out onto the board they're going to dictate how many actions you can take per round and how many of these assignment cards you're going to place and so assuming that we started with these specialists and i would have the engineer as well i would have the manager here giving us three total workers to start the game and so this phase is done in secret you're going to basically look at your whole hand of uh assignment cards and you're going to assign them face down to each of the workers that you plan on sending out for the round you don't have to send all of them out but it's usually advisable that you do if you can afford to pay them once everyone's placed their assignment cards then you simultaneously reveal them and then you go into the next phase which is placing your characters out onto the board this is done in player turn order and you basically take turns putting out one worker each until everybody is done which means players also get to decide which order they put these workers out considering we can now see where everybody plans on going for the round yes exactly so there's a pre-action programming section and then once everything is revealed you now have to make the decision as to what is the most important thing to kind of race towards starting with the downtown area here uh first of all the worker placement spots are all of these circles so that each location has the same uh structure in that sense anytime you see lightning bolt symbols that pertains to actions and so each of your workers also has a certain number of innate actions your magician represents you so this is always going to have the most number of base actions which is three and so say i were to send my magician to the downtown area then i would choose one of these four available spots only one person can go in each spot and depending on where i place it's going to give me a certain number of additional actions the rightmost spot here is zero additional action so you never want to take that if you can avoid it and then the left most spot here is up to two additional actions so that's always a nice spot to go to so if i were to place my magician there then i would have a total of five actions to take in the downtown area three plus the two modifier on the board and these are more like action points uh because the different action types cost a certain number of action points so the way that downtown works is at the start of the round these six uh downtown dice are going to be rolled and they dictate what you can do there in terms of how much money you can acquire which tricks you can learn and which types of specialists you can hire this area here allows you to spend three action points to take either this amount of money or that amount of money from the supply and so these dice go up to six money with a minimum of three so say i were to go uh to downtown i could spend three action points to take five money from the supply and then i would rotate it to its x side because that means this die is no longer usable for the round and now that this is on the x x-face players can only take money from this die these dice allow you to learn more tricks and so these dice pertain to the different types of trick types that we discussed at the start i also want to mention that the reason why you have a specialty is because in lieu of the symbol shown on the dice you can always opt to learn your specialty type of trick exactly trick cards are usually placed up here but because of space reasons we have laid them out all over here on the left side of the board they're not organized in any particular order you can always pick up the entire stack of a specific type of trick and look for the trick that you want assuming it hasn't already been taken which is a big part of this game yes all of the tricks are unique there are three different levels and there are only four tricks per level so if you're looking at something that you really really wanted but your opponent ends up taking it then you're just kind of out of luck and just a heads up all of these tricks are listed in your rulebook so on other players turns you can be looking through this so that you're not slowing down the game the one rule uh when acquiring tricks that you have to consider is in order for you to take a specific level of trick so say i wanted to take the second level which is level 16 i have to be at least a minimum fame threshold of 16. so you basically have to be at least that famous in order to know the trick if you don't you can pay the difference in money the third level of tricks which is level 36 is specific to the dark alley expansion and these give players a a personal end game scoring condition assuming you have all the components needed at the end of the game to prepare that trick and the last type of action that you can take here is hiring additional assistance we'll talk a little bit more about assistance during the gameplay but the general overview of what they do is they give you additional workers because each type of assistant has their own specific type of worker but depending on the assistant they also give you some sort of additional bonus and those are all the things that you can do in the downtown area i also want to note that for one action point you can re-roll any die and for two action points you can take a die and just place it to the side the face side that you that you want and lastly in all of these locations with the exception of the theater we're going to be collecting these shards you can spend one shard to increase your um action points by one and so that can only be done once and again you cannot do it in the theater you're going to want to you might even forget this rule and attempt to do it at some point but you are not allowed to do it in the theater it's listed right there do not do it front and center stage okay the next area that we should talk about is the market row and this essentially is how you get the different components that make up your tricks so components come in three different tiers there's level one components level two and level three and essentially they cost one two or three dollars or money per unit that you purchase and that is respective meaning the level one uh components cost one money and so on so the the higher the level of components the more expensive they are exactly so all the components that are available for purchase are on this left-hand side think of it as like your window shopping from one action point you can buy up to three of one type of component which means if you had three action points you can purchase up to three different types yes it's one action point per type per type of purchase per piece exactly and any excess action points that you have you can tap this section here that is used in conjunction with buying components and that gives you a one money discount per action point that you spend there with the minimum value of one if you have a trick that requires some of the goods that are not listed here you can take one of these two actions here this action here lets you order components for a future round so let's say i really needed this dove or this bird what i can do is i can choose one of these windows and place it there and in a subsequent round the very next round it would replace the one that is in the associated window and now this would be available and this mirror would no longer be available in round two going forward yes so it's interesting because you can kind of see what's about to leave and see what's coming in so if you really needed that component then this is kind of like your only chance to to buy it exactly but if this is not fast enough you can always decide to quick order a component instead placing it in this window this costs two action points just to quick order the component and then you would have to take an actual order action which is that one action point that naveen was discussing in addition these components cost one money more than usual and this component is only going to be here for the round the next location which is a dark alley the reason why this location is part of the advanced game is because of two things the first thing is uh these special assignment cards now the way that these work is they are also linked to a specific location on the board or on your player board just like your regular assignment cards are but the difference is when you play them they give you a specific benefit which is usually fantastic for example the top most downtown card here says before you take this action you may set one downtown die to the result of your choice and re-roll another one that is a really awesome thing to be able to do in the downtown area so these special assignment cards are great if you don't want to use it for its awesome benefit instead you can use it for the bottom right hand corner here which is an additional action point and so taking your first special assignment card costs one action point but starting with the second one onwards it's two action points each the other thing you can do here is you can move the prophecy wheel each round we're going to have one prophecy that is active for the round and these are basically just rules that break the rules yes that gives somebody some sort of advantage or a disadvantage usually yeah there's a large stack of them so we'll go over them as they come out but basically spending one action allows you to rotate the wheel so you're just sort of uh putting the prophecy that you want in place for the next round and that's it for the dark alley before we go into the theater which is probably the most complicated part of the game we're going to discuss the workshop and that is a location that's actually on your player board this is where you go in order to load your tricks assuming i have all of the proper components listed here in my toolbox i can go to this location and spend the number of action points listed on the trick itself in order to load it you first have to sign it one of your trick markers and each player has four sets of these and they basically just assign the trick a specific symbol so that you can easily identify which trick it is when your markers are out into uh in the theater area the trick cards tell you how many markers you can place on it and so specifically for this card the burning mummy i have to spend one action point in order to load it with just one trick and that is essentially the main reason why you're going to be traveling to the workshop and finally we have the theater and we're remembering that we cannot spend a hit to carry on chart here no options no so the theater is divided into two different um locations technically we have the front stage which is where we're going to be performing with our magician only specifically yes and we have the backstage and this is where our other kind of workers are going to be working over there to uh load our tricks into these different uh theater cards now when you go to the theater you're actually going to be claiming a specific column of spots because each column is divided into different days we have thursday over here friday saturday and sunday and that's important because it's going to determine any kind of extra bonuses or negative yields that your tricks are going to have when you perform them when you send your workers to the theater you're going to choose a spot either backstage or in the front if you have a magician but once you place a worker say i place mine here in the thursday spot if i were to now place my magician out i am required to place my magician there because you are reserving a day in the theater so over the course of the game we are going to have several of these theater cards show up and there are three different levels they're divided by color the theater card that i'm holding right now is specific to the dueling magicians variant in the expansion because it has these neutral trick markers here for a two player game when you go and send a worker backstage you're going to be loading your trick markers that you assigned to the specific tricks onto the theater cards and so earlier i loaded my burning mummy card with this trick marker the spade and all of the trick markers have the exact same symbols on them all the corners are represent each of the different types of tricks that you can learn in the game for one action point you can load a trick onto a theater an important rule is the exact same trick that you're loading cannot be on the same theater because you're not gonna perform the same trick twice right but the main rule is if you can kind of see here on this uh theater card there are circles in between some of the uh diamond shapes the type of trick that you are loading which is a chain symbol in the example of my burning mummy over here has to be inside one of those circles so this would be legal i could do this because that chain symbol is inside that circle or i can do that whatever will make it so that the chain symbol is inside a circle now you may notice that some of these circles have a little uh shard symbol uh in the middle the reason for that is because say on a future turn naveen were to load his trick and his trick happens to be a mechanical trick so it's that gear symbol right there if you were to place this trick right here which is legal because the gear symbol is in this circle we would create a linking bonus right here because both my trick which is the chain symbol is matching with his chain symbol in this circle and so if you were able to create a linking bonus uh inside of a circle that has a carry-on chart in it then each player gets a carry-on shard now if you did that with yourself using two different tricks you still only get one for carry on tried because it is per player and so we talked about a little bit about how to carry on shards work in this game they're also going to be points at the end of the game for any of them that you don't use but just know that there are many uses for tricarion shards and that is the main concept of how you load tricks onto these theaters as our rounds progress these theaters are going to move over and we're going to have more of them so we'll see more and more options of theaters to place our tricks in the other action that you can do here is for one action point you can also move a trick from one theater to a different theater and going back to this linking bonus actually i forgot one very important point whoever created the linking bonus and so in this example it would have been naveen would also get either money or points depending on what level the trick was in the case of a level one trick it's one time or one money in the case of level 16 it's two famer to money and 36 is three fame or three money so it's up to you what you need the most in that moment and so the front stage over here is specifically for the magicians and the reason why is because this is where you place your magician when you want to perform next phase if you don't have anything to perform you don't have any tricks in any of the theaters then you likely wouldn't put your magician here but if you did have tricks out there and you wanted to perform then you would be required to do that or else you would not be able to perform only the magicians can perform the trick once everybody is done taking all of their actions and placing all the characters out who they wanted to place out then this phase ends and now we go into the performance phase which is where we get a lot of our points and so starting with the thursday slot whoever has a magician here gets to choose whichever theater they would like to perform in it has to be a theater where they have at least one trick in it they can't just choose to perform somebody else's tricks for the day yes and then what happens here is everybody who has a trick in that theater gets all their benefits according to what the trick card says and so if i were here on this slot and i were to perform at this theater here i would look at whichever trick in front of me has these trick markers and so that is why that's the whole reason why we assign these trick marker symbols to them as identifiers and then i would see what the trick gets me in so in this example the burning mummy gets me two fame and two money and i would get that immediately and that holds true for everybody who has trick markers here yeah so even myself even though my magician is not here at the day of the performance all the tricks that are in that theater that's being performed that day those players get the benefits the one caveat here is there are modifiers depending on if you performed on thursday or on sunday if you perform on thursday all of your trick yields are going to yield one less fame and one less money and so because i performed on a thursday my burning mummy will only get me one fame and one money unfortunately and so that actually holds true for anybody else who has a trick marker here who does not have any characters in the theater at all which means because naveen doesn't have a presence in the theater he is subjected to my thursday yields which is unfortunate for him if he had at least one character on a different day say friday then he would be subjected to the modifiers of the day that he was in the reverse is also true so say naveen on friday were to perform a theater where i have my trick markers because i had chosen thursday i am still subjected to my yield modifiers going on thursday is nice because it allows you to choose your theater first but unfortunately you just get less benefits sunday is really nice you get last pick but it's plus one fame and plus one money for each of your tricks after all players have taken the rewards for their tricks on the theater then you consult this chart here which tells you all the rewards that you get for performing the theater the player performing gets one fame for every link that's present there even if they didn't make it themselves which is probably a majority of the time especially in higher player accounts and then you also get a benefit depending on who was placed in your backstage area so in this example i have my engineer backstage and so my engineer would get me one tricarion shard the assistant gets you two fame and the manager gets you three money so if you need somebody specific or if you need a specific kind of a benefit you may want to put that specialist in that backstage area and last but not least each theater also gets you a an innate bonus for performing it and so this specific riverside theater gets you one money the more you progress to the more advanced leaders the better those benefits get and that's everything that is the performance phase once everybody has has finished performing then you go into all the end of round kind of stuff you have to do you have to pay your wages so for every character disc that you placed out they each have a certain amount of money that you have to pay your magician of course is free because it's you for each one that you cannot pay you lose points actually it's minus two points per money that you were unable to pay and again you only pay the ones that were deployed out onto the board if you kept anybody back you don't have to pay the fees right and then you do a lot of cleanup so you roll the dice you you bring your characters back you move the prophecy wheel etc and all of that stuff we're going to showcase during the playthrough at the end of seven rounds the game will end and then you go into end game scoring uh for each to carry on star that you have left over it's one point you get one point for every three money any of your leftover special assignment cards that you did not use is worth uh two points and then you also get any points for the level 36 cards that you are able to acquire and you have at least the components to prepare the trick for to a maximum of 20 points per category by the way and at that point whoever has the most fame wins and uh then you kind of give a sigh of relief because the game is over it's probably really intense so that's pretty much everything if there's anything that we missed you know this is probably a little bit more of an involved teach we will try to you know get to it during the playthrough but we're just gonna do a little bit of cleanup and then we'll get started with our playthrough okay so we have reset the board we are set up we have to figure out who goes first and there's a couple decisions that have to be made ready yes okay me okay you go first so we do have some starting uh setup things we need to decide which study trick our starting specialist etc so starting with me i think i choose my starting trick first uh i think so yes right okay so it has to be uh one of your one of the um level one tricks of your specialty i'm gonna go with barricaded barrels an escape type trick okay because that is my specialty i'm gonna go with the living piano here uh this one when i load it it has up to three tricks are loaded uh it'll be worth one fame and one uh buck so hopefully i can make this work oh good mine is also one fame one buck but yours requires a lot of components it does we also get components up to a coin a total coin value of two and so i think i'm gonna go with a level two component right here which is this piece because i am future planning i know this has nothing to do with barricaded barrels but hopefully it'll serve me in the future sure you know i'll take the bird this living piano does require me to have a bird so i will take that an animal awesome and now we choose our starting specialist so these specialists come with a bonus if you if you uh start with them in the beginning of the game so i think i'm going to go with i don't remember who the name of the specialist it's the one that lets you have another trick the engineer this one yes the engineer i think this is the one that i that i had earlier these are double-sided it's just a different different artwork male or female uh-huh and it also allows me to choose a second trick to start the game and this can be any level one trick but i think i'm gonna go for another one of my own uh my own type here sure which is the burning man burning mummy oh my mommy he's close formerly a man yeah and so this is this this is the whole reason why i took that that component because for sure when i go to prepare this trick i can put one additional trick marker on there that is what the specialist does okay and i'm going to pick the one that i had in the demo uh the manager so she allows me to put another set of components out for a value of two total yes their ongoing benefit is um i get one additional one additional component so if you see that this is kind of like this little red superimposed outline if i put one down it's really i have two of that type of component yes it doesn't double your components it just gets you one additional uh so you can go ahead and well i guess i'll yeah i already chose mine you can go ahead and choose more components then okay and seeing as this living piano needs uh some some of this this and some of this i'm gonna take one and one and so now i have technically two mirrors and two planks of wood do you have everything you need for this trick i do when you start the game if you have all the components needed for the trick then it comes fully prepared so you have you are being efficient so you have to assign we actually have both have to assign identities sure to our tricks so i'm gonna assign uh this diamond symbol that'll be uh so the living piano is associated with the diamond symbol okay and so now it is locked and loaded with three of these because if you see very closely it's one two three are kind of superimposed on top of each other so naveen saved himself a trip to the workshop i did that's what i was trying to do he could start loading into the theater already which is nice and lastly we get our money so first player gets 10. i don't quite remember the denominations of these metal coins yeah so we're gonna say that these are five so let's just take two of these and uh maybe maybe this is ten let's go with that being ten and this is twenty let's do it right okay so i get five naveen gets twelve so here's 12. thank you and we also start with one for carry on shard each and i know that was a big setup but we are finally ready what does it do we wanted to include you all in this decision making yes how are you feeling uh good we do need to roll the dice are you feeling good oh sorry not good no no no no i feel good about starting though so we just think they're being a little bit anxious about the planning i'm very bad at this game i will admit this okay ooh so we have okay one two oh we have an x out that's fine i don't see either of us running to to get new tricks okay in the first round so it looks like we can hire these two type of people uh you can get any trick of your choice only one time uh and there's a lot of money to be had yes so it would be nice to know for the first round we do not start with a prophecy and so this is going to happen starting in the next round and just so you know the master of chains is who i am and so before the performance phase i can do a special reschedule action which is this in the theater and uh when i do that i actually get the linking bonuses and if that doesn't make sense then maybe i'll do it at some point in the game okay my mechanical one time per round one of my apprentices the little hand glove symbol uh has an extra action point so instead of it being one it's a two navin i think you are set up to do well i hope i don't it's all a setup that's all it is after that i fall apart all right we are ready to begin and so we are going to draw our first card in a dual magician's deck we didn't explain this in the teach this is the variant that comes with the expansion and so what happens is we flip it over and we essentially have to block off spots in a two-player only game to make these spots a little bit tougher a lot more scarce look at this i think i have all the components i need right now wow that's not good yeah the dark alley gets blocked off a little bit and then we have uh oh in the theater you cannot even perform if you wanted to on these days amazing uh well amazing you couldn't even load back here so you could even do that additional load action no so we have our initiative order we are going to start the first round by deciding to advertise do you advertise for one one money for me for two points let's see i only have 10 10 bucks here you know i'm gonna do it so it's only one buck for me so that that seems like a steal so one two three four there is an argument to be had about not pushing up on the the scoring track so early just so you can maintain first yeah but i think i'm just gonna do it or else i'm gonna sit here and think about it for too long again at the end of the game i think it's a three to one exchange on money for points you're getting a one to two exchange right now so it's a very good exchange right now yep would you like it for a worse exchange i would not like it for a worse section so i'm not advertising monique is advertising all right so then now we go into our assignment phase so choose which cards you're going to uh place and where plan all right i think i'm gonna go right there there and there i don't know first first round first turn this is hard at least we don't have any prophecies to worry about that's true yeah okay ready yeah sorry where are you going theater so soon well they're all prepared i don't know what i'm doing so early yeah well okay so it looks the beauty of this planning phase is it looks like i don't have any competition from market row so i don't have to go there first the only competition i have is downtown so we're gonna go there uh this is plus two yes okay so we're definitely going there yeah definitely want to go to the higher one so yeah okay sending my magician over here uh gets me a base action points of three plus two so i can do five uh points of actions here all right so the first thing i do is i'm going to take the money so six money from the bank here's a five and a one and this gets flipped to the x because i've used it and then i have two more action points left i could spend a tricarion shard uh which i think i will do i'm just going to spend the to carry on shard to make it a three action points total so i could take this action and i'm going to hire this specialist who i think is the assistant yes there you go and so the assistant i'm gonna attach to my board a little bit later because i don't actually um get that character until the end of the round right so that's it for me now to you okay very good well um you literally have no competition no competition yes so i will okay let's just go let's just go to the theater now okay so because there's only one spot i might as well go to sunday with my um assistant here my manager because if i do this and perform i'll get some extra cash by doing this so i'm gonna go to sunday because it's a little more lucrative versus saturday and then i am gonna take uh two minus one because sunday has a minus one so i only have one action point and i'm gonna load one of my tricks so if i put it here this would be legal and i would create a linking bonus right there yeah is that where you wanna go i think so right yeah i think that's the only place really that you can create a linking bonus yeah so that would get you would you like one fame or one money uh i will take i'll take fame let's be famous wow you got your one point there you didn't you didn't even have to spend any money for that no well the reason why i'm taking that is because when i perform with this particular helper i'm going to get money they're specialist the specialist helper how dare you specialist and so the reason for that is because that is a level one trick that is so that's good all right so back to me i'm gonna go to the market row i have to do this in this order so let's go to the market row with my apprentice here and i'm gonna go to this spot so i get one plus one so two action points to spend and so i'm going to use both of those to purchase uh components so it's one action point per type so my first type of component is going to be this one which i don't remember exactly what all of these are wood planes so i think i'm gonna go with a wood plank yeah so i'm gonna buy three of these with that one action point so it's gonna cost me three money so can i have three of those please sure and then for my second action point i'm going to purchase uh this one which is probably like a metal sheet and i'm going to do the same three three of those for another three but uh the metal sheet the grayish one yeah wow so i've maxed out on my buying potential in this area so i don't have any more no more points that's it and if it's not clear you stack same same type components uh in your in your workshop and from what i remember of the game i don't think you'll ever need more than three of any type of goods so yeah that's kind of the max that you'll ever need trick requires four four yeah that's a lot of components it is what are you doing at this point on stage yeah okay so uh i'm gonna buy myself some time and think so i'm gonna go here and just place my magician out literally no actions to take other than saying that i'm gonna be performing that theater yes uh later on i can't believe you're performing in the first round i don't know i feel like i'm behind i don't know yeah all the magician does is reserve a spot yeah all right so then back to me from my final turn and my uh my engineer is going to the workshop okay so two base action points which is nice because i need both of those in order to load both of these tricks so my barricaded barrels is now fully prepared because it only needed uh two of these wood things and now i'm wondering why i bought three for the future maybe for the future maybe if i don't use it then that was a coin uh not well spent this trick gets me allows me to load two of them two markers yeah cause there's one and then one kind of superimposed there yes which means i'll be able to do uh two of these in the future and then for my second action point i'm gonna load my my burning mummy this typically will only allow me to load one but because it is in my engineer spot i can load two of them yeah that's the benefit that you have there she can have an extra one and this is the one that required this level two component here and the metal sheets so now we're at least ready for the next round you're in great shape if anything and that's me i'm done navina is in planning mode over here i'm deep in this book yeah okay so i'm going to send my apprentice here and because i am the mechanicer one time per round this one is actually a plus one so it's going to be one plus zero plus one so i have two action points you have to add to zero yeah well just it's a flow chart you know i think spending your very shard to make it three oh good so that i can learn a new trick so or an illusion and uh i'm gonna go ahead and turn this question mark into an x and i am going to take literally any level one any level one and i believe it's the rabbit out of the hat it's with the eyeballs here so i'm going to take the rabbit out of the hat i have only one of the components but i'll try to get more later and let's go ahead and assign that here i see you're crossing crossing uh types you're now no longer in your specialty i'm specializing in a couple different i'm a jack of all trades master of none so let's go ahead and assign this trick clovers all right that's me everything everyone's been assigned everyone has been assigned all right so we go into the performance phase and the only person performing here is naveen for some reason he'd like to perform this beautiful well maybe just want some starting resources maybe so typically we would have more options of theater so because it's the only one naveen must perform that one so first thing is you get a bonus for all of the links i see you've created one link right so that is one fame one thing there you go uh before that actually you're supposed to get the yields for that trick what does it get you yeah so that trick gets me uh one fame and one buck which is increased by one and one because you're on sunday so two so two fame one two and two bucks it's always nice to receive money in this game some money uh who do you have backstage uh i have your manager manager so it's number three another three money hey you didn't even need to go downtown to get money for this that's why i didn't yeah that's awesome and finally you get one additional money for the actual theater itself so now that this trick has been performed it leaves the theater and goes into naveen's supply does not go back onto the trick must re-prepare the trick if he wants uh you know the full thing down the road but because this trick still has markers on it you can only re-prepare it once it's been completely emptied exactly so that is the performance phase so now we're gonna do end of round stuff we first have to pay our wages for all the people you sent out and so for me that's a total of three money it's two plus one so three money same one plus two thank you we grab our characters from the board so just gonna take these three and technically orders arrive but nobody ordered anything we move the performance card so this is going to move one slot over we're going to have a new theater pop up so now we have options for when we load once this theater leaves this corner spot here it gets kicked off the board so any trick markers that are still there because we didn't perform them also get removed which is not good in higher player counts the trick the uh the theaters actually go they wrap around a little bit more this way then we remove these posters move the turn counter because now we're going into round two and then now we have our first prophecy yes so we did not uh talk about the prophecies at all because they weren't in play in that first round but now this is the act of prophecy and so for this round only each time we spend a tricarrion shard which is hilarious because neither of us have any it's worth two additional action points instead of one yeah uh if anybody wants to go over here to turn these around just so you know for the next round if we don't uh move that this prophecy means that if you advertise that turn your apprentices are worth an additional action point wow so that's only if you advertise only if you advertise that's like what is that like bribing something like that yeah i'm also going to slide this over to make room for my new uh my new specialist sure so i have the assistant so now that i have my assistant when i go to the workshop i can spend one action point to move my apprentice to this spot which makes the apprentice free i guess they're like a an unpaid intern sure which i wouldn't do that in real life i would pay my interns but what can you do and these go back to our hands sure okay so now we are in the second round let's roll the the downtown dice yes and these are gonna be placed somewhere else right okay so let's do this gotta get the carry-on shards okay we have one x ooh lots of money to be had again six and a four and these two would you like to pull the next uh dueling magician card they're exactly our type of uh trick yeah okay so the next one is the two middle okay uh the two outer so these ones the two outer down in the market row and the two inner on the dark alley so these spots all right we are blocked off okay okay so initiative order is the same because i am still um trailing naveen uh and so we are going to decide now if we want to advertise i will advertise you're going to advertise yeah it's only one coin for me so i'm gonna put my poster wait this is not me where's my poster actually this is me yeah i was like that is it yeah so i'm gonna advertise for two points so now we're tied would you like to spend three money no no all right so let's go into our um assignment phase and now i have an additional person here that's nice okay so time to assign one i have chosen i hope you are not going to uh a couple of these spots i really don't want to be in competition with you here we can be friendly and even i don't know we can be one of those like frenemies frenemies magicians we'll see all right ready yep reveal okay two three four oh yes hey you're not going to either of these places well i went to downtown last time and uh i don't know there's a lot of money there to be had i should have probably i don't have enough workers to go everywhere you know you are going to the theater though uh but neither of us are performing so i guess i'll have to go to the theater first lock it in lock it in well no it's because if i want to load tricks i it's a minus one to go on sunday and these are the only two available spots so i'm gonna go and send my my assistant to the theater and i'm just going to go to one of these backstage saturday spots cool uh so i can load up to two tricks because i have two action points and they have to be well we have two theaters now now because they are the same type of trick it makes it easy for me to make a linking bonus i can just put this here because it's the chain symbol so that's technically legal it's in this circle uh it does not form a linking bonus with this neutral marker unfortunately because that's the gear and the eyeball and then this one is gonna go right there so that we have both uh chains in that circle so i've created a linking bonus which means i get either one money or one fame i'm gonna go with money i also get a carry-on shard but again because they're both me i only get one back to you where you gonna go there's really no more competition for the rest of these spots whatever serves you the best okay uh the order of operations here is really important so i have to go to the market row and so i'm gonna take my manager go here so it's two plus one i don't have a shard to modify that so i have three total action points uh knowing that this rabbit out of the hat required two ingredients that i don't have i'm gonna buy uh let's see how many do i need to buy of this this is always the hard thing so i'm gonna buy three of these and three of these that way i just have it i never have to deal with it ever again i have it so that's six total so one two three i should have uh i should have ordered something last round so i could kick those those pieces out the window yeah and then uh one two three sorry this is a little tedious here holding the book in my other hand okay are you clutching this on for your life yes like in the book if you don't pay attention you will mess up so that was uh one action point two action points so i can do a third one yeah okay i'll i'll be friendly and i'm gonna order so i'm gonna special order something okay uh it is going to be actually the thing that you already have i don't know how that's friendly but no it's friendly because the thing i'm going to be booting out technically for the next round is something that you're stocked up on three and something i'm stocked up on throughout oh that's nice it's gonna go into this window so we can both say no more to sheet metal we have sheet metal and then uh so [Laughter] wow okay so back to me i'm gonna go to the workshop right now uh because and i'm gonna waste the whole action point in doing this but the reason why is because i'm gonna tap this spot which lets me move my apprentice over here so now i don't have to pay that apprentice's wage for the rest of the game i felt like if i didn't do that the turn that i that i hired this person then it would be like i'm wasting money and money is so hard to come by yeah yeah that is it that's all i'm doing yeah you'd rather spend your one on advertising getting points in firing this person yeah you got it wow okay so now that i have everything i need uh i'm gonna go to my workshop so where do we go here yeah uh so i technically have um two action points here so it's because of the mechanicer um but because this is already preloaded somewhat i'm not allowed to load again here so the action i'm gonna take is just loading this one uh with my clover symbol i can only load one because there's only one box showing there and i believe that is the only thing else i can do alternatively you can all not alternatively in addition you can spend that second action point if you wanted to to switch out components between here and there if you needed one additional of something else the thing is uh you know in the future yeah because if you need one more of these like the birds the bird yeah the birds oh you know what you're right uh there was a reason why i did this okay so this bird is gonna be switched out with this mirror and now i have two birds and only one mirror maybe i should have bought some more mirrors when i went there okay good thing you didn't replace the mirrors yeah yeah that's it all right so back to me i'm now gonna go downtown with this um this apprentice i'm gonna take this spot that's gonna get me three action points and i'm just gonna use it to get more money because i am a little bit money hungry in tricarion and if you played to carry on before you are probably um nodding in agreement so that's me it's back to you okay so i'm gonna go to the theater but i'm gonna go backstage with my guy so it's gonna be three minus one um two actions two action points so i can load uh both my tricks so okay so i think i'm gonna load both my living pianos into two different theaters oh okay so what i can do is do this into here because they're mechanical actions the mechanic or icon this mechanical has to be in a circle so because i did that i'm creating a linking bonus here so i get um either one buck or one fame uh i think i'll take one buck one buck yeah all right there you go i don't like the fact that if i take fame then i'm out in front you get to add advertise to cheaper i'd rather not have that happen right yeah and in the case of a tie it converts we invert yeah and then i will bring this one out over here and load it into a different theater and i have to load these tricks into two different theaters i cannot perform diamond in the same theater because like i pulled the rabbit out and then the audience is gonna throw tomatoes at you i did it again what are you doing why are you doing it again so uh another linking bonus here uh i will take another coin and i believe that's it so it's my modifier was three total actions minus one so uh that's me perfect all right so for my last uh character here i'm going to the dark alley this is the first time uh we're visiting the dark alley so i'm gonna go right there it's my magician so three plus two is five action points and i'm just gonna spend them all on special assignment cards because this is the best part about the game just kidding not about the game but this is one of the big reasons why i think everybody should play with the dark alley expansion because they're awesome yeah so my first special assignment card costs one action point and each additional one is two action points each so i can i can get one two three four five if i turn in my to carry on shard because of this current prophecy that's gonna give me additional two action points so that i can get one two three four five six seven four total special assignment cards that's a lot and uh it's great because it's really the only way for us to go to the theater three times because you only start with a hand of two theater cards right so let's see what we have face up ooh this is nice i can set a downtown die to a face of my choice and re-roll another one you like going there i do you go there a lot but i think i'm going to take the top most of the theater uh deck this just says i can set up the trick even if the performance card has no free slots okay you just put the trick in an unused uh spot let's see this says when you perform you receive plus one fame for each of your own tricks while other players receive minus one fame for each of theirs so i'll take that one so i get two more cards uh you can only take from the top most uh card of the deck so i'm unable to look through those unfortunately oh my gosh this one allows me to do a reschedule action but i can remove an opponent's trick instead don't do that don't do that that's correct that's insane well the thing that's nice about these is it gets you an additional action point i will take that one three and then i get one more so this says instead of moving the trick you may remove it from the performance card and immediately receive that trick's yields and for the last one i'm gonna i am gonna take this downtown one because that sounds like it'll come in handy later on and so this is you may learn a trick from any category regardless of the die as long as it's not an x and the learn trick action costs you one less action point so these are nice oh i love the special assignment cards i should probably go there you should probably go there okay all right so that's it all of our uh everybody's out yeah that's it okay so we're not gonna have a performance phase because there are no magicians in the front of the theater yeah so we're skipping that entirely and going into end of round stuff first you pay your wages so uh i have to pay four so two plus two i don't have to pay for that apprentice anymore right so there's my five exactly i pay two and one for three my uh my characters are expensive yes i better not hire anybody else so speaking of characters let's take them back okay all right so we're going into round three there's a couple things i need to get cleaned up here uh namely uh the orders have to come in yes okay so this is goodbye metal sheet goodbye so these performance cards now get moved this is the final round where we can perform that specific theater uh which is i guess mainly directed at me yeah but although you have one there too one and then now we have our first intermediate level one which is the grand magorian wow and so this just has different uh more complicated configurations of trick markers you can you can create linking bonuses in cooler ways i suppose as they advance uh we're moving into round three yeah the poster comes off and so does the prophecy and so now we if you advertise your apprentices are worth an additional action point uh just so you know for the next round if this doesn't move when you set up a specifically spiritual tricks that's what that symbol is there you get an additional two fame so that is nice for neither of us we don't really care about that one so i mean that might be a good opportunity for you to move this around yeah or if we're both happy at net neutral nothing then just leave it net neutral method so would you like to roll the dice uh sure and then we do have to re-locate these yes you are now oh that's nice for you that's why when i created those links i purposely did not take uh fame because i wanted to be able to advertise because of the prophecy this round it gets me one extra action point although you get an extra action point anyway yes i'd like to have three because of your marquette oh yeah it's plus one yes two plus one oh blank x's you can't hire anybody you can't unless you reroll the die x's are not uh you know set in stone you can reroll them you can still reset the face but it costs action points correct that is the only thing so do the dueling magicians please okay so oh the outskirts dang it oh i needed that not to happen even worse for who me yeah for you sorry oh this is interesting it's thursday or sunday oh gosh um all right there you go very nice oh this is what it feels like to not go first yeah are you going to advertise uh yes i will advertise i will not i will pay one buck to get to fame now yep because we need to inch towards that 16 mark so that we can get those level two tricks i'm still trying to perform my level one tricks we're clearly not but as you perform them you you gain fame and you get closer because once you get to that 16 then the tricks get kind of uh more lucrative so trying to trying to slowly inch my way there all right shall we assign uh yes well you said you're not going to have no i'm not advertising it's too expensive yeah all right ready uh yes i got all right let's the right people going to the right spots i'm worried i'm worried the further and further you get in this game the more it's like ah are we are we uh we're doing the right thing here shall we yes okay downtown dark alley and market row oh i'm just market row and the theater which is a bunch of theater i'm clearly performing this round so and that is nice seeing that you're not performing ooh you know these two day options are pretty terrible so well sunday's nice i know sunday is nice but like had you you get to go first i had you taking sunday then i would have to go on thursday thursday who cares about thursday uh okay so the only competition i see is market row so i'm gonna send my manager to the market row we're gonna go to this two spot so i did put this in here so i definitely know i want to buy that okay i'm gonna buy one of these that can is gonna cost me two so that's for one point okay uh you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna spend one less though i'm gonna on that so i'm gonna spend only one because i'm two wait how many action points do you have here i have four action points plus two so one is the first purchase yes so that costs two but i'm going to spend one action point to give me a discount of one okay perfect so now you have two action points left two action points left yes and so what i'll do is i'm going to um i'm going to put out an order for um one of these oh that's right dang it i wish it was the thing that i needed but it's not and then i will put it here okay and then i have one more action point so i should probably buy a plank of wood is what i'm thinking and i am going to buy for my last action a plank of wood so now i have a total of three because it's in this area here you have a ton of components i uh yeah oh my gosh i gotta see if i can do anything with them you imagine that trunk that magician's trunk the manager's managing it are you done yeah that's it okay five bucks it doesn't really matter what order i go in now that i know you're not going to the theater so i'm just going to send my apprentice then to the market row it's just one action point i don't have to carry on shards so i'm pretty much limited to that so with that i'm going to um order this here's some rope yeah level 2 rope and let's kick out gosh it doesn't matter now at this point i'm going to kick this out i would kick this out but i'm worried that i might need another one later down the line so let's just do that cool and that's me so it goes back to you okay so i'm gonna go downtown so i have three plus one okay so i have uh four action points so what i'll do is for one of them i'm gonna roll this three and see if i can roll a six one oh no three is the minimum huh yeah yeah well an x i could have rolled an x so that's one of them uh i guess i will unfortunately i will unfortunately take uh only four coins so i'm gonna turn this into that all right two three four there you go oh my cash you're a little bit uh wealthier wealthier yes so that was uh that was my four action points all right so back to me uh i'm kind of delaying my decision making here i'm just gonna go and take a sunday slot with my magician that's all i do for my turn back to you okay so i'll go to the dark alley and so i have one uh plus one so that's two the mechanicer is three action points and then because the prophecy is whoever advertised gets an additional so i get four total action points yeah uh so i know definitely i'm gonna want to take this card here this one allows me to set any die as long as it's not an x that's so nice so that costs one action point and this is fame and fortune you also gain fame equal to the amount of money on the chosen die minus one wow i'll take that oh no so that's uh two three that's it so for your last action point by the way this is interest after choosing a bank die roll it roll it once before setting it to x add the rolled amount from the supply to the money that you take and that action costs one less action point that's fantastic yeah um for your last action point you can rotate the prophecy if you don't like this one yeah or what is the uh the next prophecy so this one states all components cost two coins when you buy them so it's a level one component it's still two coins level three component which is that is two coins instead three let's do it let's rotate no you boiled my plan why you wanted that i might have been doing something with a spiritual trick next round stinker well that's good are you done yeah that's it that's right i'm gonna take my last two turns back to back then and i'm essentially just going to the uh the theater so let's send this engineer back here first that's gonna get me one action point to spend uh when i send this person there that's also one action point but i can spend this card for an additional one you can or you so for a total of three yeah but then that card's out of the game for you right it's out of the game no matter what no matter what okay okay i think i need to put on my glasses ah that is better okay i'm gonna relocate i think i'm gonna try to bail from this theater over here yeah i'm gonna take this reschedule action to move this trick from here to here so it is a uh escape trick so that still has to go in this circle no linking bonus but i don't really want to perform this theater and it's about to go off at the end of this round so i don't want to lose those tricks and you don't have any more characters left no i'm out so it goes back to me and i'm going to go ahead and place my assistant back here and technically would also give me just one action point but because i have my special assignment card i'm not going to use it for its text i'm going to use it for that that extra action point in the bottom right hand corner so i get two two action points which i'm going to use to load both of these tricks and so they're the same two tricks that i loaded earlier so they're both that linking symbol so i'm going to put them here in the grand magorian the first one i'm going to place right there and then i'm going to place the second one right here so it creates two links actually one with the neutral marker and then one with my uh my other marker right there so this is also a tricharian shard bonus so i'm going to go ahead and get a one for carry on char and then because i'm trying to level up to get to that level 16 trick threshold i think i'm just going to take them both in points so it's going to be too too fame for that little maneuver that's it that is the end of the that phase cool so now we're going to go into the performance phase but before i do i'm finally going to enact my my magician ability and so this says one time before the performance phase i can move over a trick from one theater to another one so i'm gonna go ahead and say goodbye to that theater and move boy over here because i don't want to perform that one it's not it's not that great i'm sorry i mean there's nothing i can do about it there's no i don't have a special card that says stop everything hold on yeah no okay what can i do all right so i'm performing on a sunday and i'm going to perform this theater right here the grand magorian so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get the yields for both of these tricks and so because i'm performing on a sunday it's going to be a one additional fame and one additional money for each so my burning mummy gets me uh two so then three fame one two three and two money so that means i get three one two three and then my uh barricaded barrels is one and one so that would mean two and two so one two and two fame one two so there now i'm at that 16 um fame threshold which is nice and then i get points for each link and so i believe there are two of them one two that's two more fame one two and then i get stuff for my specialists that are in the back backstage there you go so my engineer which gets me one to carry on shard and my assistant who gets me two more fame one two and finally i get the reward of the theater which is three three money so i'm gonna turn these two in and take a five and that's it these two now come off and they go into my supply and the performance phase is done well that is not good for me yeah ooh man that was all right i had to bail yeah you bailed on that theater okay that so i lose that trick that's done because that in a two-player game uh this theater gets bumped off yes it doesn't go into these sections so let's uh pay our characters sure yeah so two four out of the big four three three four thank you and then we'll get our characters back one two three and four and then yes the theaters move so this goes out and you already got your back so this this theater goes out uh this one goes over and that's that's a high risk and then we have another grand magorian ah that's an interesting shape so i i might consider moving these theaters here just so we can we can see them at all times and when we're ready to load them then we can move them into the top down what do you think uh sure one two and three just so you can always see uh how many tricks are on what theater this is the order this is the one that's at risk of getting uh bumped off now we're gonna move to the fourth round uh this goes out we have a new prophecy and this is the one that says that all of the components are cost two two two money no matter what they are so for the next one this says uh during the performance phase the performing player's yield modifier applies to all other players in the performance instead of their own so that's uh huh that's not great but i guess maybe that's just like a nice round to not perform yeah maybe maybe we use it as an excuse to take a break this also gets discarded because we don't get to keep a special assignment cards once they've been used and uh our orders arrive so these go out and these go in now we have some stuff some advanced stuff looks like so we're now in round four the initiative order is the same right so naveen you are still up there and uh would you like to roll the downtown sure dice let's see what the dueling magician card can have in store for us okay so we've been rolling a lot of the six money and x's yeah okay so here we go perfect okay so we need to draw this okay what you got so the last two here okay wow oops there you go the book ends here okay uh saturday and sunday the theater is closed what and uh these last two here so the dark alley is nice the dark alley where it's nice oh the last two that is nice that is nice this is the one oh wow well downtown is nice too and yeah i was is it time to go downtown that is a question okay so now with my decision if i want to advertise i will do that so it's going to cost me one coin okay put this in here and i go up to one two okay so now you're at uh 13 so you're close if you want to get that that 16 time i know you're looking at that trick oh and then take my cards on yeah and i didn't put these back all my stuff is all over the place so i'm not advertising because i i have 12 money and i need a lot of it yeah for some future planning all right so planning phase good luck thank you this is uh this is it's getting tough okay ready uh yes i am ready all right oh my gosh oh this is this is stressful we're in this we're kind of in that like mid game stress i'm stressed right now for sure this is tough i made some boo-boos for sure okay so what is your plan right now now that we're like getting to halfway okay so i only have five money and i'm seeing an opportunity to get six money and i'm gonna go first so well let's just reveal and we can kind of go over the plan okay ready okay yeah one two three so i'm kind of visiting the same places i've been visiting nothing too there are only four five locations so i know it is gonna be a little bit of rinse and repeat so uh seeing as it's not gonna be efficient if i go to the theater right now i unfortunately will probably have to concede that to you yay yeah i think there's an order of things right yeah i need to go get some stuff load it then go to the theater but i can't just go to the theater because if not then i'd be inefficient because right the living piano is not loaded so i have to pre-load that so the first thing i will do is i will send uh this piece out here so that's going to be two three uh plus my one-time mechanical so that's four total action points nice uh so for the first action i'm gonna i'm actually gonna use uh what it says here you also gain fame equal to the amount of money on the chosen die minus one wow so i'm gonna choose this six die take six money okay turn it to an x and then get five things for doing that one two three four five all of my work just for you to whoo because of one card yeah and then uh i have one extra action point here but um i don't think i can use it so all right so back to me um i think i'm going to clean the theater then while i can i'm just performing i'm not loading anything i don't have anything to load so i'm just going to take this friday spot right there and then now it's back to you okay so now i will go to the workshop so i have two action points uh one action point i am definitely gonna load this one up so it is the diamond and we get one two three nice okay so that's one action point my second action oh are you with this one you gotta go to the workshop uh yes sorry yes thank you and uh i'm gonna have one extra action point that i'm not gonna be using right now because i like where all my equipment is right now all right i'm gonna go to the market row and so this is gonna be two plus one so three action points i'm going to buy um two different items so my first action point i'm gonna buy these three of these okay so that's gonna be six money five six so can i have three of the rope please oh yeah three rope for my second action point i'm gonna be i'm gonna buy one more of these so if you can buy it if you can pass me one more of those please so two more coins uh yes so two more here's five so one two and three i'll just rest this on top thank you perfect and so for my third action point i'm going to uh regular order i suppose a level three trick and it's gonna be that like ghost-like figure okay and what are we gonna ditch so if you're nice to me i'm gonna be nice to you and i'm just gonna get rid of the level one i feel like by this point if we needed it we would have gotten more right [Laughter] yeah so that's it for me those are all three of my action points okay cool i'm suddenly short short on cash so i am going to go to the theater and i'm going to load my tricks with my magician and i must go uh here so i unfortunately i'm going to get the modifier which is not good for me okay so since i know that the modifiers over here are going to net me zero i'm gonna use the reschedule action so let's get these uh theaters in their spot so that we can get a nice uh tight shot for you sure there you go all right so go for it okay so that reschedule action i'm gonna put this right in here good job taking away my length yeah so that's that's one action i have a total of four action points okay so that's one uh the next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna bring this uh rabbit from the out of the top hat and i'm gonna place it here because it's the eyeball symbol yeah so the eyeball symbol is inside that's going to create a shard link and then a link between these two like type symbols there there's two links it doesn't create a shard it would be like that if you want the shard i guess you have to choose one or the other and so yeah i'm sorry yes you're right this is uh this is a better configuration thank you for having me out there so because these are uh like type symbols in here that creates a link as well as i get a shard so would you like a one money or a point uh for your linking bonus mmm i did get a lot of money in that last round so i think i'll take the point points are tough to come by all right so then uh that was two actions and then now i can go ahead and put out this here so this is not allowed to go into this theater yep uh because it's already there and we already know not to go there because of my modifier so i should probably try to get this in so i will create a link by doing that because i have two gear symbols touching uh so then i will take i'll take a coin a coin you want to be just well because you're gonna perform and get points so i don't know it's it's i can't really figure out what i need to do here so i'll i'll take a coin okay yeah okay yeah perfect so that's every all your action points uh yeah i think i have i think i technically had one extra but because i am out of this type i'm not allowed to put it out so that's it all right so then uh back to me i'm gonna go to the workshop i have two action points to spend and i'm just gonna use both of them on uh loading my barricaded barrels and i'm running mummy so that is going to be two and two so my burning my barricaded barrel sorry is now loaded as well as my burning mommy since they were both emptied right all right so uh oh and you're out of breath i'm out of workers yeah i need another worker so my apprentice then is going to go to the dark alley where i i'm going to get some of these my favorite cards yeah so i have three action points to spend which means i can get two of them oh but i want to rotate this i'm going to spin out your carry-on shard okay one of my my really valuable to carry on charge to rotate it to rotate it it's gonna give me one more action point so i'm gonna rotate these just like that so now you have three actions so yes so now i have three action points and i'm gonna spend them on two special assignment cards i am pretty low on um money so this is nice because interest it says after choosing a bank die i roll the die once before setting it to an x and then i can add the rolled amount to to the amount of money i get so that's really good i'm gonna take that and let's see what this is hypnotic motivation you immediately receive the hired oh character you may place an assignment card from your hand below it and place it during this place characters phase whoa that's probably good for you that would be exactly what i need i'm gonna leave it there okay for you just just for you because i have so many characters yeah that was really nice then my second card is gonna be the street performance so instead of moving the trick i can remove it from the performance card and immediately receive that tricks yield so that is if i take a reschedule action sure festival of magic after the performance phase all remaining tricks are removed from the theater and their yields are paid to their owners wow that's just like uh everything everything gets removed yeah white wipe the theaters that's kind of like yeah it says the theater and you just score it yes i guess so that's that's kind of like a happiness card yeah that saves you some time yeah but that's it i'm done we are done we're moving on to the performance performance phase okay so we can perform it so i i don't have a choice i have to perform here in the riverside theater right so first things first is i'm performing on friday so there are no additional bonuses or minus points uh and it's just me one each of my tricks sure so it's a total of three fame so this goes to 23 and one two three money so i'm gonna put back two and take a five sure all right uh i you took away some stuff so i don't think there are any more links no link buttons no bonuses uh this is a little bit of a sad performance no link bonuses no specialists in the backstage area so then i get one money nice i basically set my magician over there just because i was so afraid of losing those i mean nobody came to my last performance in the last round so i didn't i didn't really get much for that but that's it that is the end of the what was that the fourth round oh my gosh three rounds left what are we gonna do yeah we're pushing pay our wages okay uh three for me so uh can i just get um two back yes i have to pay four uh-oh i don't know if i'm earning enough money to you did pick up that card though right the money card i did that's true i think uh so let's get those characters back these since they were well paid yes and our assignment cards and then now we're going to rotate the theaters riverside goes out that was our last riverside theater now the ones that that are going to be here are gonna be the exciting ones okay so this is our first magnus pantheon and this is the most advanced look at look at that configuration it's looking good it's pretty and that's that you gotta perform this or else it's going bye-bye yeah our order comes in just the one right there and then we are now in the fifth round this goes out and we do we have this which is nice because it was what i was planning on was it again oh yeah yeah i think it's i think it's when you place a trick out onto a theater of the spiritual type which neither of us have had yet yes then you get two points so you have to acquire it to then load it to then put it out there yes it's a process it is a process but i think it's only yeah it's you immediately uh get to fame just for setting up the trick which is placing it into a theater yeah not bad and just case you're wondering this next one here uh says that all components that are in the order area can be bought oh nice just with a buy action so that's kind of me because we have done our work yeah right now most of the buying is is done but if it came a little earlier that would have been really nice yes would you like to roll the dice uh yes and draw the next card if you draw the card i'll put these up sure okay the next card says this oh it's like that upside down oh wow downtown is never looking scarce never wanting us to get the nice spots go ahead wow everything's looking gears oh this is a tough round oh is it are all the good stuff out every single good thing is out wow wow this is not the one that we had last time right no no oh wow this is a nasty one they should put an asterisk on that card initiative doesn't change uh we are now in the fourth round would you like to advertise uh yeah let's do it so i'll pay a coin okay one coin for two things two fame change right now still not paying because that is still expensive yeah and you only have three three four coins right now right okay so let's uh let's assign all right ready uh yes mine is pretty straightforward i think i'm taking a big risk okay big risk yeah depending on where you go okay i'm making some assumptions based off of what i see sure yeah hopefully you don't go here okay ready yes one two three flip yes yeah what i can't allow these things to just go away i figured i figured you had so many tricks over there you would need to go to the theater and so i placed two um downtown cards here but had you been going then yeah you would one of them would be for not that's right so so i'm gonna go here to the workshop and just load this one thing unfortunately it's sad it's not sad you gotta do what you gotta do yeah i wanna move these theaters over here in case you're curious uh i do technically have an extra action point because of the mechanicer uh and i'm not using it so i i don't know if i'm using this guy's ability very well here but it is what it is i need to load these things up so that when i go to the theater something happens so uh that's me this is a really hard game it's hard right now wow really hard and we're playing with the dueling magicians thing so you never know which spots are available this is really hard it does require a ton of planning and sometimes things to go to go your way yeah all right so i'm gonna go to the my first downtown spot with uh my engineer and so i'm gonna place it here for three action points total sure my special assignment card says take no risks before you take this action i can set one downtown die to the result result of my choice and reroll another one so i need a specific uh category of trick that's not my specialty because you can always take your specialty trick if it's not showing on the die but unfortunately um that is my specialty so i'm going to set this die to the spiritual one and uh oh gosh i just realized i'm not going to take advantage of this no oh well i was so proud of it everything uh and then it says i can re-roll another one so let's just see let's see if we can get lucky five ah i was better than four yeah definitely and uh so then with these uh three action points i'm just going to take a spiritual trick sure do you know which one i see oh thank you it's a level 16 yes and so it's going to be this one the floating table oh yeah i do it's this thing three rope three of these oh yeah three of these yeah on that huh i've been planning i've been planning forever yeah good plan and we're going to let's make that one the clover sure there you go okay very cool so uh i'm gonna go with my i'm gonna go with my manager backstage uh she gets me two points of movement our action plus zero so two points total i might as well load what i have here so uh let's get yes where are you gonna go which so definitely well you know i'm performing that last year because it's the most dire and critical one this is an eyeball uh illusion so i'm gonna place it right in here so i created a link right through there so as a linking bonus uh a fame or a money um let's go uh let's go fame okay let's go fam perfect okay cool so that's good so when i perform that it'll be nice yeah okay you have one more i have one more so because of that uh i'm gonna put this one out here into this theater uh and the reason is um might as well well i can't go in either exactly yeah so i'll go here creating another link so let's do fame again fame let's just go hard fame okay all right we're tied all right you're gonna go first next round at 23. yeah i might i will you will yeah we will then because i'm gonna score all that and that is nice you're gonna be able to advertise and all that stuff all right well i'm gonna go back to the downtown sure so uh that's three action points and my special assignment card says interest so this is the one where i can choose a bank die so i'm going to choose this one so you get five and now i can roll it once before setting it to the x and i can add that amount of money next four wow so i'm gonna take nine nine money oh this take coins action cost you one less action point do you have one extraction point we're gonna forego that technically i could have used one action point to re-roll the other die if i wanted to be greedy but we're just gonna say that i forgot that sure and uh i'll take the nine nine yeah so here's five ten i'll give back a one all right back to you uh well uh let's go back to the theater and we're declaring on friday night come and see my show come see it everyone's gonna show up come to the uh the grand magorian yeah i would watch you uh pull a rabbit from your hat and play the piano oh yes it's a living piano so it plays itself yes okay that's cool uh all right so i'm gonna just go to the workshop then for uh one action point oh gosh this costs two action points short time to spend my last shark those those are brutal i wasn't expecting to do that yeah so i'm loading this two two trick markers is what i'm allowed for that trick but at least now i have some stuff to do that is true and then for my final my final uh character is gonna go to the dark alley for three action points so i'm just gonna take i think i'm just gonna take uh two of these probably so that's the festival of magic that's just like um you know just blow it up candy for everybody or uh and then this is durable components at the end of the performance phase you may return one of your performed markers to its trick card instead of discarding it oh that's nice fantastic that's great so i took that one that's it a new twist you may set up the same trick on the same performance card for a second time i could really like uh yeah that would be a really nice one it's available i'm not in the dark alley right now but maybe maybe later yeah it'll be there next round we shall see you uh that's it i think that's it for both of us i think so yeah all right assigned all your workers i have as well performance phase okay time to perform you are performing uh i'm assuming you're performing this one i am definitely performing that one yeah all right so you are on friday i so you just get the stuff for both of those uh so one two three four fame so the living piano gets me one and then the rabbit is uh four two three four okay and then i get one two bucks there you go two money just enough to pay my people uh you also have two links uh yes one two which means you get two more fame one two look at you climbing up the ranks uh you have your manager backstage who gives you an additional three money so uh you give me a five i can give you these two um yeah there you go thank you such a gentle exchange and then finally you get three more money might as well suddenly you're raking in the dough i don't want to have to deal with money anymore in this game i just want to go downtown to get money there are your trick markers the performance has concluded everybody can go home yeah now let's pay our wages this is my least favorite part of the game yeah okay although they deserve here's my three a living wage so two four here we go four is one and then let's go ahead and take our characters back sure two three four uh these get discarded because i use them and i need to go back into my hand we're going to remove this theater and this is gonna come over here the pressure is now mounting it is for me to have to perform my own tricks that is uh because we're going into the sixth round this is the second to last round yeah so this is gonna move there we go second to last round okay so we realized that we made a little bit of a mistake uh when we're setting up the the theaters yes so we seeded one a fewer theater right and uh there's no real way to remedy this because we're already in the most advanced ones yeah so we're just gonna add one more magnus pantheon if anyone from mineclash is watching i i don't we didn't know if we should go back to the riverside theater but that seemed strange going back to like a smaller so maybe this will just be a little bit more lucrative than it would have been i suppose we shall see we'll see yeah all right so finishing uh setup here this goes out that goes in and so that just means that you can buy stuff when it's here which we're i can guarantee you we're not going to use uh my picture is going to come down off the walls tear it off because you are actually now the one out over there okay would you like to roll the die and pass me a magician card so that we can see our fate okay oh this is like the complete opposite of the last one except for the theater the theater is not the greatest yeah this is slightly happier uh it's just all right right side okay yeah no saturday sunday unfortunately no all right like that not much money this time around monique we are in the in the pen ultimate round and you and i are both at like 23 points yeah what happened is that good or is that bad i can't tell there's been some really good games where we score pretty high but we shall we shall see all right uh i am going to i'm now starting player so i am going to pay by one now you have money too money for two fames so now i'm at 25. and you um three money it's gonna cost you the way i see it is income wise i just have to pay three i think i'm good on all my materials okay yes i'm gonna pay really three or two fame get your poster on that billboard okay so planning phase yes all right ready uh yes okay let me place my stuff out all right two and three here we go uh there and there all right ready to flip yeah okay okay i'm a little bit worried here i don't know that we're gonna score that many more points in the last two rounds i made i made big mistakes early on kind of a big mistake big point blender here yes we usually score over a hundred i don't know what happened yeah uh anyway looks like we are in competition for the theater yeah so i'm not performing this round and i have a feeling i know which theater you are performing at so i'm just gonna go back here on the thursday slot okay friday giving you friday okay and uh the reason why is because i it gives me an additional action point yeah four loads for loading stuff so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna load uh this burning mummy which is a chain link right there on this left-hand uh theater right there and then i'm going to put my floating table right here so this creates two links and a tricarion shards and skip the period shard and because this is a level 16 trick then it's gonna be two fame or two points uh per link so i'm gonna just do four points to straight points for that and then for my third one it has to be this barricaded barrels which unfortunately is a the chain link symbol so i don't think it's gonna get me any any links for that so i'm just gonna put it right here just in case give you some opportunity yeah yeah but the last action point i'm gonna move this i'm gonna relocate this just to a different uh a different theater and i guess i'll just go here i don't get any bonuses for it but if i happen to perform it my whole point is opening that spot up so yeah so you can do it again yes okay so back to you okay back to me so i will take my uh my hand and go here so i have one two three technically four i am going to learn a new trick finally unfortunately i played this card uh so this is going to cost me a couple points at the end of the game for not having it in possession because i wasn't sure if you were going to go get a new trick because you had one more slot in the second to last round uh so basically i'm just using it for uh just it's action point i guess so it's uh two three four technically five so okay and i'm gonna learn uh one of these uh the links and so let's go ahead and you know what i might as well actually use this card so this is thirst for knowledge you may learn a trick from any category regardless of the dice roll this learn trick action costs you one action less so it's i have four total action so it's going to be two actions right there uh i will use the shard as my third one in in the future so i'm gonna have five total actions so i can take two different actions here and so i'm gonna go ahead and get zigzag lady where are you zigzag lady zig zag lady it was a long it was a long way to get to this but i never got it yeah so it's it's a level two it's not it's not the most glamorous of tricks but uh it's here now and that's what matters that's what matters totally zigzag lady has arrived she has okay so uh that is there and then i will be spending a trickery on char to get me a third action uh so i have two left over plus the shard and i'm gonna hire this assistant i should have done this a long long long time ago this is part of the mistakes that i was talking about so uh i don't get this yet but i will put it on the board right there so in the next round i can use it to deploy all right so back to me i'm going to go back to the theater and that's going to get me three more um action points to load i'm going to load the rest of my tricks so okay well first i'm going to do the floating table here again because i vacated that spot so that i could do it again just like that so that'll get me another to carry on shard and another four points so one two three four and then i'm going to load my burning mummy which is e the link the chain looking type and it has to go here so i'm going to put it right there it doesn't create a link yet but now it will because i'm going to place my barricaded barrels right right wait what am i doing it's a link it's a link trick or a an escape trick there we go just like that and i'm going to place this right here so that's going to be another point so i'm at 34 and back to you okay so uh i'm gonna go to the workshop and load up these tricks here so we're gonna go ahead and get this loaded up with one of these symbols nice okay and then the second one uh is gonna be this one and i'm gonna load up i gotta get a new symbol so let's make it a spade and then i get to load up three tricks for the zigzag lady okay that goes there all right so i too will go to the workshop uh with my two action points i'm just gonna load the floating table because let's not waste time on the other tricks at this point right yeah totally where's scrambling we are scrambling you got some uh yeah i don't know it's interesting because you you're loaded up on two theaters but you can only perform once i have that festival card oh you have the festival card yeah i'm hoping to collect big later i don't think it's going to score me 80 points or 70 points i don't know what's going on here no but oh you're out of people no you have one more well we're gonna go ahead and uh wow we're gonna perform okay all right i'm gonna go to the dark alley so that's definitely gonna be two cards uh for me i'm gonna take this one that's one that's one that lets me take the hired person immediately and oh well let's see what we have uh as you learn this trick you may choose to return another trick to the bell guard residence if you do place all trick markers and the symbol marker from the return trick on the new one i'm taking this one that is two two downtown uh cards that's that that's it for me that's it for you we're gonna perform all right well you're gonna perform yeah i'm gonna perform yes okay so i'm assuming you're performing this one i am definitely performing that one yeah okay so what are your yields uh let's see so so it's clover and diamond yeah so it's one and one and then three and one so i get four points four points which one two three four and uh two coins two coins all right there you go two coins how many links do we have here uh one yup so you get an additional point so 35 goes to 36. yeah over here hey you've made it to the red zone yeah you can now learn a level 36 track it's kind of late yeah and then do you you don't have anybody backstage and so you get two fame one two for the card these go back to you thank you and that's it we are entering the final round with 20 with 34 and 36 points yeah normally we're rounding about 80 or something let's see let's go ahead and yeah i don't know all right get your characters back let's let's get a new character though that's nice so i do have to pay uh three coins this is going out we're gonna have uh these three three magnus pantheon uh theater cards because we admit we didn't do that one yeah properly there so i have to pay three coins uh for my oh yes so we have to pay here's five i have two back sure i'm also doing five and one here's your two i paid my four okay perfect there you go okay so let's uh we're going into the seventh round would you like to re-roll uh sure the initiative dice and can you pull me a dueling magic julie magicians card oh this goes out here we go so oh no this is that that one that says if you uh everybody else gets gets your yields modifier oh well the good thing is that card says fridays and saturdays so there's no yields perfect that is perfect yeah that is good oh wow that was good news yeah okay so then these go here these two here and then these two right there that's unfortunate very unfortunate and that's that okay let's see we are ready to begin i could pay a coin i'm going to pay a coin yes i am now in 36. nice level 36. so there goes my are you gonna pay three yeah i might as well all right so you get your two fame as well so now you've got 40. you've crossed into the 40. i need as many points as possible because it's not looking very very good hey money's here not very set up here all right planning phase okay ready final assignment phase of the game two three and four uh okay flip oh yeah okay okay okay all right so i'm going first hmm wow lots of theater stuff you got going on oh you go to the dark alley leave me alone i'm going to go to the dark alley well oh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because it's the same modifiers i'm gonna go to the theater first i guess i'll go here might as well get first dibs i guess sure and so two action points i'm gonna use my um special assignment card that says instead of moving the trick if i choose to do the reschedule action i can remove it from the performance card and immediately receive that trix yields yield modifiers still applies so i'm going to do that twice i'm going to remove this one oops i'm removing this one and this one so those are the two action points i'm spending and so i'm gonna get the yields now and they're both my floating tables so it's gonna be 10 fame wow so 36 to 46 46 for money so here's five get back one and two to carry on shards so i was thinking about performing which would've been really bad and seeing as you have that festival magic card which i'm assuming you're gonna use because you have more than one theater where you have i'm definitely gonna use it yeah yeah yeah this card is going to allow us to remove all of the remaining tricks from the theater yeah uh and and score them it's a festival of magic yeah and there's no race to the dark alley because we're just basically going there to get points right so uh okay let's go ahead and i'll put my manager back here okay and i can load up to two things so let's go ahead and load let's see how can we make some links so i can take this zigzag lady and load it here and that creates a link right there yeah and that's a level two yes so two fame i'm assuming yeah okay so 42 and then i will load the same type of trick here creating a link there okay so another two fame nice okay and that's my uh two loads that i can do awesome okay back to me all right so i'm gonna go back to the theater uh with my assistant here so it's another two action points and with those two points i'm gonna put my um my last two floating table uh tricks out here oh nice so this is gonna go back to that original spot that i vacated because it's such a good spot yeah i believe that's a yeah that's a carry-on chart one too so that's two links and a carry-on shard so four points four points so 46 to 50. yes and then then i'm going to place this one and i guess it doesn't really matter too much at this point so i'm going to put this one right here so that is going to be another uh two frame for that link so one two and i'm at 52. okay and back to you all right so uh we're not gonna perform we're just gonna tease everyone and leave that there so that gets me three and i have exactly three you're like don't mind me yeah don't mind me we'll be fine uh so how do i wanna do this this is an eyeball one and i think if i do is like the paperclip looking thing yeah it's gonna go there so there's no link there but because it's gonna score passively at the end uh that'll be nice okay so that's just out there and then now these ones uh the clover leaf can go out which is the eyeball and i do see an eyeball here nice so that's gonna be um one thing one fan yep so very good and then i have one last one right here this one can go right in here and creates two links uh one with the gear symbol and one with the spinny one so then it's gonna be i don't think this is a link oh yeah i think just this one here just that one there i think that's the only one so okay yeah oh yeah there's no circle there's no circle yeah that's right okay it would have been nice though uh and that's that all right so back to me i'm just going to go to the dark alley and turn in a carry-on shard to increase that so now i have three uh points i'm going to take two of these sure just for the the points that they give because we're not going to use these anymore yeah i'm gonna do something very similar uh i'm just gonna go here um because i have the mechanicer it's one one plus one so that's three total i'll just say once yeah okay there you go cool there you go uh and then for my last uh character it's just going to be the magician that's so you're performing i am pro i have to perform oh in order to discard yeah it's a performance kind of uh assignment card and where are you going to put your final no i don't think i need to do this because um let's see how much do i have to pay one two three four and i would just get four coins back okay yeah let's do it so i'm gonna put this out here well well no it's only two well have you increased your do you have enough oh yeah i don't have a shard uh okay yeah that's right so uh i will not be doing that so with that whole last round saying i'm gonna buy this guy and do something great it just it didn't no it fizzled it was from the start it's been a fizzle yeah so all right so let's perform then uh i'm gonna perform huh well i can only choose one of these two which one has more links well this one has one two three links they both have three but this has actual points attached to it so i'm gonna i'm gonna perform this this theater yeah and so uh there are no yield modifiers because it's it's a friday one of each of my tricks essentially is gonna score so it's gonna be five six seven eight eight fame so i'm at 60 now uh one two three four five so five money and a tricarion shard and you nami i have that spade in there so it's a three money and two uh points one two three so i got two points there's your money yeah and uh how many links did i say there were one two three you said three all right so 63 awesome and then who do i have backstage i have my assistant and my engineer so one for carry on shard and two fame so one two and the two carry on shard and then the actual card itself is two fame so one two or sixty seven and another dracaryon shard and that's it for this theater so we wipe this queen but because i have played my festival of magic card it says after the performance phase which is now all remaining tricks are removed from the theater and their yields are paid to their owners so that's nice um i guess i'll do mine first sure you can do yours after typically we don't do this by the way so just gonna be one of each again so five six seven eight fame nice so 67 plus eight is 75. and then one two three four five money and a to carry on chart uh what about you very good okay so uh i think i get one two three three points or well you so you have two of your diamond ones oh for all of them yes it's all of them yeah so uh it's going to be it's two diamonds spade and a clover so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine points okay so you're here so 48 plus nine is 57 yep and coins wise i get one two three four five six seven eight nine nine money nine money yeah so here's a ten sure we'll call that ten yeah it is a ten okay good yeah uh and that's that so uh we have reached the end of the game you have to pay your wages scores are not fantastic but we do have to pay our wages so here are your trick markers okay uh it's still the standard four three for me because i did not deploy this person these two did not or i spent those two so they go out and then now we go into end game stuff okay so neither of us succeeded in getting a level 36 trick no that is the bummer of the day yeah but uh we do have some end game scoring to uh to collect on so it's one point per to carry on shard zero okay so i have one two three four five six seven eight wow so 75 plus eight 83 83 and then uh every three money is one point five ten eleven twelve thirteen so that's four points one two i have exactly fifteen so i get five points okay so it's a 62 nobody has level 36 tricks those would have given us end game scoring but unfortunately we don't have that and so now you just count all of your special assignment cards that you have not used i have two of them and that's two points each so you have four points one two three four oh my god i have seven so that's gonna be 14 points so 87 plus 14 that's 87 97 123 where is it oh one oh one one there one on one oh broke a hundred okay that's hey good job something i mean i had to use that festival uh festival card you did yeah we didn't do too hot in this gameplay i would say i am notoriously bad at this game i am very bad at this game but i enjoy my plays of it but i never know what i'm doing i'm just a chicken with my head cut off i i will you know we're not gonna lie there was a moment there where we were a little bit afraid that uh we might have to scrap this entire gameplay yeah because our scores were really low we went into the fifth round in the 20s i never know what to prioritize early on in the game i'm always still like scrambling and just what should i do what should i get so it just kind of tells you kind of how much depth there is to the game very deep there's a very uh specific um amount of planning that is involved it's like planning replanning rechecking your planning and uh just trying to like roll with the punches especially with the the prophecies you never know what's going to come up you can definitely it's still highly strategic you can definitely maneuver that to try to make it work in your favor uh the dueling magicians cards you never know which spaces are going to be available sometimes yeah so you definitely want to have the carrion shards uh available for that and you want you want to have four workers this is this is a big mistake on my part and i don't know why i i knew better than that but i only worked with three workers so i was constantly ping-ponging just doing the same action over like upload my trick send it there okay just perform oh okay now i have to do it again next round next round and so i found myself kind of in this like rat race of like oh like i can't break the cycle because i'm gonna lose points you maybe want to have more than four yeah i think that was probably my mistake also i should have probably acquired or hired a fifth worker at some point but i was just i'm so afraid of losing money and like you have to pay for those wages in addition to the components that you're you're purchasing um i don't even know if i like i wasted moves going to the market road to put this guy in there and i didn't even buy my component same yeah i uh i also bought a bunch of items early totally forgetting that you can you can only get a level two trick if you're at 16 or greater so i set up two rounds worth of purchasing of stuff and then re having that realization in that round where i was like i can't buy this trick so everything i've done leading up to this moment is a waste so i basically played a five round game uh kind of in my opinion so i struggled but uh i know better for next time that's for sure the whole point of the whole mind clash series is so that we can be a little bit more informative if you have a copy of the game or if you're interested in checking it out now you know how it plays now you know what it what's kind of involved in that decision making like we were mentioning at the beginning of the teach you do not have to play with the dark alley expansion which is the prophecies as well as the special assignment cards because obviously those can throw wrenches in strategies and they can cause a lot more uh it's just a lot more for you to think about you can play with the opposite side of the board that doesn't have that and it's shorter as well it's only five rounds we only play with the dark the dark alley expansion just because we think it's fun it's not it's not you know it's not required it's not just because it's heavier doesn't mean that you have to play it that way yeah i i prefer to play it with that i think we've gone back after playing with it and played without it and i felt kind of slightly unfulfilled um so for us the dark alley is kind of the way to go yeah anyway we hope you enjoyed this video if you have any questions whatsoever about the gameplay as well as the rules uh please leave a comment down below and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible in the meantime we are going to be putting out another video for to carry on so we're going to try to fix the mistakes that we made in this game play as well as the preparation preparing the the theater cards for the next uh the next video that we're gonna put out which is going to include the expansion which is the doll guards academy the big expansion so well thank you all so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing bye thanks you
Channel: Before You Play
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Keywords: trickerion, trickerion board game, how to play trickerion, trickerion how to play, trickerion playthrough, trickerion gameplay, trickerion game, trickerion rules, trickerion review, session, Trickerion, trickerion board game review, trickerion expansion, mindclash games, euro games, trickerion thoughts, trickerion overview, trickerion spiel, brettspiele, tabletop, board games, board game, Trickerion review, trickerion solo, best euro games, top board games, trickerion tutorial
Id: -ehrxMGBnk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 0sec (6360 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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