Cottage Garden - Playthrough & Review (Uwe Rosenberg Series)

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hi everyone my name is moni and i'm naveen from before you play and today we are continuing our ube rosenberg series the thailand aspect with cottage garden yeah so we already played patchwork which was released in 2014. this one was released in 2016. it plays one to four players published by stronghold games and designed by of course ube rosenberg we are going to do a teach and of course a playthrough and so when this game was released in 2016 before that it had just been really patchwork that was like the big thailand game of the time it was for two players only it was about quilting and really quick and so now this was the first big box kind of like a multiplayer thailand game we're no longer quilting we are now in the garden gardening outside so we'll see if it's uh if it's different enough to stand on its own and as per usual we are going to start with the teach followed by a playthrough and a review so if you are interested in jumping around there will be timestamps down below and if you like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing and with that we are ready to begin so if you please direct your attention to the set of the table we are all set up here to garden in cottage garden right yep this is our two player setup and so just kind of give you the lay of the land in the middle here we have the nursery and the nursery is home to 20 different uh or actually no that's not 16 flower tiles the extra 20 flower tiles are here in a row led by this wheelbarrow over here this is all random right yes that's right we have the gardener that's going to be traversing around the the board kind of keeping time and telling us how many more rounds we have left and each of us has our starting uh gardens here which we are going to be placing flower tiles on in order to try to score points and so the structure of the game is fairly simple the overall gist of what you're going to be doing is this gardener die is going to be moving around the board each turn and you're going to be able to select a flower tile from whichever column or row the gardener die happens to be in at the start of your turn if the column or row that the gardner die is in is empty of three or more spaces then you start your turn by refilling this column using flower tiles that are next to the wheelbarrow we also have these cat tokens and so you can always spend a cat token into the general supply if say there are fewer than three empty spaces if you just want to refill it prior to selecting your tiles and then you either take a tile from that column or row or you can choose to take a flower pot which we'll get to in a second when you take a tile you must place it in one of the two different gardens that you're working on so you can be working on both at the same time the rules for placement are fairly standard you can't overhang you can't place over other tiles you may notice that there are other symbols showing and these are going to come in the forms of either pots or cloches you are allowed to cover them up but just know that that is how you score points in the game so you want to try to keep them revealed as much as possible once you're done placing the cat tokens that i was referring to earlier also have a different use you can use them to fill in holes in your gardens and you can place these at any time as many of them as you can or as you'd like to although you can only hold a maximum of two of those at the end of your turn and once you're done placing then you end your turn by progressing the gardener die around the board and then it moves on to the next player if you didn't want to take a tile alternatively you could have chosen to take a flower pot from the supply instead and these flower pots must be placed immediately and flower pots score you points and so the way that that works is once your board is completely filled then before ending your turn you can score the garden pretend this board is completely filled because i don't want to have to look for tiles to try to make this work and so it would qualify as being completely filled if all of these empty spaces are completely filled in with cats or pot tokens or flower tiles so then you would count the number of pots that are showing and so in this case it's two pots and you would choose one of your orange cubes along this this track here because this is your own personal score track you have three different cubes of each color and so you must select one of them to move so i can just say move this one and i'm gonna move it up two spaces because there are two flower pots showing the orange track goes up in increments of one and the blue track that represents the cloches go up in increments of two so essentially these are worth two points each and so i would do the same now for the cloches i have one two three four showing so i would take a blue uh cube and i would go one two three four so that's scoring me eight points a few other things happen here any time any of your cubes move past this red line you get a cat from the supply and you can choose to keep it in your reserve or you can place it out immediately whenever the last cube of a specific color leaves the starting space here then you get a pot from the supply and you must place that immediately because pots cannot be reserved and finally the first person to move their any of their cubes to the end space here which is worth 20 points gets the two beehive token and this is where two points at the end of the game the second person to do that gets the one point beehive token and no one person can claim both i also just want to note that at the end of the score track here the orange goes from 15 to 20 points and the blue goes from 14 to 20. so keep that in mind because it's only one space there to earn six points or five points essentially i missed that the first time we played it she did once this gardener gets all the way around back to the start space here in a two-player game it's a little bit different for higher player counts then you increase the pip value by one and you keep on going once the pip value reaches the number six that's going to signal the final round and at that point any gardens that have fewer than three flower tiles on it get removed you can you're no longer allowed to finish it any other gardens that still that have more than that you must continue to to work on but every turn that it takes for you to try to complete this thing is minus two points so that is kind of like the the negative point part of of this game the last bit is once your garden has been completed then you flip it over to its other side because there is a dark and a light side and then you exchange it with the extra garden that is in the supply and so because of that you're always kind of switching out the gardens that you're using because they are uh they're they have different artwork on them and that's essentially how you play the game so we are going to just do a little clean up and then get started with our playthrough okay so we've reset the board we are ready to play we've got to figure out who is going first evens and odds yes okay what do you want to be i'll be evens okay ready yeah one two three okay odds okay so it's me first uh i don't think there's a first player token uh i don't think so now and if there is then we maybe didn't punch it okay so then i'm going to get started uh the first thing that happens in a turn is we refill if we can but uh we're going to skip that bit and just go straight into planting these flowers so i'm going to start by taking this pretty one and it's just gonna fit in right there it's nice right there right nicely and that's it so then this moves over and now it is on to naveen okay so we didn't talk about this in the teach but there is this little parasol here so this is kind of a placeholder if you're kind of fiddling around with a flower tile that you can't figure out where to place uh so you just kind of put this over there so you don't forget where exactly uh it goes yeah that's nice because uh naveen navin likes to i fiddle no i do so i'm gonna fiddle real quick okay let's just see perfect timing this thing can do this looks pretty good right covering up a bunch of stuff sequestering that i'm gonna keep it oh okay almost didn't need uh didn't need the parasol there almost all right so back to me and i'm gonna go for this piece this is uh what is this is like a well that's that seems to fit nicely right there it's going to require me to put something there but i'll take it cool all right back to you so this is kind of a fast back and forth kind of game because you can see ahead of time which columns or rows are going to be yours to choose from yeah we didn't talk about this in the uh in the teach but some of these tiles do come with a pottery token on there so that can add to some different points also for you okay i'm going to take this piece here ah and just place it right in there what is it like a like a pail water pan oh i think it's water can that's me all right so back to me all right i'm going to go ahead and take this one and i'm kind of working on both at the same time here i don't know if that's going to be helpful or hurtful but that works okay so here's our first time we refill so because there's at least three showing uh then we refill and you must refill closest to the gardener closest to the wheelbarrow yeah so one two and three and we could have been refilling if we wanted to by spending a cat token but it's a little bit early yeah for that i think so i think i'm gonna take this style here and i don't think i need a parasol and i will put it confident right in here because that kind of covers that up so that creates a little gap here so i'll probably want to use one of these cats or possibly a pottery in the future yes and you can do that you can do that now if you wanted to i'll hold off all right i'm gonna go with this square uh it looks like a cute little t t table i'm gonna place that right there so this is this is kind of getting there this garden is getting there all right back to you okay now i'm gonna need the parasol because this is a nice thick piece but i don't know if it's going to start causing me problems here causing you problems that yes because i don't want to cover a point see if i place this here that just covers up points right right yeah i don't think this is going to work out for any garden it's too early okay that's too late that was fast yeah okay i'll take this piece okay and a nice uh perfect tetris it's gonna fit right in there the tetris s i'm trying okay your turn okay this is this might not be bad for you for me i'm gonna use the parasol although with only two pieces there maybe maybe i didn't really need this but well no because then you could forget like maybe accidentally put it here so it's important that's not bad that's yeah that's really good this is not bad just take up as much space as you can right this is even better yeah i'm gonna go with this right piece there no need for this anymore now that's that all right back to you you have a full column of tiles yeah all right i think i'll just take this straight away okay this one right here and place it in here how are we doing um i got i got this like border side and i got some stuff to go but we're working yeah i wish i could uh name these different species of flowers they're really pretty are these the same size yeah they're the same size okay i'm gonna place that right there just uh this is almost done let's see i need like three more squares here so my cats will not be enough all right back to you and you've got some refilling okay so again closest to the gardener there you go and i kind of like what i'm seeing here i'll take this too ah that is a good piece yeah there we go oh this is a good piece are you gonna cat it yeah yeah i'm gonna cat it so she's gonna catch i'm spending my cat token and uh cat tokens by the way are not worth anything at the end of the game so if you you can spend them before the game ends so i refilled that and now i'm gonna take this because it has a pot uh symbol on it and it just goes nicely right there so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna use my my last cat token to fill in that spot so i've completed this garden so now i can score it i'm gonna count the number of pots i have one two three four five and i'm just going to choose any of these really go up to the five and then i have one two two cloches right yep that's what i see okay so two right there so it's one two because they go by twos yes and that's it so then this goes into the kitty supply the these tiles they go to the end of the wheelbarrow line because we are kind of limited on space and what we're gonna do is we're to start a new line sure and you can choose the order that you put the tiles in so once our wheelbarrow gets to the very end here then we're just going to reset it and put it back here that sounds good so just like that i flip this over to its darker side and i replace it with the one for the supply so now i have a brand new garden to work on and that's essentially how the game's played so we're just going to keep rinsing and repeating exactly trying to compete yeah it goes to you okay you've got some refilling so ooh a close a solo clothes yeah this is a solo clothes it is i think they're it's one of two different uh one by one piles yeah it has a cloche on it so i'll i'll take it yeah it's pretty nice it's worth points it's better than taking a pot because pots are only worth one point exactly um and it's nice because it's early in the game so maybe this let's see the parasol for a second you have a brand new i have a brand new board exactly so it feels like a good time to do this this is not bad it's not good but it's not bad so we'll go with it it kind of divides the board in in half i don't know we're gonna go with it so back to you and this gardener is almost gonna make their first lap all right so perfect timing i tried to get this to work out for me so i'm going to place this here and now this board is completed awesome so uh we have one two three of the pots yep and then we have one two three four cloches oh sorry two four six eight so because i did that i get a cat token because he passed the red line again i cannot keep more than uh more than two cat tokens so i will just go ahead and place one of my cats right here nice and then now these all go so where are we adding this to to this line right here yeah this line right there and it's my choice uh which order i want to put all these in i can't see anything strategic so i'm gonna sorry switch out your board for you thank you uh-huh there you go i have no idea when or where we're going to get access to these so i'm just going to place these this is not the right order totally random you're going to help me this is helping me maybe we should see uh yeah that's it you switched it out for me i did yeah thank you and now the gardener is gonna move and so now it's no longer a two pip it goes to a three pip yes and remember this is only in a two player game in a three player game it's going to be here i believe where the gardener changes we also didn't mention this but we started the gardener on pip number two and that is specific to the two player game and higher player counts you start at one it's all listed on the board for one uh one more round i'm gonna go with this one okay this is our i think these sunflowers they're cute sunflowers and a yeah and a little path a little uh right there uh yes i'm good with that all right so now back to you i'm looking at this one maybe parasol it but i'm pretty sure it's gonna work yes okay let's go ah no parasol no rehearsal yeah okay so back to me that corner piece is not bad i realize now that i don't have any cats which is gonna hurt me because i'm gonna need to get pots yeah that's a whole turn it is a whole turn so i wonder if this is the time to do it when you take a pot it still progresses to gardner die it does i'm gonna take a pot because i know that this is gonna need a a pot anyway so i might as well get that started and i wasn't that happy with any of those options okay so we have the refill yep so oh you get that that nice one that has a pot on it and so does the cross by the way that we've all been ignoring yeah the cross isn't really happening i think no one's a fan of the cross for some reason even though it has a pot are some pieces i'm forward planning but i'm doing the math on turn order and i don't think i can get access to them so uh i'll do the math on turn order that's not good yeah i'm not doing the math you can you can which is it's probably a part of the the strategy i'll take this uh this long stick and just put it right over here long stick how dare you you know i don't like it though species of flowers i don't like it because it creates these like one holes but i don't know what else to do yeah i can fill them okay that's me all right so back to me each pattern uh a big cross or uh none of the above top hat looking thing gosh this is a brutal little section right here when you have boards that are fairly full yeah i am oh you're you're an optimist i'm gonna take a pot so i'm gonna take the pot and place it let's see there are a lot of pots showing on this you know i'm gonna place it here i'm kind of looking ahead here and i don't want to continue this like path of pots only you just want some options yeah yeah all right go ahead okay so uh i think i will take you up on what you said this one so this one comes with a pot it's a tour and let's just go ahead and place it right there nice that's me okay so the reason why i placed this pot here was specifically for this tile i left space that's going to go right there it's really cute um i don't remember what kind of this daisies i don't know kind of flowers these are not so bad with those i know sunflowers that's all i know there's an expert there's a flower expert out there who's like uh fools those are this type of flower is that what they're saying i think so okay back to you oh this is so nice look at this one monique wait the pair is all no no no no need you got it oh yes oh okay that was that forward planning i was talking about yeah you're good at forward planning okay so now you get the refill though yep all right did you forward plan the refill no i didn't okay well these tiles are hey hey hey yeah this that's a good one this one is gonna work this one's going to work um i'm kind of limited in my selection at the moment so anything that wow this is a really pretty tile so then place that right there and now back to you all right another forward plan to here we go corner you are gardening you don't want to put your cats out thing it's going to have to be either cats or yeah let's just do it now yeah so okay you're right i'll go cat cat uh so that completes that so i have a lot of cats on here yeah kind of like the button currency kind of okay so we have one two three four five so i'm gonna keep going with this one so it's gonna go one two three four five uh because i cross this line i get a cat very good uh and then my cloches are just one two i believe yeah i think so we're gonna go you know i think i'm gonna go one two trying to get that one home i think i'm trying to get that one home yeah exactly so that is me and these all go away awesome okay so if you want to figure out where to what order to put those in i will switch out your garden for you okay let's get a thick one let's go another thick and then we'll go thin and corner good very good all right done yeah that's it and now i have to move the gardener now my turn's over perfect because i like this tile uh this is too big for that spot so we're gonna go here that's not bad um i really need some cats unfortunately i'm not in a good uh position to get cats so this might be a hold up for me but that's me all right uh now i have this new tile so this h is looking pretty good i think yeah it's like an h and i think i could just place it right in there nice no problem seen all right go all right refill time ooh i'm liking that that's that one okay so now that the uh wheelbarrow has reached the end we're going to go ahead and reset it that cloche is perfect for you bring it up here uh the cloche yeah because instead of thinking of a vaaz you get to a planter whatever those are called yeah but the question is do i put it here or do i put it up here one two three four five six i need six cloches one two three four five oh that's rough because you don't want to accidentally score and then and that you know yeah but i can't just take a close yeah i'm gonna put it here okay because this has to be a one by one spot anyway so that's me all right back to you you have some big options yeah not big space so yeah good luck okay this is definitely paris all time so let's see what we can do with this parasol tan let's turn the parasol back real quick and see what this one can do this is not bad it causes the same problems that i just created but okay i'm just gonna go with it it takes up space you like yeah i guess you probably saw something better huh no i wasn't okay i'm judging you on your flower flower placement don't worry okay uh wow nope can't use well you know technically i can you can cover stuff up i can cover stuff up like you can place this over these three i know am i over it wow i wouldn't choose those three but you could am i over it naveen am i over it you know what i am over it i'm just gonna take this and place it right there it's going to cover up a pot but at least i can score this finally so it's going to be uh two pots i'm just going to go one two so you get a cat token and four cloches one two three four and i'm just gonna move in a new one yeah so one two three four another the second cat another cat and do i hold on to them or do i score you know what maybe i should place them out and place them out now yeah because you can place them immediately to score the next one so let me put this away first sure those are pots and because technically that one will come back to you in the flipped version yeah which you'll see right now you know i don't really have strategy in which tiles to place when and where yeah so here so this goes into a new one thank you and then i am going to place these two cat tokens over here so that we can just score both now so i have one two three four pots are gonna do the same one or a different one um let's get this one closer yeah so one two three four okay and then i have one two three three closures three are you serious this is you need four i need four i'm not gonna move this because i i would only need i would need one to get to the 20 spot where i'm going to move this one okay so one two three right cool so did you go past the cat i did okay so keep one of the cats that you're going to discard there you go that is the cat that i have earned and these will go to the end of the line so i actually get that yeah it comes back but it came back in the flip version that's what i was referring to earlier yes that's true thank you awesome so that was a good little good little scoring round okay so now you got to move the gardener it goes back to you and now i'm in that situation where i don't like i don't think i can legally place anything big pieces so i do have a cat that i could spend or i could just take a voz um i'll just i'll just take this and just buy some time so let's just place it right here nice oh this is going to score you a lot of uh points so this moves three goes to now four where are you four there you are okay so now we can so yes so we're going to refill that oops this goes there oh yes sir closest to the gardener that's right okay so this is nice that is a nice little piece it's just so early it is early but it gets me a pot you know what according to my turn calculations this is gonna come back to me so i'm gonna take this and uh place it gosh which garden to start well let's do this one because this has three cloches showing i'm gonna place it right there all right that's me so back to you so this shape is nearly impossible to place yeah um i don't think i can physically do it this one would just cause me to cover up a bunch of scoring opportunities so i'm going to take a uh one of these pots yep place it and then take my cat and place it right oh my gosh this is going to score many pots here yeah so let's uh let's score the pots one two three four five six seven eight nine so i'm gonna take a brand new one and go to nine yeah uh getting me a cat back which i can just take off my board and then these are done uh i do have one cloche so i'm gonna move a single clutch here because i'm looking at this double close which should get me in there nice hopefully i can get that done you are wheeling and dealing you are pot close wheeling and dealing so i can place these here uh yeah i would do it as far as yeah yeah just so you can we can have some space oh sorry where was that i think all right so that's that we're gonna move the gardener and that's your turn okay so back to me and we have some nice big options here which is good i'm gonna go with this one okay and let's just place it right there so we can get started really kind of moving along on this garden okay back to you that cross that day one cross i mean i have i do have space for it you do it just causes so many problems though uh you have time to fix those problems so that's a nice part let's just parasol i'm trying to sell you this class so if i do this you have a new thing out there all right are you looking at my garden because i gotta see what you're gonna do let's see what the competition's like yeah okay let's do it i'll put it there okay perfect all right so this goes over here and i now i can take the crosstalk you take the cross or the the top hat that i referred to well i liked this one i left that when i was over there for this moment but let's see me me me oh it's not gonna go back to me you know what i'm gonna take the cross yeah it's a nice big piece and it has a pot on it and i can place it in a good spot for it it doesn't really offend anyone in that spot so that's my final answer all right back to you very very good i really want to wrap this piece up here but there's so many good other pieces that i could be placing in here don't let your dreams be dreams this is just too good of a piece i think to go right here yeah yeah that's me oh that is a good good job yeah all right so back to me uh let's see corner or w the w is could that work oh my gosh that could work good work are you looking over here yeah right there wow is that the spot that's the spot that is the spot all right just wanted to make sure that uh that we were both seeing the same thing yeah that's what i saw okay back to you so let's refill for you close where you feel oh you get a close uh potentially it is a single close yeah remember better than a pot all right i think i'm gonna pass on the cloche because technically you can come back to me because you're gonna go no you me you dang it that's uh following your plans ah i don't have to take it cause i can't tell it's gonna score okay you know what that realization was awesome dang it all right i'll take it that's just are you sure yeah just one one square yeah i'll just uh see themself down the problem is if i when i score this these two are gonna put this into here i want every single close to score yeah so if i put this in here it's a wasted closure if i put it here then i can work with it but i like the configurations i have here so i'm just gonna take it put it here and say good luck to me in the future good luck to you yes and then this will move okay so these are not good options all right so i think i'm going to take this yes it's pretty it's so nice and it can go nicely right there right so nice yeah just like that wow all right there you go back to you okay so these options are kind of crummy man well you can spend eight cats i could yeah refill from this it would be these two i mean that's a nice little uh what is that one by two is that a two yeah two squares all right i think i will i think i'm gonna send the cat back oh you're doing it yeah we're gonna refill all right one i like it and uh i'm not going to take the tour i'm going to take this one right here okay and i will plop it down here nice that seems like a decent little spot and let's move so now now i have to reveal yeah so one two and three oh ah that's a nice little uh piece right there for that spot do you do that l shape for this little spot here too ah are you trying to secure that for yourself let a plot there's a couple options here one two three so i mean it there's many options to get it okay i will take this piece yeah yeah you're right it takes up so much more space that was too good i'm gonna place it right there all right back to you lining up very well for you uh let's see all right i will take this piece though uh i will take that so good all right and let's just place it right over here okay there you go so back to me and this is too good yeah it's working out real nice for you right there i think that's the last of the working out i don't think it's gonna i don't think the next piece will work out if i did the math probably okay well uh corner piece seems pretty good yeah a quarter piece is a nice universal need drop that in there thank you mate okay so i do have this cat token if i don't like those options let's move the wheelbarrow well i don't think i can take either of these and i'm not really willing to spend my cat token uh let's see for that so i'm gonna take the pot okay thank you and then i'm also gonna place the cat token to just complete this garden right here nice so now i can score it and it's like i have one two three four four pots oh my gosh are you kidding me that is one short so i have to start a new orange cube so right there and then i have my one two three cloches so this can go home one two three three first so you get the double it'll be a double bee i'm gonna get it on the next one right now yeah but it's only one more point than you what it's because it's a two-point swing then it's yeah one more point one way versus the other way it's like we are swinging all right so cat goes cat goes back and so there's a pot and then i'm going to put these back i guess in this order let's just do that make like so easy there we go thank you and this one is still going so that's it okay well now that you've done that there's no true hurry for me uh because i was going to try to race you to it right over here i mean that does have a putt on it it does have a possibility now i'm taking it now okay i can just slip it right in there nice and then now we're moving into here so second to last round yes it goes to the five so this is our last true round of kind of gathering things because once it turns to the six then that's kind of like your finish up yeah finish up kind of run the wrap-up part yeah so my goal is to try to get into the last round with maybe i want them both to have three tiles at least yeah maybe but then it would be like minus two points every time i take a turn i don't know we'll see we'll see what happens as we get closer all right i'm gonna go ahead and take this well because i'd like to cover up as much uh space as i can sure well i think it's better to go this way oh it doesn't matter yeah i think you're in the same situation yeah they both alienate a corner right there so leave it like that cool all right back to you okay uh seeing as that i need a bunch of individual things let's just go ahead and take one of these pot place it down there so this is gonna score so let's go ahead and score the cloches so that's going to be 1 2 i'm in the 20. so i get this because i am second to do so and then i have one two three four five six seven eight wow so do you want to do that or do you want to start two three four five six seven eight i might as well do this eight to sixteen whoop like that yeah that's true i was gonna say had you moved this uh-huh you would get both a pot and a cat yeah i don't really know where this game's going so i might as well get the 20 20 you know and just and figure it out later that's true it is a free five points to get from from there to there right exactly yeah perfect so these all come off uh where are we saying this is like here yep so then starting from there okay gotcha i flipped here sure your board for you thank you okay perfect so we're working in this oh we'll put this one away in the corner okay all right uh yeah now it's your turn perfect uh this is a nice big piece but i don't think it's gonna work but this one can yeah i place it right there does it cover anything up no but it does give me more corners that i'm gonna miss out on if i do that but i think i will just have to do it it just takes up so much space which is nice okay that's me so let's refill for you thank you so one pretty close two three ah you get that you get the one close everything keeps coming back to you well this this is a huge spot right here so let me uh parasol this real quick it's been a while since we pair us all real quick i'd like to just like box something in that wasn't a big problem ah man okay yeah i think this is the right way to go so i'm not covering anything up other than empty dirt so that'll go there okay and i will take it for what it is no parasol needed now and now it's your turn perfect okay ah this piece has any have either of us taken that piece the entire game no it's kind of just sat there it's kind of a weird it's good if you just have your board just to start but i don't know once you put like a big behemoth on it's kind of yeah it's kind of not great okay i'm gonna take a pot okay i'm gonna take a pot and place it right here so now i'm locked in both of these gardens well maybe i'll be able to score one before we get to that that sixth round yeah sure okay all right uh i think the square is going to fit nicely for me and i'll just tuck it into this corner yeah that square is real nice for nice empty gardens haha this it's back yeah you finally got to it huh yeah does that wrap it up for you no it doesn't i still have this this tour right there all right back to you well i think the clothes will be perfect during this time while i have these uh gonna wrap up so maybe i will take that oh but look at this one oh my gosh the excitement you know what no i'm i'm going to take this one yeah i'm going to say it's either you're close or yeah if it's not mine it's yours on the next turn so i don't want to deal with it i really hope we're pronouncing that properly because we've said close this whole it looks like closure all right no probably not that so these this and this oh all pieces that i don't oh no i can get this yeah this is good this is good we're gonna go with that right there all right cool more options refill for you so this is gonna go back over here two and three ha ha are you regretting putting all the all those big pieces on the front end no is there anything here that oh that you know where's that w piece what the oh you have it gosh look at how that w piece would just be so nice right here well if you if you waited until i finished now but that thing's going to be way it's not happening but it would be nice i think i'm going to try to score this yeah right now yeah i'm going to put down a uh pot yeah and just score this so let's go ahead and score the pots one two three four five six do you count six two four six yep so one two three four five six i could do that or i can go one two three four five six you're one short of both i mean this will get you a pot moving that off yeah i'm gonna have to do that yeah so i'll go six so because all of my orange cubes are gone i get a pot which i must place immediately yeah that is kind of the thing though you have to know where you want to put it right okay i'll just tuck it into this tiny little corner here i this this gives me the most flexibility i want to say so i'll put it right there uh so that was pot scoring yeah and then now i have one two three closures so i'll go one two three and because i crossed i get a mouse you get a cat okay okay there's little mice here so that that's how you indicate that yeah so i get a cat who wants somebody i mean close fish close-ish so this can go back here right huh i know at the end of the line okay sure yeah yeah let's just double up let's go back to back all right i'm gonna get you your new board okay and flip your old one thanks there you go okay perfect and i believe that was my entire turn oh and we got to move the gardener of course there we go all right so i don't have any cat tokens and i don't like either of these because neither of them will go on my board so can you please pass me a pot token does that allow you score or two i'm gonna place it right there almost almost i just need this little tour and a little tour cool yep all right so i'm definitely was identifying this one here this will fit perfectly in there okay so you've locked in this garden as one you will be able to finish because it's three flower flower tiles not not counting the tokens all right so we're still in that terrible position again oh this is not ideal yeah going into the last two turns here oh wow i'm in such a bad position because even on my next turn i'm not gonna be able to place any of these it's just gonna be a vase face huh so i'll take a plot sure yeah and i'll place it i mean they're both the same they're both like exactly the same at this point so i'll put that there and move on okay so what do i want to do so the way i'm thinking it is i i shouldn't even try to work on this one here because i take a turn i add one tile i take another turn over here i got a second tile that's pretty much it because once you go to six uh you have to have at least three flower tiles on here so there's no point in wasting my time yeah on these here so i will take a tile and i'm gonna take this tile well actually let's not i'm gonna forgo taking that tile and i'll take this one here a pot i will take a pot interesting that way i can just score as much points as i can here we go that's true uh again i cannot do anything about that i can't meaning i can't i can't take any tiles here so i'm going to take a pot okay and i'm going to place it here so that i can score this garden i think i'm probably going to be done with the game after this really okay so it's one two three four five six seven eight wow right yeah what a shame oh yeah one two three four five okay so at least i can get there right yeah so i'm going to use this cube okay to go up to eight up here which means i get a cat nice and i get a punt yes because you've got all of them off right yes because i got uh i got all three of the orange cubes oh nice so you're gonna set the score here i am going to double score nice right there so i'm just gonna finish up my game uh before we even get to that sixth round and i also have two two cloches right here and i also have two cloches here trying to figure this out so this is probably the better option yeah so one two two yep and then this is done done so let's put these away i don't think there's any real reason to swap it out because the game is pretty much gonna end here yeah i'm not gonna be able to well i guess we'll we'll just demonstrate why so technically i flipped this over and i switched this out right but i'm not gonna be able to do anything with it because of the last round right and then this one i also score because i can complete it so i have one two three four five six okay so i'm just gonna move this because of that extra five point buffer one two three four five that's about it so i i did waste one and then i have my two two cloches right there nice so i can go boom boom nice nice okay that's actually a really good one this is gonna be really close so and pot and this now comes back to you yeah formality here little formality okay because technically that's it yeah and then now it goes to naveen all right i'm going to place these here because we're not going to get to that so i think if this is a perfect tile that would fit right in here to score this but let me do some math real quick one two three four five six and i'm here it's one two three four five six are you one sure i'm one short so i could spend three turns okay so i would spend three turns getting pot pot pot two of those turns i would lose two points each so that means i would get three minus two so i'd be a negative one but then i would gain six total i think i think it's better to just fill a pot pot pot and just prolong the game well i would think that you would do pot pot cat oh yes sorry pod pod cat yes yeah yeah yeah because and don't don't waste those last yeah two points right yep exactly so yes i'm gonna do that so we're gonna go pot and then this goes now to six but is it going to be exact how many do you need so i can lose two here one two three four five six seven you need seven and you have one two three four five six oh yeah yeah i'll make it so i have one two three four five six seven exactly right now so now it's here now we're at the six and the reason why this was a formality because at this point anybody who has less than three flower tiles on any of your gardens those gardens get discarded and you can't compete complete them exactly and so both of these are empty and mine also so that's it and so now naveen will continue until he completes his garden and he will not switch out for those ones anymore that'll be the end of the game once he's done exactly i no longer lose points because i don't have any more gardens to work on but for every turn that it takes naveen to uh to complete his garden it's three minus two points exactly yeah so for my turn i'm literally just gonna move the guard and die that's right okay so it's my turn uh i'm gonna take a turn so because of that i have to move back uh i'll move back this orange cube one two spaces yeah and then i will take a pot and when you're losing um points you can choose which cube to move back you just can't split them up yes if you choose a blue cube you just move it back one space and while doing that you might get yourself behind this red line or back to the starting spot and so those bonuses that we were talking about earlier still apply right so there is definitely some kind of you know currency exchange in like figuring out how to manage that manipulating it but obviously i didn't do that at all so then i'm going to put i'm going to place my cat to kind of wrap this up so i don't have to take any more negative and so now we are going to score so let's do the these closures first so i got uh one two and i have one two three four five six seven eight so it's one two three four five six seven so a little overkill i cannot split it but that's gonna go in there uh-oh i think that's it that's it yeah that is the end of the game yes so we're going to score since i went first uh scoring is easy you just count up all the points uh where your cubes are and so i have three that have reached the end which is 20 points that's 60 plus 8 68 plus 4 is 72 plus plus two so seventy seventy four okay my final square i don't remember what we scored last time i think we scored higher than last time okay so okay so i have three cubes here for 60. okay plus uh 12 at 72 no 73 74 75 76 77 no way i had to get that into that 20 there that extra 5 was huge one point well you said yes 74 right oh wait hold on three points sixty plus four seventy two oh five points i lost i don't know why i thought i had seventy eight i i thought i won oh yeah you won by one no just looking straight at it okay so i lost i lost thank you you are the best gardener i did it in the cottage garden universe wherever this is based off of good job thank you so there you go that is a cottage garden and i realize we've been calling these gardens this whole time i think i believe they're flower beds flower beds yeah if that matters to you and so this is the continuation you know we at the beginning of the video we talked about uh making quilts and then now this is an entirely different patchwork yeah still very in line with uve rosensburg's kind of like farming agriculture uh that's the sort of theme that that he's like to to design with in the past yeah totally and so let's talk about this a little bit uh what are your thoughts you know i think it's a pretty clever game it was one of those games that when it first came out i was interested in it because of the designer name and i didn't get to play it for many many years and finally uh leading up to the sugary rose and brick series finally got to play it and i'm actually pretty uh pretty happy with it it's a very he likes this game it's a very peaceful game you know it's very very very simple watered-down mechanics uh but it completely works nothing is overdone uh and everything kind of kind of fits nicely especially in a two-player experience yeah going from patchwork to this one um it's very very similar in the sense that you're kind of assessing what your options are and you're trying to make things work on your board and um i don't i have a good time playing it yeah this game is a lot more uh it's a lot nicer than patchwork which is funny because this is like the multiplayer experience it's supposed to be kind of like the follow-up you know there have been a lot of thailand games that have been released between the time that patchwork came out and now right and that's only the course of like seven years oh yeah but back then i i don't even remember what thailand games there were when patchwork was first released like polyamino tiles yeah yeah because there's these other tile lane games but um yeah yeah specifically polyamino tiles so i feel like this one this was kind of like hey look at this we have this new genre of polyamino tiles like right when this was released right and so this is now a way for you to play multiplayer so that's kind of like the big thing like patchwork is two player only this is like if you have a group of four everybody can play and it plays really quickly i really like the tempo of this game because there there can be you know any time you have polyamino games there can be a certain amount of analysis paralysis because you're sitting there thinking like okay which piece do i need but the space isn't that big yeah you know it's more of like how much of this can you get done in that amount of time yeah you have that final round that you want to be efficient in but you also don't want to lose points so you're kind of min min max you're calculating your uh your roi right that's exactly what i did at the end there yeah exactly that yeah yeah and you're doing the same with your score tracker you're trying to figure out uh what which cube do i move right like what is what is what's going to be the best bang for my buck and what can kind of set me up for future combos if i can get cats or additional pots by moving this specific cube right and after a while you start to if you really pay attention you can say okay the last board that monique had had a bunch of pots and that's face down now so if i can remember that's face up if i can do that one right it has five pots and i'm exactly five away here so if i can get that perfect then it's gonna get me to that 20. so there's a little bit of that memory kind of game going on it's more like planning right like that it's kind of reminiscent of patchwork uh i in my opinion i think patchwork does it better you know patchwork has this economy of buttons and it's it's both time and buttons and space right and you are trying to figure out like if i take this it's only going to cost me this much i'm going to get to go again because there's that particular uh order the uh turn order right there's the whole aspect to that in patchwork that does not exist in this game and so in that regard it makes it a lot more uh casual like this game is is a lot more just kind of like easy go back yeah it's laid back you can see especially in a two-player game you know exactly which columns and rows are going to be yours because it's an even board even numbered boards so you always know that this is for the entire game i'm going to get these columns in these rows um in higher player accounts there are these arrows arrow markings on the board so you can still foresee ahead of time like which ones are going to be available to you that helps you do that whole planning aspect right but it's still kind of like no hard feelings like that's that's how all these polyamino games feel yeah it's like well you gotta do what's best for you yeah if that takes away from me obviously it's the right thing to do they're very casual games and so uh this theme is the first time this game came out this theme did not connect with me it still doesn't necessarily connect with me but i really appreciate it because i know it's a game that we can take to naveen's family's house and like play with with his parents because his mom really loves flowers he loves going to like those beautiful gardens and this is just a theme that will resonate with that and i know that there's a big population of people who will feel the same way so i like that they went in in this direction now this is a trilogy of games so we actually haven't played the other two yet we wanted it to be a surprise yes yeah so the next question is going to be do can all three of these titles you know stand on their own right so we will kind of see yeah yeah we'll find out and also check out this wheelbarrow this is really nice it's a little extra it's very extra i i thought that you would be able to put something in the wheelbarrow so maybe that's something maybe i wanted to do it but i had to build this and i almost broke it when i was building it this is their version of the circle that you have to lay out of tiles and patchwork that's probably my least favorite part of that game like laying out all these tiles yeah so this one is maybe a little bit better more pleasing because you're distracted by this thing yes and so what are your final thoughts on carter's garden before we continue this trilogy well i like it i like it as a two-player game uh it was very fast as you guys can see and um i am interested in playing at higher player counts uh overall i think it's a neat little design and it's nice to kind of see the progression of his tile laying series how about yourself yeah i thought it was nice it was pleasant i i don't quite know if i liked it better than patchwork patrick was just such an ideal uh two-player game for the two-player experience right i do like that this can now accommodate more than two uh and uh it's just an easy-going casual game you know you have dinner and you just want to play something quick and this is this is that it's just like patchwork you're in you're out no hard feelings and it's just kind of satisfying to play and i'm looking forward to see how the other the other ones fair and so that is cottage garden thank you all so much for watching the video we are going to continue with our series with i believe indian summer is the next in the tile length series and then that's going to wrap up with spring meadow and then we'll do a wrap up video at the end there if you did miss our patchwork video we will link to it up here if you want to check it out and if you like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing thank you [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 6,083
Rating: 4.9847908 out of 5
Keywords: Cottage Garden, uwe rosenberg, cottage garden board game, cottage garden how to play, cottage garden review, how to play cottage garden, uwe rosenberg games, cottage garden rules, cottage garden playthrough, cottage garden gameplay, cottage garden tutorial, cottage garden game, cottage garden spiel, cottage garden overview, cottage garden thoughts, cottage garden played, review, board games, board game review, cottage garden, tile laying board games, tile laying games, games
Id: a7tW3YRiKNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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