Gaia Project - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is moani and i'm naveen from before you play and today we have another playthrough for you this time it is for a game that was voted on by our patreon community called gaia project yes this one's designed by two different designers yen's drogan mueller and helge ostertag it's published by z-man games that's our copy but now it's currently published by capstone games and this is a terra mystica style game or terror mystic uh re-skinning uh and so this one has a couple different tweaks and we're gonna talk about that today yes as well as it is now set in space yes so you're gonna see a whole kind of a new look to it and so typically we usually uh do a patreon gameplay that is for a game that is off of our shelf of opportunity this time it's a little bit different because this is a game that we know very well and we love and has been a proud member of our collection uh for quite some time so we are excited to showcase it today and as per usual we are gonna start with a teach and then go into our playthrough and a review at the end so if you're interested in jumping around we will include timestamps down below and before we begin forget about those klingon subtitles we're not using them anymore if we do find mistakes we'll try to add them to the description and if you like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing and without further ado we are going to get started so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up here for our two-player game of gaia projects sprawling that's right so over here we have the entire universe i think we have the universe of gaia project suppose and so just gonna give you the lay of the land each player here has their own player board and these are our specific factions that we're playing as yes each faction is asymmetric in the way that they behave and the planets that they are allowed to terraform on um there are 14 different factions that this game comes with we have not explored them all before and these are actually factions we've never played with so we're excited to try them out over here we have the scoreboard that kind of goes all around this tech board which is for our research and technology over here we have in round scoring conditions and then this is end game scoring conditions as well and so in this game we play as different alien factions who are trying to terraform the galaxy we're gonna be putting out buildings upgrading them and forming federations in order to score the most amount of points at the end of six rounds and so we're gonna be doing this by taking different actions throughout the course of the game we're going to talk about all those different actions we'll have different resources that we have to manage and after six rounds whoever has the most points wins and so to start the game there's a little bit of setup that's involved but basically each player gets to put out two of their minds which are these tiny buildings out onto the board so we've done a little bit of setup already and in doing this you have to take note of each planet type that each player is able to basically place buildings on so mine i'm the red faction so i can place on these red monique as the yellow can place on these yellow initially yes these are our home planets and so the way that game structure works is the game is played over six rounds and we can keep track of that by this board over here each one consists of four different phases starting with income and so before we talk about income i just want to mention that there are four main types of resources that you're going to be utilizing over the course of the game and majority of the time you can keep track of them at the very top here of your player board yellow stands for credits so you have two trackers here just in case you gain a lot of credits white is for or and blue is for knowledge you're going to be using credits and or to put out these buildings onto the the board here and you're using knowledge in order to go up these research tracks in addition we have power and power is utilized in different ways depending on which faction you are power will kind of explain a little bit later and the last thing is these uh qyc which stands for quantum intelligence cubes and so we'll also discuss how these uh these are uh utilized a little bit later since we're discussing our player boards i just want to briefly mention that your player board also houses all the different types of buildings that you can put out onto the main board and this is kind of the whole point of the game because we're colonizing the universe right and so your most basic of buildings are going to be the ones at this very lower line over here which are your mining buildings in order for you to put out the other buildings up here you must first put out a mining building and then upgrade that you can never just put out one of these more advanced buildings straight out onto the board right there's always upgrade to them and lastly putting out these buildings will gain you income in some sort of way so these mining buildings as we uncover them uh anytime you see a kind of like a hand that is that is giving you something that stands for income and so these mining buildings will typically get you ore which is the the white square resource and some of the more advanced buildings will get you other types of resources like knowledge or credits and so at the start of every round we're going to start by doing an income phase and so anywhere that you see that hand whether it's from your actual player board or on the actual tech tree here you're going to collect that income at the start of every round right so at the start of the game i'm going to collect three ore which i'm going to keep track of here once everyone's done taking income then we go into the gaia phase which is a little bit more complicated so we'll skip that for now and talk about that later and then we go into the action space and this is basically we're gonna do the majority of the game uh you'll see a lot of the things that we can do onto this little player aid here which is fantastic it actually works really really well once you understand the iconography so let's start with the most basic of actions which is putting out a mine on your player board to the left of each building type tells you the cost that you have to pay in order to put out the building so for the mines the mines each cost one ore and two credits so just to put out the building i have to spend that amount of resources in addition there are a few things to keep in mind when you're placing buildings out the first thing has to do with distance at the start of the game we're only allowed to build on planets that are directly adjacent to one that we already own and so at the start of the game here i can only build on this planet or this planet ignore purple planets for now by the way because these ones are not technically planets that you are allowed to build on yet you must gaia form them which is that complicated action that we're going to discuss later in addition if you want to build on planets that are not technically your home planets you have to terraform a certain amount of times in order to make that inhabitable for you the universal symbol for the terraforming movements are this kind of like a brown planet with a sweeping arrow sweeping arrow yeah that's right there is a chart that shows how many uh terraforming rotations you need to do in order to get to that type of planet and so for example for me because i am the yellow uh planet as my home planet if i wanted to build on this blue one which is up here i would need to do one two three terraforming movements because that is three is closer than four right i suppose and the easiest way for you to know this is there's actually a little chart here on each player's faction board that tells you how many rotations you need in order to uh build on those specific planets and this is important because you have to pay a certain amount of ore in order to do one terraforming rotation and the amount of ore that you pay is determined by where you are on this track up here yeah exactly so at the very beginning of the game for every one of those symbols it's going to cost three ore yes as you progress up the track it makes it cheaper yes so because at the start of the game i can only build adjacent if i literally wanted to build my mine here i would have to spend one ore and two credits just to pay for the mining building itself and then i would also have to spend its three ore per rotation and for the blue it's three it's three rotations so it's a total of nine ore plus the one ten so ten or just to put that one mine out it's very expensive and two credits yes that would be very expensive so when talking about distance in order to increase the distance that you can travel to you have to go up on this track and so as you can see that is literally what this this tech board is for it helps you do certain things better so the first column is for terraforming rotations second column is for distance so right now we are adjacent adjacency only but as soon as i get up to this spot on that track now i can move a distance of two two hexes away the other way that you can increase your distance kind of in the moment is by spending these qic and so for each of these that you spend it'll increase your distance by two just in that moment now it's important to know that none of these hands actually show an income of qic so these are not as easy to to earn to obtain if you wanted to get more of these you can go up on this this third track here which basically just gets you qyc it is a qyc track part of the asymmetry of our boards monique goes up already to start the game on here that's why she has two qic to just my one yes the next type of action we want to discuss is upgrading a mine because we like we were mentioning earlier these mines are the most basic of all the buildings in order for you to build these more advanced buildings you have to replace one of these mines if you take a close look at the player boards there's kind of like a certain um flowchart that you can see as to which buildings upgrade into which buildings and so as you can see here all of the mines can be upgraded into this this second type of building and so if i wanted to upgrade to this trading station i would have to spend uh two ore and it says here either three or six credits that is dependent on if you have any opponents buildings that are within two hexes away yes that rule is specific to these trading stations that doesn't apply to any of the other advanced buildings so if i wanted to take this upgrade action to upgrade this mine into a trading station because naveen is two hexes away i would spend two ore and three credits and i would literally do an old switcheroo here but that also means my mining building would go back to my player board and potentially cover up some income just really briefly trading stations gain you credits typically trading stations can also be upgraded to either the research buildings which are here on the right that give you knowledge as well as one of these uh tactiles or you can upgrade trading stations into your planetary institute and these are special because all of the factions um have a different ability that gets unlocked when you put these out and you can only put one of these out for the entire game once it's out it's out so you must kind of choose where you want to place it carefully if you go the research station route and i were to upgrade this trading station into a research station then that could later on be upgraded into the academy and so this is another type of building that will also get you a tactile and so those are upgrades but before we continue to the next type of actions you can take we want to briefly discuss the concept of power which is this area over here and so power is another kind of resource that uh you can utilize to either take free actions which are all listed on your right side over here uh if you're kind of like in a desperate situation and need uh other types of resources you can also use power to take these special actions and this is a type of action that each person or sorry only one person can take once per round and so it'll let you do things like spending seven power to take three knowledge immediately and once you take the action then this gets covered up because like we said only once per round or you can do it to get two terraforming rotations for free you can take two ore seven credits etc the system consists of three different sections you can only spend power when power is in section number three and so in order to get it there you have to first charge power so the way the charging power works is some symbols will allow you to charge power during income and so those symbols will look like this with a hand and the the the purple power symbol with an arrow that is charging power which is different from taking additional power which is like this with the plus sign when you take additional power you're literally getting power from the supply and introducing it into your closed system into the one spot when you charge power you move power from the one spot into the two spot and then once you run out of power in that one spot then you can start moving power from your two spot into your three spots so in this case you're always bringing up the rear any time you're charging power if you have one left behind you must move that first yes at any time if you really just need power you can choose to to kick power out of your closed system by this this outward arrow here doing that will allow you to remove a power out of your system in order to charge a power from your two spot into your three spot and that is a free action but you also just have to keep in mind that you are dishing power out of your closed system and that does not go to the scoreboard into the supply all those questioning it and so the reason why i bring this up is because one of the big things about this game is that we can feed off of each other as kind of like a neighbor bonus and so anytime you build a mine or you upgrade a building out onto the board you're going to assess for any opponent's buildings that are within two hexes away from the building that you just built any of those opponents may now take a neighboring bonus and so that is going to be dependent on the type of building that they have that's within range and so for this example naveen has a mine that is within two spaces of this building that i just upgraded let's just say and so on the left hand side of each of these buildings it tells you a certain value and that is going to be exhibited by these purple power tokens the power tokens exactly a certain amount of power right and so mines are all worth one power each the trading stations are two power they kind of increase in value up to a maximum of three sorry about that it's ones twos and threes that's the best way to look at it these opponents can spend a certain amount of points that is one fewer than the value of their building in order to charge uh power so in this example naveen's mine has a value of one so one minus one is zero so he can essentially charge power for free one power for free yep yes anyway i hope that makes sense we're gonna be doing that uh a lot during the actual playthrough so we'll talk about it again then yeah hopefully hopefully now we already talked about the bonus action spaces here but i also want to mention there that there are additional actions on this side that you can take by spending qic each player is going to have one of these boosters for the round which we're going to be rotating or uh switching out from round to round and some of these booster tiles have special actions that you can take and these special actions basically just help you do the upgrading or the building of mine out better and so we also talked about this tech tree quite a bit and so how do you progress on these tracks right so that is another type of action you do that by spending for knowledge and so that is what knowledge is primarily used for and so in order to do this you literally spend four knowledge you choose a track to go up on so say i want to go up on i would move my token upwards and just get either the immediate benefit or sometimes the benefits are during the income phase in which i would just leave it at that each tech column has a maximum of five spots anytime you cross from two to three you get to charge three power immediately levels three four and five of these tracks are gonna get you four points each at the end of the game so if by the end i'm here on uh the fourth spot of this track i'm gonna get an additional eight points only one person can reach the fifth spot of each track the other way that you can go up on these tracks without having to spend knowledge is by building either a research institute or one of your academies and you can see that because there's kind of this outlined look of a tech tile right here because whenever you build these you get to immediately take one of the tactiles and there are nine of them in total and they all they each do different things and you can only have one of each type throughout the game and so if i were to build one of these out and say i were to take this tactile which gets me four credits during the income phase then it also allows me to progress my token up on this track taking one of these three will allow me to choose which track to progress on now that that's out of the way let's talk about forming federations and so one of the big things about putting out your buildings is you're going to want to try to form federations which are basically clusters of buildings that have at least a value a cumulative value of seven and so that is going back to the building valuations here so right now i have this cluster of buildings that has a total value of two plus one so that is three if say i were to build out um one my planetary institute here somehow and maybe another mining building let's say here then now i technically have a total value of seven i have three four five six seven and so now i'm eligible to form a federation and so in order to actually form a federation i have to connect these two together because they're not technically adjacent if i want to do that i have to place these satellites out so to build the satellite you have to kick out a power from your system completely off your board if i want to build one satellite i would take a power off my board and then i can place it right there connecting this entire group together and now i have formed a federation when forming a federation i get to choose one of these federation tokens and so these just have a variable amount of resources and points on them so for example this will get me six points immediately as well as two knowledge and i also want to note that there is a green side as well as a gray side to each token besides these 12 pointers these swell pointers are only gray and the reason for that is because acquiring federation tokens will allow you to now acquire these advanced tactiles as well as progress to the level 5 on each of these uh tech trees whenever i have the opportunity to take a tactile if i'm at least on spot four or five of a certain tech tree i can instead take its uh advanced tactile but i would have to flip over a green federation token to its gray side which means i would have had to have formed a federation at least at least once before doing this exactly if i wanted to both advance to level five as well as take the advanced tactile i would need two of these federation tokens on their green side because i would need to flip one to take the advanced tactile and then flip another one to now progress onto that five spot and again only one person per tech tree can get to that fifth spot and so that is warming federations that is really really uh something you're going to want to do during the game because it helps you score a lot of points like this is just straight up 12 points and finally the last main type of action has to do with turning these purple planets into actual planets which is something that naveen is an expert of so take it away all right so if you notice there's these purple planets on on the board but they're not part of this color wheel so they are called trans-dim planets and basically the reason why this is called gaia project the game is we have these gaia formers and so for our two factions we don't actually start the game with any guy farmers um advancing up this tech track right here uh would allow you to have one of these guy reformers so let's just say i'm here i have one guy a former say i want a guy form this transdem planet let's just say i have the ability to get to it with the the distance um and i have this guy former what i would do is i would look at where i am on this particular tech tech track and here it says that i could spend six power and put six power into this location right here and that would allow me to put this down onto the board what's gonna happen is that's gonna stay there and then over the course of one round at the end of the round this little guy former is going to now basically terraform this planet into a green planet similar to what you see out here already yes and that actually occurs not at the end of the round it happens right after income yeah the beginning of the next round yeah so you have to leave this here for an entire round and so as a reward for your efforts it now turns into this green planet that you will now be allowed to build a mine on and so that happens right after income of the next round and in that phase you also get all of this power back into your one spot yes this will all shuttle right back in yes so that is the process of starting a gaia project we didn't mention that in order to build out onto these green planets you have to spend a qic to do that instead of paying ore to terraform like the other planets but if you uh created a gaia a gaia project and turn it into a green planet on your next round when you go to build a mine you do not have to spend the qyc so that is a nice way of kind of going around that and uh you know creating more of these planets and so those are all the different types of actions you can take pretty much the last type of action is technically passing when you are done you know majority of the time you're going to run out of resources and you won't be able to to do anything else so then you can pass on your turn and what you would do is you would take your current booster if it has any uh effects like this one at the top here it says you get three points for having any of those types of buildings out onto the board then you would gain those points immediately you would put it back and then of the boosters that are available you would take a new one for the next round so i would maybe take this one and i would put it face down in front of me to show that i've passed you're never allowed to take the same one uh back-to-backs and then once everybody's passed the round will end and we clean up for a new round the game is played over six rounds and just really briefly this board tells you a specific action that's going to score you points for taking it in that round so in the first round if i were to build a mine i would get two points every time i do that um this board also holds the final scoring tiles and so these are also going to change from game to game and uh for example for our gameplay it's going to be whoever built the most satellites and that's having to do with with making these federations whoever's built the most satellites at the end of the game is going to score 18 points and in two-player game we are playing with a neutral player who's going to kind of block some scoring ability and that's essentially the entire game anything else we haven't covered we'll we'll probably talk about during the gameplay but we're going to get set up and then get started with our playthrough okay so we have reset the board uh we'll talk about our individual factions in just a second but we do have to figure out who goes first right yep oh me okay okay so got my glasses on got our space clothing all right so i am playing as xenos it's the first time i'm playing as this faction but uh basically i start uh one up on this tech track so that is why i have two qycs and i'm also going to start with a third mining building on the board so we haven't done the setup yet but we will in a second in addition when i put out my planetary institute i can form federations with a total value power value of six instead of seven wow so we'll see what we can do with that it's pretty good yeah okay so i'm hajj halas and i'm the red player i also start with no guy farmers i do start with one qic as printed here and i go up one technology on the income track so i'll be getting uh credits and uh the ability to move at least one power per charge to charge it exactly uh if i was able to get this out it's going to get me one additional power that will go into the one space and i can do this now conversion which is basically i can convert credits into different types of resources so that's pretty cool and then i also start with an income of credit always that does not get covered up i'm a money i guess trader kind of person that's awesome yeah so when you put out your planetary institute you're spending credits instead of power for those three things yes essentially exactly so it changes the conversion here to that it's awesome all right so we saved the setup part for the video so uh because i'm going first i get to put out my first mining building right and then it's going to snake so navin's gonna get to put out two more back to me and then i put up my third right so i think i'm just gonna start right there smack dab in the middle all right can't really go wrong with that i think yeah i'll go here or maybe you can just relax so you put out your second one yeah and then the second one this brown right here is the most expensive thing to uh to terraform so i'm gonna try to avoid this one as of right now and i'll go right here all right so now i'm gonna put up my second and third and really i only have three more options of yellow planets this is kind of like really kind of out there next to trans dim planets and a really expensive one so we're gonna just forget that that one exists i'm gonna put this here and there so we talked about earlier in the rules teach this is neighboring right now but in the setup there's no neighboring a power bonus yes that doesn't start until the game actually begins so uh because i'm going first naveen gets to choose his booster one of these five these are the five that we're using in our game play there are more than the box and they're determined by player count so which one would you like to start the game with well let's just see the first round uh scoring condition is is for putting out mining buildings putting up mines yep yes so you know knowledge because we don't have much distance here uh i think i'm gonna take this one this one allows me a plus three distance so we have a base distance of one yeah went when gonna go terraform somewhere and put out a mine so now one time i can have a four distance from my from wherever i am already yes i'm gonna use that in conjunction with putting out a mine yeah and then i'll keep this here uh what did you leave me with okay so the income options i can get it more or you know what i'm going to take this one okay because at the end of the round it's going to score me one point for each mine that i have out there and i already start with three you start with three yeah and uh the goal in this round is to put out mines if you want to get two points per so not bad all right so that is it we are ready to begin okay starting with round one income phase so now we're gonna take all of our income so for my income i just have three ore because of this and one knowledge so this is gonna go to seven and that knowledge is gonna go there and these are all the starting uh positions oh get one from that i have one additional ore i could have missed that i don't have any additional uh income i don't think because i'm not up on any of these tracks so what do you get okay so for me the best way to do it without forgetting is to always look from here to here and then always look at the board after so i get one two three and or one two three uh i get three credits so one two three so now i have 18 so this 15 plus three i get one knowledge which will go there and then um i get to maneuver or power up too so i must bring up from one into two first before i can move two into three charge charge uh there's gonna be a lot of words yeah okay and then now i can look at the board over there and i get two credits and another so now i can go from two into three nice so you have you have money in the bank to spend in terms of power potentially all right so then we are going to skip the guy gaia phase because neither of us have uh done that yet we're gonna go straight into action starting with me so i think the most basic thing that i can do right now is to build a mine so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna build a mine over here because right now i only have an adjacency distance i haven't sorry this one i haven't gone up on this track yet so i can only build adjacent this is the cheapest one the brown planet is just one rotation so my cost here is three ore per rotation so i have to spend three ore for that brown planet plus one for the building so that's four ore as well as two credits one two and then i'm gonna go ahead and place this building out right there nice now i have a second mine and that scores me two points right now right away because that is the scoring condition of the round this i'm going to score at the end of the round right so that is me now it goes to you okay i think the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to drop this uh four down to zero so i'm gonna go up one of the tracks and i'm gonna go up this track here so this is gonna get me two or right away so one two and then it gets me one step closer to making that cheaper for whatever i terraform [Music] smart i do have four knowledge so i should go up on one of those tracks as well and i'm probably gonna need to terraform quite a bit so i will do the same okay i'm gonna go down my knowledge all the way to zero whoops and i'm going to go up on this track so it's going to do the same two or and one step closer to this beautiful multiplier of two more per rotation three three is expensive yeah it is very expensive so it's very similar to monique's build action on a planet that's right next to her i'm gonna do this one right here red is just one stop away so it's gonna cost me three because i'm still here plus the ones here so it's gonna cost me four total so nine down to five uh i will build out my mine and your credits here and my credits yes so it costs two credits yes it's like he's not going to spend credits that's how hajj stays on top all the credits you didn't give me any time and if you've noticed so far we've been building uh more than two houses away from each other because we don't want to give each other a neighboring bonus yep i took my two points because that's the in-round bonus your turn perfect okay how much how much i have left i usually run out of resources pretty quickly so i have six or and 13 credits oh okay i think i'm gonna build another mine and so i'm not really adjacent to anything that is cheap enough for me to to want to build there so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna spend a qyc okay to increase my distance by two that's evidence right here yes so because i can technically go up to here this is going to increase my my distance two more spaces so i'm going to try to reach that that brown planet right there so it's your base one plus two for a total of three yes so i did that so now i can reach it but now i just have to pay oh can i even afford it uh three plus one four yes okay i've spent four credits just like last time so sorry for orr this goes down to two and two credits one two and here we go another building right there and i'm still too far away from naveen for him to take advantage you do score two points in the round ah thank you one two and this is very nice that you have this going right now that's the goal yeah that's really nice very good so it is back to you back to me i i kind of want to continue to build a little bit i have a couple of options you should upgrade something near me so i'm going to use uh this right here so this this will be blanked out um can i get one of those tokens yeah so it gives me up to plus three distance from where i am so just like kind of how monique did instead of it going plus two with plus three so so now you can go forward and go up to four but i'm honestly just gonna go right over here and so in order to build on the green planets uh you have to spend a qic that's right that's gonna go out and then i'm gonna build this mine here and i'll pay for it in just a second so it's gonna cost me uh one plus two so one and then two one two and i think technically we are supposed to be keeping track of how many buildings we're putting out because we didn't discuss this but our final scoring tiles are this one is for having a number of satellites when we build federations and this is just for having number of buildings right i believe so right now i have one two three four five and naveen has four and then i get two points for a building out that uh mine before i forget oh yep one two and so before we forget monique has five buildings and i have four perfect and so this the reason why there's two here is because um the neutral player has eleven uh at the end of the game it's 6 12 and 18 so it's third second in first place so you can be scoring technically third place in a two-player game yes yeah those neutral tokens are specific to the two-player game all right so back to me i don't know if i can afford i can't afford see this is the tricky part you can upgrade i could upgrade and i could choose one of the ones that are further away from naveen so that he doesn't get to charge another power but i would have to spend six credits instead of three yeah that that's annoying ugh i guess let's do it and i think the only uh mining building that i could upgrade to have that discount is this one yes it's the only one discount yeah this is two distance from you right all right i'm gonna do it i'm going to upgrade this mine into a trading station and so it's going to cost me two four so resources three credits one two three because i am two hexes away from one of navin's buildings and so this just gets replaced and this mining building goes back to my board covering up an ore income so now naveen he has several buildings there are two hexes away but he can only do it once yes so would you like to spend zero victory points to charge one yes i will and i'll put it right into there yeah well so now it's back to you hmm okay i don't i don't know how smart this is but i'm gonna do this so this is a free action i'm gonna boot one out boot one in one and then i'm gonna boot one out and then boot one in so early early i don't know this this could be a disaster you're just letting let me go so that's a free action and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to spend these four okay and put them all from three into the powered up zone into the back to one you're spending and i'm gonna take this action here to gain uh two this one yeah for two knowledge two knowledge one two there we go wow uh you only have four power i guess there could there's something to be said about having fewer power in your economy economy because it bringing up the rear is less so all right we'll see okay then um i only have credit that's all i have i can't really do anything with just that and i'm too scared to do what naveen did so i'm gonna pass okay and so my i'm gonna take my points now for my booster so it's four points one two three four right had you not upgraded this you had five points yes thank you for the reminder so if 14 goes to 18. and i returned this and which of these three what do i want you were gonna score definitely not that but it does it does get me another knowledge which is nice one knowledge i'm gonna put you in the what that'll put you up too you need knowledge that's why i did the the action i did i'm gonna take this one okay nice yes i'm gonna take that one even though it's probably only maybe if i build one of those so give me three points but i do like that extra knowledge so that's me i am out of the round yeah okay so i have to pass also uh so this is gonna go back to the thing over there okay and i was eyeing that one monique but uh i guess i'm not gonna get it so yeah okay so i'm gonna take the one that monique had earlier i'll take that okay and then it comes to me face down all right that's it that is round one uh we can go ahead and flip over that scoring condition because it is done this is done yeah and clear these off and i believe that's it that's it yeah and then we flip our round boosters face up and we are ready to begin again round two so now for the second round we are going to score four points for upgrading into trading trading buildings which i made a big boo-boo and i upgraded a little bit too early wow that's really stinks it's a lot of points oh well um and we forgot to build it but this is the first place yeah whoever passes yes it goes to the player who passes first so that's going to be me nice all right so collecting income again and so for me i have one two three four or so let's just do that four or i have three credits so eight to eleven one knowledge and one another knowledge yep that's it okay for me uh i get four uh or so we go from four to eight uh three credits but i also get uh two there so five credits so actually they should go one two three four five and then uh i get one knowledge here another or here and i think i get to power up so i get one uh power move there you go you don't want to just call it charging charging power move you can call the power up i like power up yeah all right so skipping the guy phase and it's going uh back to me i don't have a whole lot of anything all right i am going to i'm going to upgrade this mine into a trading station so it's going to be quite expensive because i'm not anywhere near naveen i really think i made a boo-boo doing this earlier but alas what can you do so this is gonna cost me six credits okay wow i'm down to five it's gonna go down to five and uh two four two or so one two oh i'm not gonna have enough for to do what i wanna do well i will i guess i'll deal with that when i when time comes so this is gonna go uh in place of that mine okay mine goes back which means i have less or income but you have a lot of credit income sure but because in round you put that out you get four points one two three four back to you please do something that gives me a neighbor bonus something that gives you a neighbor bonus wink wink i think i'm gonna have to do something that gives you a neighbor bonus money yeah well i wanna score four points also so i am going to upgrade uh let's upgrade this uh green planet here might as well okay so i will put this out swapping that this is gonna come back that's gonna cost me because we are within two away from each other it's gonna cost me only three credits one two three and two or one two and then uh because i did that upgrade i get four points and then monique has the option of two three four monique has the option of losing one victory point to charge two power yes because it is a value uh two buildings so it's one less than the value that's how many points you lose yeah two power sorry two power building so yes i want to do that it's just one victory point and now i can charge two power so now everything's in my two spot here nice that's fantastic yes getting power yeah and it's back to you okay so i am probably gonna do one thing that gosh this is going to be so expensive but i need literally one more ore i have two ore i want to build this building yeah because it synergizes with your uh with your tile as well as it gets you technology if you do that so if you look over here one of the free actions is turning a qic into an or a single or so i'm going to spend such a valuable item for a single or it happens it happens it's a reaction all right free action yeah and then i'm going to upgrade my trading station let's do this one into uh i think this is called the academy i don't know no neighborly bonuses for me no neighborly boat is for you so i'm going to go ahead and upgrade this to this one oh very nice and in order to do that i have to spend my three one two three and all your credits all of my credits wow all i have to my name is two knowledge at least i have some knowledge yes right and you will be earning two knowledge in addition to that yeah going into the next round and because i built one of these buildings here there's that little outline that shows that i get a uh a tech yes so you take the tech and you go up and you go up uh the respective track or if you take one of these then you can go up any track that you like this is a beautiful tactile it is nice because it's going to let me for an action i could charge four uh and i have a power charging problem right now so i'm taking this yeah and because i did that i get to now move up to this spot here which now is going to give me a multiplier of two or four rotation instead of three so that was that was nice that was nice genius i am gonna do the exact same thing i'm gonna build this building over uh this one here yeah so that goes back out closes this off there will be a neighbor bonus here for monique to do her thing which i do not like but i need to do this so it's gonna cost me three credits one two three and i'm sorry three ore and five credits so this three goes to zero and then one two like that okay and then because i put that out i also get a tech so i'm gonna take but before that happens i get my neighbor bonus so i can spend again the one victory point to charge and you have this four to put all four in uh-oh what are we gonna spend it all that's the question uh-oh okay so i'm gonna take a uh generic tech i'm gonna take this one here okay this will be a uh income of one credit and one knowledge going forward from here so uh let's keep this just kind of over here so i don't forget since you took one of these three you can choose which yeah which track would you like to go up you know i'm gonna go up this track here which gets me a qic and it gets me closer to having more distance uh in the future so i take this qic that'll go there very good okay back to me i am definitely gonna be taking this action so that's my tactile i'm gonna place that there and all four are going to move into the from two to three yes and it lets me charge all four of my power so now i have six power ready to spend gosh this is the best time for me now to upgrade this one to one of these trading posts because monique is all in three so she's not going to be able to free charge for just one victory point anymore so i think i'm gonna do that i'm gonna i'm gonna put this one out uh i do get the neighborly discount so this goes here this is gonna come back which is bad which is counterintuitive to this because i get points for every mind that's out but i gotta do stuff so it's because we're within two i only paid three credits one two three i still have to pay two or one two and then now um this is here and you get four points i do get four points yes one two three four oh very good do you want to take the neighbor bonus no because you're i can't yeah i've maxed out all right then it goes back to me i have all this power and since i'm going to be charging every round and i don't like that naveen did that you got to spend it you want to use my my my position so i have to spend it um i could spend it on one of these reactions or i can just go here to the sweet board okay i'm gonna take the same action that you took last time which is this one nice so four it's going to be four power so one two three four back into my one spot and uh cover that and i get two knowledge one two so now i could spend that to go up on the on attack track i i wish i had one more knowledge i'm at that like three and it's like i can't get more right away i've been finding myself like one short of everything which is unfortunate but all right so i think i have to pass here um i just don't have enough ore to make it all work so yep that's gonna be it so i'm gonna pass uh this will go out i'm gonna take i like this symbol right here that is something i'm looking at so i'll take this one uh this will go back and because i'm turning that in um i'm the first to pass so i do get that and because i'm turning this in for every mine i have i get a point so i have two points please yeah i can do it too there we go nice so you're up for the round uh yeah that's it so it's all you now all right so back to me i have all this knowledge that i'm gonna spend down so i'm gonna spend all my knowledge down to go up on this track yeah it's good so it's gonna give me some some extra income i'm not gonna hurting i'm kind of hurting for income i really am yeah i do have two more power which i will probably hold on to because if i spend it it'll make it that much harder for me to charge power so let's just hold on to it so i'm going to pass so i have to return this i get three points because i do have one of those buildings out yep it's right over here yep okay i was worried that it was the wrong building okay so three points one two three just tight so i'm still still kind of 24 23 following naveen over here gosh which one to take this is nice because it lets me charge more power and it's it's a good distance you don't even take this one okay i'm gonna go ahead and take that and put this back yeah so that is that that is the end of the second round yep so we could go and flip that over yes okay this gets removed all action tokens essentially get removed now we get to flip these up this lips up and we are now into round three this is this is a kind of quick it's yeah so we're getting one third of the way through yeah but now naveen gets to start which is nice because kind of going first was giving you the neighbor bonus edge a little bit yeah um okay so for this this round we're going to score two points per terraforming rotation that you have to do when building uh lines essentially so then now starting with income okay you're first okay so i get three or so we go from two to five i get six credits so 10 to 15 plus one i get two knowledge one two and that's just what's on my board i also have this so i get an additional knowledge and an additional credit and then whatever's out there i get two more credits yep one one two and one charge power ability there we go wow that was nice that is everything oh plus i get two more credits you didn't do that one yet no nice nice income uh that was a nice payday yeah three or right yes three or so let's let's kind of get some of these resources going again uh three credits let's do that i get two knowledge so one two uh i also have this would just be charge two power so one two and this which is two more credits and one two and one more power charge just like that and i'm required to empty my one spot before doing anything else so that that's that and then uh yeah that's it so skipping the guy face it now it starts with you actions again actions okay okay so i think i will be spending for my knowledge so six down to two you're going up on the research yeah i think i'm gonna go up on the research track and so the question is do i wanna go up here to make my distances easier i think i will so i'm going to go up this way so now i can reach a two level hex uh two away nice okay i'm just gonna do this right now let's just do it early and uh swift and swiftly yeah so i'm going to go ahead and cover this spot and i'm going to charge four power so it's one two three four [Music] arsenal do anything no funny business naveen is it time to do something funny ah man i know i only have one more chargeable power over here i i don't know i'm like one this whole round is just like very one-sided for me so no matter what you do it's just i guess i'm gonna have to do it so uh now that i have a two hex distance i'm gonna move uh and and build into this over here so this is a one two hex away and i'm gonna build a mine out onto that one so this it hasn't it's a no income mine which is very unfortunate it means to an end to get to this one so this is gonna go here because i have that distance okay uh it is a one um swooping arrow away so i'm going to use this one over here to represent yeah represent that we need to have a glossary of all board gaming terms that naveen has renamed something swooping arrow swooping arrow power up so it does cost me one ore and it cost me uh two credits which i should probably take from this end one two and because i did that i uh i get two points it only caught it was only one yeah it's only one yeah because i go from uh red to blue gotcha very expensive to go any more than that so uh i have to keep count of how many buildings i have one two three four five so i should have five right here and you also one two three four five easy to forget that yeah and because naveen uh built two hexes away from me yes i get that neighboring bonus for freeze yes so now i have all six in there yes which means that's what i said no matter what you do i'm just i'm doing what i got to do well then i am going to spend my my power i think over here so i can go up on one of these tracks again all right so i'm going to take this same spot that i took last time and that's going to be the four one two three four nice power for two knowledge one two okay i'm gonna do something very similar to what i just did uh so this was two away from there well this is two away from me from there so i'm gonna build this out i do not unfortunately have a freebie a little arrow thing so it's gonna cost me i believe three total to terraform so three plus one is four which is all my ore costs so much and then it's gonna cost me two credits one two i do have another building out so that makes me go up i get two points there yeah and then monique you are a neighbor to this new building would you like to charge building that you yeah okay which means i get to charge for free yes yes i would love to help you so much you are helping me okay all right that's it yeah that's it okay i'm going to spend my for knowledge to go up on one of these tracks hmm which one this is where it gets tricky if i go up on this track then what then oh then each terraforming rotation is the only one and don't forget if you go up on that track you get the charge three of your power that is pretty nice yeah it's pretty nice i'm gonna do it because these three four and five spots are with four points each at the end of the game anyway yeah you might as well so i'm gonna go up on this track it lets me immediately charge three power so one two three and now each terraforming rotation for me costs only one ore which is nice because i've been having trouble you know figuring that out yeah so yeah so now you can basically go anywhere uh for what used to be you know very expensive it's not bad okay so i will pass so i'm going to maintain this here and unfortunately i'm passing i feel like you're going to do a bunch of stuff while i'm passing that uh so i'm going to take this one here this will get me um in income knowledge and then uh when i return it at the end of the next round i'll get three points kind of like what monique did earlier so you're saying you're planning on building that uh or just taking it for the one i already have out perhaps oh yeah that's right you forgot you already have that up yeah exactly all right so then you're gonna be first again next uh next round so then it goes back to me and now that i have this cheap uh terraforming i might as well build okay i think i'm gonna build a mine and i'm gonna build it right here which is a shame because i do have this power that i'm probably not gonna end up using this round yeah because this is just adjacent to one of my other buildings anyway right so um this has a two yes two terraforming rotation cost so it's gonna cost me two ore plus one more for the building so it's three or total so all of my ore and two credits one two but now i put out a new mine right there okay so you have an extra building out so that goes there yep and that was two rotations so you get four points i believe one two three four so yeah we are really playing playing a tag yeah i don't like the fact that you're you're working that power though and i'm just like not working the power well you spent them out of your system i did i did shocking shocking uh so then i'm going to pass okay and uh i'm gonna return this and i'm gonna take this one because i do i think i'm going to need more power into my system for reasons uh unstated and that's it that is the end of our round so we clear these off flip over the round three bonus goes out and then flip over our uh booster tiles and we are ready for round four we are really halfway through really yeah halfway through so now the scoring bonus is five points for building uh an academy you're yeah like uh i think this is the institute or institute yes and then this is your um no sorry this is a planetary institute and i think this is the research institute by the way it's gonna be five points for building top row yeah the top row stuff yep starting with you okay income phase so i get one two three four or i get six credits so we're gonna go from two to eight uh and then i get two knowledge one two and then now i get uh another knowledge another credit and then over there listen did you take this one no another knowledge and then over there i get uh what is that one charge yep one charge and two credits and two credit wow i'm almost max on credits which is a good thing yeah so this is a really good time for you to build that planetary institute because it's a scoring criteria also and also because as you do that you can start spending credits on the good stuff okay so now for me i have one two three four or it's not that much i have three credits so to six two knowledge uh an additional or oh my gosh oh i get two two power into my system so uh you can do this in any order would you like to charge first before getting that power into your system yes yeah well you have the right to do that no i think they get the power into my system first okay so that means you're going to bring up from the one to two instead of putting from the two to three yes okay yep yes these two into here yeah i think it's gonna be the same difference in the end okay so i'm putting these two into here and then now i collect this income which is two more credits and one power charge that's it so now starting with you how are you feeling by the way we're halfway through we're halfway through but the second half of the game i feel like is a little bit more there's a little more juice juice yeah yeah uh how am i feeling uh i'm i'm not feeling good about this power situation that i have here i i'm not maximizing what i need to be able to do here i created a tight system and then nothing's actually flowing i really like that technology that you have over there you should get it i i might have to somehow but it just ore is so expensive right now so i think i have to build this thing because then it's going to allow me to start flowing things so that might just be my first turn my first move so let's see what i want to do here yeah i think i will uh i'm gonna upgrade this building here okay uh so this is gonna go back and now this one's gonna go out here so there will be a neighboring bonus for you um it's going to cost me all of my ore unfortunately and six credits so uh 11 down to five so i have a total of 20 credits but now i have unlocked this whole conversion thing here so i can spend credits for things yeah so it's like it's four credits for either a q a qac or a knowledge and three credits for an ore that's nice we have so much money yeah and those are free actions so he can technically take that at any time very nice okay i'm going to do oh i'm gonna do this first so let's do that so that i can charge uh my power for four so one two three four wait where did you build i built here did you want to uh spend yes you could spend one victory point to charge two i'm going to spend one victory point yes and i'm gonna charge two it's the same difference i think yeah it doesn't matter the order that i did that they're all in there also look at that we've got some uh some money in the bank you do that's really good wow that's really really good oh you know when i built this on my turn uh it's part of the rounds uh yeah so i get five points one two three four five nice there you go that was needed okay i'm gonna spend my four knowledge uh to go up on a track so i'm gonna go up this track here that's gonna get me a qic and it's gonna allow me to do a three charge so we're gonna go one two three very good uh i'm going to spend my power again i love this spot okay to to get two knowledge so i could actually i can either spend four for two or seven for three i'm at two knowledge right now so i really don't think that extra uh three power would be worth it so just do that and go one two three and now it bumps me up to for knowledge back to you okay so now that i've unlocked this section here i'm going to spend uh the credits to get me knowledge i'm going to do it twice this is a free action so i'm going to spend eight credits though so down five six seven eight and so i get two knowledge and then now i'm gonna go ahead and use all that knowledge to go up one of these uh tech trees that's awesome yeah how does power in action yeah so let's go ahead and move up let's move up this one here so now when i terraform it's two instead of three it was getting very expensive yeah yeah all right i'm gonna do the same i'm gonna spend on my knowledge so that i can go up on one of these tracks this is always the question which one yeah you know i am so far up on this track i might as well keep pushing okay so i'm gonna go here and it's gonna get me immediately two or one two and that's pretty much it because the multiplier stays the same it's never gonna get any better than one ore per rotation yes that's right yeah that's gonna be free that's very good all right back to you okay so i think i know what i'm gonna do here okay uh i am going to be spending credits again to get some ore uh so now my cost here is two to terraform so i know i need at least two plus one so three or so that's gonna cost me nine nine credits wow so that's 12 down to three so that gets me three or for doing that okay because of this ratio here and then i'm going to spend one of my qics to go plus two to my two so i can go up to four spaces but i'm only going to go um two three spaces one two three relative to this and i'm gonna build this mine here which is gonna get me ore in the future which is nice so that's going to go there that cost me that one plus the terraforming level from one to one that's a two so that's the total of three that i bought i hope that made sense but did that make sense to you uh yeah two two or because it was one terraforming rotation and then one or for the building exactly what about the credits uh the credits now get spent yep one two and so now i have one two three four five six seven buildings out so this should go up just one more spot and wow that was a lot of my resources all my credits they're gone okay that's me well i think it is time for me to build my planetary institute the big old one the big one so this is gonna cost me four or so let's do that first seven to three and six credits so eight to two oh here we go and i'm going to build it on well i have to replace this so let's go ahead and do that place that there uh and in doing so you get a neighbor bonus because naveen is is uh within range with two different buildings he must take the value of the more expensive one right so you do have the option of spending two points yeah well so because of my charge um it's only one point uh so this is kind of the exception here um because i don't have three to move over um it's only going to be two moving over so it cost me one victory yes that's right that's right if that makes sense so uh it's gonna i will take it one two and i'll go down one point okay and because i put on my planetary institute i get five points for the round squamous one two three four five neck and neck i don't know why we can't reverse though that that kind of stinks maybe towards the end you will yeah i think you're you're in a good shape all right back to you well now that i have this power i i could go get those uh the ore that i need wow here we go so i will spend all this power uh one two three and four power and i'm gonna take the seven credits ah i'm gonna go credit heavy duty that's a nice spot i was eyeing it i was trying to figure out how i can do it because i don't have i only have one power in the spot so i wouldn't be able to do the toss thing right right but anyway you made that decision easy yeah all right so back to me it is time time to build a federation so i can build a federation because my planetary institute allows me to do it with only six valence six yeah so this is a three value plus two plus one so i have it right here so in order to connect them i must build satellites which means i need to toss some power and you can toss them from anywhere in your uh in your economy and so obviously i'm taking from here so i'm gonna toss two power out of here in order to put two satellites right here because you have to do the shortest route to do so yep so you get uh two up on here yep and now i've formed a federation and in doing so i can take one of these federation tokens yeah it's nice oh oh my gosh which one do i take honestly right now i don't have any credit income right besides this like what is it two two credits so i think i'm gonna take this the seven points this is seven points uh and six credits yep so this can go to eight and i'm going to take the seven points now so 38 yep 38 just like that and so now i have this uh green sided federation token so that if i want to take this advanced tactile or progress onto the fifth spot here i can i can do so that's me very good the question is do i want to build a federation right now gosh okay you know what i'm going to build a federation as well okay all that's in the one spot i might as well do it so i'm going to build this one one two three four five six seven so i'm going to place one satellite here here and here connecting all three of those that's going to cost me all three of these power so i go out wow but i think i'm going to take this federation token which is basically eight points and i get two power right back into this spot here so it really only cost me one but i get eight points oops this is you right so 32 goes to 40. yeah we want yeah and to be clear uh satellites could share hexes so it's not like now that he's built here it's like a fence it's not like that yeah monique can technically put a cube here i could technically put one here if there was a legal way to make a federation and now you have three satellites so yep so now i'm on three yeah actually you have to you have one less you can only use one less one less satellite because of this this is a part of your federation this is three four five six seven oh yeah you cannot use more than what would require because this is already attached it's already attached you can't form that extra right spot so i'm going to give you a power back and it's one less satellite one less satellite that's right okay did you take the the power from there i did it okay yeah good good catch dang okay all right back to me so i gosh i could i only have okay i have three or it's always so tempting to try to do more you think that more if you have more resources that you should do more but i think i'm probably gonna stop here okay um maybe well before i do this i'm gonna spend one power as a free action to get a credit okay and that's just because of the way that my power charging is gonna calculate for the next round so i'm gonna do that and then i'm gonna pass so this is gonna go back and i'm gonna take this one because my my distance is horrible i'm still adjacent technically so that's it i'm out for the round and i'm going to take this uh yeah i guess i'm sorry because i'll take this now and it goes back to you for the rest of the round oh i think i have to pass also because i basically have credits here that i don't want to mess with i can always do that later as a free action and so i am also going to pass ah that was good timing then so because i'm passing now i get three points for every one of these i have out there so i do have one that's gonna go one two three and then now what did you leave me with this is not bad okay i'll take this one i'll take this one about the the getting points for the mine but the ore income is also pretty nice okay that goes back uh this will go there and we both passed that's it yeah so clear these off three we are in the uh we're gonna be entering the penultimate round right now fifth round so it's getting tight then we flip these over and we're entering the fifth round nobody has done a guy but it's called gaia project but neither of us are really into doing that right now you got to go up on this track here to just earn these to then set them up for a future round hasn't been part of the plan and because we're scoring uh putting mines on greens it would have been nice to do it in the previous round when when the purples turned into green so yes speaking of this round we're each going to get three points every time we put a mine out on a green planet which costs qyc yeah qac which uh oh you have one i do have one but it's not i thought about it all right so starting with round five income phase uh since i'm first player we're gonna go one two three four or so this goes to seven uh two knowledge right there now i can charge for power because i have my planetary institute now you get your qic yes so one two three four nice i gained a qyc do you have a qic please nice thank you my uh my booster here allows me to charge for two more and two powerful and my income over here let me charge my one last one and it gives me two credits that's why i spent my one power last round because i knew that all that would allow me to i didn't want to waste a charging you know nice that i mean i do know what you mean your income me okay uh one two three four five uh um or so we're gonna go here uh i get three credit one two three uh two knowledge and then now i get another knowledge another credit i get another or and then over there i believe i get two oh sorry i have this right here as well oh yes so i'm gonna bring up one two three four and you get a new one and then i get a new one so when when you have both of those symbols showing you can choose the order that you do them in exactly is that the order that you want to do that in you know what actually um so let's pretend i didn't do this first i'm gonna take that that credit right there so i'm going to take two credit yep one goes up yeah and then now i'll do this one with one two three four and then the new one comes into one nice that makes sense so yeah see at least you have one in the back one in the bank yeah very good all right so again we're just getting skipping the gaia phase it's like we're not playing guy project yeah uh and then it goes to me i'm gonna go first so my booster gives me that three movement which is nice because uh i'm still on the adjacent movement thing all right the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm going to take a special action over here i'm gonna take this one actually so it's gonna cost me four power to get two ore and i hope i'm doing the math properly one two three four because if i'm short by like one or i'm going to be really sad okay so since uh scoring these gets e3 i might as well do it now so i do have the distance to go one two i will i have the qic required so qic will go out uh it's gonna cost me two credits one two and uh one ore so it's gonna go there because i put that out i have an extra building uh there's no adjacency bonus for monique as a neighbor but i do get three points for doing that reminder one two three nice i was wondering when naveen was going to start uh building on those green planets because typically he likes to spam the green planets but uh i didn't know it seems like they're all over here yeah they're all over there so it's far away it's like the nicest thing yeah all right so back to me i'm gonna build a mine okay it's been a while since i've done that so i need to use this in conjunction with reaction your distance has just been the one yeah somehow you're building ignoring that i know i hope i've been building legally but anyway i'm going to spend this and i'm going to build over here oh nice so that is a two terraforming rotation so at the cost of one ore per right that's two or plus one for the building so three or one two three and two credits so one two and this is going to go right there i am not are you eyeing a new federation perhaps no idea maybe interesting perhaps you're just tucking yourself off into the west part of the galaxy i'm already there i just i kind of have to just deal with the decisions that i've made in the beginning of the game you know what i mean i do you know all right i think i'm gonna do a an upgrade and unfortunately it's going to be this neighbory one because i really want to save my credits free a free one so neighbory one yeah so we're gonna go here okay kick that one off that comes back which is unfortunate because when i turn in mines i get points and then this also covers income of uh or but sure you want to do this then well the thing is i if i get three credits yeah i can turn three credits for one or so worst case scenario i split even but i to obviously here we want to build federations so i need to get things going so i can build a second federation yeah you should definitely get credits that's what hotala wants yes that's that's what they want so uh okay so because i did that it's gonna cost me three credits one two three it's gonna cost me all two or one two uh you get the option of would you like to charge one for free because her building that's neighbor is a one level one minus one zero points very good uh and i think that is that so back to me i'm going to build another mine now that i have my proper distance so that is a one terraforming uh movement which is gonna be one ore plus one for the building so two one two and two credits one two for the building so it's gonna go right there all right so how many buildings you have out here one two three four five six seven eight oh yeah i shorted you a couple here uh what do i have one two three four five six seven eight as well okay so we are tight on buildings wow yep okay so now i'm gonna upgrade that building i just put out there that's gonna get you another free another one bonus bump so okay it's gonna be this one so it's gonna cost me all my ore and it's gonna cost me five credits so nine down to four this one's gonna go out it's gonna replace this this is going to come right on back but because i did that i get one technology so i'm going to do my power charging now while i don't forget yeah okay so i got a technology and uh i think i'm going to take this one oh okay and that's gonna be a four credit income right because we want credits yes for my my faction and that allows me to go here now i have a distance of three which is something that i really really need perfect so that's me very good all right so back to me i'm gonna repay the favor oh nice uh and i'm going to upgrade this into my trading station so that's gonna cost two or one two and three credits since we have a neighbor bonus one two three and uh i'm gonna replace this with that and now naveen you can spend one victory point for two charges i'll do it so i'll go one two and i'll spend the one point please there you go just like that now it is back to you okay so i'm gonna spend all my credits so hash house has no credit but i'm going to spend the four to get the one knowledge that's a free action then i'm gonna spend all my knowledge so i have literally no resources uh but i'm gonna do that to move up here wow which gets me a three power cycle so it's going to be one two and three so now we have uh power in the barrel and now your terraforming uh rotations are cheaper for you yes one cheaper wow that's my turn this is good you're gonna get uh that's like four eight 12 points already yeah in endgame scoring and i'm just right there yes i'm a little bit worried that's me okay then i might as well do this so i'm going to spend that to charge one two three four okay that's me back to you you don't have any resources left uh no but i could spend these to go take uh stuff that's over there so that's true do i want to okay so i will spend four of these to go into there and i'm gonna cover up and take seven credits oh okay yeah i was thinking about the uh this one here but i don't know i'll take the credits that's me that is nice i was thinking about taking that one actually oh really take that one from me good going into the last round if you took the if you spent your four took the two knowledge you can go up on a tech tree which is pretty pretty good okay then i'm going to to take this action so i'm gonna spend four one two three four to cover that and i get uh two knowledge kind of going away from what i was trying to do earlier okay we'll see how this works now so uh i think i'm gonna pass here because i'll have his credit credit is good but it can't do that much uh so i'm passing uh i will take so i'm gonna turn this one in and i get one point for each mine one two three four five mine's out so i go to 50. nice and then doing well here this would be nice i mean if i can maintain these two here that six points six points at the end uh wow that's pretty good but i think i think i'm gonna take this one right here it gets me more uh incoming credits and it gets me a free uh arrow move so that means a swooping arrow free swooping arrow that's right okay so that'll go there not bad well i'm gonna do this let's spend the knowledge to go up on a track and i'm thinking either this one or this one right and you could technically do this because you're you're here and you can you do have a green side up uh federation token i do and i would earn you a federation token i may or may not be holding off yeah on that yeah so i'm going to go up on this sure might as well get a little bit more income at the end there uh it's a youth i'm actually first player yes you are for you broke the first player token don't look all right so i don't know what to do i don't know okay great i'm gonna i'm gonna pass let's just be done with this round and i didn't do any of the green planet yeah i thought you were mine colonizing but that's that so i'm gonna pass and put this back so i can take that you could i do have one of those out let's do it all right so i'm gonna take this put that back yeah and that's it that is the end of the round uh let's clear off these flip over the this goes away round token yep and then we can flip these over and we are entering the final round yeah naveen gets to go first it's official we did not gaia form anything these purple planets are nothing yes call it a different different name not guy a project for our game it's just project it's just yeah it's just a homework assignment so all right then take your your final income all right one two three four five or uh i get three knowledge yep uh and then uh i can do all this stuff so i'm actually gonna take have you been taking this credit uh i oh i need to take the yes and you take my credits one two three thank you i have been taking it throughout the game i think just just this one i i kind of had a little forgetfulness okay okay so um oh yeah i'm gonna take this one first so i'm gonna take two credits yeah one two plus i get one charge i'm gonna take the four four charge so we go one two three four and i get a plus one here which i don't really like to having this plus one right here but it is what it is uh and then i get one knowledge and one credit and then i get four credits one two three four and then i get two credits one and two amazing yeah i went from nothing what to stop i about it yeah oh my gosh okay so i'm gonna take one two three four five or six goes to seven i get three credits so this goes to seven as well two knowledge there you go i gained four yeah four charge power charge one two three four and a q i see nice please q i see uh yes i also gained one more knowledge for my boost tile and then i gain one or two credits and two power charge i think that's everything yeah it sounded like a lot kind of hard to keep track of it i will admit i will admit uh all right then so it goes to you okay i'm gonna go ahead and just build a mine i have the distance to go uh one two three this is my own home planet so i don't have to spend any uh of those swooping arrows that we've been talking about so i'm just gonna put it right over there onto my home planet uh cost me two credits so one two and one ore that's it nice building oh and because they built a new building we go okay i'm gonna start by charging okay let's just do it yeah get it all in yep one two three four yeah just like that back to you back to me okay so i have my sights on trying to form a federation uh by some at some point in this round so uh i have the distance to go here and so i'm going to use this as one of my swooping arrows so red to white it cost me one two so i get a one discount yep uh and then because i'm at this level here it's only one so it's gonna cost me one ore to do so plus one or to build it and then two credits so this is going to slide down like that this one comes out goes on to this planet wow and because i did that i have another building out on the board you have so many buildings on the board yeah i'm going for it amazing i have to okay i'm going to take this again yep my favorite spot this game so four power one two three four that's pretty good for two knowledge one two back to you all right so i am gonna do a free action which is a get rid of three one two three credits to gain one ore and i'm going to build the my last mine here so uh it's gonna cost me one two arrows which is that one plus the one here so that's all three of my ore uh two credits and then that's there because i built another building uh i have now uh eleven total buildings out so you're tied you're tied with a neutral player tied with the neutral player yes if you can get out one more building then it'll be worth 18 points versus splitting uh 15 points yeah that's it be a three-point differential so it we'll see if that's not bad because you you add up the first and second place divided by two yeah exactly i'm gonna get the six points no matter what because there's no way i'm gonna without that many buildings yeah so all right this is looking like your game oh man i'm trying i'm trying okay i'm gonna do this i'm gonna spend down my knowledge to go up here nice might as well do that cycle and i can oh i can cycle three three yeah one two three a side perk huh that is the side part did you realize that i didn't calculate that yeah it's worth four points at the end of the game yeah pretty good okay i'm gonna do something that's what this seems a little weird i'm gonna push one out to push one in okay uh and then that goes out and then i'm gonna spend the three here to do this so i can get uh two more back into my system oh my gosh i forgot about these well i'm not doing these i'm not i'm in this one right here yeah oh so i got two so i kicked one out so i basically netted one extra can i have two please okay and there's a reason for this i need them for the satellites so that goes there i totally ignored these by the way yeah it's easy to forget about those all right so back to me i am going to upgrade uh one of these three mines into a trading building so unfortunately none of them have the neighboring effect so it's going to be expensive i have to pay the six credits sometimes i'll do this one okay i guess it doesn't really matter at this point yeah sure given take it back for you yeah so it's six six credits and two or so let's go down to three one two okay sorry that fell over thank you this goes right there so i have built a potential federation all you have to do is just put one satellite and it's a federation yes that is a plan nice very nice okay all right i'm also going to do an upgrade uh well i can't do it yet because i have no ore so i have to spend this four to uh go up a tech tree so i'm gonna go up this one right here which gets me to ore which will be useful for later okay that's my turn all right so time to make a federation i wanted to do this last round and then i remembered that it's a scoring condition this round so we got to do it now i have to put out a satellite so i'm going to put out one so this goes out and my satellite goes right there okay so now it's two four five six and that's because of my faction and i put you up one here for the one two three that you have out there perfect so that is a federation and i'm in five points oh yes five points for making one one two three four five and in doing so i'm gonna take this federation token which gets me eight points and a qic we have a qic plus yeah qic and hq and you're at 38. point what is this 43 sorry 43 plus 8 is 51 yes right there wow there you go you got your your reversal finally the first okay i will do an upgrade it's going to be one of those expensive ones because well actually i do have a neighbor here huh i have a neighbor here i could do this for cheap oh you have three qic also so you're probably gonna take one of these actions yeah now that i remember that they're here yeah it's nice to forget we didn't discuss what these are but these are really powerful actions so we didn't discuss them during the teach this has been for qic to um take a check to take a tactile this is three qic to res uh to rescore one of the benefits of your federation tokens nice and this is two qic to score three points plus one point per uh different type of planet you're on so that's not bad if you have two qic yeah it's really good okay so my question is do i want am i willing to spend more and not help you get into there what i'm going to do it where uh i'm going to upgrade this one so i'm not going to take a neighbor bonus what yeah it's gonna cost me six so i go from ten to four uh it's gonna cost me my two ore and then that is going to um or you know what i will be a neighbor i'll be a neighbor here so we'll go there and i will take my three cards back so you can do a free power i i think i yes i think i miscalculated there so you need the credits more than the potential one power that's gonna give me i think so yeah okay we'll see i don't know well you'll find out yeah i'll find out very soon all right anyway i'm gonna take this spot because uh now that we've realized how beautiful these are i'm taking that i have to spend the three qyc and it's gonna let me rescore when my federation token so i'm gonna rescore this one yeah so that's seven points uh so to 58 678 and i get uh credits six credits wow this goes to nine that was nice well i think now is the time to build the federation so uh okay so i'm gonna build one like this so i have seven total and all of them are gonna go out the federation i'm counting is two one two three four five six seven wow so we're gonna go shortest route one two three uh four five six and seven i believe that's legal and that cost me all my power i am powerless yeah i think that is the shortest route that is the shortest route correct so and it doesn't it doesn't if ever you accidentally merge with other pre-formed federations it just becomes a part of the federation so that wouldn't have worked but so far it looks i think it's legal legal let's see one two three four five six seven yeah so it was our right order of operations and that's why i did that funky move where i kicked one out and get two more backs it's definitely the shortest distance that's it so that's all of your power all my power but it gets me to go ahead yeah of the um the second player like kind of like a bot player right now you're gonna get a ton of end game points uh so i get five five points right now oh my gosh and then i can take one of these federations oh my god this is gonna be a there's gonna be bloodshed i'm thinking oh no the question here is do i take seven points and two or so i can put out this last mine and then nudge ahead of this or do i just take 12 points the way i think of it is 12 minus seven is five point so i net five there so i think it's better to stick to 12 and then end my game and so after all that talk i i think i'm going to talk myself into taking this uh 12 points so i get to score 12 points nice i can't be up yup so you're at what is it 55 oh yes so 67 nice oh my gosh here we go very good all right so back to me i am going to now um upgrade to one of these nice so this is going to cost five credits and three or which i have okay so it doesn't you don't have any more power so i can kind of do it you can just do this rub it in my nose and just do it right over here in your nose i am going to rub it in your nose so i'm gonna put it right in there haha no neighboring bonus for naveen that was the rub and five credits so nine minus five is four and three or so six to three because i upgraded to that uh type of building i get to take a tactile yeah and because i am now here on the fourth uh level of this tech tree i am eligible for the advanced tactile so i'm going to go ahead and take it in order to take this i have to flip over one of my federation tokens to its gray side nice and because i took a tactile from this uh column this tree yep i get to move up to the advanced amazing spot and in order for me to do that i have to flip over the second one and so that also lands me this uh this federation token so it's gonna score me eight points nice which is what is this fifty-eight uh-huh to the sixty-six i couldn't do the math there and then i also get two more power into my uh into my system so i don't know if that was the right order of operations there i got a little bit excited knowing that i was gonna do that so now i have all this uh stuff stuff here okay so i am gonna do the free action here which is spend three one two three and do it again one two three to get two ore and then i realize i do have access to this planet right here so it's a one differential from red to orange so it's one up arrow which cost me one or and then i have to spend one ore and then two credits oh no i only have one credit i can't do it oh no but i think wow oh i'm a credit short because it costs two credits no so i think i have to undo that this goes back up to seven here because at the end of the game for every three of your total resources you get a victory point oh yeah so it's one extra victory point for me to not do that oh i was one credit short sorry well i i guess i i tried yeah i tried so i think that's my game i don't i don't think there's anything else that i can do legally yeah i think i've looked at it i don't think there's anything else i can do here so i'm gonna have to pass that's my game uh this goes back out and then i don't technically have to take any one of these because uh we won't be having yeah you don't do that so that's it that's it i'm done all right okay so there is an order of things that we got to do here okay well i don't think there's actually that much more that i can do so what i'm going to do is i'm first going to tap this yep so that's going to get me three or four yeah there we go so three to six i would like to upgrade to this last one because of my tile here can you uh but it costs three or in five credits so i just need one more so i'm gonna spend one power for that credit as a free action nice and then then i'm gonna upgrade my last trading station right there so three or so six to three and all five of my credits very good and that is going to put out this which gets you another tech building yes which gets me another tech and i'm thinking of just taking this one it's a straight up points so it's seven points and so i'm 66 73 273 and doing so i get to choose to go up on this track because that's worth four more points i think that's pretty much it what's the it's for every for every three resources total so it doesn't it you can mix and match uh resources but for every for every thirds you score point so right now i'm at four you're at four yeah so i can just spend these two to get two more credits that's right yeah you can because power is nothing it only includes credits or and uh knowledge oh yeah so i'm gonna go ahead and spend these two to uh take two just like that so now what's that total three four five six yeah so that'll be worth two points i think that's it yeah that looks like it so you're gonna have to pass so then get your you're gonna get nine points for passing yeah okay so i'm gonna pass and because of my boost i get three points for each one of these buildings i have three of them out so it's gonna be nine points nice so one two uh 75 to 82 82 yeah and that's it that is the end of the game the game we finished it six rounds gonna flip that over yeah okay so we're gonna do some final scoring all right so first things first we're going to do the final scoring tiles so naveen pretty much took them both so for this one let's just make sure that they're all accurate sure yeah um i have one two three four five six seven eight buildings uh yeah eight and you have wow one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven yep eleven and the bot uh starts with eleven because in the bottom bottom corner here it tells you how many the bot gets so again they started with the level the neutral player so that means naveen and the neutral player split the first and second points so it's gonna be 30 divided by two fifteen so you are at 67 so 82 i'm right where you are oh wow and then you uh being in third place gets six points ah yes i forgot about that i get points two so one two three four five six eighty eight yep okay the second scoring condition are satellites i have three of them yeah so you're uh and i have nine so let's uh make sure i have nine so one two three four five six seven eight nine yes so i edged out uh the bot who had eight yeah by one so i get 18 points okay so you are here so 82 plus 18 100 100 there's 100 flat boom and i get six points again so one two three four five oh this is too close i don't know so close okay so now we do the research track scoring oh my gosh um naveen has one two three four so 16. so 16. 116. oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so close i have one two three four five twenty five twenty what is this is ninety four so six 114 114 how many resources i have seven so divided by two so i get two points one two two two what is this is this two points three four five six yeah divided by three two one no wow oh shoot good job thank you [Music] zenos my my xenos the people from xenos are going to be happy with me 118 116. that's not good amazing that was really good good job good job oh my gosh what a ride that could have been anything those few points could win anything good thing i didn't take the uh remember how i was saying when i did the math on it it was five versus three points that's the two differential right there good good good now wow that was that was a ride i was kind of disappointed i wanted to form another federation but over here you know there was nothing there's no love it died outside of the board yeah you didn't expand from this yellow one right here i didn't there's a lot of green and purple and you know yeah you know i've never been one to gaia form because uh that requires you to go up on that that uh gaia forming track exactly and that doesn't really get you anything else besides those gaia formulas you better get a form if you're going up there yeah and like my faction doesn't really have anything to do with that and it like requires you to spend so much power that gets just dumped into that one spot yeah yeah and power for me was doing just other things so yeah i mean yeah it was close uh wow amazing what a game two points what a game so is the they are the victors of the universe yes thank you anyway let us let's talk about it so this is guy project it is technically a kind of like a 2.0 of term mystico which is another game that is heavily loved by the i guess like a heavy gamer community i suppose from from even before we started gaming i think yeah i i think it's made by the same designers in fact yeah i mean it's called the terra mystica game i think so i've only played teremiska once so i can't speak too much on the similarities or the differences talk a little bit about what we can remember it is essentially from what i remember it is essentially the same game except teremiska does not have this tech tree this like functional research track it has set rules for that for all of those components and a priest track which is not as functional yeah it's also set in a completely different environment it's like a fantasy themed where the board is also laid out a little bit differently and i believe for people who are are really heavily invested into terra mystica that is one of the biggest complaints of this game the way that the board is laid out right so let's talk about starting with theme uh this is by the way technically a shelf of opportunity playthrough that was sponsored by our patreon community so thank you to everybody for voting for this game one of the main reasons why it was voted on was because it was actually in shrink on our shelf for so long yes not because we hadn't played it this is not this is not a shelf of shame or opportunity game technically because we we really loved the game we had just been playing other people's copy yeah exactly so let's start with theme i will say i like the theme from terra mystica better space is kind of something that i i love the idea of space but for some reason it's kind of overdone you know uh it's it works here uh because you have these alien factions who are colonizing different planets and things like that um so i i've grown to like this theme over time but when i first played a terra mystica game it was actually terra mystica so knowing that this was the the follow-up theme i was kind of like uh you know yeah didn't really like it didn't really hit home as well for me it's it's acceptable if that makes any sense how about yourself yeah i totally agree i i highly prefer the terabistica theme i like the fantasy factions and the look of it to be honest yeah uh and i like that it's called i think it's called magic instead of power but it all pretty much works the same way and i really you know this kind of going into components but i really like the look of teren mystica a lot better i remember when we first laid this this game out when it was first released i was like wow it looks like kind of like something from the 80s yeah right like they took a step back yeah it has this kind of just like 80s looking artwork color scheme kind of going for it and it was a little bit jarring yeah at first not really my thing now that we played it a few times i'm not that uh doesn't really bother me as much you know for us we're very much so mechanics kind of people so we can look past that but um but yeah that's kind of our two sense we prefer the term escape player count and replayability so this is a this is one of the few times that we've ever played this game to a player yeah we don't play this two players we've never played two player and i think that it is i think that it plays fine at two i think that it's probably better at higher player accounts for me i i know that i like it better higher player accounts just because of the scarcity in the planets uh the setup is different the board setup is different in player accounts yeah it's bigger so but the the neighboring bonuses and just kind of like that metagame around the table of like oh are you going to give me the neighboring bonus are you going to be kind to naveen like where are you going to set up your areas and where am i going to get shut out essentially i will definitely say in higher player accounts that initial snake setup is way more tense because in this one i could count on well i'm getting that red planet and monique is yellow so she can only build on yellow planets but when there's four factions involved my neighbors might the ones that i have the cheap buildings with those swoopy arrows i've been talking about they might be in play and they might take that easy build right away and then now i'm like dang i'm stuck now here technically this is my neighbor but i kind of wanted to easy build a mine right onto that so there's a little bit more tension there especially in the in the kind of the setup of the game um and then of course the neighboring bonuses like you said so it's kind of like okay i have choices as to where i want to upgrade so monique is doing really well so i'm going to upgrade over where michael is over there something like that so i think it's better at i think three and four players yeah i think he still plays very well too that tension that we're talking about is kind of the beauty of the game for me part of it uh because you see it in a lot of places it's not just on the board and the neighboring bonus that we're talking about but also in competition for the research track like trying to get to that fifth spot or taking that advanced tactile that's really awesome or you know taking those specific end game scoring conditions you can see the competition you know where you are in terms of everybody else during the entire you know course of the game but who is going to score those 18 points and that part is really interesting and keeps kind of like that that conversation going around the table and it's just high stress but high fun and super strategic the entire way through at higher player counts yeah i like it too i would still continue to play it too but yeah the three or four is where it's at yeah i do appreciate the the white cubes that we had here at the bot uh not the bot what do we call it yeah you got them i keep going to the bottom it doesn't do anything but it's just a neutral player a neutral player that has like a set standard depending on what the final scoring is that way uh it is a little bit more competitive on that track instead of one person just going ahead and just edging it out by just one you know cube or something yeah and i don't want to fail to mention that not only like those are all parts where you're competing against players but also for those special actions the purple actions where you spend a power oh my gosh that can get really tense because there are some of those actions that we hit a lot depending on what your strategy is for the game and people want to hit that that uh that action really early so that they can claim it you know and that can get really tense as well as claiming these boost tiles yes there are more of them in higher player counts but there are you know there are ones that you're definitely going to want to try to go for that are better than others depending on where you are in the game and that competition can get really interesting uh in terms of replayability so this game has a lot of variability in its setup so the way that you set up the board in the galaxy tiles or the universe tiles the way that you uh choose your factions are 14 14 different factions in the game they all have different abilities different things we have not played all 14 this is the first time i've ever played as xenos and i think you as well right no you know i've played this one the very first time i ever played uh the gaia project this was the the faction i was i just remembered that now i think well we we actually just chose these two because they were the recommended factions in a two-player game and we just didn't remember what what a two-player game was like so we're like let's just go with what the recommendation is maybe it scales or maybe it balances well but each faction plays so differently in the strategies that you can employ that setup makes a really big difference and in that that ability when you put out your planetary institute makes a big difference in what you're going to be trying to do in the game the round scoring tiles those always change from game to game so do the end game scoring uh conditions as well as the combinations of where you lay out the tactiles on the tech tree that's all random of that it's all randomized uh and which boost tiles are actually in the game those are randomly selected as well from a stack of like 11 or something like that yeah i don't remember how many so there's quite a lot of variability which makes this game uh super replayable in that sense i don't remember what it was like in terra mystica i don't remember but i really do appreciate that it can be a little bit overwhelming i will say just in terms of like uh when you're trying to figure out your strategy in the game and i guess this is more going into the mechanics but like for me it's like where do i find all my sources of income i'm always worried that i kind of missed a source of income yeah they have yeah that's the one thing yeah you need to keep track of that as you go so having a system of like okay i'm gonna go everything on my board then my tech then then you know that that place over there yes and so just just that like kind of scatteredness of the game can kind of can kind of be a detriment but uh but for us you know the more you know the game the the easier that gets and so i i think that the replayability is high all that just to say that yeah that's right highly replayable uh in terms of weight what do you think about the weight you know that when i first started playing it i thought it was a lot heavier than than it is i you know maybe because we play a lot of games and so we play a lot of heavy games that to us or at least to me it's not as heavy as i once thought it was once you really understand just kind of what the basic turn structure is and what you can do on your turn um it is still fairly dense but it's not the like a vitala serta like very very uh heavy heavy heavy game yeah i don't think the rules overhead is as intense as yes exactly those vitality games or something but the strategy i guess in in figuring your strategy and like how am i gonna play well that can get a little bit complicated it's in the resource conversion where it gets kind of complicated like a lot of times you're going to end your round because you run out of resources and so in trying to figure out that efficiency like being able to have a specific amount of resources to do exactly what you want to do that's the hard part yeah you gotta you got to plan for it uh and you know you kind of have to focus on making sure plan a goes to plans because yeah if you find yourself short like kind of like at the very end for me i was like oh i'm short one credit i can't i can't do it if you if you've already taken all those actions to kind of set up that final action then you know you did something wrong there and that that that burden on the brain can be a big uh kind of barrier speaking of the resource conversion there are a lot of like little mini games almost that are kind of going on like the just in managing your power economy that is its own mini game like i struggle there it's tough i struggle there yeah it's depending on the faction that you play there's a faction that that has this uh i think it's called the power stone the brainstorm the brainstorm and this this rotates as if it's just one power token but whenever you spend it whenever it's in your three uh area it counts as three it represents three so that's a neat faction to play because you're doing power uh power actions a lot more efficiently and so we didn't really mention you know what this game is to us in our collection but this is probably like a top 10 game for the both of us it's one of our favorites this is one of our our favorites that we unfortunately haven't had a chance to play a whole lot uh it was like after the first time that i played terra mystica i was thinking okay so now i get why people love it so much you know going get starting into the hobby around that time that was a game that was like the heaviest game on my mind that everybody was talking about for me uh this version of the terra mystica s game is so much better than the original and that the answer to which one is better is going to vary depending on how much experience you have with the original tournament game yeah we have a couple of friends who really really love terra mystica who think that that is definitely still the superior game even though for us i really love the functionality of this tech tree like when i played this game for the first time i thought okay so it's just the better version of term mystica then because it gets rid of that priest track that wasn't really doing much and it makes it so that you focus on what skill you want to improve upon for the game right yeah i like how for me personally i've heard some criticism about it but for me personally i like how you can kind of tailor your abilities by going up those tracks because all those abilities really relate typically to what you what you get to do in the game so technically you know getting income is not so much uh enhancing your abilities but it kind of is because you then use those resources to go to other things uh normally monique and i we really gun for that knowledge track the one that's on the far right that gives you the knowledge right but we we actually get off the starting block today so that was that was a little interesting yeah one of us normally kind of tries to push up it uh because knowledge is so powerful in the game um but i found myself short knowledge early on and i was regretting not going up that track about the same way yeah so yeah it's really interesting you can't do everything uh and you're gonna find yourself thinking gosh why didn't i go up that track you know sooner but that is the nature of the game this is just a big conversion game like yes you're trying to spread your your position on the board but you're converting resources you're converting buildings and that is all visible on your player board the way that you convert everything starts from a mine and from a mine you can go up to a trading post or i forgot exactly and then from there it's up to you do you want to build your planetary institute you want to build the academy and then the research institute it really depends on what kind of income is going to benefit you the most what scoring conditions are on the round scoring track so you are having to you know think about several things at once that does lead to the heaviness of decision making but uh that is the fun of it for me that's it yeah yeah that is that is it that is the nature of the beast just to figuring out you know which conversions are going to be the most impactful in six rounds yep yeah i like the fact that you know it's not like uh i like you you know every single round what's going to score in round so you can kind of gear up and plan like i even did that with my uh i forgot what these things are called the big planetarium the planetary institute i was like i have the ability to build it in the previous round which i could then tap and use all the benefits here but you know i'll hang tight and i'll just use it at the very beginning of the next round get the points and then start turning and burning with all those resources lots of min maxing however and yes it can feel a little bit scattered in everything that you have to keep track of where your income is etcetera you might miss out on a thing but for me definitely a top 10. yeah it's up there yeah it is really up there how about you final thoughts yeah well yeah you know how i feel about it i i really really like it every single time i play it i i get a little bit better i think uh i've scored higher than this though in the past so i think maybe it's a two-player thing so i don't know it just depends on what goes on around your faction etc exactly yeah so i i really enjoy it i still really enjoy it um i i want to play it again it's really really good and so that is gaia project thank you again so much to our patreon community for voting on this game because we love it so much and being able to showcase it you know to everybody else out there is one of the reasons why we have this channel in the first place uh if you would know teremiska if you played both we would love to hear from you we would love to know which one is your is do you think is a better game because uh yeah that's always an interesting topic for us well thank you all so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it if you'd like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing thank you [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 19,597
Rating: 4.9733334 out of 5
Keywords: Gaia Project, How to play Gaia Project, Gaia Project how to play, Gaia Project rules, gaia project, gaia project overview, gaia project vs terra mystica, terra mystica, gaia project review, gaia project board game, gaia project playthrough, gaia project gameplay, gaia project game, gaia project thoughts, gaia project played, gaia project board game review, review, gaia project spiel, gaia project game review, project gaia english gameplay, gaia project runthrough, tabletop
Id: bEUBmkUlbH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 10sec (6310 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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