The Witcher: Old World - Kickstarter Playthrough & Review

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hi my name is moani and i'm naveen from before you play and today we are going to be doing a playthrough of a game that's coming to kickstarter called the witcher old world yes this is a one to five player game designed by lucas wozniak and published by go on board and it is a game that is based off a very popular ip first it was a book then it inspired video games of course the tv show on netflix and now this board game right here so we are going to play it today we're going to teach you how to play it and we'll talk about it at the end now this game takes place several years before the saga so this is kind of a prequel of sorts uh it involves monster hunting of course and trying to win the most amount of trophies and so as per usual we are going to start with a general overview of how the game is played then we are going to go into our two-player playthrough and then a post-game discussion if you're interested in jumping around we will include time stamps down below and if you're interested in checking out the campaign we will also leave a link to the campaign once we have it and if you like these kind of videos please consider subscribing and with that we are ready to get started so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up here for our two player game of the witcher old world welcome to the worlds of the witcher thank you several years before the saga so this is kind of an ancient world i suppose as you can see the main board is divided into several different locations we each have our witchers already on the map at the schools where we have done our training we have our starting three monsters our market of action cards each player also has their own player board that that uh keeps track of the four different attributes which we're going to be training as the game progresses and of course we each have our own sets of a dice for dice poker and so in this game players play as different asymmetric witchers who have all trained from different schools over the course of several rounds we are going to be exploring around the main board training our attributes playing poker dice and hunting monsters in order to win trophies trophies can be won in three different main ways we can battle monsters we can battle each other and we can meditate and whoever reaches their fourth trophy wins the game a player's turn consists of three different phases and this is reflective by the state of the board the first phase all has to do with the exploration map and that is why it is labeled one right there the second phase kind of has to deal with this middle column here and the third phase is the essentially the market phase where you're going to be picking up a new action card before we continue i do want to mention that this game has a heavy deck building component to it what that means is each player starts out with a hand of 10 cards and these cards are specific to the faction that you play there's a symbol at the top right hand corner these cards can be used in different ways we can either use these cards to explore during the expiration phase or you can use them during combat to deal damage etc to monsters and witchers and anytime you run out of cards in your draw deck then they get reshuffled and you form a new draw pile so you're always using the same deck of cards over and over again and so like we were mentioning the first phase of a player's turn is the exploration phase where we're going to be going around this map uh taking location actions and so in order for me to move my witcher to an adjacent location i have to discard from my hand a card of that terrain type so say i were here and i wanted to move to this location over here i would have to discard a card that has a mountain symbol at the bottom left-hand corner so i would be able to discard this card if i'd like to to then move my witcher to that location each location has their own like location action that you can then take they're always optional movement is optional and this entire phase is actually optional you don't have to move around the board if you don't want to and so just to kind of briefly discuss what the locations do there are several locations that allow you to train up your abilities for free as long as they are equal to or less than your current level and so this is a level track right here an example of this is the location that i'm on currently which allows me to train specifically the combat attribute and so since my combat is equal to my current level i would be allowed to take this action training this attribute for free each type of attribute will help you during combat so we'll talk about that a little bit later there are other locations that also allow you to train attributes but at a cost and so these locations are going to be mainly at the training schools so this is a school and so is this anything that has a witcher symbol on it and the amount of gold that you have to pay depends on the level that you're going to be training your attribute up to two gold for level two three for a three four and five respectively now i do want to mention that each witcher has their own asymmetric special ability and these specials can only be trained at their specific school so my witcher has the speed ability and i can only pay to train that at my school which is located here and so the main concept on your player board here is once all four of your attributes reach the next level then you level up by moving this token upwards and then you get to draw a certain number of cards from your deck depending on which level you get to i also want to note that whenever you level up on your alchemy attribute you gain a potion and potions are used specifically during combat there are other locations on the board that also let you gain a potion but you only have maximum four of these at any given time and during combat you can only use a number of potions equal to your alchemy level so just keep that in mind other locations will allow you to take a gold if you don't have any plus do whatever it says at the bottom and these things kind of range from discarding cards from the market or taking a monster trail token which we'll talk about later and of course some locations also allow you to play poker dice with the locals and poker dice is one of the main ways that we can earn money because it is an important part of life in the witcher world in addition if you ever find yourself on the same location as another witcher then you can choose to play poker dice with that witcher in order to do that each participating witcher has to put in a gold into the supply and a gold also comes from the bank then each player gets to roll their poker dice and you play dice poker if i initiate it then the opponent gets to re-roll their dice first which is actually a bad thing yep so okay i have a pair of fours i see that you have a pair oh you have three fours i would definitely want to reroll i guess we're playing dice poker now all right so you would win no matter what because i have two pairs to your three of a kind if you're familiar with poker hands yes and there is a whole uh player aid that has all the poker hands on it and then i would get to reroll if i'd like to basically whoever wins gets the whole pot so i would definitely win this one and that is essentially how you play dice poker now there are always three different monsters in play and they are always in each of the different terrain types you'll never see more than one monster in the same kind of terrain meaning the water the mountain or the forest that's right if i plan on fighting one of these monsters during the next phase then i must end by turn in a location that has a monster in it so for example the auracus is here in location 13. so if i were here then i could choose to battle it in the next phase and same thing goes for witchers if i wanted to battle a witcher i must end my phase one in a location that has a witcher in it once you're done taking all of the actions that you wanted to take during phase one then you move into phase two and phase two consists of three different options you can either explore you can fight or you can meditate a majority of the time you're probably going to be exploring because it is the uh less risky than fighting and so exploring just has to do with these two decks of cards you can either choose to explore in the city that you're in or in the wild environment kind of surrounding your city and they're essentially event cards so if i were to choose to do a city exploration card then naveen my opponent would read what it says here give me two options i would choose one of them and then he would tell me the result and they can either be good or bad i can lose money i can gain money i can go up and down my attributes i can have i can go on a quest so it all really just depends on the card yeah it's kind of a it's a or b choose your own adventure kind of thing and there are several of these cards clearly uh in each of these two stacks so lots of different things that you can do and we will definitely talk about these as we play the game meditating is something you can only do if you've reached the fifth level of a specific attribute track and that specific trophy is still in the supply there's one trophy for each type of attribute and only one person can claim it in a two or three player game in higher player accounts there are uh there's a whole second copy of the second sentence and so since we're on the topic of trophies this is the trophy track right here uh like we're saying in the beginning as soon as somebody reaches the fourth trophy level then they win automatically but until then each time you earn a trophy you go up on this track and you suffer a fatigue which means you must go through your entire deck and trash a certain number of cards depending on how many trophies you have it also increases your reputation so that if an opponent beats you in a in combat then they get a certain amount of money and the higher your reputation is the more money they get so keep that in mind and last but not least we have combat and so combat is kind of the meat and potatoes of this game going into combat with another witcher is very similar to going into combat against the monster so we'll just explain the monster version and you can kind of see how it works during the playthrough but the main idea here is each monster has a certain amount of health and so that number is the amount of cards that are going to go into their battle deck and so the battle deck consists both of cards that they're going to use to battle me as well as cards that they're going to discard whenever they take damage now before the battle begins as a witcher you're going to take your discard pile and your draw deck and you're going to shuffle them together because that is going to be your life pool whenever i take damage i'm first going to deplete my number of shields if i have earned any shields during combat which will also kind of show during the playthrough and then i'm going to discard cards from my draw deck if ever i run out of cards both in my draw deck and in my hand then i become exhausted and i lose the battle and so when it's my turn to attack the basic concept here is like we were mentioning these cards are multi-use we already talked about the use at the bottom left-hand corner but when you go into combat you're going to use the abilities that are shown here on the colored sidebar in order to attack you must play one card and any of these symbols these like kind of slash symbols damage that your opponent must take and so if i were to play this card my opponent or the monster must discard a card from their life pool in addition some of these cards have other colored tabs and so that is a combo ability that you're allowed to use and so in this example this is a pink card that lets me play another red card from my hand so then i could play this card as well creating a combo chain in this example i would deal three damage to the monster two more yep and then once that's done these are gonna get discarded and i'm going to draw more cards back up into my hand so that i can continue fighting and that's going to be equal to whatever my combat attribute is here that can be increased or decreased by effects on the cards and so in this example it looks like it's going to be one but also plus one for that tab so it's going to nothing nothing and so i would still get to draw up the two cards into my hand some other abilities that you might see include shields which look just like that and so anytime i play a card that has a shield i increase the shields that i have here on the left-hand side so that when i take damage it decreases my shields first but you can never have more shields than your defense attribute and so now i think we've covered what all the attributes do and we're gonna demonstrate a lot more of this throughout the playthrough because the main way to get trophies is by doing combat you only get a trophy in combat if you exhaust the monster or defeat the monster yes and if you defeat a witcher each of the witchers has their own trophy that is related to their school if you get defeated in battle then you must give your trophy to your opponent and so uh there can only be one once per player so monique could not just beat me four times in a row to win four trophies but you can only win the game if your last trophy was in battle you couldn't take a meditate action to win the game and that is for the most part how combat works once you're done with phase two of your turn then you finish your turn by going to phase three before you do that you get to draw up three cards from your deck to have a new hand of three cards and then you are required to take one of the cards from the market essentially at the bottom right hand corner of the card is a number and that tells you how many cards you must discard in order to take that card so some of them have zero which means i don't have to discard anything to take this card into my hand but if you take any of the cards on the top portion here then you must discard an additional card yeah and you're not taking cards out of the game you are discarding them into your discard pile and that's essentially it once somebody has reached their fourth and final trophy then the game ends immediately and they win now we didn't go over the small details but we are gonna go over them during our playthrough and so we're just gonna get a little bit cleaned up and i'm gonna get started okay so we have reset the board uh we are gonna go over uh who our individual characters are and we'll also mention where the monsters are uh but first we want to figure out who goes first all right ready oh me some money oh no that means they get less less cards and less money less cards less money okay so in a two-player game the first player gets uh three cards and two gold yep and and uh i get five cards and four gold yeah so here's three cards for me and i'm gonna take two gold okay there you go thank you thank you and i think your money goes around here oh yes little spot there all right so uh as for our witchers i'm kyler from the school of the cat and so my witcher starts here in my uh my school and my asymmetric ability is i have speed so during combat before my first turn i can look at a certain number of cards from the top of my deck and keep a certain number depending on where my speed attribute is on my chart and i'll talk through that whenever i go into combat nice and i am from the school of the bear i am ryfar and uh i have armor so i do not have speed like monique and what my armor says is once per fight when i have zero shields so when this is all the way down here i can gain additional cards and or restore lost shields depending on where i am here so currently i would be able to get two cards uh because my attributes here but as i level up it gets a little sweeter nice so you're like a defensive witcher yes between the defenses okay and we also want to point out that our three monsters are located here here and here and they correspond to these three monster cards right over there yeah so we're going to be heading over to those different locations in order to battle them hopefully all right so starting with me i'm going to take my first turn which is going to consist of doing a lot of exploration uh with the three cards that i have sure so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to discard this mountain card right here mountain terrain as i should say in order to move to this location which is our modern over there and so this location allows me to uh increase my combat attribute because it is equal to or lower than my current level so now i'm at a combat of two which is nice nice and then i'm gonna keep on moving so i only have two gold unlike naveen's war gold so i think i want to play some dice poker okay so i'm going to go ahead and discard this ocean terrain card in order to move this way now we didn't mention this during the teach but if ever you want to go to a certain location that you can't reach you can always discard any two cards or one card and one gold right so you're never too stuck i guess right and so now i'm going to play dice poker with the locals okay so i'll represent the locals roll for them here's my one gold and then you take two gold from the supply in order to uh play against the locals so are you ready yeah let's do it okay all right please okay okay we got two pair here i'm gonna make i have i have a is that a straight two three four five six oh yeah you do so okay so i have the gun for a full house here because yes so if i'm the one who started the the game then the other player rolls first exactly yeah you're the one that induced this uh so okay so i'm looking for ones and fives only stop you from getting your money no oh my god so we have a full house here to monique straight uh this does not go to me even though i'm the one that rolled it this goes wait i get to read all this oh that's true that's true whoa that was not an auto win i mean it is yeah i pretty much need like either a four of a kind or a better full house than that i mean thankfully it's only once yeah i'm gonna roll all four of these i'm hoping for a five okay my full house well that's a tough thing to kind of turn turn a straight into a full house so stinker okay so these go out i do not gain these my one goal one called yeah okay well that didn't go the way uh i was hoping it would and i only have one card left in my hand now it is a mountain terrain i could technically go back to the location i came from but it could not do its optional ability because these location actions can only be taken once per turn so you know i'm gonna try to make myself feel better i'm gonna discard this and go up this way to this location to take a potion sure okay so at least i have something i came up on top somehow so this is the uh putty's filter and so during combat i can play this card to discard any one card from my hand to immediately deal two damage okay that is a sweet potion that's great i am i'm happy about that so i'm gonna keep this off to the side sure uh it might not fit uh on screen yeah yeah i know again you can only hold on to four of those yes and so i'm out of cards i must now go into the second phase i'm definitely not doing any battling or meditating so i'm gonna explore and i think i'll explore in the city okay in the city here we go so you've been hearing tales of sudden disappearances of a young witcher adepts now you find out a powerful mage has been kidnapping adepts in order to undo their mutation and save them so they're trying to try to convert them okay so you have two options here a find a runner that will carry the news to your school okay or b pay the mage a visit oh uh let's pay the mage a visit okay pay the major visit that's b so you decide to confirm to the mage that a witcher's sword is a thing to be feared okay so this is going to be a quest in the mountains if you were to get to it so we're going to talk about quest right now yes quests we didn't discuss during the teach and so uh some of these cards will tell you a specific quest either a terrain type or a location number if it's location number all i have to do is enter that location in order to complete this quest quests are always optional they never hurt you if you don't do it but sometimes they're nice because if you complete them they allow you to read a specific card from the event deck and that's another you know choose a orb the other situation is if you have a quest for a specific terrain type just like this and so this is a mountain quest naveen gets to choose the top token from the mountain terrain i get to look at it then i get to resolve this quest if i enter that specific location so for me it's location 11. which is exactly where you are technically right now so i think you have to leave it yeah i think i have to come back and enter it so i'm going to leave this over to the side of my board and if it gets a result then we'll let you know and so now i'm going to go into phase three by first drawing three cards from my deck and i'm gonna purchase one of these cards now this card is not bad because it deals two damage and it gives you two opportunities uh for comboing for red and pink i think i'm gonna take this card and i have to discard one card to do that so i think i'll discard let's see i'm gonna discard this one which is a forest terrain i don't know i haven't done any future planning for where i'm going to go on the boards i don't know if that was wrong sure but that card gets put into my hand not into my discard and now these slide down so that things get cheaper for naveen yes that ends my turn okay so very very good okay so i have some plans to visit the countryside so uh we're gonna move with water terrain to move down to the south here okay i'm gonna play some poker okay see if i can turn my fortunes into something better so okay i'm gonna this is two can i get a one back yes i hope you uh you have more luck than i i guess i don't hope that i hope you don't have good luck sure this is your two ones okay i'm gonna toss two in here from the locals uh only one one goes there yeah there we go all right let's go ahead and roll it up all right ooh ooh okay i have two fours okay that's pretty much i have all i have going for me i have three fours you have three fours okay i'm gonna reroll these three okay then i'm hoping for two fours come on okay so okay i have two pair you have two pair but i have three of a kind three of a kind beats two pairs so i will just stay uh where i am and i will take the cash what is this dice poker doing my thing so i go from there and i have plans to move i have plans to keep heading south i'm going to spend this forest uh card over here to move into your school and i am going to pay two gold to level up one of these and so i'm gonna level up my defense so i'm gonna spend two to go out and my defense is gonna move up or you know what yes i'm gonna do my defense that sounds like the right thing to do for me i wish i could do my attribute but unfortunately it's not my school so i cannot level up my armor all right so that's that i'm going to continue moving forward so i'm going to move with a mountain terrain and we're going to move into this slot and so i'm going to be able to move up my combat just like monique did earlier because my level is here and it's at the equal spot so it's going to go up so now i could not go back here in the future without having this leveled up okay i'm going to continue moving and i'm going to move to you monique so i'm going to move with this mountain and i'm going to move this way to you uh i will not play poker with you oh thank you spare me i will take the potion that is there so let's go ahead and read the potion oh it's the same exact type that you had it's literally the same type did you shuffle them i did shuffle these i shoved them very thoroughly well that's a nice okay so we know what it is so congratulations to you thank you all right so that's that and then do i want to continue i have one more card and that's it for me i'm not going to move forward anymore uh now i have the option of fighting you here uh i don't feel very strong yeah i just got i took an additional card you took a better card and i haven't taken a card yet so i'm gonna just let it okay colleagues here okay and uh but now we're gonna go ahead and explore uh let's explore the wild the wild yes the wild all right so you've been hearing news of a fork tale terrorizing local shepherds so on your way to the location you notice a scaled creature hovering above one of the hills as you get closer your medallion starts vibrating so do you either fight the fork tail or do you examine the mysterious marks because you also see marks on a carved rock you know i was scared to fight you i don't want to fight this thing so i i will let's go ahead and be an archaeologist and look at these rocks okay so magic is not your specialty but these marks look familiar intuition tells you that they might relate to portals and summoning okay so you happen to know a mage who is a specialist in this area and you decide to ask him unfortunately the fork tail attacks you oh leaving you injured and then flies away with what looks like a grin on its face so you lower your specialty level by one which is not a problem for you but you also get a water quest so draw the top token of the water stack okay and it is location four four so put it on this card and if you enter location four you get to resolve that question okay not bad all right so phase three phase three okay so i do have the option of discarding this card if i wanted to draw a three new um i'll just hang on to it and i'll draw two more yeah make it a full three you can only draw up to three up to three yeah okay so i'm going to take this card it doesn't cost me any cards from my hand so it's just gonna go straight into my hand so now i have four cards total that's awesome those will slide down i should have taken a free card what was i thinking all right so that's you that's me yeah back to me now if i wanted to play dice poker with naveen i would have to leave and come back i believe unfortunately so that's a lot of work well i do need to do that oh okay because you want more potion no because of my quest oh yeah you do have to come back to 11. that's right okay i think i'm going to start by discarding this uh forest territory card okay in order to go up am i this one no this one yeah that one in order to go up here and so this location allows me to trash a card from my hand and then i can take a card from the market into my hand that is of equal value or one higher right so i am going to trash this card and trashing takes the card out of the game so this is no longer in circulation for me i'd have to worry about that in my deck and that was a zero cost card so i could take essentially any of these i guess yeah because there's no twos out there and you don't have to worry about the modifiers from what we understand from what we understand we have to worry about these so i'm going to take this one nice it is a cost of one card and it's a yellow card that gives me two strike if i can combo it it also allows you to draw two cards uh during combat so that's really nice that's true this is going to go into my hand into the hand yep and let's move these down and then i'm going to play this card to go back to that location so that i can do some fun stuff so i'm going back over here now i get another potion sure uh the tawny owl so i can draw two cards in my deck if i have zero or one card uh during battle great combat but i've also entered location 11 which means i get to resolve my quest okay so this is a number 38 in this deck so let's put these back sure and then i'm going to find that card this this is a deck that is uh in numerical order yeah it's arranged by numbers so we're not going to shuffle these and that is number 38. okay let's see what happens all right good luck on your quest thank you so okay so i'm going to summarize this card for you because there's quite a bit of text on here okay so you basically make it to the hiding the hideaway of the mage that you're looking for they are nowhere to be seen uh but you do find a couple uh boy young boys suffering from a very high fever okay uh so you're trying to use your knowledge about uh herbalism basically to help help them so we're gonna look at your alchemy level what's your alchemy level one okay your alchemy level is a one so you're in range of one or two which says the mage now returns before you have time to finish awakening the boys you barely managed to win the fight so what happens is you're gonna lower your shield level by two and raise the level of any one attribute by one so your shield level's already there so yeah if you can't do the card in full then you just do as much as you can so my shield is already at zero okay so i can raise anything any one attribute by one including my specialty huh it says any one all right i'm gonna raise my speed then yeah so had your alchemy been at a different level then i would have read a different portion of the card and would have manipulated a little differently okay so that's it yeah i'm happy with that nice i have a higher speed yeah you had the lower shields that you didn't have that was pretty good now i could do dice poker with naveen but i'm a little bit worried about that but i think i'll do it anyway okay so we're going to engage in dice poker i can't say no and uh the bank also tosses in one yep all right ready all right let's go four of a kind oh i already rolled mine i'm rolling so terribly right three of a kind three twos what is happening you asked well are you going to roll anything sure oh i was going to be so bad with the six kicker with a six kicker yep either way you're looking for a five whether you keep the six high straight or the the five high straight if you get it let's roll this okay so you're going for a five i'm going for a five this is terrible six shots come on oh you got a pair but i'm not gonna play dice poker anymore take the cash but at least i have zero there are a lot of spots that get you one gold if you have zero which i guess is not yes if you go to a location like this or like this uh there's some some money that you can get as well okay someone put this away your turn still yeah it is i don't have any money i'm in a bad spot i'm gonna end my turn uh my first phase doing that okay i'm going to go into the second phase so city or wild ooh or battle never battle me wow let's explore the city okay okay i don't want to take those chances right now so you basically meet a librarian and a scientist and they want to invite you over uh to look at their books okay uh date night so you have a choice do you want to read books about witchers or about monsters about monsters monsters okay monsters is b most monsters described in the volume leave you unimpressed you are about to put it down when you notice something truly interesting gain any one trail oh yeah i get to i get a monster trail this is great this is good so monster trails are basically a way for you to take the first turn when you go into combat with the monster because otherwise they get to go first yes and so what i would do is i choose a monster and i get to take one of the terrain types that correspond to that monster so i think my chances of succeeding are higher if i go for the lower leveled ones let's do the water one okay the water one so the one that's all the way down here you have plans on coming down here oh wait hold on yeah where's the other one this one is over here i i think they're both distance yeah let's do the water one okay water one thank you and then i turned it over and it tells me a location that i have to enter in order to actually acquire this this monster trail so this does come with a bounty it comes with a gold and i'm just going to put this here uh it's not technically mine yet but if i can enter location 5 which is over there then i get the gold and i get the monster trail and when i go into combat with that monster i get to go first yeah thematically yeah that's worked thematically you're hunting the monster you are on their trail you've learned something about going to this different location about that said monster yes i'm a little bit more prepared you're more prepared exactly uh and that's it for phase two let's uh get a card here well i can choose to discard this if i want to i'm gonna keep it and draw two more and then oh you know this is free and i get to have four cards in my hand if i take it so i'm just going to take that card and that is it now it is back to you back to me huh yes my luck is so bad okay yeah okay so i'm gonna play this card here this is the uh forest and i'm gonna move to my school so we're going back home here and so i'm gonna pay two gold to move up my attribute that is my special one which is armor so that's gonna be two gold and that's because i'm going from level one to two okay the next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna play this water card here okay and i'm gonna move from here into this location okay you know what i i made a mistake here when i was here i meant to go up on alchemy because of the next move that i was making because i'm going down here this location allows me to move up the level of your specialty equal to or less than um where the level is so i would then move this up here and so now because these are all in the same level playing field i get to level up so now i'm a level two witcher this allows me to draw one card into my hand and your level never decreases it never decreases yes also if any of your attributes ever get to the level five spot here those can also never decrease so there's a nice way of just kind of solidifying that they're locked in um you went up on alchemy you get a potion yes i get a potion i always forget that one so i get a potion this is ooh thunderbolt okay it says lower your shield level by one and draw two cards from your deck interesting interesting that's okay i guess if you have a good chain of things but yeah we shall see it's a nice way of getting more stuff into your hands stuff yeah okay i'm gonna play this mountain card here and we're gonna move into sintra which gets me another potion so i have two potions this is gonna be now potion three oh okay it's another one of those uh patchy filters oh nice yeah i have another one of those so that's not bad those are great these are great and then the last action i'm gonna take i'm gonna spend these two cards to represent a wild for this blue over here so i'm gonna move up into this location and then because i'm doing that uh it says i can level up my defense equal to wherever my level is or or greater so i'm gonna move my defense up to that slot right over there your attributes are looking real good i'm trying to move them up and mine are looking real bad i'm trying what is going on all right so uh that is going to be that i am in no location to fight a monster nor you so i will take the city the city city all right time to explore for you so as you step outside to the back of the inn to relieve your bladder you witness five men with ropes trying to capture a beast it's horrible and then you realize that the beast is a sentient humanoid cursed with a head of an otter by ill fortune or magic so you can either scatter the attackers or you can help the men capture the creature what would you like to do oh i feel like if i help the men they're gonna pay me uh i will scatter them let's scatter the attackers yeah let's go to them that's the right thing so three assailants run at the very site of your medallion the two remaining men are no challenge for the two of you so you get to raise your lowest attribute level by one ooh oh my gosh let's raise combat really doing well all right attributes here you did your combat yeah i did my combat so i could not raise defense because that was the one that was the highest but i had choice of all these other ones perfect i'm just gonna describe this yeah all right so draw your cards yeah okay so i have no cards in my hand so i take one two because i'm out of cards to draw everything that's in my discard becomes now my draw deck okay and i take my third card and now let's see what options are over here okay i don't know if this is gonna be wild of me to do this but i'm i'm gonna spend all three of these cards to take this one here so it's gonna be a two plus one so that's why all three of these get spent you're gonna start your next turn with only one card yeah but i think that's okay so i'm taking this card into my hand which is nice it's called crippling strike it's nice yeah there's a lot of a lot of stuff to do potential for you yeah uh so that's my turn so i just i have one card going into the next round all right perfect i'm going to be reckless on my turn i don't have any money okay i barely have any skills but i'm surrounded by locations that require you to pay to go up on your attributes you know what i'm just gonna go and try to battle this model okay okay it only has a health of 10. so what could go wrong right so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to discard this wild that's another kind of nice kind of territory it's going to let me just go up this way oh it's perfect uh because i have no money i gain one gold sure and then i can i'm allowed to discard two of the cards in the market here if i basically want to make something cheaper for myself i'm just going to discard one of these and this one nice just so uh naveen doesn't get that sweet sweet double attack combo look okay and then these will slide down so that this card becomes cheaper yeah i kind of have my eyes on that yeah that's a nice looking one yes and then we fill these those are nice also oh gosh this is gonna go to you it's gonna be cheaper for you possibly i'm gonna play this card for the mountain territory so that i can make my way up to this location so unfortunately i went this way you didn't just cut across that's right through the trail i do have a gold so i don't get to do that benefit but the bottom ability lets me take a monster trail token um it's kind of useless for me to try to take the token for this monster because i'm going to try to defeat it defeat it now and you already have a trail token for uh this one over here in the water so i guess i'll take one for this yeah you might as well yeah might as well okay so can i have a green a forest token please thank you seven location seven where is that seven i can never remember oh that's right where you came from right next to me not bad so this is going to come with a gold on top of it as well nice oops a one gold just like that okay and now i have two potential locations that'll earn me money and you would get to go first yes again that's pretty good yeah uh and that's it i'm gonna end my first phase here going to the second phase to now start our first monster battle all right here we go so cool first things first we have to read the monster card this is this monster right here okay it happens to be the nest of ghouls and so it says during the player's first turn only the monster may only discard up to two cards regardless of how much damage is dealt by the player that is unfortunate are you planning on doing more damage than that yeah no gosh it's only during the first turn too ah well you haven't technically committed to fighting this i'm doing it okay all right i'm going to do it then naveen is going to prepare the monster life pool which is a deck of 10 cards the 10 cards you want to shuffle those i've already shuffled it okay and then i'm going to also prepare my deck so i'm combining my discard and my draw deck the cards in my hand stay in my hand so i'm not looking at this this is purely a deck of cards and i will influence it in a little bit but we'll go ahead and this is so this is not probably not the right so monique is shuffling her her life basically right there um so because i don't have a trail token for that monster the monster goes first so i have two options when i flip this over before i flip it i can either say charge or bite yes so and we'll talk about that right now so two options that the monster is gonna do i will go ahead and bite so we're gonna say bite so bite is ooh the bottom one wow you're you're lucky i didn't say charge uh it says the player takes damage equal to their alchemy level fantastic only one so take one damage because i don't have any shields i have to discard a card from my my draw deck okay so let me go over this because the first time we've done this charges this section here bite is this section here had i said charge we would have resolved this which would have been five wounds to monique versus her one that she just took right now yes so that was a bad decision making on my point it's it's a it's kind of a trap shoot though you know you don't know what's going on there so okay so now it's money so that goes to my turn uh there is that model yes considering that i'm going to do my speed ability first which says before my first fight turn i can look at the number of cards in my draw deck uh depending on what level my speed is so right now i can look at three and i get to keep one okay so of those three i might just choose a card then that only deals maximum two damage maybe just a shield or something and then the rest of them i can put back in any order let's do this one okay that'll work out yeah that'll work it'll work all right so it is your attack so now that it's my turn i can choose to first spend potions and so i can only spend because i only have alchemy level of one i can only spend one of these for the entire the entire fight and so i'm going to hold off i can choose to do this later okay so what i'm going to do is since it's my first turn i'm just going to play this one card no comboing it's just going gonna get me a shield shield nice so i now have this one shield for when it battles me again okay and this gets discarded and now i can draw up to uh the number of cards in my combat level which is two because there are no modifiers on this card so these go into my hand and during battle you can only hold a maximum of seven so i'm far away from that so now goes to the monster okay they're gonna go again uh i'm gonna go bite again here so let's see bite four damage so had i chose charge it would have been two but it's four damage to you so shield takes one steel takes one and then i discard three three out of your oh that was not good that was not good ah okay all right so it goes to me um and now i'm gonna do an actual combo tourniquet yes because now that modifier on that card is is has already been resolved yes so i'm gonna play my intensive plan card and so this is going to let me do a red uh combo okay and if i do i get two additional damage so i will play that same colored card nice and that's it there's no further comboing here so i see a total of one two three four damage so it's going to go one two three four how much life is left uh life there's four life oh this is so close yeah so uh now i can draw back up to my combat level which is two minus one so one so one plus two so three so i draw three cards oh it's the rest of my draw deck oh no that means any damage that i take will have to be from my hand yep so oh this is stressful okay okay go ahead all right i'm gonna switch it up to charge this time okay oh look at that four damage the player discards a number of random cards from their hand oh no uh depending on the monster's level this is a level one monster so you just get rid of one card versus four cards i get to live twice i chose the wrong choice thank you i don't want you to get this trophy it's a race you were uh you're so nice to me yeah okay choose the card let's take just the top one off the top that's a powerful customer oh yeah ah that stinks all right so how many cards now uh okay three cards three three life so if you can do a three damage to this uh then you beat him i will yeah so first i'm gonna spend my potion okay that beautiful potion that we were both excited about it lets me discard any one card from my hand to immediately deal two damage so this gets flipped over so that we know i've spent one potion right during my combat because your alchemy level is a one yeah you cannot spend any more for this entire combat thank you correct yeah okay so uh you're gonna deal two damage right so you're gonna figure it out i'm gonna discard this card okay and that lets me deal two damage okay it's only one damage left that you need to do so if you can pull it off you're good quick slash click slash okay so that's the card that i'm playing done done i've defeated the whole time oh i can't not believe i i wanted it off yeah i was worried i was worried there that i wasn't gonna be able to do it so since i defeated the monster i get the monster card right and now it is a trophy so these monster cards have text on them so i guess i could read this right sure yeah the nest of ghouls the ghouls were still gripped by a feeding frenzy when you distracted them from their dinner at an open grave ooh they attacked fiercely trying to reach you with their massive talons one monster managed to mark your ribs with a bloody streak but ultimately every single ghoul fell to your sword this is gonna give me an ability that i can use whenever it says i can it says if i end my turn on a water location i draw a potion oh no assuming this is once per turn so i'm going to keep this off to the side very nice i go up on the trophy track you do you have four trophies and then i suffer a fatigue so the fatigue is based off of where you are in this track for me it's just one card that i now must trash from my entire arsenal of cards it's both in my hand and my discard maybe that's slash you use maybe you know i'm gonna look for the one that is the least valuable and this potion gets discarded as well yes so meanwhile while i look for a card to trash this location token gets shuffled back in and naveen is going to draw a new monster to be placed out any monster trail tokens that were associated with that monster also get discarded naveen is going to draw a level two monster now because that was a little one so no more level one monsters are gonna be put out so it's gonna be in location three here uh and let's see what we got okay it's gonna be this monster so let me put this over here and find the associated card okay it's gonna be the griffin because that is the token that i drew so the griffin has 15 health and it's a level two uh over here wow that's gonna be tough to fight oh man all right i'm gonna trash this card okay all it does is let me take the card back into my hand when i would discover that so not not that fantastic i guess okay uh in addition everything that you win is labeled up here so because i won the monster battle i also earned two gold there you go you got some money there i got somebody hey you have more on the horizon if you uh if i go to those locations yeah so that is technically my phase two i now get to go into phase three to continue as normal so i'm gonna draw three cards back up into my hand three and that's that now where is that sweet sweet card that i wanted over here i think it's this one right you know i will take this card so i'm gonna take it it's gonna require me to discard two cards okay so there's that and that's my turn so now back to you so now we have i have one trophy you have one trophy yeah this is fantastic that's pretty good um hmm i don't like the fact that i have one card in my hand right now uh but it is what it is it's a decision you make it's a decision i made yeah well i didn't think you were gonna go for a trophy now i don't like what i saw uh okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna play this beautiful card that i earned just for its bottom action right here you also don't have to move i would be kind of stuck there okay i don't see myself going anywhere so i might as well move into this location here and try to level up something you're going the monster way i'm going the meditation way that's what i'm thinking okay so i'm moving into this location here and i want to level up one of these so and so combat is kind of the name of the game uh i am going to move up here and that's going to cost me all of my money all that money from all the poker winnings that's four yeah cause i went from level three to level four on my combat oh this is no longer here this is the one that you defeated oh yes thank you take it as another trophy yeah i that was the action i took there i have no more cards so i can't move so let's go ahead and resolve one of these uh let's go with the wild this one the green yep all right okay the three horsemen ride in a column one after the other and the writer in the middle has his hands bound with thick rope he's young he's like 16. uh the boy yells after you help me witcher you kill monsters right what do you call men who kidnap the son of a combs for ransom a entrepreneurs i call them entrepreneurs or b attack the armed escort oh you gotta attack the armed escort i'm sounding like i'm gonna get some reward money here i'm thinking well the first rider dies quickly but the other proves more problematic come on i'm a witcher the boy thanks you as you cut through his bonds tell my father i am free i will hide in the area and wait for his men lower your shield level by one and discard one potion okay so my shield level's here yep uh discard one potion you know i don't i don't really i'm not a big fan of this one anyway that i got the thunderbolt oh perfect lowers my shield goes away ouch that's okay and then you get a mountain quest something draw a mountain terrain token okay and place it here and now you have your own quest 14 okay location 14. we're going to run out of these terrain tokens yeah where is 14. all the way here i don't have any plans on going there that was where's the ransom money i wanted half the ransom i should help them okay well that's that so uh now i go there i drop three cards two and three okay so i really like this card over here that you kind of freed up for me i'm going to spend these two into my discard pile to take it into my hand it's so nice it is combo so much with it ideally but the thing is then i need to then use the card potentially to move yeah so it gets kind of like tricky there but uh at least it's in my possession hopefully in the future the hand management aspect of this game is is the tough part yeah that is it's i feel like that's probably the root of the game yep okay so that's me all right so actually i only have two cards in my hand but uh i think it's time to start leveling up some attributes because i'm way behind you in that regard so i'm going to start by uh spending my mountain terrain card in order to move this is me right yep okay in order to move over here which uh forces me to pay to level up an attribute and i think i will pay my two gold to go up on defense nice so just like that and that's pretty much it are you gonna fight are you gonna explore i'm definitely not going to fight sure yeah i'm tired yeah after that so i'm going to move again and i'm going to spend my wild nice to then move down here very good into banard and now i can go up on my alchemy nice exactly what it is there yeah and so that gets me a potion sure yeah please and you've leveled up now yeah thank you so this is another tawny owl so i have two tawny l's now only if i have zero or one card my hand draw two cards from my project during battle okay so yes i have now leveled up okay and that lets me draw a card from my draw deck yes uh which i can now choose to spend if i want to yeah but i'm just gonna leave it as is okay i'm gonna move to the next phase i think i will explore what did i say let's go city city okay yeah let's see some city some city work city okay so you are uh you're walking in an alley and a man stops you and he's kind of weird and he's like licking his lips and he's like hey i know a place that we can go wow so sketchy you can either a listen to him uh because you think he must be getting paid for spreading the word or b you can show him how you feel about being called a freak or an outsider definitely be be okay no questions okay the man must have been prepared for your reaction he grabs you by the arm and gives it a painful twist but there's nothing he can do to counter the knee aim squarely at his groin as groin he goes down with a painful moan good okay it says lower your shield level by one and trash one card after add any one of the six revealed action cards to your discard pile all right i guess i'm trashing this card in my hand unfortunately it is a zero cost okay it's one of my starting cards not too bad so let's toss this okay and that means i get to take one of these that's nice this is before i go into my third phase yes that's true so we're basically just leveling up and these are all kind of stinkers yeah you can get the card back i mean this basically is kind of just getting it right back i mean this lets me combo with basically any color quite a few things yeah let's take this yeah that's not bad that's a good swap into my hand all right and then now i can choose to i'm gonna discard this in order to draw up a hand of three one two three so now i can take one of these cards so let's go i don't think i have any cards that let me combo with green yet okay yeah so let's just take this one and it's free so it just goes directly into my hand all right that is me back to you all right so i'm kind of still at this i'm stuck up there uh and i don't like the symbols that are on this so i might have to use them both for a while unfortunately okay there's no fast way to get to where i need to go okay so yeah i'm i'm gonna move down uh i'm gonna go all the way here and i'm gonna spend both of these two to represent the one mountain so i go from there to here and i gain a potion and so let's get a potion and it's oh it's another one of those thunderbolts remember the one i had to do no he did one of those the one i wasn't that big of a fan of perfect dang it okay okay it forces me to lower my shield which i don't have shield so uh okay uh so that's me there i have no more cards in my hand so um i'm gonna go ahead and do a let's do a city city yeah let's go city all right uh the area in front of the smithy has been fenced off to form a makeshift arena it is said that whoever wields a weapon made by the local blacksmith can never lose so as if to prove a point a hefty bruiser of a man waits in the arena idly swinging his sword and waiting for a challenger do you ask to see the swordsman's sword smith's wares or do you try your luck in the arena oh let's try our luck in the arena i have not gotten into any battle on my own so let's just have a card make me do it okay in the hands of an amateur even the finest sword is no match for a witch's blade right you win the fight with ease raise your combat level by one yes oh that's what i was hoping for i was hoping that i would get a passive move into combat with that card well you need to meditate on your next turn i'm okay with that i'm totally fine with that nice okay now you roll a die oh oh it's not done four uh discard two potions oh okay thunderbolt see ya and then the other one unfortunately you're doing this like potion exchange in this game that is your currency for some reason was there a better die outcome than me losing stuff absolutely losing a shield oh okay yeah yeah so i would have preferred a shield i have none what you gonna do now uh well uh let i have no cards so i have to go one two and three okay i'm just going to take this free card over here uh no discount you can't go into negative one so i'll take that for me and that is my turn nice ah all right here we go oh that's that's not bad that was like a pink uh two damage combo all right okay so for my turn i'm gonna do something kind of weird um i need to go into these forest territories but i don't have any of those in my hand so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna spend this card and a gold my last gold in order to go into this territory or that location right there okay because i have a um a monster trail that is for location seven right so now that i'm here i have a monster trail for this monster nice and i get this gold and so darn it so i don't get a gold for me yeah we're not having one uh yeah because i think you trigger it right away i think so too but i do get the two discard two of these cards set something up yeah to make something cheaper let's discard these two this one and this one okay everything just slides down yeah so these slide down and then it'll be cheaper we'll see what i end up getting okay there you go those are like nice looking cards who knows okay and then i'm to do it again i'm going to go spend this card here yeah i know it was weird but i do want to uh fight that monster you're going to fight them i'm going to try oh wow it's only it's only three more than the last one i'm a little bit overconfident but at least i get to take the first time you do because you just because you went here yeah yes so you know a little bit more about them i do know a little bit more so i'm ending well hold on i get to take this location action which lets me trash a card from my hand yes on your hand and then you get to put a card of one plus value of that trashed card directly into your hand going into a fight that's pretty nice none of the options are good oh unfortunately i would rather just take a card and not trash a card from my hand but he can't do that so i'm going to skip that i'm not going to do that ability so now let's go into battle okay so they have uh what 13 well let's see what it says this is the monster that i'm battling it is the fiend if this monster is defeated the player suffers a fatigue as normal and trashes one additional card so then we'll deal with that if we ever get to that point you get to that point they do have a life first rule of 13. and you're gonna go first though because you were hot on their trail i was all right ready okay so uh i'm gonna go first and i'm gonna start with my speed ability which lets me draw three cards from the top of my deck and i get to put back and i could keep one you can just keep one yep keep one put the other two back that's a nice little ability you got there it doesn't really matter because i'm going to be able to draw these back up again yeah that's right i'll just take this and put these two back okay or just in case that's not true this one if we do feedback for sure okay just to make sure okay so now i get to actually uh start my combat yeah do your thing and i'm going to play this card right there okay so this is going to get me two additional draws that is the intensive quen and so i can do a another red card read comments i'm going to play that okay so four damage total four damage total so one two three four perfect that's that and that's it pretty much but i can draw up to two cards for my combat level minus one plus two so that's three total yeah so i'm gonna draw these from the top of my deck and these get discarded all right oh my gosh please be kind to me the last monster was very kind to you so we're going to go bite don't bite bite oh look at that let's try this driving i know charge is five and the bite is two so you got it got away with it so two cards on top of my my draw decks not bad not that's not bad yeah so you can't pick them back to me yeah and it's great because that costs another health essentially right okay so i'm going to play this card which is a green it's gonna get me two shields and let me play a blue or purple so i'm gonna play that one which lets me play either uh red or pink or both and so there's my red so it's gonna be a total of one two three four five six damage yep so you get your two shields as well uh yes so one two three four five six so there's only two left i gained two shields two shields so one two and then i get to draw up two minus one so one that's not bad though for what's going on here yeah not bad do i have a chance to win here you totally do uh we're gonna go charge oh my gosh i should've won bike so player discards any number of random cards depending on the monster value this is a level two monster so you're gonna discard two cards from your hand oh from my hands yeah i only have two cards until they go out oh no okay that's a thing yeah well that's better than four damage okay uh well no it's your turn it's my turn and i can i only i don't have any cards in my hand so this is at the moment now that i can spend my tiny owl so let me draw two cards from my deck wow nice yeah that's good yeah so i'm spending this potion i'm gonna leave it here just so we know i've used the potion and so i get to draw these two cards this is before the attack i get to attack yeah just all shields that would be pretty bad how many cards do you have i oh i have one oh the monster has one card one card yes okay so just just just one of those random slashes oh you do reading blow look at that that was that would have been a nice damage to you oh you win terrible you win that one thank you another trophy for monique wow so uh this is yours this potion goes out thank you this goes to me and so does this month no who was it uh yes it was the fiend okay it comes out so the battle is closed fought and the fiend nearly managed to end you you shook off the hypnotic trance the last moment and stabbed your sword right into the beast's mouth oh i thought how i remembered it uh broken ribs sent a twinge of sharp pain into your side as you stooped over the corpse you saw a single drop of your own blood on the fiend's antlers as you cut the trophy from its skull so solid this going to give me an ability that says if i play a combo with one or more defensive sign cards which is yellow at the end of that fight turn i get to draw two additional cards oh that's nice uh but now i suffer my fatigue and that was the monster's ability i have to trash two cards oh okay actually three cards one two plus one more three that's that's technically three health when you go into another battle yes because every card is a help it's nice that it gets like the not so great cards out of your deck but it also decreases the amount of life you have and that's not so good so i have to trash three of these uh three cards total yeah i'm gonna trash these three cards they are the most plain jane that i have in my deck sure so two single slashes and the singles they're all starting cards huh yeah i get those deck building here okay get those out and because i defeated the monster i gained two gold you do so let's take that and then now we draw an additional a new one uh yes i've already had that so this goes out right this is done this is this is done yeah the trail token for that that was a level two monster uh that was a level two monster so it has to be a level three uh yes so it's gonna go into 17 into the fours so where's that over here and it's going to be a level three monster so who is the level three monster oh it's this one let's find out who that is it's lesson it's temporarily during this fight only the player's defense level is lowered by one wow wow it's a 19er wow 19. yeah i don't know about that one that's a tough one i'm gonna avoid that that person for a little while about that one yeah all right so now i just continue on i'm gonna draw my three cards and see what i can get from the market here discarded some stuff all right i'm gonna go ahead and take this card so i have to discard two cards to do that i think i'm gonna do these two okay because i need to make sure i keep the proper terrain types in my hands yes yes to get to the locations i need to go to so they don't do any more of those discard one card one gold shenanigans that was a waste discounting two cards is brutal so yeah yeah i know what you feel okay all right my turn um let's move with my water card here whoa and let's put that there and we're to move down into this location here i am going to take this bottom action which is bring up my specialty uh and because my level is here i am allowed to move it up so we're going to move this up all i need to do is move this up here to get to the next level that's nice uh and so i am going to stop here and i battle yeah i'm gonna finally try to get a trophy i'm gonna try to battle so we're gonna be battling this one and it says before the player creates their life pool they discard any one card from their hand uh let's go ahead and discard this card so it's going to go here okay and now because i'm battling i'm creating a live poll take my discard my regular draw and uh can you ask me the monster deck uh yes this one needs to be shuffled i apologize i think they're backwards uh oh yeah okay and uh the auracus is gonna have a life pool of ten cards so not too bad i have faith in you i think you can if i was able to do that on the first time you can do it that's this is gonna be a shame then if i lose i hope i pull all of the five damage be good to me please do you have a trail token um i do not goes first okay raucous what you got ready no let's bite we're gonna start with bite bam five damage oh i'm so sorry i really didn't i really didn't want to do that much damage to you it was 50 50. okay come on b stinkers to go three stinkers so far four oh that's the card oh five okay that was painful that was yeah thank you sorry yeah okay okay oh well it's your turn okay so i have armor it says once per fight so this happens on my turn when you have zero shields gain additional cards and or restore lost shields according to this so i gain one shield and this happens automatically yes all right another choice and then i'm gonna draw three cards so one that's good two yeah gives you options three it does yeah okay so i'm gonna play this yellow card which allows me to play a green card this green card which allows me to play a red card nice that red card goes there so i have a three combo there so we have a total of one two three attack okay one two three uh i gain a shield and i can draw up an additional card and this one right here this allows me to take this card right back into my hand um so that's nice and so i get to draw four plus one which is five i have three cards in my hand so i can only have seven total into my hand so then one two three and four so that's all my cards right here all right so back to you i feel bad you should i'm sorry uh do you want to choose no oh my gosh this is so much responsibility there's a lot a lot of life left in this monster okay all right let's go bite ready bite okay what is this ah see that was better uh the player lowers their defense level by one and takes damage according to the monster level my defense level goes down oh shoot okay so it's a monster level one okay so just one one damage one damage okay so that goes there that's it so you are still alive so it's back to you oh okay i'm gonna play this card here which is uh one two three okay four five one two three four five human survive i survived you were so worried my defenses went down though that's not good i was worried too that was so bad because with this defensive here all i needed was to bring this alchemy up to level up oh well he won so aracas is no more i had a monster trail token for it it is gonna get discarded i don't get this gold unfortunately yeah sure but you get this card would you like to read the rebel yeah okay so it says uh you've managed to disentangle yourself from the sticky web at the last minute and your superhuman reflexes allowed you to roll away and cut at the charging insectoid's legs finishing off the fallen arakas was just a formality suffer the fatigue so i will suffer fatigue yes uh the ability that is now is once per fight if you begin the fight with zero or one card in your hand draw two cards that's awesome that's like a permanent uh is it the tawny l it's permanent honey yeah that's great that's great i like that i didn't even use this this potion so i can i can use that also in the future well so that's great you gain a trophy i do gain a trophy i do have to suffer a disco so i can discard any one card right uh let's you have to trash it but yes anything from your entire deck and here's your two gold oh thank you for winning your bounty and uh i'm going to now choose the next level one monster so we're going to replace it with a level two okay so let's go gosh i don't know what i want to discard this one actually i have to pull a location token first oh yeah so this is location five and it's going to be this monster is that a level two it is a level two i think it's the top most of that stack over there okay give me it's going to be this card here perfect the level 14. the noon wraith so it's a health of 14. and ooh it is pretty but during each player's turn their shield level can only be raised by one in total they ignore additional shield raises oh oh wow that's not good for you because that's not good for that card that you just picked up you picked up a double shield we are going to stay clear away from this race this is the card i'm trashing uh because of the fatigue that i suffered so that'll go out oh and then i take this as my trophy so i take the body with me one two three okay i'll take this card it cost me one card from my hand so let's go ahead and get rid of this card there this comes to me perfect okay that's a pretty sweet card yes in yellow all right so back to me yep and i'm gonna do the thing that i wanted to do last time which is uh going up to this location here banard and so that lets me increase my alchemy yes nice so i get a potion please uh yes you do there we go thank you this is the blizzard after i finish my combo play any one additional card from my hand it does not need to match extensions that's actually quite a good question i think uh and then i only have two money so i can't really spend much to train i'm kind of stuck so i think i'm gonna end my turn here because my ability here gives me something for ending my turn on a water location sure yeah so uh let's do let's do the wild land i haven't explored the wild wildlife okay okay so you basically entered a hut and you smell a boy who's in very bad shape like his flesh is is going rotten oh uh because uh apparently he was in the fields and a potential monster had slashed him and got got to him so you have two options try to heal the boy's wounds or b go after the monster i have a witcher you are a nurse also let's heal the boy's wounds okay i don't want him to suffer the elixirs that witchers use for their healing and hallucinogenic properties can be too powerful for humans his fever abated the boy has fallen asleep but it's impossible to tell whether he has lost his mind until he wakes up again his mother is thankful for your attempt to help discard all of your potions and gain three gold oh no i like my potions so you just spent them on him two potions yeah that's not too bad yeah i thought you had the other one yeah for the better for the good of this boy and then i gained three goals they do yeah they give you old i needed money to tell you the truth no that is not bad so okay so now i've got some money cash for heavy yeah i don't like the terrain type on here so i'm gonna discard it and draw three cards two three and then what's good over here i'm just gonna take this card for free yeah it's nice it has a bunch of tabs on it yes lots of comboing uh possibilities all right that is me look at that one back to you i can smell a trophy on your turn and a quest so we are going to move into this location here which will trigger this but i have to spend the mountain terrain perfect to do it so shall we trigger it uh yeah the player to my right reads 52. 52 questions all the way to the bottom of this deck huh is it kind of yeah pretty cool maybe it's a good one i don't even remember what happened why i'm on this quest it says it over there oh yeah that's right it's the boy who's a ransom i wanted oh yes yeah okay okay the cones right yes so the combs meets with you in his modest chambers he is pale and thin and sweat beads his forehead rebels trying to overthrow the local rulers have cast a long shadow on the everyday lives of his people so would you like to tell him about his son that you rescued or offered to help training offer to help train his guardsmen peace and order in town are crucial okay you know what the first time i wanted a reward for his son i'll take the reward for the son or i'll tell him about his son eh yeah okay so the relief on his face is mixed with determination now that his son is out of danger he can turn his mind to eradicating the rebels so he's gonna pay you roll a die okay roll higher rollo uh hi definitely five wow gain three gold that is a max that you could have gained i'll take it uh that's nice so you can use it to to level up another skill cool i'll take it thank you all right and so now that i'm now that i'm here uh i have all this money i can't take this action i could technically uh do this you can take a monster trail uh i don't want oh this is all resolved by the way this quest is done okay yeah and i want to find out more about uh this monster here on five so it's a water type so let's go ahead and shuffle 13. oh it's right there you chose it there's the gold i will head back that way let's go back this way so we're gonna go water and we're just gonna go back here and so now we uh learn a little bit more about this monster over there so now i have a little leg up if i was to fight this one okay and the last one i'm going to do is i'm going to go into the force i'm going to go back to my school and i'm going to level up um gosh i'm going to level up my alchemy because it gets me a free potion so oh not a free potion it cost me three so here's three bucks okay and this is gonna level up here because i level up alchemy get the potion and it is a black blood immediately deal one damage and during this turn you may only play a combo of one card so i have to do it at the right time that properly the time is properly okay yes so uh let's go ahead and do the city you're not going to meditate hint meditate yes you're right what am i thinking okay so i'm gonna meditate this is the first time we can do this because i've maxed out one of my um attributes i'm gonna meditate as my second phase action and then i will uh i'll get a trophy yes because the combat trophy is still in the supply so now it goes to you okay perfect so uh that says in the entire continent only a few can match you in battle in your performance it becomes the most beautiful of the arts and the weapon becomes one with you so i will suffer fatigue of two which will go there and it says during each of your fight turns if you have zero cards in your deck deal one damage so if i get down to the very very bottom that's good it's good i'll take it okay so that's there so now i have to fatigue so these are the two cards i'm going to kick out these are some of the starting cards that i started the game with those go there and now we shuffle my deck and then we go into phase three so one two three anything good in there monique i don't know it depends on what you've been uh eyeing uh yeah what you've been accumulating i guess this is kind of nice a two slash plus uh you get the draw two if you have a blue wow yeah okay let's do it so i will spend one card and i will take this one into my hand nice all right so there's so we have a two two trophy here yes we are we are halfway through technically i'm assuming it's going to go faster yeah uh i do want to say i have a little bit of a take back see it's not really a take back see it's just that i was supposed to do this my nest of ghouls ability if i end my turn on a water location i dropped and i think i would still get this potion because i technically end my turn after phase three because during the exploration phase it may be discarded yeah so i still get this so you would have discarded your potions and then earned it because that happened before earning it yes i'm assuming that's how that works so this is again uh petrie's filter which is discarding a card to deal two damage i love that potion all day okay so first i'm going to discard this card to go this way uh and i'm going to pay so alchemy is looking good i might as well pay to increase that so i think the cost is two three four yeah you're going to level four two yeah it cost you about a gold for the level four gold to increase this meaning you get a potion up to there yes now i get a potion do you have four oh no you have two two potions i only have one this is your second one this is my second one yes and it's another tiny l how i missed you so then i'm going to spend let's do this card to go down this way so now i can increase my combat oh nice nice that's very nice uh what else can we do you know it is time to dice poker yeah so i have to discard both of these cards we don't have an ocean symbol just to move this way and here we go let's play from the bank against the locals all right ready good luck yeah it's been a while yeah here you go okay two pair two fours and two ones all right i have two fives i'm going to be rolling these yeah it's all of them right yeah let's go do you want me to go first oh yes yes you first okay so it's just two pair with the two kicker perfect please i just need one five oh that was worth it yeah that was worth it too bad you can't wager on poker dice i know if you uh play with more than two players when you have a richard of witcher battle you can do waitressing on the outcome but not in a two-player game so we're missing out on that and i don't have any more cards in my hand so that is it i am going to go into this phase let's do let's see the wildlands okay in summary you've been riding for a long time you're sore in certain areas and uh you've come upon a place and somebody offers you if you want to stay the night uh because he's looking for a drinking buddy so you can either accept the proposition or you can say no to the booze and then continue on and make camp in the forest instead is this friend or foe that is the question let's go to the forest you're going to say no to that i'm saying no okay in the morning you find some new suspicious tracks in the area gain any one trail hey okay all right um anyone trail let's do the let's go with the griffin okay so you have the one for mountain let's shuffle these up a little bit yeah so that way uh we have a variety we have different monsters whichever one you want this one okay so it's number two where is number two up here where you defeated the very first monster that is so far away at least it's next to the griffin yeah that's true it's on the way okay then let's draw these three cards one two three and what are we going to take okay i'm gonna go with this one this is too good to pass up i think three damage yeah i have to discard one card to do that cool all right back to you okay actually wait before i i messed this up you're in the water yeah that's right and you have enough uh slots for potion well you can always draw beyond and discard down that's right i have two potions there you go oh another another owl another tiny owl there must be like a vat of tony somewhere in the water that is a lot yeah okay your turn all right you're done okay so i am going to move to this uh mountain region in sintra with using that so that's the new car that i acquired uh it's going to go here i'm going to gain a potion i have two potions so i can grab another and that is a blizzard okay so this is uh after you finish your combo play any one additional card from your hand it does not need to match extensions so this is a nice card i do like i really like that one i love blizzard potion okay so that's me there and then now i'm gonna move into here where that monster that i trailed uh is so i'm going to take this action at the bottom before i fight it what are you going to discard to go there uh oh very good i'm going to discard this wild symbol which is one of each so that's going to go there okay i got ahead of myself yes so i'm doing this bottom action here uh which is i get to level up my defense the one that got knocked down and that's the one that gets me to do it so i level it up because of that that allows my witcher is now a level three witcher because i moved from here to here i get to draw a single card yes one card i draw a card perfect i'm gonna in my second phase i'm gonna fight this one so i go first because i was able to track this this monster yes so you're doing the battle now you're ending your expression that's it yeah okay so this is the this this guy yeah 14. i don't know if i have the capability i have no idea so during each player's turn your shield level can only be raised by one in total keep that in mind okay i guess um is that the monster deck yeah i'm just shuffling it i hope i get i hope i get lucky i don't know if i can handle 14. it's really dependent on i guess the options so here we go 14 life for this month okay so uh before that i have to create my pool so let's bring these all together and hopefully i can pull this off i don't know i didn't really do the math on this so i have no idea we'll see you could be fine i feel like uh the odds were against me in my last two bottles but it worked out so the fact that i get to strike first is kind of nice so uh okay so i only have two cards and they do chain each other so it's going to be this one which then chains to a yellow which is this one unfortunately don't have another card with the pink in my hand so i can't play this but it's gonna be one two three and it's gonna allow me to draw up one two three okay those those look pretty bad uh so i get to draw four plus the modifier here one so i get to draw five total one two three four and five okay uh awesome oh that's me yeah okay so bite or charge i think i bit twice last time let's go charge okay ready yeah okay the player trashes any one card from their hand i trash any one card from my hand out the game okay that's like a long lap like a scar that's so bad because when i if i was to survive this i had to trash three cards yes correct all right this quick slash the wild but it's so single yeah it's just a thing but i don't take any damage right that's what you're saying no i mean that's technically a dab that is the damage yeah it's technically one damage a permanent damage okay so i think i have a pretty nice combo here i'm gonna play this to pink which allows me to do a blue okay which is gonna then be this blue here which allows me a green which is gonna be this green here which allows me a blue which is just blue wow purple one two three four five six seven eight wow one two oops whoa wow three four five six oh wow keep doing that seven eight they have two lives left good so that was good that was really good yeah so then this allows this combo allows me to uh get me a shield yeah which i can only get in one shield max per turn yeah so that's one shield and then i get to draw two additional cards so i have four five six total to draw wow you're definitely gonna win two there's only two lines four five six all my cards well if it hurts me it's gonna take from here so that's yeah on the shield so so unless this monster is like lose all the cards in your hand i think you might be fine i hope so let's fight again we're gonna bite oh wow oh perfect you're welcome thank you i couldn't that could have been a five that would have been bad but i think you would still would have won because yeah there's only one card left okay i'll discard these two cards here okay let's go down so just one more it's one uh oh sorry uh it was two right so i actually don't get rid of these i i lose my two shields yes that's what it is that's right okay you're gonna win this anyway so yeah so i think it technically triggers this though it says once per fight when you have zero shields it's now my turn yeah uh gain additional cards and or restore lost shields to the level so because i'm at level three i gain one shield but then it matters they're not gonna attack again they're not gonna attack again but in a future it's nice to have it already prepared for the next one you don't lose your shield i don't lose my shield so uh nothing to draw though so i don't get that part of that i think so but okay so now let's go ahead and fight and i will just play this card here okay uh so it's just two slash well that's it that's it it is done you win the battle that is a third trophy for you third trophy ooh it's not looking good for me here you go moving up so you get which one was it this one yeah that one the wraith uh-huh okay go ahead and uh let's see what happens okay so it says the vanquished phantom that disappears into thin air and the locals emerge from behind their houses where they had been hiding to watch you fight thanks for help the persian the precision of your every cut the lightness of your steps and the lightning reflexes will remain a hot topic for many months only a swordsman as swift as a witcher could keep up with the norway in a deadly dance of death at the end of a fight choose any one potion that you used during the fight instead of discarding it keep it and flip it back over that's great i haven't been using my potions yeah i don't know what i'm doing you can wow i should be using you can totally go into battle again and just uh have a lot of stuff yeah so i do have to it goes to you this goes to me it's a trophy and that was a level two monster a level two monster so now it's gonna be a level three monster coming out so it's gonna be this one we need a water token we do need a water token so it's not gonna be the five but it's gonna be one of the other ones sure this one okay okay so location 12 where are you twelve here okay oh near me very far from me okay so this card yeah so that is gonna be this one i believe is that right uh yeah well oh that's a lot no they don't have the same hair that's all this one definitely this yeah these strikers strike the string so before the player creates their life pool they lower their shield level by one for each card in their hand oh so you want to go in like with nothing it's a health of 18. that might be good well i have a lot of shields right now uh so you get two coins for defeating that's that you get two gold you did you trash three cards is almost at game point here i'm trying though he's one more trophy man it's it's tough though trashing is hard okay so i've decided i'm gonna trash these three cards these are all three bass uh deck cards so okay are out okay that's me so uh i'm going to draw three and then pick up one card yeah let's see okay i'm gonna pick up this one which is a free card okay and it'll go into my hand perfect okay that's me all right back to me i'm kind of stressing out i need to uh catch up here you're close to this this one over here this one has a health of 19. that's horrible yeah i'm gonna play some dice poker okay well so first i'm gonna go here by spending this card nice and that lets me level up my special ability which is allowed because yeah that's a lot of speed and then i'm going to go and spend another ocean card to move myself back here nice so we can play some dice poker i like it so here's my one one in good luck coin hold on really good luck here seriously thank you i really hope i win you need some nice poker watch here ready yeah good luck all right okay two ones oh i have three i have a three of kind oh wow so i have three twos i'm not even going to make my decision yet why don't you go ahead and roll i need to roll two ones to really stop you or make you sweat a little bit so two pair you're good no need to roll yeah you're three people three of a kind so i'm just gonna leave it as is and that gets me all of this three buckaroos what am i gonna do all this money i'm going to you're like why don't you want this i'm moving okay to the forest location over here by spending this card oh i see and are you gonna level up up here yeah i'm gonna spend all five of my gold oh you're gonna do that get to the final level nice of alchemy right there awesome are you gonna are you gonna meditate then i think i technically get another potion totally yeah unknown but i'm thinking you still level up and all i would say that's that's a level up thank you all right i have three this is my fourth one so it's a lizard yep yes i like the blizzard so we're gonna keep that yeah so i'm ending my turn there gonna go into phase two and i'm gonna meditate meditate because the alchemy statue or not statue what is it the alchemy trophy trophy is still in the supply it is so here we go you perfectly understand that a good witcher is a prepared witcher so you take the art of brewing potions to new heights if the witchers live to retire every village would want you in their herbalist's place that's nice it's nice it's really nice once per fight on your first fight turn draw up to two potions i'm like a potion extraordinaire over here or something you make sense alchemy yeah okay so i go up on the trophy track you do now you have to discard three i do i have to trash to three i am i have a dwindling deck wow we are at sudden death basically whoever gets the next trophy wins you should fight me i'm thinking about it no no i should fight you you cannot win a trophy if you are not the one who you have to be the aggressor on witcher versus witcher to win the trophy this is three cards three cards yeah this was brutal for me when i did it definitely that one yeah let's do this one because that is kind of a weight walk and then i have several of these uh the cheapies you gotta get rid of the cheapies it is highly combo oh look at that efficient but i have too much good stuff going on in my deck so yeah let's just leave that as it's you too much good stuff going on in your deck that's a lie i don't have good stuff i just have stuff that's not like a free combo yeah it gives you something in addition to the combo wow maybe that was a mistake well it's who knows uh so you meditated that's your face too now you're doing enough so i'm gonna take a card you know i'm just gonna have more cards in my hand i'm gonna take this one for free nice i don't have to discard anything alright so now it is your turn naveen what are you going to do um i don't know okay so uh well you're within striking distance here monique so uh i'm going for it okay so uh i have to spend mountain to get here okay we're gonna go one in i'm gonna gain a potion might as well knowing that we're gonna battle it's the thunderbolt lower your shield level by one and draw two cards from your deck actually uh-huh you cannot do witcher battles oh so knowing that yeah you know what uh knowing that let me shuffle this that is right that is a no-no that's a no-no you get put in detention yeah so you can only do witcher battles in areas that have this like double sword symbol so i was here okay let's pretend that never happened that was a good learning experience that was that was good yeah i'm gonna go this way so we're gonna go water with my my favorite card i have uh it's gonna go here and then what i'll do is i will spend uh four coins to go up on alchemy just so i can get a potion that way so that's going there this moves up because it goes from level three to four and i get a potion so i did shuffle these potions from last time and it is a black blood immediately deal one damage and during this turn you may only play a combo card of one card i'd rather have the thunderbolt okay so that's that uh all right uh then i'm gonna continue on and we're gonna go to this mountain range here and that's gonna go uh right there and so i have more than one coin so i don't get a coin but i can investigate so i might as well investigate or uh trail uh this particular one the one that i'm thinking about fighting okay so let's shuffle these because i'm not sure if i did do you want to pick which one uh i will be yeah this one so location 11. that's like that sounds very far it does where are you it's here okay it's not too far yeah okay so i'll keep that here uh and then now we are going to okay and then i get a coin to go on top of this so if i ever go to 11 i'll get yes uh i don't have a mountain and i have no cards in my hand so i'm gonna spend these two okay put them into my discard and then i'm gonna go in here uh exposed but i'm gonna go here wow i only have one coin so i'm not gonna be able to level up anything uh while i'm there but okay it is what it is so so you're battling i'm battling okay this is for the winning trophy i don't know if um we'll see no it is it really is no no no i mean like if i even stand a chance i'm just kind of there i think you do this is which monster is this the griffin the griffin yeah okay so uh during the entire fight your combat level is reduced by one so my four is four so it's it's a no no it's four or three four and twelve okay so just actual number i thought it was like the level of that you know because it goes four four three two one so i figured four to four minus one all right okay so fifteen so i'll just take five out one two three four five i think it's better than counting fifteen i count this still and then you don't forget to shuffle your your life yes this is why i was i was willing to do all this okay so so no cards in hand no cards in hand all right let's bite boom the player takes damage equal to their combat level oh is that five damage then one two three four five why would that happen if i'm so com if i'm so strong in combat why would i take damage a griffin it has a really gnarly bite it's whatever the talons i'm thinking oh my gosh that's really bad well so i lose the shield one actually and then sorry i'm supposed to shuffle these let me do this again i always forget the shield so one did you see something that you liked and you're like don't want to discard that we gotta go with shields first one two three four and five i reshuffled all right i like all of these cars oh those are really strong well they get discarded unfortunately good okay there will be a consolation uh wow so well now it's your turn okay so for my trophy for beating a ruckus it says if you begin your fight with zero or one cards in your hand draw two so i have no cards so i draw two one two uh and then i have this uh my armor so uh because i have no shields i get to move my shields up one and then i draw three cards one two three these were my combo cards here though that was that was brutal for me it's interesting because uh you can draw as many cards as you want but it doesn't change the number of life that you have yeah yeah yeah okay so i'll play this card here which is a green shield uh leading into blue and this will be blue going there okay so that's uh going to be one shield and three damage one two three okay one two three okay those look like big behemoths so that's good how many more are left i don't know if you're supposed to technically be looking at these cards yeah there are uh whatever 15 minus 4 is 11. oh yep not good so these go into the discard and then now i draw up my combat level so i'm just gonna basically take my last card okay uh well let's uh let's charge boom oh five okay you're out one two three four and five oh you left to see another day you know i'll go three four five i'll do this because i like the card that's right here man that was brutal there's a lot of a lot of health left here unfortunately my last card will be uh a shield so i'm just gonna play a shield so that i can gear up for another chance in the future okay well that's it you don't have any more cars i have no more cars i'm exhausted so yeah it's the first time that we uh are showcasing a witcher losing a battle i got hurt so the monster won they did so we're gonna refer to this chart over here so since it was a complete defeat first thing is naveen gets a monster trail token okay for that monster so you have one in your possession i don't get this coin but i think it's like now i i know it yes and now i'm thinking that we might have messed that up earlier when we were given a chill token from a quest but uh we're just going to continue on the way it is sure yeah uh and then you get to take a a a cost of zero card from the market i think this is the only one that's the only one so i'll take it so that goes into my hand yep and then you can only draw up to two cards up to two cards okay so so i have to reshuffle all of this actually it goes into your deck to the deck yeah yeah i was like then it's not really a penalty yeah so you shovel everything and you only get to draw two okay one two but now you can uh buy something yeah so it does add a little bit of health points what do we got here well i could buy this one right here which is not bad it's free because one minus one yeah okay i'll do it i'll do it perfect perfect now you have a lot of cards in your hand i have three cards yeah yeah too bad that uh you are in a school i wanted to try to battle you oh i know it's hard to battle witchers in a two-player game you're kind of uh running after each other so what location is this two two you know i think i'm gonna try to go fight it i'm gonna try i showed you its strength and you're like yeah okay yeah i don't know so let's let's start the journey so here's a forest terrain to go here whoops i have zero gold so i actually get to take one this time nice and i can discard two cards from the uh let's discard this one okay and this one sure because they're both really strong and that way at least this one will be free for me if you don't survive this battle yes if i don't if i don't survive this battle i'm going to go up here so with this mountain card because i have a uh monster trailer yeah that's right that location so now i take the gold and i have finally have the monster trail yeah that's why i was trying to stop that monster because i knew you had that access i can plan another monster trail token but i think i'm going to forego that i'm going to spend another mountain card to get myself over here okay so i cannot pay i only have two gold so i can't actually do the location ability so i'm just gonna end my phase one there and go into uh battling that monster okay naveen tried to fight the griffin so i so my combat level is at a three it's gonna go oh no i'm only gonna be able to draw two cards per charge return that's bad i do have two shields and i have a bunch of potions and i get to go first you do get to go first so that's nice i love your speed also i do have my speed that's going to be great because it's going to let me draw two cards on the front end so let me shuffle these yeah that was when it when you pulled a five on that first one i was like well i'm done that was pretty much it ah okay i like how it was in this school um i do have four potions and my alchemy level is high enough to use all four of them if i need to so before my first fight turn i have to do my speed ability or i sacrifice it so i get to look at three cards and keep two of them so i only have to put back one which is nice okay i'm gonna put this one back and then let's see if i have any good stuff here oh once per fight on your first fight turn draw up to two potions so you have four potions though you can't hold more than four you can draw up to two and then make your best pick and discard down to four let's do it all right i'm gonna draw two i don't know if i really want the time this many times okay there you go so swallow raise your shield level by one and at the end of this turn draw one last card oh i don't like that or the blizzard oh i do like the blizzard i have two of them now so i'm gonna take the blizzard and discard one of my owls okay sounds good okay and then uh i'm going to start so my fiend ability says if i play a combo with one or more defensive sign yellow cards at the end of that fight i can draw two additional cards so i think i will try to do that so first is this okay my intensive intensive ignee okay so i can do a yellow combo which will be that and i can do a red combo which will be that okay so it's one two three four five damage and no shields but i can draw it's three minus one because of the griffin so two minus one minus one is one so one card plus one two cards two plus two is four plus this one my fiend two more so that's six six total because you played a defensive card uh because i played a yellow yeah the yellow cards are defensive oh yeah okay so six cards one two three four five six uh-oh i don't have that much health either yeah okay go for it all right so uh we're gonna go bite bite the player lowers their alchemy level by one and takes damage according to the monster level so it's a level two monster so you like take two and you lower your alchemy level but it's locked in so i don't actually have to do it but i do have to lower my shield so one two that's it no no further damage that's not bad okay we're gonna try to hit this monster for as much as we can while we can the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm going to play my uh petrie's filter which lets me discard any one card from my hand to immediately deal two damage so i'm gonna discard this one sure so we dealt two damage yeah do you to know the count one two three four five six seven it's only seven that sounds very doable i can't do this with just the cards in my hand so let's try green card which lets me do a yellow combo nice yellow card which lets me do blue slash purple blue slash purple which lets me do red and that's a red so three four five six seven eight yeah and you got two shields eight damage eight damage so we got one two three four five six seven it's done it's done the witcher kyler has defeated get yourself a trophy for a trophy showing off in the school yard we got to go let's let's see what happens let's talk about it yeah all right so a few opponents took as much out of you as the griffin the beast fell at you in a nosedive time after time and only your unnatural reflexes saved you from the assault in the end a combination of power signs and potions allow you to slay the monster so amazing wow the game is done you had some combos at the end there that was a nice going first was huge for that yes yeah that is really really big do not underestimate the power of the monster trail yes i'm a little bit disappointed that we didn't get to uh do a witcher battle it's not difficult in a two-player game because you have to find yourself in the same location and it has to be a non-school location non-school location and also like we're still trying to fill each other out like you saw me just beat a witcher with a really good combo and you're like i don't want to face that yeah i don't want to deal with that you know and so it's kind of like i'd rather just try to go fight the monsters if i can yeah but you know in a in a higher player account that you know there's some opportunities there for the most part we showed off a majority of the game the other things that we didn't do are wagers it's a higher player count kind of thing where you can wager on fights and if you are defeated by the monster in battle but the monster only has one or zero uh cards left in their in their health pool then you scare the monster away you still gain gold you also gain a zero card from the market but you just don't gain the trophy you don't gain them it's like you weaken them they take off and that's pretty much it yes so that is pretty much it for the witcher like we were mentioning this game is on kickstarter we are going to talk about in a second but something that we forgot to mention at the beginning of the video is this is a prototype copy of the game we should have mentioned that on the on the front end all right so considering that this is not technically a sponsored video we can talk about it a little bit yep so what are your thoughts on this game uh you know it's actually pretty good i didn't know what to expect um i tried to actually avoid watching the videos that uh lucas the designer uh put out uh i think for an ip like this it there's a challenge between um putting something out that is considered accessible versus uh something that is more for gamers you know and so this kind of has a nice mesh between the two it's interesting we don't play a whole lot of games that fit this kind of mold so it was refreshing to play i'm a big fan of the combo the card combo part of it i think that is the meat and potatoes the hand management specifically because you have cards but you need them in order to go to battle and you also need them in order to move just to get places so when do you use them right that kind of timing and which cards do you pick up from the market do you take the cheap ones because you just need more life and you just you don't need to discard cards or do you take specific cards because of the the color comboing right now we don't have an extensive experience or history with the theme with the app right so we've watched a little bit of the shows and then uh we are familiar with the video game but not not the books at all theme wise i thought that it integrated nicely in terms of the the monster battle part of it right you're going around you're battling monsters the artwork is beautiful it is very nice we mentioned this is a prototype copy of the game which is really impressive because usually prototypes are not this high quality like this is a game that it almost feels like was production quality like it's close yeah yeah yeah just just the player board itself to have the double the the inlays uh you know that they're on the right track yeah the board is really really big which means more table space but it also means the the map is a lot more accessible visually it's clear to see everything uh i've never got tripped up okay technically once i got tripped up when i thought i was going to fight monique in a school but that's just more my bad but yes everything is very clear you can see the pathways uh that the roads are that like kind of vibrant almost like a pop-up book so i've never been like tripped up as so like okay if i need to plan my route from here to there i've never been halfway through a turn and like i gotta turn back i don't know what i was doing i do like the symbology that they used um i think the production call production copy comes with a with player aids that we weren't able to access um physically we still had them in the rulebook but uh that'll make it even easier the rulebook is quite long uh that isn't to say that it's not accessible i think that um rule set wise and understanding the game no matter what kind of gamer you are whether you're a hobby board gamer or just somebody who is very very interested in the board game because you love the ip i think uh it's quite accessible and that is a big deal for for really popular ips yeah i think that rule book will definitely be cleaned up along the way it's basically uh from what we had is kind of just a pdf um and so there's gonna be art and the graphics and all that stuff and it'll clean up everything uh rule set wise if you are a seasoned gamer it's a lot easier to get into not saying that like for newer people into the hobby it won't be easy it's just you can kind of talk in that gamer lingo and you can kind of get up to speed fairly quickly for people who are new to board gaming it's definitely not something that's intimidating though uh it is like we said kind of accessible uh and so it just takes a little bit more just to kind of get the ideas and the concepts down but once you have those then it's kind of rinse and repeat yeah it goes on i really like the fact that they laid out the board according to the phases of your turn yes so it made that really easy the probably the most difficult thing for me to grasp was what happens if i defeat a witcher what happens if i get defeated but it was my turn or like what happened you know the specific case you're in defense yeah yeah or like if i'm battling a monster and i only uh make it run away versus if i get completely exhausted so just kind of keeping uh those rules in mind but also there is a visual aid on the board itself so you can always reference that in terms of the experience you know it is uh from game to game it's going to vary in terms of where the monsters are played in terms of player count like player count does impact you quite a bit yeah uh in our game play in a two-player game the game's gonna go much quicker and so that is probably my biggest kind of peeve about the game is the fact that it can kind of go along yeah assuming higher player counts it could go even longer because of the story cards uh basically anytime you're not fighting a monster or meditating you're basically gonna draw from one of those then you have to read the flavor text and there's option a or b then you resolve that sometimes they have to then take a token for the quest so if you have four or five players which is the max player count i could see that being very very long but those explanation cards really contribute to the feel of the game so if you are the kind of gamer who really enjoys that kind of story aspect to it those uh decks are big both the wild and the city cards yeah and so every game is going to feel different because you go on different uh you know you experience different events right and then the side quests that you go on they're optional but it's fun to go on them because you get those additional events that can help bump up those attributes so that you're not constantly running all over the board the entire game but going back to the length of the game i think it more has to do with the fact that each player's turn can be quite long especially if you go into combat those combat sequences are quite involved involved yeah and so if that matters to you then that that might be uh you know something to just think about the fact that it can go along in higher player accounts though the board is going to have added tension and so in our in our game play it was a two-player game it was more of us going after our own needs if we needed to play dice poker we had we pretty much had to go those location spots that let you do it or else you have to kind of run after each other to play against each other and hire player accounts you'll have more opportunity to play a dice poker with other players right yeah because the board doesn't scale it's not like in a two-player game you cut off certain cities it's the same exact board for anywhere from i would assume for one player and all the way up to five players uh so yeah you would have to chase somebody down but then that takes away from an entire thing so you probably wouldn't do that in a higher player accounts can be a lot more readily available you also have access to wagering and so that's not something that you can do in a two-player game that could be a lot more exciting in terms of player interaction it'll also be a lot easier for you to battle richard witcher so that is something that i really wanted to do during the game that we couldn't because i had to kind of count on naveen being at the right place at the right time because you can't battle a witcher in a school right and uh that's always where he was whenever i wanted to battle is gonna be a lot easier for you to do in higher player accounts right i will say though in uh in our player account like in a two-player game there's three monsters on the board and if you have a four or five player there's still three monsters on the board so if you've kind of set yourself up uh throughout the like a couple rounds knowing that you're gonna go attack that monster but it's a higher player account and somebody else goes there and takes out that level one or that level two and now it's a higher level than you're prepared to face uh that can be quite a challenge so i think it's a little bit more i would assume it's a little bit tighter in terms of trying to get those trophies from the monsters i do want to talk about the the monster decks so um because there are so many different thematic monsters in the game it would be nice to have each monster have like four or five special cards that you would shuffle in okay so it's more like something you'd like to see yeah i'd like to see that so like you know like like the uh like let's say one of them had 10 10 cards right but you know that this particular monster has an additional three cards you would take those three cards and take the ten and shuffle it all together and then deal out those ten and then maybe you would have a little bit more kind of like flavor with each particular monster i don't know that's something that i would have liked to seen because some of these are just you know it you never know what you're gonna get it's just like four bite if you go charge or five by if you go uh bite or something like that that's an interesting concept maybe for an expansion yeah just not like not like everyone needs their own deck or anything like that but just enough just to kind of toss it in there so maybe it'll show up two cards or something yeah something like that and speaking of there is quite a bit of luck in this game if you haven't already noticed yeah so lock in the dice poker even though that's still strategic in the way that you reroll but luck in the you're choosing a and b a lot of times like when you when you read those event cards it's arb and you kind of meet your fate by chance yep uh same thing with the with the monster battle when uh your opponent is choosing to charge or or bite and so depending on what kind of gamer you are that can either be good or bad for people who are kind of long for the ride which is kind of what this game plays towards you know you have all of those cards that give you uh text there's a lot of text there's text on the monsters whenever you defeat them it's a rich experience in that sense so if you're if you're that kind of gamer then this is definitely going to appeal to you but it's more about the experience of the game and i think that that is what the game does well uh because at the end of the day you're playing the witcher you're playing a really really popular ip that's translated to a board game that needs to be accessible to anybody and i think that they they definitely met that goal they did a very good job with that the uh the card play like i was mentioning earlier is my favorite part you know you you have to manage your hand but you're also trying to find those proper combos and it's also your health yes that's a big deal you're trashing cards which is clever whenever you go up on the trophy uh track to kind of balance it out yeah so you can't just have a super awesome combo and then just you know run away with it so i think it's it's clever in that sense yeah after a while you stop caring about which cards you're getting from the market all you know is i need to get a card from the market because i need more cards in my deck for health but um but figuring out those combos and especially when those combos work in your favor like getting the potions in order to to do stuff right in order to make those combos align feels good and that's something that i was able to make happen in the very last turn so maybe i'm just kind of riding off of that high yeah but i think that is what the game is trying to capture and uh yeah that's my favorite part of it so anyway that is the witcher old world like we're mentioning this game is coming to kickstarter uh i think tomorrow and uh we're going to include a link to the campaign down below i believe if you back the game on the first day uh there is a solo slash cooperative mode that they're coming out with as an expansion that is going to be an add-on for for later backers and so if you back on the first day you get it for free right but if you have any questions about the gameplay or anything that you saw in the video today please feel free to leave a comment down below and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible thank you all so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it if you'd like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing thank you bye you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 67,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Witcher, the witcher board game, the witcher kickstarter, the witcher board game kickstarter, how to play the witcher board game, the witcher board game review, the witcher review, the witcher old world, the witcher old world board game, the witcher playthrough, the witcher board game rules, the witcher board game gameplay, The Witcher: Old World, The Witcher kickstarter game, the witcher board game how to play, review, CD Projekt RED, the witcher old world gameplay, Witcher
Id: 4GqZcOie4Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 39sec (6459 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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