Beyond The Sun - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is moni and i'm naveen from before you play and today we have another playthrough for you this time it is for a new release called beyond the sun this one's published by rio grande games and designed by dennis k chan it plays two to four players and it is a tech tree based space game and is a new essen release so we're excited to play it on the channel yeah so it's been a while since we played anything by rio grande games right yeah this is the big release of the year for them and it has a very interesting theme and the mechanics are very they're different from what we're used to playing yeah so we're really excited to show you this one but before we get started we would like to kindly please ask that you turn on your klingon subtitles just in case we make any rules mistakes and if you enjoy content like this and would like to see more please consider subscribing and without further ado we are going to get started so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up for our two-player game of beyond the sun as you can see this is a massive board it's really big we've had to zoom out quite a bit pretty much to the max yes so we're going to try to insert uh zoomed in a video clips for your you know ease of viewing pleasure because we really want you to understand this game so interesting but what we have here is the tech tree that naveen was speaking of this is the main juice of the game this is pretty much what the game is built on so we're going to be describing this in a second but up here we also have the exploration board more yeah a little bit more juice more juice for sure yeah baby juice oh i don't know about baby i there's some juice over there you think i'd say 50 50 juice okay well we'll see we also have our own player boards here that controls all the different resources that are at play in this game and then a few extra little cards we'll talk about in a second so this game takes place about 200 years into the future we have destroyed the earth i didn't do anything but well we the collectively and now we are forced to go into space uh one of the corporations has developed the first hyper space spaceship something like that space spaceship yeah and we have now entered these space fairing era so we're exploring space looking for places to habitate i guess and we are discovering technologies along the way and of course as humans do we are now different corporations who are vying for control and power competitive yes so the game takes place over several rounds there's not a set number of rounds there's an end game condition that would trigger the end of the game and whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins the main concept of this game is there is this gigantic tech tree at the start of the game we only have four actions available to us and they are all the way over here to the very left the start of the tech tree and so as the game progresses we're going to be discovering new technologies which are these cards right here that'll give us access to more different types of actions more efficient actions that'll allow us to do bigger and better things but in order to take the actions on this side of the board we must first research the different technologies so if you look closely at the board you can kind of see from the basic space fairing action it splits into these four different sections so from here you can research any of these four technologies if say for example i were to research this technology after that i could then research anywhere where the line connects to and that is how the tech tree works there are four levels of technology there's level one which are these four over here level two level three and then level four over here which are the hardest to get to obviously in order for you to research a technology you must have researched all of the technologies before it which means if i want to research this space over here i would need to have both this one and this one researched which also means i would need to have this one researched and these two so it kind of it all kind of like branches into this big tree it's like a family tree of technology yes and so whenever we refer to technology technology cards are these types of cards that i was that i was kind of displaying and they all have different types of actions or immediate or ongoing benefits and there are four main types they're denoted by the colors the four colors the blue stands for scientific the green is economic red is military and yellow is commercial and so they will provide different types of actions or bonuses related to their type right and i should also mention that there are two different types of player boards there are the basic starting boards which is the ones that we are playing with today and there are also the advanced boards that are asymmetric so just know that that exists we're not playing with them today but they do exist and so a player's turn in this game consists of three different phases the very first thing that you do on your turn is you take an action and so actions in this game are symbolized by these like gray hexagons and these are your player tokens which you're going to be using to select an action like i was mentioning at the start of the game these are the only four that are available to you i'm just going to briefly describe what these four actions are so that'll help open up the rest of the game action spaces look like this and so when you take an action you place one of your action markers on one of those action spaces and then carry out the action you must always move your marker to another available action space on your turn but if an action has multiple spaces you may move to the next one so the very top most action in the basic space fairing menu is the ability to research a level one technology so anytime you see this kind of symbol with a person and then either a one two three or four that is a researching action it tells you specifically what level of technology that you're allowed to research and so as you can see there are only two of these available to start the game which are researching a level one technology and researching a level two technology so if i wanted to research a level three or four i would have to find those actions somewhere on the board or i would have to choose i guess i should say those technologies that would give me that action type later on and so what i would do if i wanted to research a technology is i would place my action token here on my turn and then what i would do is i would place one of the people that are on my board and i would assign them to the technology that i'm trying to research which brings us to our player boards so our player boards are divided into three or four distinct areas anything in the top left-hand corner here in this box is your population that is available to you population is one of the resource types in this game one of the main resource types the other type is or and or is more like a currency this is what you spend to do certain actions and all of the the cost to do actions will be listed on the actual action type and so anytime you see that kind of like person symbol on the action that means you have to literally take one of these population cubes from your from your available um box here and place it in that area we will talk about how to get more of these population cubes later on but that is how you spend them so going back to this action if i wanted to research say this level one technology which is the narrow beam lasers um in the military category i would take one of my popular population cubes i would put it here on the left most side of the box to show that now from now on i have access to this technology and then i would gain whatever the immediate benefit of the card is at the very top here a lot of them have immediate benefits and i would just gain that immediately and some of them also have an additional action spot below it and so that action is now available only to people who have researched this technology and so in the case of the narrow beam lasers i would immediately gain one ore and then i would be able to upgrade a ship by one level we haven't discussed the ships yet but that is what this lets me do immediately and then from now on i have this available action spot that allows me to pay one ore in order to turn one of my population cubes into a level two ship and then jump three spaces the next available space on this basic space fairing tile is the ability to research a level two technology so the procedure for that is very similar the differences are that in order to research a level two technology you have to pay two or so anytime there you see a symbol that's like to the left of a colon that is something that you have to pay say i had researched this level one technology previously i am now eligible to research this or this level two technology because of the way that the the lines connect and so the difference between researching a level two and three technology versus level one is they each have these event cards on them and so what i would do is first things first i would place my population cube to the left of whichever technology i'm going to be discovering and then i would read the event card aloud and so the event cards do things immediately or they might provide a bonus or some something new it's just some something that you weren't expecting to happen will happen and so all these event cards we will read as we play the game because there is a wide variety of things that can happen with these cards but that is the first thing that happens you read and resolve this card then you actually discover the technology and so the way that that works is there is a stack of these technology cards depending on the levels these are all the level twos these are level threes level fours and so what you would have to do is first look at the technology card that came before it so in this example it's this red military one and so now i must look through this deck four military specific um technology cards because in the future sometimes it might be connected to more than one of the technologies so if there are multiple colors then you must first choose which type of technology that you want to research so in this example it's red what i would do is i would take the entire stack of technology cards and i would flip them over until i find two cards that have red showing in some kind of capacity so so this is a good example there's the first one and it has to be red on the left hand side because you're going from red to red this is a hybrid technology meaning it encompasses uh more than one color but it still works because it still has red in it so this is the outer sector militia i would put that aside and i would keep flipping until i find two of them that have red on them so i found the two i found outer sector militia and human experiments and then what i would do is i would read them both and i get to decide which of the two is going to become the technology that gets placed here right and if the technology has an immediate benefit i would gain it right away just like the other technology cards and same thing now i would have access to these uh two types of of new actions and then the card that i did not choose will go to the bottom of the deck this deck does not get shuffled so that you're continuously kind of going through the deck and you don't really have much of a risk of seeing something you've already seen so in terms of talking about this research even though monique has been the one that would technically have unlocked this this does not mean that i can now utilize these spaces i must go through the same procedure and protocols of researching the same technology and then eventually researching into here to have access to these spots exactly the benefit that i had in going there first is i got to choose which technology is going to go there and so that is sort of like the beauty of the game you decide on the fly what the rest of the game is going to look like and so every time you play this game it's going to have a different combination of things that happens and different tools to your at your disposal essentially and so that is how discovering a technology works like i was mentioning earlier there is no space here in order for you to discover the level threes or fours you must find them by discovering these other level two technologies and choosing that specific action spot if nobody chooses them there are also these guilds that will get unlocked eventually which will give everybody the ability to do those types of actions which may get unlocked potentially they don't there's a high likelihood of them getting unlocked right i'm going to take a break from this side of the board real quick in order to discuss the exploration board because that is what the next two actions um have to do with so the third action type and under basic space fairing is the ability to convert one population into a level one spaceship optionally that's an optional action and then you jump two that is a main action here jumping two spaces on this exploration board this is a big area control board what we're trying to do here is we're trying to colonize these different uh systems that actually exist in our planetaries i believe all of the cards uh that these are based off of are real stars and and different they're real star systems that you can see from earth right uh so i thought that was pretty cool we both start the game with these level one ships here in seoul um one of the player boards i believe the one that navina is playing with gets to start with an additional ship but basically what we're going to be doing here is we're going to be building these ships and jumping around trying to take control over these uh these systems so going back to this action the first thing that it allows you to do is it allows you to build a level 1 spaceship whenever you build spaceships it's the same thing you must have a population in your available space here in order to build a spaceship because you're going to convert that dye into that spaceship and while we're on the topic of the dice i just kind of want to go over each die is identical the different faces are this supply box which is what is showing all over the entire player board essentially and the supply box is kind of like the general symbol for supplies that you use in order to make population or in order to build spaceships which is kind of like a neutral symbol it's a neutral symbol yeah when it's when it's in this little kind of cell tower looking thing right over here that that's exactly what it is yeah it's considered supply supply uh when you turn it into a population which we'll talk about later then it turns into this person side which then goes there or onto the the research board or whatever else you'll never be rolling dice in this game you'll always be setting dice yes and whenever you turn the die into a spaceship then you would flip it to the face of whatever level the spaceship is gonna be so in this situation we are turning a population cube into a level one spaceship so i flip it to that side and whenever you build a new spaceship you must build it either in seoul which is where we're starting here or into any shipyard systems that you control so on this side of the board because this is also for a two-player only game there's an up opposite side of the board that has a little bit more stuff going on but on this side of the board there are only two shipyard systems that you can ever be building ships into and it is seoul and this one up here this uppermost players can always build spaceships into seoul but they can only deploy a spaceship into this shipyard system if they have control over it so what does that mean and so what happens here is after i build that spaceship taking this action i can jump two spaces so jumping on this board allows you to move from one place to another across one of these lines and you can split up movement between the the various spaceships that you control on the board so if i'm allowed to jump two spaces i can say okay i'm gonna move both of these spaceships to that to that card so it's one two when i end my movement what we're gonna do is we're gonna look to see if i gain control all you have to do to have control is you have to have the highest sum of the levels of your ships in that area considered military power yes it's considered military power so in this example i have two level one spaceships so my military power is is two two in this system because i'm unopposed i technically have the highest amount of power in there and so i take control whenever you take control you move one of these two disks from your player board onto the card itself and it's called an outpost and so each controllable system shows you what type of token that you have to put on here as an outpost some of them only have one so in this example this gj1061 system requires the or which is the gear symbol to be placed on here and some of them have both symbols like this ross 154 and in the case of of the the cards that have both symbols you get to choose which one goes onto the card what that'll actually do for you is it'll establish that you have an outpost on the board right and also help in production which is the second phase of your turn which we'll get to in a second and then at the very top of some of these cards not all but at the very top of them if there's a symbol that shows this kind of like disc with an arrow pointing down that is a an immediate benefit that you get for placing an outpost on that card or otherwise known as establishing control this is a use it or lose it moment yes and so that that benefit can happen multiple times because if naveen were to now come into this system on his next turn he can take control by having a military power that's higher than mine right he has to beat mine so let's say i had a level four ship and i used a jump to get in here now my four beats her too her ships will stay there but she will now lose control of this token it'll go back to her player board and then i would then place out my control token right over here and then he will now get to take that benefit that sweet sweet benefit that i had just taken on my turn and all the benefits um are very different some of them allow you to build more ships some of them allow you to get resources it really just depends on the card yeah i should also mention that this shipyard system at the very top here is also controllable you can go there and if you have the most power then you can take control by placing your outpost on there but the difference between the this system and these cards is these cards are colonizable which means you can just colonize the card take it as your own and those are gonna be your end game points for the end of the game and they also have these like really really nice colonization benefits that vary from card to card yeah and colonization is is a specific action on the board which we'll talk about yes so in this example for gj 1061 at the very bottom left hand corner of the card there is the colonization symbol it'll have a number and that is the minimum military power that you are required to have in order to colonize this card right but in order to colonize the card you have to have a tech card available to you that has that action on it so at the start of the game it's only going to be this yellow level 1 tech card called terraforming so if naveen wants to colonize that card he needs to research this tech technology card first and then on one of his turns take literally this bottom action spot that allows him to pay three ore he must sacrifice a population from his board and then he can colonize it and so what colonizing the card does is it allows him to take the card uh any ship that he used up to the minimum military power gets returned to his board right so that is a nice way of kind of balancing things but now this token is on this card for the rest of the game permanently and in addition he not only gets the the points at the bottom left-hand corner of the card at the end of the game and whatever the benefit's showing at the bottom here and so in this example for dj 1061 the benefit for colonizing is he it gets to take one of the supply cubes from his board and build a level three spaceship out of it and put it straight into deep space yes so that's a pretty nice that's pretty nice benefit and then what he gets to do is he gets to place a second one of these tokens from his board onto the card and so that's that's a really nice power because that stays there for the rest of the game unlike the regular outposts on the board which can change hands depending on whoever takes control of the card next yeah this is like that's locked in and we haven't talked about the significance of removing these tokens on the board but we're about to get to that yeah we will in a second and that is the exploration board the very last type of action on the basic space fairing menu here is the ability to turn one supply from your board and whenever you do this you always take from the leftmost column a which is the most abundant in supply anyway and you turn it into a population so this is an action that you want to take if it's like i'm really out of population i need to make more somehow then you can do it by taking that action and it also gives you one ore so just a way of getting one population and one ore if you're in dire need the two baseline resources in the game yeah so we discussed the technology board here we discussed the exploration board and so now we're going to deep dive a little bit more into our player boards right so after you're done taking your action the second phase of your turn is production and so that is where all those little discs that we were talking about come into play yes so on your player board there are three different ways that you can produce you have to choose one of them and so the three different production types are producing population producing ore or just trading resources and so if you haven't noticed you're producing the same two resources that we've been talking about and so the way that production works is say i want to produce a population i need more people in order to you know dispense out do more stuff and so you would look at the different symbols that are visible on your board and you would take one supply cube from each of those visible columns and turn them into population so in this example i have a and b showing i would take one supply cube from each column and place them into my my available space here to now you know be able to deploy and so that is why colonizing these systems are also really valuable because these tokens will stay there permanently if you're constantly exchanging hands these tokens get returned to your board and so when i go to produce i have less ability to produce resources right and so what also happens here is whenever you research a technology you're putting a population cube next to the technology and it's going to stay there for the rest of the game which means as the game progresses these columns are going to get depleted so if i don't have any more cubes in my a column and all i have is this a symbol showing i don't actually get to produce population the other thing that you can produce if you don't want to produce population is you can produce ore and it works the exact same way you just look at the number of available symbols showing on your player board and then you just get that many pieces of ore from the supply so it's a little bit different from the population in that it's not dependent on the exchange of resources that you have up here you can always just get that much from the supply right the third type of way you can produce is kind of like a an act of desperation i would say yeah and in our place in the past we haven't really used it but it is available if you need it and that is resource trading and so there are three different things that you can do and you can repeat them in any combination right spend three or in order to convert one supply cube into a population or you can spend one ore to convert one of your ships from anywhere on the exploration board into a population so you're you're going backwards on that that ship or if you really want to you can just sacrifice an available population from your board by putting it back into the rightmost supply column on your board and then gain one ore from the supply it's like you're turning a human into a fossil that's what i would say i guess something like that and so that is essentially how your player board works there is one more way of getting these tokens off your board in a very permanent way and that is by ways of automation and so automation is another type of immediate benefit of immediate benefit that is available to you as one of the level one technologies but say for example under this advanced genetics technology if i were to research this i would immediately get to automate one food token and then turn one supply cube into a population and so what automating does is it allows you to take the token from your player board and place it at the automation track that's all the way at the top here all that means is now that token is off your board forever it is now there for the rest of the game there's no way to remove these from your automation track which is good which is good this is great you want that in addition depending on how far you've gotten on this track some of these spots are worth points i believe it's starting from the second spot onwards it's worth one point the final spot is worth two points and these are cumulative and so if you ever automate past seven spots then each each additional automation is just worth one point per token right we basically explain all the different types of of actions in this game as we develop and research the the future technologies they're gonna be very much the same types of actions it's kind of sweeter yeah represented in different ways right the final thing are the achievements and the achievements are actually the third phase of your turn once you finish taking your one action you've chosen which way that you wanted to produce then you check to see if you've achieved any of these achievements those four achievements there are always four cards in play two of them are always in every game and the other two are variable and so these achievements are going to be things like colonizing four different systems or researching your first level four technology those are the two that are always in play and so once you get to that third phase you must check to see if you've accomplished any of these and if you've met one of the achievements then you're required to put one of your achievement disks onto that card you can only do each achievement once per game and if you meet the requirements of several of these achievement cards on your turn you can still only do one achievement per turn right because the achievement cards are the timer of the game yes so i believe in higher player counts you have to have four achievements in order to end the game in a two-player game it's only three so as soon as we have three discs it's not three per person just three discs total amongst all these achievement cards then that is going to trigger the last round of the game you finish the round so that everybody has equal number of turns and then you take one more full round of actions essentially and then the game will end and you go into end game scoring and so end game scoring is is pretty straightforward you get points for all of the technologies that you've researched you get points for all of your cards that you've colonized points for your achievements you have points for your automation cards sometimes the events will have certain points and sometimes you'll be able to have like a private technology but that's highly variable depending on the game and you also get points for any of the outposts that you have left on this board as well as whoever controls the two non-controllable areas yes exactly whoever has the most points wins so i know that that was kind of like a scattered teach but it is kind of a it's a different game so i hope that made a little bit of sense it'll be smooth as we play yes it'll definitely become more apparent as to what's going on turns are very quick um and you'll probably catch on to how the game works like after the first few times i would say so yeah so we are going to get set up and then we are going to start our playthrough okay so we have reset the board not too much resetting but we are ready to play our game there is some starting setup and we're going to go over it right now yes so we play as two different corporations do you want to introduce who you are yeah i am the zheng yi brotherhood and the so these are asymmetric corporations and so mine for flavortex is representing justice for the masses this underground socialist organization is hailed by many of the working class the oppressed as well as anonymous groups conducting cyber military research wow for the people and you i am the nishida ostergard corporation and so it says this small aerospace startup turned into a global sensation overnight as they unveiled the first commercially viable hyperspace hyperspace engine oh yeah we are the ones who made the hyperspace engine oh nice it is now a multi-trillion dollar conglomerate wow wow so the asymmetry in these boards is just really slight it's just in starting setup so naveen gets so everybody starts with two population one ore and then for me it's after regular setup which is what we have here gain an additional level one ship on soul taken from the supply column a which is right here so naveen is a little bit uh more stacked so i have two ships expiration one ship so for me it says after regular setup i gained two additional ores so i'm gonna start the game with three or total and so the amount of ore that you start with depends on player count um and player order sorry in a two player game we both just start with one one so we are going to see who goes first and i think we should do a different uh i don't think rock paper scissors is gonna fly we need i always go scissors huh yeah cause we i we notice that we keep using the same uh i always win i always go first you win in board games too let's do uh you visit us evens and odds okay what do you wanna be edens okay three two one shoot okay so with you odd okay well so navina's gonna get this start player marker and it's not gonna change hands it's just being a start player because i get the yeah you get the extra potential or extra round potential potential okay well here we go ready to go so i have nothing going for me in technology so i'm gonna go and start some technology i'm gonna go over here to the basic space fairing the first option we have right over here and i'm gonna go ahead and research one of these four technologies all right so i'm gonna do the military upgrade over here so it's gonna cost me one of my population that's gonna go over here denoting that i have researched this technology right here so this is narrow beam laser what it says here in the small print is immediately i'm going to gain one ore and upgrade one of my ships by one level so this one becomes now a two nice there we go wow not feeling too good uh in space over here so far so good all right and so now uh the second thing i do after i take my action is i do production so i'm gonna go ahead and produce more population so i'm going to take from this column a because that's what's uncovered and then go ahead and turn it into a human there we go so now i have a 2-2 balance between my resources and then technically he's supposed to check to see if he has met the achievements but it is so early in the game i promise you yeah speaking of the achievements we should probably talk about what they are ah yes all right so we have the two uh achievements that that have to be in every game and that's empire which is to colonize four systems and transcendence which is to research your first level four technology in this game we're also playing with the technologist and the post-humanist so the technologist you achieve this if you research all six of the level two technologies so have one of these in each one of those spaces yes and only one in a two-player game only one person can do this and it's gonna be worth three points this is only open in a four-player game sure the post-humanist says if you have two or fewer of your these supply cubes left in your supply at the end of your turn then you take that only spot that which means you you have would have had to like research or whatever your cubes must be out like get them out like a ton of ships so wow interesting yeah interesting little thing so okay it's your turn i'm gonna put these babies on can't see there they are oh and also on that note we should also probably talk about these these systems so we have a starting system for the a space and it is serious nice if you place an outpost on here you gain one ore immediately the it only takes three military to colonize it it gives you five points and lets you upgrade up to two different ships by one level wow that's a nice one uh for the b areas we have wise 1541-2250 there's no benefit for controlling this system but once you colonize it with a military level five or higher you get two points at the end of the game and it lets you draw the top card from the level 3 technology deck as your private technology that's interesting how cool we have not experienced private technologies yet so and then the third one is ross 154 and so when you control this system you get to move your rightmost supply cube to supply column a so that's a nice way to get that extra person there if you run out of that column because the only way to tap into this e column over here is if you've unlocked all these tokens and then when you produce this is showing then you can take that so it's a good way to move more resources closer to what you can probably produce you always spend uh resources from the left column to the right right and so if you colonize this system you get to uh it says from now on you may pay an extra ore to take an action that is occupied wow nice wow i like that and it gets you six points at the end of the game interesting oh now i don't like that you have so many chips in there um okay i'm gonna do the same okay i'm going to you have one and four choices yeah i'm gonna research a level one technology but i think i'm going to start with the yellow one which is terraforming okay so for terraforming it immediately lets me create a spaceship using a supply cube so level one spaceship but instead of uh placing the spaceship in seoul it's system in deep space yeah it's put in deep space which is nice because now i have easy access to the the b the b systems very nice and then i'm going to produce so i have a lot of ore i think i will just produce uh population so take the top most cube from the a column and there you go i got my person very nice so back to you and also for this terraforming card i also now have these additional action spaces that allows me to just jump four which is just make four movements here or i can colonize a system for three or and sacrificing a person so that's cool that's the first uh colonizing action so far so because we're both blocked off here there's no way i can take the same action that we just did i must move somewhere else so i do have this space here which is pay an or and then convert one of my population into a level two ship and that two level two ship would have to end up on seoul um and then i could do a triple jump so awesome that's that's a good one right there i think i will do it so i'm gonna go there yeah so i'm gonna pay an ore there you go okay and then i am gonna turn one of my population into a level two ship where are you level two okay and then that's gonna go on to seoul and then now i get to jump uh up to three so i'm gonna go one two three they're all gonna just hang out here on this card oh so and the bean has a military power of five because there's two level twos and one level one so you definitely have enough military power to colonize this uh this one requires only three military power but i don't have this technology unlocked yet that's something i have to do but because i control that territory over there i get to put my token right there and it has to be the gear one because that is the symbol on that card right some of these cards like this one have two symbols you get to choose this particular one must be that one so now he gets this outpost bonus at the top here which lets him gain one ore nice nice i'll take it that is a great uh that's a great colonization benefit if you can unlock that action right all right so what are you gonna produce um i'm gonna go ahead and produce i think i'm going to produce people okay yeah let's do people so you get a population i do so i'm going to take it from the a because that's the one spot that's available and so now i have a 2 2 split okay i'm feeling like naveen needs to be left alone in this area for a second so i'm gonna work on um researching technology i'm gonna take the second action second action okay so that will allow me to research a level two technology since i'm already here in this level one and so because i have this technology research this allows me to research this level two technology only is that one right now yeah only this one and the reason why is because this level two technology requires both of these level ones that's where this kind of comes yeah the word both is also listed there yeah some of these it says two of three because three things will filter in but in this particular case both yes so uh which means i have to do this one so two or so first i spend two or yep and then i place one of my people right here just like in the level ones and then we resolve this event okay what do you got okay so this is experimental prototypes each faction picks up the leftmost supply cube and rolls it like a die oh i said there was no die rolling in this game nice you did yeah we've never seen this i've never seen this card yeah okay so i guess i'll go first and depending on whatever the die face shows you get to do a thing wow sweet this is fun it's a level four ship so there are three options if you roll a level one ship or a population then you gain a population okay if you roll any other valued ship which is what i did then i placed this ship on seoul as a level two level two nice oh nice i got a ship and then the last one is if you just rolled it and it pulled up as a supply you just place it back and you gain two ore so go ahead and roll yours okay good luck to me okay it's a level one ship you gain one population so this one becomes one population yes okay oh that was nice we both kind of benefited from that that's something so this event is now out of the game yep and now you'll actually show us the technology yes and so because the previous technology uh was a yellow one i have to choose i have to find a yellow technology so she just draws until she sees yellow maybe shuffle these i'll go for it yep okay so i draw until i see yellow so there's one yellow one yellow two yes another yep had she drawn and there was no yellows those would go literally under the deck they don't get they don't get discarded they don't get shuffled back in they go at the very bottom all right okay so my two options are supply outposts this would immediately give me a an upgrade of one of my ships that are on the board by one level and then i can jump twice that's cool and then it provides an additional action spot that says i can convert a supply cube into a into a population and upgrade one ship by one level then jump one wow that's a fun spot the second card is a modular fleet and this says i can build up to three different ships depending on how much ore oh i pay i'm gonna go to the supply outpost that was too good so when she doesn't choose goes on the bottom yep that's not to be seen for a long time and then i get to do this you the immediate benefit immediately so they can upgrade one of my ships by one level and then jump twice so i'm gonna upgrade this ship to a level two okay and then i can jump twice so i'm gonna jump once okay into here which is naveen's territory five to two and then i'm gonna go this way it doesn't give me an immediate benefit but i like that i really like that colonization benefit okay so i'm gonna stay there go ahead and place your control token on there oh yes i'm going to place the food the food uh only food is a lot of good one there because that's the only one that's allowed good uh all right and then i'm going to now produce so i think i will produce people uh population population so just this no it's back humanoid okay uh so i'm gonna go back to researching a basic research right here a level one i'm gonna research the one that monique had done earlier so uh what that's gonna cost me is one population and that's going to go right over here and i get the immediate benefit so i turn one of my supply into a ship in deep space so level one out here and then now i get to produce i'm gonna go ahead and produce one ore yeah he you technically can't produce people i cannot produce people because this column is completely empty so yeah i need to get that moving yeah so because that was an immediate effect and it didn't say optional he actually has to do it right so that forced him to empty that that a column even if it wasn't ideal for production anything that's not that doesn't specifically say optional you have to do it it is what it is pretty much all right that's me so what are we going to do here all right i'm going to take the same action that you took i'm i'm gonna research the level one technology i need to get myself on the board a little bit more yeah so i think i'm gonna research uh this one the red one the narrow beam laser so now we're we're head to head here and this is gonna immediately let me gain one ore and then i can upgrade one ship by one level so are you turning that two into a three up there this one yes yes this is going into a three yes and yeah that's it how much does that require up there in that five right okay i see what production will you do i'm going to produce a people population because this is my last supply cube and so i figured it would get emptied on my next turn anyway so i might as well use it solid all right back to me so now so because on the previous turn i was able to unlock this technology that's terraforming i'm gonna take the action this bottom action that's on there so let's go ahead and do this one it's gonna cost me three ore in one of my population that's to colonize this system right over here so i'm gonna pay my three ore okay it goes to you okay uh it's gonna cost me one of these so that's gonna refill my supply here which is kind of a good thing yeah it's gonna go there that's good and then now i colonize that one so so it costs uh it it takes three military to colonize and you have five so because he has more than what's needed he can kick the excess into deep space is that what you want to do i'm gonna kick the two excess into deep space okay because optionally he can take back all of them if you'd like i prefer so these two you must return to your support which is perfect because i need stuff in my supply i also get kicked out into deep space because now navina is going to take this card and there's a benefit on the bottom yep it says you can upgrade up to two ships by one level so my two will turn into a three and my one will turn into a two or you can just turn that one into a three there you go so because i took that the added bonus is i get to put another one of these tokens uh onto this card right here so it has to be the gear it has to be the gear because it's this one right over here so and put another gear so now that's permanently unlocked my production of coal i'm sorry or uh like this whoa so easy suddenly we introduced uh coal into the system okay so definitely ruin the planet maybe you know maybe who knows so now we replace uh this a system with another one from the air deck and this is groom bridge 34. so the benefit for placing an outpost on here is you may spend two or to turn one population into a level two ship uh it takes four military to colonize and the rewards are five points at the end of the game yes and this allows you to jump three you may not enter the newly drawn system cards so when you spend those jumps you're entering the other other systems gotcha all right wow good job so now you get to produce uh i'm gonna go ahead and produce population so i'm i'm or less but i'll take population just one that's all i get okay that's me all right so back to me okay i am going to take this action okay i thought that action was awesome so let's do it here for you so this is the pay one or to convert one of your population into a level two ship and then you have the ability to jump up to three times actually i'm gonna take that back not gonna do it i'm not gonna do that okay so let's um let's do let's discover a level two technology level two technology let's do it you're gonna go there yes so four two or one spin and two and then uh the only one you're eligible for is this one because they feed in well i cannot i can discover this one too um yeah yeah yeah i'm sorry yeah you're right so that would be a red a red one because if you if you research this one then you have access to this level three okay i'm gonna do this one so i shouldn't have said it um i paid my ore i'm gonna place this population right there and i'm gonna read this event card so march of progress okay choose a level one technology starting with you each faction who has not researched it may research it now with a supply cube ah excellent so annoyed i wish there was a level one technology that um wow you were on and because it still gives you a benefit any faction that already researched it may choose one of the following instead but literally any of the ones that i choose you're not you're not going to be on it so you can join it with me right so which one do you want it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter i'm going to research this one okay advanced genetics so go for it so oh i you use a supply cube actually you don't use your available population so this turns into a population and this lets me automate so the green the green uh technologies are economic they allow you to automate the food tokens and so i'm going to automate my leftmost food token and so that opens up uh an extra yep when you produce the population yep and then in addition you also get to convert a supply cube into a population it's nice solid so naveen are you going to research that yes i will do it so i take it because of that event this is only happening because of the event yes i take it from this supply cube right here always was from the left most that's gonna turn into a human over here so now i have a freebie one like that and that same exact thing i get the same benefit she did i'm gonna unlock this one over here into automation and then i'm going to turn this one into another population all right that is me and that is your turn yeah so that was actually just the event that that was sitting here because i'm still researching this level 2 technology so i have a choice now because the the previous level one technologies where both this one and and the yellow one i can choose yellow or red but i have to make that decision now so i think i'm going to choose red right i would like a red level two technology so here we go so and it's only the leftmost side of the card so this is one nope we have green and yellow here we go yellow and red so all three of us go to the bottom yep all these are gonna go at the bottom we're not gonna shuffle that then i can choose between these two so the first one is the terra nova cruisers and this just gives me um an additional action space that lets me pay for ore plus sacrifice one of my population in order to colonize but uh the power requirement is lowered by one okay so like that one out there says five if you had this technology took this action you'd pay for or kick out a population back to your supply and then have to pay one less so this five would then cost her technically four yes so this is actually more expensive than going here but it does lower the power requirements so uh the other option are the android destroyers and so this gives me an immediate benefit of creating a level three ship from a supply cube for my rightmost supply cube actually and then it gives me an action spot that lets me pay a specific number of ore equal to whatever my highest technology that at level i've reached so that would be two in order to turn one supply cube into a level two ship um i'm gonna go with android destroyers yeah it makes sense so that's going to allow me to convert my rightmost supply cube which is from column e and create a level three ship i have a level three ship and this is gonna go into seoul so now i'm gonna produce and i have a lot of people but i don't have a good multiplier on or i gotta take ore it's just only it's only one ore but it's something back to you very nice okay all right seeing that i don't have any ore uh i'm gonna go ahead and do the last uh technology research over here which is advanced robotics so it's gonna cost me one of my population it's going to go over here signifying that i've done that and remember at the very end of the game each one of these in the first column is 1.2.3 point and then variable out here so what this is going to allow me to do immediately is automate one of these gears so that's going to go here that's another victory point technically at the end of the game and it gets me kind of moving down this line right here and also what it does is give me one ore okay and uh all right there and then what i will do is for my um my production i am gonna take the ore because my only symbol over here is this one and that's completely cleared off i need to get rid of this in order to take care of those so now i am there and i have not done any achievements that's me you know i made a big mistake this i'm not purple i was i'm this one i didn't even catch that that's me that's you that's me that's important because it opens up that spot it does i'm probably not gonna which she can't do yet but it is important though yeah that was a big boo-boo okay i think i'm going to go here to the narrow beam lasers yeah you got it so the immediate action is done once you get it that one time it's over it's now just about the spots here yes so i can spend one ore okay to convert a population into a level two ship which is going to go into seoul and then i can jump three so um let's get this ship into here for one that's the five you need yes and then we might as well just go to oh three really you're gonna overpay i just don't want you coming in and swooping that's the fear go over there i might go there okay um actually fine you're right i'm gonna do this one instead yep nice because if she paid five i would have to take yeah there's no there's no change if i were to colonize this uh system i would have take both dice back so you might as well pay an exact change uh so the outpost bonus here is i can spend two ore to convert one of my population to a level two ship i don't have any more ore so use it or lose it so you lose it that's it all right and since i now control this system i'm going to place this gear token over here i have to sacrifice that outpost bonus because i don't have any more ore but uh i will produce what i want to produce it has to be ore because you have nothing in this supplier no i have this one oh yeah i could produce one person by going there but uh i think it will be or okay so yeah taking an ore back to you yeah so i'm gonna do a level two technology here okay so it's gonna cost me two ore so here's two ore thank you and i'm gonna research one that monique has already researched it's gonna be this one over here so i have the ability to do this because i have research back here terraforming into this section here and so i'm gonna pay one population which is that plus the two ore and then what it immediately lets me do is upgrade one of my ships by one level then do a two jump so i'm going to turn this three into a four and then i'm going to do a one two jump into here all right and then what does that say at the top so uh you can place either one of your of your tokens as an outpost but your outpost bonus is you can move your rightmost supply cube to supply column a nice so i'm gonna uh put this one out there the food okay and then a right most so both of them are just one of them just one just one of them okay so my right most supply cube is going to come over here so it allows me uh just a little bit more access to the resources there nice okay and then now it's time to uh produce and i also just want to note that whenever cubes ever go back as supply they always go to the right most columns so it'll refill i'll refill this one the e yeah but it's it's nice right now so uh i'm gonna go ahead and take i'll take two ore two or yeah two more all right thank you there you go you're welcome all right for me i need more ore and i also need to get some of this stuff off so i think this is a good time to research that last level one technology sure yeah so i'm gonna do this one right here yeah it's gonna cost you a population here we go can you place this up there for me please thank you so that get lets me um automate one of the ore production tokens so now i've exposed the second or symbol and it gets me an ore yes so a bunch of ore uh oh gosh i don't have any people yeah you're like in this teeter-totter i don't have any people you your people have been out working the technology oh my gosh i'm gonna take a really bad next turn okay i will do i'll do or okay so you're gonna grab two or yeah super nice tour or just a ton of more okay well i do control that one up there i can i can colonize it now so i think i will so i'm gonna take this and go over here uh this is gonna be at colonizing that controlled location in the top left corner so i'm going to colonize it it's going to cost me my three ore so those go bye-bye that's for you the requirement was four on there so um i do have to kick out one of my populations that's going to go back to my supply cube storage over here okay and so the minimum um military power was is four so you get this ship kicked back into deep space yep exactly but this one goes back to this one comes back and your uh colonization bonus is from now on you could pay an extra or to take an action that's occupied okay so if monique's in a space that i really want then i can i can uh take that so i do get to unlock one more of these tokens uh i think it doesn't have to be the same one that he used previously correct yeah so this one has both options on it so i could put another food or i can put one of these gear symbols if i do a gear symbol it's gonna unlock this right here and always produce three or so i'm gonna go ahead and do that okay that way i have access to three or doing well in your production and so once again thank you from now on you may pay an extra ore to take an action that is occupied so something like this i can pay one extra ore to do it yeah okay it's good all right and now we get a new system so this is a easy uh quarry okay yeah and again these are real systems sirius is the only one i truly know cool so this does not have an outpost bonus but uh it does take a military power of five at least and it gives you four points at the end of the game the colonization bonus is you get to turn one supply cube into a population then you may research and already research level two technology so you you'd be able to just take one of these you wouldn't be able to research a new one and it also says you could skip prerequisites so this is not going to apply to us now because we both researched all four level ones right right but uh uh did you produce no not yet so uh well i have nothing so i could you know what i'm gonna produce uh population right now so i'm gonna take uh one from the a column here and then one from the b column because it's unlocked now and so that is my turn i have not completed any achievements and it is your turn all right so i am in a tough position i don't have any population so i need to spend my turn as kind of like a wasted action i will take the bottom of the bottom action action which lets me turn a supply cube into a population spoiler i might be doing the same thing oh good yeah and then it lets me gain an additional uh or yeah and then you get to produce so then i get to produce people which is going to empty my both of my columns and now i'm really in trouble unless i can open up c well you're you're in a good you're in a good position you your ships are in a good spot yeah you're probably gonna because i have to vacate this spot right here and i already told you spoiler that i'm probably gonna go there so because i have no ore and in order to do a level two technology research in order for you to do basically anything except for this you can do that yeah but i think i need a well it's not that's not bad because if you just want ore then i can turn it on person a supply cube into a person you can upgrade a ship by one level you sold me because then i could just produce this to get three or so that's a good call thank you you're welcome you are so kind so i will i didn't notice that i totally forgot i have this access it's going to be a good game there's that so i'm going to turn to one of my supply cubes it has to be the leftmost okay to a person so population and then i can upgrade one ship by one level then jump once so i will go ahead and do that that's gonna be a level three and then where would you like to go okay so i'm gonna be silly here i'm gonna jump up into the ship yard system over there and so that is a controllable location and now that i control that i can put out one of my tokens so i'm going to it's a controllable location it's not a colonizable one correct so this it's not something that obviously you can take back with him yeah but he can place not post hook in there and if i control that if i build a ship of ship can start there instead of starting out in seoul so it gives me a little bit more branching so i'm gonna that's a really good perk i'm gonna put one of these out there if you don't mind okay okay and also if i if i come in here i can take control over it but if david leaves this place completely before i go in there then he retains control right of the of the system yeah it's interesting yeah it's an interesting little home base there so uh and now i'm gonna go ahead and produce since i have enough people i'm gonna go ahead and produce uh three ore so i got a three three dollars that's exactly what you needed that's yeah that's exactly what i needed thank you yeah you're welcome okay so we're gonna colonize we need to colonize something so you're coming here yes i'm going there okay thank you and everyone to spend three three or four and you kick out a person to your b column yep because it's always the rightmost column that these people turn back into little supply packages and then i get to colonize so i can i have a choice because i i'm on both of these um systems and they i've met both of their military requirements oh i'm gonna do this one okay okay so oops yeah all right so this this costs the military power of five and these both add up to five so three and two yeah three and two's i have to take them both back they both go in the b column so now i have some supply to make more people and so i take this card back the colonization bonus is i can draw the top card from the technology 3 deck as my private technology just for me i forgot about that yeah but this does require a food token okay there you go okay nice let me just re-draw for b and then i'll do that so this is a new system this is den0255 4700. it's the center of foreign intelligence oh wow there's no outpost bonus but the colonization bonus says that you can repeat the immediate bonus of any of the level 2 technologies that have already been discovered even if you do not have the technology so like naveen could do this immediate bonus because he's not in it right if you were to to uh colonize this planet that's not bad it also gives you five points military um power of four okay so i take the top of the of this deck did we shuffle these uh yeah i did but you can if you feel like you need to i was just worried okay ready yeah mercenary whoa mercenary fleet so this gives me um two actions the first action is to colonize with just three or four oh my god no longer have to sacrifice a person that's your personal you that's your your personal technology yes and then the second action space says i can spend one ore to sacrifice a person and then convert a person that is a level four ship and then jump two wow so that is a nice that is the mercenary fleet i'm going to put it right here personal thing wow um i'm happy about that ooh well that was nice what do i want to do next the question you have to produce right yeah i'm going to produce but what do i want to produce i'm gonna produce or sure so two or so my two simplest all right back to you okay i'm gonna take this action over here okay so i'm gonna convert a population into a level one ship and i can build that up here where i rdm like i said earlier controls it and then i get to do a jump two so i'm gonna do a double jump and i'm gonna jump into this section right over here yep exactly okay so you control that so you place a food food the food token okay there you go so i've unlocked my sea level right there food token perfect there's no out outpost bonus unfortunately but still that's pretty good yeah that's it for that and then um how many systems have you colonized i've colonized two oh that's gonna be your third because that one of the advancements achievement sorry is to colonize four systems right uh so i'm gonna go ahead and i'll take or i'll take three or please three or four one two three there you go perfect all right that's me so back to me i'm gonna take i'm gonna take this um yeah your private my private action because this is gonna allow me to colonize again otherwise you would have to do it in like alternate turns because there's only one spot if i wasn't blocking it off yeah yeah yeah exactly so my private action lets me spend three ore to to colonize a system card and i don't have to sacrifice a person for it so that this population stays safe so this is the only one that i can colonize it costs a military power of four which is what i have showing here three and a one so i just take these back one goes into b one goes into a yes and then i get the bonus so this says i can jump three but i cannot enter the newly drawn system card so i can i am so you must stay there then right so then do you have to stay there actually i'm supposed to draw the next system card first and so we have struve two three nine eight no outpost bonus but the conversation bonus is you can automate either one token oh nice once yes good four points end of the game and now i'm going to place an additional gear token because i colonize this and my colonization bonus says i can jump three but i cannot enter the newly drawn system card which is unfortunate because my only ship is here and in order for me to go anywhere else i have to enter this system card so i just kind of stay in place okay okay i'm gonna produce ore so that's two all right back to you okay i think it's time to stop focusing on that juice over there and focus on this juice over here uh i'm gonna do this one right over here okay so it's gonna be uh researching a level two technology so i have quite a few options here i can feed into here i can copycat you over here but i think i want to go something unique and maybe see an event that's kind of cool so it's going to cost me two or all right one of my population and i'm going to put my population let's go right into this dead center place over here where they both are required so this one feeds into here this one into there so that's this event let's find out what we got here uh-oh erratic solar activity tuck this card underneath an uncolonized system card factions must pay one ore for each of their ships that end its jump here wow that system is worth an additional one point if colonized take this card along with the system card to indicate this so what i'm going to have to do is tuck this card into one of these three systems over here and that system is going to be worth an additional point if it's colonized if you have to jump into this system with this card then it's going to cost you an additional ore i'm actually gonna i'm not gonna put it here i'm actually gonna put it where i am already oh yeah yeah that's what i thought because it's gonna be one extra victory point and i'm already i kind of already got it yeah as of right now totally i'll just tuck it right there for an extra point potentially that is the right thing to do thank you there you go all right so now we're gonna i do this um this technology so i can either choose green or blue it's my choice i'm gonna say green okay i'm gonna say green so let's go green oh double green there we go green that's blue blue red and here's green so these are my options these will all go to the bottom nice and let's take a look so since i said green i'm gonna read the the full-on green one first so this is mask cloning immediately automate one uh food plus turn one of my supply into a person that's not bad and then eventually it's choose up to two any order but must be different it's gained to or or paid to or to turn to supply into a person or have found a level one technology so that options that option is just completely useless this one's called psionics research immediately what we'd get to do is automate one of my food and then the action space that then unlocks is paid to ore and one population to do a level three research oh we do not have an ability to research a level three technology yet so i don't like the fact that it's here because that requires this one to be unlocked well maybe because this if it's here this oh this is a solo one okay yes let's do this one right here i'm trying to follow the lines so this one over here will lead right into this one if i want to unlock this one we i would have to have a technology here to then go into this spot right there so i will do that one i'm going to unfortunately not do mass cloning okay so it's going to go tucked to the bottom i know that's good mass cloning you imagine this is 240 years in the future so i get to automate one plant that's nice one food so that's the hair um and then that's it that's it but that's now an available yes action for you uh so i do have these three slots open right here so i'm going to go ahead and make a population a big population surge here so three human beings to me that's awesome okay that is my turn okay now it's you i oh darn you're s okay so we didn't mention this before but the second space in some of these actions cost an additional ore but it already costs too or to discover that technology all the ore or i can wait you could wait because you know i'm probably leaving you have to leave well i could go to the old spot yeah yeah but you would still i would still be leaving vacate okay i'm gonna go here to the narrow beam lasers so these two spots are very similar the difference is for this spot i would have to pay an extra ore but the the cube that i used to turn into a level two ship comes from my supply rather than my population so for this i only spend one ore but i have to use this population to turn it into a level two ship okay and put it here and have all started seoul yeah and then now i can jump three you could totally dominate that bottom one that you're already at thinking about it i'm gonna overpay for it but let's do it so one two and there's no outpost bonus but i do get to place nut posts so i might as well place this food token here so that i can produce an additional population and so that is what i'm going to produce i'm going to produce populations so i take these [Music] three where is this here we go so you only overpay for that one if you don't do an upgrade if you can turn one of those twos into a three before you colonize it yeah that's true then you would maintain that too that's probably the smarter move right yeah i could kick myself because you have your own personal colonization here you're in no rush to have to get it done right now that is true yeah true words all right so i've done my production i still we're we haven't really been checking for these achievements but we just know that we know we haven't met any of them yet right but we're getting close we are yeah so uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna be done with this colonization up there i don't wanna i don't you're getting you're encroaching in that area so oh you're gonna colonize i'm gonna colonize so it's gonna go here i have nowhere near your area maybe i don't want it then yeah i do have something well i might i might move into your area you might i really might it's true you're right you might okay so let's just get rid of it so i'm gonna so it's gonna cost me three ore yes so here's three of my four uh i have to waste a dude so it's gonna come on over here so because it comes back it comes back to my right most uh open space so my supply cube goes there into the e column uh and then no i wonder if i was supposed to refill mine too i may have put it back and not put it back in that column i say you roll a die if it's a ship level two or less no i'm just gonna put this one in there now okay just because it's okay okay i don't i i feel like i wasn't tracking it i really feel like i um i should have done that i should have done at some point but oh well uh so then i put my person back i paid my thing so now i'm going to colonize this one this one required four i have exactly that so all my peeps come back they kind of get this extra point because of this event so that's nice so so so i guess we have to refill the system first yes uh so next up is t z are are yeti ariadis ariettis and um no outpost bonus but the colonization bonus is you get the number of points at the end of the game equal to all of your technologies in level two and three just add them up so like right now i would have two to your two like that if you have two points yeah up to seven points it says yeah max seven it does not count private technologies so that would not count for me okay so did you place a token yeah so i need to place a token the only one is food here so i'm going to unlock this this food here so now the d column is opened up for me and what is your colonization bonus so the thing that it says at the bottom here is repeat the immediate bonus of any level two technology if even if you do not have the technology so if i can do this one technically this one or technically that one so let's take a look so this one that will let you upgrade a ship by one level and then jump twice i don't have a ship to upgrade so that's just not even possible so we're gonna ignore that one this lets you create a ship from one of your supply cubes a level three ship from your right right actually yeah that's not bad and that lets you automate a food token so would you like to build a ship or automate a future you know i'm gonna build a ship okay so i'm gonna build a ship and then because i have control out there it gets to get built right over oh gosh i need to take if i could just enter that that area you when the bean is not there i can take it but and i still have to produce it's just so far away so to wrap up my turn i did my action now production i'm gonna take three ore please okay there you go okay and uh now it is your turn so we have not done another achievement so yeah okay i'm gonna go to the supply outpost so that's gonna let me um convert a supply cube into a population yep and then upgrade one ship by one level so i'm doing that thing i recommend it yes turning this into a three and then i can jump one so i'm going to jump this out okay i need or so i'm going to produce ore to ore all right so now i have some resources cool back to you okay so i'm going to go up here to the narrow beam laser it's going to cost me one ore okay and then i'm going to convert one human into a level two ship and then i get a jump three so i'm going to convert it over here and then i'm going to jump one two with one left over and so i'm now taking control of this one over here able to put out a gear symbol onto this one and this one requires five power military power to be here all right uh and then now it's time to produce i think i will produce i'll produce ore can i have three or okay two three there you go appreciate it all right so back to me i'm not realizing that i shouldn't have done that probably should have done something else over here so you know what it has been a while since either of us have researched a technology research let's research a level two technology because i don't have access to a level three at the moment and instead of researching that one i might as well do in gonna zig to the zag one of my own yeah i mean that is nice you have access to to a level three three you know i'm gonna try to find my my own research spot okay let's see if i can find one where are you going i'm going to go here to the top okay yeah so let's put this it costs tour so here's my order and i'm going to place a population up here at the very top and let's read this event card so this is the black market industries and so this says you gain one ore then display this event near the achievement cards let's do that or discount i get it or each faction may once this game move one food token or or production token onto this card to increase its production level this can be done at any time during their turn but if you do so you lose two points at the end of the game so that's kind of like oh i just need that one more yeah yeah put it there but you lose two keep it by the achievements over there yeah so let's put it in that dark part of space right there yeah yeah that's fine black market industries yeah you're selling to the black market that's pretty funny yeah yeah yeah okay so now it has to be blue because it's coming off this uh line that's that was the point because i think uh scientific technologies are the ones that have potential research this is this is blue what do you mean oh you're looking for blue oh here we go now i'm looking for you yeah i see i was like first specifically to research level level three technologies and so i found one but let's just read the other one first so we have biosynaptic network and this is just an immediate bonus that says i can choose one i either repeat the immediate bonus of a discovered level two technology even if i don't have that technology or i can automate one or the other token plus gain two or uh i don't really wanna do that right that's the biosynaptic network okay or i can do the human experiments which lets me immediately upgrade up to two ships by one level i don't want to upgrade this to a four yeah it's overpay and it also gives me these two new action spots so i can either um sacrifice two population in order to research a level three types of balance so that means it requires three total population yeah two to for the sacrifice one to go on to the space correct okay or i can sacrifice one person in order to convert a population into a level three ship and then jump two that's great yeah that's not bad we're gonna do the human experiments cool so my immediate benefit is i can upgrade up to two ships by one level i'm just gonna i guess i could do it so this is now a level four yep and this is a level three i can have them switch spots somehow now i will that's time to produce that's time to produce i'm gonna produce people okay so it's these two i chose three but my a column has been empty for a while it makes sense you need a bunch of people for that human experiment yeah that's perfect sense that's the plan so back to you okay well uh i think it's time to colonize this thing and wrap it up so uh i'm gonna come right on back over here it's gonna cost me three ore so here's half my ore stack it's gonna cost me one person that person's gonna go all the way back to e as a supply cube and then we are going to colonize that one right there it required five to be there i have exactly five they all come back and now i fill up back my column a i haven't seen column a with stuff wow so you can get four well yeah four people yeah so let's get uh i'm so sorry no doctor supplies let me replace the system card first so this is tao seti you can um out of world's outer worlders alliance base so the outpost uh bonus is you can move your rightmost supply cube to supply column a just like naveen did earlier and the colonization bonus is the number of points you earn from this card at the end of the game is the number of your colonized systems plus three max seven whoa this is so good for you what was that i'm sorry it was i was so focused on doing something else okay if you win if you win this card you're gonna get seven points because it's however many uh systems plus three so okay and that is the maximum number i have no ships out right now so it is what it is so we're saying it's mine i'm saying there's a chance so this is gonna go over here okay uh so this is the one that was on it originally i get to put out another one it has to be the same type because that's the only one that's there so i've unlocked this one and now what it says is my bonus is i can take one supply and turn it into a human then you may discover a level two technology and skip the prerequisites meaning i can i can discover any level two no no uh that has an eye symbol on it so that means he has to research a level two technology that's already been researched so you have the option of this one or this one well i like the one that you just exposed seeing as the immediate bonus here is upgrade up to two ships by one level i have no ships out there so i i like what's out there but i'm gonna i'm gonna forego that one i'm gonna go with this one right over here okay uh this is gonna be turning into a human which then turns into this right over here and what it does is it allows me to take a box and turn it into uh oh from the rightmost and turn it into a level three ship so i will do that it's gonna go and hang out back over oh my gosh oh i need to take that spot what is happening yeah that's that and then now i get to produce so i will produce i'll produce people um so i get one two three people nice and that's me oh and um now that i've completed this i've colonized four times so this is the first time we checked for an achievement uh i was able to do it so i put this out here and if you guys can't see it's it's four points at the end the point values decrease depending on uh what place you are when you when you put that in there yeah naveen gets four points if i already go there i get three points i don't know if i'm going to get to four systems by the end of the game but we'll see so are you done uh that is it for me yes okay so i'm gonna go to where am i uh you are over here researching stuff okay so i'm gonna go um i'm gonna go up here if you can please move my toilet which one is it the top most i'm gonna research a level three technology using my new human experiments technology wow that's terrible um so it doesn't cost any ore to do this but i do have to sacrifice two population because they are human experiments after all and c and d a yeah i just have to fill c and then you all you have to do this one right over here right or i guess you can technically do this one right here because you feed yes yes so my options of a level three technology are either this one because i've met the prerequisite for it or this one because the prerequisites are both these two and i've met both so do you like red or yellow or do you like blue i can actually also research this yeah that's right this one is this is just one long line there i'm gonna do this one yeah sure oh actually yes it gives me options i can do either red or yellow here let's see the event first if if that's what you wanted no you have to choose first before the event oh okay i see actually i'm gonna do this one i'm gonna do this one it's a little bit uh it gives me a little bit more options so i already paid my two people and so i must still add a population here and now i'm going to see what this event brings us mass enlightenment ooh wow so if this is the last round you describe this event it's not so we can continue name a technology type slash color then reveal cards from the level 4 technology deck until you find a matching card place it above the basic space fairing box over here and tuck this card underneath it any faction may research this technology using an available action that allows you to research a level 4 technology without prerequisites but it does not count towards an achievement you place one population to the left of the card as usual so it's like an additional uh level four technology spot but it does not require any prerequisites they score they score a decent amount of points these level four ones so they do all right so it is what it is i have to you cannot do it yeah so i have to choose the technology type do you want to decide with me what do we want what's a cool i have no technology i don't know commercial let's do blue okay blue i don't know why i'm just choosing blue blue is uh scientific so let's see it says draw until you find a blue right just one blue that's all you need it's red yellow green yellow red wow wow green oh yellow where's the blue here we go the technology singularity okay do you want to read it sure technology singularity from now on all actions cost one person or one or less for you at game end get one point for the number of two and three technologies not counting private technologies uh that you get there you go so this is something you would have to be able to unlock this correct yes you have to research it i don't think there is an available action space right now so now you have to actually do this research yeah yes and so that's going to be a level three i'm gonna it has to be red has to be read yet so let's see there is one that's one nope here we go that's two so this one goes to the bottom of the deck and so our options for this level three technology are either the hyper drive boosters which gives me an immediate bonus of upgrading three what upgrade three ship levels you can choose the same ship or any combination of ships turn a one but the action says i can upgrade up to two ships by one level and then jump four wow that's that's nice the other one is a planetary scale research and this allows me to immediately turn one supply cube into a level two ship and then jump two that's great um and it also gives me an action space that allows me to spend four ore in order to oh in order to research a technology so it says that i can research a technology x where x is a number of your colonized systems plus one oh so you would be able to research a level three technology yeah two colonized systems plus one so it's been four or so if i can colonize one more then it'll allow me to to do a level four okay i'm gonna do this one planetary scale research sure so i first build a ship using a supply cube so a level two ship so it has to go on seoul yes because i still i'm you're going to have that shipyard system for the whole game i swear uh and that's oh and they can jump two do i care that this has the four and that's the three you can swap them i can swap you can swap them i can or i can get this ship all the way to deep space okay i'm going to go one two okay let's get and that's some other systems going yeah so now you get to put out you have control of that one yes i do have control of this one so i put out a gear that's what it requires there's no outpost bonus but the thing that's nice about this is if i decide to just bite the bullet and colonize it with a level four ship it'll kick this out for me free so it'll get a a one jump you know closer to the other stuff so what would be ideal is if you can turn that two into a three and then the four gets boosted before you have this permanent you know colonization you you can kind of sit on your littles there all right that's and now yourself to produce that was the long term yeah sorry uh i'm gonna produce or three or one two three all right back to you okay so uh i'm gonna go ahead and go right over here the narrow beam lasers over here so i'm gonna turn one ore and one humanoid into a level two population over there and then i get uh three jumps so we're going to go into this one that you were mentioning earlier oh right there oh i thought you were going to try to take my system uh no well this one's a max seven points [Music] and then you're over there dealing with that over there so um you give me that post bonus here okay so i'll go ahead and put uh food out there okay so it says you can move your rightmost supply cube uh to supply column a okay perfect so i'll put this one right over here so that allows you to produce that that population perfect so i'm gonna go ahead and uh but yeah let's produce population so one two three four so this will become a human wow this will go human it's interesting because the more systems you colonize the less of these tokens that you have to automate i apologize i'm not going to do human human i'm going to do a coal oh or i'm sorry yes or no it looks like coal it looks like coal it feels so four it's the color of coal two three four all right there you go yeah it is getting closer to christmas after all i'm both cool all right so back to me yeah um okay i'm going to colonize enough is enough yeah i think i've been sitting on that for too long i actually don't really know how and uh it's i'm using my my personal total technology here so it's three or two do a colonization action without having to sacrifice any population that's really nice so i'm doing this one because it's a minimum military power of three and this is a three ship so it's going to go back into my supply and then we're going to refill this so this is looting that seven points it's a luxury system by the way uh you may not enter this system unless you have researched at least two level three technologies we have not done so that's neither of us it's worth seven points but there is no colonization effect okay that's a good one to come out this weekend again yeah yeah that is a good one okay so this is gonna go over here with my don't forget to put another token on it and it must be a an or producing one and so this is going to it doesn't give me any like immediate benefits it's just the number of points that are earned for this is however many level two and three technologies yeah one two three four right now so far four points yeah that's not bad and by the way putting that second token on these um when you colonize it's it's considered exploiting in this game that's what it's called exploiting oh yeah so you're exploiting that that's clever yeah clutter that's terrible but it's clever okay dramatically so i'm going to produce and where did i want to go next i'm going to produce a person okay just one person here it's like that all right so back to you okay so over here let me see what does this require this regard only three over here so that's going to be kicked out oh yeah the deep space oh are you gonna colonize another one well maybe well you said that one's worth seven which is the max because i have one two three four plus three to that so seven which is the max that card can do so uh i think i'll hold off though on doing it right now um i have this right here i can i can uh discover a level three technology so i think i'm going to do that okay so i'm gonna go here it's gonna cost me two or here's two or it's gonna cost me one person that's gonna go back to my rightmost supply and then one person to actually go here so um the only one i can do is this one right here a straight line because i don't have this one to go into this one so i'm gonna do this this technology says both right there it requires both this and this as a prerequisite so this one is this one okay okay we have an event all right research grant you may tuck this card under an undiscovered technology slot a level two or three except the one you are researching meaning currently researching i can't tuck it here okay uh or discard this event every faction who later researches that technology gains one ore immediately that turn and at the end of the game gains one point so um you don't you can also discard it it's up to you i could discard it uh we're all in the same kind of areas i can go into here so you know if i tuck it here i can get the point but you're you're already there so later later research really hold on so if i tuck it here under an undiscovered technology i was like wait that's not fair like whoa whoa you know what i could just put it here and then just have a little mini race erase okay it's on you can do one of the level twos also if you want i could i'll do that or i can just discard it it says or just gardena you know what i'm discarding the event ah boring it's out all right not the responsibility so because this is going to this side it has to be blue over here so let's find some blue and that is a scientific blue is scientific definitely not this is blue it's green blue it's that red blue perfect so it's red i like the hybrid ones yeah the hybrid ones are a little bit of a mix there yeah that is cool okay so let's look at the first one cerebral implants it's uh there's no immediate bonus but it's turn one of your supply boxes into a person then choose one below uh turn three coal in to three or three or i'm so sorry to discover level two technology or five to discover level three it's expensive it is expensive versus that but it's a double action which is nice yeah this one is deep space megastructures okay so this one is there's an immediate bonus of turning one supply into a level three uh ship into deep space then get a one jump this one uh then opens up a space which you can turn in for or to turn in one supply into a two level aircraft again into deep space then you can research a level three technology wow this is that's a really good card an intense one i think they're hyperspace hyper spacecraft sorry sorry i don't think you can fly aircraft into space this is a boeing 747 that's a space okay we'll take it yeah that's a good car it's a good car you're gonna say i know that they don't like it thinking businesses and then there's an immediate because this one didn't have an immediate that one does so i can turn a level one i'm sorry i can turn a supply a level one supply cube there's just so much icons ah so into a level three level three and it goes straight into deep space and i get a jump wow so i will jump here that's a fantastic card so okay so there's some things to unpack there so oh okay uh you am i allowed to jump there no okay you cannot enter the system unless you have at least two uh level three technology back to space to the beach where where you gonna go uh okay i'll just hang out over protect your eye yeah just hang out over there protect your outpost over there since i can't because i have to have uh two level threes in order to go into that spot right uh okay was there anything else i was supposed to do nope just produce just produce huh okay i'm gonna produce uh people all right since i'm short on humans you get three one two three yep nice all right okay um okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go back over here to research a level three technology so my space lets me use population cubes so this is going to cost me a sacrifice of two population cubes so let's put them back in their columns b and c and then with me this third population cube i now must research the level three technology which i think i'm gonna go over here so and i can do this because i have both of these technologies so i'm going there i'm gonna read this event okay okay this is the museum of retired spacecraft i like it so maybe the boeing 747's in there maybe i don't know spacecraft space okay so this says display this event near the achievements and in turn order starting with the faction to my left and the bean gets go first each faction may move one of their ships to this card it will be out of the game you update the system's control after at the end of the game each faction gains a number of points equal to the power of their ship wow so if i put my level three ship that's doing nothing i can just get three points um i'll i'll do it yeah yeah i'll do it for three points you're gonna do it yeah i better write that so can you take my three and just put it yeah so that'll be worth three points at the end of the game yes sweet oh my gosh do i wanna do this all right let's do it i'm going to place this this ship here so it's going to be four points at the end of the game so it's leaving my my level two ship there but that's okay i still have control so that was just the event now we're going to do the actual technology so you have a red or yellow yellow is commercial which helps you with colonization movements flexible action so it seems like a jack-of-all-trades kind of thing let's go with yellow there's been a lot of red there has been a lot of ideas we're a little bit aggressive this game i think so let's go oh there we go yellow and yellow perfect so we have oh okay that sounds cool we have wormhole technology so immediately i get to to transform a supply cube into a level two ship and gain one ore and then i can jump two to any locations uh from now on your ships only need one jump to travel anywhere except when leaving seoul or deep i mean that's fair that makes sense yeah yeah i think that makes more sense in a bigger player count when you use the other side there's more things going on but not bad this is not bad it's not bad i can take your shipyard system with this you could do that all right let's see what the next one is the next one is the quantum data exchange and so with this i can immediately automate one or production token and gain two ore and it also gives me this action spot that says i can copy any research type action even if i do not have the technology i need to automate but it has to be a research type action automatically yeah that's not that great let's do this one okay so we're going to do the wormhole technology is it time for me to lose the stronghold it is time oh take it okay so i'm going to take this supply cube turn it into a level two ship and i gain one ore so this goes into seoul because it still has to go into seoul okay so now i can jump two of my ships to any locations uh so i'm gonna move this here i'm just gonna move i mean it's the same thing but i could move that one all the way over here because that allowed me to just jump there and because naveen has left this system and i now uh took control of it he puts his outpost back i'll take it back and i place one of mine and it can be either food or food or gear let's go with food place that right there and then that's it for my action i must i must now produce so i'm going to produce a my one person oh gosh i need some population all right that's me so back to you okay i'm gonna go to this new technology i just did right here so it's gonna cost me four or i'm gonna try to do this whole thing right here so it's going to cost me four ore which is exactly what i had yes four there you go and now i take a supply cube and i turn it into a level two ship and i place it in deep space then i can research um a technology so a level three a level three technology which i think this is oh no i can do this one i know i can't do that one yet you can do this one or this one both of the ones that i've that i researched i'll do this one right over here okay yep so this is gonna go over here and then what it allows me to do is take one of those boxes and turn it into a level two and then jump to so because i don't control this anymore this has to be in seoul so it has to go here yep so then i get a two jump so i'll jump i guess i'll do this one two just for some little control right over there what's wrong nothing you enter oh yeah it's just i have to get out of seoul so so one two three and then i will what does that say up there because now i have two i have two level three technologies that i've researched there's no bonus that's it's just saying i'm allowed to be there now that's the requirement for entering okay then i will put um let's put this thing out there okay okay just like that yeah so now what are you gonna produce well i think i'm gonna produce people here because i'm gonna create an achievement if i do this so these two people are gonna become humanoids and now i've done my production now we're gonna look at the achievements this one says post humanist have two or fewer supply left in supply so i only have one left here oh my gosh so we have unlocked this achievement which i think is worth three points but remember the end game gets triggered when three tokens total are out so now we have two tokens okay we gotta think about this now so i controlled the timer now looks like yeah so i m basically to for me to end the game i have to get to a level four which cannot be this one correct no i think this this cannot end the game this one right here that we put out here this cannot end the game no it's not yeah it doesn't count towards the achievements yeah but or i can uh research three more of these whoo it got uh stressful all of a sudden okay i'm gonna go over here to the supply outpost okay so i don't really want to sacrifice any of my resources so i get to take this supply cube turn it into a population and then upgrade one of my ships by one level so might as well do this one yeah it's already here yeah makes sense and then and then i can jump one there's not really a point in jumping at the moment is it a no-go no i'm just going to leave them where they are there's really no no purpose in in jumping okay uh so this is like the one exception um we were saying earlier that all actions are sort of mandatory right so if it is a multi-step action i can forfeit the jump yes jump is the one thing you can be like no yeah because you can jump up to whatever that number is but if it is an action spot that only allows you to jump i can't just like block that spot and not jump yeah you can't like take jump four and be like no i'm not jumping right so i'm going to sacrifice that jump and then i'm going to produce or so and that's b your turn um well i have no ore everything costs or to do something so i might actually do the jump floor oh okay bail on that spot and then just hang out over there so i guess just so i can accumulate or to then do something on the next turn so i will do that um i'm gonna pull this back i'm gonna jump four i'm gonna just jump two really because it's gonna go one two and hang out in here okay um and then now i need some ore so i'm gonna produce or one two three four please one two three four four there you go okay perfect and back to me yep all right i'm going to do something that is probably going to trigger the end of the game so i'm gonna go here to the planetary scale research and so this lets me spend four or two one two three four in order to do a research of a technology that's whatever level as the number of of uh systems have colonized plus one it's gonna be level four yeah i'm gonna do a level four it says you're gonna trigger it all that talk just to say i'm doing a level four wow so i can do a level four technology because i have ac i have uh researched both of these and this level 4 technology requires both so if you trigger this then you will i will only have one more turn and you will have one more turn after that yes because i was first player so you're ending the round on this one yes and you'll have one more turn yes okay okay so i must choose either a blue or yellow i'm not too good on automation that's the only thing so i fear that it's gonna be like get double your animation points okay yeah yeah i see what you're saying let's go with yellow i have no idea what this is going to bring yeah there's a kind of jack of all trades here so it says commercial so oh that's blue this is blue green here we go blue yellow red red here you go yellow green okay so just think of it as your last action you're ideally going to be taking they're all immediate they're all immediate yeah they're not actual action spots these cards so the first one is android independence so immediately it lets me take two of my supply cubes from my rightmost two so the ones in column e and turn them into population and it says from now on you require two fewer military power to colonize any system at the end at the end of the game this is six points the other one is a parallel universe generator which lets me repeat the immediate bonus of any of the level three discovered technologies even if i don't have it okay and at the end of the game i double the points of my achievements what achievements am i going to have oh yeah well just one of them max seven seven's better than six it's true okay i'm gonna do that i'm doing the parallels you can get the seven seven is better than six generators so i'm going to place my my population cube there sorry i forgot to do that and so it's going to immediately repeat let me repeat the immediate bonus of one of these cards so i can either make a level 2 ship in an or and jump 2 to any location okay i'm gonna repeat the immediate bonus of the world wormhole technology so i create a level two spaceship from my supply cube so now you can create it in the top one or the bottom one i'm gonna create it in seoul because at the end of the game whoever has the most military power in seoul and deep space which are the non-controllable areas then they each get one point yeah at that point so i also gain an ore and i can jump two to any location i'm just going to jump this ship into deep space because uh since i left this because naveen's not there i still control that that system yep so that was that was that that was that so now i produce and production for me is kind of a strange thing i don't i get it so it's like an ore yeah and then now i have achieved my first achievement it's good i researched my first uh level 4 technology so i do get that achievement so that triggers the end game three tokens are out in a two-player game two-player game yes three tokens are out and so you typically finish the round but because naveen started first then the round we play one more one more round so you get one last action what is it gonna be i'm just gonna take those seven points so i'll put that over there this is gonna cost three or uh one human to be discarded back and it goes all the way back to e over here and then um i'm going to satisfy this one right here that one required how much oh there's seven this is seven points also so this one's gonna be this okay and then it's gonna kick me out a two into deep space over here and then this is going to come back and put that over here oh i totally i didn't see that but we're going to tie there well you still have one more action i do so this one is it's basically end game points number of colonized systems plus three so it's up to seven points one two three four five six seven max yeah so i can't go to eight so that's gonna go there i'm gonna exploit with uh let's just put food out there and then um i will technically produce does it really matter at this point because um your resources aren't worth anything i'll just produce and just call these this over here okay that's it that nobody researched the technological singularity it was too much work from well on all actions i didn't have access i i mean technically it had this one right here but it's it doesn't score you know as much as seven points yeah seven points you know is more for me all right so for me for my last turn of the game i am just going to colonize because that'll at least get me one more achievement so i'm gonna colonize using my mercenary fleet private uh technology here so it just cost me three four and it's going to be the only one that i can call technically b should have come out but oh yeah but you know uh yeah dxk kankri that's sure all right so i'm gonna colonize this one and yeah i'm still going to put on it yeah it's a waste of time yeah so this goes back which is also not necessary and i put out one of these again also not necessary and that's me oh it lets me automate though as my as my uh colonization bonus so that is that's an extra point that is necessary an extra point so i'm going to automate that sure and then i would technically produce but it's not going to get me anything interesting so that is that's it yeah that's it it's over so there's no score sheet i'm just gonna get a piece of paper yep all right so i have who started the game i did yeah perfect okay so [Music] first things first is we get points for all of the technologies that we researched one point four level one two for level two three four level three and then the level four is variable first player first yep go for it okay so i have all four of these so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 for me okay and then i have those four as well five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. plus this says i can double the points of my achievements and it looks like oh i didn't put my yes yep there you go so it looks like i have seven points yep so maximum seven so so what would you say sixteen plus sixteen plus seven yeah twenty three technically if i we also had a card that allowed me to score for my private um technology then we would but but this doesn't actually score many points so then after that we score for automation tracks okay i got two points i have two points as well and then uh for your colonized systems so all of the points at the bottom left-hand corner okay so i have five plus six that's 11 uh plus another five plus one because of this so this is uh 17 18 19 20 21 21 plus this was seven we said so okay oh boy so i have four of them and this is 5 plus 4 is 9 plus 2 is 11 plus the number of my level two and three technologies one two three four five that's five so 16 oh no not looking good and then we get one point each for any of our outposts still left on the board doesn't matter if they're on cards or if they're on the uncolonizable system so we're talking about the control tokens yeah so i have one you have one yep we also get one point for controlling the uncontrollable areas yes so which is non-uncontrollable yeah so still in deep space because we tied we both get the point and then i get a point for seoul so two and one for you so yeah uh we now also score any of these um event cards that give us any end game points this one had we taken up on their offer would have docked us two points but neither of us did this so the museum of retired spacecraft naveen gets three points because he has a level three ship there and i get four from my level four ship and then finally we score our achievements so it looks like naveen has three plus four seven i think we tied yes yes seven yeah we both have seven seven seven okay all right and that's everything so we're gonna do a little bit of math and then we'll see all right so scores are in and it's looking like naveen with 58 58 and monique with 55 55. i got one naveen is victorious today opera good job bob how you feeling i won one yay i did it that was uh beyond the sun we've traveled beyond the sun colonized a ton of systems how do you feel about that yeah that was that was cool um yeah that was that was pretty cool that was a very balanced score towards the end there yeah um ending the game there for you really brought you up about 14 points at the end there it had to stop that yeah i felt like naveen was just colonizing so many systems because i was gonna i was gonna try to gear up to colonize that one for another seven so that was yeah that was good cool very nice all right so we just finished our two player playthrough of beyond the sun this is the newest release from rio grande games came out essence field 2020 uh and a newer designer dennis chan i don't know any other games that he's done i try to look him up on bgg and he's a he has a physics degree yeah i believe he's a software engineer yeah so i can see him kind of putting this all together this takes a certain type of brain right yeah kind of make this lattice of information and data how do you feel about the game this game is really interesting it is very very uh very interesting i heard about this game that it was coming out but i really didn't know what to expect you know there are a lot of space themed games or space operas there's all sorts of stuff in the space genre and this is different this is quite different how about you yeah um wow i i really like this one it's really really good uh i remember the first time you took it out and laid it out on the table i kind of was like these boards kind of look like they're from like 1984 or something yeah like what's going on over here had a very bad first impression just just the table presence alone was just like okay there's just a couple cards laid out on this huge board that board seems way too big for just a couple cards actually you didn't have a bad first impression you were just very curious it was more like what could this game possibly be yes exactly with just like cards it looks kind of like you know when you're solving a crime and you put like the cards yeah the the brain map yeah uh-huh it looked kind of like that and i kind of had that idea too like this thing there's like really very little graphics on it or and the colors no color on some of these things but um so let's start with theme actually sure yeah what are your thoughts on the theme it is space faring but in a very different way it is actually very thematic it is a thematic game um you are researching technology so you can progress your company and the human race far beyond the sun you know you're leaving seoul which is uh earth and going to different distant planets in different systems and colonizing exploiting things over there so it is it is a fairly thematic game doing as humans do you do humans too yeah yeah it is very fairly thematic i agree um i really really like that that a lot of it is based off of our actual universe and like the star systems that you can see from from earth so i thought that was super cool but i agree it's it's an interesting take on a space team it's not your your typical it's on a space battle space battle yeah what about in terms of player count and very and variability now we we must admit that we have not been able to try this game with more than two players uh it's just not happening right now yeah but i really wish that we can or like i really want to i really want to play this at higher player accounts because i feel like it's going to be different uh the way that you discover technologies you're it's going to be a lot harder for you to discover a fresh technology to be able to choose it on your own because there are more people the board uh does not change the board the board itself doesn't change this one the exploration board does the inspiration board does which is also interesting because it will give you more locations to travel to and also just more people you know whenever there's kind of any kind of like area control aspect to a game it's it's a lot more interesting plus yeah yeah for sure so i would really love to see how that how the dance between the two kind of works out with more than two players yeah because there's definitely like a in this game there's definitely like two major things going on you get your technologies and you got your um exploration board so when it's just if i'm going hard this you're probably gonna go hard that but what happens when you turn put in a third or a fourth player in there kind of throwing things off yeah exactly so uh yeah in a two-player game it it it almost feels like it's probably a little bit more intense that way because it's like a true space race right it's kind of like you can see how far your opponent has progressed in the technology track and it's either you or them right so it's exactly what you said if you're heavy colonizing then i'm going to try to research ahead of you and vice versa i feel like even though in a two-player game you got to go the colonization route because when you go and control areas you take these tokens off and this is another way if not in the technology sphere you got to do it through automation and if you're not able to pull automation cards then your best bet is to go back to that exploration board to try to drop these tokens off so not only that those produce better those system cards are worth so many points like there are so many different ways to earn points in this game and you're kind of grabbing at them right like you have to get a level four technology card in order for one of them to be like six points yeah and so in order to get a level four technology card you have to climb up the entire tree but by climbing up your you're earning points as you climb up because one two three four that's true but whereas in the in the exploration board you colonize one system and it's six points you want to be colonizing those systems but you want to be doing them in a smart way in order to to really make use of those bonuses so that the bonuses can get you to the next best thing yeah so that is very very interesting that that whole uh that teeter-totter balance between the two boards we have a visitor in terms of variability and replayability i suppose that is the beauty of this game like that is literally one of the selling points of the game the fact that every time you play the types of technologies that you research and the decisions that players make in order to progress up that tree will be different right so no two games or like it'll be very difficult for you to get a game play back to back that's identical right yeah there's a bunch of uh technology cards per this is just the level twos that we didn't see um there's also 10 events in the level two and level three technologies each so four of them weren't even in the game so there's a lot of different interaction the way the cards will come out uh you never know what you're going to get you also have more achievements because you only play with four of them and you also have advanced boards so we have we do have the expert level boards that are asymmetric we haven't played with them yet not yet yeah we want to it's just that we kind of wanted to play this this version of it um a few more times in order to film it yep exactly but it does sound uh pretty interesting and even speaking on just the game that we played we didn't even unlock these guilds yeah so i was surprised that that didn't show up yeah so that just goes to show how you know how different each experience can be these guilds by the way are just these kind of layover tiles sometimes you'll get an event card that says unlock one of the tier one guilds and then you get to choose which one to unlock for everybody to use yes yeah it just opens up more action spaces yeah it namely it opens up like the ability to research on a level three technology in case maybe you don't have one on the board right and then going into mechanics so this game is really really interesting interesting is the word that keeps coming to my mind because that's that's what it is like that in a good way yeah oh yeah i really enjoy it um i do feel like it runs a little bit long it doesn't feel like it drags it's more like when i finish the game i thought okay that might have been a little bit too long yeah that might have been an extra 15 minutes yeah but like in the moment you're definitely engaged it's definitely your turns just flow you know you take an action you produce next person right yeah just kind of goes and goes and goes the turns don't drag i will say that yeah yeah it's interesting because all the actions that you can take on the cards they're all the same types of actions they're just kind of like reworked in a lot of different ways and and and placed onto different cards so i really really i think that is so cool about this game the fact that the players are the ones who are dictating the actions the action spots that are going to be available but yes you have to be in that technology in order for you to use the action spot so naveen may be unlocking these action spots in areas of the board that i can't reach and i'd think like oh gosh that is an amazing technology my company wants to follow in that technology exactly but now i must now you know go up that part of the tree in order to get there so it's it's so it's so interesting the way yeah or the exact opposite like oh monique put that one out there that one i i don't really see myself wanting to use that i'm to take a chance on opening up a new event in a new action spot basically right yeah and the way that the resources work it's almost like an ebb and flow like you're dealing with having a lot of supply cubes in order to make things right your supply cubes serve both as population and as ships right but also if you make too many of these things and try to colonize the entire space then you're going to run out of supply cubes for you to produce more people right so it's a really interesting um push pull there that you have to manage in terms of your resources yeah i like the way that the production is where you have to clear off the columns yeah and then when you when you reset them they go all the way back to the far right so then it's like you can't just constantly get it so if you only have a and b unlocked and a and b are naked or completely empty you get kind of like this and like how do i get this i need this other one to get unlocked and i love the fact that the control tokens are not yours until you bring it home with the colonization so they are up for grabs for somebody else to put it right back in and ruin your whole plan there yes so that is that is very very interesting with the technology board it's also really important that you uh study the lines closely because sometimes they can be a little bit confusing yeah like uh there was definitely the last game that we played i thought i had research of technology enough to research a future technology it happened to me mentally in this game like where i said i was i was going to do that and i was like oh i actually never mind enough doing that yeah so just know the board really well um but i like the events i think the events are fun yeah they kind of tap into that like goodie box part of your your brain that like i can either research a technology that's already been researched or i can do a new one right right and see what that event is because you never know what you're gonna get there's so many things you might fall into something lucky or something that just kind of helps everybody but either way it's a nice way of getting to dictate what type of technology is going to go there and finally the exploration board this board huh it's it's frustrating but it's very fair yeah it's very well designed it's very well designed you know we were playing it wrong uh the first couple times we played and that made it more frustrating so the way that we played it was so that you can at the the northernmost shipyard system we were building ships directly into the system and also not realizing that you can control it so yeah we were doing two things wrong we were not only not realizing you can control it but you were building chips in there so it was so much easier to get to those b level cards um so then it was kind of like somebody was just king of the castle they would just produce spam it hang out but that's how we played wrong so i don't want to go down that path too much that is not the right way playing it the right way this is a very very very well designed board yes you relinquish control of that area basically and so that allows other people to come in and and immediately go into whatever the next system is like if you're hanging out in deep space and you see that okay naveen he got his five and now those get stripped off the board now my ships can just slip into that whatever that new card is that that's really really fair yeah it's a very fair way and it's not it's not bad it's not bad in a two player game the area control is totally fine you know sometimes area control can be very obnoxious but it's not it's it's very it's very fair it's a very well designed designed exploration board yeah so anyway this that is beyond the sun it's a very interesting design it's something that you know i feel like i haven't explored all of it you know we played this game already a few times and i feel like every time we play it it's always a different experience and it always leaves me feeling like okay i'm going to play it again and then do it this way or like you know it just makes me want to keep on playing it over and over and over and over again to try to discover more about this game i know we've definitely felt like we've played this a handful of times now and i feel like i've gotten a lot better at this game yeah definitely our understanding of it is has definitely grown but uh i for me i think this is a fantastic game really good um it's probably the most interesting game i've played all year sure yeah and interesting for me is a positive thing i definitely really enjoy this game um but very interesting the most interesting game of the year what are your thoughts i really like this one this one this one's probably up there with one of my favorite games of the year for sure this was an essen release and we did do a video that was our top five each so technically a top ten and this was one that i wanted to probably put on there but i didn't know too much about it um and there were just five other games knowing what i know about this one like i i definitely slept on it a little bit this one was really really really good yeah yeah so if you if you're intrigued by anything that you saw today try it definitely try it because uh it's it's quite the experience i think anyway that is beyond the sun from rio grande games thank you so much for watching and uh if you enjoy content like this would like to see more please consider subscribing thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 39,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Review, beyond the sun board game, beyond the sun review, how to play beyond the sun, beyond the sun rules, beyond the sun tutorial, beyond the sun overview, beyond the sun board game review, beyond the sun playthrough, beyond the sun gameplay, beyond the sun spiel, rio grande games, dennis k chan, beyond the sun thoughts, beyond the sun played, new board games, beyond the sun play-through, beyond the sun, beyond the sun game, brettspiel, board games, board game review, games
Id: yOPpmNHq5cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 54sec (7194 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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