Iron Helm Tutorial

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welcome to the tutorial video for iron helm we're going to look at just a few aspects of the game to give you a good overview of how the game plays and we'll get into some details on certain aspects so first thing we're going to look at is the components of the game okay the first thing I want to look at is the actual box itself it's a standard deck sized box measures about 8 inches by I believe three and a quarter inches and in depth and about three and three quarters and width it's extremely sturdy box as you can see the lid comes off really nice it's a super strong heavy cardstock and once you're inside the box you're gonna see that all your components are organized very well the game itself comes with little divider cards that are a little bit taller than your actual poker card sized cards that come with the game so you can organize your game by you know all the different categories of cards two different decks that you have also comes with dividers for all of your expansion packs or the adventure packs that you can add to the game I already put the first two in here we'll look at those possibly later but as you can see you have nice little spot for your trappings cards or skill cards your potion cards your plot cards all of your loot cards enemy cards dungeon cards character cards and your bosses the game will come with them baggies for all your other components you got a bunch of punch-out chip tiles for your keeping track of your energy your health your blessing tokens your poison tokens gold rations and then you have a couple of wooden home upon's and some dice that's your basic component overview we're going to go into kind of each deck individually and take a look at how they work things you're gonna do an iron helm is you're gonna be choosing a character now the base game comes with four characters to choose from we'll look at them really quickly you have Zola Bullock Len sort AB and Fay on each one has different characteristics so each one plays a little bit differently from one another as you can tell each one has a heart symbol here that shows they're starting health you have this purple symbol here which is their starting energy this grade hexagon icon indicates how much they can carry so each character has a different weight allowance and that will determine how many item cards you can carry certain items away more than others as well so there's going to be decisions you have to make in the game as to what equipment you're going to keep and what things you're gonna have to just drop each character starts with one ration least in the base game and they each have a certain amount of gold they start this is considered their wealth starting the game most of them start with three zola starts with two so when you pick your character you're looking at these different stats they're all fairly even characters they have also down here as you can see different trappings they start the game with so once you choose which character you want you're going to take that card so let's just say we take soar tab okay each other cards will be out of this this game and we look at how much healthy has we take health tokens which are these nice little double-sided chits equal to the amount of health tokens that we have so we'll just tend we have as many as we need then we take energy tokens equal to that number that he shows there as well keep those by your character this you don't need to do anything with those but you do need to take one ration or how many ever rations it indicates and starting gold three so you're sort of started you can look also down here at trappings and I'll tell you what this character starts with so you need to go to your trappings deck which is the special deck of cards of items they're usually less powerful than the items you're actually fine in the dungeon that's why they have their own separate deck and you have to find the items that your character starts with so sort tab for instance starts with the wooden staff and a door wedge so you go through your trapping cards now there's a wooden staff right away and you have to find the door wedge and there's the door wedge so those would be the two characters I mean the to trapping cards that you would start with each of those have unique abilities they have a value for if you go to sell them at a merchant they have a weight like I talked about earlier so this is one and this is one so already at two you only can carry nine so we have to keep an eye on that it also indicates we're on the character this card is slotted now this game there is going to be an available players game mat that will have a nice layout where you can just put all your card all your cards at certain certain areas of the inventory sort of lock them into certain slots essentially there's a primary hand in an offhand or a two-handed weapon so you can have like a sword and a shield but if you're using a two-handed weapon where it says 2h you take this place of both those items a S stands for accessories so you can have any number of accessory cards as you want in your inventory you also have a slot for your body and a slot for your hat as well so those are starting trapping cards there's one more actually two more additional things one is each character starts with a different skill so store tabs beginning skill is alchemy so you will then go to the skills deck which looks like this and then you will find the corresponding skill our tree or below there it is alchemy then you will read what it says sometimes it gives you something initially or just it's good to know what your character's abilities are so for this particular skill I get to gain two potions of my choice at the be it right away and then also has an additional ability whenever you draw a new potion card you may draw one extra potion pick the one to keep and then discard the other so basically you're better when it comes to dealing with potions so then you would then go to a potion deck so you can see the setup for this can be take a minute but not too long the game starts up pretty quickly I kind of picked the character that had a little quite a few little things you had to do so then you would consult your potions deck and then you would go through all these and you'd pick any two that you want you could have double the same if you want it or however you want to do that and read those and decide what to you want to let's just say I want a spark bomb and some health potion then you would be ready to start your adventure okay now we're ready to enter the dungeon this is sort of your play area right here I have my character stuff and all my tokens everything off to the side here I don't have room in this view of the lens to get everything in the focus here so essentially you're gonna be putting out your plots deck your potions deck your loot deck your enemy deck and then of course all-powerful dungeon deck you also have a map here that keeps track of what lovely you're on you start off putting your pawn on level 1 this is double sided so you can choose sort of what theme you want different sort of layouts and every adventure pack you purchase beyond this will come with another map that you can use but essentially what all it's doing is tracking what level you're on so you're on level 1 you're on level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 where you're at on in the level will dictate how difficult some of your enemies are when you're fighting so if there is a very valid reason to keep track of where you're at you also here have this morality tracker at the beginning of the game you start at 0 as you make choices based on some of the cards in your plot deck you will either move up your morality track or you'll move down the morality track and there's benefits to both I'm usually when you do a negative thing in this game you'll get an immediate boon you might get some gold or you know something that will happen they'll give you some sort of immediate reward doing the the more moral thing often is more difficult for you it might cost you health or energy but in the long run you could come into a circumstance where it pays off so it's sort of a risk reward mechanic built into the game now before we go any further I want to take a moment we'll take a look at how this dungeon deck works because this is really the meat and potatoes of the game how this functions is pretty unique if you've played desolate it's very similar to desolate except there's a few little tweaks to it so let's look at that next okay now we're ready to actually explore this dungeon deck and there's 16 cards in this deck they never change um adventure packs don't add more cards to this this this remains the way it is what changes from adventure to adventure is what plot cards will be in the game and the other items and characters and things around this deck so this deck is something that over time as a player you're gonna familiarize yourself with and that's going to be where you become better and better at this game knowing these 16 cards how many there are at each of the cards that's really gonna dictate how well you're gonna do with this game so maybe the first one or two playthroughs you're gonna not do quite as well as you will after a few times playing it which is fine that's how I wanted the game to be so let's take a look at some of these cards there's essentially two different types of cards in this deck you have cards that have an immediate or a one-time effect or choice like the campsite gives you a little bit of a narrative and you make a choice do you want to cook you want to search you want to rest you can go to the sometimes you'll come across the altar you can get a choice between getting a blessing or get healing you find the clearing when you ever you find a clearing you essentially just draw a plot card and read what happens on that we'll get into those in a minute so you have a bunch of cards in this deck that if you just set if you decide to resolve them you typically are given a little bit of a narrative and you make a choice now where this game differs a lot from desolate is there's also these cards that have numbers on them and these numbers tell you what action you take dependant upon which in which place you chose them so let's take a look how this works really quick Before we jump into that so on your turn each turn you're gonna be drawing two cards from this deck but you're not gonna look at them and just something I'm gonna say just for note you notice that all these cards in my game are sleeved they fit perfectly in the box I know there's a lot of people asking that question so anyway so you draw your two cards don't look at them you choose either one to rip to flip over so I'll choose this one so flip this card over I got the campsite most situations I would this campsite so let's say I take this campsite this card I'm not going to know what it is so I will discard that without looking at it then I'll resolve this card and then I'll discard it as well and then I move on to the next next room essentially in the game now where things get tricky and I didn't stack this deck or anything so I'm just kind of going through it hopefully what I want to happen happens I'm sure it will so now I'm gonna do the same thing I'll choose this one this time okay now I have the merchant maybe I don't want to go to the merchant in most cases you probably would but let's say I'm trying to get to the boss I want to start finding these clearing cards because that's the way to get to the endgame or one of the ways to get to the endgame let's just say this is something nasty okay I don't want to do that now I get to flip this card I got the clearing so if this was something nasty and I passed on it I would just discard this card and then I would resolve I'd be forced to resolve the next card I don't get a choice I have to resolve this card so if this was something bad that would have been a bad decision but it's actually not a terrible thing it's a clearing but we will get into that in a few minutes hopefully I get to do one of these other actions here so now we draw two more cards I'm gonna flip this one over here we go here's a good example skirmish there's five of these skirmish cards in this deck so you're gonna come across these quite a bit and these are what sort of initiate combat so since I drew this card it has my first card so I had these two I chose at first I read the first portion now if I had chosen as a second card I would read the lower portion and this is where the game differs from desolate quite a bit so this upper portion is sort of a better situation for you it's still not good now I'm gonna have to get into a fight but it's I have to had the dungeon level plus 1 or plus 2 to the enemy's health Butthead I chose it as a second card I would have to draw an enemy card and add the dungeon level plus 4 to their health so choosing it as the second card would be more not as advantageous for you so you have a decision do I get into the combat right now sort of have a be in a better situation or do I take a risk now and reveal this card I can abandon this and take this car but whatever it is I have to do let's just say I'm low on health I really don't want to get in a fight right now so I'm going to abandon this and I'm gonna flip that down there and now I now whatever this card is I have to do so so where the tension builds in the game it's something that was familiar and desolate but now it's even amplified more now I flipped this card over as a skirmish again so it's a perfect example so like I said there's multiple skirmish cards you passed on getting in one combat situation but now you're drawn to another combat situation and this time you're gonna be in a worse position now let me show you another couple of cards in here that really amplify that are these ambush cards so let's just stack this deck now let's say that you drew these two cards and you reveal now it's the ambush card now there's two cards that initiate combat the skirmish card that you just saw and the ambush card now the ambush cards a really cool card if you draw it as the first card you get the upper hand you're actually ambushing your foe and when you do this you're going to get into a combat but it says draw an enemy card and ignore the initial damage which means you get to attack first add the dungeon level to their health so you're still gonna be adding the dungeon level to the health but they're not going to be that tough dependent upon what enemy you draw from here but you're you get the upper hand you get to attack first so likely you're not gonna take any damage if you roll enough dice and do enough damage however let's say you're like I don't want to bother with that don't want to get into a fight you're really really low on health you don't want to take a chance maybe you're low on energy you really just can't get into a fight right now so then you're going to reveal this card after discarding this one now you've got an ambush card again but this time since it's the second card you drew you're gonna have to look at this lower section now you're being ambushed and because you're being ambushed it says here draw an enemy card and add the dungeon level to their initial damage so not only do they get to attack first they get to add to whatever dungeon level they are to their attack then it says add the dungeon level +4 to their health so now you're fighting a stronger enemy and they get to attack you first with a heavy hit so this is where the game gets pretty tense now there's a quite a few cards that in this deck let's look at and really quickly that are outside of combat you have the treasure card which works very similar if you draw it as the first card you get just one goal but if you draw it as the second card you get to draw one blue card and a potion card so the treasure card works almost the opposite of the cut of the ambush and the skirmish card now drawing it second gives you a better reward so some that forces players to sort of think maybe I want to go for the second card because I haven't seen the treasure card yet and maybe I'm gonna get something really good then you go for the treasure card you get ambushed or something terrible happens so it has a lot little tension to the game you also have the mushroom Grove which works very similar to the treasure except you're getting rations you're picking mushrooms if you find it first you gain one if you find a second you gain two what else do we have in here here's another nasty one the lamb brenth if you draw it as the first card you discard one ration if you have no rations you lose three health however if you draw as a second card you must discard two rations lose three health for each ration you cannot discard so the labyrinth is a really nasty card and lastly you have the arrow trap which you gain a poison token if you get as the first card but you gain two if you gain it as the second card so that's basically how these dungeon cards work and once you cycle through this deck okay of sixteen cards you'll have eight turns you will shuffle your deck again to start the dungeon the next level the dungeon you'll advance your tracker to level two and you'll begin the next round okay let's take a look at how combat works in the game very central part of the game have this sort of stack just sort of simulate what a combat looks like we're a little bit further on in the game and I don't have everything on screen here but I have my character card my health you know down a little bit I only have a few energy left I've apparently got poisoned at some point have one food one gold coin we have our dice ready to go for combat let's see how combat would start or how would begin and how we resolve it so let's say we're in the middle of the dungeon and I drew these two cards I choose this card first hope it's an arrow trap well I already got some poison maybe I don't want to get any more poison so I pass on the arrow trap i discard that and let's move these over discard that and then I have to resolve whatever this next card is and it's a skirmish though today we're in combat since it's the second card we drew or chose to resolve we have to do the nastier portion of it like we mentioned before so now I have to draw a random enemy card I have to at the dungeon level +4 to their health so let's see what we have to fight here it's a nice little goblin what's this goblin do he has two health seems like nothing right but like I said you're gonna be adding the dungeon level and usually is some sort of other number to their health so I'm the deeper you get into the dungeon the more nasty even the common creatures become so this goblin instead of just having two health he's gonna have plus four plus the dungeon level and we're assuming we're on level two of the dungeon so that it gets us to four plus four is eight the game comes with two 12 sided dice to track your enemies health yes some enemies have quite a bit of health up into the 20s so let's take one dice that's all we're gonna need and we will set it to eight so now we know that's how much health our enemy hands now in all instances in combat the enemy always attacks first unless it's the ambush card and you chose it as your first car that's the only real exception to that rule so this goblins gets to attack us first now in desolate you just draw a random card and it would indicate how much initial damage you would take in this game you're actually rolling dice for your and they roll their dice differently than you do but it's very very simple you just take two six-sided dice and this is for how they do their initial damage and how they do their counter strikes you just roll them and you do you subtract one from the other so we had a 2 and a 5 so 5 minus 2 is 3 that's how much damage he does which there's a nice variance there it's getting hit really hard it's more difficult because you require you to roll one and a six to get hit for 5 so you typically your hits are gonna be one two or three damage usually one or two but in this case we got hit for three plus how much damage they do here this little may symbol here he does an additional one to all is a text so I do three plus one is four damage he does to us so I don't have anything on my character that defends now some shields and armor and helmets and things like that will allow you to subtract from that but this lowly wizard he doesn't have anything like that so he's gonna take pure damage of four so I take four Health tokens and I discard them now it becomes my turn to attack and how it works for me to attack is exactly how it worked in desolate so instead of spending ammo like you wouldn't dust lit this game you spend energy so he had these energy tokens and I for each one I spend I get to roll a dice to do damage so it can only roll maximum for three because there's only three dice in the game so I roll all three because I want to get rid of this guy I'm only gonna have one energy left so that was risky and I killed him okay now had I not killed him I didn't do enough damage I would just adjust as dice down to whatever damage he had remaining and then he would get to counter-attack me again the exact same way he did before rolling two dice adding his attack value a couple other things of note on the card do you want to look at is every single different unique enemy in the game has some sort of ability or special text down here so they're all very different unique so like this goblin for instance you may avoid this conflict by spending a gold well I had a gold so I could just spent this gold and just avoided this all together and basically bribe a goblin he lets me go and I don't have to deal with them which was probably the right move to do but obviously I want to show you how combat works so you have that you also have this little symbol here which means that when you defeat this character you're going to get a gold this symbol here is that's treasure type there's treasure type zero which means you get nothing there's treasure type one which means you get to get a random loot card and there's treasure type two which gets you a random loot and a random potion the last symbol on here is the character's weakness so this character is a weak to ice attacks I don't have anything on my character that will allow me to do that type of damage so I don't get do any effect of that but certain cards will allow you do extra damage or certain weapons allow you to do extra damage to this character there's three different types of weaknesses and every enemy has one you have enemies that are weak to ice enemies weak to fire enemies a week to undead attacks okay so that's the goblin we just defeated him he's dead he comes into our inventory but first you gotta get our reward so since we did fight him he chose that we're getting an extra gold which might actually benefit us later and we get to get a random card from the loot deck what do we get ooh get the ice hack now any enemy any character can use any any item so this isn't a specific for a warrior he can use this now he does have a weapon that does damage against ice character till we die so that's a really cool weapon does way too but it has a good value and it goes into your primary hand and there's a little bit of text down there we won't get you that but that's essentially how your turn would work I got a gold I got an item from this so yeah really that ended up being a good decision to fight this goblin first it seemed like maybe bribing him would have been the easy way out but see what we got from that was pretty good lastly this card you'll keep you'll have a little graveyard to keep these face-up in front of you and once you have a certain number of them we'll get it at a little bit you get to learn a new skill you trade them in for a new skill so it's basically a way of advancing your character and we'll get into that minute but that's basically how combat works let's move on let's look quickly advancing your character since we just were sort of talking about that throughout the game you're gonna be fighting enemies obviously it's a part of any dungeon crawler and you're gonna be accumulating these corpses or trophies from your kills once you have accumulated three you're able to learn a new skill now that's there's a little um hitch to that it has to the skill you learn has to match whatever skill category or proficiency your character has so each character has a different proficiency so sort AB he's a smart wizard type so he has skill proficiency mind there's three different types there's mind agility and brawn so each character will go back to these different characters really quick you have Mulliken who's got brawn as his skill proficiency and then you have two characters with agility each new adventure pack comes with new characters different proficiencies different trapping is all kinds of new stuff but just let it be known that you need three if you want to make the new skill match this now you can learn a skill outside of your proficiency so let's say sort AB here you got that ice hack nice weapon maybe he wants to learn some sort of skill to go along with using axes he doesn't have enough here he needs to get to five so if you want to learn a skill outside of your proficiency you need to have five enemies in your graveyard so let's look at a few other the other skills that you could learn there are four for each category so there's 12 total so you do for the mind you have or praise let's see which ones we have for the mind you have divinity you have an herbalism and of course alchemy so those are the four that you could have each one it does a different has a different effect sometimes they give you something right away sometimes it helps you later on in the game in certain situations just a couple for example like herbalism if you were to see he has enough now he could get a new mind proficiency skill so maybe he wants to learn herbalism if you got herbalism here to get +1 energy when you cook at the campsite and then drinking an antidote will cure all your poison so it usually it only carries a certain set amount so during that skill will be pretty helpful now let's say he wanted to learn something outside his proficiency and he had enough and it needs to spend he can learn agility skills like conceal he can learn a brawn skill bezerk which is pretty good one dual wheel Lau's you to use a dagger on your off hand you have shadow which does the extra damage when you're in the ambush situation dodge which gets you away from arrow traps I have all sorts of different different types of skills here but archery which is better with bows so he would have to make a decision do I want to just use these three learn something that is going to match my proficiency or don't want to kill more enemies and build up and make my guy more diverse that's basically how skills work okay might be wondering at this point how does this game end but I should have brought it up in beginning but this is how it ends by resolving plot cards okay now plot cards are very similar to what you'd have as your as those energy tokens in desolate but they work a little bit more thematically and it adds a little bit more fun mechanics to the game how do you get these black cards well one way is the clearing card whenever you resolve the clearing card in the dungeon deck it says right here anything can happen in the clearing and then you get to draw up Lockhart and you resolve it now the other way you get them is every time you cycle through your deck at the end of the round you get to draw a random black card so those two ways you can get so basically you can get to plot cards per round if you happen to find the clearing and at the end of the round so let's look at these plot cards and see exactly how they trigger the end of the game each one has an icon on it it's a bit of a little eye ball and that simulates the awareness that the boss of the dungeon has of you being in their dungeon so as you're accumulating these you keep these in front of you as you as you resolve them you're gonna be getting more and more eyeballs some of them have won some have - and some have three eyeballs right and as those increase and once you hit that target number which is ten then you will resolve the final card so let's say we did this one now where we hit ten or beyond we have to resolve this final plot card and then the boss confronts us right so that's how you get to the boss we'll get over it well that's the last thing we'll discuss is how the boss works but let's look at how these plot cards work essentially there's two different types you have ones that offer you options and then you have all the ones that sort of give you a reward so let's go over a few of these traveler goes there okay so these cards here give you a little narrative a little bit of a story and then you get a choice so let's look at one and they all work very similar and this is what sort of brings this morality tracker into the game so let's do the pigman it's one of my favorites so let's read what it says here says you were to the sounds of a whimpering animal you are amazed to find a very small Pig like creature with human likeness caught in a snare trap now you're given two choices what do you want to do you can release the big man or you can carve up the pig man yes you can eat the big man is one of the options so I decided to release the pig and you get to read all of it so you can know what the outcome is going to be you have to make that decision so let's say let's decide you really decide to release the pig man the frightened creature looks confused when you release it it pauses for a moment and then takes off on two feet move up one on the morality track so essentially made a more moral decision you have to move up on the morality track you don't get anything else other than the fact that now you're more you know more morality right this is going to come into play a little bit later now let's decide instead you decided to carve up the pig man your belly rumbles at the sight of the pig man and you get to work on preparing a fire remove one move down one of the morality track and gain three energy so it might be late in the game and you might only have one energy and you might be like sorry pig man I have to eat you and then you go down one on here and you get the game three energy because he's delicious so that's how the plot cards work and that's how you're moving up and down this morality track let's look at how some of these other black cards are going to work with along with those you have two here you have the shrine and the traveler the shrine we're not going to read all the text on it but it will basically tell you what it does the shrine gained blessing tokens equal to your position on the morality track so this is what I was talking about earlier your position on this morality track is actually gonna affect you later on so making good choices might not get you anything we're in the in the short-term like you don't get these three energy do you eat the pig if you don't eat the big man but you get to move up line this morality track and the further up on it the more blessing tokens you would get so we don't haven't talked about blessing tokens but we will in a few minutes here and let's say we're on - on a morality tracker and we came across her shrine we would gain two blessing tokens whenever you gain a blessing token you never look at it there's stuff on the other side but you just keep it face down in front of you right another one here gained either health or energy equal to your position on the morality track so yes that pig man was delicious and gave you three energy but had you done the more immoral thing down the road as you accumulated morality this traveler here would have given you energy or health you could have just said I'll take a one health and one one health and one energy that you can have that choice you have a couple other ones you have a passageway which makes you draw another card from the plot deck which just basically adds another eye balls all this card does and then you have the head in yes it's a pun it's a in deep in the deep in the dungeon called the hidden I'm sorry I like that and this gives you good choice of you can pay money to eat and get some again some health and energy or you can do some gambling so there's different things you can find in this in this plot in this plot deck and as you can see it's going to be affecting your morality and how many blessing tokens you're gonna get there's other things that can help you get blessing tokens in the game as well and then it triggers the boss so let's take a look at that and look at our the final part of the game okay so we're follow along in the game see we only have three health left a little bit of energy we're not doing so well let's see we've got some blessing tokens we've acquired and maybe we got one extra poison here let's just stack this up sort of maybe what you look like when you get to the answer like how on earth are you ever gonna be able to fight a boss at the end of this game when you're so depleted well let's pretend that we just got the hit in the final plot card that got us to ten eyeballs and now we've basically awoken the boss in the game and we have to now have to deal with that so what do we do first we have to resolve this card let's say that we decide yeah and eat and rest by the fire pay one gold for a meal and gain two health and one energy you only do it once well I got some gold fighting things I'll spend that gold might as well take was it to health wealth and one energy okay a little bit better right now we decide what monster are we fighting which boss are we fighting we could be fighting the lurker you could be fighting the Nagas we fighting bleach how do we know well we look at all the enemies that we fought throughout the game remember we talked about those icons on there we look at those icons whichever icon you have the most of will determine which box you're fighting if there's ties there's rules in the rulebook basically rock-paper-scissors as to which one to you will have to fight but let's just say that we're going to majority here we have two ice creatures so which guy we have to fight well gonna have to fight the lurker because he is the ice boss you also have the fire boss and you have the undead boss so we're gonna be fighting the lurker now I'm not gonna actually go through the combat fighting the lurker I'm just gonna show the setup and basically fights exactly the same as any other combat but it has a set health hit set health is 22 it's like I said earlier on yes there are some nasty monsters and there's no way to kill this guy in the first hit so how can possibly survive this nasty guy that does 5-1 thing I wanted to mention really quick about combat that I forgot to mention if an enemy any enemy rolls doubles no matter what they are they miss you completely they don't get the attacked it makes you no damage you take no damage so you don't to add anything they don't hit you at all so that's sort of something that can save you especially late in the game now so let's look at this guy to have a little bit of a thing here a little bit of a special ability says attacks from the lurker ignore a defensive bonuses gained from shields or buckler so he his his laser beam attacks from his eyes just go right through your shield so if you have a shield equip it has no effect against him he has 22 health we understand that but before you actually have to fight them something happens that's in the rule book it's called the divine intervention and that's when you get a visit from an angelic creature our angel comes down and looks upon you in favor or not in favor depending upon how many I'm gonna use bonus these Blessing tokens that you have so right before you actually have to fight him you can figure out who it is and what how much health and all that but before you actually have to fight them you now get to do the big reveal and see what sort of blessings you're going to get going into this final combat so you flip these over and they all have different symbols on art a couple of hearts hearts and energy so this tells us that we're going to gain five health and one energy so that is actually very helpful going into that final combat now you're maybe you'll be able to take that first hit and hopefully build a kill it in two hits all right now let's look at some of the other blessing tokens things that you could possibly get you could get the poison heart that's the other one you can get the rest of them are I'll show you all I'm so you get the idea of the disbursement but whenever you get these green hearts that means you get to remove all your poison so you have zero poison which can be very helpful because some monsters actually double your poison every time they hit you and that'll kill you because once your poison level if you mention this once your poison level equal is equal to or greater than how many health tokens you have you die you're poisoned so if you and so basically you fight your boss if you defeat them you win the game and you can continue on doing more adventure packs or you losing you have to start over and serve the new character game runs about 30 to 40 minutes once you know how to play it first time through PI can take you in how or get a little use to the rules but I do strongly suggest before your first play look through the dungeon deck get yourself familiar with some of the cards in there maybe look through the plot plot cards you get yourself familiar with that but besides that everything else has text on it it should be pretty self-explanatory the rule book should explain everything you need to know this is the basic idea of iron help I'm sure I missed a couple of things here or there but it gives you a good overview of how the game runs how it plays how it ends and the little ways that it builds tension and hope it you enjoyed this video I hopefully I'll be doing a video once I get the game mats I just ordered them I like to show those off to you as well thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Jason Glover
Views: 21,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grey Gnome Games, Dungeon Crawler, Solo Game, Board Game, Dice Game, Card Game, The Game Crafter, Iron Helm
Id: DNS6MBvxqNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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