Rich Preacher Thinks Poor People Are "Demons"

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Having grown up exposed to some of this stuff, it’s not that they see people as demons directly, but more that ‘unsaved’ people carry demons with them everywhere. Much the same but just figured I’d clarify - and that’s by no means trying to explain away their warped view.

So they’re making the (really terrible) excuse, that they can’t focus or spend time with God being surrounded by these demons.

Not sure how Jesus would fit in their world. He went after people that had broken lives, had dinner with them, spent time with them, was sincerely loving to them. I imagine him hanging out in places like Skid Row and other places with people with really wrecked lives.

These pastors seem to only feel safe in the company of their own people, their churches, conferences, private planes and multimillion dollar homes.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sure enough its Kenneth Copeland. Heres my favourite video about Kenneth Copeland.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/spygentlemen 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Laughter] we prepare the birds propel Eagles don't prevail Nigel can I get an a man a man hello everybody and welcome back to a brand new bowl of parsnip porridge my name is Leon lush and it is just such a delight can I say to have you here for just a few minutes today now I have to apologize I'm already sweating a little bit yeah and that's because that brief intro you just saw it took me really in reality 20 minutes to record because every time I tried to do it I couldn't keep it together I just would the [ __ ] so I'm going to talk about the dudes from the title in the thumbnail of this video in just a second but today's video is essentially about televangelists now I've made a video once before on a televangelist named peter Popoff who's been around for decades right and I'll link that video up here if you want to watch it I think it's pretty funny baby Jesus get up the tears in Jesus name you're not gonna walk are you not gonna walk just talk about this guy and shine a little light onto his life and how he spent the better part of four to five decades just scamming and manipulating the poor in the ignorant in the downtrodden out of their hard-earned dollars so he can live like a king he's been exposed multiple times but still to this day is making millions of dollars through this mail order religious ministry which by the way since it's a religious ministry has acted as kind of a disguise for this entire scam and he's not only tax-exempt but also just lives consequence-free driving around five hundred thousand dollar cars and living in a mansion now some of you might be thinking to yourself Oh Leon this televangelists are old news man they've been exposed a hundred million times they've been around forever everybody knows they're frauds they've been on like 50 Dateline NBC special showing that they're just stealing these people's money to buy themselves jets we all know this [ __ ] and I have two responses to that firstly even if that's true they're still funny as hell been done all this well there is gone completely Nigel where is the pain right here in my face where like you feel my legs praise the Lord God said he chose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise do you know if you're an intellectual you'll probably end up in hell for it you know three years ago I was one of what broke yes come out of him you foul devil I heed you just could not draw this up any better if it was supposed to be a comedy skit but but it's not now comedy aside the second thing I would say is that sure you and I may know that these guys are frauds I mean [ __ ] almost every big televangelist has been exposed as being some sort of scam artist that's essentially just manipulating and taking advantage of those with faith in order to live extraordinarily lavish lifestyles themselves but guess what these guys are still cleaning [ __ ] house in 2018 raking in millions in millions of dollars through these ministries and it just leaves me perplexed because that means that there's hundreds of thousands of people all over this country mostly in the South that are still sending these guys money month after month thinking that they're somehow gonna miraculously be cured of cancer have some divine intervention come down and absolve them of their financial debt meanwhile these prosperity gospel fat cats are going full-blown Scrooge McDuck just doing snow angels in hundred dollar bills flying around the country in their private jet to all their million-dollar homes sitting on all their [ __ ] private beaches sipping mai-tais well Nancy from Tallahassee who's forty-three and suffering from ovarian cancer instead of seeking medical help sends her last dollar in one of these pricks cuz she thinks she's gonna be [ __ ] heal anyways let's watch two of these rich pieces of [ __ ] talk about why they so desperately need a private jet had a glorious meeting so I was for lack of a better way to say it I was spiritually hired people were saved touched and blessed God the plane that God so graciously gave us Oh hallelujah and praise be I it is a relief to be honest that God is graciously giving away planes because I thought for sure it's because you were scamming desperate people out of millions of dollars but that is if he's giving away planes and [ __ ] I'll take one too as I was going home the Lord real quickly suggesting do you like your plane you know I thought that's an odd statement ah I don't understand what's so odd about that if I had a nickel for every time the Lord asked me about my plane I could at least buy a gumball at the mall at least five times that's happened to me on my private jet I said lord I don't think I was letting my faith stagnate so if you had the Book of Amos I want to read the scripture yes mmm you could have done that on an airliner no sir no way stand up and say what you say law no okay no yeah now both of these guys are obviously rich is [ __ ] but I do know that this guy on the left Kenneth Copeland is one of the wealthiest televangelists in America with an estimated worth of ballpark eight hundred million dollars no sir no way stand up and say what you say long no okay no yeah and the guy said no listen what the hell is he thinking do it do that I mean yeah we already all know that okay you can't talk to God on an airliner you better be flying private I mean he has a refined taste so unless you got that Boeing up in the sky and you're so low you're not getting - hey what's up from Jesus the world is in such a shape we can't get there without this that's right got to have this listen I know it sounds crazy I know it sounds a little a little out there but the world is in such a shape and I believe that shape is flat that we can't get there without these private jets mesh that the airlines are in today I would have to stop I'm being very conservative at least 75 to 80 more like 90 percent of what we're doing because you can't get there in here it's impulse now in all honesty though I have nothing against private jets I have nothing against people being filthy rich I believe in capitalism the problem is introduced when you've made your wealth because you were fraud and all of that money has come at the expense of gullible people you can't manage that today right this dope filled world right get in an air get in a long tube with a bunch of demons I'm sorry Ken I must have misunderstood what long tube with a bunch of demons I don't know if I follow what he's tucked a long tube filled oh you mean an airplane filled with normal people hahahahahahaha [ __ ] again can you got me you son of a [ __ ] a long tube filled with demons and its deadly deadly is an understatement how do you expect to talk to God in this dope filled world if you're toting around the country and a long tube filled with demons impossible fortunately you scammed a Janus out of her cancer treatment money along with thousands of other people and you're able to afford this private jet by the way Janus is dead now so hallelujah praise Allah a long tube filled with so anyway I wanted to make that clear so the devil can't lie to you as they see that M Prater spending all that money disappear fat cats riding around no we're not we're in business dude listen well Ken I'm glad you cleared that up quite honestly because I was this close to letting the devil convince me that you're just a piece of [ __ ] but if you need it you need it I guess listen I could scratch my flying itch I could scratch my flying itch I could smack my side [ __ ] I could watch lilo and stitch I could eat this sandwich with my little single-engine open-cockpit airplane I just come home fly around in that scratch my Flyknit that doesn't have nothin to do with that but we're in we're in we're in show business here right see he doesn't need a private jet to scratch his flying it she could just fly his other planes that he also bought with poor people's money but the jet is just because that's to talk to God and fly across the country we weren't a dying nation here folks we got a dying world around us just we got a dying nation room that's right and we can't even get their owner than you you can't you just cannot get there on an airline in a dying nation fire up that [ __ ] boat I brought in my schedule I said can you fly this he said no and I wouldn't if when do you sleep we're about the phonies playing airplanes all rabbits see yeah well if you just told me from the beginning that you needed a private jet to sleep I wouldn't came at you so hard now I kind of feel bad I mean everybody know I need a fan to fall asleep I need the white noise some people need a dark room with the blackout curtains to fall asleep have your people might need a CPAP machine to fall asleep these guys are seen a private jet to fall asleep everybody has their thing said this your own control cruise control you're moving but no longer by your power see that's what the DVD is well that's what that you say you moon was no longer by your power you see you're just doing this oh that's what the DVD is about you see if you feel like you're moving but no longer by your power just by my DVD for $29.99 so I can buy another private jet Oh tube with a bunch of demons right I mean I don't know about you guys but I for one am convinced I mean for the sake of these two gentlemen's holy crusade let them sleep on the private jet is it so much to ask I imagine that the comments section probably agrees [Music] don't work the ironic thing about them is if God does exist they are most certainly going to burn lots of lettuce these guys are much worse and dangerous than con men they're predators akin to dope peddlers or child molesters they prey upon vulnerable people especially elderly or poor people with their seed prosperity BS under the guise of Christianity just to satisfy their own personal gratification think of how many innocent lives these two predators have destroyed by ripping off hundreds if not thousands of people of their life-savings truly evil monsters whoa yikes worst Kickstarter ever you know what if we're lucky maybe we'll see this in a future comeback episode of idubbbz Kickstarter crap looks like giggity giggity here wrote a little prayer in the comment section I thought it might be prudent to pray along with him Lord Jesus please allow these men to find their way off a tall cliff and speak to them Lord on their way to hell and remind them of all the money they swindled out of hard-working taxpayers a man finally robbed hey says for the record most of us Christians agree with all of you a theist that televangelists are lying hacks and that's interesting to me because it's nice to see that Christians and atheists alike can agree that televangelists are absolute losers oh man I could go on for hours about these guys I don't want you to misconstrue this is a shot at religion I have a very religious background and family and that's not what this is but these televangelists specifically these mega church guys from the south that are just scamming hundreds of thousands of people it's just a bad look and it's it's amazing to me the reason made this video is because I'm so perplexed I'm amazed that people can't see through this like so many people do but there's still a massive portion a huge portion of this country mostly in the South that can't [ __ ] figure this out or something why what's the deal anyways thank you guys so much for watching I do appreciate having you here I don't take for granted that you're giving up some of your time to watch a video that I uploaded and I do appreciate that just go ahead and leave a comment down below if you could I'd really appreciate that let me know what you think about these two upstanding gentlemen consider buying some merch if you're part of the tomato mafia and want to support the channel you can also become a channel member by hitting that join button down below and you get a couple of cool perks before you go last thing I'll ask of you if you could just do a real quick and then hip thrusts that [ __ ] like button for me I promise you it feels good I'll see you in the next one peace of you
Channel: Leon Lush
Views: 2,612,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: televangelist, televangelist private jet, televangelist exposed, televangelist asking for money, televangelist funny, comedy, leon lush, satire, kenneth copeland, jessie duplantis, these youtubers are pretending they're dying, he risked his life for 70 subscribers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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