The Unsettling Story of "Kidnapped" Mukbanger Kate Yup

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okay listen up y'all it is time to put on your tinfoil hats and put the kettle on the stove because this tea is about two beasts gorging hot now before we go any further we got a ripe in the mood for some conspiracy so Nigel if you don't mind if you could fire up the pensive Moody backing track please figure out your food yeah that is perfect and actually no why don't we why don't we burn these corners a little bit for style points okay yeah it's coming together but no one's gonna believe us if we don't have some sort of vintage filter over the top of the footage why don't why don't we get it with a you know what let's just do a VHS filter yeah yeah that's it right there oh this is gonna work great all right here we go this is the story of Katy up a now infamous MOC banger that stormed onto the scene in April of 2018 with her video titled 11 pound salmon five kilograms day Salman incredible - world record - ASMR in this video we witness Kate eating 11 actual pounds of raw semen in less than 15 minutes what over the course of the next year Kate would go on to guard her attention for her gratuitous seafood mock banks and her viewers started to become concerned at how rapidly she was consuming such ungodly amounts of sea creatures then one day she had a herpe on her lip and a bruise on her arm and the whole internet collectively decided that she was actually in captivity and being forced to make these seafood mukbangs for the internet by her captor on tinfoil Lian and you're watching a brand new episode of conspiracy [ __ ] hey guys welcome back to a brand new under the bleachers makeout session my name is Leon and pleasure to have you here with me listen I got an email from a girl named Lydia and in that email she says please investigate Kate yup she's a mukbang er who could be in real danger please do something about this it is very creepy is that right so I go to youtube i type in Kate yup and I went headfirst into the rabbit hole and the story is pretty interesting but I think Lydia might have asked the wrong person because when it comes to conspiracy theory type stuff I'm one of the biggest skeptics on the planet and even if some of what these internet detectives are theorizing is actually true I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it now in spite of my skepticism going into it it does get pretty interesting and although some of the claims are just flat-out ludicrous some of them left me quite perplexed as well so we're gonna just sink our teeth into this succulent little morsel right after a word about today's video sponsor expressvpn is the king of Virtual Private Networks it's very easy to use it's hella fast and it gives you a safe internet experience with zero restrictions that's right you can download and stream content wherever you're challenged I use it personally to help protect my data but it's also clutch what I'm travelling because it helps me eat any geo restrictions when I'm trying to watch my favorite shows you know for 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built her viewer base doing mukbangs with predominantly raw seafood MOOC bonds aren't unique on YouTube by any means but the sheer amount of raw seafood in the alarming speed at which she would eat it set Kate apart from the run-of-the-mill MOOC bonner she also conceals her face with a makeshift mask and doesn't talk which just adds to the intrigue now in the beginning Kate was met with a lot of criticism to the point where she turned comments off on her earlier videos because frankly it's insane and probably not all that safe to be eating such massive amounts of raw salmon in such a short time period and some people just didn't like what his time went on she renamed comments and continued to upload while she steadily grew as her uploads progressed viewers would leave concerned comments about how she was eating faster and more frantically than that she seemed to be getting skinnier in spite of these mind-bending caloric binges there was nothing overtly shady going on she was just unusual in a way different than traditional mukbang channels and it's safe to say that the seed of concern was planted amongst those that regularly viewed her channel then on June 21st over a year after her first video she uploaded this two whole fish whole giant squid video and that's when she got a bananas now in this video Kate had a parent bruising on the inside of her arm and an obvious blemish on her lip to things that aren't necessarily that uncommon but in this case it was enough to send legions of Internet detectives into hyperdrive and all of the sudden this theory that Katie up was living in captivity and being forced to make these videos by her captors caught fire I'll take marina Joyce for 1,000 Alex a speculation about Kate's well-being spread in the comment section and caught fire on reddit her whole catalog of videos was being obsessively analyzed with a fine-tooth comb in some of the things that people came up with range from peculiar to downright preposterous viewers were time stamping places throughout her videos where they alleged they could hear voices saying concerning things I've watched through them all multiple times and it just seems so obvious to me that it's just mouth noises being picked up by your super-compressed Michael you can even see your mouth move in congruence with the sound you yet thousands of people think that it's her captors telling her what to do were threatening her or something in the same video where she has the bruise there's a part where she's randomly tapping the bowl as she eats a big mouthful and people believe that that's some sort of Morse code distress signal asking for help listen if I was pounding down an entire aquariums worth of raw fish my hand would be convulsing violently - as my lymphatic system tried not to collapse Morse code tapping on the ball god I'm telling you dude the Internet has zero chill when it comes to conspiracies she later went on to pin a comment that dispels the Morse code conspiracy but people were confused because it was in quotations and written in the third person of course this led to more theories of oh my god did her captors write this when in reality Kate had just copied a post someone made about it on reddit and used the quotes to insinuate it was someone else that wrote it which is the correct use of quotes in that same video again one of her subtitles that she often includes to make fun little quips about her food it reads the meat is so delicious soft and tender with a few randomly capitalized letters that spell out SOS now this one struck me as kind of odd at first but as I went through a ton of her content you realize she's constantly putting these little subtitle captions on all of her videos and she always randomly capitalizes letters throughout and it's much more likely that it was a coincidence than a cryptic cry for hell there's a few other random things that people pointed out like this table shake in one of her videos I've seen a lot of table shakes in my day and none of them look like that no Lord that's a table shake that says I'm kidnapped please somebody help then there's a handful more that aren't even worth mentioning save for this one which is definitely my favorite at the beginning of video the octopus was randomly are arranged in the shape of Satan well not only is she kidnapped but she's a Satan worshipper the plot thickens [Applause] so this thing continues to pick up steam people are talking about it the view start pouring in on a channel the comments are going off the hinges conspirators and people that are concerned for her too and do this in your next video if you need help all that good stuff so August 15th almost two months later she uploads this I am a live video the title clearly insinuates that she's been seeing what people are saying about her and hopefully she's gonna give us a little clarification she also at the same time makes her only community post addressing some of the concerns from her previous video and this is where things start to get a little wacky hello everyone it's urgent to clarify my situation everything is OK for me nobody forcing me to eat and I have any health problem these marks on my arms are caused by the Sun just like this one on my lip usually called herpes lady Alice I love what I do be sure thanks yous full peace and love for you look at the syntax it's your kidnappers they're forcing her right that she needs now herpes on the lip you know it's a tough go but it's an easy explanation and upon further inspection you can find other videos from her where she has similar cold sores or whatever you want to call him on her lips so it checks out this whole like being bruised by the Sun thing is a new one to me though a little confused there but after a quick google search I did find a condition that actually linked sun exposure with easy bruising which could have been what she was getting at and there's medications that can affect how easily you bruise I've known people that knock into something that lightly and get bruised from so I'm not saying that it's impossible that there's something nefarious going on or that she's in a crummy situation I'm just saying that to go from hey this is a mukbang ER that eats a lot of seafood and then seeing a bruise and a herpe on her lip and immediately drawing the conclusion that she's kidnapped and being forced to make videos that's like a there is a long way between a and B there there's just so many other possibilities in between those two extremes that are probably more likely to be true somebody need to call 911 for this cape cops can find the address from this videos I do not believe this person is safe here to stop eating Kate you really need help you have to help yourself first just give us more and more hints we will help you out from that room it's like a game for these people like what you're just gonna solve the mystery by her dropping random hints that somehow her captor is letting her keep in the video the fact that she's even editing her videos in the first place it is an absolute tinfoil hat convention in her comments in its it's staggering so the I am a live video business as usual bruises gone she is crushing an ungodly amount of seafood I mean the entire cast of Little Mermaid is destroyed in this video but Kate she's no slouch and she knows that she can't just leave the conspirators hanging so what does she do well she grabs him all by their little tinfoil hat and she [ __ ] him right in the face as usual fun little subtitles pop-up along the bottom of the screen as the video moves along and in this case there's quite a few of them but there is only four that start with capitalized letters and when you screenshot those four and put them sequentially what is that spell I mean if this thing was a brushfire before Kate yup just dropped a whole can of gasoline right on top of that bow let me take a look at the social blade views are coming in subs are coming in it might make sense to keep the mystery alive later on in the video this part strikes me as interesting it's like she hears a door in the background and then is about to jump up but cuts away real quick struck me is odd too because there's a cut right before it so it just cuts to her sitting there like this then the door opens she gets up and cuts away so it's like it was intentionally left in there it just serves no purpose it doesn't need to be in and it lends itself to the theory that someone else is there with her but it just becomes more confusing because at the end of this video she says you could notice it I am very well I'm alone while I'm eating nobody telling me what I have to do I do it by myself so she says she's alone while she's eating but she purposely left in a door creak in the Edit she's kidnapped obviously or or maybe she has roommates or she lives with somebody we don't know because we don't know her personal life and she just means that she does this by herself like she's in a room by herself doing it maybe that maybe that's the more likely scenario I'm just saying so the help thing strikes me is the first thing that is intentional from her not just a coincidence or someone making up a theory about what they're seeing and it makes sense that it was intentional because it was her first video back after two months of watching these theories about her blow-up and I can't say with a hundred percent assurance that she's not in some sort of danger or something I'm just saying that the most likely scenario in my opinion is that it was an epic troll because views so obviously the conspiracy theorists are on red alert after that and I mean people are trying to dock sir there's cops being called people are trying to link her with missing persons cases just everything you can think of as being done and since then she's uploaded three more videos with a couple of key points for me weeks later she uploads another mukbang that's good subtitles at the end as it always does and this one says oh no I'm lying in fact there's people torturing me every day without even knowing it all those who are continuing to spread the rumor dot dot dot sounds like maybe she bit off a little more than she could chew like at first the attention was great the views and the money let's keep it going and now things are getting a little crazy a little too much like it's maybe a little scary like people are going to great lengths to dock sir etc etc the kidnappers made her keep it in the video look you could see by the look of her lips that she's scared three weeks later she uploads another oceanic genocide with the delicious addition of pork brains again at the end we get a little message stop worrying about me and take care of yourself it's lovely and that brings us to our most recent upload from November 10th a month and a half ago called I lose my tooth during this meal what it's business as usual as she chokes down jumbo sea scallops by the fistful and then a tooth falls out of her mouth and to pieces and she shakes it off like it's a stub toe and keeps on truckin not even a drop a blood type of girl to break her leg on mile 4 and crawl the rest of the marathon let's see if she can do it it's the eye of the tiger it's the thrill of the fight rising up to the challenge of our rivals yeah so close now we're on the last couple of crab legs Oh God two teeth pulled and Jeff Epstein in the same damn video then she puts a third on her hand and says it was removed yesterday what the hell's going on around here she still ate the crab legs oh my god the ironclad will of our seafood champion Kate you up I mean she's got D fallin out her mouth left and right all willy-nilly if she refuses to stop the camera before every last morsel of seafood is eviscerated you just don't see this kind of determination in people these days honestly it's inspiring Nigel you could learn a thing or two listen jokes aside I'm putting down the tinfoil hat you know I'm saying no more no more sarcasm okay now this is this the whole thing with her getting kidnapped I don't know this is [ __ ] up what would compel someone to finish a shellfish mukbang after two teeth done fell out your mouth you can keep all your other horseshit conspiracies all right this this one has me tripping something mate right right here ready y'all need to double your efforts and find this woman a dentist and maybe some fluoride toothpaste goddamn son [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh anyways that's that's the last video we've seen from Kate yep November 10th month and a half ago so everyone's waiting with bated breath I'm sure I want to close up by saying this all Jo all jokes actually aside now I was still joking a second ago obviously nobody knows for certain what's going on with Kate obviously she's choosing to remain private and I think with good reason you can see how the internet gets I personally don't think this whole kidnapping thing I think that is such a far stretch from point A to B but anywhere in between there we don't know anything about it she could have a tough home life we don't know where she lives she could struggle with some sort of eating disorder or some sort of dysphoria I mean this behavior certainly is unusual all of these conspiracy theories around why she's doing it I think are why I need jerk is that maybe we're seeing someone who struggles with bulimia of some sort which could explain these recent dental issues because the stomach acidity from constant regurgitation can wreak havoc on your teeth again this is just a theory nobody knows what's going on and she wants to keep it that way I know a lot of people are probably gonna rinse me in the comments because I'm making light of what a lot of people are convinced is a very serious situation and I really honestly wouldn't joke about it so much if I didn't genuinely believed it to be a bit of a stretch now I don't know what she's dealing with in her personal life on a day-to-day level we all have our own demons but this whole kidnapping and her sending out cryptic messages via edited YouTube mukbang videos is just outrageous to me but I truly hope that Katy up is fine and she finds a better dentist what do you guys think I'd love to know and before you go if you could just gently thrust your hips into that like button for me would be greatly appreciated and also Merry Christmas Happy Holidays this is probably gonna be the last video that goes up before Christmas hits I appreciate you all have a great one we'll see in the next one peace confused
Channel: Leon Lush
Views: 2,501,379
Rating: 4.9390192 out of 5
Keywords: kate yup, mukbang, kate yup kidnapped, kate yup update, kate yup 20 whole fish, kate yup salmon, 2 whole fish whole giant squid, I AM ALIVE, kate yup i am alive, kate yup tooth, conspiracy, conspiracy theory, kate yup conspiracy theory, kate yup missing, the dark side of mukbanger kate yup
Id: 5N36H4xIPis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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