Training My Roomate To Walk Quietly

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That and probably almost every other video they have made in the house lol

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/drixix1 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Obligatory Im not an expert, but technically they used a residential house as the main offices for two small ish media companies. That might have something to do with why they got kicked out

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/fotten333 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lease on his rent terms expired after a year and they didn't want to continue.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Protane 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

why does he actually look 10 in the thumbnail

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/thiccboiforever 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
yeah a bird there's some owls that hang around his parking lot yeah that's really that's crazy at this time thanks for the heads up on the bats anyways Michael Reaves has really dense bones and he slams around on the second story of our house at night and it keeps me up so I'm going to build something okay I'm gonna take I'm gonna electrify the carpet also recently I've been checking to see if how often the ice cream machines are different McDonald's are broken it's kind of an excuse just to eat more ice cream but his Michael Reeves a good roommate yeah he's not bad he pays his rent on time [Music] here's the problem I need sleep and I'm not getting it this is my room this is the living my room living room my room living room living room my room and this is the ceiling between us looks really bad I'm not sure how I thought I was gonna [ __ ] with ceiling fan you can't really tell there's a problem but it's more of a sound thing when Michael is bounding across the room like a troglodyte the ceiling makes this terrible creaking noise it's much louder on the bottom floor than it is up top I don't know how it's so loud it's really loud [Music] caretaker what are you doing you think being a responsible adult I would have talked to Michael and used my words to express my frustration I tried that that's the first thing I tried hey Michael I was wondering if you could kind of late at night not walk around so my hey Michael my hey Michael [Music] Conte got bored mr. bones could you do me a selling help with this contract Micro on the ceiling where did I put my camera shouldn't be down here alright go on up let me show you ready for Z there's some nerd stuff I've been working hard for a couple hours you've got an Arduino another Arduino to relay boards an op-amp a 4 B that I'm gonna drop across the room an expensive oscilloscope oh my god this camera won't focus wireless transmitter a wireless receiver they're two feet apart one foot apart I don't know I had some problems why oh let me try to explain this to you in less than 10 seconds there's a contact microphone which sends the signal of the sounds from the floor to an operational amplifier which sends that wirelessly two feet to another Arduino which counts the number of times in floor with smacked and if it's over a certain number of times it triggers a relay which lights up an LED strip and then another relay which lights up the floor with a Taser which we have not bought you that 10 seconds basically what happens is when you smack the floor it detects it all we need is an electric guns it actually took me like five different stores to find one I need an electric fence for a big kind of hairless dog yeah like not the wireless ones like something that actually is why you guys don't do that you know oh really yeah hello I'm looking for an electric fence for a big kind of hairless dog yeah like a like an above-ground fence and when I found one I bought the biggest one give any idea how bad this would hurt a human a human like if a human axes touched it maybe stupid to not pay attention and touch it but I mean I don't know if it's gonna it's just gonna okay just be a little painful it can taste wolves it contains cows it contains a horse it can taste deer it oh look at that look at that big hairless dogs alright I don't really know how to use this thing [Music] volt battery oh we're just gonna hook it up what's the worst that can happen oh it sends it a pulse I really don't want to touch this you can hear it popping Oh should I touch it I don't want to touch I'm gonna just put my arm on the on the red one and not really completely circuit anything uh oh okay you have to be touching both I don't know why I'm so scared of this oh I really don't want to do this okay how bad could it be why is it so hard that was really bad holy well I need to return this I got exchanged it for something for a smaller dog the big ones more powerful than I realize it was yeah now he was not happy why do you want to go grab it yeah okay there yeah let's go with that one this ice-cream machine broken or okay you hear that she said overnight didn't clean it so they have to clean it right now I think we're onto something is it a conspiracy or just lazy employees I'm not really sure we'll figure it out one day I forgot to mention that contact Mike it's on the ceiling anymore because I was having trouble with the wireless transmitter and receiver so I moved everything upstairs which is totally fine because the vibrations just travel to everything I present to you taser carpet eye I could not come up with a better name use two pieces of wood to strand the electric tape and if you look closely at this stuff you can see two fine metallic strands in there so this is conducting electricity and then every other strand is a positive ground positive ground positive ground so if you step anywhere on this you will most likely be touching at least one positive and one ground all right let's plug it in I can't build up the courage to walk around this is really sad wait why feet why did I pick feet it says it's for rabbits it should be fine right you're Michael Reaves walking around really late at night 3:00 in the morning you're just you're stomping in the living room I would I think I think I would immediately get off the carpet take a bunch of little needles spam musubi are a Hawaiian delicacy a spam musubi consists of a slice and the finest can lunch meat on rice wrap with seaweed it is an incredibly popular snack in Hawaii the dish was created by Barbara fun Marat who died in 2016 I'm just reading the Wikipedia article Michael is from Hawaii therefore he loves spam musubi go in the living room there's a couple of spam musubi 'yes I left them there for you no there's no it's there's two spam musubi there's there are two spam musubi 'he's Mitsubishi's hanging out just sort of like fixate on the spam musubi 'yes and don't look too far down it's either right there right over there by the electronics you see them yeah okay you have socks on good but it's it's very sensitive [Music] you can't you can't walk in between it that's cheating just run across it it's just from the pan it's literally going off right now just let it calm down I'm just jumping into an electric fence that's why yeah I don't know it doesn't hurt it's just very startling this is pretty pointless I really the problem statement was much more grand the actual application well the whole point is supposed to be surprised and then I did a bad job surprising yeah ah I guess the carpet didn't do exactly what I intended it non-doing to taste someone in the middle the night Michael specifically oh and if you want to win the Arduino that I totally fried by powering the 500l 12 volts leave a comment and I'll send you this it's it's literally trash if you want trash leave a comment
Channel: William Osman
Views: 11,220,392
Rating: 4.9024129 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, electric carpet, taser, electricity, stem, steam, engineering, science, electric fence, loud neighbor, stomping
Id: wF7B14g1iLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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