Trainer Gains 47 Pounds in 4 Months! - Fit to Fat to Fit (S1, E9) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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<i> with bacon.</i> It's good. I'm getting fatter. This, it's not getting over my legs. I don't like it. <i> Food is absolutely ruling my life right now.</i> <i> I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally drained.</i> Never in my life has food been a struggle. ( belches, coughs ) ( voice breaks ) It's a humbling thing. I cry all the time. <i> My health is a tremendous part of my life that I miss.</i> <i> I totally miss it.</i> <i> When I started this, I weighed 178 pounds.</i> <i> But that's gone.</i> Drew:<i> Millions of us are overweight.</i> <i> We turn to experts for advice</i> <i> on how to get from fat to fit,</i> <i> but the experts don't understand</i> <i> because they've never been fat.</i> <i> I'm Drew Manning.</i> <i> As a personal trainer, I failed again and again</i> <i> to help my heaviest clients get fit.</i> <i> Eventually, I realized...</i> <i> the problem was me.</i> <i> So I went on a journey</i> <i> to discover what it's like to be fat.</i> <i> I gained 75 pounds.</i> <i> I developed a fatty liver</i> <i> and the kidneys of an alcoholic.</i> <i> Getting fit again was the hardest thing I've ever done,</i> <i> but it made me a better man.</i> <i> Now trainers from across the country are participating</i> <i> in the most extreme weight loss experiment ever.</i> <i> They're trying to gain as much weight as they can</i> <i> and then lose it with their clients.</i> <i> It's a journey that could change</i> <i> both their lives forever.</i> <i> ♪</i> <i> My name is Seth.</i> <i> I'm 32 years old, and I've been a trainer</i> <i> for the last seven years.</i> <i> I would be called Zen by most people.</i> <i> My favorite style of workout is yoga.</i> <i> And I get so much joy when somebody come comes up to me</i> like, "Damn, man, look at those arms." And I'm like, "Yoga, man, yoga every single day." <i> With a balanced yoga practice, you can be ripped</i> <i> and have strength and muscle.</i> It's pretty powerful stuff. <i> I've worked extremely hard to achieve the body</i> <i> that I have right now, but I generally love it</i> <i> after a good workout.</i> <i> Your muscles are pumping.</i> You look good, you feel good, you're literally glistening. <i> I just feel unstoppable.</i> <i> It's an addictive feeling.</i> <i> I know this experiment's going to impact</i> <i> the way I train people.</i> I'm gonna prove to you that I can do this so there's no reason that you can't do <i> anything you set your mind to.</i> <i> My name's Dave O'Keefe, 38 from Royal Palm Beach, Florida,</i> and I'm an IT technician. <i> I'm a family guy.</i> <i> I got a wife who I've been married to for ten years.</i> Ten-- yeah, ten years. ( laughs ) And my daughter's ten, and I have an 11-month-old son. I would say the first time I really understood that I was really overweight is when I got an honorable discharge for being overweight from the military. <i> So I got out of the Army for being fat.</i> <i> When I was discharged from the Army,</i> <i> that's my ultimate hardest time.</i> <i> I would say within a year, I gained 70 pounds,</i> <i> just eat whatever was there,</i> <i> and next thing you know, I'm 300 pounds.</i> <i> I'm having a lot of issues with my acid reflux</i> <i> and my doctor's like, "All you have to do</i> is stop eating what you're doing or take pills." I was like, "It's easier to take the pills <i> than it is to lose the weight.</i> So I've been stuck on heartburn medicine for I'd say close to 15 years. I totally let my dad down when I quit hockey. <i> I think that's probably one of the biggest things.</i> He's got to be a healthy weight that he can bring little Dave up so he can play hockey with him. ( voice breaks ) So we can have a three-generational game. That would-- that would really make me happy. Dave:<i> I'm totally missing out.</i> <i> I'm totally missing out on my son.</i> <i> I missed out big-time on my daughter.</i> <i> She wants to do all this stuff at the park,</i> <i> play kickball, do all this fun stuff, and me,</i> <i> I'd rather just watch some TV with her.</i> <i> I have to be there for my kids.</i> <i> You don't think about the health.</i> Dave's Wife:<i> The situation is 1,000% desperate.</i> Losing Dave is a... very real possibility. I need to find a program that actually will make me accountable for what I'm doing. <i> I need to get rid of this weight.</i> Sounds like he wants it, but it's easy to talk the talk. Now it's time to walk the walk. <i> We are on our way to meet with Dave</i> <i> and check out his house.</i> I'm definitely excited to go through his refrigerator and through his cabinets. I'm always looking forward to seeing what somebody thinks is "healthy." <i> I'm just expecting a house of horrors.</i> Dave:<i> The trainers that I've had at the bigger gyms</i> don't understand what a fat person goes through. Seth:<i> Being fat is a choice.</i> <i> I have a hard time relating to somebody</i> that just doesn't do the work that they have to do. <i> Dude, you got the tools. You know what to do.</i> Shut your mouth and do it. Hey. What's going on? How you doing? Come on in. I do feel like it's that simple. You do it or you don't. So this is the kitchen. Okay. ( chuckles ) I'm already freaking out a little bit. Uh... okay, let me just soak all this in for a second. I want to start-- let's start over here. I'm gonna go ahead and go through this cabinet. Oh, my God. <i> This is the biggest tub of sugar I've ever seen.</i> This is no different than a bag of crack cocaine. This sugar is equally as addictive as a drug would be and, not to sound crazy-- 'cause I am a little crazy-- It's worse for you. <i> I would like not only for you but for everybody</i> <i> in this house-- like, this is unacceptable.</i> So I'm gonna pop open the fridge real quick. Bread, carbs, pasta-- it's crap. Chocolate cookie ice cream. It's such crap, Dave. We just want to start getting you in the habit of putting real whole foods into your body. I didn't think it was that bad. It's weird. <i> You're the king of the castle, and somebody else coming in</i> and telling you what you're doing wrong, you know, <i> like, who are you?</i> I've been on this healthy-lifestyle kick pretty much my entire life. I'm about to flip that switch. <i> I am going to be eating all that crap</i> <i> that we saw in the kitchen earlier.</i> - What? -<i> For the next four months,</i> I'm going to gain as much weight as humanly possible. That's ( bleep ) crazy. ( laughs ) Yeah, I'm going to-- there's very little-- there's very little that I won't eat, <i> and then we're gonna take it off together, okay?</i> Okay. Over the next four months, I will gain at least 50 pounds. <i> I'm setting a goal for myself,</i> and I'm gonna do everything I can to achieve that goal. I look forward to seeing you in four months, okay? All right. I just can't imagine why anybody would want to do that on purpose. <i> That is actually going to be in for a rude awakening.</i> He's gonna be so addicted to that junk food or crap, as he kept on saying, that it's gonna be interesting to see how we actually weans himself off. I am driving to the Wild Wild West Diner, where I finally get to start my epic eating adventure. In general physically, I feel like I'm at my absolute peak physical shape. - We'll see how I look in four months. - Cheese fries. <i> The way I envision my first meal looking</i> is definitely gonna be just a smorgasbord <i> of all these different types of foods.</i> I'm not gonna wait. Oh, that I need over here. <i> From pizza to pasta.</i> I'm starving! Please! <i> To pancakes, waffles,</i> fried mac and cheese balls, mozzarella sticks. Why don't you put one pizza on top of the other pizza? <i> And I'm gonna love every minute of it.</i> As a kid, you never wanted to just do that? You shouldn't even use a spoon. Oh, man, it's like Thanksgiving in every bite. Drew:<i> Seth currently weighs 178 pounds.</i> <i> His goal is to adopt the lifestyle</i> <i> of his client Dave and gain 50 pounds</i> <i> in the next four months.</i> <i> It won't be easy.</i> <i> That means he will be loading up on on-the-go foods</i> <i> and giving up all forms of exercise.</i> I can literally feel my pants getting tighter. I literally feel myself getting fatter. Man:<i> Jesus.</i> I was jealous when I started, but I-- I don't know I'm kind of feeling grossed out by this. - Man:<i> It's almost like </i> <i> watching a horror film. </i> - Yeah, it really is. - It's really gruesome. - Man:<i> You all right?</i> Man:<i> Just aim for the bucket.</i> No, no, I'm not gonna throw up. I feel like a marathon runner that hit a wall that's like, dude, there's no way you can keep going. Man:<i> But they don't quit when they hit that wall.</i> They dig down deep, and they find a way to go. Seth:<i> I can't even look at it.</i> I really don't want to look at it. ( chuckles ) ( sighs ) <i> I don't eat that. I don't ever eat that stuff.</i> <i> I think it's toxic and addictive.</i> My body is like, dude, what's going on inside here? ( groans ) I don't want to think about food for a while. <i> This experiment is without a doubt</i> <i> harder than I thought it would be.</i> <i> I thought it'd be like one giant cheat meal</i> <i> and every day would be a celebration,</i> <i> and that lasted for five minutes</i> <i> of the first meal.</i> for two weeks now. <i>o thist</i> I feel like two weeks in, I found my rhythm and some routine in all this. Bye, Zoe. Drew:<i> After two weeks,</i> <i> Seth has already put on 18 pounds,</i> <i> but he can't let himself get too comfortable.</i> <i>He's still got a long way to go to get to his goal of 228.</i> I want to show you some of the stuff that I've been eating. These yogurt pretzels are freaking amazing. I literally just keep eating those throughout the day. I've been drinking a ton of sodas. That's my biggest thing is one can of soda has 180 calories. I'm drinking like six to 12. <i> A new doughnut place opened up on Monday,</i> <i> so of course every day this week,</i> <i> somebody's brought me a box of donuts.</i> - Check it out. - Damn. It literally is one of the best flavors you could possibly imagine. Oh, yeah. We can thank this doughnut shop for making my weight gain happen. 200 pounds. So I feel really good about that. My goal for this week was to cross over to the 200-pound mark, and we successfully did that. So I feel really, really good, and I'm gaining weight. <i> This sweet older lady that I train,</i> <i> she brought it to my attention</i> <i> that my butt is looking plumper.</i> So ever since she said that, I feel like my butt's gotten bigger. <i> Oh, man, that's the waffle burrito with bacon.</i> I want to meet whoever invented this and shake his hand. He probably should win a Nobel Peace Prize. Let me clean my palate. French fry. Vanilla shake. I can literally hear myself getting fatter. Drew:<i> After two months of eating like his client,</i> <i> Seth has already gained 33 pounds.</i> <i> But the last 17 </i> <i> may prove to be more challenging.</i> Dr. Robin Braver:<i> Take some big deep breaths.</i> And out through your mouth. Can you hear me getting fatter? Can you hear it? I can't hear you get fatter. For the last eight weeks, I've been trying to consume over 5,000 calories a day. But, Seth, I know your family history. Your father has high blood pressure. Her mother has high cholesterol. She comes from a family of heart disease. Those are predisposing risk factors that you are born with, and you can't get rid of. Everything you just said, I drowned you out. I wasn't-- it's not gonna happen to me. Make being young makes us all believe that nothing bad can ever happen, but bad stuff happens, and he is at risk for that. Just really work on getting back to your normal shape after this is all done. Okay, I understand. -<i> Okay. </i> - Thank you. I'm not worried at all about my health. I just-- I just can't can't wrap my brain around the concept of living a healthy life my entire life could be affected by four horrible months. Your clothes won't lie to you, so here's some good proof that I'm getting fatter. And I mean I can barely get a leg in there. It's serious. Um... This has happened. Like, this, it's not even getting over my legs. This is new for me. I don't like it. I'll be honest with you. It's not a good feeling. When I walk to the grocery store in my plaza and I walk by all the pretty girls that are cutting hair at that hair salon, I suck my gut in. I don't feel as sexy as I did two months ago. <i> It's a huge void in my life, not exercising.</i> <i> I own a gym.</i> It's not a hobby. It's a lifestyle for me. Perfect. <i> A large part of who I am as a business owner</i> <i> and a teacher and yoga instructor, et cetera,</i> is based on my appearance, so my health and wellness <i>is a tremendous part of my life that I miss.</i> <i> I totally missed it.</i> My confidence has definitely taken a hit. Definitely. <i> I feel absolutely horrible.</i> <i> I feel like I'm about to burst from every opening</i> <i> that I have at any moment.</i> A lot of whipped cream. <i> Lately, I've been experiencing acid reflux.</i> ( belches, coughs ) Could feel, like, the little bit of something brewing here. <i> Before, I was kind of like BS, you can do anything,</i> <i> but now I'm like, no, I get it.</i> Oh, my God, I'm gonna live with acid reflux. It's kind of not very appetizing. <i> I really want to hit my goal weight.</i> I know that I need to gain 20 pounds. <i> Unfortunately, I'm just so repulsed by food right now.</i> ( burps ) <i> I can't do it.</i> Seth:<i> I have one more weigh-in to go.</i> Trying to put on a couple extra pounds. <i> I started this at 178,</i> <i> and 228 would be 50-pound weight gain</i> so I'd like to get to 228 by my weigh-in today. <i> So we're on our way to my gym for the weigh-in,</i> <i> and definitely anxious to get on a scale</i> <i> and see what it reads.</i> I just want to prove to myself and everybody that when I put in the hard work, I'm gonna get the results, and I'm so ridiculously confident. I got the Buddha belly. Gained a little extra, I think. <i> When I get on the scale and it's the goal weight,</i> <i> it'll be an immediate sense of relief</i> <i> and accomplishment, just a kick-ass feeling</i> <i> and really motivated for the next four months.</i> I'm throwing up. ( bleep ) That's it. 225. Three pounds. Drew:<i> After four months of eating,</i> <i> Seth gained 47 pounds and weighed in at 225,</i> <i> just three pounds shy of his goal of 228.</i> Throwing up, you know, that cost me some weight, <i> probably a lot of weight.</i> it's all in the trash can right now. A huge part of me is goal setting and old crushing, and I pride myself in that. <i> When a client fails to make a certain goal</i> <i> and try to make any judgments, but I do it.</i> It's the first time that I could put myself in their shoes and really feel like I did the work. I should've got the result. I didn't, and it sucks. ( voice breaks ) I worked so ( bleep ) hard. Like, I worked so hard to get this, and to be that close, that humbled me to tears. <i> It just sucks that I didn't hit the goal.</i> ( sighs ) At least now I'm gonna get to start eating healthy again and work out with Dave. Today I'm meeting Seth for the first time in almost 4 months. And I'm gonna see what he looks like. He's been having some fun eating my kind of food lately. <i> Eating fruits and vegetables, that's a lot harder I think</i> because my kind of food tastes way better than vegetables do. ( laughing ) What's up, buddy? Holy cow! Look at that. You're not sticking it out, are you? This is life, man. - Bubba. - What's up, dude? Yeah, man, I'm catching up, dude. Dave's reaction to seeing me couldn't have been better. It was genuine laughter and disbelief, and it made me feel good about my transformation. Seth's fat. Seth is fat. It's awesome. <i> I'm actually excited now now that his weight's on.</i> So it's definitely go time. We gotta take you for a pedicure, man. <i> 356.</i> Drew:<i> In the last four months,</i> <i> Dave lost 24 pounds on his own.</i> <i> His goal is to lose 80 more</i> <i> in the next four months.</i> <i> Seth needs to lose the 47 pounds he gained.</i> So, Dave, I remember the exact circuit that I did. Let's see if I got it. Are you doing it with the same pounds? I did 25s last time. This is 20. Let's do 25s then. Let's see what you got. Science says the more mass you have, the more you could lift, so I'm curious if I am not as strong as I used to be or if my strength stayed they the same. All right. We did ten of these. Some crackles in there. Definitely more out of breath. That wasn't there. <i> I just learned that I'm completely</i> <i> deconditioned at the moment.</i> Honestly, I feel like I forgot where I was four months ago. Nope, that ain't happening today. - ( laughs ) -<i> I'm happy that he feels</i> comfortable with me to laugh and bust my balls a little bit, <i> but I've sacrificed so much of my energy,</i> <i> my time, my commitment,</i> <i> and I need him to be 100% on board.</i> I don't think he realizes what's in store for him. ( laughs ) - Do you kno You've done a burpee? Let me see a burpee. I'll take it. Through and then up, squeeze your butt. I put together a very challenging circuit for Dave to do. We're gonna go around four times. Each time, just to break it up, we're running up the stairs, down the stairs. <i> I'd be extremely impressed if he makes it</i> <i> through the first round.</i> <i> I wanna see how much he's willing to take before he quits.</i> It would be challenging for even a fit person. - Do you have any last words? - Thank you. I need somebody to kick my ass. I am not afraid to admit that. <i> I love that, I loved the military during basic training.</i> Drill sergeants telling you what to do. You need to do it when you need to do it. Seth:<i> One of my goals for today is to get Dave</i> <i> to the point of throwing up,</i> and that'll give me a great gauge an indicator of his work ethic, how hard he's willing to push. <i> One, two.</i> <i> Good.</i> Don't have to be sexy. Doesn't have to be pretty. Let's go, move it. - Is this tougher than boot camp? - Not yet. All right, let's go then, man, come on. That was 200 pounds ago. Can I get you some crumpets? Do you want a little tea? ( laughing ) That's what I need right there. Get it up, slam. Big slams. You gotta prove it to yourself that you can make it, all right? Don't think. You made it to the cone. Inhale, reach up. Start your burpees. Good, that's one. -<i> Awesome. </i> - ( panting ) Breathe, breathe, breathe. Hey-oh, hup! Keep those feet moving. <i> The second you stop, you're not gonna be able to start back up.</i> Hop. Nice. Up and down the stairs, then you get your break. ( panting ) ( belches ) Seth:<i> There she goes. Get it out.</i> Oh, boy. <i> Breathe. Hands up.</i> Good. Give me a hug. Okay. Just keep breathing. He's hurting extremely, extremely bad right now. <i> But he's proved himself a warrior to me today.</i> So I was really impressed with his performance. I want you to sit here, and then I'm gonna hammer through it. - Have fun. - All right? Do you have any words of encouragement for me? Yeah, don't quit. In my head, I'm thinking I could hammer through two rounds pretty easily. Bouncing the ball's not so bad. Seth:<i> But it was a rude awakening</i> <i> of how deconditioned I am</i> <i> and how my endurance is on the floor right now.</i> Dave:<i> Pizza! ( laughs )</i> Candy bars! You got jokes now. I'm starting to come back. I'm worn down. I'm tired. <i> I keep telling myself this is what I signed up for.</i> <i> This is part of the journey.</i> I can't believe he's doing pull-ups. That's insane. <i> It's only two! Come on!</i> I just ain't moving. My brain was telling my body to pull, and nothing was happening. - Good job. - ( belches ) I haven't felt like that in a very long time, and it's humbling. It's exciting. Feels good to be there. Dave:<i> I'm real sore right now.</i> But, you know, it's no pain, no gain. What'd Herb Brooks saying "Miracle"? - What'd he say? - Again. Again. - Um-- - I'm not quitting now. - You said four times. - "Quitting" is a bad word. ( chuckles ) "Quitting" is a poor choice of words. <i> If he wants to keep pressing, I'm here.</i> I won't let him get hurt. He's got pride. He's an alpha male. He's a military guy. So he doesn't want to quit. I gotta be honest with you. I've been to where he is, and I've quit. ( whimpers ) <i> Use your legs.</i> Come on, Dave. - ( grunts ) -<i> Six, good.</i> <i> Swing it. Nice.</i> <i> Good. Come on, make it to the cone.</i> <i> You done? All right.</i> <i> Come on, come on.</i> <i> Good. Good.</i> <i> All right, Dave.</i> You did great, dude. I'm gonna call it, though. - No. No. - It's all right. I don't want you to hurt herself. Don't give me the option to quit. Yeah, dude, this is it. We're done. Dave:<i> There's ways to get out of the military, and, you know,</i> <i> there's an honorable discharge for being overweight.</i> I got out intentionally. One of the biggest-- it's one of my biggest regrets ever. Don't-- don't feel like a failure. - You did not. - ( sobbing ) <i> My family is the most important thing.</i> <i> I tend to quit,</i> but... ( voice breaks ) something that needs to change. ( sobbing ) I'm going again! It's okay, dude. You're the man, dude. You're the man. <i> Dig in. Good.</i> <i> Good.</i> Good. Dude-- ( wails ) How stupid! Dude, you did better than I imagined. You proved to me that you got more guts than I ever thought possible. All right, I want you to stand up, I want you to wipe your face, and we'll get some water okay? Come on. Hop up. Very, very, very few people push themselves to the point that Dave did, and I used to think <i> that every unfit or unhealthy person was weak.</i> Dave's shown me how hard he's going to work and how he won't accept failure for an option. I'm disappointed that I had to stop, but... the body can only do so much, I guess. The mind was there, just the body couldn't do it. ( chuckles ) Gotta make changes. <i> I want to hear it.</i> Exhale. How's that feel? Hurt or good? - It's okay. - ( chuckles ) It's okay? Drew:<i> At the start of his training with Seth,</i> <i> Dave weighed 356 pounds.</i> <i> In the next four months, he needs to lose 80 pounds</i> <i> to reach his goal.</i> <i> Seth will need to lose 47 pounds</i> <i> to return to his starting weight.</i> Seth:<i> Back getting into fit.</i> I'm able to wear these pants again, which is pretty cool. Dave is doing great on the workouts, <i> but as he gets better, we're gonna keep pushing it harder and harder.</i> All in the hips. Onions and cabbages. And you got two different types of cabbage. Not bad. Every day since we started, Dave's sent me-- I would say 80% of everything he's eaten, he sent me a picture of. Knock on wood, he's been-- so far so good. <i> I feel good with Dave.</i> <i> I think he's gonna put that switch on that is necessary</i> <i> in order to get the goals that he wanted.</i> Holy crap, 342. Seth:<i> Oh! All right.</i> 206 on the dot. Pretty happy with that. And I feel good. ( panting ) Dave:<i> I'm pushing myself, for sure.</i> <i> That has completely changed my life already.</i> 202. I feel good. I feel like there's definition coming back. - My turn. - Stand up tall. 325. That's great, man. Namaste. Dave:<i> On the way to the gym for my daily ass-whoopin'.</i> I'm doing everything Seth's asked of me. I think I'm even going over and above. You did awesome. Nobody deserves a big week more than you do. I'll go first. - How about that? -<i> Pretty awesome.</i> - What were you last weigh-in? - 325 last time. Okay and you've been-- you've been good? <i> Yeah.</i> Seth:<i> Let's see. Smile.</i> <i> It's saying 326.</i> <i> It's saying that you gained a pound.</i> Interesting. ( chuckles ) Why, I-- I have no explanation. Um.. with me, you've done the work. Since the last weigh-in, you've done everything. I mean, I take your word with everything that you eat and stuff like that. Is there anything else that you did or here and there like-- I won't say cheat meal, but have you been sticking to the program? Yeah. I had a couple bites of some subs. Last night I had chicken tenders from... It was actually fried ones. ( bleep ) That sucks, dude. There's no way around it. It ( bleep ) sucks. -<i> Dude, there can be no moments. </i> - I get it! I get it! I haven't had any cookies. I haven't had any ice cream. No milkshakes, no... nothing. You know, it's just-- whatever. Seth:<i> We're right at the midway point,</i> <i> so I need to sit down with Dave.</i> He thinks he can come in, work out hard, and then go do whatever he wants to do the rest of the time, and it don't work that way, dude. It's a 24/7 commitment. <i> If he's even gonna get close to reaching his goal,</i> <i> he needs to make a change today.</i> - Yo. What's up? - Hey. - What's going on? - Not much, how you feeling? Tired today. Yeah, you should be. Have a seat. Sure. Take a spot. Seth:<i> Were you at right now?</i> Physically, mentally, emotionally? Emotionally I'm drained. Battery is close out. From my perspective, when you're with me, you're a rock star. You kick ass. Like, today's workout, I've never worked out hard in my life. <i> Like, I tip my hat to you.</i> Your chicken strips, you just erased that work. I don't know, I still want to have-- I still want to have an enjoyable meal. I don't know why I can't get it out of my mind. That's not gonna cut it. Not gonna cut it. What's the mission? I gotta get to the goal. <i> And that's the part where I've always failed at.</i> - Is what? - Is my own accountability. Why have you failed it? I guess-- I don't want to say I've accepted it. <i> You've come to accept...</i> The fact that I'm always gonna be a certain way. You do realize that's bull( bleep ). <i> I want it.</i> Don't get me wrong, I do want it. But you're not willing to do what it takes to get it. I can't. I can't envision it. You need to. There's too much there to even envision it. Yeah, dude, you need to start breathing into it and feeling it. This whole experiment, this whole process gives me an opportunity to not only physically do the work but do the mental work, so it's very, very, very important for me to let Dave know that I've been there. <i> So I want to share with you</i> something that I learned about myself. So I gained 50 pounds, and then it's time to exercise again, and I was all in, dude. I did every thing perfect. There was nothing, like-- talk about 24/7 greatness? <i> It was, like, obsessive.</i> Literally, it's like should I drive home? No, I'll ride my bike home because I want to burn extra-- I mean, it was everything-- was to get me to the goal of getting back in shape. After a couple of weeks of that, I was still fat. So I understand what it must feel like when you're working so hard and you're not there. You know what I mean? <i> I understand that it's helpless,</i> <i> and it can be lonely and it feels wasted,</i> but I guarantee you that it is all gonna be <i> so worth it at the end.</i> Do you see yourself? Have an honest talk to this individual right now and tell me what's gonna happen. This is not to me. This is to yourself. <i> I want to hear it.</i> Just got to suck up and do what you need to do. <i> How are you gonna do it?</i> There's no if, ands, or buts anymore. You just gotta do it all. Do you want to let this person down? <i> I don't want to see that person ever again.</i> Okay. <i> I don't want to see you anymore.</i> You have to do this. I'm gonna do it for myself. I'm gonna do for my family. You can ( bleep ) do this. Drew:<i> Seth has reached the end of his journey.</i> <i> In the first four months, he gained 47 pounds.</i> I don't like it. <i> He spent the last four months</i> <i> trying to get back to his original weight of 178.</i> <i>It's been a brutal eight months with a lot of lessons learned.</i> Seth:<i> I have not taken a day off.</i> <i> I've done multiple workouts a day,</i> <i> and I've loved every single moment of it.</i> <i> Every single day, I'm pushing myself</i> <i> to a higher level than where I was the day before,</i> <i> and it feels amazing.</i> <i> ♪</i> <i> I am physically stronger now.</i> I am also mentally stronger, too. <i> I feel confident that there's nothing</i> <i> that I couldn't set my mind to and achieve.</i> Yeah, that's pretty awesome. I crushed my goal. Drew:<i> Seth lost the weight,</i> <i> but his real goal was to empower Dave</i> <i> to take charge of his own health.</i> Seth:<i> Today I'm headed to a restaurant</i> where I'll be for the first time meeting a lot of Dave's family and friends. <i> I'm really excited about that.</i> <i> His parents are coming in from out of town,</i> <i> and they haven't seen him in months.</i> - Woman:<i> I recognize the beard. </i> - Hi, yes. ( laughter ) - I'm Sue Dave's mom. - I wanna give you a big hug. I wanna give<i> you</i> a big hug for helping him out. I can't wait to see my son. <i> I got butterflies in my belly,</i> and I've been thinking about it all week. You go to bed you think what's he gonna look like? How's he gonna look? I can't wait. - Nice to meet you. - How you doing? Denis. Denis:<i> It made my heart flutter.</i> I-- ( voice breaks ) I just want my boy back. He's worked so hard over the last five months, and I can't wait for him to show off all of his hard work for everybody. I can't wait to see your reaction. Seth:<i> Eight months ago, Dave was extremely sedentary.</i> <i> He was either sitting behind his desk at work</i> <i> or on the couch at home.</i> <i> He didn't do anything physical.</i> <i> He ate crap food.</i> <i> It was just fast food, sodas, pizzas.</i> ( sobbing ) <i> He didn't take care of himself.</i> Dave: I'm really pumped about today, you know? Today is actually about me and achieving my goal, so... celebrating that with my friends and family is gonna be fantastic. All:<i> ( chanting ) Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave,</i> Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave! ( all cheer ) -<i> Okay, where's Dave? </i> - ( laughing ) I am so happy that he's healthy. I can even put my arms around you. - Yeah, you can do that now. - Whoo-hoo! I don't know how much more excited I could be before I start crying again. Holy moly. ( laughs ) Yeah, I think I got my boy back. And that was what I needed more than anything else. <i> I think the future looks bright for his family.</i> I'm very proud of Dave. He feels confident in himself. He-- he's a new guy. You look amazing. Whoever you are, you look amazing. Dave:<i> I'm on top of the world.</i> You know, just life, I can-- I see myself as 50 now. You and your dad could be twins or brothers. Thank you for putting yourself out there and making yourself so vulnerable, and it's on the other side of vulnerability that we can find happiness, and you deserve nothing but. Yay. ( laughs ) Dave:<i> Thank you, thank you, thank you.</i> Well, you know, it's really hard to put into words what this guy did for me. You know, you got me squared away. So with me being healthier now, I can be a better dad now, better husband. The biggest thing I want to thank Seth for is you made me realize that I can do stuff for myself now, but, uh, yeah. <i> I totally appreciate Seth for what he did.</i> <i> You know, he destroyed his body.</i> You know, that's something I can never take for granted. He wanted to help change somebody's life, and he definitely changed my life. Huge cheers to Dave and acknowledge his work <i> and the sacrifice he made, and he's gonna keep going</i> and keep making everybody proud most importantly, making himself proud. <i> When I look at Dave,</i> <i> I have a tremendous level of pride and satisfaction</i> knowing that I taught him everything that I know and that he's going to continue to teach that upon his kids and to other people. - Cheers. - To Dave. All: Cheers! ( laughs ) Yeah. Yeah. Yo, what's up? You ready? Uh, let's just get it done. ( chuckles ) Do you have any predictions? I think 80s maybe. You deserve a good weigh-in, my friend, so... All right, look up tall. Stand straight. 276. -<i> 276. </i> - ( laughs ) I'm proud of you, bud. Good stuff. - We did it. - You did it. Drew:<i> Dave made his goal of getting down to 276 pounds.</i> <i> Including the 24 pounds he lost on his own,</i> <i> Dave lost a total of 104 pounds.</i> - Feel good? - Wow. - Feels good to be back? - It feels amazing. Both: NHL. Dave:<i> I'm proud of myself.</i> <i> I'm in a much better place right now.</i> <i> I feel way better than I ever have.</i> Whoo! Haven't done that in a while. I'm done, dude, thank you. What about all those times I said I was done? Let's just focus on the present moment, - not worry about the past. - ( laughs ) Yeah. Want to go on them? <i> It's definitely life-changing being able</i> <i> to spend more time with the kids.</i> See those muscles, Chloe? One-handed. ( laughs ) Right now being part of the family is the only important thing. Seth:<i> I'm definitely a better trainer now</i> <i> because of this journey.</i> ( laughter ) Now I have the experience of going from fat to fit. <i> I know what it's like to be fat.</i> <i> I know what it takes to lose it,</i> <i> but if I can do it, you can do it,</i> so let's go to work.
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 4,255,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime full episodes, fit to fat to fit, personal fitness, weight loss, personal trainer, weight gain, experiment, losing weight, obesity, workout, working out, season 1, seth, dave, fit to fat, to fat, to fit, transformation, transform, fitness, trainer, pounds, full episode, exercise, Ray, client, Lifetime, Lifetime series, slim down, gain, gaining, obese, overweight, underweight, weight, weigh, 47 pounds
Id: 7ZY4PT8cqkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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