288-Lb. Woman Is DONE Being the "Fat Girl" | Heavy (S1, E2) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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ROBERT MARVIN : At your age, at 35, looking forward, there's a very high chance that you're not going to live to normal life expectancy. BRITNEY FOWLER: His addiction is the worst I've seen, ever, in my life. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I've got to know where my next meal is coming from. The minute I eat I'm thinking about the next meal. Before that meal gets there, I'm eating a snack. He's in serious trouble. I want to be left alone! I think Rickywayne is depressed. I was the last one to see her alive, the first one to see her dead. I don't want my dad to have to bury me. I don't want my kid to find me laid out somewhere. I want to do something about it now. And you need to take this very seriously. DAVID RICHARDSON: They're going to have a rude awakening. Just because you only eat eggs on the weekends means nothing. You know what you eat through the rest of the week? Crap! Crap! So if you want to dig your own grave, go ahead and dig it. BRITNEY FOWLER: I took one look at these people and I'm like, wow. They're pretty far gone. DAVID RICHARDSON: They're going to have to make a complete lifestyle change. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I'm sad. I'm a food addict. Is it going to happen for everyone? DAVID RICHARDSON: Come on, no more chocolate cake! [crying] You are going to make it to where you want to be. That depends on what's deep down for each of them. Leave me alone! Come on. For the trampoline? Y'all, are you serious? OK. [laughing] I do feel my weight is a problem. It's a problem because I can't play with the kids like I want to. Hang on a second. Let me catch me breath. OK. [breathing hard] Geez, they wear me out. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): My mom was very young when she had me, so my grandparents ended up taking care of me. So my grandmother she made sure we had more than enough to eat, and we had dessert every meal. The minute I eat I'm thinking about the next meal. And in between that meal, before that meal gets there, I'm eating a snack. So I'm having a snack in between meals, and snacks in between snacks. This is my weakness. Cherry filling, pineapple, cake mix, and 2 cups of melted butter. I could to eat that all, literally. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): Any activity that I do, walking, breathing, everything is compressing on my lungs, heavy for my heart, and I'm toting it around. And I want it gone. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): Until you are overweight you would never understand it. There's no off switch to my brain with food. You know, it's a hunger. It's-- I just can't stop it. What's going on? - Doing all right? - Yeah. How are you? - Come on in. RITA TOLISON: His weight has taken over his life. He's just so in to the overeating and the overcooking, he doesn't know any other way. You fixing three boxes? Well, there's three of us. But you don't need a whole box. Well, no, no. I mean, I don't eat a whole-- I mean, no, but once you've-- once you've-- Dad will take it-- he'll take it for his lunch. This is six servings right there. I know, but he'll take it for his lunch. But why three boxes? RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: That's how my mother cooked. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): My weight issues started when I was a baby. They were so excited that at 10 months old I was eating steak. I mean, what 10 month old with teeth are eating steak? Once I started getting older my weight started to effect me more. It grabbed a hold of me in my late 20s. I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I'm sad. Regardless of how I'm feeling, I'm just gonna eat. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: I did get the single patty this time. You said you weren't gonna get it because you-- - Yeah, it was a lot of burger. - It's too much to eat. It was alot of burger. MIKE RATHBUN: I really really hope he gets some self-discipline to conquer this, you know, and get it under control, and do more for himself. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): You know, I'm a food addict. And with my weight, it's just, it's holding me back. [laughing] I think my wife just, she's depressed, I mean, because of the size that she is. I want her to learn to eat right, cook right, because all it's going to do is it's going to benefit her, it's going to benefit me, it's going to benefit these kids. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): There's diabetes, heart attacks, and heart disease throughout my whole family. I don't want my kids to find me laid out somewhere. I want to do something about it now. The last time I had a full examination was probably a little over a year ago. And my doctor discovered that I had high blood pressure. Have a step. Hi, Dr. Marvin. Nice to meet you. How are you doing today? ROBERT MARVIN : She's in the super obese category, but just into it. Does that bother you down there at all? No. Take a big breath in and out for me. [breathing] ROBERT MARVIN: Most people who are this weight can lose a significant amount of weight. The question is, can they keep it off for the long run. Because that's what really reduces the risk of medical problems, like high blood pressure. You shouldn't have high blood pressure at age 28. You shouldn't have anything else, really, at age 28. I think you're at some significant risk. So you need to do something about it, and you need to start right away. Nice to meet you. You too. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: This is my blood pressure medicine. One of my antibiotics I take. I got a muscle relaxer I take. When my legs are hurting me real bad I take these pain pills. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): My circulation is bad. My legs swell. The lymph fluid, it swells up so much that it finds a place in my skin to come out. And it constantly leaks, so I have what you call a leaky leg. RITA TOLISON: I think Rickywayne is depressed. His mother died in 2001, and he was very close to her. He helped to take care of her. I think emotionally it depressed him. And then from there he's just kind of been spiraling. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): If I don't get a handle on it, if I don't get help, I'm going to die. I don't want my dad to have to bury me. Rickywayne? How are you doing? I'm doing fine. How are you? Doing pretty good. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): You know, I don't have just one foot in the grave. I'm waist deep in my own grave. [knocking] RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: Come in. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - How do you do? - Pretty good. Rickywayne McCartney, I mean, he's in serious trouble. At your age, at 35 looking forward, there's a very high chance that you're not going to live to normal life expectancy. Your high blood pressure is an indicator that there's something really wrong. It's hard to do it by myself. Because I figure if I'm doing it, everybody has to do it, too. And nobody's on me like they used to be on me. Ricky, this is your problem and your body. You have to be the one to accept responsibility here and start to make the right choices. It's not tomorrow. It's not worrying about things from the past. It's got to be today. [music playing] [crying] JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): The reason I'm going to lose this weight is so that my kids will see me longer, so that I will be here. And I'm going to make a change, you know, for the better. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): My mom, she just laid down and she died. I was the last one to see her alive, and the first one to see her dead. And I don't want to put that burden on somebody else. Wow, this place is-- it's like it's unreal. Are you ready to go see your room? Yes, very excited. Wow. It is hot today. I'm really embarrassed because how out of shape I am. I mean, I'm out of shape, but I just go get so winded from not even just doing that much. [knocking] Yes? Jessica, hi. My name is Britney. - How's it going? - Doing pretty good. David. What these individuals are signed up for is a six month program. - Are you ready for this? - Yes, sir. OK, because you know what, I'm ready to work with you, man. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): For the first month they're going to a facility that is a controlled environment. Everything will be monitored. Do you have any phone, credit card? The steps to turning around their lives is not just about getting on the treadmill. Do you mind if I check in here real quick? - No, go ahead. - Just make sure. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): We're going to have a team of specialists. We're going to have trainers. We're going to have dieticians. We're going to have psychotherapists. Well so far, Ricky, you look good, man. You look good. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Hopefully through this experience we're going to prepare them a lot more for what they have to face. I know we're gonna have some good times, hard times, but it's going to be extremely exciting. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): But I don't think these people really have a clue what really is up ahead of them. - Let me get one more up top. - All right. And we're gonna make this rock, OK? JESSICA LUMPKIN: Hey. Hey, guys, how's it going? Are we ready? I'm ready. Just pick up our leg. All right, bend your elbows, pull through, take it back. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): The individual is going to be paired up. - Come on. Yeah, talk to yourself. Let me see that, all right. It makes you see that you're not the only one that has to think about the first workout that you haven't done in years. How many can you get? How many? There's nine. Can you get 15? BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): My first impressions of Jessica. Three, abs in to come up. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): She was slow moving. It was kind of hard to know what to expect of her. 10, are your abs in? 11. 16, 17. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): The thing about Ricky is, is that he's been a big guy his whole entire life. You know, which is why he's able to actually carry his weight so well. I need you to blow down the brick house. There you go. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): One thing I like about Ricky is that he tries. Exhale on the way down. Three. He has what we like to call the tiger eyes. I want to see the eye of the tiger in there. Ten. There you go, 11. [grunting] BRITNEY FOWLER: 10. [crying] BRITNEY FOWLER: Come on, come on. DAVID RICHARDSON: I need three more. Come on. Nine, don't you stop. Let's go, Ricky. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): These 30 days are not going to just be 30 days of hell. Yes, ma'am, yes. Yes. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): This is going to be 30 days of hopefully a new life. Done. All right. Let's go. [music playing] [vomiting] DAVID RICHARDSON: Let's go, guys. 150, OK? JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I was really nervous when they said that we were training at the pool. Is it the same deepness the whole? JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I had to go swimming. And I just flat out told them that I didn't know how. BRITNEY FOWLER: I'm not gonna be in here with you. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I can be in a pool and wade around and all that kind of stuff. But as far as the swimming part, it scared me really bad. Come on, you got 30 seconds. In, out, in, out, in. Right now, how's your leg doing with the-- It's fine. It looks like it's real swollen but-- BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Ricky has a open wound on his leg. I knew we weren't going to be getting in the pool. I knew we were going to have some issues with getting him really moving. All I want you to do is twist, and I want you to exhale. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I'm just so much a water person. And seeing somebody else get in the pool today and doing activities in the pool is just like killing me. I want to be in the pool so bad, man. DAVID RICHARDSON: We'll get there. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): When we told him that he couldn't go to the pool, he didn't like it whatsoever. Two, drop those to the side. There you go. Rest on my shoulder. There you go. It's OK. What is that on your face pouring down there? That's sweat. DAVID RICHARDSON: Yeah, it is. Yeah, it is. Means we're doing something. Today was, you know, kind of a shock. We worked out in the pool. I'm sore, sore, from being in that pool all day. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): You know, the first week I knew it was going to be really, really hard. But it was harder than what I thought it would be. Count it down. BRITNEY FOWLER: Say it. Come on. Four. Four. Drive through that front heel, front heel, front heel. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): When you're working out you have all these things that are going through your mind, you know, can I do this? Am I going to be able to finish? DAVID RICHARDSON: Show me, 17. There you go. Come on. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): The trainers are pushing us to where, you know, I feel like I'm going to pass out. There you go. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): Ricky is a big drama queen. He does not give enough in his workout sessions. [crying] BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): I was really nervous. Just, where is he going to go? Which way is he going to go? Not sure. Is he going to quit? Go, come on. This is what it's going to take. You're going to have to get a good beating in that body. [grunting] RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): Yeah, the trainers are there to help us. But it's like, they're sort of like the enemy, too. BRITNEY FOWLER: One more. - One more. [crying] - Up, up, up. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Jessica shocks me every time. Because she'll be crying in the middle of the set, and there's a lot going on. [crying] DAVID RICHARDSON: No, there you go, Jess. One to 10. Those are tears of joy, right? JESSICA LUMPKIN: It hurts so bad. DAVID RICHARDSON: Jess, come on. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): She is looking for someone to give in to her cries, and it's not gonna be me. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: What do you think we're having for dinner? I don't know. All right. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): Most difficult thing so far has been the food. - It's good, a little different. - Yeah. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): My mind last night was just thinking of probably 1,000 different ways to escape from here and go break into a fast food restaurant. JESSICA LUMPKIN: I won't be eating anymore. It is because the texture or? It like makes me sick to my stomach. Come on, 19. There you go. 19. We're not done. Come on. BRITNEY FOWLER: Get it girl! - 20. - 20. - Oh, god. - End. Pull your belly button in. Oh, yeah, I felt that. Good. JESSICA LUMPKIN: Four. DAVID RICHARDSON: Show yourself. JESSICA LUMPKIN: Five. DAVID RICHARDSON: Come on, no more chocolate cake. Six. Give me some effort. Throw this ball at me. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I can't really see myself as being thin right now. BRITNEY FOWLER: Squat, curl, exhale. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): But just taking it day by day. BRITNEY FOWLER: One, good job. Good job. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: All right, let's do this. BRITNEY FOWLER: Your weight is now 540.8. Yes, ma'am, I'll take it. All right, Jess. Jess, your weight is now to 285.6. JESSICA LUMPKIN: No! That's not enough. Hold up, come here. Listen to David. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): Jessica's insecurity levels are pretty high. She's not very confident in herself. So if we lost a pound of fat, but we gained a pound of muscle, we're still progressing, right? Because what's happening-- DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): She really needs to figure out that she can do this. Don't let that bother you. You trust-- you trust me? You didn't gain a pound, right? Every pound, we'll take every pound. [music playing] MARK JONES: Good morning, Ricky. How you doing? Good to see you. Mark Jones. Pleasure. Thank you. MARK JONES: I feel like I caused my mom's death. Is that what you wrote? Mm-hmm. Tell me about that. My mom was real sick with her diabetes and her lupus. And it was a week before Thanksgiving. And, you know, I took her up the stairs, helped her up there, and put her in the bed. And next day, you know looked at her face, and she was blue, blue. MARK JONES (VOICEOVER): Rickywayne has struggled with emotional ups and downs. And it is a problem with unresolved issues. How do you think you caused your mom's death? If I would have left her in the chair, she would-- she'd still be alive. I see. I thought I'd have longer with her. MARK JONES (VOICEOVER): That guilt over his mother depressed him. And as a result, he went to food to medicate it and feel better about himself. Let the self-hatred go, let the guilt go, the self-punishment. I can't. MARK JONES: Yes, you can. There you go, cry it out. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): It was just like a part of me was gone. And I think that's a major part of my problem. I can't get past that. What's up, Ricky? DAVID RICHARDSON: Why? You know, the first thing I look for when I'm crying is someone to come and talk to me. Right now, today, today I do not. I not give a shit about any of this today. OK. I [bleep] don't. Do you care about yourself? - I don't care about myself. - You don't care about yourself? You know what I could to do right now? I could take a [bleep] knife and stick in my eye. Why? Because I just don't [bleep] care. Why? Just leave me alone. Leave me alone! If that's what you want, then that's what you're gonna get. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: I don't care. I don't care about your muscles. I don't care-- I don't care about that either. I don't give a [bleep] Just get out of my face. I want to be left alone! I don't care about it either. I don't care about the muscles. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): Rickywayne, I mean, one day this guy is the happiest man on the face of the planet. Then the next day, he's a completely different person. I just need some time today just to sort some stuff out. And I don't want to quit, I'm not. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Ricky is vocal. He has ups and downs, and they are quick. I think that has a lot to do with what emotionally is going on for him. Can you go take some time by walking around, taking a walk, or on the treadmill? And you can still just be alone. I need you to show the rest of the team that you're still willing to work, even if it's on your own, OK? - OK. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I think that Ricky overreacted. He's used to always having things his way. You will feel so much better. After you do that workout, you can go cry. We'll go cry together. You can go cry in your room. But that workout is more important, I'm telling you, than anything. I know. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): You know, I had to tell him that it wasn't all about him. That it was about us doing it together as a team. BRITNEY FOWLER: If you're going fast I want you to turn it up. You should not be able to go fast. [breathing] Don't stop. Don't stop. Yes. I'm sorry for this morning. I won't ever let you down again, I promise. It's all right. We're gonna do this together. You're my partner. [phone ringing] Hey. JAMIE LUMPKIN (ON PHONE): Hey. JESSICA LUMPKIN: How are things going? JAMIE LUMPKIN (ON PHONE): Well, it's going good. Going good. Just trying to-- [laughing] Reall? JAMIE LUMPKIN (ON PHONE): You there? Yeah. JAMIE LUMPKIN (ON PHONE): Don't get upset. It's all right. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): My grandmother was about 40 something when she was diagnosed with diabetes, and died at 58. She had a diabetic stroke, and all she could say was I love you and help me. I'm not going through that with him. JAMIE LUMPKIN (ON PHONE): All right, I love you, baby. I miss you. Miss you, too. Diagnosed with diabetes. I hate that. The sooner I can get this over with and focus on me and get me accomplished, the better my family can be. BRITNEY FOWLER: Guess what? RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: What? You got your swim trunks on? No, but can I swim? Doctor released you. No way, for real? [laughter] BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): A big moment for us has been him getting in the pool. Oh, it's so on right now. BRITNEY FOWLER: Are you ready to go? Oh, I got goose bumps. Look at that. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): He had some issues with his leg and couldn't get in the pool, which was what he was most excited about. Oh my god. Thank you so much. [splashing] DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): When he got the opportunity to finally go to the pool, it was like the angels was shining on him or something. Pace yourself, you got it. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I'm really more motivated now. DAVID RICHARDSON: Hook that arm, Ricky, hook that arm. There's so much that got taken away from talking with the therapist. And I think I've needed that for so long. DAVID RICHARDSON: Pull that body through that water. There you go. Pull. I see it now. I see that I can accomplish this. I'm just getting the help I need. BRITNEY FOWLER: Here you go, baby. Touch that wall. Nice. DAVID RICHARDSON: Hello, hello. Hey. Rickywayne, your weight is 528.4. Whoo! 528.4. Holy jeez! RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I lost 12 more pounds, it's just kind of a shock. And I can start telling a difference in how I feel. And 29 more pounds and I'll be under 500, so I know it's doable in the next two weeks. And your weight today is 281. I know I worked hard. - You damn sure did. - I worked hard for that. - There you go. - You did. There you go. And what is it doing? Going down. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): Jessica Is seeing results, but her results are slow. Lose it on three, ready? One, two, three, lose it! DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): And I think that Jessica really, really needs to step it up. [music playing] DAVID RICHARDSON: My plan, I'm gonna be in there. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I was very nervous about doing the exercises again in the pool, because I actually had to not have my feet on the ground. Ready? I can't do it. You can do it. You can do it. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I can float and be on top of the water, and doggy paddle, but not actually really swam. Just freestyle. Freestyle. Freestyle swimming. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I've always had that fear of drowning. So jump, slide, move away. Then back to the ground. Catch your bearings, and again. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): To be 28 and just learn how to swim, that's pretty crazy to me. But it was liberating. There you go. Pull yourself. Pull yourself through that water, pull. Good. David made me feel comfortable. And I'm really proud of myself to actually finish. That felt good. I'm proud of myself. That's what I'm talking about. Catch your breath. OK. JESSICA LUMPKIN: Any time I have any emotion, that's the first thing that I head to is that big white box in my kitchen. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I've definitely learned a lot of stuff about myself being with the therapist. I've got to talk about things that I never would have told anyone. I love my mom, but she chose other things in her life besides me. Besides you? JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): It was very hard for me to talk about some things that have taken place. So one of mom's ex-boyfriend's-- Michael. Molested you at what age? I was 10, nine, 10. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): You you think that someone so evil should never get forgiveness. But that's how you let go. Because you have to forgive them and forgive yourself for holding that so long, holding you back from everything that you've missed out on. Very good job, keep it going. Get your abs in. Ten. Nine, eight, seven. [crying] RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): It's been a struggle these past few weeks, but it's like everything has totally changed for me. Come on, go. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): My stamina has gotten better. I'm stronger. There you go. Challenge yourself so I can help you. There we go. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): My energy level has gone up tremendously. - Come on! 15. [yelling] Come on, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. BRITNEY FOWLER: 5, 4, finish your workout, finish strong. 18, 19, 20. Good job. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): Jessica is at the point right now where she's giving 200%. Give me your 15. 15! Come on, Jessica. Be strong. I don't think I could have done it without having a partner. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): We do push each other. And sometimes he challenges me, and tries to show off a little bit, and I have to show him up. But, you know, he's been great. Now that is some work. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I would have never imagined me accomplishing what I have accomplished. I'm very proud of myself. DAVID RICHARDSON: Good job, good job. Thank you. Oh, man. BRITNEY FOWLER: Hey. DAVID RICHARDSON: Hey, Jessica. Hey y'all. How's it going? I feel good this morning. Nothing's hurting. [laughter] So, Jessica, your original weight was to 289, and today let's see where you are. Step up. Jessica, you're at 272.8. JESSICA LUMPKIN: Wow. Another six pounds, girl. Holy cow. [laughing] JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): In a week's time I've never lost six pounds. So it being just half a week, just Wednesday, was frickin' amazing to me. Thanks for pushing me when I needed to be pushed. Group hug, group hug. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I'm proud, and I'm definitely taking that and running with it. BRITNEY FOWLER: Hey, hey. When you came to us you were originally at 555.5. Let's see where you are today. 507, baby, 507. Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Again, you did it again. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I lost seven more pounds this week, which I was really surprised. And I'm kind of freaking out a little bit. Is that a 50-pounder? Is that all the weight on him? Would you like to put that back on you, on your body and chug it around? RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): Holding a 50 pound weight, it was just kind of surreal, how that was all over my body. BRITNEY FOWLER: It's pretty awesome. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: Never again. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I am nervous about going home. You know, being here I haven't had to worry about bills and everyday life. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Jessica is facing balancing kids, finances, and a husband with diabetes. And she has to look in the mirror and say, I'm worth it, and I deserve more time. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I'm scared of going home, because I know there's going to be times when I go out with family or friends. They're not all going to want to eat healthy. My fear for Ricky is that the moment he leaves here, he'll go back to exactly what he was doing before. He has a lot of mental problems that need to be ironed out. And I am concerned he's going to fail. You get up every day, and you go to the gym, and you be proud of what you do. I'm gonna miss you. [crying] RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: What's up? - Dude! Hey. CHILD: Uncle Bubba! Man, look at you, son, you look so good. MIKE RATHBUN: God sakes. Man look at Uncle Bubba. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: Missed you. See my pants? Yeah, I see your pants. Holy crap. Look at this, Rickywayne. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: I lost 48 and 1/2 pounds. How do you feel, though? Show how great I feel. You know the best thing you do that they were telling us is, when you go grocery shopping, stay out of the middle. Just everything that you need, that your body needs, is on the outside perimeter. No, what I'll do is I'll make my own stuff. No, that's not too healthy. [laughter] It's on the outside. No, buddy. Morbid obesity is not a laughing matter. Ricky has family that love him and support him. Sometimes it's not always the right kind of support. At home, Ricky will face his enablers. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: It's good to be home. TRAINER: Hey, Jess, how are you? JESSICA LUMPKIN: Hey. TRAINER: Doing good? - Morning, how are you? - Good, good. You sore? Yes. Good work out yesterday? Oh, 263. 263. How does it feel? Awesome. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): Me being home, being put back into reality, that was the hard part for me. Get in the room. Get in the room. [crying] You can watch mommy in a minute through the window. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Jessica's struggle with a healthy lifestyle, I think she still has to deal with things day to day that maybe most people really wouldn't want to have to deal with. Isabelle, we're not going to go do anything if you don't go back in there. [crying] Isabelle, Mommy needs to finish. Come on. [crying] Keep pushing, OK? Reach down and go get it. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): Like every time I go into a workout I have this like major anxiety. Keep going. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): Every day is a fight. The result wasn't what I wanted to see. I mean, I feel like I'm giving my all. But I have to push harder. [grunting] I think they got those-- I thought they had them down here. Maybe I'm on the wrong aisle. I got-- [inaudible] BRITNEY FOWLER (ON PHONE): Hey. - Hey Britney, it's me Ricky. I'm having some trouble here. BRITNEY FOWLER (ON PHONE): OK. And I'm trying to decide whether to get some lunch meat that's 60 calories with 15 calories of fat, but it has 390 milligrams of sodium. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Ricky, he has a fear of eating. He has a fear of overeating. He has a fear of not eating the right things. BRITNEY FOWLER (ON PHONE): I'll ask the dietician. OK. BRITNEY FOWLER (ON PHONE): But I would go for the less sodium. OK. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): I think he is overwhelmed. And typically what that can stem to is some kind of binge. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): It's hard, because having an eating disorder, that temptation is always going to be there, no matter what. It's like, you know, being a drug addict or alcoholic. You can live without alcohol, you can live without the drugs, but you cannot survive without food. [sighing] TRAINER: Try not to lock your knees up. We're just do a little rock. Last set. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): It's extremely hard. You know, I have a ways to go. TRAINER: Come on, Jess. But you just have to have the want to. You have to grab a hold of it, and not let go of it. I'm happy with that. I'm not gonna stress about it. - No. Stress is out the window. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Jessica has developed into this just entirely new personality and new outlook on life. I'm gonna let you lead me. I'm gonna get behind you. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): The past week has been so much better. It's been a lot helpful since the kids have been back at school. Reach down and go get it. You're doing good. Woo-hoo, four pounds, heck yeah. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Her weight loss has been slow, steady, realistic. Oh god. Good, good, good. Here we go. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): It's great hard work. Do the monkey bars over there. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): It's a big accomplishment for me to get down to where I'm at now. There you go. Awesome. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): The fat is going away, but the skin is not. I could actually pull on it. It's very uncomfortable. ROBERT MARVIN: Morbidly obese people can lose weight very rapidly, but they start to accumulate extra skin. It's annoying having the skin there. And Jessica's extra skin, that certainly limited her physical activity. I want to see it gone. JESSICA LUMPKIN: I'm gonna go to the doctor. What is mommy gonna have done? - Belly. Yes. You get to run faster. Yes. Mommy will way run faster. [music playing] Arrival pack and of course the card for spa sandals. The activity schedule. OK. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): Rickywayne had to return to the facility. He was having a hard time learning the right food choices to make, what to put in his stomach, how to actually prepare it. We had to show him some more of these tools over the course of a longer period of time. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY: I want to take the stairs, if you don't mind. Of course not. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): His family environment has definitely affected what he thought he was capable of. I think he needed more support and help, and more education. I don't think he was ready to go home. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): v feel like I'm in kindergarten all over again, learning how to color in the lines. Sometimes I get out of the lines. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): This is Rickywayne's last chance at a new lifestyle change. Yeah, I'm home. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): It's a lot of different emotions going on, you know. Scared, excitement, there's no turning back now. But whatever it takes to get me better. [music playing] TRAINER: How many more you got with good form? I can go to 15. TRAINER: All right. - Five more. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): When Ricky got back to the facility he was at a complete halt, but he really went for it. He did not hold back. Your weight today is 479.6. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Ricky is doing great in the losing weight department. We got you at 464.2. 446.6. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I feel like a million dollars. I'm happy with how everything is going. I've got tons of energy, endurance. My body's changing so much that I just I look better, I feel better. So, you know, let's change up the hair. Awe, beautiful. Now take that knee deeper. Strong warrior. Yes. [breathing] DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): I really hope this time that he does take with him the tools that are necessary for him to become successful in life, because it's critical. It's critical at this point. Because he's had more help than anyone else. It's either sink or swim, live or die. I do think I'm more prepared. But, you know, in the end it is a constant battle. It's an everyday thing, and I have to be on guard, you know, at all times. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): Rickywayne spent most of the time in this program in a controlled environment. He's already gone home once, and had to come back. Oh, man. They made a big huge sign in my front yard. It says, congratulations Rickywayne. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): He has to show that all the help has been all worth it. This is his last chance to make a true lifestyle change. Hey, everybody. I'm home. [cheering] RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): It's gonna to be a real challenge, but I am home. I got four more weeks to the final weigh in, four weeks of hard training. I'm ready to get started. [music playing] Look at you, you look so good. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): We're at that last month mark, testing where their habits lie. Can they, without the weigh ins, the check ins, can they make it this month really relying on the knowledge and the tools that we've given them to really keep pressing forward? JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): Trying to keep that concept out of my mind of starting over. I'm very proud of myself, but as far as the workouts I want to be able to really push myself. And I know I have a ways to go. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): The real challenge for Jessica will be, when things get hard in life, how does she climb that mountain on her own? JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): It's a little scary to implement healthy living in everyday life with my kids and my husband. And just being the mom that I should have been. Push, Jess. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): With the journey that she's been on, the way she's been able to prevail over the obstacles that she never thought she would ever do, I hope that the tools she's been given, the assistance she's been given, has been enough. TRAINER: There you go. Two, three. BRITNEY FOWLER (VOICEOVER): Ricky has had some fallbacks. This 30 days will be a real challenge for him to find a balance. The step forward that they take this month is on their own. DAVID RICHARDSON (VOICEOVER): The final weigh in is right around the corner. They have to be ready to get everything out of this that they can. - Come on, Ricky. Make it hurt. BRITNEY FOWLER: Oh my God. DAVID RICHARDSON: Whoa, look at you. Yeah! Look at you. So what do you think are the biggest challenges that you faced leaving the facility and going home? It was a little bit of a little shock. When I set home I was like, what now? It was definitely not easy. A lot of tears, and a lot of sweat, and a lot of pain. So let's see what we got today. This is the moment of truth. - All right, Jess. Step on. This is the moment we've all been waiting for. You started at 289. 289. What was the prediction? She gave me-- she gave us 60 to 70 pounds. OK. Today you weigh 217, which is 72 pounds. 72 pounds! Yes! Holy [bleep] 72 pounds of hard work. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - At home. Y'all are the ones that sat there and said that I had the fight in me. And I stuck that in my head. Thank you. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): Losing 72 pounds, that is the biggest thing I have ever done. I love you guys. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I'm more outgoing, more outspoken, more confident. I even feel sexy now, and that's amazing. I never really felt that before. BRITNEY FOWLER: Why, hello, stud. Hey. Boy, look at you. Thank you. How are you doing? Are you kidding me? You all right? How do you feel, man? You're looking good. If you could take every positive word in the dictionary, that's how I feel. OK, good. You have an amazing change. We can see it, you can see it. Step right on for me. Ricky, 555.5 pounds was your original starting weight when you came to see us. Right. You are at 427.8 today. You're a 127.7 pounds lower. Boss! Group hug. Oh, god. [laughter] [yelling] That's what I'm talking about. Your were at 555.5 pounds. Would you say that's heavy? Dude, heavy is not the word for that. That's like tonnage right there. That's tonnage. Would you ever want to go back to that place? Hell no. I have an addiction. I'll have it all my life. But I've got-- I don't call them tools, I call them weapons to battle the war. You know, I'm gonna keep doing it. This has been life-changing, life saving. I've prayed all my life for this, for just a chance. Somebody gave me a second chance. That's all it takes. Oh my god! You look so amazing! JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): When you go through this rocky road of emotion, it's very important that you have that person to share that with. Me and Rickywayne, we will never give up on each other. You look awesome, look at you. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): Me and Jessica, we're going to be-- we're friends for life. We're bonded, we're family. Wonder twins, freaking no limit. Heck yeah. We're gonna run the mile and a half. It's going to have to be less than 21 minutes. I've decided to join the police academy. I have my interview today, and also my physical test. Give me a straight line right here. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): The old me was a person that was always afraid of everything, always hid behind everyone and anything. This has been a life changing experience for me. I know I still have a ways to go, but I'm very proud of myself. Go. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): I never would have thought that I would go from being a person that sat behind a desk all day to somebody that's very active. This is for me and my children, and I'm not letting anything hold me back. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm actually seeing the world through different eyes. Boy, we'll have you out here every time we get one of these stuck. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): My mobility now compared to six months ago is I'm actually more of a rabbit now than a turtle. Are you ready to try swimming underwater? - Yes, ma'am. - OK. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): Right now I'm just focusing on me, and just kind of taking it day by day. Six months ago I was basically heading down a deadend path. I didn't put much value towards my life. But now my outlook on life is tremendously positive. I have a better quality of life. Come on, push it. You still got one more lap to go. JESSICA LUMPKIN (VOICEOVER): This is what your body is made for. Your body needs to know that you are alive. I'm definitely doing that. I'm letting my body know that it's alive. RICKYWAYNE MCCARTNEY (VOICEOVER): You know, six months ago, I was sitting in front of a computer 10 hours a day, eating junk food, and watching my life go by. So that old person, he's gone. So this is just the tip of the iceberg for me.
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 670,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mylifetime, lifetime channel, lifetime full episode, personal fitness, fit 2 fat 2 fit, fit to fat to fit, workout, working out, weight loss, weight loss journey, weight loss motivation, weight loss workout, 288-Lb. Woman Is DONE Being the Fat Girl, Season 1, Episode 2, Rickywayne, Jessica, Heavy show, watch Heavy, stream Heavy free, overweight, obese, obesity, morbidly obese, morbidly obese workout, morbidly obese weight loss journey, morbidly obese people
Id: OZnfmEsYSrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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