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my technique is simple I use a silverware and then I use a spoon life scallop and Al so they're all using different professional knives and you don't need this yeah I don't do this every day but I really enjoy put my hands dirty once while to see in touch with the guys because they're really the the backbone of the kitchen you know the backbone of the restaurant [Music] I believe it is probably the fastest butcher in New York City you know Black Sea bus I mean I'm pretty good at filling fish but this is like a Beyond I mean look at this there's no flesh left on the he's going to do some tuna as well we have some SE chin arrive it executive chef Mark Lao who's been with us for 17 years from Canada Canadians are okay they're good with fish you know so here we are the tuna comes from Hawaii every single [Music] day look at that color yeah spectacular it's a little bit leaner and it works really well with one of our signature dishes tuna noodles they get cut in the style of udon noodle I think this preparation uh we can never take out of the money people come once a week twice a week to eat that Juna noodles [Music] you have to really have a good knife scale for this I mean I ask us a couple times and people have no idea when they they start eating the noodles with the shop sticks it's like how you doing this how you you know 8 is the master that's the Mis PL and then he goes upstairs Tha chili Olive o salt the most popular [Music] dish it is treasure this this is a good one this is an exciting one I've been using uni since I'm in New York since 1986 from Main sometime from Japan but we feel like the one from California are very sweet you know wow the purple one the best one yeah wow look at that we're so lucky like out of the water from the other side of the country and you know this morning they're here in an hour they're going to be on our menu sometime people have no idea what it takes to bring that little uni on a toast or flying in the main open them up the labor for us product is is key it's the number one thing we've sold tens of thousands of cookbooks no one's ever replicated this restaurant and I think it's because of you know the sourcing of the product and then we have a fabulous team so winter sometimes a little bit tricky uh there's not a lot of great fresh product in the local vicinity but the very good thing is it's truffle season right now we're going to go through a shipment of uh black truffle I mean the aroma spectacular you know you can see check it wa this is one of those relationships that we really tried to uh cultivate these guys know as soon as they clear Customs they come directly to us that usually gives us a large lot to choose from is that true or no true saving $5 $20 $100 a pound of all the places to nickel and dime in my opinion this isn't it uh same thing with caviar so this is arguably my favorite part of the day or at least checking in product mostly cuz I love eating caviar we open each of them taste each of [Music] them if you look at the caviar you know each of the beads is all individual wow I mean for me this is this is a an extraordinary lot you know I love the color I love the beads I love how clean the uh the Finish is I think we're opening shortly and and and again they hit the mark we're right there between the classic egg caviar and the Egg toast we go through quite a lot of caviar that and JG has a tendency to sort of give it away so this this will cover us for the day we got Joe R active Su Chef is going to make one of our signature dishes it's a toasted egg yolk layered between two pieces of housemade Brios that starts with the eggs and these get tempered and then they get cooked for about an hour you know it's been described as like the world's greatest grilled cheese sandwich uh which I think might be pretty fair mostly because it gets a massive dollop of caviar on it for a lot of our dishes we're looking for uh Precision we get a lot of custom things made for us including you know in this case there's a ruler that has the precise measurements of the egg toast all of our recipes are measured out to a tenth of a gram we want to make sure that if somebody loves the egg toast in New York that when they get it in Tokyo or in Brazil that you know they're going to have the same experience so the look the weight of it are extremely important to us how many egg toast do you think you've made uh I say close million million I cut every single bread I cook every single eggs at the restaurant it's all me so if you see it you know it is it's me each one of them is exactly perfect so it's going to fit in the tray perfectly and that's why we use the ruler I love this ideally you want the butter to be as soft as possible so that when you fling it it just lands you know it's going to be like this perfect golden brick and you know the sunlight upstairs in the kitchen is like magical during the day at the right angle when the egg toast is on the planta it almost looks like the sun is glowing I know that sounds a little dramatic but honestly it's it's pretty [Music] rad see now when you look at it and it's like that perfect brick this is this is the reason for the ruler you know that that is the the Precision love this r this is like you master that H and this is cooked poos is golden little sea salt herbs spoon of fresh Cava and I think the texture of the the the crunchy the creamy hot cold salty it's a 10 so we have about 40 restaurant on the world but this is the flagship is the Flagship when I'm in New York people see me every day here at least 10 hours a day so go just came this restaurant is really the Hub of the creativity that's where we create all the recipe and then we export them around the world I would never put additional menu if I don't test it if I I don't need it from a toz what you think about what uh think in smoking at Hall Chef Greg Bon is a culinary director Who develops all the recipe for us I mean right now we working on a squad dish uh we don't have a sauce yet we don't have a condiment yet we don't have a vegetable yet and that's way [Music] house I like Squad with some spices I think we should spice it now let it okay let it 15 minutes with seasoning with cardamom yeah that's cardamom I love camon I'm going to go ahead and make a spice mix and what I normally do in a process like this is I'll make it for one in this case four if we like then we just scale up the recipe but I weigh everything as we go so I don't ever have to try to get back to [Music] something what do you think oh yeah so check this out Greg made a a spice and salt blend I mean it already smells good basically we've got four of them because I think we're still negotiating how this whole dish is going to play out we thought about frying one sort of like a Chinese technique uh we're going to roast one of them whole and then I think we may break one of them down and broil it underneath the salamander definitely think that we're on the right track cure 230 minutes just to set it and then smoke I'm here changed about U 6 months ago we had a lot of vetan I mean 20% of our CL he they ask for plant-based dishes and Etc so we decided to really go that direction all the deliveries are starting to come in we're working on a new dish carlex cabbage here we have your car flex and your celery root this has started sprouting a little bit because it's just come out of the ground still that's awesome the the best of the vegetarian in vegan restaurants they're not making like a fake version of a fish dish you know they're allowing the vegetable to sort of speak for itself we break the cabbage down into quadrants then we weigh it it's important that the the weight is the same for each of them so that the cooking time is accurate once the Cabbage itself is uh is entirely cooked you can see it's almost translucent and super tender Haley is going to pipe The Cellar root puree inside of it and then after that we're going to sear it on the pcha it's going to get glazed and we finish it with a shaved white truffle it sounds a little wild but I think you know somebody getting a wedge of cabbage in a restaurant like this it's hard for them to sort of see the perceived value in it you have the Truffle you know the onuses on the restaurant to sort of make sure that um people feel as though they've they've gotten value for the money uh that they've you know seen some [Music] creativity little little chef challenge here with Greg and Mark one's going to be fried one's going to be roasted one's going to be broiled so different flavor different texture we didn't really think it was a competition but okay this one will take the longest 12 minutes to cook and three to rest [Music] this going to be beautiful too cooked on the bone so it's always more flavor from the bone this is going to be a little cleaner but faster for service [Music] so when you add a little bit of butter and you're getting ready to uh to base it when it starts to get sudsy like that it's like the perfect temperature the milk solids haven't caramelized yet you're still getting a little bit of that lactic flavor love this color the sheen of [Music] it so what try the fried the roasted the broiled see which one brings the most intensity right exactly what it is this is the fried yeah fried is super juicy succulent yeah this is the the broil [Music] mhm smell on a spice perfect I I think both also the bone are better flavor wise juicy I think the roasted brings because of the butter it brings a little more I mean the the boil is more practical for us I think because all the testings we have is a one one one one but it's so much better on the bone I mean that's the best part yeah I think so I think we can do it so what we singing with this turnip turnip corabi and then whiskey whiskey whiskey with the roasted on the bone good so it's like 10 after 3 now and I think uh we got lineup and in less than 2 hours this was fun I love it I love that we've got like a direction to move on but we really got to get ready for service [Music] now so this is baju she uh is a chef to Pari on the fish station and one of her tasks is to make the buckwheat Crepes that we're later going to wrap uh our langoustines in so we start off with a little bit of an excess in the uh in the ladle and then dip off the rest and the biggest reason for that is you want the crepe to be very very thin uh once they came in they were clean we removed the the claw and the head that's something that we're going to use to make u a [Music] broth just nice and crispy on the outside and that's kind of what you're looking for it's almost almost like a [Music] cast so 5:00 p.m. Cooks our uh the whole crew is at Family Meal uh usually take this time it's sort of like the last moment of the day before service starts where we can really you know break open every container uh put a spoon into every sauce and make sure that all the mum Plass is is tight um if something's not right now's the time that we're going to remake it you know the last thing in the world we want as a customer to point out what we've done incorrectly are the chives cut properly is the dill hydrated is the caviar cold enough often times this doubles as dinner and then when that's done we're open we're in it we're in service so you got an oie mushroom mat eye now uh Hannah you can fire the the three toast window three Hannah or more at least three I need three toast but not before 3 minutes cuz the mushroom's not ready yet guys pick up double crab 600 p.m. we're sort of you know things are are ramping up right now we're getting uh getting into the middle of dinner service so starting to heat up a [Music] bit we're we're busy to the point where there's going to be some action you know we like it it's like the best yeah on you guys there's a tuna and double tsoy leaving I think after that let's do uh we need a crab a trout and we'll do a ravioli all together you picking up one is to Beautiful Everything vo second course one tuno one tartar we're going to finish with double squab both regular one more so we can finish the table look good Felix do me a favor though just get get the fingerprint right over right on the side thank you right there thank you I mean that's a that's a bomb that's magic for [Music] sure all right so now we're doing uh we're doing a trout ravioli and uh king crab I need the food I need to touch food every day even if Mark has it perfectly down I just I still need to be involved and put my hands in it and test things and I you want to pick up about same time it's part of my [Music] DNA all right let's get started this uh marinated short rib is the last portion of our butcher Feast at nass and we call it the meat dessert kind of it's sweet sweet crispy we go through shut ton of meat I believe we go through about 3,000 lbs of beef uh per week people might think that we work at steak house so that we could be like stick and tired of the meat but we're not cutting this marinating this eating this is so much fun but a lot of time too a lot of time and effort and what you're going to do is just push both of them together you're just going to work your way down short of is considered like a not like a super high-end cut but the reason why the short is so expensive is because it needs a lot of night work now unlike conventional steakhouses we need to create a lot of fermentation process which takes meticulous you need to clean it really well you need time to age it it means sh T to work there's a nice feeling about taking this clean off like this I mean I guess if you do this long enough you just kind of get get into the groove and something just feels like oh that's a nice cut that's a clean cut so this is cleaned from here we're just going to take this down once you cut this in half you'll really see the marble people think that hey like you cook every meat on the table little do they know you know it's definitely a very labor intensive operation final butchering stage of the short rib it's going to be soring on the diagonal like so making sure sure that we're not cutting all the way through then we're going to flip flip it around do the similar thing don't cut all the way through and if you do it correctly Once you pull it out it should kind of to a little stretch short rib usually are prepared as a Brae item longer cooking techniques but if you do this with the correct marinade you can cook this under like four 5 minutes and it'll still be very juicy tender a lot of flavors and it kind of stretches like an accordion so like for me like this volume from the getg go was just a normal day mountain of short ribs for sure as a chef like having really great product is something that's not granted it just makes me really proud when you look at a swan you know gliding through the pond you know they look So Graceful underneath they're peddling like hell you know and I think that's what our operation is so after this we're going to put it into our carb marinade that's made in house with all of our lovely fruit juices and it sits in the marinade about minimum of 6 to 8 hours before it's served all the food that we do over here there's nothing that's that we can make it on the Fly if we don't pay attention from the beginning then the result is wrong then we can really like Fast Forward anything so after the short rib we probably have another like six eight more cuts to cut it's a morning of Butchery today A lot of times when you look at coat it's it get lit and I have a lot of fun but you know you can't achieve that without genuinely putting in the the time the muscle the sweat and The Tear yeah so right now um these guys are prep preparing for dinner service the sink on the right is our scallion salad mix which goes to every table the um Julian or cut the scallion with our scallion machine and you cut scallion like this by knife will take us days a week where it broke and we had to like there were six of us with knives just trying to Julien this for like hours that happened to me when I first joined the team like it was a Friday night Saturday night I don't want to go back and you guys you just got to see how dense this thing is just like w I can't even pick this up these guys are probably going through like four six cases of scallion five six cases of lettuce and this is on a daily prep so we can feed our guest a lot of vegetables coat is a steakhouse but we are also Korean Steakhouse I'm from Korea so is both of our chefs so it was very important mission for us to bring forward authentic flavors of Korea so this is the first process of making the kimchi so we take the outer leaves that are a little bit wted and what we didn't want to be is this kind of a westernized Americanized version of Korean flavors and usually the stem is the part that gets salted to Le so we just crack it open so there's more area for the salt to penetrate salting is the most important part if you mess up on the salting the Cabbage won't eat the marinate so well and instead of being crunchy it's going to get a little bit mushy and that's when you kind of fail so this process there's no cheating like there's no fast forward for this one like literally every single leaf has to be uh salted if you cheat you waste There's No Going 10 to 14 days worth of your time right so this is uh called a tum which is a thousand day age salt which is typically like super coarse in Korean there's a terminology saysat which is your taste of your hand it's a key aspect of Korean cuisine cuz a lot of the recipe says Taste of the hand and usually when we do kimchi in Korea usually like three moms are like together and they get like piles of cabbage a and it's like a huge huge huge kimy production going on over there my parents or my family know that I work at a Korean steakhous Korean restaurant but when I tell them like I'm making like six cases of kimchi a week they'll be like what are you doing making kimchi oh you went to calling your school to make kimchi I could have taught you that so after this video goes out we might get a lot of calls from family my background like after school uh is from John George basically like both of us were coming from a French based restaurant I never thought that I was going to cook Korean food but uh here he is here I am and then I really like because when I came here I was like oh this feels like home you know because I know kimchi I know KY after a certain point you kind of look at yourself or think back like what now the more and more you think about it and what holds dear to your past I think it really starts to bloom and you know I think that's why we're here but now it's like on wrestling scale so it's a little bit stressful but it's fun because we always try to perfect everything so these guys are going to sit for about 12 hours and it'll be ready to be stuffed with our marinade all right so you want to make sure that there's a crunch otherwise when you ferment it's not going to have the texture that you're looking for salty crunchy everybody can scoop to their pel pans and we're going to stuff it just like the salt making sure that we get in between each leaves so once you stuff it nicely we're going to put it into this bucket have this um closed off fermented in the walk-in for about 10 to 14 days 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 30 buckets of kimchi at a time that's being stored in the walkin it's our U you know our secret sauce right sourcing to us is probably one of the most important things so right now we have two kinds of caviar in our menu we're actually looking to expand our caviar program owning a restaurant we get to taste a lot of different things but um tasting caviar it never gets old you know this is definitely one of the greater perks so I brought in six different kinds we want to bring uh really really difficult to find caviar you know having a great relationship with your vendors really helps I mean ideally I'm looking for something that's actually gray you know with almost like a white Hue to it you know like grayish white but our restaurant is a little darker and moodier that kind of um lighter pop kind of brings that kind of excitement to the table this is the hybrid that we already currently served oh man that's so delicious there's a reason why we use this huh M and I have brought in today white sturgeon from uh California and I also brought in another species that's a Siberian from Uruguay if you want to taste it taste a lot right so you can actually taste the the whole thing right all the big chefs do that the next one you should try the Supreme MH Supreme yeah it's wi Sten and it's um very aged but it's very pleasant salt it's not that kind of um bitter salty the next shipment I'm going to send you something I have to really pick when I High open tan tins maybe one I want big pearl different flavor profile kind of grayer gray with the whiter Hue if you create I can create that I let's I'm going to start raising new fish Shing thank you very much for coming always pleas so all the all the trayes that you see they're building this is big part of the morning production and our opening Runners and the prep team they really get into this punchan program hard this is for every table that's going to be dining with us tonight kimchi to pickles to Sesame leaf we're going to work on the Raw Bar I think I prepar some awesome seafood and super excited what you got live can crab live spotted prawns and uh live razor clams I'm excited bro cool let's do this last year we introduced uh our Seafood ple you know we call it the grand plateau and we got this amazing pain crap oh why damn look at that it's missing that junqua so we're actually trying to see what we can add to add that final Shine On on that Diamond Bank so we're going to do a c in form of Razor clamps Spa PRS all yeah so sweet so uh we're just kind of serve it ra so Chef SK and Chef David they're The Culinary uh Powerhouse behind this operation normally a steakhouse is not necessarily a concept that requires a very powerful chefs whereas coat it's that's that's where it all comes from you know butchering all day and then into like getting this gastronomical techniques how to poach how to cook how to sauté or how to blanch know this when our Chef mentality really comes together we're like Zoom how do I make this the most awesomest king crab that we can make coat we want to position ourselves somewhere in between a steakhouse where everything's just a funnel through and there is a super Chef driven creative restaurant I think somewhere in between lies a a perfect spot all right then we're going to let this sit all right first here is the oysters I I feel like Simon Kim is a medium I try to kind of uh stay in between what customer wants and what chefs want to do so initially the tension between the chef and my vision has been kind of difficult in the beginning but at this point we've been open for 4 years we really work just like one being dealing with Simon's little I'm just going to say it pain in the butt he wants um to be the best version of it but he's always a great supporter you know like yes he pushes but like we all know that where he's coming from like we only want to get better working in the kitchen you kind of lose the mentality of what the guests want cuz you're always focused about what do I want to do what do we want to do you really want to respect the guest perspective and Simon brings definitely a big portion of that so I think this iteration we're going to try to meet all of his requirements to bring the best of what they have in the market [Music] currently yeah we love caviar here I think we've definitely made a different iteration of the ones that we've had in the past decided to put the cavier on top to give that super Lux feeling I mean we'll probably sit down with Simon he'll give a a little bit and we'll figure it out basically like he's going to be like okay that looks good like but like now we're going to talk about the food cost doesn't make sense then we're going to we're going to need to charge about like $250 for one and then he'd be like no I think that's a little too crazy and then we'll be like okay these are the one that you liked and then we did it and then what can we do you know what's going on Chefs what's going on Simon all right so looks a little bit of version of our Tower and the middle tier is where it really went Lux really beautiful I think the razor clam's going to be very difficult to eat unless you're very crafty with your Chopstick I think it's going to be a little difficult maybe we get individualized thing per person so that everyone gets one and then they can do that because if I'm with four of my friends if I make a mess I'm going to be embarrassed what is this spoted Pro yeah well it was live huh yeah yeah only the best yeah the spot pra looks really good I don't know cavier on top it definitely looks like a crown jewel for sure right but in terms of elevation wise right being in such a top position it's going to be a little difficult right cuz imagine I'm assuming that elevation wise it's going to be not that easy to put together otherwise customer has to do this and that's not that fun either right so I think we need to figure out something that's a little easier to take from the top but otherwise I love the K crab I think it's going to taste super delicious M live live huh yeah all live that's awesome wow that's amazing yeah King crap is definitely I mean in terms of costing do you think what do you think this is going to be I think it's going to be pretty pricey K crab only has six legs and there's two of them yeah I think we're we're definitely on something but I think we need to figure out a we don't want to make it too expensive I think the the entire Grand Plateau should be less than $225 for sure right I think caviar can be just an add-on right so somebody wants it cavier should be right because this thing is going to be you know1 $120 right here right right it is yeah yeah looks good all right let's keep moving all right thank you we got beef coming in at Steakhouse everything starts and ends with beef beef is King we got American Waggy flat iron and of course trimming is a huge part of it cuz we receive everything and we need to now take out the silver skin and then you know make it just really presentable oh look more short ribs br comes in almost every day maybe twice a day if we have for running behind it all depends yeah yeah yeah and I don't know what they're doing with it all but what they do is not only the rib meat but with the short ribs with the Chuck flap with the flat iron stuff that's really not typically considered like a Prime Cut or a premium cut is unbelievable so what we have here is Imperial wagu flat iron which goes on our butcher Feast so butcher Feast is the foolproof way of enjoying Korean Steakhouse I just got to say this flat iron probably be most one of the most underrated cuts of the C so the reason a lot of people are turned off by this cut is because of this so inside there's this thick membrane or we call it the senu so this part it's hardly noticeable it kind of Blends in with the beef we'll just we're just going to go straight down the middle and take off the hard senu the chewy part of this beef and you'll be able to grill this and slice and it'll be a very tender steak that's it next riy so we have our own uh dry edging room uh number one because it's a swag so this is our drying room I'm going to be taking out a couple of the ones that are ready we aged them about 45 days minimum and we'll cut it portion it and we'll be ready for service tonight it's so important that we receive the best beef and that beef never leaves our our site the meat is drye so when you cut it's little just got to be more mindful if you follow the lines we're in full control of our aging room it's important that we are in control of every aspect of our steak show you the way see simple we're just going to go straight to the saw and then we're going to cut it into about inch and a half thick Cuts not a lot of restaurants have Banda because of its you know dangerous space what not but we figured this is going to be a key component into our operation and all of these are good to go and what Victor's going to do is he's going to scrape off this fat and'll clean it up nice the next step after this is we use um this part of the fat on the grill so when we butcher normally we will take this part next we'll take this off the bone so this will be used for the butcher feast and the cap or the spinalis will be used for the Omas all right we have the last part of we have the last part of our butcher's Feast which is the hanger steak you know back in the day when you go to Korean barbecue restaurant you needed to go with a Korean friend if I have to pick one cut that I hate to cut the most is probably the hanger stick cuz it never comes in the same size same shape so this sits close to the organs so it's definitely a bit more iron rich uh I feel like this represents the best translations to what beef is supposed to taste like in my opinion so it always has uh two sides larger muscle on one a thinner muscle and the other so we wanted to demystify right you can walk in and order a butcher's feast and you'll get everything that authentic Korean guy ordered at Korean barbecue restaurant then one side is clean you know many many houses if you were to cook this in house I think it's okay to leave a little bit of the gray on but since we're going to present it raw to the table just want to go down the middle follow this line that's never a straight line but more a slanted horizontal line skin the silver skin um we like to wrap the beef um I think it definitely absorbs the blood which prevents it from oxidizing but at the same time I think it dries the beef a little bit more which gives a nice nice crust so this is going to be our butcher Feast pour for four so what we want to do is make sure that it is thick enough so that they can Grill is the hanger steak next to ribey so Cod is kind of perceived as a fancy restaurant because it is you know we have uh the best beef that money can buy flat iron but if you came here and only eight butcher Feast you can be in and out at $58 per person and then the marinated short rib so that'll be the feast set this uh smokeless Grill that's in the center of every single table is Center of uh coat you it's the most important piece steak is like a a new brand new Mercedes-Benz the moment it leaves the lot which is a Char boiler it depreciates in value you know so what we did is uh we brought the power plant which is a CH boiler out to the table oh if you're want to ball out our steak omaz it's about seven different cuts and we're going to go from a very lean cut the filet next cut will be the skirt steak is a riy cap you get to eat all different beef but very small portion you know it's about delighting your palette as opposed to consuming large amount of beef and then the coat steak American Chu flap tail so that's the Omas for four this would also be finished with our marinated short rib we got through most of our butchering I think Victor's got a few more things to do um most of our runner teams are starting to show up getting ready for service we have a lot of regular customers that you know we're very grateful to continuously and know they patronize us so we want to bring something new next thing we have is uh KOB A5 beef we want to bring uh really really difficult to find beef never got a chance to ever cut this prob one of the most expensive cut in the in in the earth so yeah $300 per pound right uh-oh Moment of Truth wow so we have the Miyazaki that we serve currently at coat and this is the Kobe ribe so so that it doesn't flare up I'm going to trim this uh fat a little bit shall we excuse excuse me all right so we got our charcoal grills ready only thing we're going to do is a little bit of salt so all of these things that you know people have heard of it we want to be the one that actually taste it and vet it like you know what I'm going to pull this as this and make sure that we bring value and quality to our customers I'm kind of nervous to cut it but you know what let's try it out and you know 99.9 % of um coob in America are not really Kobe this is actually you know born and raised and slaughtered in coob this is my uh third time eating coob thir time W look at you first time for us all right let's do it I'm going to do actually Kobe first yeah okay [Music] okay exploded and disappeared the fat is really light right it's not as very different I mean if you even see The Cutting Board the amount of fat that came from the Miyazaki compared to the KOB is completely different this just eats so much smoother or it does it doesn't really feel that much strong on the fat right how much more expensive is this double it's double okay the question is is um is it worth the double the [Music] price I'm not 100% sure yet I think what we should do is we can just feature it let's special it and see how our customer react to it and then see how that goes very excited about this so it is 4:30 Chef start putting final touches on his mamp PL in 30 minutes uh guest are are going to be lining out the out the door so we're going to get busy so thank you you want to send us in a service yes we actually have a really exciting thing uh that's not on the menu right now we actually got some um Cobar beef I believe it's going to be $64 an ounce to send you off a lot of new staff here right it's good amount right so there's a lot of information to learn right but at the end of the day hospitality is about making our guest happy the hospitality of pleasing people doesn't start at 5:00 but it starts now right we please each other we create a culture where we are constantly in habit of making each other happy and when the 5:00 comes customer comes in it's natural for us to make them happy right so much love thank you on back let it's about 5:00 um it's a quick line check um we have our exet soybean suew kimch stew we want to make sure everything that is our medum plus which is the things that we need for service is correct we might have to season the kimchi stew a little bit and we got a big first push ahead of us so let's get ready first push okay we're going to take three shrimp five oysters table 62 fire steak tartar one is out bacon and steak tartar table 65 can I have that two oysters for Omas please service can we take oysters table 32 two Ste and egg table 22 for me dining experience is about having fun you know of course there's a nourishment and the ingredient has to be great and the technique has to be great but I want to bring real Joy when when our customers come in and you know that little drye fat you know we kind of a purposely leave it on the thing for a little longer so it kind of renders and we go like boom and the flame go goes up people go wow and as a restaurant tour those kind of small moments of where we wow our customer is so important Follow by can I have 1 two three four scallions please 15 shooter left go go go now now the hotline's going to get busy with all the stews coming in fire two [Music] STS 23 out 33 out next table 64 oh damn SK 4 oz of coob on the board okay guys next we're going to go table 31 with the 4 oz of KOB table 22 and table 34 next 61 Pedro if we can go 61 so I'm from Korea you know I became an American and I have a love for both of those cultur that's who I am makes me Sami Kim is Korean and American Kim so it's ultimately a steak dinner but there's a lot of elements that's hidden in there customer doesn't feel like they're going to a Korean restaurant when they come to coat but ultimately they're enjoying Korean flavors and way of eating that approach is something that I really appreciate about co uh we're done with with the first push um as soon as we send out the last last two stews were done what's going on what's going down here pretty rocking upstairs yeah I mean first turn was pretty hard you ready for the next round yeah of course for pleas pleasure thank you J when our customers leave coat I want them to feel like they had the best time of their lives and they ate the best freaking steak that they have ever ate and I think that's it simple they had the best freaking time and they ate the best STI in their lifetime and let's do it again the fish is downstairs too so they both just got here o she's still alive so this is Ben Ben brings our stuff from margalis which right now we're receiving crab Norwegian king crab still pretty alive and she's pretty spunky today and also some paragor truffles for us today I feel like we're one of the we're one of your only people in this neighborhood like immediate neighborhood the only person the only person yeah yeah yeah order in four five4 tasting for [Music] snacks this is for our opening bite the bay leaf tarlet and we basically take this king crab we'll steam it and then we're going to toss it in a reduced Crab stock and a little bit of smoked butter make sure you tuck some wings in cuz she's trying to get out of there you got Tuck Them Wings in I mean I think Brooklyn naturally gives you a little bit of an underdog kind of feel but we also felt that even more being so tucked into the neighborhood that we had to really fight for people to discover us all right so where you at right now so I'm about to blend this bull on and then I'm going to go crab steam it and break it up break it down okay we get about two days two Services out of one crab like I said you want to make sure people get like crab you know we don't want to say like Hey we're using this really sick crab and only give people little bites of crab you know make sure it's nice and [Music] chunky so on Tuesdays you know from start to finish you know the cooks get in around 9 9:30 and by 10:00 a.m. we're Full Throttle whether we're like waiting on orders or you know getting everything on the stove stocks sauw work veg for the night all that stuff is kind of going soon as we can get here so we can get set up 6 hours may seem like a lot of prep time to some people but goes a lot faster than you think I got two yeah yeah this is the first one of the day like until we get this the fluke in and all the fish clean and process stuff like that we kind of are just kind of waiting everything we try to get as whole as possible and then we take it over here to the dish so we can get it scaled clip so the fluke is for our first plated dish and it's a two-day process so we take the fluk scale it clean it and then we are want to cure it overnight and salt combo and then the next day we're able to come in pound it out flat it's really important that we get it going early cuz it needs SEC cure for exactly 24 hours before we can start the next phase of the dish the fluke was the dish I was the most excited about coming into it decided to treat the fluke as if it was like a Springwell wrapper every day we bring in a fluke so we're always a day ahead so even though Monday when we're closed we got a fluke in yesterday someone comes in just process it so it can be ready for Tuesday night service cleaned up fluke I will pass it off to Chef Max cuz he is great at butchering fluke he was feeling himself from yesterday apparently he nailed one so he's going to do it today like yesterday I was giving Michael a demo on how to break it down because the way I broke it down yesterday was like next level perfect I'm like damn that boy bad we want everybody here to be chefs and because it's such a small team and the Space is really intimate if I'm breaking down a protein he should learn how to do it too cuz one day I don't know I may be sick can't come in or I have to work on something else he needs to be able to do the same and like I was really feel fing myself yesterday and like today like I outd done myself again like godamn right right there look at that yeah very nice yes yes yes you can talk if you want no no that's you still talk though most Cooks in all restaurants are like scared to tell their chef if something's right or something's wrong I really appreciate the team that we have here cuz like we're honest with each other the difference between working here and those like big old French restaurants is like I get to have my eye on everything as I'm this there's two preparations that's happening in here so I can just turn around and see what Michael's doing how his tart's looking Casey he's working on his um shelfish project I could just look over and see it and like Charlie's upstairs so Charlie has eyes upstairs so like I come in in the morning I have my am team down here and it's like they're right behind me we're like well connected we're well together and we're able to hold each other accountable better so we're going to hit her with a light cure and let it cure overnight then tomorrow in case you will come come in rinse out the salt from the fish and then he would portion it for our G cook who will pound out the the turbo flat so they can make the little spring rolls that's upstairs so here we have the Sara which is the mackerel that we use on the main course here yeah that was almost three grand worth of mackerel that just walked in the Sara dish you know we get the fish in maybe let it age just a little bit not too much cuz a swar doesn't really need it it grills very well we thought it was a very great way to finish the meal with the fish being grilled opposed to like a heavy meat dish you know we just recently started going fish on Maine although a lot of guests expect their meat or their bird we recently just you know kind of went for it Jam Che not bad not bad for an old man when me and Charlie was at like Le M Park he was a butcher before I was so it's like lowkey always talking about each other's butcher game so he's like competing this would be a lot easier if he had a sharper knife but you know wow work work with what you got wow we sh we have a really small walk-in obviously and it gets really packed this time of the week but we try to like hang or dry age anything here or if it's larger proteins it'll go on the speed rack here so this is the a strip bass from monton and we just wanted to see how it compared to the other fish we've been using So today we're going to be comparing this strip bass to the uh Sara I mean we we always are happy with the Sor and the way it's been going on the new menu but anytime we can try to see how a like a local product would compare to the product we're sourcing from Japan we want to see like why spend the extra money in a time to get it from Japan versus if we can get a product that's local from the area and it be just as good or if not better then we'll go that route if we're going to replace the Saro on this course we need something that is going to be able to react well to the charcoal you know take the Heat and also while retaining this moisture and also be able to get crispy skin I think this is going to be nice it looks like it yeah so that's that's the plan today we'll cook it side by side with the Sara and see how it Compares you know if it's something we should move into or if we should just stick with what we know right now which is very [Music] good so now it's like 1:00 you know Chef Kayla is pretty much Knee Deep and getting the flukes ready for tonight's service so she'll have her head down focus on that and then we'll start to divvy up the rest of her prep list for the station amongst everyone else as you can see like Chef Grace is already jumping on the crow I've never gotten to break this down before this is like my second or third time doing it I've always watched Chef Casey do it and I've always wanted to do it so he definitely lets us try a lot of new things that we wouldn't normally get to try in like larger scale fine dining restaurant it's a very small kitchen although they have their own sections we all still work together you know and the dishes are design where they always do something for each other you know and that way everyone like sees the value in the product but also sees how much work the other person is doing you know no one is ever like man like I'm buried in this prep list and you're over there chilling right they're already portioned Casey we they're portion sick I like to squeeze in a little bit of playfulness on the flute make it a Crudo but just try to have a little more fun so when guests receive it you know maybe they smile they take pictures of it as you can see these went 24 hours they're nice and like very very tacky we be very thin but we don't want them to like disintegrate on us like melt on us essentially and basically we'll do this tortilla press Smasher so as we're pounding it you want to be a little translucent here but you want to make sure it's not like completely falling apart and you also want to make sure it's not too chunky in points so that when we go to roll the spring rolls they're really even they all have the same mouth feel to pretty sick right it's kind of it's a fun time making these work so as as I'm doing this getting the flukes P it ready to go Chef Kayla here is preparing the the Julian that will be rolled inside the flute so we backpack it just to get the flavor inside of the vegetables without actually cooking them and the vegetables are just going to create a little bit of a crunch that goes inside of the flute Veges cut they're all measured to an inch and a half so that they're all the rolls are pretty consistent Kayla takes each portion of fluke essentially and tries to get as many rows as we can out of one piece it ranges you know maybe we can get two rolls three rolls how long takes you about to roll about an hour or two per day to roll on a low end if we're fully booked on a Friday Saturday night takes a little bit more and we normally have two people doing it in service it also takes about to do it in a timely manner it takes two people to plate each one as well so we like spread out the work so no one's just buried in fluke all day it's about 2:00 we're finally on our last flop row here now we're over the hum now the rest of the day will fly we'll have a good service I knew it would be a lot of work but you know if you want to get something that delicate and that precise then it just takes a lot of time you know I've done dishes like that as a cook before but sometimes when you're on this side of it when you're like the chef assigning the dish to a cook you kind of are like damn like that's kind of a lot of work so like I try to throw hands as much as I possibly can and try to help get it done but you know in the end in service is it's it's very worth it so now that this is done we're going to start to fabricate the last fish of the day which is the salmon which takes the least amount of work we need to break it brine it and do a little poach on it so we'll head down and get that going right now so the salmon is a dish that I felt a little passionate about because I grew up eating a lot of salmon you know like my mom cooked a lot of it and people in my family cook a lot of salmon growing up in Detroit you got the brine for this already ready to go or we need to make I need to make it it's just common you know it's like a very common thing that you have as a home cook people ask all the time like is the fruit French or American or if it's things that I grew up eating or whatnot and it depends you know sometimes we I am inspired by like a classic French dish and sometimes not I think it's like all influence but I don't think the way it eats it screams like oh this is only a French dish we've had a couple people come here before with fish allergies and I was just kind of like wow you need to read the menu before you come here you know I think this year we're a little bit more comfortable with saying that the food is very Seafood heavy sure we definitely like to try to finish up as many tasks as possible before we scrub down so that's kind of like the bottleneck of the day when everyone is kind of like trying to H and finish a bunch of project so they can scrub down on time get their family meal ready usually the most stressful part of the day is between you know 2 2 and 4:00 for the most part the day is like really chill and smooth but like if you're like just bullshitting all day once it hits 2:00 now it's about a little bit after 4:45 uh family meals all over all cleaned up but before we go all the way into it we're going to uh test out the fish for tonight comparing this strip bass to the uh Sara we cooking like I said over the charcoal here p spray cuz we love that and it helps stuff not stick to it so this is a striper that's been Aging for a week now like I said we really just want to see how it reacts to the charcoal not that it's lost all of his moisture and if the skin can get as crispy as we feel like the SAR whe here so we'll just cook them side by side and see how it goes and this is just a little bit of fat that we kind of make up ourselves a little bit of animal fat oils and we use this little guy you know we don't have the uh fans that shuts putting their back back pockets so we'll hit it a little bit then we'll let it chill relax a little bit and then we'll go right back on with the striper people expect something that's you know hearty or usually like a red meat or bird you know or meat sauce at the end of the meal we want to make sure this dish you know doesn't leave you feel like you have a void or wanting more you know something that's hard to balance but well around it this one will take to like you know a medium rare and this one will cook it more through you know typically on the [Music] bass and this is the Sara here which grows up pretty nice and then the bass here so the SAR this is the one that we're like very used to very familiar with of how it goes with the grill always fire but this one has a little bit better crust to it it's hard to be right I think the skin is crispier here which is which is beautiful but I think the mackerel works better with the sauce work here but the skin on there is definitely Superior than the mackerel Ma you know even though this one is you know maybe local to us in order for us to change it from here this will have to be clearly Superior you know and I don't think it I don't think that it is I think maybe it's a different dish for another time or or a different sauce but I think the macro is like we we can't mess around with that one yeah definitely for this set it's you know it's my first year as an executive chef right so when you get here you realize that you have so much control that is kind of overwhelming at the beginning ordering four five four tasting five four snacks all right Tarts let's go we got to start building these flukes uh you know we have an open kitchen we're not quite a chef table but like I'm like right there so whenever someone wants to say the meal was delicious or talk to me or complain they can do it right to me I'm like right there you know so thank you flukes all the way next on for far how you going to give up is your aming plus cuz I think you need a little bit more Mushroom in here yeah it's tough people may expect a certain type of environment when they're eating a fine dining meal they may not see us as one maybe because the space the lack of tablecloths or the lack of luxury that they may want to walk in and see and we want people to be very open-minded to what experience they're going to have when they come here are we next on the bass we with the Oo we have surprised a lot of guests and we've overachieved in a lot of ways that people didn't expect the kind of meal or the experience big dum scoop it's a really good batch damn girl check you out they sent me their wine they're trying to take me home tonight or what I want people to have a great great meal and that feel like was delicious but most importantly it's like hey I just I had a great time there like we'll be back next one for salmon you ready for it we all right you know I think that is what we try to create and that's why we don't want to be too stuffy and we want to be a little bit more laidback and play a little bit louder music and have a little bit more fun and smile a little bit more so that people leave here and they're like you know they had a sick time it's it's impossible to know exactly how much work goes into specific details because sometimes there's so much work that goes into something that doesn't necessarily come across as an an ingredient that we have spent a significant amount of time sourcing or or dish [Music] developing [Music] Dr is all about problem solving it's always about problem solving every single day there's something going on that you have to figure out an ingredient not showing up you have to find a way to solve that problem in the best possible way he's not there truck's here so so every day we see variation of seafood normally receive scallops every day today we're not receiving scallops cuz the weather is so bad up in Maine whether we we get them from I hope you're right yeah good good so we're receiving hake like [Music] that and raise clamps yes sir the only thing that always bothers me with this is not having the head on because the head is so big that we would probably need even larger box which would be even more wasteful but again looking back at what fish we would receive you know 15 years ago I think we're in an okay okay place so every morning we like to get this bulkier work out of the way clean the clams I think the race clam is a very good introduction to the menu it's just like this sweet delicious meat the textures is phenomenal it has like a little bit of a bite to it but it's also very tender at the same time just like the perfect give we have to spend quite a bit of time washing these and then we um separate the meat from the muscle and and the the body of the clam and then we're going to just sear that off super quickly in a hot pan essentially keeping it raw on the inside and then the plating for this dish takes a fair amount of time often so many of these dishes tie back into memory of places I think of a beautiful Coastline these dark Scandinavian Waters we wanted to have this blindness from the ocean but also taste the pine trees up on these Cliffs it's not obvious but if you want to think that it looks like a pine cone yeah it sort of does here are langoustines they're a little bit jettied I'm sure so we are going to um look through this and start processing them for tonight we want guest to sort of experience a sense of Discovery with our food we serve everything we serve the brain the tail and we serve the claw meat as well but we also want to somehow make it you know recognizable so like this this balance between Discovery and the familiar it's it's sort of like a goal that we want with every dish to achieve with every [Music] dish we found ourselves in a in a place where we did not receive our life scallops we had to make time to change the menu come up with a new new course to replace this scallop dish we have this King Club from Norway receive them in live we we'll know in the next 2 hours how this will shape up if make sense we'll put it on the menu tonight at this time of year this gink tree is dropping all this fruit and every year we would like clean them out just sort of essentially throw them out even though it's a delicacy in some Asian cooking and then inside they have these nuts that we essentially burn and toast and it has this very specific texture which I love uh almost like a Gummy Bear typically we use them for our scallop dish so we'll see if they make make uh make it onto the menu elsewhere okay so at this point I don't see us going with the king crab I think the king crab is going to make it on the menu in a few uh substitutions where we have pescatarians dining tonight we're trying a few things with with honestly some of my favorite ingredients these small sweet onions Pine mushrooms which are in season now sliced on the plate ramps from from Spring gonuts that just fell off the tree like we we're not trying to just get by but trying to make a new dish that makes sense mhm we could align the garnish on each petal before it hits the bowl yeah Chris brings so much joy to the table every day thank you this is almost like a luxury it's not all every day that we have time like today we have to do this because we don't have an ingredient that we used to working with we'll taste them and see what happens you have to take everything into to consideration how much time can we allow ourselves to spend plating or cooking this dish the guest's perception of the dish we're taking a scallop dish and right now working with something vegetarian yeah sometimes for us it's obvious an onion can be as valuable as a piece of fish or meat or caviar not everyone is expecting to go to a two star Mission Restaurant and eat eat an onion it's a 14 course menu but you can still feel cheated by a 14 course menu there's at this point there's a lot of things going on I think we should try it one more time I think something has to go I think the Kinko has to go I think it came too late to the party let's try that in general people have no idea where food comes from the quess preparation of a bird that we received from Vermont we receive them whole and you know 99% of all birds being sold arrive without the head without the foot to me it just it's just the bird comes with a claw it's the most natural thing ever right it has a it has a foot on it like like most animals it should have a foot on it uh the process breaking them down is somewhat time consuming so the quail has these like very small fine feathers which you can rip out we throw the breast on the plate and we throw the leg to be enjoyed with your hands and the guest simply you know encourage to grab the grab the leg by the Foot and eat it with your hands some guests when they see the foot on on a rare occasion do not want to touch it do not want to eat it like they don't want to know that they ate this bird I think it's an honor to eat this little guy so so these are birds that are all aging they have been here for a couple of days it's a lot of work for one bird but it's it's like what we do it in the first place I think it makes the bird taste better in the end they shrink and when they lose moisture this sort of Aroma intensifies and you can smell these and it smell delicious when in the end you cook it you have to be very very careful not to overcook it and to serve it at the right temperature you need the skin to be crispy you need the meat to be perfectly medium rare in the end of the day it arrives on your plate being a ra s preparation but the time that goes into preparing that dish from start to finish it's like a 10day process so what you what you consume in you know minute's time may have taken many many many minutes to or days or weeks to essentially assemble okay so we have about 2 hours until the first guest arrive and we are trying this dish for the third time now we made some changes we removed our or gonuts it's just looking to see if you can actually taste all those things on the plate it's like can you taste the ramp seed at some point can you taste the pine mushroom how do they work together great for bread yeah I think it's super tasty it's great good so we're good so we need to process Pine mushrooms need to process onions does it always come down to the water and it's like this yeah I mean is actually early so there needs to be thoughtfulness behind everything you do a DOT is not a DOT a sauce is not a sauce you have to be mindful with how you're using ingredients how it plays in in in the context of everything you do even if the initially the plating it took a significant amount of time to place all these mushroom leaves and onion leaves and little onion petals in this bowl by the end of service uh a plating that took x amount of time probably took a fifth of that time in the end of the day we just had to pick specific size mushrooms and specific size onion shells to make the dish make perfect sense so basically by 5:00 p.m. every day missan plus is supposed to be done 5:30 we do a a brief meeting no scallop today so we have new dish on the menu uh it's a vegetarian course super tasty onions and then a broth made from grilled onions and uh and it's white birch have a good service everyone yes uh and then 6:00 we open up the doors then it's just uh essentially go [Music] [Music] time all right they ask right I never want to use the term make it [Music] work yes we will make it work but not at the expense of anything else not going the way we wanted to go so we're going to find a new way of addressing the current situation in the best possible [Music] way the last thing we do for service are the W RAB you want to do two and two the way okay the challenge of it has to be fresh every single day and we do them an hour before dinner so we got to hustle right now he's making rings of ricotta we're going to put one one raw egg yolk in the middle because we have 120 um tonight we're going to do we usually do 10 to 15% wos so we're going to do around 15 that was a nice that was a nice like a glove like a glove right there's a beautiful Shield right so like the reca is tall enough to where the egg Yol is sitting right inside so when you boil it it's still going to be runny when they open it up table side M better put a couple holes with the cake tester and then we're just going to work the air out this just comes a table just like this so some people are like oh my God 28 bucks for this the yelpers are the best yelpers are like oh I got one RAV YOLO for 20 bucks yet we have how many ounces or grams of truffles are shaved on top that they don't realize how much of those cost honestly sometimes I hate to say this but I feel like we don't charge enough people don't realize how much goes into the thing okay W we're going down yeah so the way way that we do sauces just like we do in media we we like we'll bring them together on the pickup so each one has a different component brown butter so a lot of people will take it off right now it's just not it's not nearly Brown enough right now so we always bring it to that next level of like a brown tilt it back and then look you B you basically already have a sauce and alsoi sauce right back on the heat you don't want a lot of sauce because you have so much sauce coming from the egg yolk just a touch you want to top that with a lot of trouble Grande this is Rosita from arbani she's going to uh show us some truffles today this the beginning of of T Bianca white truffle season right now and uh we've actually been waiting for uh for the whites to get at a certain level cuz we're going to do something on our tasting menu with like Tal we're going to roll the T um and then hand cut the price this year is a a little bit High yes because uh we have a small quantity we'll get we'll get um 150 of uh T Bianco thank you again thank you day you too no one bought anything last year you know there's all this pent up demand for T bean and people were just like how do we get like how do we get as much trouble I usually just wait there's always like this competition to have first tle Bianco truffle white truffle on the menu especially in the city and then and as soon as you get them like they're good but they're not great like this is this one this is beautiful like so we're just brazing off the leaks for the Cavaletti or the grandma filling right now so this is actually one of the first things we do in the morning is we're B the leaks in when no one's in and uh get some really nice color our leaks have been browned really nicely going to put some fresh thyme inside some garlic we're going to cover it with foil right now so we're going to go into a 350° oven we're going to cook it for 3 and 1 half hours and then blend it at Bano and it's going to be the filling for the Capal we always have the big projects in the morning cuz you have space like we can move around um it's New York it's small but it's all built around the pasta we have our our line up there and then uh this is all prepped down here and then this is like where all the all the pasta gets rolled down resora in in di from mea is usually the head of household and the head of household is usually a r pasta al matell I was taught by S how to roll Al matello and so it's homage to them and we're going to make a well you can do inside of uh inside of a bowl if you'd like and this one doesn't have any yolks or olive oil like our other dos do it's just whole eggs and doo flour usually passes roll with a machine now even even in italan but Al Matel is the the old school way and that's how I was taught to roll we're working on uh getting this dish back on the tasting menu cuz we got the white truffles in and we have to I have to do it right now now to test it before everyone gets in cuz it just takes a lot of space and rolling a matello is one of those things that you really can't have anyone else around you just it's obnoxious how much space we take up doing this P you see a little push back means we're close Okay so 1 2 three turn that's how I was taught because it gets really monotonous when you're doing this for so long right so like they're just like just concentrate on one two three turn one two three turn one two three turn flip over we don't do it all right so now we're going to we're going to roll mat I got to I got to wash my hands I think one guy there's one guy on the west coast that's that may be still doing this so the matell I've had this one for about 6 years now start out have a nice Circle rolling with a matell changed my life it's the old school way right like you never I I'd never seen that in the States now we're going to start doing the Motions I think it's I mean I think it's a dying art I hope they continue I hope everyone continues we're going to try over here so like we start on the outside of the dough and then in when we get to the top top and we started letting 34 or four of it hang off yeah so the that taught me laand from m is really good one of the biggest moments in my colonary career was when we first went into the past room in Juice te and I rolled Alat with with Laura right again I'm letting gravity do the work down there okay now I'm going to start really putting some pressure on and we're to get it really thin so you have the kind of shape that we're looking for to roll out um so without a machine it changed my life without question so like we were trying to bring something very similar to that experience you have to work fairly quick just so you don't dry out the pasta dough you you haven't had any flour at all right I want to thank Laura Mandy for having to do this with me and have so much patience when I would just absolutely tortured and bastardized the pasta dough in the beginning was uh was the best it was the best gift I I'm going to give it one more one more go but we have like the overall shape that we're looking for and the overall thinness there you go this is yeah this is so stupid to do in a restaurant when we when we first opened I was trying to do this for every pasta it was so stupid to do I mean p over once the dream of doing nothing but montarello in New York City um was quickly squashed I just couldn't keep up so we'd be 86 in pasta at like 8:30 people were pissed people were pissed like they're like how are you going to come to a pasta restaurant from Mania and then you have no pasta at like 8:30 okay valid point and that'll be the uh the portion yeah this like with like with like just butter and then you can like put 2 G 3 G of white truffle on top and then you smell the whole dining room it's awesome I mean stuff like that makes you overly excited I get a little too passionate we're going to get the regular production we're do capetti right now we're going to do stuff that like every single day we sell so much we have we have a cello spinach which is like the really dark spinach this is tight have you been have you guys been in tighter spots than like uh than this not lower so we had like we had no money in the beginning when we were like putting this together so when you talk about like this healing Heights and like we people come down like how would you not hit your head all the time I mean I do I mean you just had to work what you had so the spinach gets so dark it's like I mean little things like this make me extremely happy I mean through the Finish inside and then egg yolks and whole eggs inside Grandma walking through the forest is spinach capetti spinach dough filled with bra leaks more okay this pasta sells more than anything we can't we won't never be able to take it off do do you want to have like the bounce back right it's based off of atio Sunday afternoons with like the s that that lived in Med and I used to go over to her house every Sunday when I had a day off she would always bra Lees for me just because I was obsessed the first time I had them I was like these are some of the most beautiful things I've ever had the leak braids we Blended them up we'll concentrate them even more so we ready to St in today's capetti yeah that's the idea of find the pasta and that became one of the things all right we're going to start rolling I'm going to get the shape that I want that's a basis the color is that awesome this in Italia is called B cleta laeta the bicycle this our leak filling Yep this is the filling for the capetti bottomy Jano rais leaks a little bit of apple vinegar yeah okay so now we'll fold in half so these will be like little triangly and then we literally go through production right so I I cut it I'm going to pitch in the middle right here okay A little bit of water at the edge and it's going to sit just like that so that's a typical capetto whereas like a tortillon shape would be like this okay like that's a tortillon and that's like bologa M capetti will be like we just pitch in the middle fold over and then close yeah that's what makes the region so incredible there's like so many different nuances different sizes and shapes of like fresh pasta that I find incredible I go to restaurants all the time where people call like they call this tortillini and like that just not tortillini like tortillini needs to be smaller than your pinky like it's very strict this is a tortillon o and9 so it's supposed to be it's larger right that is probably the one thing that really drives me crazy is when people call a shape like this tortillini and it's nowhere near a tortillini but like I want people to eat this and be so happy about what they're eating that like I don't like I mean tradition is up to us that's up to us to kind of like take care that go to go right in BL right now and uh be off the racist 3 and 1/2 minutes I started leaks with a little bit of uh pasta water Grandma walking through the forest is we would go over there for antiel right we' walk in the forest we we'd find Oris for instance do puree of uh of mushroom and we just Tred to take two and two together because that was one of the best memories I had on my days off like it's like the best way I can translate how that experience was for me right when they start to kind of float then they're close Okay capti finished put it right on the heat for just a little bit longer Tano when we when we do this step and we cook it inside the sauce we call it um Bell manato the manato Bell manato like this is like when all the uh when you see a really nice sheen on the uh on the capetto yeah you see like the little pools of uh of the sauce kind of just tucked away inside that's like such a beautiful thing okay so let's go to plate a lot of people just like I just want to eat it I'm hungry which is fine too but some people really think deeply into it and they get involved we take one in the middle and then we have them all go in the same direction on the way all about the little things cuz it's been so long to make the beautiful pasta right it's like hey people ask why we basing these dishes off of an name or like an experience or something it was because I mean that isn't that what a menu is in the end of the day for a lot of chefs or hooks it's just like a culmination of experiences they had that's it Grandma walking through the forest and me one of those that's uh we can never take off all right so we we have around nine different pasta do that we use um this is this is the Workhorse though right this is the pasta Jala the yellow pasta dough I have olive oil in this dough we have egg yolks and whole eggs I've been looking all over the states for really beautiful yolks in these these guys have some amazing yolks in Arkansas just like in Italia so look at the color though right you see I haven't added any flower at all right now right you want to have you want to start getting really good to where you get a recipe down you have the right amount of flour in the beginning because then you can be consistent every time it's about 1 right now and we're about to roll it anolini so this is the this is like the large version of the pasta Jala that we do he's doing probably around probably about 500 for 700 a day 45 minutes an hour he'll have 500 an done um it's pretty incredible anolini we do the traditional filling of P Mortadella and then pork shoulder um nutmeg parano and then um we punch the discs out and then sent out and then go to the table we finish with ban vinegar at the table all right so we we've done we we finished up the morning now we're going to start moving into like some of the bigger prep and bigger protein for the PM Tony is our executive Sue Chef uh Anthony he's from Long Island we're going to cut up the uh 60-day dry age riy right now we wanted to have something like um large format on the menu that you can eat for like two or three people he going to then trim all the dry aging off and then we're going to tie it we're going to rub it with uh forini Power and then tie it really uh really tight and it'll sit in the fridge for uh 24 hours before before we serve in the beginning I feel like we didn't sell that many casadas and then we got like maybe a write up or something and I remember people started talking about it online and then uh they were like yeah their pastas are great but don't sleep on the the cada and then uh little by little though we sell like a whole Rack in like one night like Chef said I wish I could kind of do it all day sometimes I really enjoy it he comes to eater and it and this is like we have to save a 44 oun guy for him you know I mean like Che that's a little too small some a little bigger they don't Dr yet any too much in ital I mean this is primarily a very American thing even when I was working in Italia we used to get a lot of our beef from the states funny enough so this is the last step just powdering them yeah so traditionally I I feel like uh a really good cut like this a dry age ribe ey I would personally not want anything on it no sauce no nothing but I think this is Chef Stephano's way of making it uh Italian so I think that's why he does it crab delivery just came in we got a king crab uh 10 lb and we're going to get in the oven and steam it it's for jit Sola which is a a pasta dish we do and this is going to be the uh the filling this pasta it's a it's a tough sell because it's uh crap super expensive so it's it's an expensive dish now that everything's coming back hopefully yeah we get back to normal and people let the good times roll again for sure we have it set at steam so when you open it up you got to be careful otherwise you're going to get a steam facial okay hour and a half to line up he's about to pull out the uh crab yeah mean it's it's 300 p.m. right now we've got like we have a lot a lot to do probably a little over ambitious to to try and get to the crab but we're going to do it we're going to do it 100% we mix it with like the head crab fat and like a little bit of lemon zest and then a little mascon it to fold in and it's just really delicious so the dish we're trying to bring back in it's it's jeta Sol which means like sunflowers and it's based on on like my train ride from molda to Ry and like seeing the sunflowers in the way but you go to eat like seafood and Ry right so like we're we're going to do beautiful crab with it that's thank you we put it before and um it didn't sell well at all is expensive and it's one of those things that like I absolutely love we have the regular past Jala here and then we're going to have um scooting we're just going to Mark real quick where we want the um jeta Solas to go this is going to be the crab villing the crab feeling is beautiful not stage whatsoever not at all not at all all right so we just want to miss a little bit okay this is one of those once once this thing goes live this will be like this pasta hasn't been seen before so it'll be copied we'll see it like in some places whenever it gets released like literally 2 days later I'll be on somebody's men it always happens to us but it always happens to us but you saw it here first so when you punch this one the magic behind this one is is you're going to see um both colors when we pinch up okay so we're going to pull off the um the two pastas we cut all the way through okay this is why you never use egg wash to uh to make any of these pastas because always just water cuz you don't need anything more this for instance we can use later to roll out talini or talot these are tedious right but like one a pasta like this is something that That You Don't See again you have the black of the inside of the of the sunflower and then you have the uh the yellow of the outside yeah know it's it's cool it's cool to see these back for for a little while we hope that we can sell some this time because we would sell like how many we would sell like 7 to 10 a night like that for us is not a lot at all yeah it's not yeah everyone always just they want they want the classics you know you get them to try something different can be can be tough sometimes but the story is just so right on okay last Sher it's 400 p.m. we we really have to get to wobble what have the big the big wobble we make those fresh every day it's one of those things that we have to do right now cuz we're getting close Okay so we're about we're about ready for service all the fresh pastas w t talini so these are the grandma um the capetti ver that we did earlier GL Shiller Frozen anini hi guys okay we have five Costas today uh Tony sho's coming in um at 5:40 545 to taste uh a little bit of the new menu so we we have a one verbal tonight we have um the jeta Sol which we're bringing back with with um Norwegian king crab tonight okay we only have three portions of those all day and it's it's going to be 35 have a great service guys thank you so much things are things are just a little tense right now cuz we we have an investor coming to taste the new dishes and uh I mean I think I think he's going to be happy but you just never know right we want the kitchen to just be spot on that's that's the idea so Tony is an investor here along with David obviously and they're and we're both tasting um some new pastas it was my birthday this week so perfect one being the J solle that just uh is supposed to be like little sunflowers right so it's supposed to remind you of like the trip from like mold to R which is um you see sunflowers there right and so like you eat those like private remin so we stuff with like the the snow crab inside so what are you putting on there like aai yes exactly every chalini which is just going to add a little freshness we have the the sauce is made from butter and um lemon zest okay I'm just going to jump yeah yeah yeah 100% whole [Music] thing and then be honest you know I mean CU there test we got to find out whether or not I have never had anything like that yeah you think you're eating pasta and then there's a seafood hit this crab hit the whole crab is $500 crab right so got a version number four it's just we love it but it's really hard to sell cuz people won't you got you got to you got to price it up you price it up yeah and then people like that's why want you to taste it so we can get verification that yes it is delicious and yes I would order it's worth it so yeah I mean it's just obviously it's a special thing yeah we need you to pitch every table that'll be much easier that's my job this is roll on matello so like the idea of putting this on on the menu is cuz it's all hand rolled um this is like this is not rolled out to the machine at all so hand rolled and we got to do it every day obviously so just just butter and truffle butter that's it that's it that's it and then a little bit of pasta water right you want to have it so so simple that you can 1 two 3 here we go I I love trle I just I live for it but this I got to have one more yeah yeah your of course yeah I'm going in 100% that's a great gig being an investor right oh my God that's stupid yeah there's no that stuff it's sexy there's just no other word for stupid it's just sexy food that's stupid goodas okay I got Expo all right I look forward to hearing what you think and then we'll and then we'll take it from there you two and then we'll see who we decide the man tomorrow tomorrow lunch I can't wait w the mar okay when we talk about service here we we we just we sell a lot of pasta we have a small kitchen too so we struggle sometimes you know to be honest with you but we just didn't have any money to put these together in the beginning so we just we did as bare Bon as we could and we just kind of fill from there 640 right now the board's getting full now we really got to get after it 28 o walking in what's that walking in right now we had a huge party just rolling so um we got about four huge tables and we're about to get really busy right now it's time to rock for sure BR six BR seven BR eight 1 50 so we're through the big apps for the party and now we're going to go straight into pastas guys I have two tudini in the water right now we need an additional three tudini I think there's this weird thing about everyone trying to out Italian everyone else for me it's like I speak the language I worked over there for a long time my father's from meali yeah all my family is still over there so like I don't I don't try out Italian anyone else what fire tag rinia wovo order fire tag Ginia wble but like you feel a big responsibility to make sure that that their legacy is felt like Laura Mandi who's like done a whole life masimo for instance you spent his whole life cooking and like these people are my mentors and like you do all you can to make them proud okay let's do tag one Grandma 2 Ginia 1 17 wvo 3 tag four bar 3 we never open res door for the stars or for like any of the like I just I I wanted to make things that are at a really high level at how it was taught with the best ingredients I can get my hands on so people that are sitting down like this is a different experience I don't feel like I'm eating pasta in New York like we wanted to do something that we thought was like like even we just like we're obsessed right I don't know how you describe that un unless you're like living over there and like cooking this every single day and like yeah you're doing 18 hours a day sometimes and you're tired but then like you wake it up and do same thing the next day and like you don't lose this incredible enthusiasm for it right we were like how do we translate that to like resor like New York and like get that same dealing that was what was most important you also want to put out incredible product where people like taste it and you look at the people at the table and they like look at the person they're eating with and like or like you see them like whisper something that's incredible feeling and then you're like okay I get it like it was you know it was worth it P there a lot of work in behind though anyway this is what we make pretty much like on a daily basis are three different kinds of four different kinds of dough basically 100 sheets of lasagna every day and it's a lot I mean if you Pi pick this thing up I don't even know it probably weighs 30 lb maybe I mean the crazy thing is we almost didn't put the lasagna on the menu and now it's like the thing that everybody comes to the restaurant for what's unique about this restaurant every single one of our pastas is handmade there is a bit of like an Instagram curse with this lasagna dish it's not like we like developed it to be photographed it just so happened that people ended up likeing taking photos of it the rest was history I guess what I do is I fold it like this and you can see how long this thing has gotten cuz we just made it super thin right straighten it out and then we make each one about 12 in and then what I do is I fold them all on top of each other and again this is just one step in making the lasagna it's insane like the amount of work that goes into it if you're going to make fresh pasta there's no other way to do it now we're going to cut and then you end up with the sheets these sheets are for tomorrow uh we're going to once we're done sheeting we're going to wrap them put them in the walk-in and then we're going to take out the one she made yesterday and start blanching them we have to blanch each sheet individually and there's no other way to do it and this is boiling very very heavily salted water because we're importing that seasoning into the pasta and then salted ice water too to like reinforce cuz if you just use salted boiling water then you put it into unsalted ice water it just basically washes out all all the salt so salted salted it literally takes probably 2 hours every day of someone just doing this we only ran out of it once and it was like the first week we were open I think right yeah but since we did that we always put on the menu limited availability just in case something ever happens but it's never happened since then [Music] so so this is Chef Denver he's our executive Sue Chef he's been holding down the fort this morning he's going to show us how to make the lobster butter we use two things for it so the first one the tail will be used as a lobster meatball that goes as well with the with the pasta and then on top of that would be the lobster butter which we'll be using the lobster but the liquid gold in our restaurant so what we want to do is just transfer everything here so we have the garlic the calabrian chili and also the butter that we'll be using for this one first thing will'll be putting in the butter so this is total of 4 lbs of butter before here I was working in find the express and then started here not knowing how kitchen runs and we work our way from there right now that everything's in there we basically just let it simmer for about 2 hours and then after that we strain it to a shinoa and then after the shinoa we pass it through a coffee filter so make sure everything's ready and then that's when we store it in cups in the freezer and whenever we needed to take it out now I'm going to stuff the lobsters for tonight this is like the main element of our lobster for two DISH it's a 2 lb Lobster that we basically prepare kind of like Thermador style quickly blanch them just to like get the meat to detach from the shell then we remove the meat we chop it up and then we mix it with our smoked vodka sauce we often joke that this is basically like I don't know like a cheese restaurant I mean just like the amount of like Dairy that we go through in this restaurant is pretty wild so this is going going to then get baked for like I know 12 minutes so there's a ton of effort that goes into this uh in advance during service like comes together relatively quickly we're just basically going to like roast off this Lobster it's like the most expensive thing on the menu basically we only make a few a night so our next major project that we do almost every day of the week is our caramell pasta It's two different types of dough so we use our classic egg dough that we use for our lasagna as well as we use a black sesame dough and then Carmen cuts it into strips and we basically apply it to the top of the egg dough the whole idea is that it gives it like a tie dye effect when I make it they don't look as nice as when Carmen makes it Carmen do you ever do a specific pattern on based on your uh mood of the day is there like subliminal mesh the caramel you don't write like I hate Chef Scott or anything like that I love oh thank you thank you car Carmen's worked with us since day one she's literally touched every single piece of pasta in this restaurant except for when she goes on vacation then I touch those he's is a pasta so she's going to start cheating it and she's going to put it through once and then click it and make it smaller and it's going to look awesome when she starts going through it's going to just explode with all the different colors and kind of like takes life and looks like something totally different and you see she doesn't fold it when I do it I always mess it up in the ends but she doesn't perfect every time I don't know how you did that so fast you just so fast it's more challenging to do this than it is to do another pasta cuz if you do make a mistake you can't reuse the pasta there's a couple tools we use in making pasta every day one is the expandable cutter which comes in super handy one side is is fluted the other side is straight and then we also use a ruler that's the way we make the consistency and everything the same we measure everything before we cut it you can't just guess on this kind of stuff that's how we keep it looking the same every time so this is filled with a buffalo milk ricotta that we import from Italy so we intentionally flip this dough over and we fill it on sort of the backside so that when we create the shape the black design is on the exterior this is basically we're forming the caramele shape carmele means candies in Italian the the shape basically resembles a little candy wrapper so at this point we put them in the freezer we intentionally freeze this pasta when it Cooks in the boiling water the exterior Cooks at like a perfect rate and the interior is like runny and not overcooked essentially it's a cool looking dish I think that's why it's kind of been such a popular dish since we opened and then the pasta itself is served in a brown butter sauce with honey pickled pmms a little bit of black sesame oil and then the dish gets finished with with some black sesame puree and some opal basil so this is like one of the last big projects we do every day before service we actually make this for the following day uh the dough is very simple it's just flour salt olive oil and water it's a process where we make all the dough and then we portion all the dough roll it and then we flatten it out and then we actually stretch the dough like almost like pizza we take a a little 10-in pizza pan and we actually stretch the the dough on top of the pan when you stretch it it looks like the top of a drum oh how many are you doing today 50 what okay 45 so she's going to do 45 today and then we're going to fill all of them with cheese and the garlic chives and then we're going to stretch another one on top of it and then it rests until tomorrow it's crazy right I feel like with all of our recipes and we develop them like you always like come up with efficiencies and smarter way smarter ways to like achieve the same end result and with this particular one like there's like no other way to do this so Ali's going to lay down a even layer of that this is a a Sofrito made with Japanese garlic chives garlic and chilies and olive oil we usually make it a day in advance to make sure it it cools parmesan this is actually a top secret cheese blend mix we don't typically share the The Secret of that one so basically for efficiency's sake the move will be to like top all these at once after that the next move is to top that bread with another layer of the stretch dough we're doing like 50 of these a day which is which is a lot considering how labor intensive this this little task is there are a few dishes here that are kind of like all hands on deck because it's like such a big prep project so the chrysanthemum greens picking of the greens is a big thing because we literally are like picking like Leaf by Leaf we get over 200 lb of crysanthemum in a week we've definitely put a dent in the chrysanthemum that's shipped to the east coast cuz it's all grown in California mostly each Leaf has to be iced down we spin it in a salad spinner and we have to pick like 30 lb of it a day and we have to make sure we don't pick anything that's dead or brown after we let it sit in here for about 20 minutes or so if you can see underneath we we raise it up with like this little raise thing this way air can kind of get underneath it too and it stays nice and fluffy and any liquid and stuff can go to the bottom this cranum salad that we have on our menu we make the dressing every day once the salad's done it gets the Shaving of Parmesan over the whole whole thing looks like a heavy snowfall the station sells so much of this salad that like the people that work G are just like oh my God if you learn this one dish you basically know 90% of the station cuz we sell so many of them your arm gets so fatigued from shaving it that I you not we have three cooks that got a tattoo that says parm arm on their arm people always ask us like oh are you sick of the lasagna I love that you know it's it's become like you know this thing that people recognize from this particular restaurant I think it's awesome and I think for the volume we do like it's we make it the best we possibly can this is the process for Rolling the lasagna these sheets have been blanched cooled down there's three sauces that go into the lasagna it's the Italian sausage bolog the other sauce is bashel and then the third one is the San Rosano tomato sauce so now it's a scoop of uh Scott just put a scoop of the parm on there so then the same move with the mozzarella a quart of mozzarella two things we don't skimp on ever tomatoes and Parmesan regano and how much regano are we going through I would say two full Wheels a week we just go through like copious amounts of all different types of cheeses um parm mozzarella straino are the big ones this gets another layer on top we just put down a little bit of bamel on the top that's again going to just like seal the whole roll up when we're done here so this is our um Italian sausage bolog this sauce needs to be made a day in advance and cooled very important if you try to do this with uh warm sauce it'll just like totally fall apart it's a little little chunky next move is just to roll this so after the lasagna has sat in the walk-in and kind of chilled and set up for a bit now is the time that we cut it so each of these logs basically yields like one and a half orders of lasagna cuz each uh each dish gets six pin Wheels this is only four lasagna and we sell about 60 to 70 a night this is our lasagna dish that we use we spray each one of them we put 6 oz of Our tomato sauce in each one and then we just put in the lasagna it cooks really fast it eats a lot lighter it's really easy to serve to individual people and the whole entire top gets crispy and when we were growing up like everybody would always fight over the corners of lasagna the crispy Parts but this like everybody gets a crispy piece we put a a piece of like deli paper on top we stack two on top of each other and then we keep them in the walkin till service starts on the weekends we're open for lunch and dinner we sell over 100 and we only have a 50 seat restaurant so it's pretty intense so it's 220 basically the whole squads rolling in for tonight's dinner service so this is like usually the most hectic part of the day cuz we have like crossover between the morning team and the PM team and we just have a lot of people running around in very tight quarters so so one of the desserts we've been doing here since we opened is our FAL latte Mochi basically kind of like stretching and flattening this we basically like pound out homemade Mochi every day and we make our own like FAL latte gelato we wrap the Mochi around it by hand and then it's a pretty like simple dish but I think it's like pretty complex and flavor and pretty interesting I feel like we just like work really well together because we kind of like complement each other's like strengths and weaknesses and stuff but when we first opened in the morning I would open every day and then Angie would basically expedite almost at 5 CL the restaurant I'm like a night and he's the morning gu so it works out good we're lucky because like most restaurants only have one leader or one Chef in the back of house but we kind of have two so it is 4:05 probably we open at 4:30 we have already a line started have you been to the restaurant before yeah a few times you have yeah I live around am I getting in today you're the first person online of course you are well thank you so much for coming back I appreciate it Hi how are you guys good yeah we came from Phoenix we saw this on Tik Tok I hope it lives up to the excitement it will yeah thank you now we're going to walk over to the private event space and we're going to go see Angie she's making a new Amaro so let's go see how it is the beauty about this private event space is that during the day it's like our many development love the Italian tradition of like weird Elixir and like after dinner drinks I've been messing around with one with broccoli Rob see what happens so it's like a two-part process first part is steeping a bunch of aromatics and liquor and then the other part is mixing it with syrup at the end so this has Cline chilies black pepper corn orange zest lemon leaves it also has some lemon juice water and sugar soon as that's cool mix this all up and then get the final product it's pretty good it's 4:15 we're going to go downstairs and have the meeting with the cooks this morning everything look really tight with walk-in organization and everything has that been going pretty well with with the new sort of structure of that keep the me and po really tight remember to you know fight for everything organization make sure we're keeping everything really neat cooking cleaning breaking down whatever you guys do make yourself proud and I believe whatever you guys are doing is making yourselves proud right now I would love to be part of this team of like lying cook and beside you guys in let's have a great service guys part of the daily mus Plus for the cooks is also their hydration so we got electrolytes your roomate pleas sponsor us I I told Lauren she needs to buy stock in this company cuz she drinks like these every day so they got to stay hydrated it's hot down here this is the pasta station here we have this Nifty container here uh it insulates our pasta so that it stays really cold really fresh you know this is our bread and butter here but we um have our lasagnas coming off of the planta or the flat top during service the cooks know exactly what to expect there's a very big push in the beginning it's just getting a lot of food out very fast order in stigma well pick up three lasagna I just want to have a restaurant that people want to come back to we want our food to be like kind of interesting and unique and like surprising but we don't want people to have to like think too hard about it Crudo Master he makes sick Crudo coming up corner corner up laso for 201 the salad yes is my palm arm I put a many hours to get this stamp of approval just do the cauliflower trivet and then the regular s lasagnas then we have one caramel no that's everything right there our food is hopefully like Soulful and like comforting you guys have a lobster on order right even though the restaurant's super full right now super busy you know the team has everything under control it's like a nice nice float pick up flap that's three we're very lucky like we' been open 6 years and there's still almost every day a line of people waiting to get in people want to come here and that really makes me excited every day when I think about SK naving Food I think about the purity of it to keeping everything true to its nature it's more about highlighting what the land is giving us and then using simple techniques to preserve it everything from curing brining smoking all of those flavor profiles are coming more than a spice [Music] [Music] today is very crazy day we're fully booked everywhere it's all hands on deck this is uh prime time okay got it got it really hot you guys are good oh yeah you good lesie going to make the Twill for the Arctic Bist pastry has always been very close to my heart it's what I been doing for the last 20 years of my life I always believe that the Finishing Touch of a meal could either help it or completely destroy it so we have people that travel here for this dessert and it's helped my career in so many ways creating this I would think it got me my green card doing some uh cocoa powder just to get a little bit more of a natural feel all right now we're going to bake it hot sorry I moved to New York in 2010 I came on board as a pastry chef uh it was supposed to be for a year 2014 I got the opportunity to take over as head chef not a position that I was really comfortable in or taking it was only supposed to be temporary so this is the egg this is the base of it we mold the the go cheese parfait scoop out the center so in the middle of it we're filling it with um a seach Thorn curd every portion is three eggs every week we can sell up to 100 portions of this my pastry Department loved me for this dish they were all asking when are we going to do just one egg one big egg instead of three small said maybe and that maybe never happened that year later on in October we received our two Michelin stars I'm still pastry chef and I'm still the head chef of the kitchen but it's quite an amazing opportunity to be able to do uh both so this is a dark chocolate you just need very very little and then we cover them just to make them look a little bit more real so we have our little eggs that's about it everyone always wonders why I put uh snow on it I always say in the Arctic countries or in Sweden it's still snowing when the baby birds are being born all right time is running away it's it's 11 a service is about to start and uh I need to check in on everyone to make sure that they're they're already so let's go [Music] up how many are they 62 62 all you do is just run we have a big lunch today um 80 people so Salah has to go out and then has to flip and then it's time for main courses it has to go fast banquet has to go fast people want to get in and out 10 finish off the last two three main course is out now we got to get dessert up it's a bit of a beast talking 60 80 100 people they want to eat in an hour less sometimes and you got to make it happen this is our chocolate cake that we do for lunch my grandmother's recipe is one of those things that like even however good it is I can't really put a dish like this on in the main dining room has to be a little bit more intricate it's nice to have the opportunity over in the in the big rooms what we don't use we dehydrate and we use it as the bottom of the burst Nest as the soil so we're sending this out now and then by 3:00 we had to switch the room because we have another 60 people coming in at 3 it's a crazy day today stay calm is the biggest biggest tip as long as I don't hear anything break I I stay calm lunch in dining room over starting fresh starting prepping and uh we back up for dinner again in a couple of hours all right so uh our live di scallops from arrived this morning and uh we'll bring them out H CH came in this morning they all come very beautifully wrapped so we'll get a batch of these every day that gets chocked for service that really [Music] sandy it is bringing the whole sea in including a lot of little fishes we always get those [Music] I remember the first time I um I hold one it pulsates and it still beats quite of a cool feeling we just lightly cure this with some sugar and salt and uh take the skin off and and that's all you have to do I think the best part with having a restaurant that has so many different elements in is that you really do get experience the whole range of of cooking everything from 100 people sit down dinners receptions to uh the dining room where it's more twiza friendly food I want everyone to look at a plate and go it's too almost too pretty to eat but I'm going to eat it anyway cuz it's going to be amazing and you'll see on a lot of dishes that you have a lot of nice collors gillet days a lot of components that are coming out of pastry are bleeding into the kitchen more and more all right it's 4:20 and uh everything needs to get ready at 5:00 is the call time for everyone to be up here on point on their stations we still have another 80 people in in in the banway full bar again there's no rest let's just go go go so we're doing the our little potato chips that we use for our cavar dish I think we Ed roughly like 50 no not 50 but maybe 20 30 flowers per portion you'll see in the bottom of the dish it's a egg and crem fresh uh emotion on top of a a small toasted bage some uh osetra Imperial caviar I think it's one of the best dishes ever I mean it's not a secret ingredients you know potato fat F egg caviar the idea is just to think outside of the box a little bit and make it fancy 5:47 and uh everyone is on track so I can take a breath until the first ticket comes in ordering two caviar followed by two [Music] beef where you're in an environment like this you never know what's going to happen you can be doing your little thing in in the dining room kitchen and then banquet get slammed and you just have to uh run out there and give them 10 minute of your time let's go to banquet CU I I want to check in on them they're the the focus I've always proud myself to be able to do everything but I scale back a little bit share the C his searing just keep an eye on that there's a hotel next to it my trigger I just need a wife if you guys are standing wi when I took over as the head chef I I tried to be the best at everything and it almost killed me on the way a wise person told me that you know you're supposed to be the conductor of the orchestra you don't have to be able to play every single instrument perfectly you just have to know how to make the music five switch up all right so we got through the worst push in the banquet area so now it's back into the small kitchen [Music] again staying calm even if if if you're in pain like try to look happy and I mean you lead by example exle so nothing really good comes out of craziness and and screaming and and and things like that so I always try and like focus on my inner self of course I have my moments as well but uh not as [Music] often waiting for you man good to see you we got live scallops fluke BR Zino Lobster so you should be good to go it's like very fresh very fresh only the best for the best so in C we only have one ciche which is flu that we use very local and then we cook it with lime and uh some spices and salt very simple I used to work in French restaurants and then we used fillet fish like every single day so it's it's been 25 years that I'm in the kitchen so I learn I started I like to do like a Japanese style like sliide it up I don't want to like chunks some people cut the fish like this like they're like a cut in Wood you do only one you started from the end of the knife and you finish on the front is only one cut from good to very good is a minute difference take a time you know it's food is about experience the whole fluke is amazing I think one of my favorite fish is fluk all fire put it back in the fridge 2 minutes done what I want is to be the best in the neighborhood and we went beyond that I am very happy you know a lot of people from all over the world C just to see KAS [Music] Enrique so first thing in the morning we come here at 6:00 in the morning all the guys we start doing the chips for the day we start prepping things for tomorrow like like Carnitas we marinated Carnitas overnight with beer you know that's the the way doing in maakan so for that particular Carnitas I use monopolio one of my F beer actually is from s Louis poto where the place I grew up it gives a lot of flavor and break down a little bit the the meat we close down with the film and we put it overnight and ready for tomorrow canas has to be cooked in the own fat and it has to be faster than the conf but it has to be on on the own fat no in the oven wouldn't call out Caritas we just going to cook the the the fork in very hot for fat very like close like to comfy but comfy is like get slow and this would like very very very hot here because if you don't put it when it's very hot it's not going to give it color so it's been marinated for like 24 hours 26 hours and we're just going to drop it to the high oil you don't want to burn yourself so I do I use [Music] this this is going to cool like 2 and 1/ half hours but in in the meantime we're going to add things I just put fresh thme b leaves and black pepper corn so this is the the skin for the pork so what we're going to do now is pour some Mexican Coca-Cola the one with sugar not with corn syrup which allowed me to have this skin dark and beautiful so we leave it like this we're going to put it in the last hour than the pot so it's going to get a lot color so this is a salty water water and I find a way to Salt the meat better just pouring the water showering the meat every meat so you have to remember which one you already did so when the salt hits the meat it stays there because if you put the salt on the oil it's going to stay on the oil so it's going to marry the salt with the pork now the fat is like relaxing is not that hot we doing two things salting the meat and helping the fat not to burn I felt like living in New York for a long time and working in the French restaurant I thought that was not a traditional Mexican restaurant in in New York that I really really like it and I thought that I could make better than anybody else I never worked from Mexican food before I knew French but I didn't know Mexican so I start to look for my mother's recipes and my family recipes when the sweet meats the meat gets better this is condensed meal Mexican food I wouldn't compare it to French you know French has also a lot of prep but Mexican food is a lot of prep people understand people think that Mexican food should be cheap it's labor it's a lot of Labor a lot of Labor so it's not cheap Mexican food shouldn't be I think the canas they want to go to sleep so first we're going to lower the temperature a little bit so we don't want to over cook them so this is the skin just going to put as a cover on the fat so it will cook it's slowly and they're going to cook for another hour like this we're going to open fire burn this chil to make raas con crema the chil Panos one of my favorite chill in the world this has the best flavor you can get from the Chile when my mom used to make this at home we used to put it in the bag and wait for like 10 minutes and peel it together and make a raas it's a lot of work it seems like very easy but it's a lot of work you see you you has has to look like a all the same as this so because if you don't it's going to be very hard to peel like the chill is not flat so it's very hard so we go with the torch and after you put it in a container close it down with a with a plastic so they sweat for after 15 minutes you can peel them in it it's easy for you would say Mexican doesn't use butter yeah I do I work in the French restaurant and I love to use butter this is the next step of the rahas so we're going to confere the onions we're going to put the garlic on the onions so we we cook the the garlic a little bit and then we're going to add the turmeric I use turmeric to give the color and it tastes good so this rahas cona you can eat it as a taco you can eat it with gorditas or stuffing you can use it in anything or you can use just eat it with beans and a plate and we're going to add the the corn so we add in the cream so this is the poblanos that we sh so we now we doing the cutting and strips this is my mom's best recipe that I got from her my mom was not those typical Mexican woman cooking she was a step up of so many people I wouldn't say what she was one of the best of my town but I think she was better than in the state I think she will be here she will be very very proud of me she's watching us from upstairs the ra has finally done so after you you finish we we put in a chiller to cool it down fast and uh we use it for later or tomorrow but I would say tomorrow it tastes better after you order with start making the wamoa we don't do batches we just do it for you I think it's one of the best seller we have here so this is the avocado Master he always supplies me my avocados and limes and lemons hopefully it's uh why you can ask more you like this is the best avocado you can get you know like this is the best you know like he it's like his baby is his baby I think we know a thing about that too when I sit down with friends all I do is order guacamole I have a beer I order wacamole is amazing it's the best fruit we have in Mexico so canas are done after almost 3 hours so you know right now it's very hot so I want it to cool down so the flavor it goes into the meat again by the time it's cool down and put it back it's going to taste even better SE out we just cut it like a stripe put on top bu the caras for so this is the fun part we going to make mle mle de Pasa so we're going to start breaking the rules from my grandma so we're going to burn this the m is one of the most favorite dishes that we sell in kasan Rique and we do everything from the scratch this is a black pepper we're going to toast it this is the cloves and the all spice so we kind of like to burn it a little bit so you got the smokiness of the clove and the M we open the space with mle and it's been the same Mo as as as now and it makes me think like I am in town and and I'm and you know with my grandparents from uh pasla Pua where my father grew up in Mexico that's the sesame seeds we're going to toast it this is ring when we open KAS Enrique we were making the past once a month and now we do it twice a week so you can make this and keep it for 3 months so past is like the base of the sauce it's not sauce yet it's just a paste so you finish with chicken broth and I reduce it down this fix I breaking the rules here they don't put fix I don't put fix PLS this one has like a 25 26 p i do M every Time It's Different it's very close but it's different depends on the fruits you know the fruits are more sometimes more sweet or ACD or or the chilies are spicier than the others so never the same Mexican food is very very is very labor is a lot of things to do it's like a French technique so you have to start it and takes like 10 hours just to do one thing it's kind of soft it's done plantings and BOS which is a PL but that's to thickness the the sauce done I love cooking man as long as nobody comes and make b day but cooking is amazing everything has to be blend and mixed this guy is going to blend everything while I'm cooking the chill everything has to be ready by the time I finish so we mix this is the blend of the chill guo Chile ancho Chile mulato this is been roasted in the oven and blend them we going to some water so the water helps to make a past I don't need to go to the gym after this a lot of work and you have to do like for like 30 minutes this and after you start putting the fruits it's in an hour cooking it's it's 3:00 p.m. and everybody started coming for the service so you're going to see a lot of action here a lot of people prepping for the service so it's it's like time for us to push to finish quickly I'm going to start putting the onions and garlic you wouldn't tell me it's onion and garlic it's like a chocolate now we're going to add all the almonds sesame seeds Crums pigs raisins all Blended as a base now the workout is getting harder that was just the beginning this is a plantains and bread all these things is going to become a mull after this going to be another 30 minutes to get all the flavors merry mexican chocolate and we're going to mix and then that's it now it's done the mle the mle paste so we're going to do now is cool it down and a and a small container we put in the fridge and we do a portion later and it's ready it's ready for tomorrow to do the the the mullet we don't make the Masa here we we get it from Nal because we don't have a space for for a Molino so this is the the Masa that comes from um n the corn Masa and uh it's very dry now so we add a little bit of water and then we mix it with the mixer so to make it nicer so so Margarita is making the tortillas coming right from the machine fresh can be that the best she's going to start making the tortillas by fire: to be ready the first [Music] BH so one of the last things today for the service we're going to make chorizo for tomorrow so we're going to ground the pork for belly and H por bath the marinated the marinated is Chile wos garlic Thyme and spices that's it and we're going to mix it and we live in the fridge for 24 hours to 48 hours this is jiso that we made yesterday um for today's service so we down the prep the service is going to start at 5:00 Kitchen in C is very fast we make it very fast because we had to work fast we built this rest for 70 seats and now because the the inside and outside is making 140 so it's like two restaurant all fire wacamole medium you don't want to be there people who start working and then they stay one day and they go it's hard it's very busy it's one of the busiest Resturant I work it's [Music] crazy we start the [Music] m and we're going to go back to make the a little [Music] ticker the runner finish over there we're going to put the radish and [Music] pepper I think we make change the food seen in the United States not just in New York it changed a lot all the chefs new chefs Mexican chefs I think we brought Mexican food to another level I was thinking not to be the best I was thinking just to be the best of around here and become like better than anybody else in the city so I'm very glad that we did [Music] it these are the stairs that keep us fit when you have a raw bar that's as busy as lore you have no idea how much ice we go through sometimes we go through like if and God forbid the ice machine breaks down we go through so many pounds of ice it's crazy believe it or not the a big challenge is getting that ice making sure that we have enough ice yeah this is just setting up the display so I just want to get as much ice up there as possible we want it to look nice and sexy it just kind of adds to the whole DEC cor of the restaurant like you know helps to reinforce the concept it's old school that it still works last night we kind of got tore up we had uh tons of people there was like oyster Towers flying out of here so we had to get a couple more oysters we got about 300 these course these are bad boys I just want to make sure we don't run out for the night when the dishwashers coming in the morning this is one of the first jobs that they like to knock out sort through them uh the East Coast and West Coast make sure all the ones are separated they give them a good rinse put them in the Lex Sands and get them in the in the Oyster bin for us this is where we store all of our oysters Raw Bar Cooks will pull from this bin to fill the refrigerator drawers out there and uh that's where we uh service the Raw Bar this is basically the raw bar station so all the Raw Bar comes off of here like maybe six or eight different kinds of oysters at any given time we have trim cocktail crab legs seafood salad scallop Crudo comes off of here uh our Towers come off of here our small towers and our our Grande Tower nice get your ass over here what's up this is Sue Chef Bruno executive Sue chef of lore Fish Bar it's going to help me break down fish along with the butcher usually takes three of us to try to get first cuz we do so much volume so we're going to start to start to break down the tuna this is our tuna with tuna loin number one comes from the golf super nice color today look at that we probably go through about 100 to 150 lbs of tuna a week with all the different applications that we have we're charging a lot of money we really want to take care of our guests so tons of work goes in ahead of time make sure that we're 100% prepared for uh for service so this is the tuna that we're going to use for the kitchen for all the different preparations that we use in the that come out of the Main Kitchen uh and then we have a separate tuna that's outside that comes for the sushi and uh we go take a look at that this is a chef air he's our main sushi chef so this is the type of tuna that we use for sushi the colors a little bit better he's wrapping the tuna here so that uh we can just have it prepared for for service we do so much volumes we got to make sure that we have enough ready and so this is the best way to kind of store it this is going to be for our Sesame crusted tuna salad I'll cross I'm going to cross the tuna so we get the tuna just kind of nice and sopping wet with soy sauce then we go right into the sesame seeds you have dishes like the Sesame crusted tuna you have a dish like that that people really really enjoy and you want to make sure that you give people what they want you know Sesame crust tuna is not a dish that people have not heard of before fun fact is this is actually the dish one of the dishes that I made for my tasting when I first took this job uh and it's still on the menu 10 years later there's definitely a feeling of like once the chef come has a dish that he knocks out of the park and it's a 10 kind of get bored with it and then they don't want to make it anymore I've had problems with customers I almost had a mutiny for taking a the SE and bucatini off the menu it was like a firing squad ready to come get me this is exactly how it looked when I made it for my tasting before I took the job we're going to start to do the rice now we go through so much so much rice we deci had to really try to stick with the traditional way to make rice we're going to add the vinegar we use the paddle so there's like a technique to doing it the vinegar gets evenly over the all the rice and smell that Aroma from here right as soon as the the vinegar hits the rice it's like right in your face Sushi is probably about 35 to 40% of all the food that we do here so lots and lots and lots um for lunch and then for dinner before I took over lore I had no idea how to roll sushi now I'm pretty good so it's about 11:30 we're getting ready to open up for lunch service time to tast the oysters for lunch make sure they all the oysters are Super Fresh the oysters are a huge part of our program here it's very important that we serve the best oysters in the city we're known for our oysters so I spend about 30 minutes a day eating oysters yeah I eat about 20 oysters a day um oysters for breakfast and I I do this twice a day I kind of just go through all the oysters I pick a couple at random the way that we keep the quality up here is I is by tasting everybody tasting if you don't taste you'll never know and so we taste everything all the time uh this is a boset that right there is like the perfect oyster see all the Lor full size of the oyster it's like my favorite good so sometimes it happens when you're sucking the oyster that sometimes the shells will be a little bit brittle and the shells will crack so I don't like to serve these oysters cuz I like I like the shell to be completely intact so we just set the actual oyster aside we get rid of the shell and then we'll use the oyster for like a crispy oyster on top of a double EG this is a West Coast guy here this is um Pebble Beach I like being completely honest with people saying like the chef tastes oysters every day to make sure that they're getting the best quality ever uh we're going to start with soft shell crabs today it's probably going to be our special for the day yeah uh these are coming in from South Carolina uh we use over for a bunch of different applications here a lot of them are spider roll for sushi a big one so when it actually comes to to figuring out the sushi menu I I like to consult with uh with Akira the the sushi chef I got four coming two tempora two beer batter F we taste one see what you think see if we can maybe we can incorporate the beer batter into it I don't know we'll try it yeah here always like to do things in the same kind of fashion like say almost almost traditional Japanese we're going to try to change it up a little bit see what see what we can do we're going to drop the crab into the tempora batter and then uh crisp it up so now we're going to try the soft shell crabs and beer batter I'm pretty sure our K is going to hate it we'll see what happens be fun to get someone outside their comfort zone a little bit as far as the actual dish creation goes a lot of times it just starts with me I'm like I'm bored with this I'm going to change something ultimately it comes from me and the and the and the sushi chef okay so there's two here I'm not going to tell you which one is which okay try this one first then this one okay very good that's delicious I like it you like it huh like the that's the beer batter this the better that's better all right normally when we make this just a regular tempora batter a little bit of spicy mayo I think the tempora batter is crispy and I think the beer B is a little bit more crunchy I think we take that crunch we're going to add some chilies see where we're at avocado cucumber spicy mayo so then this will be our special for tonight it's going to be our beer battered spider roll we'll use Japanese rice beer to make the tempora batter it's a little bit more crunchy versus being crispy definitely get a little bit of beer flavor I think it's going to go well with the you know with the eel sauce hint of spiciness from the spicy May freshness from the Cucumber cucumber smoothness creaminess from the avocado it's why he's the best it's bomb good job bro way to nail it hey guys how are you nice to see you all so we're going to be serving our spider roll this evening but we made it a little bit different today uh we made it with a beer batter uh this one is a little bit different than the than our classic spider roll because it's a little bit more crunchy instead of crispy I think everyone's going to really enjoy it I wasn't sure Akira was going to like it but he did and uh we're ready to roll I have a one here for you guys all to try please give it a try all right have a nice service hey so like one of the last things that we do right before service is uh we like to cook up the shrimp cocktail we cook shrimp cocktail almost every day we try to keep we keep it as fresh as we possibly can the biggest secret is to not overcook the shrimp and uh proper ordering you if we order too little we run out if we over too much we you know we risk spoilage that's the last thing we want nobody wants to hear that got a nice flavorful liquid going on here coron it's got bay leaves peppercorns soup vegetables this is like one of the super important parts of the shrimp cocktail making process cuz what we're really looking for is internal Seas but we want the shrimp to be seasoned from the inside out once the liquid comes to a boil we double check for seasoning then we pretty much turn it right off and let the shrimp just kind of poach tasting for succulents tasting for seasoning make sure we seasoned it right we know right away that's pretty much the last step for cooking it for the Raw Bar getting set up for the Mis PL uh those shrimp will get cooled then they'll go right into the Raw Bar these guys are in the back now just getting set up for service it looks like it's going to be a bids one we got about like 300 300 350 so we'll see what happens we're putting together our grand platter right now but you got to of how much ice we actually have to use cuz this is one level and this platter is going to end up being three levels all all filled with ice and this is just one platter so the amount of ice we use is insane we go through like I said maybe maybe 100 150 lbs of of ice a day we have our clams here our little NE we have our Blue Point oysters these are like the local oysters that we use uh these are Pebble Beach is the what we're using for West Coast so we make sure the East patterer has East Coast and West coast oysters U we're going to add a couple Bays to this one it's my favorite oyster this will be the first layer of of our tower for our second tier we Le about four different little dishes on side this is our tuna tartar this is our Kachi shashimi with a little bit of like a fresh Wasabi Leaf vret this is our scallop Crudo with toasted black sesame and chive then we have our seafood salad this is like my one of my favorites my favorite seafood salad I love it that would be the second layer this will be the final top layer level of the of the grand Plateau it's more about like the the chilled Lobster and the shrimp cocktail we had our sauces it's a cocktail sauce it's our d sauce lemons you can eat it however you want to eat it you can eat it from the top down you can eat it from the bottom you can start in the middle there's no wrong answer this is our third layer here so this is our grand plateau uh this is definitely one of the most popular things that people order here they come here it's like like eating like a king I love it once once it like walking through the dining room you see the heads turn you know people think that you know it's kind of funny to send people Raw Bar because you're not really doing anything to the oysters you're just kind of opening up the oysters but I definitely think that the platter has a touch of my culinary hand the sea urchin sauce that we have here the way that we like to make the coru Yan to cook the shrimp all different culinary techniques that I've kind of acquired over my career I definitely think that this is one of the signature offerings here at L Fish Bar so it's like 3:00 now uh we're pretty much done with lunch service we're going to really start to get prepped for dinner uh we had a nice run on oysters for lunch so we're going to replace all the oysters and and the drawers for for dinner we just kind of try to pack them in for dinner just to make sure we don't have to make too many trips going back and forth right behind it's about 4:00 line is pretty much set up we're going to head over and uh taste the oysters again make sure that they're pretty good [Laughter] no my doctor doesn't know I eat this many oysters all right guys it's about 5:20 dinner service is officially started it's getting ready to get wild just going to start with one of our whole fish we got an ordered in hold the rod I mean as far as Services go in other restaurants is a dance it's a it's a fast Shuffle uh and I think that uh we manage it very very well uh playing the salmon I put the greens down first grilled fish goes down AR chokes over top of the fish finish the dish with a little bit of Agro Dolce garnish with a lemon a little bit of sea salt finish with a little bit of BBS it's the whole fish dish for the spring season it's got everything that you ever want arti chokes Char lemon adds a great flavor it's delicious so this is the Rice Station this is Carmen and Jose they make the most crispy rice in the whole city so this is our crispy rice this is one is oi we sell a lot of this too we run the kitchen in Spanish hey guys list up new call Le fire fire two crab cake fire two shrimp fire two AME please you have to be able to make money it's a very important part of being a chef being able to understand your financial responsibilities you know your staff is here for jobs they're here for their families they're to have to provide for their families and so you have a responsibility to them to make sure that you are putting the best product you know forth that you can you got to make sure the sushi and the main kitchen food is uh the timing is uh goes out so it all goes out together so we're doing frood for the lobby of the merer hotel as well uh and uh room service and our outside dining area so it's quite a bit I don't know if I would say running three separate restaurants the sushi bar absolutely the sushi bar could be its own restaurant it it definitely gets challenging because what happens is the sushi tickets are really really long it's really just about communication being able to communicate between the stations uh sometimes it's a matter of the chef just kind of running back and forth out of the door hey M6 can I go M6 okay guys let's go M6 that's the burger yeah L medium shellfish allergy Sushi is ready once once everything's working it's kind of like a it's a it's it's beautiful organized confusion and it's like it's like an orchestra make that hot yeah make it hot guys how's sushi on table 31 this is 31 fantastic very good very good very good this is the to go order very good thank you let me see this dress combo when this dress combo comes up let me see it okay one of the big uh showstoppers here in the restaurant obviously is our grand plateau uh once it walks to the dining room it starts Turning Heads right away once those platters start rolling out people get excited they start ordering them and those guys start chucking oysters like you've never [Music] [Music] seen if you approach making food delicious it becomes interesting on its own the morning when I when I come in most of the time I'm with Augustine here breaking down something probably twice a week we breaking down Ducks when we have big big jobs like this as a team we come together and do them a lot of places nobody really pays attention of butchering anymore and I think it's one of the skills that the chef needs to know this from Long Island Doug breast uh it's one of the the St The Stables of of of the menu now that uh sticks are on it came down on to uh to really be a people love it basically so we don't take it [Music] off so we smoke at uh for an hour with with hair smoke we let them age on the cage at least two weeks the Aging really softens the meat and makes it silky and that's Chef Joel hello that uh started with me as a line cook like eight years ago now right yeah about that time eight years ago you could feel and see the moisture content from a younger one and it starts to get drier and dryer as it goes up here's one of the fresher ones and you can see that still has like uh the moisture content there compared to a drier one where the skin almost starts to pull back a little bit Yeah so some of the thicker portions of fat actually have that water cont content that inhibits from actually getting that that crispiness so that's what he Tom is is doing here he's removing that extra extra kind of moisture fat in there in in restaurant people that are really want to learn how to cook they also want to learn the steps of what it takes to break down a duck to break down a whole fish to break down a lobster and and how to actually be creative and that's the that's the fun of of of cooking yeah yeah go in go in go here the the trouts are here guys trouts when did you get them out those guys these guys are still swimming at 9:30 this morning really let's look at this huh yeah this is Tai from greenwalk trout hatchery we really love his fish and it's it's become another staple on our menu that we can't just take off and and it really talks to who we are because where the region I come from to is like one of the main fish and that product is really is really amazing fresh I mean you heard you know every single fish I raise from an egg and you I've been doing this my whole life so seeing the finished product and seeing the passion that the chefs have makes it all wor you know you you you see here how it's like literally straight like a plank and the reason it's like that is because they have been killed this morning so the meat had not had any time to relax enough so it doesn't get soft you buy the to in the store you hold it on the head it flaps down see look at this one so I put them flat somewhere here we go Augustin and I we're going to break them down and get them ready and uh once they nicely uh when we put them nicely in F on sheet tray and we going to let them rest in the fridge for at least 24 hours and then uh it's ready to go in the kitchen upstairs we taking the skin off for a [Music] minute and then they cook them on a cedar plank really really simply enhancing the p so we're currently working on a new dish here the inspiration came from uh kind of like a an old classic alian recipe called uh f neckin f neckin actually translates to uh meat snail so we're going to do a take on it by actually serving it raw and we're going to measure this off put the Lustine tartar inside and wrap it up and uh we we've tried these components individually and we believe that they'll they'll come together or we're going to find out if they come together I guess today after the the final testing here for me personally this is the appeal of of being a chef and putting in the 12 to 15 hours a day whatever may be I think when you see a dish start to create from beginning it's a a beautiful moment if it works out it's important that you get whatever your filling is for the fles neck in to be completely smooth so you can get that nice shape as it curls around then you have your roll so now what we're going to to do basically is roll this in plastic wrap and let it really just uh solidify together in the fridge and then we'll take it to the band saw and get even slices and that'll be one of the first components on the new [Music] dish Mike's here Mike's here tell him to come back why you so scared over there what's up Mike how you doing is that the crab yeah this is the crab so one of the great things that Mike supports us for on this tasting menu is he knows that we can change a lot things like right now we're getting the the live P crab we're going to cook that off today and then you know we can give it to a guest a lot of tasting restaurants have a set menu uh we wanted to be able to be a little bit more free in our structure meaning if we could get special products in and we could only get a limited amount that we would still be able to put that on the menu we going to take the legs off first crab just comes right out you basically have just brought this up to a gentle poaching just to warm the crab up again so first a little bit of the hedgehog mushrooms that have been cooked with shallots a little bit of garlic this is the egg custard which is just egg yolks whole egg and a little bit of mushroom stock and then next we're going to do a pile of the thck crab the crab cooking liquid and we'll pour the the broth table side this SCB dish is a is a dish that over time became a senior to your tonight we have regular people that are coming in and they have asked to get the dish again they had it before and our menu is very flexible and it's always fun to do it very straightforward uh application it's for with the with squa but then doing it almost like basically a spring roll bringing the excitement in from the crunchiness you don't really as a cook you don't really choose your own signature it happens by people liking it so we have the two we have the breasts we have the legs now we have the fagra I feel good about faga I grew up with faga my grandfather was a a farmer a goose a goose farmer and a dog Farmer for far we're going to see the squab breasts Austine he's the one who uh knows the squab dish probably the most 15 years right Austin I a little more than 15 he became the specialist in making them now so the fora is here we give it a nice color and have it render some fat but also the the color on the f is going to help us to build the the nuttiness that flavor those little filet we cook them also on the side and those are little snacks while we making them there are some nice little perks when you cook also so what we need now is a little bit cabbage so we're good on that what we're going to do next step is is laying them together like a sandwich basically so we're going to put the fagra in the center and now we take that and go so the importance is that it's when it's soft like this is to wrap it now and then we're going to put it in the fridge until it's co colder to wrap in the foto brick that and it sticks nicely [Music] together and here we go so now we're going to press it making sure we control the pressure what we want is that it stick see it sticks together now the most important thing is flavors but then when we achieve the flavor we want to also make sure that we get to the presentation that shows off also the work that goes in we going through all those years of of uh of work and going to culinary school and I think it's important that at the end the result is there you know when people say why do you even bner to present it so nicely on a plate well this really give it justice to the chef that really spends his time and put money into learning his craft if you go to a dentist and you have your tooth fixed you want them to finish it nicely so we finish the dishes nicely just natural to me so we're going to test the Lustine dish that we were trying out earlier and we're going to we're going to see how it plates up yeah this is all all visualized in my head right now but once we actually put it on the the plate we'll get a better idea of what we're looking for so we have the Lustine we have the Hamachi that's been cured in Citrus salt and also shiso Lustine and uni is a very nice combination so we're just kind of building flavors here so this is finger line and you can just kind of squeeze it out of the pods and the pearls come out Citrus caviar is what they call it the sea lettuce and for the last thing to make it all come together really is a sauce made from oi and Yuzu what we'll do is we'll put the clo on and this will go out to the guest I think it looks good for a starting it needs a little bit more finesse and refinement the most important thing for a chef is to get to the point where you can create dishes but it takes a lot of work with it to that point and people usually when to go too fast they don't understand the complexity that it takes to put a successful dish together but this is this is the beauty this is this is why we doing that how how we want the guest to eat that basically at the end of the day the sauce is going to be the carrier for all the ingredients the driver really nice in some way I would love to have a little bit something crunchy on here okay and I don't know if it's the legs of the langus fried yeah sure and crumbled and put a couble on it you know something like that maybe something of citrusy here y something of crunch in my opinion something of crunch here but we have beautiful flavors nice Umami going on it lingers nicely a beautiful wine with this and I think you're in heaven here as long as we follow all the parameters that Define us the door is open and the fun can start yeah very nice looks good it's a it's approaching 445 when all the the chefs are expected to have their tastings up we do this thorough tasting every single service to make sure that the the quality is where we want and we make the last minute adjustments where we need to be make sure you're putting a little more lemon on the fish huh very nice [Music] otherwise W gr is always good right cooking in in in an environment like this it's really the quintessential thing is is working as a team asking question it can be a treasure for you guys cuz you have a lot of knowledge around you use it to your advantage nobody's going to knock on your door and say hey I'm going to teach you something you actually have to knock on the door and say show me something today when you pray for learning you learn and that's really what it is get that knowledge and then have fun there's a lot of fun in what we do have a good service guys 3 2 1 genuine bent authentico experience pick up three caviar pick up two [Applause] [Music] fi solo t one and then um ready yeah we're going to put a little bit of Florida cell Minette so we actually had a a repeat guest come in so we wanted to give them something different so we're going to actually ask his opinion on the Lango dish that we created so we're using a repeat guest as a guinea pig here especially the the regulars we we trust them and we want to hear what they're saying ready and just a side component here is the uh kuga caviar Nori cornbread and Scallan [Music] Kema very nice perfect see it's nicely encased now and what's nice on that dish is like you have this completely walked out nicely and then you have that leg that you supposed to take with your hand and just eat it with your hand to me it's very important to to be close to people to be accessible and being with them in the trenches and showing and leading them showing them the way how it's done and give them something so that they can take that and enhance it for the next [Music] Generation nice oh two do one no goat the people that get the special dishes squab and everything everybody happy very happy very happy for the good very good so right it's about 9:15 right now when all the tables are in uh service went smooth so far and uh we have those tables to take care right now tomor another [Music] day
Channel: Eater
Views: 1,850,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jean-Georges, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Cote, David Shim, SK Kim, Simon Kim, Charlie Mitchell, Clover Hill, Fredrik Berselius, Aska, Rezdôra, Stefano Secchi, Angie Rito, Don Angie, Scott Tacinelli, Aquavit, Emma Bengtsson, Cosme Aguilar, Casa Enrique, Lure Fishbar, Preston Clark, Gabriel Kreuther Restaurant, Gabriel Kreuther, Eater,, food, Restaurant, Dining, Dish, foodie, chef, food show, Nyc restaurants, fine dining, james beard, michelin star, michelin
Id: yhX27lRCdhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 12sec (9612 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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