Trainer GAINS Almost 40 POUNDS in 4 Months! - Fit to Fat to Fit (S1, E7) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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this is amazing hopefully you turn into back  fat my pants don't fit check out the belly roll   another big maybe bite an extra 30 pounds of fat some cellulite i hate  that i'm not alive and i feel like i'm the walking   dead i've now been planted on the sofa for about  five hours i'm like so depressed i hate doing this   i've never ever struggled with belly weight at all  before i feel so lost my body is no longer my own   millions of us are overweight we turn to experts  for advice on how to get from fat to fit but the   experts don't understand because they've never  been fact i'm drew manning as a personal trainer i   failed again and again to help my heaviest clients  get fit eventually i realized the problem was me   so i went on a journey to  discover what it's like to be fat   i've gained 75 pounds i developed a fatty  liver and the kidneys of an alcoholic   getting fit again was the hardest thing  i've ever done but it made me a better man now trainers from across the country are  participating in the most extreme weight   loss experiment ever they're trying  to gain as much weight as they can   and then lose it with their clients it's a  journey that can change both their lives forever ah i'm carrie and i'm 27 years old i've built  my life around health because i own a gym   i built this wall myself i learned how  to use power tools good morning ladies   slc fit definitely is a lot of work inhale up  i'm teaching boot camp classes and i'm teaching   group trainings and i'm teaching workshops on  what it is to be healthy walk all the way back i take individuals who come in powerless and give  them like that life force that they're missing   ready for more i inspire people  just by walking into a room awesome carrie is going to throw  away years of fitness and adopt   the diet and lifestyle of her new client kenley my name is kenley anderson i live in  salt lake city utah and i am 33 years old i am a mother of two beautiful children that  was terrible bad decision on your part and   i am a wife to a firefighter husband and  he's really good looking and i love him   kenley is an amazing wife an amazing mother who's  always giving up herself for others this is super   embarrassing i currently weigh 190.2 pounds  that would make me like 80 pounds overweight it used to have the cutest belly button even if  i'm not hungry i just eat and it's never something   that's nutritious it's generally something that  gives me a sugar eye donuts cookies cakes yes   can i order a pizza yes i work full time and  so i think to myself who has time for food prep   i see myself going down a slippery slope of health  problems you like the meat and the sour cream   my daughter is currently overweight yes  she's struggling what about lettuce nope   i tell my daughter that she can be  healthy and make healthy choices   and then i don't and so i feel like a hypocrite  i've got changed me and i have to show her that   it's just about being healthy and i need to  get myself under control i know she can do it i love my family i want to do whatever it takes whatever it takes so we're on our way to meet kenley when i'm  meeting a new client i'm looking for someone   who's really ready to make a change and i'm really  committed many overweight individuals they're not   willing to take care of themselves they love  to play the victim and like being absorbed in   their problems i always felt like if i hired a  trainer and spent the money on it that i'd just   be getting yelled at the whole time and there's  not a client trainer relationship it's just   i'm gonna spend the next hour kicking your  butt and that to me just sounds terrible   like i get it like they're really unhappy  and it shows and it shows in their body   i don't feel like a trainer cares  we don't have time for the fat kids   hello hello nice to meet you you must hello  carrie yeah hi hi kimly hi come on in great   my 2015 is gonna look a little  different than you might expect for the next four months i  am going to be gaining weight   so that i can better empathize and experience  you know it's easy for me to be healthy   uh but if i were to be starting  at a place that we're more similar   then it'll be another story and i'll have to dig  really deep to motivate the both of us to get   healthy so you're gonna do that over the next four  months i need to be eating some pizza and some   pasta and some fast food sometimes it's easier  to work out with a fat gym partner than a thin   one i'm excited that carrie and i can work at it  together you know you go to the gym and you work   out with someone who's super slender it's kind  of discouraging sometimes it's it's discouraging   so it'll be nice to have a partner there that's  fighting the battle of the bulbs just like i am well we're here at lucky 13  the best burger joint in town   and carrie is going to do a crazy  burger challenge it's going to be   insane we have a bunch of our friends here it's  a community effort to get carrie fat all right there's no way carrie currently weighs 126 pounds her goal  is to weigh at least 160 pounds in four months   there are four burgers really motivated  she's passionate um i know that she really   wants to be able to empathize with people  and see what they're going through and so   i think she'll she'll be able to do it i feel like so so uncomfortably full i'm like  willing to sacrifice my body for four months   because i want people to see what actually   is involved in getting healthy and that it's  not just some like gym god just drinking   protein shakes it's so much more than that 5000  calories so much for my body in one meal one meal let the games begin pizza games  you love that look at that   i'm officially one weekend to the new  lifestyle it says fat and i'm up like   eight pounds so that's good it's great already  up eight pounds carrie is off to a quick start   but with 26 to go she has no idea  how the weight is really gonna feel   i came home from work and aaron's making me hosta  my amazing fiance he has graciously stepped up to   the plate and is going to be eating lots of crap  with me for the next four months what's in it   bacon grease i'm going to enjoy every second  of this are you so excited very excited peanut butter and jelly donut sandwich  that's pretty tasty i have this woman   that lives around the corner from my gym  and she delivered a bunch of baklava and   i was like oh let's set this up on  autopay i need baklava all the time check out the belly roll  hopefully you turn into back fat i've eaten a lot of foods that  were previously reprehensible to me   i'm very surprised i do enjoy that like taste now now i'm just in my own world oh to the witch fingers great news check that out 144 pounds been  a lot of time spent with friends   and family getting to eat lots of  delicious food just a ton of joy   i'm feeling stuffed and delightful i'm a stuffed  little sausage yeah life's good so far all right   how many tacos did you get they had a  12-pack deal and then i got four more   it's fantastic after two months carrie is enjoying  more social time with family and friends she's   already gained 19 pounds she has 15 more pounds  to go in the remaining two months moment of truth progress lost things aren't moving much yowza not  doing good it's not like i haven't   been doing anything like i'm so sick of eating i  get it but you know that you haven't been doing   as much as you could like yeah i'm not doing as  much as i could yeah i mean in the camp of living   life like kenley's living her life yeah i'm not  doing that i'm not eating fast food in my car   every day i'm not drinking soda you're not out of  your comfort zone yet and like i think that has to   change so that you can actually tell her that hey  i really tried to walk a mile in your shoes and i   think i can understand you a little bit better  otherwise it just seems like you're skirting it i mean i just like at first i thought i  could just skate through enjoying it yeah   when i think of like the diet that i have  to do going forward i'm just so resistant   because it just seems like so lonely and  isolated i don't want to feel that way you shouldn't feel scared i  mean you have me you can do this   the way i really need to approach this is to   totally change what i'm doing all right let's  try it now when i go for lunch instead of going   to a great restaurant with some friends i eat fast  food by myself it's a much more lonely lifestyle no joy it's about empathizing with somebody  who is really struggling emotionally   oh i'm so relieved that means i have 12 pounds to  go and i have one month so that means here on out   i really need to be hitting three pounds a week  and i have not been hitting that so far at all   um thank god i didn't just lose progress  or else it'd be terrible this is now coffee every morning it was like this i  wake up every morning and i have a headache   and i feel nauseous i've now been  planted on the sofa for about five hours   it's the most beautiful sunday ever  and we're not stand-up paddleboarding   we're not playing in the mountains i hate that  i'm not alive and i feel like i'm the walking dead my pants don't sit like that's just how you  hang out during the day yeah i just feel so sick   carrie don't look forward to anything you know you  have one more meal to eat tonight right can i just   take a nap i don't want to be around people what's  going on hello there's seriously nothing to show   like so depressed i'm so sick of being filmed  for food somewhere oh you're annoying me erin   and i have definitely been fighting a lot more you  ate string cheese and eggs today i was exhausted i   have nothing left to give i think it's mental ah  you i don't care what you think i hate doing this   i just don't know if i can do it the  last the last meal i'm gagging right now i just really don't have anything left to give it's like so stupid like who cries  because they have to eat something are you worried at all about hitting your goal  your weight goal yeah i want to hit 160 but   i can't put that like down my throat anymore i hope that i'm at 160 so  this hell can be finished   you've made it huh unbelievable  let's see if i made it oh my god please oh oh you did it my god 61.8 yes how do you feel i'm so done with that i can't believe i'm done it's over i'm so glad that's done i can't believe  it's over you never have to do that again   for as long as you live oh i'm so  happy your goal you basically got 162. huh i've like put myself through hell to do it  and i'm so relieved that it's done and then i've   hit it and i'm done i'm so happy i'm very proud  of you in four months carrie gained 36 pounds   now she'll see what it feels like to get fit  without a perfect body i am headed to the gym   to meet carrie technically i've been waiting for  this moment for four months since i last saw her   but i've really been waiting for this moment  for the past 14 years i just i love her so much and i don't even i don't even know where  you know i'm about to get to know the woman   and i just love her i'm just so thankful for her and the sacrifice that she's done like it's just i don't know it's just unreal to me i think  that she is expecting me to pretty much like   save her in every single way and i think  she's expecting to me to be her best friend   and to be her workout buddy and i'm not gonna  be that person she's gonna live my life now   and my life is eight hours of exercise a day   i'm hoping that that positive radiant  person that i met in february is still there what do you think did i do it wow that  backpack do the spin here girl see the bod i know it's firm how crazy is that look at that  i don't think when i saw her in february i don't   think i saw her butt jiggle at all and as she  was like walking away i'm like wow she's got   some jiggle 43 wow nine inches that i've  added to my ass oh my god and your waist   in the next four months kerry will  try to return to her starting weight   kenley's goal is to get down to 143  for a total weight loss of 50 pounds so   let's check it out i'm gonna  go through a workout next and   it's a workout i used to do almost every single  day it was my favorite favorite workout to do   i don't think there's ever been a time  like the second these came into my life   i could do it for i could hold plank for over a  minute so you just started out being fantastic   yeah so i don't know so are you ready one minute  ready go i'm so so happy to be back you got it   yes good job i did it i just feel so alive  like i've like found myself and i haven't   found myself for four months i thought this was  about empathy and she's just like flipping around   and acting like it's no big deal and uh just  intimidation okay that's good that feels good   there was a part of me that thought oh  yeah just keep it up and i'll continue   to congratulate you on your wonderful fitness  experience i'm alive i've been craving this i'm   alive all right ten times the other way like i'm  still here remember me i i'm the one who's been   dreaming about you for four months i feel pretty  good about that and i don't even want to vomit that kind of took the wind out of my sails  i'm betting my six-pack is me back by my   birthday which is in three weeks yeah  yeah i'll leave you behind i'm sorry   it's gonna come off as it comes off awesome right  now i do not think that carrie's thinking about me   or my well-being right now i feel like carrie  is thinking about getting carrie's body back   i was so excited to be with her i had this like  happy reunion we're gonna do this together four   months of putting carry on this saint pedestal  is now gone how are you feeling little winded   winded not even the workout yet so today i'm  gonna take kenley through a really tough workout   we are going to push our tour limits  we're surrounded by incredible nature i think kenley is going to want to give up and  she's going to want to cry and she's going to want   to pout and she's going to want to be the victim  and i'm gonna have to try to get her pass that   wow this is just your warm-up there's a  little rub it in my face she's not doing a ton   she does it enough so you think that was hard  this apparatus is called the python striker   first we cinch this belt around your waist and  then we get to attach these to every limb there's   about 20 pounds of resistance on each band so with  every step and every movement the band is pulling   you back and you have to resist it's really  going to challenge her all right all right okay   one two three jump side to side ten times one two  three four five six seven eight nine ten flat feet   jump it up throw it up that's one okay  here we go how many minutes ten here we go   i feel immense pressure to lose weight  and flat feet jump it up back oh   come on if at the end of this journey if i'm still  sitting with the same physique then i have failed   one come on just give me a sec just give me  a second you can do it we're only on six we   have to get to ten this is the first  workout i feel like i'm gonna pass out i feel like i'm gonna throw up take another deep   breath and then it's time for  our next exercise two and one go fast fast fast go go go oh yeah now i gotta make it harder i've never spoke up and had a voice you know  this has been a continual struggle my whole life i've been telling myself for long enough that i  can't do it i'd like to tell myself that i can   oh come on let's do it well what's my  goal because right now i feel like i'm   just going until you kill me give me  some gold work towards for the day   something today's goal is to show you honestly is  to show you that when you're up against that wall   and you're at that point where you think that you  don't have a venue anymore and you can't possibly   push past it my goal for the day is to show you  how powerful you are that you really can exceed   your expectations you have of yourself  no i'm done dude i'm done hard   do you feel like you're quitting  right now i'm not gonna quit   finish it but it's just hard it is  hard but you can do it you're powerful   when i was trying to get fat i wanted to  quit every single day but i hit my goal and i put that weight on for  you how does that make you feel hmm let's do it wait i'll do this one for you okay i don't know what  else i got okay let's do it good make it your best one yet kenley was pissed and she said something like  one because it's gonna end or something like that   and that was really good i was really happy to  see that she was allowing herself an outlet and   expressing herself she never allows herself  to get angry and she definitely never swears   good you did great i'm proud of kenley i'm very  surprised you did it you did it you did it i   mean i only did a little bit of the stuff with  her my quads are burning i'm pleased with today   it made me really happy to see you swore  and you got mad i wanted to see you   have that release i don't want you to  quiet how you're feeling and quiet your   emotions the whole reason i'm here is so  that you only hear your empowered side   i want the same thing you want you  know i want you to reach your goal   when she like words of affirmation were really  rewarding for me like to hear her say this was   really difficult and you did it like that  really meant a lot actually so up next i get to do the workout that i just gave you one two three my body is shaking you can do it girl finish  strong eyes went out for a second take a   breather for just a second don't pass out on me  i realized that i am not as capable as i once was it's hard to see her struggling  like i was struggling   that in that small moment it was like uh yeah well  now you know how it feels listen you got it you   got it you got it it was a totally different  relationship after day two for kenley and i   let's get you some water we  really are in this together   cannot go any faster yeah i'm so sore where  everywhere is there anything left that's not sore   no maybe my middle finger so i can give it to  you later i'm not gonna be doing good today   in the first week of their fat to fit journey  carrie and kinley both struggled and have a   lot of work ahead kenley started weighing 193  pounds in the next four months she needs to lose   50 pounds to reach her goal carrie will need to  lose 36 pounds to return to her starting weight damn my shirt legs run i've had so much atrophy   in the last four months i can't believe  it my muscles are just like nothing run i did it before i started this journey this was  my favorite drink it is as green as they come   i think i'm gonna drink a delicious salad that is not very good anymore oh even like the smell  of my freaking broth i swear to god it used to   be delicious i made my soup disgusting  thinking a ton about ice cream donut   pizza what so i decided to have a weak  moment and i'm gonna do it on camera all right 153.4 187.1 is what it is i've worked my ass off so  yeah you've done great mental transformations   to come first and then physical will follow  yeah and it's just so clear how different   you already are one and two and three  all the way out as far as you can i actually really enjoy working out carrie if i   could work out with carrie  every single day i would you did it you did it yay i just love  how things are going there's no down time   but doing it life is good right now every  time i'm with her like i sweat my face off my strength has increased so much okay so go up so tell me about life i'm just so happy to be  back both aaron and i are like all planned around   exercise and being in the mountains and  playing look at this view it's insane here i go we have a beautiful hike i love it i  feel like i'm on top of the world man life is beautiful i still haven't woken up with a  six-pack yet so that's really upsetting oh 150. which actually is half a pound i think i  mean 0.4 pounds heavier than last week actually   so it's very i'm still i feel like i've been  hovering around 150. so 185.7 those big numbers   will come she's been putting on muscle a lot of  muscle it's so normal for it to creep down slowly   she will lose weight especially with the  dramatic changes that kenley's been making   it's a halfway point i've only lost  13 pounds in the last two months   and i have a sneaking suspicion that has  something to do with tequila we're supposed   to be healthy and this is what we're eating it's  been easy for me to get back into exercise but   the aspect of making nutrition my first priority  has been very difficult what are you looking at   i don't think she was anticipating that the  that the social aspect was going to be the   the hard part for her i  literally am like okay monday   i will start monday i'm gonna like cut  it off truly are one of your clients i   am i so am like i'm like okay get through the  weekend i'm gonna start on monday i just need to fully commit for me and for kenley it's  been really hard to juggle fitting in   all the workouts plus being a mom there's those  moments where i feel like i'm not doing that great   okay so so let's just go day by day on  the 11th i'm at the station and on the   25th i've got the band practicing   i don't think ever in our relationship have we  laid out my schedule i hate that tuesday nights   you're never home to help with the kids with piano  and everything else on that night this is how   it's been for 14 years we write out down  schedule and then i mold my life around it   i'm headed to kenley's house right now she has  made a lot of progress in the last two months   um maybe not as much as we would hope there  are some areas of her life where she still   really struggles with having the confidence to  assert what's best for herself how are you good   the same to you how's everything going busy when  i have that like additional stress going on taking   care of myself at that point doesn't seem like  a priority to me you really like other people   define you and instead of you saying demanding  what's best for you instead you just close up i mean this is about you this is  about you standing up for yourself   but it's been working this way  it hasn't been working for you do you see how if we don't address it  you'll go right back to your old ways   she has to know who she is it's on her   and she's the only one holding herself back so  do you think this is something that you can do um this is huge for her i mean this is everything  if she can do it it'll change her life carrie has reached the end of her journey   in the first four months she gained 36 pounds  i've never ever struggled with belly weight   at all before she spent the last four months  trying to get back to her original weight of 126. it's been a challenging and emotional  journey for carrie as she gained the   weight and then struggled to lose  it the last four months have been   a roller coaster i had to work harder than i've  ever worked before to get my body healthy again it was freaking tough i feel i feel great didn't know we were  going full acrobat level today didn't you   i love the new reassembled version  of myself it's a good workout overall   i feel like the depth that i've gained from  this experience by tearing it all away has been   worth it 133.8 carries back to within  a few pounds of her starting weight   but her real goal is to help kinley find her  voice and take charge of her health i'm headed to   kenley's big final reveal there's definitely some  people who haven't seen her in a very long time   and kenley looks so different uh it's really  really incredible they're gonna be blown away   so happy to have you guys here are  you so excited yes even months ago   kenley as you know was a very very different woman when i met kenley she never took time for  herself ever she let everybody walk all over her   she would forget to eat throughout  the day and then binge on fast food   she definitely didn't exercise her life  was drastically different eight months ago   it's been like such an amazing journey  for her watching her transform i'm like   so so proud of her that she is like such  a changed woman awesome it's amazing ready it was amazing i've never seen that kind  of confident kenley before i didn't know   she existed who is this girl i'm proud of  you thank you you were gorgeous kenley is   now an empowered woman and i think that's  super attractive i think she feels that   she recognizes she can push herself  and that she can stand up for herself   she's strong and she commands respect and i think  that's awesome and thanks for being my cheerleader i'm so proud of my mom she's she's been working  hard and she's more active you look so gorgeous   thank you today was amazing i owe carrie a lot  so beautiful thanks i mean she changed my life   i was a much different person than what i am today  i owe a lot to her i just wanted to tell you how   much it means to me that you would take yourself  out of your comfort zone i know how vibrant and   enthusiastic you are and to think about you  that you had to like take that light away and   i'm just really thankful that you would do that  and i just i love you a lot carrie i love you this experience has definitely humbled me it's  taught me lessons that i didn't think i needed   to learn it showed me that how could i have been  how could i have classified myself as an expert   in an area where i've never been through that  struggle you've inspired and motivated me in so   many ways and now i'm excited for you to come work  for me i shouldn't be so judgmental everyone has   their own struggles and i need to acknowledge  that how are you good let's do it so 166.2   so far kenley has lost 27 pounds she plans to  continue losing weight but she's significantly   increased her muscle mass and drastically changed  her body composition you know in the beginning   not saying the number that i wanted would have  crushed me but it didn't what i've realized along   this journey is that it wasn't about the number  like this experience has given me confidence   it's made me love myself which i did not love  myself before i was so terrible to myself so   you're at 32 and a half you've lost seven and  a quarter inches that's what it used to be how crazy is that gosh oh my gosh it's all  the way back there that's amazing that's   awesome i hope that i can inspire women who  are stuck belay on in the same like self-doubt   not making time for themselves i hope  that i can help them change their lives   it's like henley swallowed a light bulb  and she is radiant and she's strong good job kenley i did it i  would have never done that   yes this is a lifestyle change that will  last forever our favorite it's delicious cheers you
Channel: Lifetime
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Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime full episodes, fit to fat to fit, fit 2 fat 2 fit, personal fitness, weight loss, personal trainer, weight gain, experiment, losing weight, obesity, workout, working out, season 1, carrie/kenlee, Fit to Fat to Fit season 1 episode 7, Fit to Fat to Fit 1x7, Fit to Fat to Fit season 01, Fit to Fat to Fit s1 e7, watch Fit to Fat to Fit clips, Fit to Fat to Fit ae, Fit to Fat to Fit new clips, Fit to Fat to Fit clips, Fit to Fat to Fit full eps
Id: vu4XdG631c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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