I am over it.</i> <i> The eating</i> <i> and the gaining
of the weight,</i> <i> it's taken its toll on me.</i> <i> I feel fat</i> <i> in just the way that I move,
the way that I look.</i> When I sit down,
I can feel rolls, and that's gross. <i> Lost my desire to eat.</i> ( belches )
Mm, excuse me. <i> I'm by far in the worst shape
I've ever been in my life.</i> <i> ( heart beating )</i> Drew:<i>
Millions of us
are overweight.</i> <i> We turn to experts for advice
on how to get from fat to fit,</i> <i> but the experts
don't understand,</i> <i> because they've
never been fat.</i> <i> I'm Drew Manning.</i> <i> As a personal trainer,
I failed again and again</i> <i> to help my heaviest clients
get fit.</i> <i> Eventually I realized...</i> <i> the problem was me.</i> <i> So I went on a journey</i> <i> to discover
what it's like to be fat.</i> <i> I purposely gained 75 pounds</i> <i> to understand
the struggle to lose it.</i> <i> It was the toughest thing
I've ever done,</i> <i> but it made me
a better trainer,
and a better man.</i> <i> ♪ Hey... ♪</i> <i> Now trainers
from across the country</i> <i> are participating
in the most extreme</i> <i> weight loss experiment
ever.</i> <i> ♪ Ohh... ♪</i> <i> They're trying to gain
as much weight as they can</i> <i> and then lose it
with their clients.</i> <i> It's a journey
that could change</i> <i> both their lives forever.</i> <i> ♪ Oh ohh. ♪</i> <i> ( heart beating )</i> <i> I'm Tramell, 31 years old.</i> <i> I been a trainer
for nine years now.</i> <i> My drive and the work ethic
that I have</i> <i> comes from watching
my dad work.</i> Being a navy guy,
sometimes our punishment <i> would be to go dig a hole.</i> <i> "Now what do you want us
to do, Daddy?"</i> <i> "Put the dirt back in,</i> just so you know
what hard work is." <i> I definitely take pride
in my strength</i> <i> and my ability
to lift heavy weights</i> <i> That is the-- probably
the joy of my life.</i> Everything that I do
in terms of my diet is done on purpose,
it has been researched. <i> Nothing goes in my mouth
that hasn't been measured.</i> My whey protein. I got eight ounces of tilapia, two cups of broccoli. <i> Been married
for a little over a year.</i> We were both big-time
collegiate athletes. We love health and fitness. <i> We do basically
everything together.</i> That was a good catch. <i> She truly is my best friend.</i> Tramell needs me for support
as I need him for support, <i> so we just
support each other.</i> ( laughs ) I am nervous
about gaining weight. <i> My wife, she said
it was a bad idea,</i> <i> and to be in the best shape
that I can possibly be in,</i> <i> I take seriously.</i> I signed up
for the project, and so now the goal
is to get to 240 pounds. <i> Right now, I'm about
to look at my client,</i> <i> look at their dossier,
and get a little bit
to know about them.</i> How they got
into the situation
that they're in now. Oh, two people. Sweet. <i> Hey. My name is Johnny.
I am 34 years old,</i> and this is my fiancé. My name is Jason.
I'm 40, about to be 41. <i> We live
in Doraville, Georgia.</i> <i> Jason is an excellent cook.</i> That's partly how he got--
( laughs ) <i> how he reeled me in.</i> We instantly,
like, clicked <i>and just got really comfortable
and familiar with each other.</i> ♪ We gonna chop
some onions, baby ♪ ♪ Put it in the skillet
with the hash browns. ♪ Jason:<i> We eat just about
every meal together.</i> Johnny:<i>
Certainly Jason and I</i> <i> feed off
each other's bad habits.</i> We might be codependent,
Johnny and I, in regards to our eating. Gotta taste test. It's not done. It's done enough. <i> You know, we're comfortable
with each other</i> and maybe
too comfortable sometimes, because we don't
check each other too much. <i> It's like, well,
"If you eat it,
I'm gonna eat it."</i> If I'm gonna be fat,
he gonna be fat, too. ( laughs ) <i> I want a long,
healthy marriage.</i> <i> I want to be
an inspiration to Jason</i> and him also being
an inspiration to me. It would be awesome if we
could feed off of each other <i> and keep each other going.</i> <i> I've been to a lot
of funerals</i> in the last, like,
10 years of my life. And a lot of them
have been people under 50. It makes me nervous. I don't want to die. You know, I want to live. I want to live for me
and for him. <i> We need to be healthy
for each other,</i> and we truthfully
need a change. We need a change. All right, I'm gonna head
to go see Johnny and Jason. <i> The biggest difference
between me</i> and someone that is overweight,
I think, is just the willpower. You know, most people
that aren't in great shape, <i> they lack that willpower.</i> Anybody that says losing weight
is easy is full of crap, <i> and they need
to shut up and sit down.</i> Seeing an overweight person
in a tank top or an overweight person
with their legs out, that's what disgusts me
about fat people. <i> I think you should
put on a sweatshirt.</i> I think you should
knock out some push-ups and come back next summer
looking right. <i>If you've never been overweight
and you've always been fit,</i> yeah, they have no idea. They got blessed. <i> God gave 'em
that metabolism.</i> <i> They got blessed, and so
they don't know the struggle.</i> Johnny and Jason,
how you guys doing? - I'm Tramell.
- Jason. How are you? - Jason, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you. - Hey. Johnny.
- Johnny. Good to meet you, sir. - Nice to meet you, too.
- Come on in. They say the magic
happens in the bedroom. This is where the-- this is where
the magic happens. All right, I'm gonna
open up the freezer, and just go through what I like
and what I don't like, and we'll start
with the negative first. Bad news first.
I don't like the corn. <i> Being overweight
is definitely a choice.</i> People choose to eat
fatty and fried foods versus clean foods. Applesauce is going to
be a no. I'm not a big fan
of sweet in general. <i> Of anything sweet, it has
to be as natural as possible.</i> Sweetest thing that I'm gonna
actually tell you guys that, you know,
I'm comfortable with you having
is a green apple, and-- That's as good as it gets? <i> That's about as sweet
as it's gonna get.</i> Pretty much
everything else in here <i> is going to be a no,</i> and this is your go section. Johnny:<i>
Oats, beans, and tea.</i> <i> I personally think
that losing weight is easy.</i> If you do
what is needed to be done, losing weight is easy. <i> I definitely want you
to write down,</i> you know,
what it is you're eating. I want you to write down
your daily habits. And while you guys
are doing that, I'm gonna be doing
something as well. <i> Over the next four months,</i> <i> I'm gonna be living
as Johnny and Jason.</i> My goal is to gain
60 pounds. I didn't expect him
to drop the bomb. <i> The three of us are
going to be working together,</i> <i> and we're gonna be
losing the weight together.</i> ( laughs ) 'Cause my mind is,
like, truly blown for real. Just wow. Wow. I'm doing it for you guys, so, you know, I really-- I really want you guys
to be successful, and, you know, we'll be
in the same boat essentially, but we will
row our asses off to get to the shape
that we need to be in. I'm really good
with that. I like-- I like the approach
you're taking with it. - It's drastic, but--
-<i> Drastic.</i> All right, I'll show you guys
what I'm working with, just a little bit of action
right there, so, you know-- -<i> Yeah, that's action hero. </i>
- you know,
it's always been... Yeah, yeah. Scared? - I've accepted it.
- ( laughs ) - I'm a bit nervous...
- Nervous? ...but I've accepted it. ( laughs ) - Good to meet you.
- All right. You, too. Johnny:<i>
Food is a drug.
You hand somebody a drug</i> for the first time,
and there's a chance that they may
stay hooked, you know? It might be a fight
for them to get back. We're in the South.
We're in Atlanta, so, you know,
I've already got my eye on some fried ribs... Rack of ribs. <i> ...fried chicken,
fried this, fried that.</i> I'm gonna jump
on these chicken wings first. I haven't had a
grilled cheese sandwich in, like, 20 years. - Round two.
-<i> Pork.</i> Your boy, the chef. <i> Turkey sandwich.</i> <i> Pass that potato salad, sir.</i> I'd say we easily got 20,000 calories
on this table right now. Ah, man,
this is so excessive. Can we get some
mac and cheese? - Here you go.
-<i> Oh, mac and cheese.</i> ( laughter ) When you need a little more,
there's some more. Happy? You happy now? Drew:<i> Tramell currently
weighs 181 pounds.</i> <i> His goal is to gain 60 pounds
in the next four months</i> <i> by adopting
the diet and lifestyle</i> <i> of his clients,
Jason and Johnny.</i> <i> It won't be easy.</i> <i> That will mean lots
of sweet and salty junk foods</i> <i> and no exercise.</i> Whew! Ric Flair. Let's go, Tubbs. I'm done. It's not physically possible for me to eat
anything else right now. - Oh, it is.
- ( laughs ) <i> My stomach started to hurt.</i> <i> My head started to hurt.</i> <i> I believe my body
was in shock at the amount</i> <i> of fatty, sugary, salty foods
that I had just taken in.</i> Oh, boy. Go Jared style. ( laughs )
Jared style. <i> Feel that belly button
tighten?</i> <i> Drawstring starting
to expand?</i> <i> I started to get bubbly
in the stomach.</i> <i>I'm amazed at how crappy I feel
from just eating food.</i> <i> This is going to be a lot more
than what I anticipated.</i> <i> I was looking forward to it</i> <i> until about
25 minutes ago.</i> <i> Now I'm starting
to dread it.</i> Just left the grocery store. <i> I picked a big dude.</i> <i> I followed him
down about four aisles,</i> <i> and everything he put
in his cart, I put in my cart.</i> It's a whole bunch of mess
that I don't ever eat. Binge mode on. Drew:<i>
In the first two weeks,</i> <i> Tramell has methodically
gained 18 pounds.</i> <i> But with
42 pounds more to gain,</i> <i> he's got a long way to go.</i> I now have sodas
that I drink. <i> Ginger ale don't necessarily
taste like ginger.</i> <i> I've been eating
around 6,000 calories a day.</i> <i> Breakfast of champions.</i> <i> I've been experimenting
with, you know, food genres</i> <i> that I haven't eaten
in a while.</i> I have four corndogs. <i> Eating mayonnaise</i> and putting cheese
on everything. Kind of defeating the purpose
of having a six-pack bag, 'cause all of this stuff
is nonperishable. Icing up
my toaster strudels. <i> I have no shame in my game.</i> <i> I now have made
a rule with my clients.</i> <i> If you are a minute late,
you have to bring me donuts.</i> All right. <i> This is my life right now,</i> <i> all donuts all day.</i> <i> Before this project started,</i> <i> I never would have
eaten donuts,</i> <i> but now I wake up
in the morning.</i> <i> It's like, "I could go
for a donut right now."</i> 213 pounds. My midsection is where
I'm gaining all my weight. Emotionally,
I don't feel bad at all. <i> I walk around playing
the drums on my belly.</i> <i> I'm really just trying
to have fun with it.</i> 216.2 pounds <i> Woke up this morning,</i> <i> and I had an unusual amount
of back fat.</i> <i> Can't say
I've ever had back fat,</i> and it's kind of gross. <i> Moving forward,
everything that happens</i> will be uncharted territory,
because, you know, <i> every time
I gain another pound,</i> <i> it is more
than I've ever weighed,</i> <i> it's more body fat
than I've ever had.</i> <i> Over the next eight weeks,</i> <i> it's gonna be
so brand-new to me</i> that I really don't know
what's going to happen. Drew:<i> In the first two months
of eating like his clients,</i> <i> Tramell got
over halfway to his goal.</i> <i> He's gained 43 pounds.</i> <i> But the last 17 pounds</i> <i> may challenge his health
both mentally and physically.</i> - How are you?
- Hey, I'm doing good. - How are you doing, Doc?
- Good. Well, a lot has changed
in two months. What has changed? I went from eating
primarily Whole Foods, lots of chicken,
lots of fish, lots of broccoli, <i> and now I just eat
lots of processed foods,</i> lots of fast foods,
lots of sodas, sugary drinks,
and things like that. So I'm looking
at your numbers. And this is only two months. Your triglycerides
have gone from 54, which is absolutely perfect, - to 160.
- Good Lord. <i> So that's 100-something
points going up.</i> You're not gonna like
what I got to say now. Your blood pressure's
142 over 100. You are now
officially hypertensive. Okay. We definitely have
a history <i> of high blood pressure
in my family,</i> <i> so that's not something that I
was interested in hearing.</i> What's gonna happen,
if you don't change things, you will be
on blood pressure medicine, and my guess is you end up
on cholesterol medicine. <i> My grandfather died, and he
was taking those medicines.</i> Just knowing that I am
destroying my body, it's a bit scary. <i> With all the stuff
that's changed,</i> when it's time
to get my diet back on and start working out,
there's nothing to worry about? There's a lot
to worry about. Woman:<i>
How did the doctor go?</i> Um... I have hypertension. I have high cholesterol. The permanent stuff
is what worries me. <i> It's pretty scary,</i> <i> for this short amount
of time.</i> Didn't know that it would
be this bad that quickly. I thought it would take years
to get to that point. <i> ( clears throat )</i> <i> We still have
a few months left to go,</i> <i> and I don't want him</i> to have permanent health issues
for the rest of his life just because of a few months
of eating really bad. <i> I feel like
I put on a fat suit.</i> When I sit down,
I can feel rolls. <i> I feel as though people
are always looking at me.</i> <i> I have become
very self-conscious about that.</i> <i> Definitely starting to get
some fat jokes from the kids.</i> Oh, whoa! <i> You know, a couple kids are
starting to call me Tubby.</i> "I'm Coach Tramell.
I'm so fabulous." - And then--
- 'Cause you're like, "Ahh. <i> From the inside, you know,
it really hurts your feelings.</i> You're gonna have
a heart attack. - You know that, right?
- Why is that funny? Because you were,
like, yelling at us, and you were like, "Ohh." I am starting to understand
how someone that is, you know, really overweight
can be self-conscious <i> and definitely
become a hermit.</i> Can't even get past you. I know. All my normal clothes
don't fit anymore. Can't wear this anymore. T-shirts that don't fit. <i> I had to buy some clothes
from the Goodwill.</i> <i> So it turns out
that putting on socks</i> <i> is very hard
once you get bigger.</i> Gotta hold your breath. It has definitely reached
a tipping point. <i> Lost my desire to eat.</i> <i> I've already been forcing
myself to overeat,</i> <i> but now it's just,
like, to even eat.</i> <i> I'm by far in the worst shape
I've ever been in my life.</i> I used to have a six-pack. This is a lot more
than a six-pack. Pretty... Yeah, I guess "misery" would be a good word to use. <i> I am over it.</i> Big pieces
of fried sugary bread. This'll be my last hurrah. One more. That's pretty cheesy. This meal might push the scale
maybe a pound or two. <i> Donuts and cheese
and fatty foods</i> all kinda taste
the same to me. They taste like
extra calories. <i> I'm not enjoying
any bites of this.</i> Definitely had
a lifetime's worth of donuts these past four months. Headed to a gym
to do my final weigh-in, and from there, I'll meet up
with Jason and Johnny. <i> Once they see that
I've actually gone through</i> <i> with what I said
I was going to do,</i> I think it should garner
a certain level of respect. <i> My goal is to get
over 245 pounds.</i> <i> I'd be pleased.</i> Here goes nothing. That's what I want.
Hit my goal. Heck, yeah, 247. I did it. Yes. Drew:<i>
In four months of eating,</i> <i> Tramell gained 66 pounds,</i> <i> surpassing his goal of 241.</i> <i> Now he will experience
trying to get fit</i> <i> with a body
that is 66 pounds heavier.</i> Do you think
he's gonna be like a blimp or a Thanksgiving Day float? - "What happened to you?"
- Like, "Damn, you blew up." <i> Today Jason and I
are meeting Tramell.</i> We're gonna see him again
for the first time since we sat down with him
at our table. See how much weight
he's gained. ( laughs ) A beer belly
and chubby cheeks. Last time, I saw Tramell,
he had 6, 8, 10, 12-pack abs, I don't know. Something I don't have
and probably never will. <i> ♪ We're dangerous. ♪</i> Damn! ( laughs ) <i> We was looking for Tramell.</i> <i> Have you seen...</i> Yeah, I'm the artist
formerly known as... - As Tramell.
-<i> Yes.</i> What's your due date? September 1. - Immediately, huh?
- That's right. What's going on, guys? - Good. How are you?
- What's going on, Tramell? <i> Good.</i> Wow. So you did it, huh? Tramell:<i>
I did it. 66 pounds.</i> -<i> 66 pounds. </i>
- 66 total pounds. <i> Damn.</i> Johnny:<i>
I was just shocked.</i> I didn't think
he was crazy so much, but I thought
it was extreme. I thought it was brave. <i> I admired him
for allowing himself</i> to come to
the heavier side. 15 pounds a month,
little more. 17 pounds a month. 100%, it shows
a commitment. Got you at 299.5. All right, Jason.
Your turn. 294 pounds. <i> How does it feel
to be the lighter one now?</i> - Ah, there you go.
-<i> I'm starting
the competition already.</i> Drew:<i>
In the past four months,</i> <i> Johnny and Jason have
each lost a few pounds.</i> <i> Now they both
want to lose 80 more</i> <i> in the next four months.</i> <i> Tramell is starting
his fat to fit journey</i> <i> at 247 pounds.</i> <i> He now wants to return
to his starting weight.</i> Chest up. Abs tight.
You got 12. <i> The first thing I got planned
for Johnny and Jason</i> <i> is just a movement analysis.</i> I want 'em
to take this assessment and blow me
out of the water. There you go. Oh. - My hands are sweaty.
- Slippery? - ( groans )
-<i> And you're feeling that</i> <i> more in your knee
than anywhere else?</i> In my knee, yeah. Butt down. Go for 12. I'm not gonna be able to do it
without busting my butt. - You can't get down that low?
- Nope. They have no endurance.
They have barely any strengths. <i> They're definitely
getting their butts kicked,</i> and we really haven't done
anything too, too hard. Okay. How many? You said 12? <i> I said-- 15, I said.</i> I'm dizzy. I just feel like
I gotta burp, very, like, acid reflux. <i> You waving
a white flag on me,</i> or you good to go? - Give me a second.
- Give you a second? If my body allows me to do
what Tramell will tell me, yeah, I'm gonna do it.
If my body says I can't do it, it may be a limitation. Johnny:<i>
My muscles are strained.</i> <i> Short of breath.</i> - Okay.
-<i> Getting a little dizzy.</i> Can I have a chair
or something? Tramell:<i>
Pick it back up.</i> You know,
judging a book by its cover, you would think
that they were a mess. I rubbed a blister
on my hand. <i> You're gonna get
plenty of those.</i> <i> I was sweating profusely.</i> It was just
a little overwhelming. Go ahead and tell you now
my left side is extremely weak. Where you feeling it? Right where I had
a hernia a year ago. <i> Jason and Johnny might be</i> <i> two of the most difficult
clients I have ever had.</i> ( panting ) <i> My system is in shock.</i> <i> Our bodies will give out</i> <i> before we can lose
80 pounds in four months.</i> There's no way. I'm setting up
for our obstacle course <i> that we're gonna do today.</i> 1, 2, 3, 4. <i> This is gonna be
a willpower workout.</i> It's gonna be bad
for all three of us. This is all stuff
I haven't done in four months. I know for y'all it's years
on top of years. I'm about to do this 400, and I'm about to crush this. 3, 2, 1. He's fast, like lightning. <i> I'm a strong believer
that motivation is intrinsic.</i> -<i> If I can't
motivate myself... </i>
- 50. <i> ...I don't know how
it would be expected</i> <i> for me to motivate others.</i> Let's go, Tramell.
Let's go. 20 seconds! Let's go!
Let's go! <i> I felt like
I wasn't lifting my knees,</i> <i> I wasn't pumping my arms.</i> <i> I could feel all my fat
jiggling while I was running.</i> Did it! ( panting ) Whew. <i> I felt very slow</i> <i> compared to the speed
that I'm used to having.</i> I've always had some type
of speed and been proud of that, just as proud as I am,
or was, of my body. <i> Losing that speed
is quite humbling.</i> All right. How you feel? - It's like that?
- 4:52. I'll take that. That felt like 4:52. Tramell did struggle.
You could see that. You could see
the tiredness in his face, <i> and you could see the pain.</i> Think I ran
my intestines lose. <i> ( both laugh )</i> Yeah, when you moving, everything get to moving. Yeah. Tramell:<i>
That felt pretty bad.</i> Lungs are burning.
Legs were burning. <i> It was pretty bad for me.</i> Who wants to go first?
Rock, paper, scissors? - I'll go first.
- My man. 3, 2, 1. Go. <i> The goal's to see
if Jason and Johnny</i> <i> can push themselves
past levels of fatigue.</i> <i> Going right
to the kettle bell.</i> There you go. ( laughs ) Yeah, buddy.
Yeah, buddy. This is where you gotta
push through now. ( gasps ) <i> Let's push through it.</i> <i> Let's fight through it.</i> Seeing Tramell
definitely lit a fire and gave me the inspiration
that I needed. <i> All the way through!</i> Tramell:<i>
9:35.</i> <i> I surprised myself
with the workout.</i> I was shocked that
I was able to finish. Good work. How you feel? - It hurts.
- Yeah. I didn't just quit. For that, I pat myself
on my very sore back. You ready, sir? I think Jason
and Johnny's success - are very reliant
upon each other.
- Get 'em, babe! They're gonna be
very codependent on each other, and if they're successful,
they'll be successful together. <i> I think Jason is going to
probably struggle a little bit.</i> Hang on. -<i> Come on, now. That's five. </i>
- My left side... <i> It's getting up there.
I'm happy with that.</i> <i> Moving forward, I think Jason
is gonna need Johnny's support.</i> Push! Push! All I can think of is I feel
like I'm gonna pass out. Keep pushing.
Keep pushing. - I can't.
- Four. - My whole--
- You got more reps. - Shivering a little bit?
- No, carpal tunnel. <i> Oh. I didn't know
you had carpal tunnel.</i> Yeah, dude. Set 'em down for a minute. Let's see how you feel.
It's either... They're just
uncontrollably doing that. <i> You're gonna get those
involuntary muscle spasms.</i> That's hard work. Push through it, babe.
You got it. <i> ( thunder crashing )</i> Now let's see
where that willpower's at. Let's beat this rain. Let's beat this tiredness. <i> I'm doing this for myself
and for Johnny.</i> I've had good intentions
in the past. I've gotten motivated,
but I've never stuck with it. And two, and one. You got 100 meters.
Go to the yellow line. <i> Stubbornness,
lack of commitment on my part</i> are the things
that have held me back, and I'm not going
to continue down that path. <i> As fast as you can go.
There you go.</i> Keep pushing. Keep pushing.
There you go. <i> - There you go.
- Jason needs my support.</i> I need his.
We need each other. Let's get under 14 minutes. I just wanted to let him know, "I'm here for you just like
you been there for me." <i> 13:30!</i> <i> Come on, babe. You got it!</i> -<i> Under 14 minutes. Let's go! </i>
- Come on, babe! Let's go! Jason:<i>
No pain, no gain. I'm just
gonna have to tell myself,</i> <i> "Tough cookie.
Deal with it."</i> Tramell:<i>
All the way
through the trash cans.</i> <i> 13:46.</i> High-five. Low-five. I'll take it. I'm really proud of Jason. I'm proud of myself, too,
but I'm proud of him, because to be honest,
I didn't know <i> how hard he would push.</i> - Jason.
- Yeah? That's how
you push through, dawg. That's definitely
how you push through. You let that quitting stuff
be for the quitters. I'm not planning
to let failure be an option. <i> I know that we
can go further,</i> but I think we both
had to find out where that line is <i> so we know
what we have to push past.</i> nths, Jason and Johnny are gonna
work out five days a week. <i> We'll be working</i> <i> We'll be working out
outdoors.</i> Let's go. Pump those arms.
Sprint it out. Sprint it out. <i> Don't be sandbagging
on me, Johnny.</i> <i> Everything that we can do
that's physical,</i> <i> I'm probably gonna
have them do it.</i> So now you gonna chase that
and make the layup before he makes it. <i> And you're out already.</i> <i> If you're out,
you gotta do 50 squat jumps.</i> ( laughs ) I do feel
I'm getting slimmer. Pants that I needed a belt
to wear before, I don't need a belt. 231 pounds. I'm ready to turn it up
a little bit more. <i> We got a lot of work to do.</i> <i> It's definitely
gonna be a bumpy road.</i> <i> Keep those arms straight.
There you go.</i> - That's-- oh!
-<i> Yep.</i> <i> But I think we will
accomplish their goals.</i> I see you. I'm in over 18. Last week, I was 229.
Today I'm 223. Lost six pounds.
That's over my goal. For the duration
of the project so far, I'm over my goal,
so I'm pleased. <i> According to the scale,</i> <i> I've lost seven pounds
in the last week.</i> <i> I weigh 277 today.</i> Last week, I was 285. Eight pounds lost.
Eight pounds. We really did
the extra workouts that Tramell
was having us do, so today it shows. Just for the record,
that wasn't extra cardio. That was regular cardio. Y'all haven't started doing
the extra cardio yet. It was extra card--
( laughs ) <i> Jason, what are you doing?</i> Prepping dinner. <i> You're prepping dinner?</i> <i> So prepping dinner, tell us
what that looks like today.</i> <i> Oh, that looks lovely.</i> <i> Is that chicken?
Oh, my God.</i> Food is actually
becoming really wonderful, thanks to Jason. This is not
your traditional bread. I have gotten really creative. - This is actually cauliflower.
-<i> And how did-- </i> Underneath it,
there's chicken. Mmm. <i> Is it good?</i> Really tasty. I got this craving, and I don't feel
like eating vegetables. <i> That looks like
an empty Pop-Tart wrapper.</i> <i> And I'm even
gonna go as far</i> <i> as put the Pop-Tart
in the oven.</i> <i> I'm a little bit surprised</i> at the cravings
and how they're still there. Pop-Tarts aren't even
that good. It's just the fact that I'm
not supposed to be eating 'em that makes 'em good. Who am I kidding?
Pop-Tarts are great. <i> Now I understand how hard
those cravings can be.</i> My body still wants sugar. <i> It's a battle.</i> Don't tell no one. <i> Right now, we're approaching
the halfway point.</i> <i> We've been working hard,
and it's gotten to a point</i> where the easy weight loss
is over. <i> They're gonna have
to pick up their intensity.</i> <i> If you ask Jason and Johnny,
I'm sure they'll tell you</i> <i> that they're working at 100%.
It might be at 90%.</i> <i> I want to get
that last 10%.</i> You got the cutoff shirt
today. Feeling good about yourself? - Feeling good about myself.
- Cutoff shirt. We'll go ahead
and start with our weigh-in. I already know
I cheated this week. 222 today. Just step on, I guess. <i> So we got you at 280 today.</i> Last week, you was 275. <i> So you are up
five pounds from last week.</i> You were 277 last week. 61. Yikes. <i> 282.</i> So you're up
five pounds as well. Yikes. That's a lot of weight
in one week. I expect them
to lose weight every week, and it's definitely
not something that I would be proud of. <i> We've done more physically</i> and not eating any more extra
that we hadn't been before, so it doesn't
make sense to me. Anything that y'all
have been eating that y'all
haven't been eating? We were at a restaurant, and they had a special
New York strip, - and we had German spinach.
- German spinach with it. <i> What's German spinach?</i> Spinach and,
what, balsamic-- It's sautéed
in balsamic vinegar and onions. I'm sure they put in
some butter or something. But that still
wouldn't necessarily equate to five pounds. Stay away from it.
Don't let this happen again. So what are we gonna do? I'm a little confused,
to be honest with you. I'm not that confused,
honestly. We've been pushing
the envelope a little bit. I think portions are a big part
of the problem, too. - It's not the only problem.
- It's not the only problem, but that big-ass bowl
of chili that you bought the other day
when I told-- <i> You keep trying to lean
on that, but that's not--</i> one bowl of chili
didn't give you five pounds. <i> I'm not saying that,
but even before,</i> we started this,
I used to tell you <i> portion sizes,
we do too much.</i> I probably should
ease up on the cashews. -<i> ( laughs ) </i>
- Yeah. A whole can in a day? Are you done? <i> We have a long ways to go
really still,</i> so I'm anxious,
because I don't know <i> that we'll be successful.</i> Tramell:<i>
Right now, I'm headed
to Jason and Johnny's house.</i> Gonna have a conversation
with the guys about what we want
to focus on moving forward. <i> Although I've seen
signs of confidence,</i> I've also seen the flip side,
where you can see where their confidence
has been drained. <i> When we came up short
on our weigh-ins,</i> it was like an instant
loss of confidence, <i> so I want to make sure
that they're gonna be able</i> <i> to take over the reins
of their health and fitness.</i> <i> Hey, what's up, guys?</i> - What's up, Tramell?
- What happening? What's happening? All right, come on in. <i> What I came over here today</i> was kind of discuss
where we're at. <i> I want to make sure
that you guys have enough push</i> <i> to sustain, you know,
your fitness goals.</i> In the past,
when it comes to fitness, do you guys think you've
helped or hurt each other? <i> We hurt each other,</i> because we would,
a lot of times, make plans,
talked about doing things, and never really put forth
the effort and did it. As of right now,
who's helping motivate and influence you guys
to get into good shape? You're the guiding light
in this process at the moment. What are you guys gonna do
when I'm out the picture? I'm not sure, to be honest.
I don't know. That's when you guys
gotta really lean on each other. It's easy to know that, "Yeah, I know how
to do this leg workout," <i> but it's different
to get your butt up</i> <i> and take his butt with you,</i> and it's even more difficult when you don't want
to get your butt up. <i> That's where y'all gotta
really lean on each other.</i> Mm-hmm. I'm gonna start
backing away a little bit, and I'm gonna let
Jason and Johnny kind of start
pushing each other. <i> In my opinion,
them working together</i> is the only way
that it'll last. They really have to be able
to push each other and to stay positive. You know, I hope
that I instill in you knowledge that y'all
will always keep with you, but it don't mean a thing
if you gonna sit on the couch. Being left on our own
right now, especially at this point,
when things are-- when you're turning it
up on us, I don't know that we
could turn ourselves up to that. I believe that
in the next few months, things will get harder. <i> Y'all are y'all's two
most valuable assets right now.</i> I think you gotta
start pushing yourselves. That's the only way
that y'all are gonna be able to make this
a lifestyle change. And the key word with that lifestyle change
is "Life," <i> and you really gotta
be able to do it for your life.</i> <i> I think the next
couple of months,</i> it's gonna be tough.
It's gonna be a challenge. <i> I'd venture to say
that Johnny and I</i> <i> are about 40%
of where we need to be</i> <i> in terms of being ready
to fly solo.</i> Drew:<i> Tramell has reached
the end of his journey.</i> <i> In the first four months,
he struggled to gain 66 pounds.</i> That's kind of gross. <i> He spent the next four months</i> <i> trying to get back
to his original weight of 181.</i> <i> In his effort, Tramell has
learned valuable lessons</i> <i> that will last a lifetime.</i> Tramell:<i> Last few months
have been very trying,</i> <i> just getting back into shape.</i> <i> I'm definitely feeling
more like myself.</i> <i> Allow me
to reintroduce myself.</i> <i> My name is Tramell.</i> <i> I've been kicking my butt
in the gym.</i> <i> I've been doing lots
of two-a-days of training.</i> <i> Weight training,
lots of squats,</i> <i> bench press, dead lifts.</i> <i> So I'm at 199 pounds,</i> <i> not quite where
I wanted to be.</i> I guess
I came up short today. Drew:<i>
Tramell weighed in</i> <i> 18 pounds heavier
than his starting weight.</i> It's not as big of a deal
as it was eight months ago <i> to be this body of a god.</i> That version of Tramell
doesn't exist anymore. <i> I think now I appreciate,
you know, the simpler things.</i> Having a happy life
is much more important than stressing over
four or five pounds. <i> I gained better perspective
on how I value my health</i> more so than maintain
my physique. It's the big reveal
for Jason and Johnny, <i> so right now
I'm headed to go and see</i> people come together
in a celebratory fashion for the work
that they put in and for the changes
that they have made. ( laughter ) <i> I'm very excited to see</i> <i> how people react to them.</i> <i> Especially those that haven't
seen them in a while.</i> Welcome to the group.
Come on in here. Don't be scared.
Don't be scared. - Don't be scared.
- ( cheers ) So I'm Tramell.
I've been working with Jason and Johnny
for the past four months. It's been very trying. <i> It's been very exciting.</i> We're ready
to unveil the guys to you. - Yes.
- ( cheering ) Yes! I am so excited. Like, I was there
in the beginning. I've known 'em both
for years. - Bring it on!
-<i> Whoo!</i> I want to be very jelly. ( laughs ) Very jelly. 'Cause as you can see,
I'm a plump guy myself. I'm ready to see
how much of a difference their lives have been. And then we will see,
once the guys come in, how well they did. <i> Eight months ago,
Jason and Johnny</i> <i> were horrible influences
on each other.</i> <i> Every decision that they made
in terms of health were bad.</i> <i> They did not eat right.</i> <i> They did not work out.</i> ( gasps ) <i> They did not live
active lives.</i> ( pants ) ( gasps ) <i> And they were headed
towards an early death.</i> Johnny:<i>
I'm feeling anxious, nervous.</i> Jason:<i> I've been
emotional about today.</i> <i> I want people to see someone
that's making progress</i> <i> with their health,
their partnership,</i> <i> and everything else that
we've gone through together.</i> ( chanting )
Jason! Johnny! Jason! Johnny! Jason! Johnny! <i> - Whoo!
- ( cheering )</i> <i> Yay!</i> Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! - Oh, my God.
-<i> Yeah!</i> What I'm talking about there.
What I'm talking about. <i> They came through the door,
I was shocked.</i> Think this has been
a great thing for both of them. Yes! <i> They have lost
an amazing amount of weight.</i> It made me want to do it. Now can we get the real
Jason and Johnny in here? ( laughter ) I got a little bit emotional.
I teared up. <i> I'm not used to that kind
of reception from friends
and family.</i> I feel like
I've accomplished a lot. I feel like
Johnny and I together <i> have accomplished a lot.</i> Johnny:<i>
I feel amazing.</i> <i> A real weight-- ( laughs )</i> has truly been lifted
off of my shoulders, off of my stomach,
off of my ass, <i> off of my thighs.</i> I feel like
I never want it to end. It's been a ride. You know, it's been
a struggle at first, but I really gotta
give Tramell his props. Tramell really noticed
our strengths. He noticed our weaknesses. He helped us be stronger
where we were weak, and we wouldn't be
standing here today without all of his hard work,
so I really... -<i> ( applause ) </i>
- I really gotta say thanks. Tramell:<i> I gained so much
throughout this process.</i> <i> I gained
a better perspective</i> on the difficulties
of being overweight. <i> When I look
at Jason and Johnny,</i> <i> I see totally different people</i> than where they were when we
first started the process. I think this life change
is much better than any number on a scale
can tell you. Drew:<i> Over the course
of the experiment,</i> <i> Jason lost
a total of 54 pounds.</i> <i> Johnny lost a total
of 59 pounds.</i> <i> More importantly,
they changed their lives</i> <i> and plan to continue
their weight-loss journey.</i> They're standing in front of you
looking, you know, a lot leaner than they were
four months ago. Johnny:<i>
I'm extremely proud
of myself.</i> <i> You never could have told me</i> that in such a brief amount
of time, that I would make
such a monumental change. Jason:<i>
I feel like
a different person.</i> I feel that I
can hold my head strong and say I've done
a damn good job. <i> I'm gonna just continue
to lose weight,</i> and I'm gonna still
hit that goal. <i> - ( cheering )
- Yeah!</i> <i> Let's do the thing!</i> So I'm gonna tell you guys
something real quick. He didn't want me
to tell you this,
but I'm gonna tell you this. I had to drag this man
kicking and screaming at first, and I'm really, really,
really proud of you, because you fought through it.
You fought through it. <i> There were days where
he had to pull me along--</i> <i> ( laughs )
get me up.</i> <i> So, we both kicked
those walls down,</i> <i> and I appreciate you
for how you helped me.</i> <i> And we gotta help
each other.</i> <i> You know, that's life.</i> <i> Gotta be there
for each other.</i> ( applause )