Trainer REGRETS Doing This Experiment - Fit to Fat to Fit (S1, E6) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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absolutely this actually feels like a real reward   oh i never had this before i've never  had this before being able to grab here it has absolutely without a doubt changed  everything about me i'm so nauseous so tired   it just gets worse and worse and worse  i had no idea i would feel this bad   i can't even explain to you the  amount of stress that i have   millions of us are overweight we turn to experts  for advice on how to get from fat to fit but the   experts don't understand because they've never  been fat i'm drew manning as a personal trainer i   failed again and again to help my heaviest clients  get fit eventually i realized the problem was me so i went on a journey to  discover what it's like to be fat   i've gained 75 pounds i developed a fatty  liver and the kidneys of an alcoholic   getting fit again was the hardest thing  i've ever done but it made me a better man now trainers from across the country  are participating in the most extreme   weight loss experiment ever they're trying to gain as much  weight as they can and then   lose it with their clients it's a journey  that could change both their lives forever wow my name is katie mack and i'm 28 years old   everybody calls me mac i live in new york city  and i've been a personal trainer for three years   fitness working out learning about the body it  could absolutely be called an obsession i do about   three or four hours of physical activity a day  every single day seven days i wake up every day   and i feel awesome exercise is something i can't  imagine living my life without i'm a good trainer   because it just seemed very simple and very  obvious what distinguishes me from other trainers   is when someone's looking for help i'm going  to find a way to help them people seek me out my name is rafael mateo i am 44 going on 45 years  old and i am currently a chef in new york city   named my restaurant is patanega new york i am five  foot seven inches tall and my weight at the moment   is 316 pounds because my livelihood is in the  food and wine business my primary focus is on   food and wine a basic continental breakfast i like  to cook and eat i love everything i can exclude   vegetables i'm gonna leave that off the list  the list is simple fried chicken oysters mmm   anything my grandmother makes everything japanese  is amazing yeah fantastic some proper fried   chicken this is a gorgeous thing let's uh give  it a try chinese takeout is wonderful indian   food's amazing oh pizza is fantastic i'm like a  burger maniac anything having to do with pig some   people separate the bacon from this i'm really  just going to stir it all together my blood type   is ham i eat regardless of mood i eat in spite of  mood i live in the pursuit of all things delicious   doesn't really fit this way of living is also  self-destructive now that i'm bending this way   all of my internal organs feel like they're  going to explode we're still at lunch i actually   fall asleep at the end of a meal and i can't stay  awake i used to practice and study martial arts i   really miss it i really enjoyed it i would like to  compete again oh man i'm coming out the god attack   and it's really hard to walk and it's really hard  to move my god my fiance is 15 years younger than   i am i am worried that his weight is going to  be a long-term issue with our age difference i   might have to be a caregiver in my 50s or him  being homebound in the apartment it's scary if someone says they want to lose weight and they  don't i'm looking at someone that isn't willing   to make the changes necessary to be successful  i see someone who is lazy it's a lack of faith   in yourself there's all these misconceptions that  people have about fat people that person must be   lazy out of control of their lives that's who  you are there's no other part about you that's   interesting or creative or useful or good  or smart or anything that really bothers me   i'm headed to mateo's restaurant and i  know for a fact that i can help a tail   he's going to lose weight we're going to have  success hello hey hey hey hey this is my baby   this is i come here it's the best part of the  house because this is where we store our hands   awesome bottleneck bro means black-footed pig  imagine this with a black foot so these pigs it's   a period of their life where they just eat acorns  and that's why you get this purple nutty delicious   fantastic color this can cost up to 200 a pound  think of champagne think of caviar think of   now acorn ham and now we're going to get  to the ham we'll see how that oleic acid   is just shimmering and glimmering oh my gosh and  then from hand to mouth this is the partner pig   i want a nice small piece translucent  cut all right and knock yourself out oh it's like really salty but do you see that  nuttiness that really looks like a texture   i won't let you are taking some ham on your own  yeah please i'll make sure that i have some myself   no is this is this an excellent ham oh this is  a very good ham i've seen people having a sexual   response to the things that they're eating  i just can't understand having that reaction   to eating it doesn't translate to me this is  just top-notch i don't know anything about food   i mean like i know what i like and i kind of  know what's nutritionally good for me and i just   eat eat it and prepare it in some way that i can  swallow it's very hard to fathom someone to say   to me that they don't really have a relationship  with food a person who doesn't think about food   or think about what they're eating or make that  an incredible part of their life which it should   be it's alien to me might as well be from mars  the things i'm gonna pick up from you are gonna   be great but i think you're gonna get a couple of  things from me about food the biggest challenge   for mateo is gonna be trying to find something  new that he can be proud of welcome come on in   there are some things that i see that i think  we're gonna have to start to look at to change and   if i said during the time that working together  what if i said you can't eat any more bacon   wow it's almost like laughter and someone's like  what do you mean i'm not eating bacon again that's   like the sky's green what are you talking about  this is not gonna happen i just i just can't see   myself in that position life would be unfair if  i would not be able to have bacon it would not   be right i would not be just and i would have  to talk to whatever god is out there but don't   tell me i can't eat what i want that that's the  one thing i won't have i won't have it i'm not   god but you can't eat what you want open your ears  for two seconds okay okay i haven't asked you to   do any i'm not giving you any requirements yet it  just needs to become an option that what you fall   in love with can change if i could have tackled  her i would have i mean this this is so absurd   i want my bacon leave me alone so for the  next couple of months i'm going to try to gain   40 of my body weight and then  we're gonna lose it together you're gonna gain what i'm gonna gain 40 of my  body weight for you you're gaining this weight   for me so then we can lose it together i don't  know why you would do that to yourself i want it a   little crazy i want to do it because i think that  this is going to be the way that you're going to   do it if you have something to do with you that's  uh i'm speechless wow nobody's just going to go   and sacrifice themselves and do that from their  body just to help somebody else out so this is   a good thing for me this kind of push by mac where  she's going to do things that's not natural to her   because i'm going to be doing things that's not  natural to me so i think it's a very important   piece katie is beginning her fit to fat journey  she will have to change the way she thinks about   food in order to adopt the diet and lifestyle  of her client mateo the challenge is to eat one   thing from every cart i am gonna eat five meals  right now what do you guys think chicken kebab or   should i just go for a hot dog chicken kebab thank  you so much a day's like me when last time i had a   ginger ale i think i got a stomachache when i was  eight because she has an amazing diet she doesn't   get stomach aches my strategy to gain that weight  is to consume 4 000 calories a day i like lamb   take on the eating habits of the average  american diet i would like a commission oh   that's interesting like a corn dog or something  is that rude cease exercising looking beautiful   and i'm gonna change my association with  these things that i really just don't enjoy   katie currently weighs 123 pounds her goal  is to gain 40 pounds in the next four months   it will be a challenge oh my god i'm so full  already katie needs an extreme increase in   calories to reach her goal which may  affect the way she lives her life i actually need a second hot philly wow that does  look pretty good you gonna be able to get that   down are you kidding me right now i decided to do  this project because i have created a persona of   someone who is a health and fitness professional  oh gosh it's helping don't burp too much   but who i really am i don't know oh any  opportunity you have to see what you're   made of and figure out more about yourself  you should take oh my stomach hurts so bad and this is an opportunity to  do that oh that was the worst central park late at night it's been a  full two weeks of me doing the experiment   i saw one of my clients for the first time since  i started like the first thing he says is you're   fat specifically in my behind um which i  would agree it was just like super excited in the first two weeks katie gained seven pounds  she started fast but with 33 more pounds to gain   it's hard to predict how the weight will affect  her one pancake and then one peanut butter layer   another pancake on just because like i'm  getting chubby doesn't make me good at cooking   faster facts we take another  pancake we put it on top and then we   sexify it first two weeks of the experiment  have actually been pretty fun oh yeah i didn't   like to eat out because i'd like to be super in  control of like what goes in my mouth this is like   one of my guilty pleasures i used to be the  let's get coffee in the middle of the day friend   and now i'm the let's get a drink  at the end of the night friend   for the first time i'm the one who instigates  the party before i would get nervous about being   social the payoff of being social like had to  weigh that like hanging out with you like isn't   gonna give me as much as it would give me to get  a good night's sleep i just had so many rules   queen's international night market all those tents  represent a different type of international food   that we're going to consume the experiment has  absolutely without a doubt changed everything   about me i've definitely sort of revalued how  important it is to have people in your life   my shorts have now turned into  boy shorts slash underwear   i actually feel like i've been  working hard towards eating   much harder than i have in the past more focused  more energy high calorie choices constantly eating   eating at all hours of the day and night so  hopefully it reflects when it's up on the scale yeah good girl i've been called out about my butt  a couple times of people i don't even know i'm   just a much bigger human my arms started to get  fatter in my back my boobs are a little bigger   my fat body for some reason this  actually feels like a real reward   um i had this black and white notion before that  me gaining weight and still having like a really   pretty fulfilling life couldn't exist  i'm gonna sit i'm gonna watch tv instead   of spiraling me down i'm just getting all  this like really fun light-hearted you know   experience lying down is so much  better than sitting up can i just   quickly say that for some reason putting on  weight for me was like i was afraid of it so far katie has gained 18 pounds she  has 22 more to go in the remaining weeks ground beef i'm gonna add that to some mac and  cheese and then shove it down my gullet this   weight gain journey literally consumes everything  that i do before it seemed really obvious like   oh yeah like if i just keep eating a lot i'll be  able to just gain weight and the problem is that   i can't i can't even explain to you the amount of  stress that i have from not being able to do this so this should be about 700 calories to gain weight it's a really slow process  and i just don't know how you do it dear diary i feel like and i still  have 20 more pounds to put on   i lost weight last week i ate  about 3 500 calories every day   and i've been so sick what do you  think is better with ketchup on it i'm so nauseous so tired i try to work only half  days because i can't work full days if you want   to feel like this eat beef jerky i just want to  sleep the whole day i don't want to do anything and this is my fourth candy bar i haven't quit because i said i was going to do it you know quit things that you say you're  going to do i just don't feel good it's one thing if it was just today but it's all  the time it just gets worse and worse and worse i don't enjoy my job anymore i  don't want to hang out with anybody i just want to sleep i had  no idea i would feel this bad i've lost clients mostly  because i can't show up for them   i used to work from six in the morning till nine  o'clock at night straight see 10 to 11 people a   day now i see about three or four people  a day because i have just been at my job i did this to prove that i was a good trainer and i'm not my ability to take  care of other people nil and void   i got in this so i could be there for people  and now i don't even want to do this job anymore i worked insanely hard to find a passion  and to find something that i love and within four months i feel like all that's gone i just lost every part of myself that i knew  to be true i don't know who i am anymore with every single fiber of my being  i regret taking on this experiment i didn't meet my weight goal  by any means and yeah i failed everything i thought to be true about  myself especially inner strength um i   realized i didn't have any to the point now  where i'm like really not sure what i can do very excited i didn't sleep last night today my  commitment to getting fit actually starts today   would be the day that i would get my life back  but honestly i'm like in a very day by day mode   my views on myself and my views on my profession  is very different than four months ago   i'm hoping that katie's gonna come up  with a plan that i'll be able to live with   and live longer with hi hey what's up hi yeah can you see any change you did fine he  stopped late obviously but he looked fine   the little meat's good no so says the guys on the  street i went from a zero to 12. so yeah i i got   i mean my my buck got bigger yeah how much did  you put on i put on 31 pounds that's actually   a lot though but at the very end um i had to  stop doing the experiment because i was so sick   i couldn't function i started to get so  nauseous that i couldn't work anymore   he pretty much made it so he did  do it so as far as i'm concerned   more than impressed it's all good really  okay well let's let's see where you're at   all right in the next four months katie  will try to return to her starting weight   mateo has already lost five pounds on his own  but with katie he wants to lose 4 pounds a week   for a total weight loss of 64 pounds that means  katie will help him try to get down to 247 pounds   i'm gonna do one minute of three different  types of exercises using this kettlebell   i haven't exercised in four months  i don't know if i've ever felt this   crummy in my life and i have no desire to  work out or exercise that looks super hard oh boy oh wow but i can't do it that way i  mean i wanted to do another round but right   it's too heavy for me right now right now  yeah you're feeling the weight of it yeah   yeah it's just it's just too hard and the  things that i never used to get tired like   my forearms are a little tired uh-huh um i feel  like uh my brain wants to do what my body can't   so i'm gonna try to do 25 pushups all right all  right i'll count okay when i watched katie doing   her workout i think she was very very very uh  emotional and conflicted about what she used to be   and you know i think very honestly that she  wasn't very confident okay yeah a little different   the last one was a serious burn yeah i got  stuck i used to feel like i could literally   do any physical thing i wanted at any point  and in just four months i threw it all away oh yo you're hoisting up some serious weight there  oh mack i like worked so hard to have that body   wow you got all the veins popping out and all that  stuff to see myself like this is hard because i'm   obviously like a much slimmer trimmer person  i can remember how much i loved doing this in   a very short time i feel like gonna get back to  there i don't feel that way really she's really   conflicted about who she is who she was and who  she wants to be what katie did was monumental   she basically sacrificed her emotional well-being  to do it for the team and she can't put the pieces   together and say that it was worth it right now  i'm actually very worried about her right now i don't know yet i had lots of hopes for this  experiment and um unfortunately because i failed   at the experiment i feel further away from my  clients than i ever have and i know less about   myself than i ever have i regret ever doing this  in my opinion you tried your hardest to do the   best you could we tried and i failed i mean that's  basically what what it is in my experience anyone   that's gone through some kind of hell in their  life physical mental emotional has two choices   they could play the victim card and say my life  sucks for the rest of my life or if you can   turn this around and get the old mac back   do you want to be healthy again i don't think i  know what the term healthy means anymore i just   feel like as long as i never have to feel that  way again i don't care how i look doesn't matter   that's kind of what this whole thing  is about we are more than our body   you saw someone depending on you where did we go  from here i just try to help mateo in the best   way that i can that's the reason why i did this  project if you wanted to quit halfway through what   would you tell him to motivate him to live this  lifestyle i would remind him of the reasons why he   did the project in the first place why he wanted  to lose the weight it was for his family for   himself to have a better life one step at a time  i really do feel like this isn't the end of your   story there's something positive that will come  out of this it's just the way you view yourself what is the plan cardio heavy motions motion's  not running i mean we'll talk about running   there's something wrong with my ankle that's not  a problem it's been easily 10 to 12 years since   i was in shape so i'm concerned what i can do  not being susceptible for injury that stuff is   a real worry for me lending your body forward  and stretching that calf muscle behind you   i'm really nervous i don't know what i'm doing  anymore i'm like out of practice but it's a lesson   i think i've learned like a long time ago before  you walk into a job like leave whatever you got   going on at the door i want you to push against  my arm just a little bit okay so give me some   energy into my forearm and you focus it on the  job at hand and mateo is my job at hand it should   just feel like there's a stretch behind you and if  you end up going all the way down that's fine too   mateo's gonna have a lot of aches and pains it's  gonna keep him from wanting to work out as hard   put your foot into my hand okay and go so then my  job is to figure out the best way to get them to   feel comfortable does it feel okay a little i mean  it's not gonna feel a hundred percent feel less   than a six feels from six to four okay that really  was good good i'm glad okay cool no i'm like   that really was good the moment he starts to  feel better the moment he'll want to work harder   and the moment that he'll buy into this more 9  10 11 12 right into it full range let's go six come up yes good   do i have abdominals going five seven six  five four three two to the fountain group is this running are we running  brought to you by mateo hut how are you doing bus i was afraid to  run earlier because it was like a board   but you're feeling okay now still feeling  but much better much better that's good   um you're dictating the pace okay let's go he takes off the opposite direction just  so you can beat me huh i run like molasses   katie's decision to gain weight depressed her  and it changed her in a way that wasn't good   get the heat up just a little higher go ahead good  good but with the sacrifice she's already made for   me stakes in my mind because she tried as hard  as she could to the point that she was sick she   showed me the commitment and that's going to make  me want to commit too should we go up the stairs   and downstairs nope can we walk up the stairs and  then nope i already know how hard those stairs   are going to be nope it's motivating because  she doesn't know me from a hole in the wall   so she's willing to do something for a stranger  let's try the yeah stairs just gonna go up it   is the definition of altruism it's the definition  of being unselfish because we're dying after this   what do you want me to do up the stairs and  down the stairs he's the kind of person that   i want to be around i'm very impressed  with her how not quickly two at a time up   so i can't give up on her if we're a team that's  important for her to know we are partners and   we're in it and we're gonna see it through the end  all the way up and all the way down a clear path i have to meet her at least halfway if i got an  ounce of gas and it's going to hurt me to death   well she did the same thing for  me so that's what i gotta do before i start the workout i was feeling  nervous that i wouldn't be able to hold my own   but then the combination of seeing mateo  having to be there for somebody and not   just having to sit with myself i was able to  take the charge and be like okay i can do this   this i know how to do this you just did that  like it was nothing no no nothing you didn't   know seriously it was cool if it pushes mateo  to make a life change it's good to know that   something good came out of the past four months  i didn't want to let you down that's beautiful yeah the workout plan for matteo is to work out  six to seven days a week two nice range three   yeah i'll just try and impress you i'm impressed  but i could be more impressed that's a pretty head   i'd eat that but the nutrition part of getting  fit is going to be more challenging than the   workout part mateo probably eats daily anywhere  between 8 000 and 12 000 calories all we need   to do is lessen the number of calories that he  consumes so he can start to lose weight yeah yeah   at the beginning of their fat to fit journey  the bond between katie and mateo is strong   matteo started his journey weighing 311 pounds in  the next four months he needs to lose 64 pounds   to reach his goal katie will need to lose  31 pounds to return to her starting weight   whoa once i stand on it i feel heavy  297 that's amazing that's pretty good so pretty much 142.2 142.2 cool that's great i was crazy when i was gaining weight  i felt out of control my weight loss   journey trying to feel like a normal human  being freaking out is the key to my sanity   if i work out for 15 minutes everything's better   gaining back my physical stability and getting  my diet under control has contributed to me   feeling a lot more emotionally stable more than  halfway you're killing it you're doing a great job   the workouts are always going to be hard  and she told me so and i know that awesome   keep this pace rocking go but hopefully it  gets easier once the routine starts to just   repeat repeat workout workout workout workout  keep that air coming in yeah cyclical and to   trust that if i put in the work that positive  results are every week are going to come out time so what do you think do you think we  lost weight would like to see a certain number   but it'll be what it's going to be what's  your fantasy number 279 okay yeah so just   yeah dipping under the 280. yeah i'm hoping  to be 279 today but if it doesn't get there   i still feel like i'm working hard i'm on the  plan and it's a marathon not a sprint oh my god that says 277.3 that's a sexy peanut butter  that is a sexy peanut butter killing it   what's up oh i'm so happy i'm very happy i'm  so proud of you so awesome so proud of you   you're awesome harder let's go i feel  stronger than ever i feel faster than ever   my endurance is like amazing and that's  an extra motivator to stay on the planet   haiti brings out the best in me the best of my  willingness to change my lifestyle six more she's   more than a trainer nice nice control she's more  like a life coach i would have done it on my own let's see where i'm at i am 134.8  it has been hard to lose the weight when i told people about the project their first  response was well it'll be so easy for you to lose   it there's not one human being that didn't say  that to me like my mother you know said that to me   oh you'll get it back right away you know that  sort of infiltrated my expectations it's not like   it just melted off i'm definitely more grateful  i'm definitely more humble i think change is hard i had a very very excruciating attack   and i had to cancel friday and  saturday's planned workouts with katie i've been eating much better drinking  much less and i'm having much less   control over my gut attacks it's very  frustrating to behave better and just get   worse there should be some reward for the changes  the pain is so throbbing it's like a knife   and someone just keeps stabbing me over  and over again i had a meeting with the   nutritionist when i asked how long this is going  to last she says it could last another month   the point of all this was to feel good i  don't feel good so if i'm doing all this   and i don't feel good then i might as  well do what i want and not feel good   i'm ready to make a cheeseburger bacon sandwich  i'm so frustrated i've had a really rough two   months and i'm really worried that i actually  don't know that i could do it it's been really   hard one thing i wanted to share with you right  now that i don't really talk about with you is   that i've been struggling recently with my weight  loss yo bro this is so hard and like watching you   push through it and struggling so hard the  moment i have those moments i remember you   and it forces me to work that much harder i don't  know what my experience would be with weight loss   right now if we weren't doing this together and  it's kind of amazing how much when it comes to   reaching to that lifeline you're my lifeline  without a doubt well you know you're in my life   you're well on your way to completing this project  once you complete it that is a check mark that   should positively reinforce you that you can do  this but i still have to do it and what we keep   doing is making these small goals right you'll  just make more small goals do you believe it i still have a lot of work to do  and i've got to just make the change   that's the best i got right now katie's reached the end of her journey before she stopped the experiment  she had gained 31 pounds   i never had this before i had  no idea i would feel this bad   she spent the last four months trying to get  back to her original weight of 123 pounds she's been tested physically  emotionally and mentally i pushed three times as hard because there was  lose the weight that was it today it feels awesome i'm back in terms of my strength and my  running fitness i can fit into all my clothes   i feel like at any point i can fly up the stairs  that's awesome yeah let's just mean you now   it would be like really cool if i hit  123 i think i would feel like i did it i'm one pound away from my goal i'm 124 pounds  which means i lost a grand total of 30 pounds stay   too shabby katie lost the weight but her real goal  was to teach mateo how to take charge of his own a health dance huh boys mateo was  here i'd have something to dance with i'm headed to patanegra which is mateo's  restaurant it's the perfect place where   we're going to show his friends and family what  his new bodacious body looks like i'm so excited   i'm katie mack and i've been mateo's  personal trainer for the past four months   and now you're gonna see him he dropped  a bunch of weight and he looks super dope eight months ago when i  met mateo he was 316 pounds physically going up the subway  stairs was like going to battle   he couldn't do some of the basic  things that he wanted to do i know that inside my business are my family  and my friends people who are very dear to me i saw matteo about five months ago he was  having trouble walking his gout was bad   he was sluggish so i'm really excited about today truly amazing to see my brother the way  he was he looked like 10 years younger   he had a glow about him i look at everyone's  eyes they look back at me it's just all smiles   holy cow i saw all the faces of people who  helped me what's this thing under your chin   i've never seen that i'm very proud of him in  terms of his health i'm very relieved that he's   lost the weight we're planning to get married  next year he has decided to be able to pick out   suits and pick out clothes and spending our lives  together how do i do this tremendous undertaking   changing my mind and changing what i'm doing and  that's of course katie mack the most beautiful   wonderful incredible inspirational person  that i've met in a very long time body by katy for doing this project i thought i knew who i was i started doing this project i discovered  some things i really didn't like   but i knew that i was doing it for the right  reason i knew i was doing it for you and i   met you and i instantly loved you i learned  there are two very solid things gratitude   and patience but who did i learn them from it's  you i didn't know what that looked like before thank you there's something about me that needed to go  through this in order to be grateful for the   things that i already had cheers  today i know that i love my job   i get to help them figure out a way to change  their lives and make themselves feel better   and i get to learn about their story and  it changes me it makes me grateful yeah hey morning i come bearing gifts my friend a scale  i'm always nervous during a weigh-in because   i just don't know what that scale is going to  say today i know i feel heavy four months ago   311 311 four months later 247 i'm  not feeling 247 that's the goal i do   i i'm happy with 250. yeah because it's  a nice round great number here we go you'd be good to me today you did it that is so great that is so great mateo met his goal of 247 pounds and even  surpassed it by a pound including the five he lost   on his own his total weight loss was 70 pounds  so i'm going to teach you some basic falling   katie helped me to understand that it was  convenient to hide behind my identity as a chef   and eat your drink yourself into oblivion she helped me to see that there's a  way to maintain that persona without   destroying your body my turn one of my  major goals was to get back to doing this   because i always feel great here in my  home in this dojo and i want to continue   to do that as long as my body lets me do  it you know until my 80s whatever it is i'm going to allow myself victory for  today maybe a couple more days but then   back on the horse 2 43 46 i have a new life i'm  reborn i'm the phoenix i'm rising out of the ashes you
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 1,405,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime full episodes, fit to fat to fit, fit 2 fat 2 fit, personal fitness, weight loss, personal trainer, weight gain, experiment, losing weight, obesity, workout, working out, season 1, episode 6, mateo, katie, alex, geoff, jd, Fit to Fat to Fit season 1 episode 6, Fit to Fat to Fit 1x6, Fit to Fat to Fit season 01, Fit to Fat to Fit s1 e6, Fit to Fat to Fit new clips, Fit to Fat to Fit clips
Id: rnUC9YYW16w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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