Pork Spare Ribs vs Baby Back Ribs (and 321 Ribs) The Bearded Butchers Explain!

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[Music] it's summertime what better way to celebrate summer than some pork ribs on the grill today we're going to show you the difference between pork spare ribs and baby backs we're going to show you where they come from we're going to prep them we're going to season them and we're going to take them through the entire process all the way through the grilling and we're going to taste test them so follow along so what we have here is an entire pig we are going to get one spare rib and one baby back per half giving us a total of two spare ribs and two baby backs let's just get started and i'll show you how to extract them out of this pork and how to prep them to be seasoned a lot of this we've already explained in other videos that are on our channel so i'm not going to go into real deep detail on you know all the different angles and cuts and the other items on this hog we're just going to go right for the ribs so if i move along at kind of a rapid pace without explanation that's why now that we have the hams removed we're going to set this half up on the saw and we're going to start slicing and dicing so we're going to go ahead and separate this pork belly and these spare ribs from this loin so here's our fresh side here's our spare ribs and we're just going to go ahead and pull those out and show you how to prep them so what i like to do is i like to take my victorinox and score that member membrane right there along the bottom of those ribs then i take my knife and i cut right through this little flap of meat but not cutting too deep because located right underneath here is that pork fresh side which we're going to make into bacon so we definitely don't want to put a bunch of cuts in that pork belly you can use the pork belly for a number of things you can make bacon you can make pork burnt ends we typically use it for bacon around here because who doesn't love bacon so i'm just going to go ahead and pull these spares out of there just like that i'm going to square my belly up like i said today it's about ribs so we're not going to go into detail on the process of making bacon maybe we'll save that for another date so if you take a meat hook that's what we like to use just get right underneath this membrane on these ribs you can use a paper towel you can use your apron something to give you just a little bit of grip and if you buy pre-packaged ribs just remember before you put these on the smoker make sure that that's removed if you leave that on your rib it's going to make for a real unpleasant bite sort of chewy so we definitely don't want that so what we have here is your traditional pork spare rib this rib's going to have some excess bone this is that brisket bone right here then it has some cartilage along the bottom what we like to do is we like to turn these into st louis style ribs and to do that you can just take your knife and just cut it right down along the bottom because what this does if you can save these you can smoke them these make nice little riblets but when you prep your ribs like this what happens then is after they're smoked you can just cut down in between each rib making it a real nice single rib bite with no excess bone on the bottom so there's the first st louis style rib that we pulled out of that first half now i'm going to prep this loin i'm going to remove this back fat and then i'm going to pull the baby back ribs out of this so i can show you the difference between the st louis and the baby backs can't tell me you didn't like that first of all what we want to do is remove this pork tenderloin just pull that tenderloin out now we're going to remove the sirloin now that we have the sirloin removed and the tenderloin i'm going to take my knife and i'm going to squirt right along that membrane now i will mention if you see country style ribs in the store those we typically get sometimes we'll trim this last bone off right here but four ribs long country style rib comes right off the end of this loin today we're not going to cut the country style ribs because we're going to try to extract as many baby backs as we can the baby back ribs are these little ribs located right against the vertebrae on this pork loin so you have the the pork loin running right along the back of these ribs so that's why the price you go to the store baby backs are going to be a little bit more expensive because they're more desirable rib because they are loin meat on those so just go ahead and get started so here you kind of have to make a little bit of a call when you do this because obviously we're we're talking about loin meat so we don't want to cut into that loin and take too much away from those pork chops but we do want to leave a little bit of meat on these ribs also so i like to cut down along the back of those ribs like that and we'll flip it over scoring it and this should just fall right out that is going to be the baby back rib and i'm going to finish it on the band saw the meantime we're going to trim this up a little bit a beautiful boneless pork loin tenderloin and sirloin but here again we're not talking about those we're talking about ribs [Music] so i used my band saw and i cut through the vertebrae on the back of these because here again you want these to be able to separate once they're they've been cooked that way you can just take your knife cut down in in between each individual rib and you can serve these without any you know bone little bone pieces on the bottom and makes them more desirable so there's the baby backs here's the st louis that's one half of a pig let's go ahead and do the second half while cess breaking out that second half i'm going to give him the magic touch today i've got our house bucket of hollywood and a shaker of hollywood i'm going to be putting the hollywood blend seasoning on the ribs we love the hollywood for pork and brief history on hollywood how we came up with the name seth well somebody reached out to us from a production company about doing a new show for american television called the butcher seth wound up traveling to hollywood california last year so that he could film the show while he was out there we've been working on a recipe which was our original blend but with the addition of cane and brown sugar something to sweeten it up so while he was out there we got to thinking about it so we decided for a limited edition we would do a hollywood blend to commemorate his trip to hollywood well it's stuck and it's become one of our more popular blends so this is our original blend seasoning with the addition of cane and brown sugar and what that does it adds just this great especially on pork it adds a great benefit of some sweetness and the great thing about getting a bucket like this you have 72 ounces in a bucket which comes out to 12 shakers plus we send you the shaker and what we do is we refill our shaker right out of the bucket i know at home it's really important for me to have one of these buckets comes with the scoop and that's a really nice way to make sure that you have plenty of seasoning this goes back on snaps in place it's got a tight seal and you always have plenty of beer or butcher blend seasoning on hand so cool thing about hollywood is that you're guaranteed to be the most famous person on your neighborhood block when you use it so it's going to make you a star going to make you a star you're going to be walking the red carpet remember seasoning nice and high gets you the most even coat i'm going to show you after i do these two racks of st louis spare ribs and my two racks of baby back just how much of the seasoning that i used now here's a pro tip i've got a a liner inside this tub and it's really going to let me soak up all this seasoning because i can roll these ribs around you can do the same thing with a bag at home so you get a nice large bag you can put the meat in it here you see i'm kind of tamping that in making sure that i get a nice rub i thought that was called scott's hot tip scotch hot tip that's what i say whenever i give you one of these recommendations we like to use a liberal amount to get that beautiful flavor on these doesn't that look amazing whack there you go be the worst day of your life we uh we some folks have talked about uh speculated which one of us would win in a fight or wrestling match and i'm gonna tell you folks we we settled that long time ago i beat him three times in a row and then he cried uncle every time he saw me from then on so depends if i have a knife or not don't bring a knife to a gunfight sir look at that just look at it i used my entire shaker and in this case i'd be running into spare to beardedbutchers.com to order another shaker but i don't have to because i have 12 more right here in my bucket that's the great thing about it now i'm going to use my pro tip to just snag up the rest of this out of the bottom of this bag so that no seasoning is wasted i think we've got it so look at that now another pro tip scott's hot tip i think i've given this one before double up your gloves and now i've got clean gloves what beauties two racks st louis style spare ribs two racks baby back ribs came off of this pig that we butchered right here in house masterfully crafted by none other than seth perkins himself now we're going to put him on the smoker the traeger 885 ironwood and we're gonna we're we're gonna use the um the three two one method we're big fans works great turns out some cr incredible ribs we'll be wrapping with butcher paper and um i'm already hungry i haven't i haven't eaten anything yet today yeah so follow along and we're gonna get these on the grill off to the smoker billy dilly i really i really wish somebody's lazy but would help me carry some of this stuff i'm kind of liking the view from this side of the table went in and got all of our house bucket sauce the whole bit getting ready to get started here yum the time has come to put these ribs on the grill so i mentioned that the three two one method which is basically what we're gonna be doing just a slight a slight variation of the three two one method um actually i've got the grille at 275 and i'm gonna load it up and i'm gonna let him go for pretty much two hours at 275 and then we're gonna wrap and we're gonna go another it's probably actually about two and a half hours on the first on the first round at 275. we'll kind of take a look at him and then we'll come come back out for the wrap now these got to sit overnight in that hollywood blend rub so they're going to be super marinated and i'm certain super delicious so there we have it our two racks of baby back our two racks st louis spare gonna go in here and smoke over hickory for about two and a half hours and then we're gonna wrap i'm gonna spritz about every hour pretty much when i see them drying out i've got a mixture here of apple cider and broth so when these start to dry out after a little bit i'll come back out and spritz them but right now we just let them sit in the smoke bath oh my mahogany colored meat straw colored fat that's what we like to see these are looking amazing so two and a half hours in let's go ahead and get them wrapped so i'm using peach paper to wrap these you can use aluminum foil you can use peach paper butcher paper the difference being if you use aluminum foil that's going to trap a hundred percent into the package if you use peach paper it's gonna let some of the juices um evaporate you're gonna get this you're gonna keep your nice bark oh those are just looking amazing so wrap each one tightly [Applause] and back onto the treasure they'll go all right there you have it two more hours we'll take a look at these we're gonna sauce um we're gonna actually we're gonna do rebel red on half of a baby back which is our habbo magneria hot mango habanera hot sauce and then we're going to do our whisker licking good barbecue sauce on the other half of just one baby back rib leave the rest plain so that way we get a way to sample all three flavors rebel red barbecue and plain well hollywood dry rub season check back in a couple hours we'll see how they look time to unwrap they it feels like about the right time so let's take and uh let's just set the ribs out here take a look at him see how we're looking oh that's perfect look at that pull back on these oh that is i just actually just had to push that one rib back in there because it was wanting to come out so i'm going to unwrap these and then i'm going to actually just for just for proof i mean we can lose a bone it's not a big deal there's our baby backs there's our first rack of st louis style spares i tell you what the smell the smell alone is worth the trip smell is absolutely marvelous on these don't they just look amazing so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to zip this one in half and i'm going to zip this one in half look at that then i'm accidentally going to drop one of those in there i'm gonna put barbecue sauce on well forgot i had a brand new bottle here so we're gonna use that trick barbecue sauce on half there barbecue sauce on half there rebel red now the viscosity on rebel red is a little bit thinner so i can expect that to run a little bit more than the barbecue put these on here oh yeah spread that around now what i intend to do is go ahead and stick these guys back on for about 20 30 minutes tops just to set that sauce and get it just a nice little bit of crunchy crispy on the outside here all right let's just go ahead and set those on there let's dial it up let's say 375 an additional 100 degrees give them uh let's give them 15 20 minutes and then let's eat oh meat candy so by turning it up like that we just get that really nice a little bit of crispiness everything just sets up now we're going to set them out here look at look at that look at how that barbecue sets because of that viscosity that we've got in it and trust me it tastes better than it looks folks there you have it pretty maids and all all in a row we're going to give them a minute to cool off a little bit and we're going to give them a taste test now it's time for the big taste test um we're gonna go from plane to barbecue i just got i gotta taste them by myself because i don't know where seth is man i thought i smelled something i've been in there i've been in there working my hind then off and you've been out here screwing around i know that's not true these are going to be the plane this is the dry rub the plain hollywood season um st louis spares hmm fall off the bone now save room because we gotta go through wow three different versions of this rib i'm definitely picking up the uh that's wonderful definitely picking up the sugar out in the hollywood this is gonna be the the barbecue i'll wait for you that takes it to a whole new level a whole new level oh my goodness so with the dry rub a little bit more of the meat flavor definitely got that nice dry rub then when you get to the barbecue just get that nice tangy very good now we're going to get into the rebel red you know what you want to go to the baby back i think we should try the baby back keep the palate yep kind of cleanse we don't want to uh we don't want to make our mouths you know what i'm not even going to use the knife i'm not i'm just going to just going to do it this this way this is going to be the dryer hollywood yep oh so tender now the baby back definitely meatier we got to remind uh remember as we showed you when we were cutting this pig the baby back has that loin meat the st louis spares you know we we love bacon around here and that's where that bacon comes right off this side so don't don't give us too much trouble about not being meaty enough we wanted the bacon off of this pig too so if you put your pick at home yourself you can basically make them as meaty as you want that's just remember you're going to sacrifice that pork belly which you turn into bacon if you do that this is barbecue baby back barbecue baby back barbecue baby back say that 10 times real fast well i'm loving the barbecue over just a dry rub because it just takes it to a whole new level now we're going to go to the rebel red it's going to give you a i'm going to tear off a chunk and i'm going to get a chunk here so that way we can leave room for that slow down a little bit i don't know i'm trying to enjoy it we got all night nice that's really nice it's got a really nice element of like just kind of a sort of subtle tangy but definitely a little bit of heat but not not so hot that you can't enjoy it and you can prepare this for people that don't even like hot stuff and they'd still be able to tolerate this definitely not not too hot so now we're going to be on to the the rebel red baby backs i'm getting quite the pile of bones here whoa i don't know what the wives have planned for supper tonight but pretty sure we're already going to be full i think it's going to be ribs yeah awesome right for me personally the baby back definitely a meteor rib obviously having that loin meat on there i'm gonna go with my personal favorite being the barbecue baby back i think that's the the most flavor the dry rub absolutely perfect but that barbecue adds just a tanginess that it's so desirable rubble red again good of course you could use our hot rub if you wanted to make that even hotter yeah depends on what you like and i i do have to say i think i'm going to have to agree with scott and go with the baby back with just a barbecue on it incredible delicious cook nice job man thank you good job cutting so there you have it we hope you enjoyed the video we explained the spare rib the st louis style spare rib the baby back rib we took it from that pig that we butchered right to the trigger 885 right to the table turned out a great product we want to remind you we use the hollywood dry rub on here you can get it in the 4.5 pound bucket we've got the 5.5 ounce shaker and as well as the barbecue sauce you can get it in the 12 ounce or the 64-ounce half gallon which what we found just like the shakers of seasoning the barbecue sauce and the rebel red we needed a bigger size they come with a flip cap you just set them right over top of your your 12 ounce bottle you refill them as needed so we've got the barbecue sauce and the rebel red both in the 12 ounce and the 64 ounce we hope you enjoyed the video we want to thank you for watching all of our subscribers thank you so much for clicking that subscribe button remember turn on your notifications so you hear from us every time we upload a new video we're the bearded butchers from white feather meets we want to thank you and remind you stay tuned we've got a lot more coming for you in the future until next time see ya here you go who wants to try it oh andy no you got it okay i'm not going to lose my fingers over our ribs so here's a real taste test what do you think guys so good good how is it here get in here landon get it get a rib get a rib charlie wants some oh we're getting down to just the bones now i guess there won't be any ribs for [Music] supper [Music] you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 416,292
Rating: 4.9561357 out of 5
Keywords: bearded butchers, bearded butcher blend, bearded butcher bbq, chipotle, cajun, hot, original, seasoning, wild game, grilling, big green egg, bge, charcoal grill, whitefeather meats, ohio, creston ohio, scott perkins, seth perkins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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