How to Cook a Turkey (KISS Method) |The Ultimate Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe | The Bearded Butchers

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[Music] hmm [Music] today we're talking turkey um first of all i want to thank the turkey for his cooperation in the project but this one it's a super simple recipe it's gonna feature our chipotle seasoning of course and it starts it's basically just three steps we're gonna brine the turkey then we're gonna mix up a special injection marinade that i like to do um step that's step two step three we're obviously gonna cook the turkey but it starts with the brining step and um the real important thing is that when you get your bird that you make sure that it's not been pre-brined or soaked in salt solution the reason why manufacturers will do this with turkeys is they absorb water and that's really why we're doing this is to coax a little bit more moisture into this turkey and make a little more tender who doesn't want a more tender more juicy turkey well manufacturers know that and at times they will use salt or sodium tripolyphosphate to bring in more moisture because then they're selling you water so it's important when you first thing you do when you're buying your bird is that you inspect it on the label for things like solution added enhanced even kosher that could mean that it's already got something this happens to be a free range farm fresh turkey with absolutely no additives whatsoever so what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to take and i'm going to add salt to my water and it's it's very simple i simply do one pound of salt for each gallon of water used now i've just got super cold refrigerated chilled water and i've got two pounds so i've got two gallons of water and i've got two pounds of sea salt a lot of recipes are going to tell you that you want to basically heat this up over a saucepan to dissolve the salt that's not necessary if we just give it a few minutes here and stir it around and let's put it this way folks this is the basic formula and like i said i'm this is a kiss turkey keep it simple stupid guys like me we don't i mean because you can look up on the internet and you can just go to whatever level you want with this bird i'm talking fresh herbs and the whole bit and i like to just keep it simple and the nice thing about our chipotle seasoning and we're going to get a great tasting bird without doing a whole lot so i'm just using salt and water now you can add sugar you can add maple sugar you can add bourbon beer cider fruit chunks the sky is the limit but i just given you the basic formula which is one pound of salt for one gallon of cold water also i'm in a five gallon bucket here and i'm gonna just set this back in the cooler obviously you can do this in a fridge or if you don't have the means of keeping a whole bucket in your refrigerator you simply can use a cooler and add ice if you need to add a little bit ice throughout the process that's totally fine but you don't always have to use a refrigerator especially this time of year it's going to be cooler out put it in a small cooler dump some ice in there monitor it make sure it stays cold that'll work just the same and about an hour per pound is how long you want to brine this bird so i've got a 17 pound turkey and i'm going to put it in here for about 17 hours let's take a look at this bird now the turkeys that we get like i said they're cleaned up really nice um they're actually already sort of trust here the way that they butcher these which makes it really nice and you just want to take a look and see if there's anything obviously you're going to have this packet in here that that's got your heart your gizzard and your liver in it so you want to get that out of there you want to see if you have the turkey neck in the turkey cavity which this one did not have the turkey neck in there and then you want to make sure there's no ice or or moisture or anything like that extra in here i do feel a little bit of ice so i'll get that out of there this bird was previously frozen there is a little ball of fat here like the turkey tail i'm just going to leave that then we've got a little bit of this extra neck skin right here so i'm just simply going to cut it off i'm going to leave a little bit just so that when it cooks up it doesn't expose that breast right there so at that point because this turkey is so nicely prepped and ready to go all i've pretty much got to do is submerge this turkey in my cold brine so i'm going to put it breast down we're going to put it in there and you'll see my two gallons perfectly covers my turkey you can use maybe some dinner plates or something like that to weight this down if you want at this point step one complete like i said super simple takes five minutes we're gonna put this in the cooler and when we come back we're going to mix uh maple sugar our chipotle seasoning some unsalted butter and we're going to inject this turkey and get him on the traeger 885 to smoke and cook so to bed you go mr turkey [Music] okay welcome back as you can see i've now got a haircut overnight um this would be a great time to feature something that we're going to have available soon and it's a refill bag obviously the bucket refills the shaker but now we're going to have a bag available that refills the bucket because eventually that's going to happen so first things first i've got to refill my bucket with bearded butcher blend seasoning and once that's done i've got to refill my shaker obviously with a piece of meat this large we're going to use quite a bit of seasoning so i'm going to be using both the shaker to apply seasoning to the outside of the bird and i'm going to be using my scoop to make my injection marinade all right so once that's all done let's go get our bird he's over here by the sink so i threw some meat hooks in a heavy plastic bag when you're pulling your bird out like this it's always gonna have a bunch of liquid in that cavity so we're gonna drain all that out i'm gonna get him sitting in this little rack here just for right now patient is on the table now i've gotta pat him dry so we're gonna snag some paper towels we'll be right back we're just gonna pat him dry and then we'll get started on our injection marinade get him all seasoned up get him cooking the fun part i think that's gonna do all right let's slide this out of the way for a second to talk about what we've got here once again three very easy simple ingredients i've got a roll of unsalted butter i've got some of ohio pure maple syrup my sister stacy actually twin sister stacy her and her husband make the maple syrup right at their farm just two miles away so maple syrup butter and chipotle seasoning so what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna melt this butter so once again i'm just i'm not doing a whole lot of you can't use too much of the butter so i'm gonna put this in here zoom off to the microwave for a second when we get back we're going to mix kind of equal parts maple syrup and butter and then add some chipotle seasoning brb all right we're ready to go i grabbed my basting brush because we're going to use that later so what i like to do is see how close we got to a half a cup here oh just with the eyeball look at that pretty darn close so i like to do like i said about equal parts i've got a half cup of butter and then i'm going to add about the same amount of maple syrup and then i'm going to do two tablespoons of chipotle the idea here is i want to mix this up get it all blended up here and then this is going to be my injection into tell you what gonna do it this way make sure there's no clumps in here all right looks like we got that mixed up i can fill my injection needle i'm gonna start putting this into the bird since i'm sucking this up with my needle i want it something a little bit more cylindrical okay get over here bird all right so some people don't like track marks that means when they put this in here they don't like those holes in their bird but we're not at all worried about that because we want a nice flavorful bird so i can already tell i'm not going to be happy with the amount of injection so i'm going to mix up another batch and keep going i just asked spencer i was like you smell that he's like oh yeah smells so good all right be right back i'm actually gonna use one of these get right under that skin that way it kind of runs right on top of that muscle cannot have too much butter right guys that's right look at him over there look at my audience lunchtime this is gonna be ready and we're gonna so we've been making more turkey um lately and i think there's actually a petition that needs started because there's no reason why we should only eat turkey like this once a year so i think i would like to see more turkey throughout the year more turkey more butter and more beer to butcher blend seasoning the better we're going to call that good i am going to be making some more of this um up just to baste the turkey as we're cooking it but at this point i'm going to begin putting my dry rub on the outside of it we're going to coat the outside of this bird nicely with chipotle seasoning so i'm using chipotle because we describe it as cool and smoky it's mild and so a lot of folks you know at your holiday party grandma included may not want a heavily seasoned or otherwise spicy bird and chipotle is nice and cool and smoky and you can use cajun as well it's uh more of a peppery base to the cajun you've got three peppers in there but chipotle we like because it's going to you know be palatable for everybody that's involved grandma and kids included and it's going to turn out a great tasting bird so as i said bear in mind i'm going to mix up some more of my um injection marinade i'm going to baste this turkey as we go but at this point i think it's time we head out to the grill i would say beautiful fall day it's more of a typical fall day here in ohio overcast about 46 degrees oh look at that in she goes [Music] all right we'll be back after a while see how she does basting time um grills at 350. i'm using the turkey pellets from traeger mixture oak hickory maple and rosemary and the great thing is these do come with their own brine and uh turkey rub but you've got enough with just the uh the one bag you can do two maybe even three turkeys or like a turkey turkey breast so definitely hang on to this it comes in the bag if you're doing our mixture today highly recommended that also is very good so bear that in mind all right i know you want to see this bird let's take a look here oh i could smell it inside so i've just got my mixture here of butter maple syrup and chipotle seasoning if you notice i don't skimp with the butter and if you've been following along this is my third batch of this stuff this is what we injected the bird with and i've gone through two tablespoons of chipotle each time so that's why it's great to have that [Music] bucket oh she is looking so divine that i cannot wait actually gonna spin this bird around so i can get the other side doesn't that turkey smell good no part of this bird on touch you know what i'm just gonna even it out here a little bit too got to have the right right look to it all right now that seizing is going to stick on there nice oh the smell all right now we wait it it's getting a little bit chilly out here oh it's gonna be the last baste of this bird i'm just gonna drizzle it on there let's make a roux um i'm gonna make some gravy obviously you can't have turkey without gravy so i've melted some butter i'm actually i rolled out a little big green egg here it's our very first green egg that we ever had and i melted my butter just gonna get my flour in there cup of butter a couple flour gonna get this all toasted up and then i'm gonna add some some of my drippings and some uh chicken bone broth make ourselves a nice gravy oh yeah let's put that on there let it simmer for a minute or so all right i'm stealing some drippings from this to add to my roux so that we get some of that good smoked flavor in there not a lot because they've got a little bit of a bark thing going on but just enough to get that flavor if i skim some of that out of there i know to flavor it up nice hear those kids screaming in there oh yeah so i'm gonna add that some broth in there so if you want to snag me that chipotle never thought you'd ask to get me involved in this video here let me do this he's got to do it yeah how much you want me how many shakes just a little bit i mean we got plenty on the turkey i'm just trying to season it up good yep nope that's good oh i need my glove my cut proof or my heat resistant glove please hey while you're at it get me a glass of water got a please in there anywhere please you know what we don't have time for seth i gotta get this off there we go all right now mr turkey as soon as he's done got ourselves some gravy to go on there and we go to town do i need a mic nope mike no mike do i need a spencer you do need me i think these gloves are we're working on branding gloves like this for our beer to butcher and we are branding this thermometer over here so we're gonna have those available down the road gloves and thermometer put a plug in for that all right check it out 350 degrees 160 internal temperature on my whoa oh my just take a moment and soak it in this beautiful bird is now going to head inside with me so now i'm just going to take the bird head in we're going to carve it up it's lunch time here at white feather meets on a busy saturday but we're going to get this puppy carved up and everybody's going to enjoy turkey we got inside and we're we're trying to let this thing rest we are letting it rest but we've got hungry hungry hippos the turkey has now been joined of course the gravy a sweet potato pie and look at this bacon topped cheddar topped mashed potatoes shout out to my wife jamie she made the accessories because you can't just eat well you can just eat turkey but so you're gonna want a little bit of everything we're gonna cut this bird up not gonna make too much to do about that um uh maybe everybody has their own way or whatever but the um the idea here is i'm just tripling up my gloves because otherwise it's going to be kind of hot so let's get him un glued from his rack here the guy that carves the turkey is always the favorite guy at the party this one was trust like this already so i'm just gonna get rid of that go right down here along the thigh until you expose that thigh bone and joint that went off oh look at that now you know at every holiday meal there's always that guy hanging around looking for a taste let's just carve off a little taste do you want to be that guy absolutely who all wants to taste come on in here tell me how it is you do yeah dad wants to taste it you hand that over to him so good all right so anyway i'm going to once i've got the the wolves at bay you find this joint right here [Music] cut the drums off go right down along the bone here get my dark meat separate it out of there you can tell i don't work too much on foul mostly just just red meat obviously the bones you can set them aside you're going to be able to do all kind of stock and gravy with that now i'm going to use my get the wings off of here get these out of the way right down along that breastbone where we've got that all that juice and butter and injection that i put in there that out of the way how juicy this turkey is doesn't that just look amazing it's gonna be hot look at how much juice is coming out of this turkey all right well there you have it we've got turkey get rid of that wingtip a little bit of turkey dark meat white meat time for the cook to taste a little bit of this go with this piece right here so savory all right my job is done hope you enjoyed the video the steps we took remember three easy steps three easy ingredients well four if you count the salt with the salt brine then we did the chipotle maple syrup and butter that went in the turkey on the turkey now we're done everybody's standing around licking their chops we hope that you enjoy this thanksgiving season as i'm sure we will because like we say it's all about faith family and food we're going to say a quick blessing over this and then we're going to eat and we will see you next time thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 622,353
Rating: 4.9306407 out of 5
Keywords: how long to cook a turkey, how to cook a turkey, how long to cook a turkey at 350, what temperature to cook a turkey, how to smoke a turkey, how long to smoke a turkey, pellet grill turkey, how to grill a turkey, chipotle seasoning, Bearded Butchers, Bearded Butcher Blend, traeger turkey, traeger smoked turkey, how to carve a turkey
Id: -ogGwjNFnKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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