How to Butcher a Deer at Home Economy Style (Make Your Deer Meat Last All Year) The Bearded Butchers

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an essential part of processing day especially a fall processing day is some candy corn pop these in keep your energy flowing who wants one he always does this i learned in california juan juan always fixed me up every day yeah i'll let you i'll let you handle the backside that makes it easier for me there you go california for this one time candy corn time all right it's time to process today we're in the farm shop and this is all about what it's all about and that's this kid over here logan raise your hand shot this buck along with his wonderful dad and we're going to process it today so we've been focusing a lot on um meat that we were taking out of the freezer like with the hot dogs like with the summer sausage these were more or less further processed but today we're going to focus on just a just a good old-fashioned cut out um you know call it like uh you know family cut economy cut poor man's cut whatever you will but we're going to cut out this deer white-tailed deer harvested right here in wayne county ohio and we're going to use the meat grinder today we're going to be using the half horse um the number eight and the meat 15 pound stuffer last time i called it a grinder or something like that so that's why i said it like that the stuffer and we'll throw in the chamber of act two but the idea is that we want to show you just how budget friendly this can be or or that entry point into this can be um at a low budget point because with just the use of the grinder um obviously when you produce burger but then the stuffer we're gonna do some brats and then for the vacuum sealing you could do uh the chamber vac where you could get the table top option to help preserve your meat so that's the purpose of today's video we're going to be taking this buck and we're going to be showing you and we have the family involved um in fact where we're standing is the original slaughter floor on this farm built in the 1950s this block building was where the animals were originally slaughtered before the new portion of our uh our meat plant where it stands today was built so it's a great area we know a lot of you folks will be doing this stuff in a garage at a farm beautiful gorgeous fall day temperatures are just right for this got the kids involved because these guys are fantastic at deboning me they they help us out in the meat shop all the time and so that's gonna be a big help today but it's just about having fun getting everybody involved we've got a smoker fired up we're gonna throw some seasoning on some of this as we're cutting it up chop away let's talk a little bit about this shot logan has been practicing all summer long this is why it's important to practice right behind the shoulder we actually got the shot on film but anyways this deer went 40 yards we didn't even have to follow a blood show or look for a blood trail we simply saw the deer's white belly laying in the woods so great shot logan this is why you practice also always tag your carcass odnr will appreciate this upon retrieving the animal fill out your tag and then make sure you check it in so first thing we're going to do to get started is remove the tag this deer has been hanging for what a little over a week stuff nine days nine days we dry aged in our cooler now obviously we have the luxury we have a 35 degree cooler that you see on the films all the time um it certainly is a huge blessing we've talked a little bit about this step how important we feel it is we have guys that talk about doing it with a high on versus the hide off we always do it with the height off we always do it for a period of um you know bare minimum will be three days but on a buck like this seven to nine days is gonna be pretty much optimal and then you know as far as options if you don't obviously have a walk-in cooler there are some um some various things that we've heard about we haven't experienced themselves one would be coolbot which takes a window air conditioning unit converts it somehow digitally you might check that out i think it's not at any way endorsed or or sponsored by those folks but we've heard about it and we understand that this step being so important to us we want to maybe help you find some options to do it or like today i mean it's going to be about 60 today but obviously we're in the coolness of the shop it's been 35 36 at night so you certainly can use temperature um you know your outdoor temperature at the right time of the year this deer could have hung in this shop and been just fine the last few days it's been that cool yep one question people might ask is what does this carcass weigh logan was anxious to get it across the scale the day we skinned it 129 pounds so that's what it weighed going into the cooler and we'll see how much meat we end up with so without further ado let's just get started now logan shot this deer with a crossbow rage broadhead and it did make an entry on the opposite side and it did not make an exit so um during this butchering process we are going to need to keep an eye out for a broadhead i never found it it could have pulled out somewhere where the from the point of impact to where we found it but we don't know so we are going to keep in mind that we did not find that so something to keep an eye out for but let's just go ahead and get started first thing we do is expose these flanks here a little bit to those gorgeous inner loins we like to call them fish tenders slang for deer tenderloin in this neck of the woods you just reach inside here make a cut on each side once you get the first initial couple cuts made you can almost just pull this out at that gorgeous tenderloin scott what do you think the word today should be we've had words over the years in our videos one of them being an inc incredible eating incredible eating experience all right all right um what do you think about gorgeous gorgeous is good or beautiful or tender incredible phenomenal people talk about making a drinking game out of our our little catch words or catch phrases so there's the two tenders now what you want to do is you want to flip that carcass over i like to start right here top of this flank this is where your tri-tip is located so we might save those tri-tips and throw them on the tragger for lunch today might he says we are right here there's a hip bone so you want to find that hip bone take your knife just cut down through like this then i'm going to go ahead and grab our hand saw and i'm going to cut right through that vertebrae where that sirloin meets the the loin right there so that's the first step now we're going to just start breaking down these hind quarters as soon as i get some scraps i'll have scott set them over on the table so that the boys can start doing some deboning you'll notice a lot of times stuff will make a cut or two and then he'll actually apply pressure just to start spread that apart find that ball joint there and the pelvis and then as he we talk about angles all the time spin stuff around so you can find those angles so you can keep the heel of that knife down and that tip up so you can stay right along that pelvis so he doesn't get into his sirloin it's apparent just with one you know look at this muscle that this deer is going to be perfectly aged and tender and incredible tasting so this is the chunk the pelvis bone right here i'm just going to throw it over here and the kids can start working it trimming that off one of them can anyway there we have the two hindquarters we're going to start seaming these out removing the shank cuts like this we typically we just um people talk about soup soup stock and things like that yeah you can certainly do that but we're just going to take the meat from the bone and grind the meat in hamburger give the bone to the dog or make some stock with the surround portion what we're going to do is we're just going to seam it out and we're going to save some roasts and we're going to cut some jerky removing that femur bone start with pulling the sirloin a little chunk of sirloin so growing up my mom was telling us how that when we were kids our dad would shoot a deer and he would take it to the butcher and he would often just kind of get like a standard cut and he wasn't able to really i guess change the cutting style a whole lot so he got a lot of steaks and got a lot of roasts and as kids we didn't really eat the steak so she would find herself taken and getting the um you know her household mixer i think it attached to like her kitchenaid and she would be in the kitchen trying to grind this stuff up into hamburger so we've been you know we're mindful of that we certainly grew up tasting deer that was you know maybe not processed very well so we learned to change our cutting style a little bit now with what we cut for our families based off of that so we have something that doesn't need to be reworked at the end of the day there he is catch the old man looking good dad i like it dear tri-tip i wonder how many people saved those not enough that's gonna be lunch i don't know what you're going to eat but i'm going to set that aside and throw some seasoning put it on the smoker here in a minute this is the venison top round now we'll pull out the eye these are all held together just by seams maybe you've seen this in some of our other videos i want to talk a minute about a gland located inside this hindquarter right here's that gland we always talk about make sure we get that removed that's going to go in the inedible barrel iron it's the bottom round these will get trimmed out for um roasts and jerky it's nice to have a partner a lot of times i'm the one doing all the the deboning but it's nice to have a partner as you're working through this whether it's you know hunting buddy spouse whatever you have just to and seth and i have been working long enough together that we can kind of work without really talking much with each other but it's nice to have somebody that can work through your trim pieces for you as you're going along that way the stuff doesn't pile up on you we do right recycle or or 100 use everything that comes off of anything that we process here whether it's deer or the commercial products in our store so everything gets 100 percent recycled repurposed reused bone broth pet food you name it nothing goes to waste when we have an animal speaking of pet food i know i saw a little piece hit the floor over here and i was wondering he must have missed a nice little piece right here for charlie there you go oh gotta remember those furry friends round top round this is the eye of round you guys can chop up some stew meat if you get some nice lean pieces too okay we've got victorinox boning knives and the combo cut steel you can find these on our website so we have one round seamed and ready to go now we'll start on round number two pull that sirloin you want to denude the tenders yeah i wondered if you wanted me to do that by d nude he just means that i'm going to take the uh so i didn't mean to take your clothes off nobody wants to see that it's a little bit cold for that today we can just take and trim the little bit of silver skin and connective tissues off of these here's that tri-tip so we're going to pull another one of these for lunch not a lot there but guaranteed to be fantastic so through this process we do want to explain to you how to get the most you know economic economically cut venison so to feed a large family or even a small family but for the longest period of time so just keep in mind that's kind of the approach we're going with deer this size you know it could potentially feed a family of four to six for you know several months easily if not longer depending on how far you stretch it out we grew up eating a lot of hamburger helper and so whenever you add noodles or anything like that to a product it's always going to stretch it out a little bit further you have a lot of hungry mouths to feed this is where we're going to do our our fillet like a fish method so just get your fingers on start your knife flat well that didn't go as planned maybe i'll try this side there we go and just peel that outside off like that there's another bottom round we've got some pork fat today we talk about this typically we we remove a lot of the fat from the venison um it will hold the gamy flavor um should there be any gamey flavor in the fat this is obviously pre-rut deer but it is a buck so it's something to bear in mind seth talked about the glands you want to make sure that you keep the glands out of there but also large chunks of fat something like this right in the center of that fat is a gland so by taking the fat you'll also get all the glands too whether you're trying or not so there's a couple different ways you can break this deer down you can see that we made pretty short work of the hindquarter we could also have done it a little bit different and pieced out each sort of primal as we went so we could have done broke the hindquarters off set those aside uh pulled the shoulders off set those aside pulled the loins out of the back set those aside and done it that way but today we're going to just basically pull each section off of this deer and then break down each section as we go so just to clarify that for you and then we'll try to get everything laid out real nice here on the table so you can see what we've ended up with it's time to pull these shoulders off and with these shoulders you can start just by making cut right here and finding that seam as soon as you find that seam right there this the shoulder blade kind of kind of flows this way so you can just pull and cut at the same time keeping in mind that we're going to keep an eye out for that broadhead on the opposite side so we'll just work our way down there's one shoulder flip it over same thing on this side so you can see the damage that that broadhead did going through that deer and i can see the end of the arrow right here so that's definitely where our broadhead's gonna be and i was real careful when i was field dressing this deer because i wanted to make sure that i didn't get cut by it see that boys so when you don't don't find or don't see that come through the opposite side you want to be real careful that you don't uh get cut by it so we're just gonna have to work our way around that and we'll get that pulled out of there so let's see if we can get this broadhead out of here and so since we're going with um pretty much you know an economical style cut these are going to be just trimmed out for ground meat so we're not going to be damaging any cuts or anything like that in this process since it's all going to be trimmed out boned out anyway so let's find that first joint right there that broadhead looks to me like it went right into that bone lodged right in that bone so you can see it's the power of a rage it's stuck right in there hey can you give me a pair of pliers let's see if i can pull this out unless you want to logan do you want to save this and we'll boil it down with that broadhead in there you want to try to pull it out i might have to screw it i'm sure i'd have to just wiggle it up and down yeah that one's let's just leave it all right i think what we'll do is we will uh maybe we'll boil this down logan and then you can you can save it with that rage stuck right in there what do you think okay for all your surgical or dentistry needs please call scott perkins at the beard of butcher i'm gonna give the rest of that to you the patient did not survive so whenever we have a shot like this you all you always have to be cautious of all the hemorrhaging and things like that so typically with this you know you can you it depends you just have to try to follow that it's going to kind of resemble bloody snot but you don't have to throw all the muscle away a lot of times it just finds its way through the connective tissues along or between the muscle so a little bit extra work you can you can typically you can work through it and obviously bow kills are are much easier than uh rifle or shotgun because typically you have one shot and it's a little bit easier to kind of clean up the wound and salvage your good stuff right here located in the front of the shoulder you can see the shank here that's what it looked like before i cut it apart is a is another gland you can see this gland right here what are you thinking about flat irons we can save them see what they look like i mentioned this in other videos but make sure you get that gland removed nobody wants to eat that so you also have to remember that we don't have our band saw set up out here so we wanted to make this you know as realistic as we could for the home user so we purposely are not using a bandsaw and the only cut that i've made so far is with that handsaw some of these cuts boys is going to have just a little bit of some hemorrhaging a little bit of blood so make sure you get the bruising portion out of it okay there's the mock tender on a deer make some nice stew meat or something like that this is the flat iron a couple flat irons a couple mock tenders just take your time when you have a shoulder hit like that you know just work those bruising pieces bruised pieces out of there going to find out why shawn is always wearing a plaid shirt when that's shawn and the tractor pulling the gravity wagons he's a farmer first in a butcher second so he's the one that that that explains why he's always wearing the plaid shirt when we're on the even in the commercial operation on the processing floor which is it's um probably goes that same but i'm going to point it out anyway because we get a few comments on this um want to make it clear this venison this white-tailed deer was harvested uh you know obviously it's a natural resource here in ohio young man goes and gets his uh hunter safety gets a license buys a tag harvests the deer absolutely no part of this will ever enter commercial for sale it's all completely family use completely not for sale hence the environment that we're in hence the dog running around the no beer nets etc etc this is all done legally and then for the use by the perkins family so whenever you're doing anything like that that's that's deemed not for sale you don't you aren't required to basically do whatever you want so all family use just pointing that out venison flatirons let's get the silver skin removed off of these we'll get them trimmed up i think we'll add these to our lunch menu today on the traeger they do have a seam in the middle so you got a there again like filleting a fish there's one flip it over and do the same thing on this side there's two a couple of venison flat irons now let's do the same thing with this one let's remove that outside silver skin top that purty just take your time no rush when we've said this before but in our videos we're certainly not going for speed slow is smooth smooth is fast we could turn it up and go for speed but we'd rather 54 54 is the is the is the number of gear that we've processed in one day now obviously that's with about a seven person crew but in our commercial days when we were doing all the the processing and we did 54 deer carcass to you know cut out process 54 in one one day i think it was a pretty long day but we did it charlie charlie oh charlie doesn't know which way to turn he's got so many choices just goes to show you that nothing's gonna go to waste on this deer all right it's time to pull those beloved loins so let's just get started i'm gonna show you how to pull this [ __ ] beloved beloved beloved beloved is the word so what i'm gonna set it three times to get you get you rolling if you're following along so right up here on the top of this back i'm just gonna score through this meat all the way down here and what that's going to do that's going to allow me to start cutting these back straps out you can do this hanging in the air too you want to take your knife you want to find those rib bones and you want to cut down just like this peeling this loin out some people don't like when you call them back straps i know we've called them back straps we've called them loins we've called them chops whatever you want to call it this is how you pull it so just following that all the way down to the back you'll hit that vertebrae once you do that you can see that vertebrae is going to run right here so i'm going to take my knife i'm going to start it right along and you have to be on the correct side so i don't want to be on this side yet i want to be on the top side and i want to move my knife all the way down along this back clear down here to the neck now that loin is going to pretty much just pull right out of there that's about where it ends right there at the neck no reason to go any further than that so there's one we'll get that set to the side now we're going to flip it over and we'll start the same thing on this side so just start right here scoring down through that fat now what i can do is take my knife making sure i don't cut into that meat right here is the bone take the tip of your knife find the rib bones right here use a little bit of downward pressure just like this cutting all the way down see how i'm i'm using my my knife like this but i'm also using my wrist to make those movements needed to navigate around those bones so once i get that done then what i want to do is i want to start on this side of the vertebrae now just cut down through here like this once you get that started to come out it'll basically just fall out of there there's the second one so we'll set those to the side now the rest of this deer you can however you want to do this there's a little bit of fat we're going to get rid of you can cut these ribs off you can save the ribs you can take the neck maybe you want to grab your hand saw cut this neck off of here maybe you want to make a couple a couple venison necros today what we're going to do is we're going to turn that into ground meat so scott's going to continue to work on that and then as far as the rest of this goes we're not going to save any ribs for smoking or anything like that today because remember we are trying to get as much ground meat as possible so the ribs were simply just gonna quite frankly trim out i've not been ever super impressed by deer ribs have you used that no just i know somebody out there's got some incredible way of cooking them but personally the ground meats go so much further and are consumed so much more frequently than ribs that's where a lot of that you know more fat is located anyway so and that we all know that venison fat's not that desirable to eat so there's the meat off those ribs so what we're going to be left with is pretty much just the rib cage and the vertebrae attached and a little bit of that front shoulder that we can continue to get all the meat off of there's where that shot went through boys need something to do you want some of this you can work through sometimes it's easier especially when you have youngsters helping you to cut cut things up into strips like this and then they can work on the individual pieces it's a little less intimidating for them i'm going to give them the ones that don't have the bruising because i'll leave that for scott yeah um i'll just go over a little bit of the the deboning um we get questions regarding what's okay in terms of like connective tissues et cetera et cetera what's okay what's not okay silver skin whatever i'll i'll begin with what's not okay obviously like bone for certain like here's a little piece of bone that i um found even when you're boning very close to the to the bone so in other words your knife might nick a piece of bone it sometimes can shave it off and then next would be like these these yellow cords um really only found in the neck but you simply will will not enjoy or appreciate that in in the ground whatever it is so you're going to need to remove the yellow cord something like that give that to your dog and then as far as this neck is concerned i kind of already went over the outside of it but whenever we talk about the neck or the shanks we um let me just find a piece of the shank in here okay right here so if you look right there um virtually impossible i know some people will do it but to go through here and get all that out if it's translucent like that and you can you can see through it don't be concerned about it that made with meat grinder is going to turn that into some beautiful minced ground meat so don't worry about it on the end of these uh shanks which we've already done we where it gets real thick we will cut that off but other than that yeah if it's um more or less translucent uh you know see-through skin don't worry about it go into your ground meat the thick cordage the yellow cord or right at the end of the shank where the ligaments actually will attach to the bone you'll want to get those out but otherwise don't get too worked up about your your ground meets and spend the whole lib long day taking every single piece of silver skin out of the ground meats so where we're at right now i'm just working at trimming up this rest of this rib cage here and getting the much meat off of this as we can but um we're probably what scott half hour 45 minutes into this something like that so with some practice this certainly doesn't have to be a daunting task it can it can be a lot of fun especially when you get your family and friends involved so to bone this portion out i'm going to show you something that's going to make a little bit easier for you there's some soft cartilage right here that you can take your knife i've got the eight inch victorinox and you can cut through this removing that those bones let's go all the way through and then we'll go on this side just like that and it's going to take that bigger knife to do so remove that brisket bone and those bones located along that plate now what that's going to do is that's going to open these bones up at the end and i can take my knife and go down in between each bone so without taking that those bones off the end just makes it a lot more difficult so just go down here this is this is how you get the most meat off this carcass possible so nothing goes to waste um let me point out to you real quick when you have obviously um you know harvested this animal you're going to have we talked a little bit about this trauma but i wanted to show you rather than just chunk this whole piece into your scrap bin um a lot of times this this hemorrhaging finds its way through between the muscle i guess seams so what you can do is you can get it where it's it's sort of exposed like so and you can take your knife and you can work it just taking the basically as deep as the blood is a lot of times it it doesn't go through the muscles everywhere it just goes between them but you can kind of peel that out and then take the the fat off and you're left with you know it's not much but you're left with you know a nice piece of of meat between the fat and this bloody mess so i guess what i'm pointing out is whenever you see something that's looks pretty traumatic it's a little bit of see right there a little bit of careful peel back with a nice sharp knife you can salvage maybe more than you think that's the point so you guys see where the trade-off comes between spending too much time on something versus cleaning it up nicely where you can you can salvage so you guys see how much damage that one shot did with a bow and that rage broadhead imagine if you shot it with a shotgun five or six times sometimes more and then take it to your local processor and complain about why you didn't get any meat back imagine seeing that five to six times worse plus with a shotgun slug so keep that in mind don't go running to your processor which this whole video is designed in our channel is so that you folks can learn how to do this at home um and of course the meat equipment yes absolutely shortly we're going to get into that and show you the grinding step i already know just being based on the equipment that we have it's going to go very smooth and i'm looking i'm actually looking forward to that portion of it this this part of the process is more of you know the the hard harder physical labor a little bit daunting can be a little stressful figuring out where all the muscle seams are and etc but when you bust out that meat equipment you start getting into your grinding and you know making some sausage and we've got the grill fired up outside that's when things get fun not to mention that what's the word which we forgot today's catchphrase what are we going with we said so many beloved the beloved bearded butcher blend seasoning i like it i've added another b we added a b beloved bearded butcher blend well i've pretty well got this wrapped up guys what do you think i think so so if i was walking through the back country and i saw this and i knew somebody butchered it quartered it out i'd say man those guys did a pretty good job i think charlie will be able to eat that it's time to get started on the loins of course we've pulled out two so we're just gonna go ahead and get started on the first one use the tip of your knife you may have seen this in some of our other videos once you get that started you can do a lot of it by hand like a lot of the things on this animals when you're processing so you see i'm just gonna pull that out of there like that so there's one now let's prep the other one and then we will get that silver skin removed a little bone there so the way that you remove this silver skin off the back go ahead and remove this side muscle get all of this off of there clear down to the end just like that then what you want to do is you want to start by removing the top of that gristle just like that now take your knife give yourself a little handle lay it down like you're going to be filleting a fish there it is got almost all of it in one swipe no hack marks smooth as a baby's bottom so here we'll beloved baby's bottom just finished removing this little portion down here just a little bit right here there's one logan how do you want your chops cut do you want them butterflied do you want them just cut into into individual steaks what are you thinking probably individual stakes that way you can share them with all your cousins and they can each take a couple packs home so talking about you know poor man's cut on venison who doesn't love a good steak so we certainly wouldn't grind the chops feel like that'd be a crime that'd be a sin some people um they don't like steak they don't like the taste of you know just eating a deer chop so they maybe they would grind these into hamburger if that's what you want to do you know knock yourself out but today you've seen it in our other videos couple different ways we could do it we could butterfly these we could um you know leave them as roasts butterfly them open fill them with things roll them and tie them whatever but today per logan's request we're going to cut them about an inch thick into some real nice usable sized portions of uh venison chops so tender hey logan come here once oh this is the part where you eat a raw deer chop logan ready for your rite of passage into manhood so what i want you to do logan see those yeah i want you to use my knife and i'm going to teach you how to cut them so you come over here grab my knife okay now what you want to do is you want to you want to go like this you want to stir them up with your fingers see how i'm using my thumb right here my forefinger and then just cut down through there like that and then stack them over here okay okay um however thick you want them it's your deer fella you can you can cut them out however you'd like there you go see if you can make one swipe down through there there you go i think i found my replacement good job logan it's time for a little overview of what we've accomplished so far let's start with the cuts so we saved most of our our hindquarter cuts sirloins those round tip rows those are by far our favorite rows we have the two tri-tips top round bottom round eye of round those are going to be cut into jerky which we can do that here in a little bit those inner loins venison flat irons and then we have all of those beautiful venison chops some stew meat and then we have our grinding so thinking about this from that you know kind of that poor man's approach we're going to try to stretch this as far as we possibly can we our goal was to produce as many grindings as possible we're going to be in the ballpark of close to 40 pounds of trimming so far to make into ground meat hamburgers some bratwurst things like that and we've we've yet to add our pork fat to it so we're going to add about 10 pork fat that's going to increase our volume there overall on the table we're looking at close to 70 pounds of meat so far so remember this deer carcass weighed 129 it now produced all boneless nearly 70 pounds of meat so that's something to keep in mind that's what you should be able to achieve off of a deer that size so from this point scott's going to cook some lunch we're going to throw some of these items on the grill and then we're going to set up the meat grinder and we're going to set up the meat stuffer we're going to show you how to make some some brats we're going to grind some burgers stay tuned yeah so we could we have we couldn't go any further without the next two pieces of the components to this which are going to be our bearded butcher blend seasoning and then of course the meat equipment because we're going to be using the grinder the stuffer and then the vacuum sealer um should be noted we've got the six pack original black chipotle cajun hollywood hot you know right now i i guess i'll give the kids the choice what seasoning probably going to choose black yo black on um the stuff that we're going to throw on for lunch this is really where the fun begins things that right away come into my head chili season cajun or hot are definitely going to go into the chili the roast we love to use the chipotle original of course goes on everything hollywood perfect for um you know your chops your stew meat and that sort of thing but anyway at the moment i'm gonna grab the black out of my six pack and i'm gonna head to the traeger and we're going to throw some cuts on that way as we work through the rest of the afternoon right here we can enjoy some of our fruits of our labor as we move along logan are you i've got tri-tip tri-tip flat iron do you want to throw a couple chops on here too yeah do you want to just grab want me to grab some of these um black seasoning okay what do you have in mine black okay are you cool with maybe this kind of tray all right let's let's cook it up let's get to cooking a little uh windy out here gonna count for the wind oh the smell so the kids have a treasure pro 22 that they that we kind of keep in the garage i say the kids but we kind of all use it and that's what i've got fired up here i got about an hour to lunch so i'm gonna just season these puppies up try to keep my seasoning from blowing around the corner and onto the buffalo they don't need season yet they still got their hides on them [Laughter] that's a dad joke i feel bad for mike [Laughter] i feel bad my kids they they they laugh so hard when they get those dad jokes they they can't help themselves so we're just going to put these beloved flat irons tri tips and chops on let them smoke at you know 180 200 for a little while build that beautiful flavor and then we'll finish them off at a little bit higher temp oh yeah all the feels all right let's get back to work while those smoke so while our lunch is cooking i want to cut some strips for jerky top round don't forget grains are going this way you want to cut it against the grain just like this and we're just going to cut these into strips trying to keep them nice and so what we like to do with our jerky is use one bottle of our bearded butcher blend seasoning per 12 pounds of meat so you could season this up and you could put it in the dehydrator from meat equipment and that's how you could dry this down into your ships for jerky we are going to save a how-to jerky video for another day using the meat dehydrator but i wanted to show you how we would cut this into strips you can also use ground meat with the jerky gun from meat and then you can cook that in the dehydrator as well so like i said we're gonna save that for another day so just continuing to cut this into these nice strips there's one top round it's why it's important to have a sharp knife you're not going to be able to achieve this same consistency with a dull blade it's just all there is to it so if you have kids and you make some jerky our mother used to make ours in the oven where she would actually hang each strip from an oven rack and she would set the oven at about 165 degrees and she would prop the door open overnight and she'd let that jerky dry out in the oven and i could remember being a kid jerky was something that was a real treat for us and we always looked forward to it because we would wake up in the morning and we could smell the jerky in the oven we knew um we were in for a a nice treat it's not something we we had often so you could do that with this you know you could take each strip poke a toothpick through it and just hang it in your oven [Music] and dry it down that way so here again with this bottom round cutting those strips against the grain you can see how the grains are running it's going to make a lot better bite for you well seth's been cutting the jerky we talked about this in our hot dog video in our summer sausage video i've been pre-weighing five pound bags and what i'm gonna do is these are going to go into the freezer on whatever we're not going to process today in other words today we're going to be making a batch of bratwurst and we're going to be making just some some ground meat and down the road we've talked about this before two reasons why we can do this you use this method the the method of pre-weighing some bags and put them in the freezer um reason number one convenience of time today and rather than you know work through which we certainly could work through all this today um it's just very very uh efficient for us to go ahead and put these in five pound bags pop them in the freezer after they're vacuum sealed and then we have pre-measured bags that are frozen they're perfect they're ready to pull back out because we might find out that you know um if we process everything you know on processing day if we made x amount of bratwurst x amount of ground uh x amount of smokies we may unevenly consume those in other words we might eat all the smokies right away and we were like dang i wish i had more smokies well when you only do you know a certain portion on processing day you can pull out a chunk further down the road and do it then so very nice way to do things is just pre-weigh five pound bags and get it set in the side go on with your day that's what i'm doing right now pre-weighing these five pound bags i'll vacuum seal them up here in a moment they're going to be beautiful they're going to be perfect for the freezer i'm chunking up some pork fat pork fats easy enough to come by in the sense where you can you can ask most butchers hey can i buy some pork fat from you this is just back fat back fat grinds better than the actual leaf lard and alternatively if you don't have a butcher you don't want to go to the butcher you just go in and get the fattiest cut of pork that you can find typically that's going to be like a butt roast a boneless butt roast or something like that and use that um but yeah this this or if you if you butcher your pigs save the fat i'm just chunking this up so we can put it in with our grindings while scott's doing that i'm working on getting some of these items into vacuum sealed bags and then we'll get them sealed up with the meat vacuum sealer so that they can go into the freezer for later use so with these chops what i'm going to do is i'll probably just layer maybe we'll do like eight per pack so if you think about a large family with the size of these that probably be about the right amount just pack them according to the size of your family if you think you're going to use less pack less i think you're going to use more do that and then these bags are real nice because you can write what's in it you can mark whether it's beef pork elk deer sausage then you can also put the date right on there so it's a very handy bag you talk about you know a way to preserve your product you really wouldn't want to go through all this work just to find out a year later that you know all of your items were freezing in the bottom of the freezer and they were freezer burnt so just take the extra step you know make that investment with a vacuum chamber sealer or the just a regular vac sealer from meat because in the long run it's going to save you money because you're not going to be throwing stuff away we've pulled out the trimmings that we're going to grind up today but these are the the the trimmings which is really great because i have exactly 20 pounds in these five pound bags and i'm just gonna put them in my chamber back obviously you want to make sure that your your vacuum bag is smooth across the board so that and there's like a little piece of meat right here you never want something like that right where your seal bar is um these are all things that we've learned from the commercial operation or otherwise what will happen is it will it won't seal so put that in there that's my favorite part look at the beauty five pounds all sealed up and ready for whatever we choose to be the next step wash rinse repeat this name of this process it's just fill uh sealing up my last package which it's too easy but anyway the vacuum ceiling we talk a lot about going into the freezer but one tip trick scott's hot tip that you can use you can use the vacuum sealer to sort of marinate or otherwise pre-season your your products so something like this you can take and you can actually shake seasoning into the bag work that down that side i'm using the black because i have it out work it down this side then what will happen is once we put this into the sealer and again you want to be cautious that you don't get seasoning now that we've put spice in there and you can do liquid too just have to obviously be careful it doesn't get um run out over the steel bar but anything you put in there keep your seat where your bag actually goes over your steel bar keep it nice and clean but this will actually further marinate so like if i'm going to cook these chops like or if i'm going to put in the freezer it doesn't really matter but if i'm going to cook these chops uh you know in the next few hours or next day i did this with a brisket just because i had the chamber back and put the black seasoning on it marinated overnight just helps pull that seasoning in there even further so that's one more thing that you can do with a vacuum sealer is you can use it as a marinator as well pull these out and take a look now what'll happen there's a little bit of dry seasoning there but that'll actually that moisture will pull in there and you'll have these beautiful pre-seasoned chops so just another way that we can use the vacuum sealer food's done ah look at that who's hungry because i know i am all right look at that don't you be eating none without me i'm going to oh all right just to let them rest seth i am i'm not letting anything rush do i look like a let it rest kind of guy dig in boys oh my goodness oh after standing here smelling that look charlie is so full you can't even wow that is tremendous that's the firearm i had a chop how about your chop yeah oh you don't even feel your teeth go through that oh man unbelievable all right we'll eat lunch and then we'll do some grinding how's that sound all right i've got my meat grinder this is really where the fun begins um in this case i'm using the number eight the half horse grinder i'm going to be doing since this is the ground meat i'm going to be doing two grinds first grind through the 10 millimeter plate second grind through the 4.5 millimeter plate that's just going to give us a really nice soft bite when it comes to the burger so what i did was i pre-weighed um and kept back some of our trim and this is kind of just the balance of the trim this is a total of um about nine eight to nine pounds so once again don't like to start the grinders dry i'm gonna go ahead and drop that into my grinder and flip her on and here we go just rummaging around behind me because we forgot to get the plunger out of the box which i may not need it thank you sir with the smaller grinders and two with you know the pieces we we like to encourage about golf ball size but with the smaller grinders that's typically where you might need the 32 i i barely ever touch the plunger but in this case you may need it just to help you get the stuff pushed through there because it's bigger chunks so who wouldn't love a dry aged venison burger we've added about 10 to 15 percent pork fat just to keep it nice and juicy what we're going to do is we're going to package this in one pound packages vacuum seal them and we will want some chili when we want some dried burger we just grab them out of the freezer you could pre-season these frankly they're going to be so amazing that a little dash of beer to butcher blend seasoning when you throw them on the smoker or the grill is going to be all it takes but you could go ahead and put seasoning in them right now which we're going to do with our bratwurst of course there you have it grind one complete so i'm just going to dump that in there while i switch out get my 4.5 milliliter millimeter i used a little bit of fat to push that through there at the end then i can just toss that all right i'm just going to blend this up a little bit by hand so that my fat to lean ratio man look how delicious looking that is get a little pile going up here get a little push down in there so think about this for a minute a 349 ninety nine cent investment so 349.99 you can buy this number eight grinder from meat and produce products feed your family for many many years to come people think that you know that's a lot of money which it's an investment you got to think of it that way if you dropped your deer off of a processor depending on what you had made you may spend that in just one trip so keep that in mind there's that venison tri-tip hot off the grill you trust me it's brotherly love oh and that good oh my goodness i need you to stand right beside me and keep that up okay so since the grill's still hot i'm gonna go ahead and make well the grill's hot and we ran out of steak i see no reason why we shouldn't just go ahead and grill up a couple burgers that pork fats blended in there real nice logan did you grab the black seasoning let's go to the grill sprinkle a little on those and i'll flip them over we'll do this side too okay we'll test uncle scott and see how he did with his blend okay check out the power of that rage broadhead it's lodged right into that bone logan wants to save this and boil it for a souvenir all right all right all right there you have some beautiful packs of ground venison really doesn't look any different than ground beef i put your this is a job that in the shop that i use right here i i should basically i should take the camera from spencer and i should have him do this instead of myself because i've done way too many spencer is like a pro at packing burger he would have this slipped into this bag he's got five done hurry up i will get it i will get it just bear with me sometimes i have to just step back and let the professionals do it go in the bag it's your home go in your home seriously i think i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to just trade places with you spencer okay scott what button do i press no buttons need to be pressed notice how i grabbed a pack of i grabbed a pack of uh uh or a bite of steak there look that's even i'm setting him up for the win got it ready for me already i don't like being on this side of the camera no this is way weird look oh my goodness oh my goodness oh wow i know seth got you shaped up but i don't think it would have mattered i kind of think that i'll stick with this job until the burger's done then i'll be happy to trade it back i don't know scott but i'm pretty sure you got fired from packing burger i'm happy to give that job up when do i get to give it up when seth formed that last package perfect all right all right all right there it is nice job spencer thank you so we're getting ready to grind our bratwurst um i've got these bags weighed out we've got 10 pounds of the trimmings and i've got two pounds of pork fat for a total of 12 pounds now the really great thing is you have two choices here with regard to your beard or butcher blend seasoning you can do one six ounce shaker to do your 12 pounds of meat so take a shaker out of a box dump it into 12 pounds of meat or if you buy the bucket it's simply one scoop which is a tablespoon per pound of meat so this is going to get a total of 12. and bam number 12. so that's the great thing about the bucket it's got the scoop in there and then we just blend this up by hand and as you mix it it'll pick up all this spice sort of around in the corners coating everything evenly and then we're going to do one grind through the four and a half millimeter plate we like one grinder on our bratwurst through that plate gives it a nice definition so we simply get everything well coated we chose the original bratwur or excuse me to make original bratwurst by using the original bearded butcher blend seasoning simply one of our favorites you can of course use any one of the spices with that ratio so now that we've got it all spiced and seasoned up time to get to grinding okay quick and easy we've got our brat batch and now can i do the honors please we add the high temp cheese for the the full effect this is high temp cheddar pretty easy to find online we like to add it at a ratio of 10 makes for one of our favorite products is our original bearded butcher blend seasoning mixed with the high temp cheese mixed with our venison made into a brat so we just fold that all in here get everything evenly spread out now i should point this out if at any point you feel like you need to you can add some some cold water to the the mixture if it feels like it's too tight to stuff through the stuffer um just get a little bit of cold water mix it in there it'll kind of add enough moisture that you can get it through your stuffer a lot of times we try it without adding any water it's just to see but now that we have a nice ball formed uh oh he's got more food for me it's time for you to try a deer burger this is one of the burgers that i just made i'm not feeding you anymore you can get it yourself i'm just going to go for the big guy right here what does this have black seasoning yeah oh my gosh that's you you pulled the switch real try this boys that's like a gourmet it's like a steakhouse burger it's like a steak burger here you go spencer oh my goodness i'll feed you okay wow holy moly and that good flavor that might be one of the most impressive that is incredible wow wow that's our burger with black seasoning imagine that loaded up with gooey gooey cheese and a nice bun and you've got uh you know onions piled on there all that old man stuff boys so i mean here we go barbecue sauce we're talking about stretching a deer as far as you possibly can to feed a big family um for the cheapest price beyond economy this is like gourmet it's gourmet that's how i was gonna i was gonna mention you know this is ground venison and producing an absolute gourmet product so on a budget but yet still amazing so we decided that this did need a little bit of water even before we stuffed it so it doesn't take much just enough to add a little bit of i guess for the lack of a better way of saying it lubrication so that way when you go to put it through that just a tiny bit more there bud you can even put little finger holes in it just to get that water in the mixture i like it the smell i'm just gonna make a big meatloaf here see if i can pull this off nice look at that we're using a natural casing on these these are available on amazon there again we'll throw in a link you can grab some natural casings you do want to soak your casings 30 to 40 minutes prior to using them so this is a natural hog intestine these are going to end up being about a 32 millimeter by the time we're done they do have salt in them so they stay preserved very well so if you want a natural casing brat go ahead and snag some hog casings so now that that's completed let's go ahead and just get our stuffer set up now i am going to we talk about releasing the air with that air lock push it down so you can see it already coming out of the stuffer look at that cheese in there i'm going to remove my gloves these can be a little bit difficult getting them on the stuffing horn when you wear gloves so that's the reason why i'm going bare-handed here but what you want to do is you want to take your casing and dip it in the water you want to fill these with some water or they will be an absolute nightmare trying to get them on the horn if you don't do that so just go ahead and get them started you can even take your water and and help your casing on by by running a little water up the casing like this so once you get your casings all on there i'm going to see scott's putting a little bit of water on our table because that's going to help these the sausage slide because that's important as you stuff these you want them to be able to coil i'm going to go ahead and bring our sausage inside this tube to the end of the casing before i get started that way we don't fill the link up with a bunch of air so bring it out to the end pour your casing out i'm going to go ahead and put a knot in the end of it that'll keep your meat inside the casing and then we'll just go ahead and get started filling them so you want to fill them fairly tight but without putting a hole in them you also want to be able to twist these so we're going to link these today so just go slow there's no reason to to hurry we're not in a race here so go ahead and just get them filled up as soon as i get this strand done i'll tie off the end and then we'll twist them and fill some more so now we'll tie this end there you have a whole nice long strand of length so to twist them we just want to start here twist one way start here twist back so on and so forth and you can make these whatever size you know your brat bun is or whatever so there you have a nice little strand of venison brats so you just keep repeating this process until your stuffer's empty and then fill it and make some more man think about throwing a party and putting some of these on the grill talk about a way to impress your friends my fingers are too fat some people say that our friends make fun of us because our fingers look like bratwurst sausage fingers when you twist these you you do want to take your your forefinger and your thumb and press on them first or you'll or you'll split them wide open so you can take over bro and you can keep going i'll keep going if you'll allow me i'll allow you got a couple tight ones there for you i don't know which way you went i don't know if you went this way or that way just twist until they don't untwist on i guess i'll find out this has been too much fun just having the grill sitting here fired up we're gonna smoke some of these bratwurst wives are gonna wonder why when we come home we won't be hungry for dinner but maybe they'll be happy the natural casings they're gonna give you a real nice a real nice bite a nice snap when you eat them that's what most people crave i will say if you fill these these are you know there's not a lot of air pockets in them if you do get an air pocket you can take a knife and poke it and release that air they actually sell a little tool you can go down through there but um if they're like this and you don't see a lot of air in them i personally wouldn't worry about them i would just twist and uh go to you can coil yeah you can coil them up some people just like to make a coil whatever whatever suits your fancy these um using natural casings it can be it can be a lot of fun now you can butcher your own pig you talk you're talking about have mercy you talk about he's going you talk about old-fashioned artists here you talk about really saving some money you can butcher your own pig save the intestines and clean them yourself nothing fancy on this knot just just simply you know just put a knot in it keeps the product from shooting out the end takes a little bit of time learning how to properly fill the casings but once you get it down pat you'll get her something else that you don't want to forget if you look over here at the stuffer c-clamps c-clamp them to your table you won't regret it cause the thing won't be jumping around on you away son you got it now here don't ever let go of that handle when it's under pressure like that because guess what's going to happen thing's going to fling around it'll whap you right in the chin but um here's another you know tip get somebody i know we have a 10 year old logan on the handle there but um get somebody to do the cranking for you and then you can use two hands down here and that makes it a lot easier thanks for doing the honors logan so i've been um twisting we cut you so you can cut it between the twists we're gonna go ahead and get some of these in the vacuum seal pouches and um so you can you can cut them twist them cut them put them in the vacuum seal pouches typically do like four links per package you can put this whole coil in a pouch if you want um you can carry them right out to the grill and put them right on the grill right away there's nothing preventing you from doing it sort of any different style that you like so i'm getting ready to um to seal these brats and because i don't really want them to pull the meat out of the end of the package i'm just going to turn my seal time down it's adjustable in five second increments so i turned it down from 30 to 20. that's just going to help prevent pulling the meat out of the inner the ends of the casing by turning the seal down a little bit maybe just a tiny bit but i did a nice job of keeping the product inside the casing here you go bro i got some more for you nice pretty rewarding feeling see how nice those look all tied up like that you can also if you have the time you can put these in a in your vac bag and then freeze them just a little bit so partially freeze them and then seal them because then that will uh that'll help not squeeze out the end of your casings we're gonna be so incredibly full from all the stuff that we've eaten today but i'm i'm completely good with it load me up oh here we go cheers wait yeah there you go hmm that's now about snap oh i've experienced some of the best eating today that i've had since the last time we did look at that cheese and you know what showing man shot the deer we literally just finished making these and now we're eating them a lot of flavor profiles one thing after the next it just keeps a lot of levels just keeps going this is like a a party in my mouth one moment get a bunch probably four are you four you want one grab a pumpkin you're not full beat up boys yeah go for it we took over his shop for the day it's just my space at least we could do it we're waiting we're waiting for him to quit making noise on the farm that he had on his own get my stuff out of here and he uh he had it taken over guys you want a sandwich i'm good all right start to finish we've processed that entire deer carcass um we've either got it in a fully processed form all the way down to cook like the bratwurst which are delicious we've got it in some of the trim bags that can be further processed like we showed you in some of the other videos where we pull those out of the freezer we've got jerky strips cut we've got preseason vacuum sealed chops but we've got this thing knocked out and we can only do that with the equipment that we have from with the spices that we used turned out some amazing product in a short period of time and that's really what it's about we use the stuffer but with just as little as a grinder you could get the um because you can put the stuff or attachment on the grinder you could get the same results so we encourage you you're going to love any piece of equipment you get from them you can start with just a grinder you can expand from there even year over year you can add a new piece of equipment obviously the chamber back sealed up all of our packages you could of course get the tabletop version of that um and it turned out great we had a lot of fun doing that's really what it's about getting your family involved and then putting meat on the on the table that you know exactly what happened start to finish you know every single step of the way so that you realize when you bite into that you know exactly what was in the package big thanks to logan for shooting this deer boys practice hard we're going to get the rest of these boys and deer this season we want to show you an economical way to process your venison something you can look forward to eating every dinner for every night of the week so here it is we hope you enjoyed stay tuned for more to the beard butchers on youtube see you next time thanks for watching see ya [Music] you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 523,000
Rating: 4.9138317 out of 5
Keywords: How to Butcher a Deer, Deer Meat, Venison, Deer Jerkey, Traeger, Bearded Butchers
Id: T7nas-08tvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 11sec (5531 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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