Tracked Outline in DaVinci Resolve

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so this is the outline we're building today you could use this on a real estate video or a construction video or you know any video really that you're trying to draw the viewers eye to a particular location so with that being said let's get started all right so here I have my quote-unquote clients video that we're gonna be working with today and they pretty much told me that they want a parking lot right here so what we're gonna do is we're going to outline it and then it'll draw the eyes to whoever they're pitching this idea to hypothetically and yeah so the first thing that you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to determine where you want in your clip you want the animation to be if you're gonna have it over the whole clip that's fine but I would recommend that you limit what you take over to fusion to only what you want to have this animation on just makes it a lot easier when it comes to actually having stuff infusion with tracking times and different things like that and not having such a heavy workload so this whole video is pretty much going to be in the project but I just want this end part here to be in it so I'm just going to let's say cut it here just gonna grab the razor tool we're gonna make a little cut there and then we're gonna come up and let's say that's where I want it to finally be out of the picture so looking at this we have about six seconds here and all I'm going to do here is I'm going to actually turn this into a fusion clip because currently we're going to well we're going to be exporting this to the client client to at 1080 and I don't really need to be working with a 4k clip in fusion the other thing too is because we're in the middle of a clip if we were going to fusion let's actually go over so I can show you this we're actually going to have an in an out point as you can see here this is the whole clip and we have an in an out point here right that's where our cuts are and because I'm just going to be working on just this little portion to make it easy we're just gonna start at frame 0 and then go to wherever this ends the other thing too is you can see that this is a 4k clip the current reason the reason why it's currently cropped in and that's just a setting within DaVinci but we we want to be in a 1080 timeline so we're gonna come over to the Edit Page and we're going to just right click new fusion clip now that we did that all it did is it just made a compound clip so if I was to come over here open up a timeline come in here whoops come down to here open in timeline we can see that this isn't just another timeline so it takes one timeline it takes okay what is your timeline settings which is ours 1080 and then passes through here and it spits it on to our oh gosh it spits it on to our of main timeline at 1080 so it'll come over to here at 1080 so now we're going into fusion now that we're in fusion you can see up here we have 10 18 19 20 and we can see we start at frame 0 and go to 221 okay so now what I need to do is we're gonna make a little bit of space here so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna click on our media in we're gonna hit shift spacebar and the first node we're gonna grab is our tracker so we grab their tracker because we were clicked on the media in and then we selected the tool it automatically connected up for us as you can see there the next tool it's like clicked on the tractor the next one we're gonna hit shift spacebar we're gonna grab a paint tool and now we have the paint tool we're just going to take our playhead and make sure that we're at frame 0 and within our paint tool we can come up to this little squiggly line which is a polyline and we're just going to click on that and then click however many points I would say not too many because each one has to be an individual tracker for the way in which you're gonna do this is for this one I'm just gonna do 4 and I'm just gonna create a point there create a point here create a point here that's where our parking lot is gonna be and for this final one instead of trying to click on on the actual we can do is you can come up here and click this button which will close it so you're not accidentally adding more points the next thing we're going to do is we're just going to highlight that box that we just created and then we're going to hold shift now and highlight it again and as you can see it turned all the points to a gold which now they're all selected doing that we can now hit right-click we're gonna come down to the polyline and then we're gonna come down to publish publish points so now doing that if I click on the actual line and then in here we come down into here we now have our points okay we're gonna use these points with the tracking data to move this around to have it make it seem like it's a part of the actual shot so for now I'm just going to go into my tracker and I'm going to drag it up to here so it's the one that of you so I just drag it up when I get up to here a release now we're in here we can see we have one little tracker so I'll click a rundown on how the tracker works the inside box here that's gonna be your quote-unquote pattern or the image you're gonna say okay I want whatever's inside this box to be the thing that I track and then this outside box is when it's ready to do the next tracking it's going it only has this area to look for that same pattern that they'd seen in the last frame that attract so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add in more trackers so here I have four points so come over to tracker we're gonna add four points so here's our four points now I need to find things to track so in the top corner here we have a little a little extra square we're gonna click on that which then we can move this around I'm just gonna go let's say right here where we have the street and we have the sine I'm gonna drop it right there for that's where we want that one attract grab this one here and for this one let's just have a track let's say here this light dark spot and then for this one we're gonna come into right about there so we're right in there and then for this one we're gonna bring up oh look there's a black dot so that's kind of like contrast II so how these work is like I said it uses this as as the pattern to track but you can also track specific things within that pattern so in an image you have luminance values how bright something is or how dark something is that's how it is set up by default the other way you can track is by the color in an image so you can do the all of the color or you can select specific color channels to track situational based which one do we use so by we're just gonna leave it all by default for now all the different trackers but we're gonna change a couple of other settings up here so right here we have how often we're going to track so we're gonna track the first one that we're at and then are we going to track the next one or we're going to skip so if right now I'm just going to change this to two so every other it's going to track this is perfectly fine for the motion in this shot if you have very little motion you could you know make that longer that just is less frames to process if you have it one frame it's gonna take a lot longer than if you only have half of the frames that you have to track so really it's a fine balance between how much motion you have and how much accuracy do you really need because if you have a lot of motion remember you only contract in this little box here so if between you know if you have this set the three frames and let's say we're tracking this car in three frames in the future if that car is outside this box it's just gonna try to find some the closest thing that was similar to whatever was previously tracked as that pattern so then you're gonna have things skipping all around so it's something that you know you can you can change them we can retract if it's not working out for but for now we're just gonna leave it like that okay so the other things that we can do is we can set up how in which that pattern and the tolerance so I'm just gonna go into Beck's match and we're just going to leave the tolerance at the default level and we're just going to start tracking from here so to start tracking we have to forward and then we also have to that go and reverse so quickly this is the track from where the playhead currently is so if there was a problem area and we need to come back to it we'll be using that to just go to where we want and then readjust our tracker point and then we can start tracking from there and then this will track from the beginning so it doesn't matter where your playhead is I'll just go to the beginning so if you're working on like a really big project and you only have like one little screw-up you obviously wouldn't want to click that and retract the whole thing again you can use this button to just retract dish that one portion so let's have this go through and hopefully we have no issues well hopefully we have issues because then I can show you guys how to how to fix them but hopefully we don't that means that we did good ok so now we have the points here it'll be a little difficult to actually see it here so we're just going to connect everything up and then actually look at the final image and see how that looks so we currently have all the tracking data all right so now we have to connect the points to that tracking data so to do that we're just going to highlight both of these with a tracker and the paint node and we're just going to make sure we click on the paint node to open it up now this is kind of weird and it's really only this node because of how this node works but we have our points here and the only way to add an expression we have to go over into the modifier so if I was to right-click open expression we don't see it here right you have to come over into modifiers and then on that particular stroke that we're working on we'll have the expression here it's kind of weird and hopefully follow but we'll just always be so let's say we have that close just go over into modifiers so we're currently on the paint node go over to modifiers make sure you're on the correct stroke come down to our point open expression and then we have the expression here so what we're gonna do is we're just going to highlight all of this hit the leaf to erase it and then we're going to click this little plus sign here we're going to hold it down we're gonna go into tools and now we're gonna scroll down to our other tool which is the tracker we're still holding it down and now it doesn't matter what tracker what we're currently on so currently it's the only one that will select those tracker three which is perfectly fine I can show you how this works but we're going to go to this track Center for three for tractor three we're gonna release now if we view this let's come back you'll see it's very weird because our point that's up here is actually down here because that was the third tracking point because when we brought them in it started with the tracker here a tracker here tracker here check here so is one two three four it's really easy to figure out once you you know can you connect the dots here so we're gonna come back into our paint here and there's also another thing here that's weird and I left the names by default just to explain this later on but currently we have tracker one and then track centered three now what this really means is this first half is the node name and then the second half is the data within that node so the first half here tracker one that was this actual node here right so what I'm actually gonna do to make this a little easier to understand I'm just going to change this to change this you would just click on the node and then hit f2 and then I'll open this rename up and I'm just going to put in track so I'll just put that in and then it's right there so now let's come back over to paint and now we can see that it changed it here too so the track centered three is the tracker three and if you don't remember which tracker was where you can just click on the track and then you can see the actual names here so tracker one tracker 2 tracker 3 tracker 4 so let's come back into our paint so here we actually want it for the 0 so the points start off their numbering with zero but the trackers start off with their numbering with one so this is actually going to be tracker 1 or that the center for one and I'm just going to copy this information and then come to point 1 and this one I'm just going to double click to erase all that and this is going to be 2 and that's perfectly fine and then this next one here because it went 1 2 3 4 but when we made this it was 1 2 3 4 these two are going to be switched around so I'm gonna come in here I'm gonna make this 4 and then open this one up and make this oops and make this 3 so we're just pasting it in there and now we have our line here but this thing is pretty thick so I'm just going to take a little thinner so there we go and now let's play this through and see how it looks and see if it's it's around at all [Music] normally when you have the tolerance enabled it normally does pretty well and it looks like it's doing perfectly fine you know it's staying on there and it looks like there really wasn't any issue but let's say there was issue you would be able to just come into your track data and all of these little lines is where it did the the tracking information so those are all key frames for that tracking data so all you would do is you would come to a point right and then you could just modify one of these so you could just click on it and modify it to however you want it to work right and then you would click this button and then it would track forward from that with that new so if I move this you know down here to this that would be the new point that it's going to start tracking or that as the new pattern but yeah so you would just move this to wherever your new point is have this go through and what has to happen here is when you move these around not nothing is going to happen because these are just locations to get data from when you actually run the tracker then it makes the key frames and the key frame data itself is what powers the paint node so if I was to move this over here obviously we're not gonna see anything change because this this keyframe is still the same it never moved as you can see here this is that where that keyframe is if i zoom in you can see these keyframe too so hopefully that makes sense there so you would still when you move it you would still need to run that tracker okay so now that we have this done there was a little bit of an animation that you've seen at the in that intro video so what we're gonna do is instead of just having this come on because remember this is in the middle of a shot so it would it would be playing and playing and playing and then all of a sudden boom it's gonna pop on and that doesn't really look that interesting so we're gonna add in because this is a path we can do it right on and right off so we're over here in our paint or clicked on paint and we scroll down we have this right on right and if we look at it if I bring this like half way what you'll see is it's only half way and we can move this and have it do a bunch of different animations but we're just going to have it right on and then later it's going to do the right off so we're gonna start at the beginning we're gonna come to frame 0 I'm gonna keyframe it here and then let's come in 15 frames or something whatever you like and then we're gonna come to the end and I'm just going to make a keyframe you know towards the end and then come to the end here and I'm gonna change the start you can do it either way you want if you do it this way it's gonna make it look like it went backwards if you do the start to the finish it'll make it seem like it started all in one way and then it rear ace that go in that same way so it's up to you how you want that to work so now I have it come on and then let's just skip ahead and then it comes off hello there we go then it comes off so that's kind of how you do it it's not that difficult the more points you add the more complexity but complexity is just making sure that you add in the point data here if you mess up when you were creating these points each point is a unique name so let's say you created a couple of points but it didn't work right and then you got rid of those points and then you added more points it's just going to change the it's going to always create new numbers so it might not be you know Oh point 0 1 2 3 it might be 15 16 17 18 19 or whatever it may be but it still should still follow you can figure out which point is which and then connected to that actual data here so each one of these you can click in and each one has a center but instead of going through all these because I know how it works it's just track Center to this one should track Center one track Center three tracks Center for you just I just had to change that one number so that's where I was getting that you from okay so that's kind of it come over here and we would have it animate on oh I forgot one other thing um if you wanted to you could add different you could add another element using that point data too so we could add in circles so let's actually do that so let's add in a background and grab an ellipse tool and we'll connect that up and then in the ellipse tool I'm just going to have an animate I'm just going to connect it to this just so we have a perfect circle and then there we go there's our perfect circle and I'm just going to connect this right into here and now we're just going to view this and where is our circle so there is our circle so I'm just going to make this a little smaller we can take these circles and add them to those points as well and use that same tracking data so let's just come back over to our paint and just grab one of these so let's grab this first one and if I come in - and my ellipse tool in the center here we can just open up this expression paste that there boom now we have a dot there and all we have to do is take this ellipse tool copy it ctrl C control V two three let me just back this up just a little bit four and then I just take this data and put it two on this one this one I put a three and then this one I put a four and then there you go the only weird thing with this is at the beginning you're just gonna have weird points and you could animate this as well you know you could change the level of how you know they come on and off so you could you have a come on like or what I what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just take all of this I'm gonna bring it up and on this particular merge I have a blend which I can blend them all so what I'm gonna do is right here at the beginning I'm just going to have it start at zero come this way two frames one two frames 0 two frames 1 to frame 0 to frames 1 and now there we go now it comes on and I could do that same exact thing on the other end so let's go 0 2 frames on two frames off two frames on two frames off friends on there we go and then when it's done it goes off so there we go now we add it an extra animation using that same point data to build this out I think that's kind of it for this one I don't think I can add much more to it it's pretty simple you can just keep adding and adding and adding and adding to it once you get your head wrapped around how you can pass the data back and forth between one another to it from one another from one node to another but yeah that's kind of it for this one let me know what you guys think if you have questions about victories off you can always jump over to our Facebook group link is in the description both that being said my name is Jared thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 35,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 15, fusion, tracking, paint, node, fusion clip, property outline, tracker, real esate, outline, construction area, property, aerial, boundary, motion graphics, graphic, art
Id: 61p54MbuIRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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