Object Wipe In DaVinci Resolve

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let's transition with an object wipe yeah I'll just use my head [Music] so this technique is actually used in a lot of a lot of music videos if we take a look at this one here let me meet this actually we play it there's an object wipe of two trees that's actually a couple of trees that's three trees that they use and they have them layered so they have one back here and they have one here and then they have this one this tree actually looks flat if you look at that tree but playing this through yeah you can actually tell that that's a flat picture but playing this through you would never be able to tell you know just normal speed that that's what they used but it's pretty much just transitioning from one track to another with some type of objects in front of the camera and that they do it there as well so let's go through on how to build this so I didn't have a lot of material to do this but I work with what I have I shot these this stuff a long time ago so I have this shot of a ski resort let me actually meet this of a ski resort and a couple of people skiing and then I have this shot here which is like kind of still and then it moves and has a lot of things that are kind of working against this but we'll use these actually you know what copy this one grab this one and copy this one as well I just copy the same one twice awesome let's grab that one alright so this shot as we can tell is going the opposite way of this one so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on this one and I'm gonna flip it so now we are going all the right way and this whole process is gonna be a little different depending on the footage that you're working with okay so for this shot I want this to pretty much constantly be moving so I'm going to actually maybe have it start down a little further so something like that and kind of have this overlap and at any point because this is only really here and as you can see my shot starts kind of on the left side you would like for whatever you're working with if you have the ability to film something you would want the object to wipe the whole screen to make this a little easier but because I don't have that there's going to be a couple extra steps which is no biggie I think I'm going to make this a little bigger and I'm going to have this start over here on this side of the screen I'm going to throw a keyframe here and then by the end of it I'm gonna have it move over to here so if we play this there's our wipe and then the guy comes out from the other side so now I actually have to make these two look like they were sort of the same so we have a hard edge obviously here we have a couple of branches that come off and they would actually work really well if we just add it like a alpha as you can see here we've layered them it'll of the Alpha will allow the other layers to see through so you're the Alpha will make things invisible and then you have to mask what the Alpha is so if I was to take this little guy and flip it now I have an alpha mat and I could come up to the edge here feather this go like that and that sort of looks like it could work right so the only other thing that you would have to do is you would have to match the movement but because I did the movement for I did the movement for the the shot itself instead of the power window the because the shots moving the power windows mapped to that shot that power window will move with it as well so if we watch it the power windows movie and with it as well but in the in the shot the the frame didn't stay the same so in the shot the tree was here and the tree moves to the side so now I have to match my power window with that same movement so let's go back to let's go to the first frame and if we look at this you can see where you know these don't match up what I could do let me turn this off is I could key I could build a build a qualifier here and you could do something like this where you have you build a qualifier so that all these like little twigs come out but that gets kind of that gets kind of difficult when you have things that are out of focus because you won't get a sharp qualifier so we're not going to do that we're gonna stick with what we have with using this power window because I think that that is actually kind of kind of good but we need to add a little bit of movement into here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come over to the tracker and go into frame and then where I had it pretty good right here if I move this it's going to make a little keyframe so now I could come back over here and I could line this up again so something like that now let's watch that through okay that's kind of for the beginning half like right in here it's okay I think I might want to adjust this just a little bit well what happened to my on the wrong shot okay address this just a little bit so maybe here we'll bring it in just a little bit and then as we get over to let's say here let's just move this out of frame for the most part it's following it is sliding around just a little bit trying to match let's see how this looks okay that doesn't look terrible but you can see like right here it's in focus and then by over here it's out of focus so it looks a little weird what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to make a frame or a node before and I'm going to add directional blur because it's so close to the camera and we're panning you would normally have directional blur so you would have that bat motion blur in there so I'm gonna add some of that so a directional blur I'm going to drop that in and then for blur angle if we look at it let's close all this other stuff if we look at this now it looks like the blur angles kind of going up so if I can actually go to zero then it looks like it's correct but that's way too much so maybe something like that and then that's on number two so if we come down to open effects and then I just this what's going on here Oh corrector one corrector to open effects and we set that and then as we get over to here so I would say kind of like right in here I want to drop this down so we don't have it anymore or not as much so let's have it go to there then by the time I get here then it finishes off alright the only other thing that I could think of now it's just that it's almost like it's too slow so we could do a couple of things we could speed up the shots all together we could come into here and our positions that we keyframed we could make the key frames let's zoom in a bit we could make these key frames a little closer together so if we make them closer together then it's going to happen quicker all right so let's actually have it maybe a note here a little bit okay and then we would have to bring it over quite a bit okay so something like that maybe and as you can see when it cuts over to here we have a black line and that is because our directional blur is currently on black if we do like reflect then we won't have that so let's watch this through quick okay that is pretty good some other things that we could do is we did zoom it in a little bit so we could do we could add a little a little more to this so like let's say right here keyframe this and then by the time it gets out to here maybe pull out some of that maybe like this let's see what happens now all right and then we have this little drop down we can put Bezier curves on this so it like eases in and out a little smoother over this is something like that maybe a little less like I've said with with all of your shots this is going to be a little different I kind of don't like the dead space like right in here so what we could do also is we could change the the speed so for like from here to right there's where he comes in so in here we could speed this up a little bit maybe a little bit more okay now it's a very chunky that's you know going smooth and then speeding up so you'd add those curves into here as well and speed that up a little bit so that's pretty much how you could do that then what we could also do to add to this effect is we could throw in a sound effect so let me find a sound effect quick okay let's try this one well then almost so now I have my sound effect but it still doesn't match up so we need to increase this speed quite a bit all right that kind of works at least it's the building blocks of something that would work there's many different ways to do it the primary things that you want to do is you have your shot underneath and you have the shot that you want to wipe with and you have to make an alpha mat of one going to the other and then you want them to go in the same direction or in directions that won't clash so you wouldn't want them to go you know this way and then you have a panning shot going that way because that I don't know kind of clash and the idea with transitions is to make them seem seamless and not that jarring going from one shot to another so a lot of ways to make the shot more exciting and and to kind of help sell effects is using sounds so I mean if I if I added in a bunch of music in here let me grab a track quick so if I was to take this track here just jump halfway in I'm gonna cut it there and we will drag it below and turn it down just a little bit and we played it okay that was a little intent for thee for this channel so we just dropped that down a little bit okay now let's watch this no work if you asked me and with that being said let me know what you think down in the comments again my name's jr. thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 52,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, Object Wipe, wipe, mask, mask wipe, dynamic
Id: QvBapx33QTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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