Toy Master ESCAPE ROOM Challenge !!!

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(playful chimes) - [Narrator] Tic Tac Toy. - [Narrator] This video is sponsored by Zuru. - [Addy] OK, which Rainbocorn do you want to bring to the Rainbocorns party today, Maya? - Oh, I just love all the Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns, but if I have to choose one, I think I'd go with Emmy the elephant. - Good choice. She is wildly cute. I love her stripes and her big ears. - Who are you going to bring with you, Addy? - Well, I so badly wish we had Perry the rare sparkle Slothcorn. - Oh, tell me about it. - But since we haven't added her to our collection yet, I'll go with Candy, the Tucancorn. - Good choice. ( alarm blares) - Oh no. That's the security system! - Could it be the toy master, did he break in? - Only one way to find out. Let's go, Candy. - I'm not so sure about this plan, Emmy. (cartoon sound effect) (suspenseful music) What in the world is this, Emmy? - Well, we swept through the house and all is clear. It looks like someone gained entry through that door but they clearly came in and left quickly. - Well they were here long enough to drop off this thing. What do you think it is? - Well, I don't know, but I see a knob on it and I'm going to turn it. (click sound effect) - (gasps) Are you sure that's a good idea? - Nothing's even happening. (laser beam sound effect) - Hello, Addy and Maya. (screams) - The toy master is in our house. What do we do? - Calm down, Maya. - Calm down? (click sound effect) (beam sound effect) He disappeared. He's invisible now. Where are you, toy master! (Maya pants and grunts) - Calm down. First of all, the toy master wasn't here. It was just his hologram. This must be a hologram machine. - A hologram machine? - And second of all, there's no reason to be scared. We know that the toy master has never tried to hurt us. He just wants our toys. Let's start it up and see what he has to say. (click sound effect) (laser beam sound effect) - Hello, Addie and Maya. Welcome to my Rainbocorns Escape Room Challenge. (laser beam sound effect) - Rainbocorn Sweet Shake Surprise? - You are now locked inside your house. (click sound effect) - But we have to get to our Rainbocorns party. This is not okay. - You will have 45 minutes to work through a series of clues and challenges. - Well, if we do whatever he has planned in 45 minutes we should be able to make it to the party. - I sure hope so. - If you're successful, the doors will unlock and you'll earn additional Rainbocorns for your collection. - Ooh, I like the sound of that. - However, if you fail to complete your challenge in time not only will you miss out on the party, but you'll also lose your entire Rainbocorns collection. - That is so not cool. - The game begins (beam sound effect) - Whoa, the hologram's gone. What are we supposed to do now? He didn't leave any directions. (timer ticking) - (gasps) Hey look! Over there is a timer. And it's already counting down. - And there are the two Rainbocorns he was holding! - And what's this? Lulu, Pop, Rocky, Matcha, Nana, Glaze. - Those are the names of the six adorable Sweet Shake Surprise Rainbocorns you can collect! - You're right, but why are some of the letters pink? That must mean something. - Yeah. I'm sure it does. - O R O C M A N A. - I bet if we unscramble the pink letters they would spell something really important. Okay. Time is ticking. Maybe by unboxing these Rainbocorns we'll know what the pink letters mean. - Well, the Rainbocorns are here for a reason, too. Let's start hatching them. After all, there's 15 layers of sweet surprises and I'm dying to see what's inside. (cartoon sound effect) (upbeat music) - Wow, these ice cream sundaes look amazing! - (gasps) And wow, what is that amazing smell? - These Rainbocorns are sweet-scented! And, wow, I think mine smells like strawberries. - And I think mine smells like... the most delicious lollipop. - (gasps) Oh my goodness. I got Matcha, a cuddly Kittycorn. - And check out Lulu, my colorful Puppycorn. - Wow, I love her rainbow patterned fur. - And I love that yours is shaped like a macaroon. - Isn't it so fun? - Absolutely. We just have to bring these with us to our Rainbocorn party. - If we make it to the party, Maya. (timer ticking) - You're right, we have to stay focused, Addy. - We have to be thinking of what we can spell with these pink letters. - Yeah. What are they again, Addy? - O R O C N A N A. It's got to have something to do with these Rainbocorns. - I just love these jelly-filled hearts, Addy. I think I'm going to put it on Lulu. - They are so fun. - There you go, Lulu. - Matcha must really love macaroons because she has it on her belly and inside her jelly heart. Look at all those macaroons floating inside there. - Addy, I don't know if anyone loves macaroons more than you. - Macaroon. Wait a minute. How do you spell macaroon? - I think it's M-A-C-A-R-O-O-N. - (gasps) Where's our clue? Got it. M A C A R O O N - Macaroon! - Macaroon! - The toy master must've been leading us to Matcha because she loves macaroons. - You're right! But now that we have her, what do we do? - I don't know, but maybe the collector's guide can help us somehow. - Oh, good thinking. - Okay. Let me get a closer look here. Rocky, Pop, Nana, Lulu, Glaze, and there's Matcha. - Okay. What does it say about her? - She's a Kittycorn and I was right that she was strawberry scented. So what am I missing? (Lulu singing) Whoa, what was that? - I completely forgot. These are the first talking Rainbocorns. (button clicks) (Lulu imitates a fanfare) - You're right! They have new giggletastic technology in their paws. - Check it out. You push their paw once to hear them sing or make cute Rainbocorn noises. (Lulu makes a fart sound effect) - That was a funny one. - And you press their paw twice to speak and repeat. See, watch this. I'm Lulu. And I love lollipops. - "I'm Lulu and I love lollipops" - That is so fun. Let me try it with Matcha. (button clicks) My name is Matcha and I am obsessed with macaroons. - [Toy Master] "Mix Matcha's Sweet Shake Slime treat then assemble and decorate this adorable concoction which you'll present to me." - Whoa, what just happened? - The toy master must have planted a secret message inside of Matcha. Try it again, Addy. - Okay. Here goes nothing. (button clicks) My name is Matcha and I'm obsessed with macaroons. - [Toy Master] "Mix Matcha's Sweet Shake Slime treat then assemble and decorate this adorable concoction which you'll present to me." - Okay, well this must be our next clue then. We better do what he says. - But what is this Sweet Shake Slime treat he's talking about? - Well, there's another surprise in our giant ice cream sundae container. (Addy gasps) (suspenseful music) I bet this has everything we need to make the Sweet-Shake Slime treats. - You're probably right, but I think we only need to make Matcha's slime treat. The toy master led us to her, not Lulu. - That may be true, but more slime equals more fun. So let's make both. (timer ticking) (cartoon sound effect) - Wow, so many surprises. - Let's get them all out. (upbeat music) - These must be the directions. - And there's another surprise in here. - We'll get to that later. First, let's make our slime. - We'll start by mixing one of our two slime packs. I'll start with yellow. - And I'll start with my green. (upbeat music) - Now, fill water to the water line. (upbeat music) - And now it's time to stir. (upbeat music continues, spoons stirring) - Now we just wait a couple of minutes for a slime to form. (laser beam sound effect) - (gasps) Is that the hologram again? (suspenseful music) - It is! What does the toy master want now? - I don't know, but let's go find out. - Good work, Addy and Maya. It is time for a bonus challenge. - A bonus challenge? But we're already short on time! (timer ticking) - We do not have time for this. - "We do not have time for this" - Make your way to the dining room where you'll find bonus challenge #1. - Number one? As in, there's gonna be more? - He's got to be kidding, Lulu. - Good luck. And remember to move quickly. (beam sound effect) (cartoon sound effect) (upbeat music) - Check it out. It's all of our Wild Hearts Surprise Rainbocorns. - Minus Perry, the rare Sparkle Slothcorn. - Geez. You're not letting that go, are you? - I just really want to complete our collection. - Well, these must be our directions. We got to get moving, girl. 'Cause that timer's still going. - You're right. What do the directions say, Maya? - The Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns have been separated from their sequin hearts. - Well, we take them off all the time so we can clip them in our hair or on our backpacks... - Focus, Addie. Focus. - You're right, okay. Go ahead and continue. - Flip the secret hearts to reveal a hidden picture. Each picture represents an item that is loved by a specific Rainbocorn. Pop all the secret hearts onto the correct Rainbocorn's bellies in order to successfully complete this challenge. - Okay. We've so got this. We know our Rainbocorns. (upbeat music) - Oh, the artist's palette. That's for Flair. Peacockcorns love their art projects. All right, Addy. One down five to go. (upbeat music) - Okay. That's the TV set. And we know that Blanco, the Zebracorn loves TV. - (laughs) She can't miss her favorite shows. There you go, Blanco. - We've got Flair and Blanco taken care of. Let's see who's next. (upbeat music) - [Maya] Oh, the hot chili pepper is for Roxy, the Tigercorn. - You've got that one right. There we go. - And we're halfway done. Oh, we know who the skateboarder in this crowd is. - Emmy, the elephant. Well, Tidy, the Giraffecorn and Candy, the Toucancorn still need their sequin hearts. - On to the next one. - The lipstick is definitely for Candy, the Toucancorn. - Oh absolutely. We know the last one is for Tidy, the Giraffecorn. - We all know she loves those high heels. - There, we did it, Addy! - And we better get back to our slime now. I don't even want to know how much time we have left, Maya. (footsteps receding) (cartoon sound effect) (timer ticking) (spoons stirring) Our first batch of slime turned out perfect. And now we're onto number two. - I think we've stirred it plenty. Now it's time to let it set. - And then we can start assembling and decorating our treats with other fun surprises. (laser beam sound effect) Ugh, did you hear that? - Oh no, not again. - "Oh no, not again." - You have successfully completed bonus challenge number one. And now it's time for bonus challenge number two. - Oh, lucky us. (Maya sighs) - Make your way to the dining room to complete your second challenge. and I'd move quickly if I were you because your time is almost up. (timer ticking) I'd hate for you to miss your precious party and to lose your entire Rainbocorns collection. - Yeah. I'm sure you would, toy master. (Addy sighs) - Let's get moving, Maya. (cartoon sound effect) (upbeat music) - [Maya] It's a Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorn. - And here are the directions for the challenge. - Perfect. What does it say? - [Addy] "For your wild Rainbocorns party, you'll need to accessorize with some wild nails. Successfully apply a set of wildly-patterned nail decals to complete bonus challenge two." - But where are we supposed to get nail decals? - But don't you remember? There are 10 layers of surprises in Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. - And one of those 10 surprises is nail decals. Of course! - Come on, let's open it. (wrapper tears) - Oh, here's our hatching hint. Let's try and guess who's inside. "I love sparkles." - (gasps) Are you thinking what I'm thinking? - I think so. - [Both] Perry, the Slothcorn! - Okay. Let's not get ahead of ourselves because we don't know for sure yet. - Well, let's hug-to-hatch and find out. (plastic pops) - [Both] It's Perry! - [Addy] The rare Sparkle Slothcorn My collection is complete. - Now we have all 7 Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. - Now it's time to pull out the sequin heart to see what she loves. - A camera! - She loves taking pictures, just like me. Should I clip the secret heart in my hair for the party? - That would be super cute but I want to see the heart on Perry first. - Fair enough. Maybe I'll clip it on my backpack before the party. - Ooh, I like that idea. There we go. - [Both] Love it. - Now we can't lose sight of the challenge, Maya. We have to dig through all the super cool surprises for the nail decals. - I'll dig in first. - [Maya] Rainbocorn wild poop? - And I think there's two colors. - There sure are. Check them out! - And look, we got an orange Boo-Boocorn egg. - And these must be the nail decals. - Oh yes. Focus. Let's get this open. (wrapper crinkling) - Ooh, check out the pattern. - [Addy] That is so on-trend and I love that it matches Perry. - Can I wear them, pretty please? - Sure, let me help you get them on. All right. All right, time for the other nails. - (gasps) Loving them! - A few more to go. All right. - (gasps) They look fabulous. - They sure do Maya, but now we got to get back to our slime. - But what about the long tail Boo-Boocorns? - It'll have to wait, Maya. Time's ticking. - But we might have the rare twin Boo-Boocorns. - Our time is almost up! We'll open them after we unlock the doors. - (sighs) Okay. (cartoon sound effect) (timer ticking) (upbeat music) - These slimes turned out amazing. - I know, right? - And now it's time to make our sweet-shake slime treats. - Let's start by swirling our two slimes together. - This looks so good. - And now we can add the first of our surprises. (wrapper tears) - Aw how cute are these? - And check out my accessories. - Whoa! - Now time for my Boo-Boo Sprinklecorn. - [Addy] It's so cute. - Add it to your slime treat. And the stirrer adds a nice, final touch. - You're right. That really does the trick. - They look absolutely fabulous. - They sure do. But we only have a couple minutes left on the timer, Maya. I'm sure there's more clues and challenges. We won't be able to make it to the Rainbocorn party after all. - Well, even if we don't make it, I still had a great time opening our first Sweet-Shake Surprise Rainbocorn. - Oh, I did too. But the toy master said, if we don't complete everything in 45 minutes, we lose all of our Rainbocorns. That means Matcha, Lulu, Perry the Slothcorn and all the others. - Aw, I forgot about that. Well, let's present these to the toy master and see what he says about them. - All right. You never know, I guess. (cartoon sound effect) (upbeat music) (click sound effect) (laser beam sound effect) - Hello, Addy and Maya. - Well, toy master, here are sweet-shakes. What do you think of them? - Very impressive. I liked the way you swirled the slime and incorporated the accessories. The Boo-Boo Sprinklecorn and stirrer add a nice flare as well. - So what's the next clue? It looks like we have 30 seconds so the quicker, the better. - I must reluctantly admit that you have successfully completed the Rainbocorn escape room challenge. - What?! We did it?! - I guess that means I must unlock the door and allow you to attend the Rainbocorns party. - Yes, we did it, Addy! - Yes! - You may have succeeded this time, but I'll be back. And next time the Rainbocorns will be mine. (beam sound effect) (upbeat music) - Look, Addy! It's the rest of the Sweet-Shake Surprise Rainbocorns. - It's Pop, the Monkeycorn and Glaze, the Bunnycorn. Pop smells like bubblegum! - And here's Nana, the Llamacorn and Rocky, the Unicorn. Nana looks like a big banana split and she smells like bananas, too. - Now have the entire collection. - Which one should we bring to the party? - Which one? We're bringing them all, girl. I'll grab the Sweet-Shake Surprise Rainbocorn, you grab the Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. - Sounds like a plan to me. - Think I got them. - [Narrator] This video was sponsored by Zuru. (popping sound effect) (whooshing sound effect) (playful chimes)
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 3,697,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toy Master, Escape room, challenge, escape room challenge, clues, solve clues, pretend toy master, silly kids
Id: Ef6nulyUM2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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