Watch OUT for the ALLIGATORS !!!

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- Hey guys, before you watch this video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up. - And make sure to subscribe. - And here's your video. - [Cartoonish Voice] Tic Tac Toy. - [Lucy] This video is sponsored by Zuru. - [Addy] C'mon, Maya. Let's hunt for the Wild Surprise Rainbocorns eggs. (groovy music) - I think that's Rainbow Jungle right up there, Addy! - Perfect. Keep paddling and keep your eyes out for alligators. - Trust me, I've been scanning the water like crazy. (tense music) Um, I think I spotted one. It is getting closer. - Paddle as fast as you can. Those teeth can deflate this thing in two seconds! (Addy and Maya scream) - Go, go, go! Hurry! - C'mon, Maya! Paddle! (intense music) (Addy screaming) - Go, go, go, go, go! - C'mon! - We've hit land, Addy! - Then get out and run! Well, we actually made it to Rainbow Jungle. Home of the Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. - Do you think we'll actually find some of their eggs here, Addy? - I'm not leaving until we do. Keep your eyes open for the exotic purple egg. - And the two-tone unicorn horns. (upbeat music) Look, there's three over there! Wow, we found them! Should we hatch them out or get them back to the lodge first? - Um, I don't think we could wait until we get back to the lodge. - Let's find a comfy place and start hatching. (inquisitive music) (cheerful music) Wow, it says there's 10 layers to hatch, Addy. - So wild! Let's hatch the first egg together. (plastic ripping apart) - Here's the hatching hint. I love horns? - Or maybe music. Who do you think is inside then? - I know, maybe a Giraffecorn? Do they like horns? - Well, before we hatch, let's rub the sequin heart, so we can reveal what our Rainbocorn loves. - You do the honor, Addy. - Wow, it likes to skateboard, just like me! - Looks like it's time to hug to hatch! (egg pops open) - Wow! - It's the coolest Elephantcorn I've ever seen. Check out its wild fur pattern. - So cool! Should we pop the sequin heart on its belly? Or you wanna wear it in your hair or clip it to your backpack? - Let's put it on its belly for now. She's so cute, look at her big ears and her golden wings. And her little elephant tail. - And there's plenty more surprises in here. Let's see what else we have. - It's Rainbocorns Wild Poop. - Oh, I've got to see this. - There's blue poop on the top and purple poop on the bottom. And it's super stretchy. - Let me feel. Wow. (upbeat music) So super fun! - What else is in the bag? - Let me see. You won't believe this! There's matching nail decals! - They match our Elephantcorn. - So cool. - I'm getting one after, but those I'm gonna get back to the lodge. - Oh, and here's a collector's guide. Let's see what an Elephantcorn's named. - Ooh, good idea. - Here she is. Her name is Emmie. And look how cute the Toucancorn and the Peacockcorn are. - Oh, we have to collect those too. - And we can't forget the Boo-Boocorn that comes inside the special egg. Let's see who's inside. (Addy gasps) So cute! - The new long-tailed Boo-Boocorn. - [Addy] You're right, check out this fluffy tail. - Let's see what the Boo-Boocorn's named. Look it's one of the Boo-Boo Elephants. (inquisitive music) Well, I absolutely love any of the Elephantcorn. And the Boo-Boocorn. Me too, they are so wild. - Do you want to hatch some of our other Rainbocorns here too? - Giant. Spider. Right. Next to you. - Giant what? (Maya screams) - Back to the kayak! - Go, go, go! - How in the world are we supposed to get to Rainbowville Lodge now? - I guess one of us will just have to go out there and get the kayak. - I suppose one of us will. - I'll hold the Rainbocorns for you so they don't get wet. - Hey, what makes you think it's gonna be me? There's alligators out there. - Well, what makes you think it's gonna be me? - You're smaller and lighter on your feet, so they'll be less likely to notice you. (Maya groans) - Fine, I'll go get it. - Oh, I can't watch this. - There is an alligator, Maya! Quick, come get me! - Alligator? (Maya panting) That was so scary. I'm coming! - Good work, Maya. Let's get out of here. Now! - Ooh, I'm so excited for these new Sparkle Heart Surprises. (door opens) - We're back with Rainbocorns. - We found them! - You made it Rainbow Jungle and found Rainbocorn Eggs? - We sure did! - And it was not easy. - And I see you got Emmie the Elephantcorn. - We sure did, and now we're gonna hatch these two. - I've been dying to see these exotic Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. And did you know that you can even find a rare Sparkle Slothcorn? - No way, I hope we find it. - Well, I tell you what, I'll be right back. I have something you might wanna see. - I wonder what that was about? - Who knows? - Seven totally wild styles to collect, Maya. - Well, let's see which one we get this time. (plastic ripping apart) - Here's my hatching hint. - I got mine too. - I heart sparkles. I wonder what that means. - And mine loves hamburger. - Hm, who do you think likes hamburgers? - I have no idea. Let's rub our sequin hearts now. - Mine loves taking pictures! - And mine loves peppers! It must be spicy. And now let's hug to hatch! (egg pops open) Wow! I got the rare Slothcorn! - No way, I'm so jelly. - Check out all these sparkly stars. And these sparkly claws. - That sloth is mega cute. Let's see who I got now. (egg pops open) Wow! It's a Tigercorn! - Her fur is so groovy, Maya. - Yeah, she has purple, pink, yellow and oranges. - And what should we do with our sequin hearts? - Let's wear them in our hair this time. - Now it's time for some Rainbocorn Wild Poo. - Ooh, looks like I have purple on the top of my egg. - And I got pink! - That's what I got in the bottom of mine. - I'm gonna mix mine together. - Me too. So stretchy. Now, I know this Rainbocorn Poop is super fun, but we can't forget about our nail decals. - Of course not! (plastic crinkling) - So cool, it matches my Slothcorn. We can be twinsies. - And mine matches too! We haven't even figured out what our Rainbocorns' name are yet. Time for the collector's guide. Rare Sparkle Sloth. Perry! And my Tigercorn's name is Roxy. - Well, it's nice to meet you Perry and Roxy. And now should we meet our long-tailed Boo-Boocorns? - Absolutely! (plastic popping) (Addy gasps) - So cute. I think she's a Boo-Boozebra. Yeah, here she is. - And I got the most adorable Boo-Bootoucan. - I love it. And I totally forgot that Boo-Boocorns can be used as pencil toppers. I did too, so fun! - Well, now that we've opened everything, I think it's time to do our nails. - Totally down. Will you help me first? - Of course. Here's the first one, Maya. - Wow, totally wild. - Now for the other hand. - I'm in love with this. Wow, these are so amazing. - Hey girls, I have something you might wanna see. - [Addy and Maya] What is it, what is it? - Are those the new series two Sparkle Heart Surprise Rainbocorns? - They sure are. There are six new cute and cuddly characters to collect. - Can we hatch those too? - Well, these are actually a reward for whoever can find and successfully hatch all seven of the Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns, found in the Rainbocorn Jungle. - [Addy and Maya] All seven? - And from the looks of it, you've got four more to go. - Well, I still want to collect all seven, but I don't want to go through that alligator infested river again. - Yeah, that was super, super scary. - Well, that's why I brought this out to show you. Come here, girls. - Wow, what is this? - Well, it's a map of the area. As you can see, here is the Rainbowville Lodge, and over here is the Rainbow Jungle. - And here is Gator Lagoon, where we were nearly eaten alive. - Yes, but that's not the only way to access the Rainbow Jungle. There are two alternates routes. - [Addy] You mean by going this way, or that way? - Precisely! - But you here you have to pass through Gorilla Corner. - And if you take this route, you have wade you through Snake Creek? - Well, I didn't say they were easier routes. Just different routes. I'll leave this map right here for you girls to look at. - I'd really like to collect all Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns, Addy. - And don't forget about the Sparkle Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. Those are the ones with the super fun peel to reveal surprises. - Well, you know I'm not a fan human-sized primates. So there is no way I'm going through the Gorilla Corner. - Well, I'm not a fan of anything that slithers on its belly, or can bite my ankles before I even spot it. So I am not wading through Snake Creek. - So do we split up? - I suppose it's our only option. (water rippling) - I'm not afraid of snakes. I'm not afraid of snakes. There are no snakes in this creek. This will all be worth it if I could find the Rainbocorns. - No signs of gorillas yet. (upbeat music) (gorilla growling) Did I hear something? Hello? (cheerful music) - I found two eggs! I found two eggs! I can't believe it! Wow, this one has a white sequin heart, and this one has a turquoise sequin heart. Oh, I'm just dying to hatch 'em. Let's make it to the lodge. I'm sure Addy will make it there safely. - Hello there? I'm sure this is just all my imagination. I'm hearing things. That's right. I can't back up. I just gotta keep going towards Rainbow Jungle. (gorilla growls) Okay, I'm not hearing things. What was that? Who's there? (gorilla growls) A gorilla. (Addy screams) (gorilla growls) (Addy screams in terror) (cheerful music) - Tiny the Giraffe is so stinkin' cute. And I'm in love with these nail decals. - I know, right? - [Lucy] I love it they match Tiny. - So who do you think I'm gonna hatch now? - Hm, what was the hatching hint again? - [Maya] I love tiara. - Hm, I'm not sure. - Well, let's see what else my Rainbocorn has. She loves to paint! - Hm, okay, I'm gonna guess it's either the Peacockcorn or the Toucancorn. - Well, let's find out! - Hug to hatch! - Oh, look at it! It's Flair the Peacockcorn! - Her fur pattern is so cool. And check out her cold, glittery gold feet. - Okay, why don't you open the Rainbocorn Wild Poop, and I'll hatch the Boo-Boocorn. Did you know if you have a golden egg, you'll find rare twin Boo-Boocorns? - No way, that's so super cool! - Oh, I just love this long-haired Boo-Boocorn. It's a Boo-Boopeacock. - Wow, we never opened a green Rainbocorn Poop before. - [Lucy] And check out these nail decals. - So sassy and on trend. - And they match our Peacockcorn, of course. Hey, you know what? Are you wondering about Addy? She should've been back by now, shouldn't she? - Yeah, she has been gone for a while. (Addy panting) - I don't think I've ever run so fast in my entire life. Who knew I could outrun a gorilla? (upbeat music) Wait a minute, are those what I think they are? Rainbocorn eggs, I found two more! I can't believe it. One has a hot pink heart, and the other has a metallic silver. I just hope Maya found the other two, cause I want to get back to the safety of the lodge, right now. Now back through Gorilla Corner. Then I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could, and that's how I escaped the pod of ferocious gorillas. - Wow! What a crazy story. - I can't believe you had to hide out in a tree for an hour. - No wonder you took so long to get back here. - Yep, it was insane, but well worth it. - You're telling me. You hatched Candy the Toucancorn and Blanco the Zebracorn? - Yeah, and check out these sassy nails that match Blanco. - Absolutely love them. - And that means you girls have collected all seven Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. - Which also means we earn the Sparkle Heart Surprise Rainbocorns. - Absolutely. You girls can start hatching right away. (inquisitive music) (upbeat music) - I'm totally digging this Sparkle Heart Surprise Egg. - Me too. So far I've opened Sophia the Unicorn and DJ the Monkeycorn. Which means we just have two left to open. - And I've opened Cora the Lioncorn and Rayne the Flamingocorn. - I love that these are many of the Sequin Surprise Rainbocorns we have at home. - Me too. (egg popping) - I think I got Pandacorn. Aw, she loves noodles, just like me. - I got the Owlcorn! Let's peel to reveal what she loves. Sushi, just like me! - My Pandacorn is named May. Your Owlcorn is named Noel. - Nice to meet you, Noel. Let's open the Rainbocorn Glittler Poop now. - I got red and yellow sparkly poop. - Me too! So cool! - Did you know that it stretches over 3000% in size? - I believe it, check this out! - Wow. - [Addy] We can't forget our Boo-Boocorns. - There are 72 Boo-Boocorns you can collect. And mine is so cute! I gotta see what kind you are. - It looks like you got a Boo-Boopuppy. The pink one. - Now open yours and find out who you got. - Okay. (egg pops open) - I think it's a Boo-Boohamster. Yeah, it's the blue one. Right here. - These Boo-Boocorns double as pencil toppers too. - And did you see they're attached to a stamp? This one shows a sparkly diamond. - [Maya] Mine's a camera. - Let's test out all of our stamps now, Maya. - My turn. - Let's grab the others. - My turn. - Nice sunglasses. I just have one left to try. - Ooh, I love the heart. - Did you see we also got adoption certificates for our Sparkle Heart Surprises? - Yeah, cause they all officially a part of our family. - Well, Maya this was the most incredible day, wasn't it? - I know, right? It was all so much fun. - Well, except for the alligators. Snakes. Giant Spiders. And gorillas. - Yeah, but thankfully we never have to see them again. (inquisitive music) (Addy and Maya screams) - [Lucy] This video is sponsored by Zuru. (clicking noises) (sparkly sounds)
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 3,240,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Addy, Maya, silly kids, Addy and Maya, Rainbocorns, Zuru, kids, plush toy, silly, pretend, toys, Lucy, zuru rainbocorns, adventure, hidden treasure
Id: Ogal6f9ecq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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