Can We Solve the Clues?

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(pen scratching) - [Girl] Tic Tac Toy. (bubbles) (fun upbeat music) - Okay, Maya, here's my map, where should we hide the treasure? - Right down there. - Alright. (siren) - [Both] What is that? - So loud. - Sounds like the house alarm, Maya. - Come on, let's go see. (siren) - [Both] So loud! - Do you remember the alarm code, Addy? - Yeah. Four, seven, two five. (siren stops) - Much better, but why in the world was the alarm doing that in the first place? - I've no idea. According to the alarm panel, there haven't been any doors or windows opened. I'm not sure what set it off, Maya. - [Alarm System] All doors and windows are now locked. No exit is possible. - Did it just say "No exit is possible."? Meaning we're locked inside our own house? - But that doesn't make sense, cause I entered the code to turn the alarm off. - Try turning the code again, it might unlock everything. - Okay, four, seven, two, five. - [Alarm System] I'm sorry, the code is invalid. - What's going on? That code worked just two minutes ago. - Maya, what if, when I entered the code the first time, it gave the alarm code to a hacker or something? - Yeah, and hacker used that code to lock us in our own house. - And then he must have changed the code, so we can't even control our own alarm. - Okay, let's not get carried away, Addy. Let's go check the doors and see if we can get out of here first. - Good idea, Maya. Maybe this is just a big alarm malfunction. No need to worry yet. - Let's go, Addy. (upbeat music) - Come on, Maya. - I hope it opens. - Okay, here's the moment of truth, Maya. (door rattles) - Wait, I just think the door's just locked, Addy. (deadbolt clicks) Now try it, Addy. (door rattles) - It's still not opening. (door rattles) - Someone hacked our alarm system, and now we're locked inside our own house. I just don't understand why. - I don't know, but let's go try the garage door. Maybe we can get out that way. - Okay. (upbeat music) - I really hope this will work, Maya. - Well, we're about to find out. (button clicks) (slow music) - It didn't work. - Let's try the doors on the back porch, it's our last shot. - Okay, hurry. (fast music) (door handle rattling) - This door won't open either. - This doesn't make any sense. Who would lock us inside our own house? - I have no idea, Addy. So, what are we gonna do now? (buzzing) - What is that? - Hello Addy and Maya. This is the toy master. - [Toy Master] Thanks for sharing your alarm code with me. - You are temporarily locked inside your house. - The doors will unlock at 2:45. - (gasps) The toy master? Isn't that the same person who trapped the toy scientist in slime? - Sure is, but I don't really know who the toy master is. We've only heard his voice, but we've never actually seen him. - Well, now we know who locked us inside our house. But we need to know why the toy master locked us in here. - I know. That just doesn't make any sense to me. You usually lock people out of something, not in something. - Okay, so what to we know about the toy master, Addy? - Not much, just that he likes toys. Remember, he wanted to take all the toy scientists toys. - That gives me a thought. Come over here. (foot steps thumping) - Over here. Alexa, what's on the calendar today? - Today, there is one even remaining: At 2:30 pm there's toy delivery. - That's it, Addy! Somehow the toy master knows we're getting toys delivered, today. - The delivery people usually leave our boxes on the front step. The toy master must be trying to keep us in the house, so he can get our toys. - Which means he's probably gonna take the toys from the bottom step while we're locked in our house. - We have to get out of this house by 2:30, so we can get the packages. - Okay, what time is it now, Addy? - It's two o'clock, which means we don't have much time. - We know he locked the doors, but what about the windows? Maybe we can open those and climb out. - Great idea, Maya. (straining) - The windows are locked too, Maya. - Any other ideas? We got to get outside. - Maybe an air vent, or something, maybe we can crawl through one to get outside. - It's worth a shot. (foot steps thumping) - Okay, I think I just pull this, Maya. - Wow. - And then we pull the filter out. (suspenseful music) - That's kind of spooky, Addy. - Yeah, and I don't think we can fit in there anyways. - What about those floor vents by the kitchen table? - Oh, I think those are way too small for us to fit through, but I suppose we can check them. - Okay, perfect. (upbeat music) - This way. (footsteps thumping) (suspenseful music) - You're right, there's no way we can fit down there, Addy. - Hey, do you see something inside there, Maya? - Yeah, what is that? - [Both] Woa. - What in the world is this? - I don't know, there's a bunch of wires and these clippers here. - Are these clippers to cut the wires? - I don't even know if we should be holding this. - Look, there's a note on it. It says "Good luck!". - Do you think this is from the toy master? - I don't know. Or who else would put it there? - Oh, check it out, there's like a screen here, Maya. It gives information about the defuse wire or the danger wire. - "Danger wire"? That doesn't sound good at all! - No, it doesn't, but maybe, if we cut the right wire, it will unlock the doors. - But what happens, if we cut the danger wire instead, Addy? - I have no idea. Are we willing to take this risk? - Well, looks like we have no other options. Tic Tac Toy fans, leave a comment down below, let us know what we should do. - Yeah, should we cut the wire, or not? - Addy, what's that red button on there? - There's only one way to know. I'll press it. (beeping) - (gasp) Did you see that light up? - [Addy] It said the danger wire is blue, Maya. - Then we don't wanna cut the blue. - Why don't you try cutting a green one, then, Maya? (click) - It looks like nothing bad happened. We should be okay. - Try pressing that button. See if it gives you another clue. - Great idea, Maya. (peeping) - It said the diffuse wire is not green. - What does "diffuse" mean? - Well, I don't know, if danger is bad, then maybe diffuse is good. - So we want to cut the diffuse wire. - Well, if the danger wire is blue, and the diffuse wire is not green... I bet the diffuse wire is red! - Then let's go start cutting the red wires, Addy! It's almost 2:30! - Okay, wish me luck. (click) - Do you think that did anything? - I don't know, I have no idea. - Look, Addy, the packages are being delivered! (tense music) - We better hurry! - Okay, let me try this one. (click) - I don't think it worked, let me try another one. (upbeat music) (beeping) - O M G, I think you cut the right wire! Let's go see if the doors are unlocked. (lighthearted music) - It worked! - Wow, these are some giant boxes, Addie. - I know, but we need to get these inside quickly, before the toy master comes. (lighthearted music) - [Maya] Oi, this is heavy. Got it. (bubbles) - Wow, these Pony Cycles look so much fun. I'm glad we got these before the toy master got them. - Me too. We saved these toys from the toy master but that doesn't mean we won't have to deal with him again. - True . - So, I think we should put a secret hidden camera up, so maybe, if he still comes looking for the packages, we'll know what the toy master looks like. - Great idea, Addy. Why don't we take the Pony Cycles out of the boxes, and leave the empty boxes outside as bait? - Yeah, we'll tape them up, so he won't know that we opened them and took the toys out of them. - We don't have much time before 2:30, so we better get them out. (happy music) - Okay Maya, how about you stand guard and make sure the coast is clear. I'll set up the boxes and the camera. - Okay. - If you see anything suspicious, or anyone approaching, let me know. - Okay, you can trust me, Addy. - No one is out here now, so let's do this quickly. (upbeat music) - Toy master, toy master, I'm watching for you. (upbeat music) - Everything good, Maya? - So far, so good, Addie. I'm watching for you, toy master. (tense music) - Okay, I think this angle will work. (tense music) - Addie, there's a car approaching. - I'm almost done, just gotta set it to record. - We gotta go. (tense music) (door lock clicks) - That was so close, Addy. - Sure was. I wonder what that truck was up to now. (tense music) - Maybe that was not the toy master. I don't see it anymore. - But it went awfully slow, Addy. Seems a little suspicious to me. - Yeah, I don't know. Seems we have to wait and see what happens. - Well, the camera is all hooked up, so we can monitor everything from this phone now. - Well, if we're just waiting, we might as well have a little fun while we're waiting. - Are you thinking what I'm thinking? - I'm thinking we should have a little fun with these ponies. - Exactly. (happy music) (laughter) (giggling) - Watch out, here I come. (neighing) (giggling) - Maya, we've been having so much fun on our Pony Cycles, that we completely forgot about the toy master. - You're right. Let's go peek outside and see if he took the boxes. - Let's go. (upbeat music) - [Both] O M G - What happened to the boxes, Maya? - I have no idea, but they're completely destroyed now. - That's definitely not how we left them. - Let's watch the camera footage, Addy. - Great idea, let's see what happened. - Let me just find the right file here. - Okay, here's the boxes just sitting on the porch. - So the toy master hasn't come yet here. - O M G, did you see that, Addy? - They just disappeared right off the porch! - Let's watch it again, Addy. The toy master is more powerful than we though, Addy. - I think you're right, Maya. (upbeat music) - Wow, the crumpled boxes just got thrown back. - The toy master must have been mad once he saw the box was empty. - I can't believe we didn't catch any footage him though, that's unbelievable. - Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. - We'll just have to wait til the toy master strikes again. - I guess, you're right. In the meantime, you wanna play with the ponies? - Absolutely. - Giddy up, Mal, giddy up. - Giddy up. - Giddy up, Ashley. (cheering) (upbeat music) - Giddy up, Ashley, giddy up. - What are you gonna name your horse? - Mal. - What are you gonna name your horse? - I'm gonna name mine Ashley. (giggling) (buzzing) - You may have beat me this time, but I will be back. I will keep returning until all the toys in this world are mine, aaaaall mine. (suspenseful music)
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 24,533,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy spy, toys, addy and maya, ponycycles, toy video, toy scientist, silly kids, jason, pretend, addy, maya, clues, silly, toy skit, pretend toy spy, silly toy spy, problem solving, new toys, toy shipment, solve clues
Id: BWXysPskfco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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