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(jingle bells ringing) - [Child] Tic Tac Toy. (soft music) - [Woman] This video is sponsored by Zuru. (laughs) - Addy and Maya are about to walk into my trap and then it's game time. With a little help from my five-surprise-toy Mini Brands, today should be a good day. (laughs) (upbeat music) - Avery's birthday party is gonna be so much fun, Maya. - I know, right? She's gonna love her birthday presents. (upbeat music) - Hello? Where is everybody? (chilling music) - Avery, where are you? - [Toy Master] And the fun begins. - This is really strange, Maya. There's nobody here. (Toy Master laughing) It's the Toy Master. - It's the Toy Master. - What do we do Addy? - I don't know, don't panic though. He probably just wants to play one of his crazy games. - Oh, I'd so rather be at a birthday party right now. - [Toy Master] Welcome Addy and Maya. Make your way to the screens by the virtual reality station for your directions. - Well, here we go, Maya. (dramatic music) (instrumental music) - Okay, here we are. - Hello girls. I've decided to wipe out all the toys from toy stores across the world. - What? That's horrible. - However, you two will have the opportunity to restock the shelves with select toys. - Okay, how do we do that? - You will be competing in a series of challenges today. For each challenge that you successfully complete you will receive a five-surprise-toy Mini Brands capsule. - Wow! So cool. - Wow! So cool. - You will unwrap, peel and reveal five surprises in each capsule. You'll discover miniature toys and shopping accessories from real brands that you know and love. - Those are so cool, Addy they're like a real shopping brands up in your hands. - Whichever toys that you uncover in miniature form will be returned to toy stores around the world in their actual sizes. - We have to save these toys for kids around the world Maya, the pressure is on. - For sure. What's our first challenge Toy Master? - Addy, the first challenge is for you. You'll have 30 seconds to complete the Ninja Warrior obstacle. If you're successful, you'll find your first five-surprise-toy Mini Brands on the table. (upbeat music) - Okay Addy, so once you push this button your timer will start. And then you have 30 seconds to get all the way to the other side. - Okay, it's gonna be tough but I think I can do it. - I'll be waiting for you at the finish Addy. You've got this, good luck. (upbeat music) (thudding) - Here goes nothing. (tapping) (upbeat music) - Come on Addy, come on, hurry, hurry. (upbeat music) That's it! Come on! (upbeat music) Looking good, looking good. (upbeat music) Come on Addy, come on! (upbeat music) Great! Come on Addy, hurry! (upbeat music) (buzzing) (cheering) - We did it! - We did it! (upbeat music) (clapping) (soft music) Here it is Addy, (soft music) our first toy Mini Brands. - Mind if I open the first one Maya? - Well you earned it, go for it. (soft music) (peeling) I can't wait to see what's inside. - Me neither. I heard there's toys from Nickelodeon, Crayola, Zuru and more. (upbeat music) - Oh, can't wait. (gasping) Open the first surprise. - Here we go. (peeling) Whoa, what is it? (gasping) It's a Nickelodeon Slime Blaster. - Whoa, that's so cool. It looks exactly like the real thing. - Let's see what else we got. (peeling) (Addy gasping) Whoa! - It's a miniature hula hoop. - So fun. Time for surprise number three. (upbeat music)(peeling) (Addy gasping) Whoa! - It's Crayola Crayons and it's a 64 pack. - It looks just like the one we have at home except it's teeny tiny. - What else is in there? (peeling) - Rainbocorn. This looks just like the present we bought for Avery. - No kidding, lemme go get it out of the party bag. (upbeat music)(rustling) - It's a Wild Heart Surprise Rainbocorn and a mini one. The little one's so teeny tiny. - And so cute. - For sure. Let's see what the last surprise is now. (peeling) No way! It's a five-surprise, inside a five-surprise. - And that's a unicorn five-surprise one of my favorites. - Mine too. Let's take a peek at the checklist now. (upbeat music) - [Maya] Whoa, look at all of them that you can collect. - There are so many. Should we check off the ones we found? - For sure. Oh there's a Rainbocorns Wild Heart Surprise right at the top. - [Addy] Okay, check. - And there's the hula hoop. - Ooh, you're right. And here's the Slime Blaster. - So the five-surprise in Crayola must be on the other side. Oop, here they are. (upbeat music) - [Addy] Check and check! - Well we've got these five toys back on the shelf Addy but we have a ways to go. - You're right. Let's head down the slide and see what our next challenge is. (upbeat music) (pattering) (mumbles) (cheering) - Good work Addy. (soft music) However, since there are over 60 many toys to collect your work is not done. Maya, the next challenge is for you. - I'm up for it Toy Master. - You'll need to head over to the climbing zone where you'll see a series of columns in various heights. You'll begin with the shortest column. And then you must climb to the next tallest column. You'll continue, until you're standing on top of the largest column. - Does he know that I'm afraid of heights? - Oh, and if you wanna earn your five-surprise you must not fall when maneuvering between the columns. Good luck! (upbeat music) - There's absolutely no way I can do this Addy, no way! Do you see how high that column is? - Yeah, but you've got this Maya. You're in a harness, you can't get hurt. So just keep the five-surprise in your mind. - Okay, five-surprises, Mini Brands. I can do this. (upbeat music)(bumping) - There you go Maya, keep going. (upbeat music) You've got it, you're doing great. (upbeat music) - I'm so high Addy. - Just four more to go, keep going. (upbeat music) Nice and steady, nice and steady. That's it, that's it! (upbeat music) Just two more to go, come on Maya. (upbeat music) Keep going Maya, you're almost there. - But I'm shaking Addy, I can't do this. - But Maya we can not let the Toy Master win. - You're right Addy, I know you are. (upbeat music) - That's it, that's it! One more step. - I did it Addy, I did it. I can't believe I did it. - I'm so proud of you. Now get down. (cheering)(clapping) Good job Maya. (upbeat music) - I think I earned the right to open this next one Addy. - You sure did, open it. (upbeat music)(peeling) Can't wait to see what's inside. - Me neither. (upbeat music) - Time to peel and reveal. (peeling)(Maya gasping) - It's a Fingerlings. - [Addy] And it's a unicorn. - So super fun, but let's see what else we have. (Maya gasping) No way. It's Zuru's Buncho Balloons. - It looks just like the real one we bought for Avery. Let me go get it. I know it's in here somewhere here. (papers rustling) Oh here it is. - Come on, let's compare 'em. (upbeat music) - [Addy] They look just alike. - I know, that's so cool. Well, let's see what else we have. (upbeat music) (peeling) It's an Xshot. - Wait a minute Maya. I think that's a super rare gold Mini Brand. Yeah, there it is. - We definitely need to check that off Addy. - For sure. (upbeat music) Look, you can also collect rare glow in the dark and metallic Mini Brands. - I want that glow in the dark five-surprise. - Well, there's two more surprises to open. Let's see if we got it. (peeling)(soft music) - Whoa! - Whoa! - It's the Smashers Epic Dino Egg. - Collin has one just like this at home. - Yeah, but much bigger. - Okay, one surprise to go. (upbeat music) - Open it up Maya. (Maya gasping) - Whoa! So cool. It's a Metal Machines. - Well Maya, we've gotten so many cool Mini Brands. - And that means that all these toys are back on the toys shelves. - Well, let's go get some more. We're not gonna let the Toy Master takeaway our toys. - To the slide. (upbeat music) - Woo hoo! - [Maya] Wee! - Woo hoo! (screaming)(laughing) Woo! Okay Toy Master, what do you have for us now? - Well, well, well! So far, you have successfully completed all of your challenges. - We'll never let you out-do us Toy Master. - We'll see about that. Addy, the next challenges for you. We'll call this next one, "The Leap of Faith". You'll climb to the top of a towering platform, walk to the ledge and take a giant leap. - Oh boy. - Grab onto the giant punching bag before you touch the ground if you wanna earn another five-surprise capsule. - That sounds really scary Addy. - Tell me about it. (upbeat music) - Oh I'm so glad I'm not doing this one. - Well, wish me luck Maya, I might need it. (upbeat music) - Oh you're so high up Addy. - Yeah, tell me about it. - Okay, so you gotta take a big jump and hold on to the punching bag. - Okay, I'll try my best. You got this, three, two, one, go! (panting) (upbeat music)(screaming) - You did it! Good job Addy! (upbeat music) - Yes! (upbeat music) After the leap of faith I earned the right to open this one. - Go for it. (rustling) - Oh you can (mumbles) and SpongeBob toys. - [Addy] Well, let's see what we got. - All right, let's peel to reveal. (upbeat music)(peeling) - [Addy] Whoa, it's a Jojo bow. - No way! - Onto the next surprise. (upbeat music)(peeling) It's Bobby! The booty shaking llama. - The booty shaking llama. It looks just like the one we bought Avery. - Except this one is teeny tiny. - Other than that, they look exactly alike. Check it out teeny version, and big version. - So fun, but we got more surprises to open. (upbeat music) Whoa, it's a Ninja Turtles action figure. - It looks so real. - [Addy] I know right? - Two more Addy. (upbeat music)(peeling) - A shopping accessory. - Yeah there's four mini shopping accessories you can collect. Wheelie baskets, carts, shelves and paper bags. - This one's a wheelie basket, how cute is it? - So fun, I'm gonna put a Jojo Siwa bow in it. (upbeat music) - [Addy] Super-duper cute. - It is, but we gotta move to the last surprise. - [Addy] Here we go. (upbeat music)(peeling) Whoa, it's Robo Alive and it's a dinosaur. - Collin would love that. - [Addy] Look at all the toys we've brought back into the stores Maya. - We're doing a good job but we gotta keep going. - Onto the next challenge. (upbeat music) (thudding) (cheering) - Maya, (dramatic music) I have a surprise challenge for you. Since you have a little fear of heights I'm sure you'll appreciate this one. - Oh no, what do you have in mind Toy Master? - You must complete the sky rider course. You'll strap on a harness and zigzag high above all the other attractions. Make it to the end and the next five-surprise capsule is all yours. - Maya you're so lucky. That sounds like so much fun. - Yeah, if you don't have a debilitating fear of heights. - You've got this Maya. (Maya gasping) - I hope you're right Addy. (upbeat music) Okay, here goes nothing. (upbeat music) - You're gonna do great Maya, you've got this. ( Maya screaming) Go Maya go! (upbeat music) You're doing it Maya, you're doing it. (upbeat music) Yeah! - I did it, that was so much fun. (jingling) (upbeat music) Time to open my first surprise. (bumping)(upbeat music) (peeling)(Maya gasping) No way, it's an Xshot. - Whoa! Ooh we love playing with those. Let's see what else. - [Maya] It's Dora's backpack. - You're right, how cute is that? - Just super cute. - Well, let's see what's next. (upbeat music)(peeling) - [Maya] A frisbee. - A teeny tiny frisbee. (peeling)(Maya gasping) - [Maya] It's a golden SpongeBob. - I can't believe we found another super rare gold toy. I've got to check this off. (upbeat music) - And the last one is a metallic five-surprise. - Really, we found a metallic one too? We only have three more metallics to collect. - Well, you know what time it is time to go back down stairs. (upbeat music) (thudding) - [Maya] Wee! (yelping)(thudding) (upbeat music) What do you think (dramatic music) the next challenge is Addy? - I don't know but I think we're about to find out. - Congratulations Addy and Maya! You've successfully completed four out of your five challenges. - Wow! There's only one left Addy. - In your final challenge you'll both go head to head against me in an epic game of Dodgeball. - We'll be actually be face to face with the Toy Master? - If you can strike me with a ball before I strike you you'll earn four, five surprise toy Mini Brand capsules. - Wow, that would be a ton of toys on the shelf Addy. - But if you fail, the toy shelves will remain empty, forever. - But that's not fair. We've already earned some toys back on the shelves. - I make the rules here. I'll see you on the Dodgeball court. - I don't think I'm ready for this Addy. - Well, you better get ready quickly because this is really happening. (instrumental music) We've got this Maya. (Maya gasping) - Welcome Addy and Maya. Please take your positions on the other side of the arena. - Okay. (dramatic music)(squeaking) - The battle begins in three, two, one. (upbeat music) (yelping) - Take this! And that! (upbeat music) - Take this! (Toy Master laughs) - Watch out girls! (upbeat music) - I need more balls! (screaming) We're gonna get you Toy Master. (upbeat music) - Nice miss. (upbeat music) (Addy screaming) - [Addy] Come on, we gotta do this. (upbeat music) (Maya chuckling) - I'm gonna take aim... (grunting) (bumping) (Toy Master shouting) - You won! (upbeat music)(grunting) - Yes we did it! - Yes we did it! (cheering) - We beat the Toy Master. - We did it! - High five. (clapping) (upbeat music) We did it Maya, we saved all of these toys. I can't believe it. - And not only that but we have a super cool collection of toy Mini Brands. Look at all these. - No kidding. I can't believe we found the gold Rubik's cube. - And I think my favorite was Bobby the booty shaking llama. - Even though we didn't go to the birthday party like we planned, I actually had a lot of fun today. - Me too. (upbeat music) (bumping) (shouting) - Well Addy and Maya, you may have beaten me today but I'll be back. This won't be the last game we play together. (rumbling) - [Woman] This video was sponsored by Zuru. (whooshing) (tapping) (whooshing)(jingling)
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 4,768,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toy Master, silly kids, Addy, Maya, pretend toy master, kids, addy and maya, challenge, trampoline park, Urban Air, Urban Air Adventure Park, pretend, silly, competition
Id: 5KY1ZdCmbHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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