Addy & Jason Take Down the Pretend Toy Store !!!

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okay remember I told you the other day that those two ladies they took down my toy store hmm what today's the day that I'm gonna get my revenge are you ready to help me yeah Shh we gotta keep it down so are you ready do you have your glasses ready yeah and you got your walkie-talkie - right and what about the money I gave you do you still have all that right daddy oh well here's some more money for you don't spend it on ice cream this time though okay we need that for our mission lipids ooh Wow you know laughs yeah items oh yeah and we gotta get ready for the service that I did in there become one yeah are you surprised inside this is a frozen what they how can you yeah thank you Wow okay you know if these don't sell it which I'm sure they will I really want to heat up Mia - okay should we go back me the cactus you're already to the cash register get our bad make sure the shopping carts are bad shopping carts are wrong and I think we'll be ready to jump okay how do you got your walkie talkie handy let's go ahead and test them first okay you go over there and I'll go this way testing testing one two addy can you hear me over okay loud and clear over perfect time to implement plan destroy a store ten-four mr. Gates's alright so first you should probably scout out the store so be sneaky and don't let them see you all right so who's going to do the cash register and who's going to stock shelves first well alright well I'll start by making sure all the shelves they stocked ok don't let it I swear by God I will be so fast and you take care of the money jet yes we're gonna get lots of money ready okay I love already practice me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bill yes and even Sophia oh good day [Music] defense mr. Dyson I found the store should I go in and feel some stuff no no remember we're not stealing anything yet remember that's why I gave you the money so use the money at ease remember use the money and buy a toy okay I like their stuff better Oh was as good as ours sure wasn't okay well I guess I'll look around for a little bit we have so many great Stephanie babies look at this splash what else do we have oh we have the new lol Oh Ryan I haven't seen our stories so much better than that old Vegas head - was that we had to all the new vampire we a toy you see the childhood eggs for selling meat on sale today - I guess he has some good stuff hey you bet we do that's good stuff I think okay gruesome huh oh I'm you know this is a 12 pack you get 12 in here and there's over 100 to discover so you can collect even more you can come back and buy more yes oh yes oh yes yes you want that - Ocalan eggs wow you have hot glue and in there or anything else you like girl let's do it for today family let's do it today hey now I'm going to come to $24 let's see oh perfect you can hang on to that I suppose and I will be collecting over tonight $1 back for you and let me put this all in a bat for you there are nice Twitter so you can show everybody so let's be here you see all that voice on the other side the walkie-talkies on this kind of night in camp I can't put my tongue on it don't be not vicious stuff what did you get the splashing oxy choice what else oh you got some mashing too awesome you got some chain we'll keep that set that aside okay so you're gonna open up the mash'ems first Wow what kind of mansions are these oh I love that one that's a cool little ghost wonder what's in the other one so cool love it oh and you got the splashlings too what kind of characters are these open it up I can't wait to see him look I got the mermaid Lenny and all her open friends I wanna see what's inside the hidden ocean Oh super cool let's check out my other hidden treasure those are super cool Adi good choice oh yeah let's open up that chocolate egg right now don't wait to see what's inside of that one is this a frozen one he's my favorite princess now let's open this yellow chocolate egg oh it's so soon looks delicious oh let me help you out with that mm-hmm anything inside okay well it's good chocolate all right that was super fun but you know what we can't lose sight of my master plan we got a refocus here so are you ready to go back and try to return these and get some new toys all right let's do it let's pack this let's get this all ready all right so what I want you to do is we're just gonna repack these without the toy and you're gonna say that you bottom and when you brought them home they were missing all the toys they're just empty and get all upset and try to get your money back okay and then when they go ahead and buy some new toys okay all right I like that let's do it [Music] wonderful okay perfect okay I think that looks better me too oh no toy sure Oh No are you sure about this okay I'm so sorry I don't know what happened I feel horrible help teach my routine and I will like my money back oh wow I can't even one - I'm like super happy but happy yeah okay let's see all right well here's your money back I send that money and buy something new yes you have all sorts of fun toys here I like the top prizes no like I'm in debt these are too crazy Legos and juggle alarm clock with a wonderful choice and the pop cake surprise oh I've heard these are so much fun let me just back things up for you and it looks like you didn't become - let me see about $32 being very good let's just get it back for your purchases and I hope you are a much more satisfied with being used [Music] [Music] something's fishy good job daddy so what did you get this time put the receipt over here you get the lego ninjago alarm clock how cool and what is there a pop cake surprise so cool I've never seen those before let's open these up and check them out I think this one smells like blueberries Wow I didn't know they were sentient that's pretty cool let me try this one alright let me give this one a shot so you just pop it like that no it becomes a little pop cake how cute and it pops right back out to the princess mmm yummy okay now let's do the leg one and Johnny this one I'm really super excited about did you see this movie yet oh so cool let's open this up see what's inside see what it's all about cool hold it tell us the time and look the legs move do the arms move so cool I had to kind of twist a little bit so tell us the time and I bet the alarm goes off I wonder what the alarm does it looks like you said your arm on the back you know what I kind of needed an alarm clock can I keep this for my room yeah hi Oh hmm all right Eddie let's refocus now so let's pack up all these old empty boxes and you're gonna have to return them again and try to get your money back and then fight some more toys okay I think this is going wonderfully did they ask you about this say we just couldn't find the toy anywhere and we thought it was hidden deep down inside the package and it turns out it was empty okay all right all right let's get these cupcakes prizes in there and here's your receipt okay they'll probably ask for that as well all right good luck addy oh I'm just unloading the truck and we got these new make a toy block tape from zero those are so cool I've heard on the bed you can't cut them oh shoot them stick them build with them and I heard you can even turn them upside down and any toys you attach will not fall look at all the different colors and sizes we have display of course all right I think I have to display all finished that was so much fun all right I'll put the extras we have for sale right here dug through this I'm pretty sure I saw an alarm clock in there I see it and I am getting rid on here hey I don't like this well I am I repeat and I want my money back oh I don't know what to do well okay just just give her the bank but we can't be I'm more happy alright we're not there you go although and a little suspicious of you yeah we have all sorts of wonderful - easier but it mouths like this boy Dean is hilarious I love it anything else you like Wow let down over there Oh tell you all about this this is our new make it tape from Subaru look you can write any of your LEGO Friends that you might have and attach them to it looks like a big tape they can hang it sideways they can go upside you like I want that Oh perfect you have a selection right over here of all different colors oh look a no notice to the house right on the back so you can stick you to your wall ask your parents first those all right so we have the emoji in the mid a $50 owe her big thank you let me put this all in the back for you this is my customer happy all right I think you're all ready to go something is weird already what did you get from toys-r-us this time oh is this the new make of tape so cool it bends and stretches and you could put all that your different Lego toys on it oh that's pretty cool you could hang that from your ceiling if you wanted to and what else did you get did you get this emoji toy this is Jean right how cool how do you really scored this time click the mouse like that well it's design Wow well you know what this is all fun and games but let's pack up the the packaging and let's return them in all I'm gonna come with you this time cuz I don't want them to give you any trouble ok we can play later addy we have a store to get back to destroying ok ready to do this addy oh I need any more customers for me oh I hope carrying it back under break soon excuse me miss you sold my daughter some missing broken toys and we like our money back no I'm sorry no you're not my daughter a liar are you well yeah I played of em tonight clearly so- over there we just stop you think a monster truck there was teeth in here when we took that out of the bag and look just like that it was missing everything we couldn't even use that what kind of operation are you running here I'm fine I cannot issue another brief on you you have our money back right away I have no idea what you're talking about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you'll never catch me well that was good at I think we took a lot of toys wrong and we did some damage hopefully and they'll have to shut their store down what did you get oh you got the Qt cars in the the chocolate egg there you end up with all these uru metal machines oh look dinosaur this is gonna be fun to build later patty I think we did good high five good work mixing the conflicts oh my gosh that mean Jason took mana that I didn't get a pack yet think it'll hurt our business tiny oh hi oh I hope not - I can't believe that oh my what a mean person is horrible let's go bout it better score back yes I thought this and we can't let them back in ever meet him oh we're gonna make sure we catch him next time next time we will have you subscribe to Tic Tac toy yet if not it's absolutely free go ahead and click on that button in the corner of your screen and then you won't miss any of our future videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 26,272,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toys r us, toy store, pretend, pretend toy store, addy, new toys, toys, pretend toys r us, silly, silly kids, toy, store, pretend store, silly workers, silly toy store, silly toys r us, Lucy, Karen, Miss PaDoodle, Jason
Id: JQvw5rYwh3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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