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[Music] okay boss we're ready for our next time making assignment are you sure as you Maya the next toilet that we create here xoxo toy company is going to be our biggest and best one yet Wow really for reals I'm gonna talk to toy creatures ready for an assignment of this scale absolutely positively without a doubt so what's the toy line about anyways I'm glad you asked you to channel precisely are you telling me that we gonna come up with our own line of Tic Tac toy toys that would actually be sold in stores you got it no one better to do the job and you do ever Oh um what's going on boss well the toy venal and her network of miscreants are at it again oh no who is the toy vandal exactly no really knows apparently she's an avid toy collector but she doesn't want anyone else to have toys so she fiend Eliza's any that aren't a part of her extensive personal collection well why would she do that that's just messed up word on the street is that her mom only let her play with toothpicks as a child she never knew that joy that a favorite toy could bring so she was to take that joy away from everyone else wow that's just so sad and kind of crazy it also wears them for us we cannot let her know what we're up to because she will do whatever it takes to sabotage our lane employees for Tic Tac toy so let them only for herself we don't want that our toy line won't bring happiness to so many kids she can't that exactly we'll need to take extra security measures for this assignment all work from brainstorming to spec teams making prototypes and final products must be done here inside of our Tweaker studio sound explained now let's start brainstorming a line of toys for Tic Tac toy genius I must add those to my personal collection but I need to make sure that no one else is able to lay their filthy fingers on them okay girls where do you have our best brainstorming session [Music] the ball pits are the best all right girls everyone comfy yeah creative juices flowing sure are wonderful so what words come to mind when you think take Tac toy to you absolutely silly you got that right Maya [Music] and we love some surprises who does it surprises wait a minute we should make surprise toys yeah what blind bags love where this is going everyone loves to eat but what kind of toys you me inside the blind bags that's the important part to figure out well whatever it is it has to be cute and silly and collectible great idea Maya I know how much do to love your collectibles on your own cute silly surprises keep going keep going what exactly will these collectibles look like these collectibles appearances me to encompass everything that you girls love so why don't the hostess number to me can supply and get some more inspirations I'll get an experiment [Applause] well we love animals of all kinds yeah especially baby animals are thank you okay baby animal love it love it we love fun bright colors our toys have to be bright and cheerful cheerful one of our collectibles were adorable brightly colored baby animals yeah like a fuchsia color a kitty cat or a lemon colored koala I love where we're going with this girls keep going keep going I collect old ugly baby animals with wings does it get any cuter wanna swing daddy sure hold on hold on you're a genius Maya I am our collective should be baby animals with swappable wings and you should have collectable Adi and Maya figures with swappable wings - you mean we could be toys - why not yeah hmm I'll need to make some room for my new tic tac toy collection hmm it must be any prominent highly visible location that's will do now it's time to put your visions on paper with some sketches yes this is gonna be fine I am now our girls getting the collectible figures why don't you work on the swappable Winx will want lots of options sounds like plans I'm gonna leave three to thirty collectible figures and we can just get a few done today that should be good okeydoke we've got this great a little tidy up that brainstorming area a bit and you girls can have some time to work on those sketches sounds good thoughts [Music] what in the world is this is it hidden camera oh no this is not good what this is camera one is down time to switch to camera two there we go disaster averted my first two stitches Maya saw doors like those aren't cuter than I could ever imagine Thanks just wait till you see the mini color are the leaves coming Maya pretty good I'd say wow those are even better than I could have imagined it to be even would look cute on the poodle don't you think hey boss what do you think of her sketches turn those over quickly girl what's wrong you don't like that no it's not that it looks amazing and what's up I just found a hidden camera in Harris oh you're kidding I wish I was is it the toy they look it has to be girls we have to scan the room for any more than cameras before we finish our work absolutely we'll help boss big girl and then I'm here [Music] well well well xoxo toy company you have outdone yourself haven't you once I have all the sketches I'll just make these toys from my own private collection then I'll destroy yours of course let's see what other ideas add in Maya have Oh what's this [Music] um you guys you need to come take a look at this what is it daddy check it out good work addy that's another hidden camera let me disable it I didn't see any other hand cameras in I rode really well I sure hope we found them all me too come on girls we need to get back to the drafting table and come up with a new plan why do you think the Toyman who knows about our toys for a tic tac toy we have to do messy theme and hurt everything that we've been working on great what are we gonna do well we're already have to great start but there's a chance that we look at try to sabotage our entire toy line Oh bother because I'm old and I really need to add even more super cool to pricess your toilet yeah surprises that Detroit vandal won't even know about now that we covered those cameras at least exactly so what else do you girls love that will make your toy line even cooler than it's already gonna be well it's barely live slime and putty yeah what if we had putty and putty cutters cuz can't cut out shapes and accessories to use with their baby animal friends great idea and bracelets you girls are always wearing oh you got a tip that toy wristbands yeah we have to wear them and carry them around everywhere we go wave back we and them out to all that sets out twice and so what if we create a special collection of tic tacs with risk feels that it can only find in your toilet love that idea great Maya let me work up some sketches for the wristbands and a d-cup some sketches for those putty putters you've got it moss miscreants 432 I have lost all video footage and audio for the Toymaker space I need to know what's going on inside that room and I need to know now I don't care what you do just figure something out and do it quickly well we've worked right through our lunch hour lunch oh that's an fabulous I'm famished you can't keep sketching and no matter what you do do not let anybody in here will do see you in a bit okay yeah what do you think about these wristbands Maddie my favorite is xox someone love them Maya especially this one is that one I thought you loved the Stars how are those body cutters coming fabulously check out what I have so far this rainbow a butterfly shooting star bows and I love the crown me too Oh No what do we do it could just be Lucy maybe she just forgot something maybe you're right it looks like an exterminator Maya that's weird can we help you why you shouldn't have said anything yes I'm exterminator 432 there's a major bug infestation in your building and I need to come in immediately but we haven't seen a single bug in here well they're microscopic bugs and they can't be seen by the naked eye this seems a little fishy Maya I am sent a little Gianni I think there really might be bugs in here I better come in before they take over the place they bite like crazy absolutely I'll get to work right away you girls just keep doing whatever it is you're doing you won't even notice me I don't think Lucy would be okay with this Maya just over here catching bugs [Music] so what do you think of the colors of these putty cutters I got blues pinks purples and greens I like all those colors daddy hey what was that oh just the pose of a different Nita for a sub damara um yeah you know those the colors you like for your bracelets I think so it's a good variety right yeah I think their purpose Maya what are you doing just catching another dip trendy Vuitton or something Farah but I don't see any bugs they're microscopic remember anyways you're bug free now I gotta get going hey have some friends some friends who really love Tic Tac toy that's maybe helped give us some input on the toys you know like maybe Hollis decide what maybe it will do what I have or what selling bracelet they like yeah I think I know just who you can ask yeah we have lots of friends that would love to help us create joy great to hear well what'd you get their input now and then move on to the next step in creating our line of toys for Tic Tac toy sure thing boss fine perfect perfect these toys will make a nice addition to my collection but I'll need to make sure that no one else will ever play with these these are phenomenal couldn't agree more so early well we asked her to talk to my fans for some help with our toy line and adds so many great ideas yeah we were just so pumped that we had to get here early to start sketching wow that's a wonderful girl but before you show me anything let me scan the room for hidden cameras are we still worried about the toy panel turned to sabotage our toy line well she planted those hidden cameras in her last week so we have to be extra cautious yeah she can't see what we're working on for Tic Tac toy that would be bad [Music] now hiring assistant position for xox Oh toy company qualifications between the ages of 6 and 12 toy experts energetic and enthusiastic interviews today at 10:00 a.m. toy makers xoxo studio hmm Sakura told me all about the help you got from your tic-tac with you did they come up with some new baby Anna my ideas for the collectibles they sure did Beauty came up with the bit on the incline and through our pull our feet so listen when I see a bunny a piglet a koala and a kitty yeah and we also decided to have this cute Frenchy and the bear cub plus I added this cute kitty in the Pomeranian those are absolutely adorable girls look I have a couple sketches I've been working on myself what are they get just for Addie and my figures you don't have to be part of the toy line yourself Wow no way are we gonna house 12 more weeks - of course all the figures will have means so you can swap between the piglet the Addie the poodle and well all of them amazing and fitting a wing how are the sketches of them coming absolutely fabulous yeah we've designed 36 different wings wow that's just wonderful [Music] thanks for returning my call xoxo toy company is hiring an assistant as sim to the details we need it to be someone from our network a spy who can report back to us you can give us all of the details for the new line of toys for Tic Tac toy I don't care who it is but make sure someone is that XOXO toy maker studio at 10 o'clock this morning and do nots lets me down miscreants 4:32 what is that boss well it takes me one to the next step in creating your line employees for Tic Tac toy and for that you need this Pantone book in a bunch of markers are we choosing colors for our figures sure art it's time to turn these black and white sketches to color sketches wow this is gonna be so much fun when I've been duped except Allah I think of fun bright colors so we need to make sure our toys reflect that couldn't agree more now you girls have a bunch of markers but I just use the Pantone book first to select the colors and then use the markers to color in the sketches Adi let's start with this little piglet first on Oy [Music] nice and refreshing thank you sir how's the lemonade stand business going not bad they have made about four dollars hmm how old are you eight years old perfect hey how would you like a real job chance to make some decent money what kind of job exactly a job at a toy company sounds like a dream come true think about this shade of pink for the little piglet I'm on that but it also could be fun and we can have the pig be a crazy color kind of like mmm like this lime green part that could be super fun well I have an idea what each of these baby animals human two colours to collect we should have a pink piglet and a lime green piglet perfect okay I'll color the pink piglet and your colors are sound like plan this serves fun picking colors for toys oh no you don't think that could be the toy leave and they'll do you oh no no need to fret I forgot but I'm interviewing for an assistant today really an assistant to an assistant to you - I think you're creating your own toy line is probably a pretty big job and you could use some help wow it would be nice to have an extra hand well good then I'll get the door you get the interview started need to keep working oh you for coming in to interview for the it's it's a position of xox's company may I have each of your names please my name is Kiera Carmichael and I'm even ash welcome here and even here at Expo Expo - a company we only employ the most extreme toy lovers oh that's me for sure me too well I'm afraid I only have one position available currently if it will go to which ever you can identify the most toys correctly using only your sense of touch why so what do you think of my Mayas are they adorable totally obsessed with them now we do you think of my Adams so we so we've created the piglets the Aggies and the Mayas what do you want to call your next how about it's awfully cute yeah I'm thinking of a cool shade of purple ribbons maybe a yellow crown sounds at door under look there's a tarp in your money okay we'll play three rounds of what's in the box whoever correctly identifies the most toys using only their sense of touch will be our new xoxo toy assistant Kira you'll be at first [Music] okay Kira what's in the box I'll this is super easy it's officially back to 1.4 Kira yes okay Ethan it's your turn what's in the box it's a dummy you're correct even one point for you all right time for round two here what's in the box it must be Jimmy's and there's two points for Kira I'm gonna shimmies anywhere great job let's see even those as well what's in the box mmm it feels like a soda can oh it opens oh it's slimy yeah definitely slimy I'm doing a scent of orange it must be orange soda slime you're right even you two are currently tied with two points each and the tights move on to the third round we did Abby they're all colored and I'd say they're you look absolutely fabulous which one is your favorite Oh probably this one I think the bow on her head is so cute what's your favorite it's a tough call but I probably pick this one I just love koalas yeah that ones are not super cute well what you thinking now both victims me still interviewing that assistants well you know how we decided that her surprise toy will come with putty and putty cutters yes so people could cut out on shapes for their baby animals well why don't we start mixing the insulin colors great idea I don't all right since you two seem to know your toys pretty well I'm stepping up the difficulty level for our final round Kira what's in the box oh it opens this feels so familiar what is it I'm you to get Kira okay oh no kind of candy duty that's it for sure incredible that's three points for Kira Ethan it's gonna be your turn next if you get this correct when we want to a tiebreaker if you get an incorrect the job is curious okay I'm feeling the pressure what's in the box okay I feel beat of some sort why not feels like a bracelet geez what could this be you're running out of time Ethan okay oh I need an answer now just about finished and this batch is complete okay let's check out the cars we have now addy well we have two teams of pink to show you some purple a blue and a white they all let spectacular but which ones we use in our toy line well it is our toy line isn't it yeah so we make the rules right of course all six I might kind of do then I'll be more of a surprise anyway exactly kids will never know what holder they're gonna get now start working on the pipe cutters fantastic idea Franklin I really need an answer oh oh maybe it's your old bracelet thingy I'm afraid it's a twisty pet Ethan barbar Kira that means you're the newest member of the xoxo toy company yes it's gonna be such an honor to work here I won't let you down I perform it fine [Music] the party powders and the bracelets up great and so do all the sketches and our punky addy and Maya I like to introduce you to our newest assistant here at our Michael nice to meet you oMG I didn't know I was gonna work with you too I'm a huge fan take that boy well perfect cuz we're gonna need your help with creating our own line the toys this is such a dream job Wow it looks like you two have been quite productive you look amazing girls thank you and now that these color sketches are complete then next step is to free the prototypes how know what prototype will turn these two-dimensional sketches into three-dimensional figures so exciting Kira can you come over the mix room and get our 3d printer up and running not a problem thanks Kira okay girls it's time for some major decision tell me you have some good news miscreants 4:32 what do you mean our spy didn't get the job you realize it could have asked any of our other 600 miss screens and they probably would have done better than you well you better find a way to get me those colors sketches I need those toys for my personal collection well we need to talk deal in materials what size are you picturing you the durable figures to be hmm I feel a lot of collectible surprise toys are really small well we don't want them to be too big or else your election might take up too much space true fan in the palm of your hand I like that idea so maybe a couple inches tall we take some notes here yeah that sounds like the perfect size and without material I'm thinking plastic so it will be nice and durable yeah well maybe we can make the wind softer ooh great idea Maya love it yes carry on the 3d printer doesn't seem to be working oh no that seems to be happening a lot lately well there's a 3d printer just down the road would you mind dropping off these sketches for us not a problem happy to help perfect I'll put these all in the portfolio in attachment notes too now the important thing here is that no one and I mean no one sees these sketches I'll take great care of them you have nothing to worry about perfect all the sketches are inside notes are attached the addresses on the thank you very much you know what I'm not idea boss what is it what if we had baby animal that could actually cuddle with that's not a bad idea Maya do you think you can actually make some into stuffed animals yeah that you could cuddle at that time you know what it's your toy line let's do it still exciting looks like the medium size is so so soft and with big wings that just walk from one stuff they don't do another and they spent on accessories to love it load all girls this toy line just keeps getting better and better by the moment oh it's you sorry about the job that's okay I'm a lemonade stand boss cool I'll take a glass of lemonade please [Music] mmm great lemonade thanks it's my grandma's recipe well I better get going I got a lot of work to do thanks for coming oh goodness I almost forgot about these that could have been terrible on our line of toys for Tic Tac toy are gonna be so adorable Maya tell me about I love every word with 24 xoxo fans and 36 swappable wings the possibilities for fun are endless I know I'm not finished naming the press r XO XO friends a BL will be right next to my axe my name s cube noodle Claire hey my art except toy friends help us name this keep kitty button and I hope this dangerous cute koala Coco wow they did an awesome job on naming our toys now let me find box oh here it is and I got Maya okay which one do we mean Stella oh yeah okay so I've glitter in Sutton with Oh what is this adorable friendship oh you're right and this is something oh is the heebie blow but okay mine we have two names left pearly and pepper anywhere to XOXO fruitless so bigger and the pinklet so much won't you be which well pearly would make its you pigs named totally agree and I guess that means you or pepper and they're perfect Milan and there's the package now back to the toy vandals headquarters and on to my second task the package arrives just in time I can't wait to get this to the toy maker studio to show addy in Maya can you believe how cute these accessories are that come with our xoxo friends Maya my favorites are the unicorn backpack and the puppy popping out of the present looser cute but my favorites are the notebook in the guitar the prototypes for all of our xoxo friends this poppable means the bracelet and even the accessories what our prototypes boss they're the first renderings of what our toys will look like if they meet our standards the factory will start making the real ones Wow okay let's do it I can't wait to pick so where's xoxo friends let me swap abilene and the bracelets oh this is not good and this wasn't just a mistake this is toys sabotage and I think I know who's behind it vandal I'm sure of it toothpicks are her calling cards [Music] oh these are even better than I could have expected scale is great features adorable good work xoxo toy company these will make a superb addition to my personal collection hmm time for a little fun now with xoxo toy company just under an hour pictures what do you need well if you want your new line of xoxo friends to bring smiles to kids everywhere we have to get into the kid there right right well that's where Target and Walmart come in at our pitch meeting you have to show them how amazing your toys are that way though let's carry them in their stores oh this whole pitch thing sounds really important it sure is I was really hoping to be able to take the prototypes with us to the pitch along with the colored sketches that way we can see how cute silly and fun your toy way is going to be uh-oh so what are we gonna do now well if we don't have two prototypes I think we at least need to be able to show them what we had in mind for the packaging of your toys you know what it's gonna look like on the store shelves so we better get designing that right away okay what's that hello I am the toy vandal and I have been working oh so hard to sabotage your adorable line of xoxo friends oh I just knew she was behind this I really would prefer to keep them all for myself and myself alone uh why Rini the doors to your studio are locked so you likely won't be making it to your target and walmart pitches this means that children around the world will likely never get to enjoy your precious xoxo friends oh no she's right it's locked what would we do oh stop panicking I said lightly check the package for instructions on how you can possibly escape your toy makers studio good luck time is ticking [Music] it's miscreant 4:32 speaking yes the job is done miscreants 76 and I have damaged all six of the requested machines they won't be able to produce many toys at all here it is it looks like a letter what does it say let's see a D and Maya if my grand plan somehow fails endure xoxo friends somehow make it into stores there are a few xoxo friends to whom I am especially attached I don't want to share these with other children so I have sent a few of my miscreants to destroy the factory machines that make these adorable xoxo friends this means that it will be more challenging for your fans and toy lovers to collect these particular xoxo friends identify the six xoxo friends that will now be considered rare and I'll be grudgingly unlock your doors the toy vandal no wow here's something else these labels say rigor so I guess we have to figure out which right so what so friends are now rare thanks to the toy vandal that sounds right and once you figure out which of those are rare you'll probably use these to label them what do you mean you aren't you gonna help us I really need to work on designing that packaging you girls can do this where do we even start to figure this out I'm guessing we use this you're probably right good luck girls and remember time is not on our side [Music] now this should be entertaining torch [Music] I'm quite doubtful these girls will have the skills to decipher my riddles it's highly unlikely they'll make their pitches today too bad for them so what do you think we're looking for this this color 232 has a dot on it it must mean something right I thought the figures that are this shade of pink are the RAM lines yeah let's check out the illustrations okay so swirly and Stella are both pink yeah that's our lolly and Luna and is pink in Maya Claire in Bella and so many other xoxo friends like pearly and button and Coco you're right there's got to be more to the clue let me only get this coloring book again huh check it out this must be more to the clue oh you won them off what does it say just like a horse I have a beautiful name but with a horn on my head I'm not so monday it's like surreal and the answer must be one of our animal friends and this one is easy it's like a horse but with a horn on its head it's got to be you oh wait there's two is Stella the red unicorn or is start of the rare unicorn well Stella's the right shade of pink so it must be her good call Maya okay my doing a read the other clue now sure some say I have nine lives and I'd make a great pet I like to date no please don't get me wet okay nine lives pet likes milk doesn't like to get wet what do you think it is I think it's gonna be a kitty cat you're right few cities in our question though its Bella and button and Sam and Luna but there's only one that's this exact shade of pink is Luna two down four to go Wow the passion for this smallest edge even our lane is gonna look awesome the suprice box will fit in the palm of your hand and be completely blind it'll come with one xoxo friends one leaned and one collectible Tic Tac toy bracelets love it and now on to the next packaging [Music] look for another black dot my hat oh here's one addy and it's on this bright blue color number 311 and look there's two clues on the racket in already the first one what does it say I'm going to tight if I were dark that seems fancy and fruity but beneath my dreams for I'm actually quite silly okay my three different types of dogs in our xoxo friends okay or French cheese and we have two Pomeranians a D pop and lolly those two poodles there's a flare and clear yeah but which type of dog is fancy and frilly it has to be a poodle a great and fair that spunky shade of blue so she must be the rare I'll get the red markers I'll be the next Luna I love to be a pet although I'm a purr I'm absolutely adorable I think you'd concur our grandma's kittens and they always perm the rare must be another kin for sure lots of adorable kittens is Bella yeah but one of them has way more blue than the others do you're it but two must be the other rare collectible okay Maria we've got him for the six figure it out only two more to go only two more to go hmm so they aren't doing too bad after all still time is ticking and that precious meeting is approaching I still don't think they can pull it off here's another black dog is on the shade of light purple I know we have like purple xoxo friends there's toko in their tops what does the clue say Adi well there's only one clue in the back so cocoa and hops probably aren't both rares so what does it say I snapped on the leaves every Australian trees and when I'm not munching I relax at the breeze so which animals from Osteria a bunny or a koala well we see bunnies all the time so it's got to be the Koala perfect and total is our fifth rare oMG the surprise it looks like a tic-tac-toe board and the colors are spot on suprise boxes one in two will include an xoxo friend and a swappable wing surprise boxes three and four will include a second xoxo friend and a second wing surprise box fine we'll include a cute accessory six will have a bonus wing seven will have putty and eight will have a putty cutters designed by the girls that's eight silly surprises inside in this one white how many way xoxo friends do we have well let's see it looks like there's four there's Blair the poodle and star the unicorn there's nothing Kitty and Bella another kitty well holy the cooler the last one already daddy I'm a mythical creature you might see me in the sky it's my worn in wings I can't fly quite high mythical creature born flying I think I know who our last rare friended me to star [Music] oh hey we've got all these careers twittering please unlock our doors now oh I can't believe they did it I might be greedy and selfish and manipulative but I always keep my word unfortunately we did it great work and perfect timing come over here quickly I'm so proud of you girls but before we go to Target and Walmart I wanna shoot some the packaging awesome come on here oMG it looks better than I could have ever imagined this is a surprise box the surprise pack Indra XO XO hugs to the edge alight so let's come with the plush yes let me show you all about that inside box one you'll find your hugs plush box two contains the swappable plush wings surprises three and four include an adorable headpiece and necklace charm in what surprise five and six the prize is five and six include a hint accessory and brush Wow and how many brushes are there select there are six different XO XO hugs collect so unbelievably cool for sure but you girls know what time it is time to pick your choice to target enrollment exactly come on let's get our things and go okay this is the most important meaning in my life I could do this just another presentation from the grown-ups in suits I got this I can't believe the girl line up toys for tic-tac-toe we are finally here and they look amazing we have the xoxo Friends surprise boxes there darling and then we have the surprise packs which contains eight cute silly surprises and the back shows all 24 friends in 36 swappable wings that they can collect I know they had so much fun meeting all their friends Oh xoxo Huff's now they're collectibles oh I just can't wait to get these open and see which ones we collect oh wait I think I want them all all I just want to start opening these also so badly but I should probably wait for a BMI to get here it is their line of toys after all I can't believe we finally get to see our toys today I am beyond excited me too I'm so pumped that I put my shoes on the run well hurry up and fix them so we can get going okay okay you know I'm also kind of nervous today too nervous why because today's also the data we hear from Target and Walmart oh I completely forgot about that we'll find out if they want to carry our toys and their stores what if they decide not to I'll be the biggest bummer of course I won't have our xoxo friends they're cute silly surprising and collectible what more could they want you're right I just worry about the toy vandal I'm afraid we'll do something to myself well we'll worry about that later let's get to the toy maker studio to see our toys Oh Adam might get hurt when openes so badly it's tiny speaking say one of these surprise boxes I can't believe it these are way cool right and I'm so glad you guys are here because I have been dying to get these open for business but where do we start that's awesome then go to the surprise pack and we'll end with that so like so hot there's three blind bags inside yeah it's my ex we're both in pigtails did you get my Anna it's pepper and let's see who I thought oh it's silver the Frenchy's adores and you look just like our sketches girl come look here's silver next to his sketch and backgrounds just how you drew karate she sure does and check out my act she's identical you're right now so opener swap wings whoa these wings really look great on my axe let's see what I got whoa mark with white polka dot Oh yellow ones no just attach them to the back of our friend right inside they've looked even cooler with their wings on totally and you still have to open the third surprise now surprise box the bracelet I've got a blue one and it does xoxo on I got a blue one too but might have stars on it I got a pink one your says it's oh it sure does and look it's a tic tac toy yeah they all say it exactly so now all your friends can with fans can we open another surprise box now because I really want to get Stella she's a rare unicorn now I'm gonna collect more of those wings do you see how many there are yeah there's 36 whoa let's open some more hello Koivu no speaking hi there this is miscreant for 32 yeah I'm just leaving target now did you gather any intelligence sure did well what did they think of the line of toy is for Tic Tac toy are they planning on carrying them in their stores well they conducted some toy tests with hundreds of kids apparently you know to get their opinions on some of the toys and the kids all loved the toy line I'm guessing they're gonna want to carry them in all the stores oh you are useless miscreant 432 I want those toys for my self and I do not want to share them with anyone do you understand me yeah well I could head to Walmart now if you like you know to see what their plans are yes do that now and bring me better news I can't believe I found a rare Claire I love poodles I got a rare two and I love buttons we meet you Maya you know what I think those things would look really cool on the a DX I got wanna swap for sure school ah awesome I just can't believe how cute these are me neither can we open some of the surprise Pat's now sure I'm gonna add to our excellent clip friend collection yes now what comes in these surprise packs again eight different cute and silly surprises yeah and if you look on the side it says two friends three wings one accessory one putty in one honey cutter well I can't wait to see my eight surprises I'm gonna open door number one I got glitter er and I thought pearly the piglet so cute how do what are you gonna get let's see I got keys oMG I love chihuahuas now open the box and see what's in there means we're grilling our collection and now it's moved to box number three there are first accessories it's a cupcake purse I've got an ice cream cone with wings yummy I'm pearly I got a doughnut tiara for Kiki Wow let's move on out to see what's inside boxes four and five I got Bella in surprise number four and rare wings in surprise number five let's put these on you Bella and look girls I got the rare Coco and put that hops and the cute wings I got for her so cute who's ready for surprise number six now me I wonder if there's some more accessories for our other friends no there Moreland's and if people don't litter a DS you're not and I got rare means to someone let's swap them out [Music] can we open surprise box seven now why not it's the party here I got lavender and I got white that must mean box eight are the putty cutters let's move on to our last surprise I got wings I got clouds here I got a tiara well we all got different putty cutters and different putty hey should we open some more surprise sack yes hey I just realized oh these packs are numbered I have surprise pack 11 what does that mean yeah there's 12 label unique surprise packs so people can make sure they don't buy the same pack twice so cool that way you don't get any duplicates exactly each pack has unique xoxo friends wings honey cutters and accessories there's so much you can collect then let's add more to our collection on oil I have the most incredible collection of toys but this shelf this shows it remains empty I must have tic-tac-toe is line of toys here and I do not want to share them with anyone else there should not be too much to ask we got Bob Blair pop and now let's move on to box 3 which should contain our accessories I hope I get the notebook and I hope I get the puppy in the present well I got the little heart mirror there you go Blair I got the chest with wings on top and I got the kitty umbrella this will keep you dry bops alright who remembers look inside the price is four and five and five is way exactly let me get the Sun look I got Linda and she's a rare blue what wings did you come with these blue ones those wings are rare Addie so dirt and rear wings for her well I got player to addy we could have twins yeah but mine is purple week look Adam to our collection now it's time to surprise box six you should have another pair of wings look they're rare doesn't let you time pearly wanna swap this yeah all right put mine check out the cool things I got I think you look good on Blair the poodle good idea I'll Swapan you're so right Maya looks awesome look we went to seven and eight I can't wait to see what cards honey I got we all got different colors and now let's take the putty headers I got a shooting star I like my front Maya love it should we open another box yeah more surprise packs give me some good news oh yes hello toy a vandal the news get to the news is Walmart's going to be carrying their line of toys or not well I'm not exactly sure what do you mean you aren't exactly sure well I overheard some talk about how cute and adorable the toy line is so if I had to guess then I'd say yeah they'll probably end up carrying the xoxo friends and XO XO hugs things are not going according to my plans miscreants 4:32 do I need to put another miscreant in charge of toys sabotage oh that's not necessary toy vandal you know I'm your best miscreant miscreants 4:32 I want to take tech toys line of toys for myself find a way to make it to happen Wow girls I can't believe I collected all of the xoxo friends yeah I'm so glad I can still oh I'm glad I got star yeah both rare unicorns I'm most excited for all the a DS and Mayas we have a DX and my ex Annie oh and Maya oh it is super full of our toys oh it was for dog Lucy have you heard from Target and Walmart yet yeah any news not yet but we should get a phone call by the end of the day I'm so worried that the toy limos gonna ruin everything somehow I wouldn't worry Mike you saw how excited they both were about your toys and I mean look at them yeah I guess I shouldn't be too worried they were super pumped about them let's stop worrying and open the XO XO hugs no I'm dying to see the plush versions of our xoxo friends great idea Adi okay guys remember there's six different hugs we could collect yeah there's coke coke we're Luna Bella is ii-in Emma yeah and the sneak peek of the fur collar can give you a hint as to who might be inside mine has white fur so it must be Blair or Bella this man's lavender fur so eight chunko or Emma and the breaking first I have is the perfect box number two there the wheel might are glittery blue minor sparkly green and finer silver let me put mine on Izzy say bill crayons and we could swap their wings to let someone surprise it three and four nap yeah I wonder what's inside two more suprise bags it's the head accessory and necklace chart and you put the Baker's hat on Coco and the Missis charm clips on to the ribbon it looks like I got the Baker accessory you set just like you Maya I'm gonna put the Baker's hat on I'll slip it right inside the hole you two got the Baker and I got the Popstars include the hoods come with the unicorn accessory set that's right and now let's move on to the price is five and six which should include the hand accessory and the brush oh yeah now Coco's out his cooking spoon a madona brush for its fur Blair came with a microphone in the guitar brush if you've got her sweet in her hand and she looks darling can we please I want some more XO XO hugs let's do it my network of miscreants are absolutely useless if I want anything done well I have to do it myself [Music] I'm so glad I got Luna with the unicorn accessories and I'm glad I got Emma with the pop star accessories and Bella is absolutely adorable I don't hide my hugs well girls we have officially collected all of the xoxo friends and all of the XO XO hugs and I love them all every single one yes you girls definitely nailed this toy line oMG this could be the call oh go get it [Music] hello xoxo toy company this is Lucy speaking okay I see thank you so much for the call well without about how they rule works it was tell us what they've said we've got to know yeah my suspense is telling me well our toys me at Target and Walmart well apparently they will you runs in it and I'm so proud of you too hi Tic Tac toy fans thank you so much for all your help on creating our own line of toys yeah thank you not amazing and we do not done without you and parents here's the best news our schooling will actually be available in targets and Walmart's all across the country we hope you love them as much as we do [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 16,439,990
Rating: 4.5854945 out of 5
Keywords: xoxo friends, xoxo hugs, toy makers studio, addy and maya, addy, maya, toy makers xoxo, toy vandal, xoxo friends toys, Lucy, new toys, collectibles, surprise, cute, silly, surprise packs, silly kids, new, plush, secret clues, escape room, pretend
Id: e8fp3N0SVN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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