Every Crazy Car Store Video !!! (Complete Series)

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boys go okay all right Crazy Car Store open for a business Crazy Car Store open today grand opening we have got fire trucks we've got beautiful Mustangs fancy schmancy Corvette and even a pink Cadillac Escalade Crazy Car Store open for business come on by wow my legs are so tired I could use one of those cars to run some errands oh my first customer is coming welcome how are you today would you be interested in buying a car today yeah I thought you would let me show you the special cars we have in our lot today I know one will just be perfect for you we have a fancy Nancy fire truck we've never driven a fire truck I thought not this one is straight from the fire department it has Cyrus even has a water gun in the back and codes you can use if you have an emergency wow that's pretty cool why it sure is we also have a very fancy schmancy sky blue Mustang convertible with a purple more like fuchsia interior white leather seats and boy an awesome sound systems and if that's not your jam we have this really adorable mini Corvette boy this kid the speed let me tell you and it's bright red have you ever seen the car look so sporty no probably not but that's not all we have my dear we also have this luxurious pink Cadillac Escalade and have you seen the speakers in the back of this car no boy you can just blast your music this is definitely a sign of luxury to be riding around in this hot pink car yeah I want it you want this one I thought you would this goalie became a yours for only fifty thousand dollars sound like a bargain huh I'm not quite ready to purchase it but I want to test drive it oh well test driving absolutely we have a little Loop we can go on to give it a little test drive I do need a copy of your driver's license though so may I have that please yes oh maybe I don't have a driver's license well any picture ID will do a driver's license passport library card I'll take whatever you happen to have well in my Disneyland other craft book I'm sure I have a picture of me somewhere in here oh perfect yes with Captain Hook oh Meredith too oh the evil queen I think this should work just fine I just need to run inside and make a quick photocopy of this and then we will be on our way for a luxurious test drive in our pink Cadillac Escalade one moment Miss okay this will be great I need to go to Toys R Us do a drive-through McDonald's and I need to go to Maya's play date all right little missy I need a copy of your Disneyland autograph book there's a copy here there's your original you can put it back in your bag I have to squeeze in here with you because I do have to come along for the test drive so if you could just make room for me that would be fabulous now let me show you we usually go on a loop around this way just a quick two little two minute jaunts and then hopefully you'll be ready to make your decision sound good yeah all right and it's a pretty standard car you have your steering wheel here your horn you can press here to home we have your speedometer please do watch your speed because we have to be safe when we do our test drives are you ready to go for the ride now uh-huh okay thank you and we'll head right back foreign [Music] [Applause] notice we have a radio here with an awesome sound system air controls are right here oh it looks like you can go now I'm right here [Music] whoa wait a minute we were supposed to stop back there that's the car lot I have to do a quick toys restaurant Toys R Us run that's not part of a test drive [Music] my free Toys R Us open for a business [Music] oh wait is this really a drive-through Toys R Us yeah yeah I've never heard of this before okay what are we doing here what are we buying let's make this quick I need to buy a birthday present for a 40 year old do you have any ideas yeah oh boy we could be here for a long time a little too oh kind of rough with the toys aren't we what else do you have for a four year let me see how about the same blue blast it might be a little too old for her jungle machine no he might not like Gumball where's your doll it's a favorite here at Toys R Us I don't think he really likes dolls can we just decide on the present I gotta get back to the car a lot this is taking way too long um no first they need to choose the present okay well let's get moving what else do you have four-year-old girl come on Toys R Us person let's get something good I don't really think he likes to bring it oh who doesn't like Branch we all like oh okay all right next toy come on let's pick it up here oh Lady and the everybody likes lady in the trim that is the perfect present why don't we go with that one no I don't think she likes lady in this hand I'm gonna be here all day what about this cute mermaid from Shimmer and shine yes that's it right no she doesn't really like Shimmer and shine all right what else everybody like Paw Patrol without this um really thinks he likes Paw Patrol really Tango this is a good one Adam oh that's it yeah finally okay we will take the tank oh oh goodness we knocked the cash register down too wow the Tangled Series this one's perfect I'm so glad we decided let's just pay and get out of here okay how much would that be this is gonna be 35 all right where'd you get your money I only have these really yeah you only have three nickels yeah will this do miss I don't think so do you have money with you really okay yeah 35 dollars all right 35 dollars can we get on our way now yes all right off we go back to the car lot [Music] I don't know oh wait I'm hungry I need to get the Happy Meal from McDonald's I have you know we gotta get the car back to the lot hey it's green thank you all right we're just gonna pull in right over here okay [Music] Let's test more at McDonald's is gonna be hold on to McDonald's yeah we're just gonna make this super quick so let's get our order what are we gonna order today make it quick um two Happy Meals oh you're buying me a Happy Meal oh okay all right well two Happy Meals let's make a quick that's gonna be ten dollars okay get out your money I don't happen it's right now okay all right let's be here yep ten dollars all right so glad I'm paying for your happy meal and your friends Happy Meal okay two Happy Meals meal perfect oh Emoji boxes too pretty cool and okay another Happy Meal all right are we ready to go but wait a minute this doesn't look right what's wrong now look look oh a banana and our Happy Meal that's kind of healthy fruit but wait Taco Shop is dinosaur tacos and what's this a cinnamon bagel this definitely doesn't seem right okay McDonald's what's going on today I think we gotta give these back even I'm not gonna take this as a Happy Meal I'm sorry about that I'm changing some new records about today we probably just messed up all right well let's get it fixed and we need to get going Chop Chop how about these yeah all right let's hope this is a little bit better let's see here Yeah we actually have french fries yeah let's see what else we have nuggets yep nuggets are good oh I got apple slices did you get apple slices remember it's not for you oh what's this toy can I open it no it's slobbering puppy oh this must be from the Emoji Movie awesome all right well we gotta get back to the car lot so let's go everything back in thank you McDonald's that's the car lot we go oh I'm so glad we're back at the car lot now if you could just back into this spot right here next to the Corvette that would be perfect [Music] bye [Music] oh is this your playlist yeah thanks for dropping me off around 98 I'll be a couple hours wait a couple hours am I just supposed to wait here yeah I'll be back soon what foreign okay how much longer [Music] I want to get back Maya let's do our doll's hair yeah I'll take your braid out yeah that's what I did tomorrow I know I'm getting it out so I think it's better to do this I'm gonna try and do okay I'm gonna try and do braids like small maybe small braids and I like that that one yeah [Music] the rest has to stay on TV I guess I didn't take their Happy Meals we used to have some snacks french fries right now let's play some songs [Music] hmm how much longer why are you so crazy yeah if we just I came over at your house and you're my best friend let's play hey we'll play hide and go seek now let's play play time yeah okay I'm back oh you woke me up oh finally okay are you ready to go back to the cart crazy car store now yeah thank you all right let's go crazy car store [Music] that way okay now that we're back with top number so this car is 50 000 we do take trade-ins we do all sorts of loans and payments uh so should we go right up a plan write up a contract for the car actually no I definitely need to take some air in thank you you just need to run some errands I get a car you're just test driving it um what thank you so all this for nothing yeah the voice this is so not cool all right crazy car store is closed for the day I am exhausted oh [Music] oh no my I think we missed the bus already well I guess we gotta start walking to school now it's gonna be a lot a long walk Crazy Car Store open for business Crazy Car Store I have lots of wonderful crazy cars today I have fire engines I have aqua Mustangs I've got red Corvettes and even a pink Cadillac Escalade Crazy Car Store open for business come on by buy a car today hey there's a car store it will be so cool if we have a car to drive to school yeah but we don't have any money Addy yeah so what should we do add lips yeah so I'll go with distract the sales lady and then you'll go get the car from come on up to my crazy car store okay can I look at the pink pie you have you absolutely can come right over here this is a pink Cadillac Escalade it is like bubble gum pink don't you love the shade and check out we even have pink leather interiors here they are super comfortable and guess what what they heat up during the winter so you stay warm and during the summer they cool down so you stay nice and cold and the hot sweaty weather now if you check out a steering wheel we have the Cadillac level on it isn't that super cool and did you see the speakers here oh where are you going was odd where did she go I thought I was gonna make a fail today we pulled it off let's head to school now or we're doing a skip store yeah let's go to the park yeah oh my goodness my blue Mustang it was everybody stole it from my crazy car lot this is so not cool what happened oh my goodness how did it here I'm just outside somewhere else [Music] come on let's go this is gonna be amazing away best idea ever to go to that car and go to the car Maddie can you help me do that I don't know this is the best day ever I think so too this is so fun yeah but at least a lot higher from the lava and then get higher okay I've got a plan if that car thief comes back I'm gonna catch them red-handed I'm setting up a camera and a tripod and I will have footage of the thief come over here aim it towards my car lot let's see here this will be just perfect I will catch somebody red-handed if they dare so back to my crazy car lot thank you all right no I got I got it thanks for helping me you're welcome I just want to watch you guys do you want me to show you how you do it yeah all right first off I'm gonna take a full foreign yeah I think we should be heading back let's go grab our backpacks in our car yeah crazy cart all right where's my next customer this has been so much fun Maya it would be super cool if we had two and we could race yeah should we steal another car yeah yeah you you distract the car lady this time and I'll get the card yeah crazy car store oh well hello there how can I help you today well I want to check out a fire truck the fire truck this is such an awesome card let me show you all about this now this used to belong to fire engine 23 which is why you see the number 23 right here and look at this it comes with its own squirt gun cool huh now if you look up here I even have Sirens please press the button here and the sirens glitter like crazy if you check out the driver's side over here you can check out this really steering wheel I guess that you don't want to miss it this button right here oh Sirens go off are you ready to buy it no thanks no thanks well that was strange at the second time today someone's come to my car lot and just laugh like that is going on big work Daddy wait hold on blue Mustang gone now they're gonna wait a minute I have my security camera up here I can go see who did this surely I got footage of this you can see here okay here I am that strange little girl came up to check out the fire truck who is that behind her oh no that's that theme girl that came back earlier these two must be working together oh my goodness their team yep there she goes oh so they're disguised oh they're kicking me one's coming up and distracting me and the other is running off with my car hmm I'm Gonna Be Ready for them next time this is not gonna happen to me again now that we have two cars Let's Race to the light pump on your mark to get set down thank you foreign but I have an idea what we could do next but let's do some off-roading yeah out there yeah that would be so cool but I think your cars are too low to do that well then we'll steal another one awesome all right I'm just gonna hide behind these bushes over here and wait for the car seats to return Maya let's go steal that pink Cadillac okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes she's down let's go off-roading now Maya thank you okay let's do this [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah and if I didn't know how to drive this is your fault it's your fault it's your fault you did it so you we can fix this easily let's let's go see a fire truck okay good idea oh my goodness that was a rough rough wreck oh my leg they only have one Carl out my whole lot is empty except for my fire truck oh we are not gonna steal this one I'm gonna make sure that happens my fire truck is staying here at my crazy cart store oh okay I am tying this truck up that if anybody tries to take this anywhere it's not gonna move tied up against this right here all right I'm gonna get into position and wait for those little thief to come back look there's a fire truck right there let's go steal it yeah [Music] hey what's happening what's going on foreign [Music] surprise Crazy Car Store open for business today Crazy Car Store all sorts of super awesome super duper cars come and check them out we've got great cars in our lot today Crazy Car Store open for business [Music] wow I want a new car hi hi there welcome to the Crazy Car Store I have awesome cars how may I help you today I really want a new car a new car well you know what we only sell used cars here but I'll tell you what these cars have been repaired and fixed up and made fancy schmancy so these cars are practically like new should I show you some yeah awesome how much money do you have to spend today I have five dollars hmm well five dollars won't go too far however we do offer trade-ins so I could trade in your lovely bike and we could come up with some sort of loan and payment plan so you could pay off one of our super duper fanciest fancy cars sound like a plan yeah all right let me show you our first vehicle on the lot which I think you will love right this way Miss all right so this is one of our hottest cars on the lot this is a Mustang have you heard of Mustangs before they are super fast and notice the nice blue kind of Aqua Skylight color really popular looks really good on the highway and then we have these beautiful fuchsia Hardware up here we have a fuchsia colored steering wheel with the Mustang right on the horn so you can press the Mustang whenever you're honking at those drivers in front of you and we have the fuchsia dashboard as well with the Stick of the art stereo system even a GPS system right here so you can keep track of your maps and know exactly where you're going now if I can draw your attention to our lovely seating as well we have these lovely white leather seats oh just feel how soft these are isn't it just wonderful and of course we have our Mustang logo featured right on the back of the seats as well that's really hot in the silver color and seat belts of course always have to wear your seatbelt right yep those keep you super duper safe now if we check out the back of the cars again we have our Mustang logo here some really bright brake lights so people will know when you're stopping and it will keep you nice and safe now would you to give this baby a test drive yeah I thought you would let's hop right inside all right and so here's your key for the ignition here it's gonna simply turn it to drive and then notice down here this is how you're going to control whether you went to go fast slow or in the reverse motion any questions all right I will let you drive on and enjoy a quick little tester I've been enjoy my friend thank you [Music] [Applause] wow I like the radio oh no what happened man is the car not running oh well it didn't have a gas leak let me just refill it with gas okay just one moment all right I'm just going to refill your gas tank and then you should be good to go I saw you figured out the radio the radio plays some wonderful Frozen music doesn't it yes it is one of my favorite features of the car all right Little Miss I think you should be good to go you may continue on enjoy [Music] stop freaking again what's happening oh here hmm I didn't know what's happening this mustang is in perfect working order oh there is a lot of liquid on the floor still eating yeah let me just refill your gas tank one more time and we'll see how this goes okay these leather seats are super nice aren't they are you enjoying how comfy they are and notice up here we have feet coolers and seat warmers so you can stay comfortable no matter what the season is all right it looks like we are ready to go in please buckle up so you stay nice and safe and you can continue your test drive foreign [Music] oh my goodness okay well let me just check this out still thinking fluids okay let me refill your gas tank one more time little missy did you check out the beautiful wheels on this car it's a lovely Chrome nice silvery there's sparkly could practically see a reflection in those you're right we have the Mustang logo right on the chrome wheels too pretty cool huh I think your gas tank is full again so why don't you continue on with your test drive a little missy make sure you buckle up and I'll meet you back at the lot sound like a plan yeah all right I didn't mean to stop the dance really again okay well hmm ount of ideas I've already switched a fortunate gas refilling this thing why don't we just get on out and we'll pull this on back up we'll check out another car okay okay let's see here [Music] all right let's look under the car in the lot yeah all right this is another lovely car in our car lot which I think you will absolutely love little missy what's on the wheel you know what this is the symbol for the Corvette this is a Corvette a fancy schumanchi sports car can you just see yourself zooming along on the road in this car and don't you love the color red it looks very sporty doesn't it now this has a super fast steering wheel that helps you just Glide down the road it is a one seater and look how sporty this black leather is in here it allows you just zip this ZIP along a closer look again we have some beautiful chrome wheels here with a little Corvette symbol on them and I think that you would just love this car how about giving this one a test drive now all right why didn't you pop on in little missy and we'll see what you think of this one I promise this one will not run out of gas on you so go ahead [Music] whoa wind wow you were like a speed demon out there so what do you think about this car are you ready to make a purchase you think I don't think we just fit my puppy Garden oh you have a puppy dog you want to squeeze in your car hmm that would be a little bit tight this one's just not not for me okay that's okay luckily we have some more cars on our lot so why don't you just drive it on up the lot and I'll show you our next hot car you ready girl all right on up there take a look at some other charts great idea and you happen to just be leaning against one of my favorite cars here in the lot let me show you this awesome car this is a pink Cadillac Escalade and check out the color on this paint job isn't this beautiful and it's a sparkly bubble gum pink and if you look closely it almost Glitters in the sun wow wow notice up here we have the word Cadillac on the front window as well and if you take a peek inside here we have all the controls you need for a luxurious drive you have your speedometer here we have your bright lights if you're in a dark driving situation as steering wheel with our Cadillac logo on the horn lots of air vents to keep you cool in the summer heat our radio is state of the Ark because you know what we have the best speakers in this car check them out right back here these things are massive great loud booming music comes out of these babies and you love listening to music while you drive don't you I thought so I knew you were a music girl and again we have some shiny chrome wheels and notice how big these tires are these tires are built to go off-roading and over all sorts of crazy wild Terrain are you ready to give this one a ride yeah I thought the way you hop on in let's get you all buckled up and you can give this to be a test drive off you go so what do you think of the drive so far it's awesome isn't it yeah it is one of my favorite cars well I'll let you continue on to the test driving lots and we can maybe start writing up a contract sounds good all right honey go oh it's only doing in Reverse oh okay I did do this earlier hmm let me just kind of message some some things down here all right that should do it continue on foreign all right let me just get in the hood here and just reconfigure some things get the wires mixed up all right that should do it onward oh boy this is not good for my business what am I gonna do all right little missy why don't we just back it onto the car lot and I have one more car to show you all right that way okay there we go that's good all right on to the next car okay I'm so sorry about all the problems we've had with our cars but you know what I have one more and I know this is gonna be the one you're gonna love are you ready to check it out this one is right over here it's a fire truck this is actually from fire station number 23 and they got a brand new fire checks so they traded in their old one right here so let me show you some of the really cool features on this one you ready to check them out yeah all right if we come over here we have all the cool fire technology here it tells you where all sorts of emergencies are all around the city you won't have to worry about that though because by the retired fire truck this is all the controls for our special siren that goes off and we have our horn right here we have the speedometer over here the ignition's right up front and then we have awesome mirrors that help you see the car right behind just so you don't hit a car behind you always a good thing right yep they go in and out in case you're in a narrow space you can move them in other ways you can put them out if you can see a little bit better notice here on the East Maya we have fire department 23 written right on them so you can remember that with Nostalgia the great fire department that this truck came from now they're really cool features right back here this fire truck comes with its own water squirt gun now they did use to put out fires please just use it to play with and have some fun isn't that a special bonus let me show you one more special feature in the back back here next to our awesome lighting system we have our hose and Cone design just for the fire trucks but there's ever an emergency situation you have them nice and handy you can put them out on the road and guarantee that your own fire truck will be kept nice and safe isn't that a lovely bonus I thought so too let's put this one back as well now that I've pointed out a few of this features you'll also notice that this truck is lifted off pretty high off the ground so this is perfect for going over curbs and off-roading you want to give this one a test drive I knew you would you hop right inside little miss and you go enjoy this baby off you go [Music] oh [Music] I wonder how we turn on the siren maybe yet wow that's so cool [Music] I can pretend I'm a fireman in this car up help me what's the matter help me I have fire everywhere and I don't know how to put it out I need your help to put out the fire well I'm not a real fighter fighter you're not you're driving a fire truck okay [Music] there I did it hit this one now keep going [Music] good job we got it all thanks for your help I'm so glad we got the fire out no problem sir I'm glad I can help that was exhausting so after your wonderful test drive what do you think of this car is this the one no I liked it but it won't be exhausted if I did not if if I put out fires all the time oh yeah I guess it would be exhausting but hopefully there wouldn't be too many fires you know I think this is just the one for you what do you say no no well how about the the blue Mustang again what about this one let's take one more look at this one come over here foreign [Music] Corvette you love this one didn't you how about just finding some papers for this one no no why not that's because my dog won't fit in it okay well I still think this pink Cadillac it's got to be the one for you right [Music] that works well yeah kind of backwards everywhere that sounds like a fun ride to me what do you think no so none of these cars not the Cadillac not the Corvette the view the beautiful blue Mustang the fire truck surely one of them is for you sir yeah I'll see you later well geez another day and no sales this whole Crazy Car Store thing sure is exhausting oh Crazy Car Store back in business and boy my car lot is bigger than ever come on bye people visit the Crazy Car Store I've got all sorts of crazy cars I've got Jeeps I've got Corvette even a super fancy schmancy Mercedes a pink Cadillac Escalade a fire truck a pink Jeep our second jeep that is and a aqua blue Mustang so come on by the Crazy Car Store I'm so glad we got out of the car jail it even has even more cars yeah are you my two new customers for the Crazy Car Store well I have so many totally awesome cars in my car lot okay hold on just a second you two look familiar you two weren't the girls that stole my cars that time were you no no are you sure because I have these crazy car seats and they stole like four or five of my cards and I had to eventually grab them and haul them off to jail and it was just it was a headache why are you laughing girls hold on just a second you're not those girls are you let me get a better look here look at his face let me see run run thank you wait I need a card piece oh they must be did they get out of jail oh this is so not cool if they did I'm gonna have to call the police station and find out okay Maya you go steal which one do you want to steal the blue one yeah all right I'm gonna feel the red one hey what are you two doing here wait no no you're not going anywhere thank you [Music] foreign oh my God no no no no no no I can't do this no stop here I'm getting a car I'm too tired I need a break and then I'm gonna go after them because that is so not cool all right we got two cars let's go get a couple more I'll steal the fighters okay no you can't take any parts come on these are my part you cannot go anywhere with my card no no thank you this is my car and he loves the jaw what dude let's go wow [Music] we only have four we need to get two more and we have three more yeah which one are you gonna get I'm getting it no no I only have three cards left I only have three cards left and you guys are not taking these anywhere don't even think about it don't even think about it I said no no no no no no guys okay okay [Music] thank you foreign oh no no how do I do this oh I'm taking this back no more car seats what you guys doing all right you know what I'm gonna rescue two now oh foreign okay Maya let's just let her have the pink car and we'll have fun in our cars yeah [Music] oh foreign [Music] with us in jail so when you stole my cars oh my God oh my doll okay oh I'm in so much paint those silly girl my card doesn't even work anymore I'm gonna go all the way home like this this is so not cool this is my last car and it doesn't even work it's so much fun surprise me [Laughter] [Applause] crazy car store is open for business today Crazy Car Store come on by we've got three great cars on the lots and escalate and two Jeep Wranglers come on by crazy car stores open for business wow a card out will make me go much faster [Music] well hello there welcome to the Crazy Car Store I see you're on a bike today yeah do you like that bike well you know what I have three cars on my car lot it would be way faster than that bike you want to check them out yeah okay perfect let me show you my first one here I have this awesome pink Cadillac Escalade you want to sit inside and see how it feels check out the nice leather seats have a seat look what do you think of this one is it super comfy I thought you'd like this one can I show you another one we have on the car lot today okay come this way you're gonna get to sit in them all and see what heals the best this one over here is a Jeep Wrangler kind of a like a steel gray color and I love it plus those that pop of those red seats oh it's just awesome we got this Hardware showing kind of the metal Chrome back here very sporty looking what do you think about this one awesome you like this one too I thought you would you want to check out my last car in the lot and see what it feels like sitting in that car all right this one over here is a Jeep as well but it's a smaller in size a little bit of smaller frame and you see this one we have the colors pink and purple and kind of a turquoise so a little bit different an orange tree you're right we have these orange seats how do those feel and purple you're right we have purple too lots of lots of colors on this one what do you think this one you like that one the best perfect you know this is an awesome car I thought you might like it now would you be interested in purchasing this car today I will trade in your bike for and give you an awesome deal can I test drive it first why of course we always let all of our potential customers test drive the cars and you know what I guarantee you you're gonna fall in love with it once you get it out now we just have a quick Loop we let our customers do it should only take a couple minutes I will wait right here and you look under yet and I'll be right here and I'll weave you down so the plan okay [Music] there I see you did your Loop and did you love your test drive and love the car yeah yes I'm gonna go buy it well first I actually need to go to the toy store before oh well we can go to the toy store after we sign the papers okay no it's not part of the test drive though the test drive the loop over there I want to meet you ready to get to the toy store to find oh wow that's not part of the loop so let's just head in we'll sign the papers exchange some money and then you can go to the toy store [Music] questions okay so I have this credit card and I want to buy a lot of toys do you want anything in particular well what do you have we have these pop figures from trollhunters and we have the Sea Patrol from PAW Patrol down here and then we have a magic set right here what's this movie from oh yeah that's this is from the Emoji Movie surprisable and then our Paw Patrol lashems wow I kind of wish I had to buy them all well you could if you want to one of everything okay let's do it all right I'll get your bags ready you're giving me two bags all right this oh my gosh [Music] okay too bad this is your first bag okay my Emoji's about to fall [Music] all right you can also take Kazuma everybody loves my magic bag yes you're lucky because magic set at Toys R Us till next month we get another magic set awesome thank you and it's just the beginning of the month s [Music] wait you gotta pay Miss boy she has been on a long test drive I sure hope she speeds up that toy store experience because I want to get my car sold mmm so that would be 1 000. oh that's a lot of money I know now now you can't use that anymore bye bye well I could barely fit in here thanks for shopping at Toys R Us [Music] [Music] okay oh wow I see you've got a whole lot of stuff at Toys R Us didn't you busy Shopper okay well I'm sure after that yeah one of everything you got one of everything oh that must cost a lot of money to get one of everything now do you have enough money left to buy this car no we could always just put in my credit card okay and there's enough money on your credit card you think yeah yeah okay well then are we ready to go right up a contract girl I actually have another errand for one another Aaron to run well you know what sugar you can just run that errand after we write up the contract because I think you've been on a long enough test drive okay the American Girl store well that's way across town that's just gonna have to wait we'll go ahead and we'll write up this offer now okay let's just come this way to my office right this way oh wait yeah ever the American Girl stores way across town oh boy [Music] thank you [Music] I can't wait to go shopping on American Girl store that's at The Car Store oh at the car through well uh that's not me I work at the American Girl store welcome have you been here before yeah you have awesome then you probably know all about our special dolls we have here let me highlight a few we have on sale today we have our Julie doll right here who is from the 1970s isn't she just adorable she's one of my favorites check out the jeans look at the special detail we have in her bell-bottom jeans we also have wellie Wisher dolls which are at a smaller price point because they are smaller dolls so this is an option too she has some cute little boots on and a pink shirt it is so soft I know I hope you also have you're right you know what we happen to have here pet at the American Girl store and these are pets for American girls so we have a little bunny rabbit and then check out this adorable little dog oh my goodness with a collar even and is this just the cutest dog bed or what we have a special doll here that is a vintage American Girl doll she is like on the 1990s just like forever ago and where are are the bitty babies Oh you love bitty babies well I can show you everybody let me set this beautiful Julie down the floor over here is the bitty baby section of our American Girl store and these are our baby dolls isn't this one just precious he's been open yes this is the baby bitty baby changing table now check the fact it has a wrap over here where you can put all sorts of fun accessories for your doll you can change the diaper here and look at the adorable oh you're right the baby can sit in the bathtub and take a bath and get them all clean shower you're right do you love the changing table and the bathtub in the bitty baby yeah and look there's even a few little accessories in here you have the soap for the bathtub and a bottle when baby gets thirsty and here's a little spoon that you can feed your baby some yummy baby food so we have so many options here at the American Girl store so which American Girl doll would you like to buy today Julie which one I have two Julies this one has a vest and this one does not have a vest and this one has a cute little bracelet oh it does have a bracelet that's our diabetes bracelet this one okay and you want the bunny would you like any other accessories here at the American Girl store will this do it for you [Music] accessories how about the hats for the doll would you like a doggy yeah I thought she wanted a dog in the dog bed perfect let me just get all of these wrapped up for you then I'll add it up okay one moment please [Music] she's still not back yet what is this girl gonna get back this is the longest test drive ever oh I guess I'll take one more nap right let me just get this big giant back here yes you do find your credit card oh perfect I'm gonna set it right here and I will run it as soon as I package up your beautiful Dooley doll oh she is gonna be so much fun and then you had the puppy dog which I'll put inside here Andy doggy bed and we can't forget the little bunny there's the bunny home Lego oh here's the bunny now is there anything else you'd like to add to your purchase before I ring you up okay bye um absolutely what Bitty Baby accessory would you like I know there's so many to choose from how about you buy a bitty baby too yeah perfect hand the bitty baby over here thank you and I will put this in the back oh the bathtub great choice oh the bottle bottle in the bag little spoon in the back soap dispenser in the bag yes in the bathtub too well that's a lot I have to ring up let me pull my cash register out we've already gave me a credit card didn't you perfect oh you're gonna swipe it for me wow thank you all right that was just 672 dollars all right it looks like you're all set you enjoy your American Girl Goods okay and thank you so much for shopping here today getting that heavy bag [Music] wow you have been quite busy you've really filled this keep up is there even room for you in here anymore wow American Girl stuff and Toys R Us in here oh wow well yes you have clearly been shopping but you still have money for the car right yeah yeah okay so I think you have definitely gone on the longest test drive ever I've had time to take like three naps I've played a couple games yeah yeah it's a cute bunny but you know what let's sign the papers now what do you have to say yeah buddy I have one more and Addie wanna do another and you've been to Toys R Us you've been to the American Girl store what more could you possibly need to do can you go to the pet store and buy some new pets pet store well you know what I I don't think that's a good idea because we probably don't want to get you know Fur and Feathers and whatever else in my Jeep right now because technically you haven't purchased it yet technically this is oh just been test drives so probably not let's go sign the papers no no pets I still don't think that's a good idea we have a lot she just doesn't listen to me at all she's going on our third errand [Music] s foreign [Music] [Music] I can't wait to do pet shopping well hello there welcome to the crazy pet store how are you today oh from that crazy car store I get that a lot but trust me I'm not her can I show you some of our favorite pets we have right now we have a mouse check it out this is the little mouse friend I named him Sebastian oh he's just just he might wiggle away look at those green little ears he has whoa you better put him back before he goes away wasn't he just cute though so this is the Sebastian the mouth do you like birds because we also have lots of birds here too all right this is petunia and she is a pink feathery bird isn't she just precious okay I'll get her out because she doesn't fly away luckily oh do you want to hold the birdie put your hand out and I'll show you how to hold it oh dear that's petunia isn't petunia precious or be gentle with her she is a cutie pie I'll put her back she even has hearts on her eyes isn't she just and on her wings have you ever seen a bird with hearts on their wings I haven't but to me is one of a kind bird oh this is Petunia's special cousin this bird for some reason it was born with jewels on its wings can you believe it don't play away whoa look at the watches have a crown on it it's just the way the bird was born it's a really special rare bird from the rainforest can you believe that from the Amazon rainforest and I went all the way down to Peru to get it and bring it back here for my store do you know what her name is Jewel you want a puppy dog okay let me put Jewel away these are twins have you seen these before they're so precious these are some of my favorite new puppy dogs we just got in yeah and you know what I haven't named these twin puppies yet how about their names are JJ okay this one can be JJ should we name this one a difference lovey I like it we have lovey and his twin brother JJ aren't they just precious they're just my favorite little puppies now we also have this sweet little Dalmatian over here this is named Fox and this cute when you know what this one's name is what do you think Rosie Rosie I like that name that is the dog's name that is a husky do you love Huskies yeah yes he used to um his mommy and daddy were sled colors they pulled sleds in Alaska but this is just a brand new puppy and his name is cuddly do you like cuddly yeah yeah I know we have so many pets to choose JJ and lovey just seem to adore you you went okay you want petunia too so petunia and JJ okay oh I'm gonna miss JJ do you want to pick JJ's twin lovey too we need to have two puppies yeah yeah this one to my sister oh I bet your sister will love it okay well let me bring up these two cute puppies oh she like does she trust you to pick out a puppy for her wow you have a one cool sister and petunia too just make sure the puppies don't get in your opportunity not put in pretty badly how did you know that I didn't tell you that they are twins but you're right Gigi's a little bit older all right that's since they are purebreds oh a husky too oh right wow you're getting a live box now these are all purebreds so they're quite pricey this is gonna be about four thousand dollars do you have four thousand dollars let me just see if I if I have my try to talk okay perfect Crazy Car Store when is she gonna get back Crazy Car Store wow I'm gonna miss my little puppy puppy oh I love this one and I love it you don't know where your credit card is well uh oh and the Frida can't sell you puppies without a credit card you better go look really well through your purse [Music] I found it oh perfect these puppies are just gonna love you and so will petuni my little mouse all right now please oh I know I'm gonna miss you guys I'm gonna miss you guys all right please take good care of these sweet puppies oh my snuggly babies and here don't forget your little mouth too thank you for shopping at the pet store okay I think I'm finally ready to go to this hostel oh yeah are you did you buy me a puppy no I mean I just need you to help me get out oh my goodness I love purple oh my goodness you've got a lot at the pet store well wow now I see you have a lot of things you've been to Toys R Us being there because girls for the pet store you want me to do now what buy the car are you ready to buy the yeah yeah quick get the credit card before you change your mind go find the credit card now girl where is it I'm not letting you get away again where's your purse where'd the Bruce go It's gotta be in here somewhere what okay girl where's this purse we gotta buy this car you don't leave nothing I have store did you oh Go Get It Go Get It let's go check out the pet store really okay thank you found it oh thank goodness all right these puppies are a little wild for me I'm gonna give you back these puppies oh they're hard to keep track of I'll take the credit card I'm gonna go Reddit and I'll be right back this hasn't happened yet and I've been in visits for I don't know how long back I'll help you pack your car up let's get this stuff I'm just so happy then there you go girl are you squeezing here hold your puppy dogs and off you go things for the car sale bye crazy [Music] all right off for another hard day at work at the Crazy Car Store boy I can't wait to sell like a gazillion cars today it's gonna be wait a minute wacky Car Store open for business folks is that that wacky car score guy oh I think he took over my lot this is so not cool come on by we have a brand new red fire truck here and a pretty convertible Mustang and another red convertible Corvette and over here we have the classic Cadillac pink Escalade come on by folks Black Car Store hmm I don't like this one bit but you know what I have a plan I'm going to disguise myself and test drive and ruin all of his vehicles then I'll bring my crazy car store in for business oh there we go he will never recognize me with purple hair I'm going to pull him and destroy a vehicle wacky Car Store open for business come on by folks great meals today looks like I have my first customer yes I'm here today okay how can I help you I would just like to test drive a car maybe oh any car in mind that looks good for you you know what I love this pink Cadillac right of course A lot of people do all right so let's check out this Escalade do you like the color I love this color it's like a fuchsia pink color it kind of matches your hair it does it cares a little bit more purple at the moment but I do like this too yeah so this is the brand new Escalade we just got it in so it's brand new nobody's ever driven it before well I definitely want to touch see how it arrives absolutely let's do it I'll be very careful with it too I promise oh I hope so great all right so what do I do uh let me get you the keys and then we'll write up a contract if you like it and take it I will be extra careful with your vehicle foreign a little bit more fun we'll start with pink oh yeah this looks great oh pink Silly String so fun wow he's not gonna be able to sew this car for sure now I love the color of pink but you know what color I love even more at the moment purple luckily I have purple Silly String too wow this looks wonderful and boy this car is so much more fun now but bummer he won't be able to sell it yeah this looks great purple looks good but I do love the color yellow too luckily I have yellow Silly String oh kind of a ring highlighter yellow I love it yes this is awesome look at the back really good oh yeah yeah perfect I think I'm ready to drive this right back to the wacky Car Store [Applause] [Music] hello I'm sorry about that what did you what did you do to my car oh you know what a lot of dress for this what happened what is this all over my brand new car um yeah you know the strangest thing happened actually I was just driving along doing my normal test drive and there was just a giant parade right here in the street and I drove right through it and my goodness they just sprayed Silly String all over my car and you couldn't avoid the subway I tried and I guess couldn't this is a little ridiculous man I hope this one's permanently damaged my car well you know what I'm so sorry and good luck cleaning it up how am I supposed to sell this now well actually not interested in buying it but thank you for the test drive and I wish you the best of luck feeling serious um I will see you later thank you so much yeah thank you very much well that was a success it looks like I have destroyed one of his vehicles and now I just have three more to go oh I better change my disguise but I can't go back with purple hair and you look a little bit different next time I think I have some other fun ideas to destroy the other three vehicles and before you know it my crazy car store will be out and his wacky Car Store will be out of business this is absolutely ridiculous so not cool to take this out to the repair shop now and get it off my lot it's going to take me at least a couple days to get this repaired and back out for sale I'm so upset right now here we go [Music] in a pink wig now a purple to Pink and boy I'm gonna have some fun this time wacky Car Store come on by I have three cars now a fire truck and two other sports cars so come on by folks we're making great deals today wacky Car Store come on by folks come on over take a look you're welcome thank you yes I have some bright pink hair I love pink hair that's pretty cool anyways I'm really interested in test riding one of your cars some great ones here sure do what are you looking for well I do love this fire truck I'm a fire truck everybody loves the fire truck let's check it out shall we okay yes I really do siren bar up here wow Sirens actually work yeah they do with the radio [Music] big knobby tires here in case you want to go you know awesome I'm getting some fun ideas for this car you interested in maybe taking a test drive yep I'd like to test off-roading is that allowed well oh well yeah we'll we'll see we'll see yes you know what I would like to test drive it so great you want to go fetch me the keys and I'll just hop on in and go for a little Cruise excellent it's like I'm gonna make a sale a little does he know I am going to off-road this thing and bring it back muddy and dirty thank you so much all right and over here is where the off-roading adventure begins [Music] how do I get out of this mess hmm let me back up well uh that was a lot of fun and I cannot wait to see the look on his face when I come back with his car destroyed and covered with branches will be great oh yes here she comes whoa what happened here watch out what happened here wow what'd you do to my car I need some help getting out of this why is it completely messed up you have branches everywhere yeah oh you do why is my car all messed up yes I'm so I'm still going to test drive a little bit look branches everywhere this it's all scratched up poor hair you know what I'm afraid you're gonna have to buy this now oh no you know what I'm just going to test drive it and you know it didn't perform quite the way I wanted it are you serious yeah no I don't know how to get that out of your hair this branches and scratches out yeah there's a disc right here you probably need to send this to the shop and have them up here yeah you think so yeah thank you very much sell it like this yeah I don't I don't want your business there's no branches out of my hair first be gone be gone with you okay all right well good luck jelly Miss well that is now two cars destroyed at the wacky car store oh my goodness I have two more to go and then all of his cars will be ruined and the Crazy Car Store will be in business without any competition so yes this is pretty much going better than expected this is absolutely unbelievable this is going to take weeks to fix and I still have the Cadillac Escalade in the shop oh this is so not cool let me just get this out of here and get this on over to the shop now I'm down to just two cars left I can't believe that crazy lady did this to my car who does she think she is to just take this off-roading and just destroy it it's so not cool all right my next disguise is all ready he for sure won't recognize this crazy rainbow wig and I have the best idea for my next car that I'm gonna test drive I'm going to make it as colorful as my wig with these crazy paint markers this will be fun for sure wacky Car Store open for business now we're just down to two cars left come one come on before they're all sold out well hello there hey how are you today I'm wonderful how are you I'm doing well you here to look at a car I sure am okay well I have two convertibles for you I have a Mustang and a Corvette which one are you interested in well I really love this blue Mustang color blue I have some blue my hair isn't that I see that that's some Gorgeous Hair by the way yes thank you never seen anything like that let's take a look at it please tell me all about this lovely car sure so here we have a aqua blue sky blue purple I and then I'll be waiting for you so we can sign the contract when you get back perfect Sam urai that's what he thinks all right well this car is a little bit snug but I think I'll make it work thank you for the keys off I go [Music] [Music] oh this will be fun let's see what do I start with first yellow blue pink or green and I think I have all these Shades in my hair start with this pinkish red color I'm gonna put it right here on the hood oh I love it oh I can make a heart so fun polka dots wiggle whoa let's go to Blue now oh [Laughter] green time squiggle squiggle yes big silly face this is awesome this car is going to need a full paint job again it's not gonna be an easy fix and but it'll probably be off a lot for at least a week [Music] oh foreign [Music] I sure am proud of this looks looks like it belongs in a museum or something and I'm sure that crazy car store guy oh I mean the wacky Car Store guy he's gonna love it all right looks like she's coming back I can't wait to see if she's willing to buy this one I gotta get a sale today okay hello um excuse me what happened here oh well you know what did your hair just blow up on the car or what you would think that though wouldn't you actually know what I haven't got my test drive I would show all my students my new car and they were finger painting I seen somebody was painting so much fun so I just couldn't stop it oh my goodness wow yes I see there's smiley faces well you know what I have the contract right here and we can go ahead and sign it and you can buy it you know what as is when we test drive it but I've changed my mind oh no no let's stick around no please no ma'am I'm gonna have to sell this to you yeah because I think we can do that for you after you buy it so good luck getting it repainted really yeah you're just gonna leave this with me later what am I supposed to do with this this is so not cool ah this is so not cool now I gotta haul this away to the body shop they're already backed up with my other two cars hopefully repainting a brand new car won't take that long now I'm down to one car I don't know if I could sell that today Salvage what a rough week this is in him Towing that car off too boy that will take quite a while to repaint that baby now I only have one card left to destroy and I've got some plans for that one but I better go just change my disguise first because I don't have to recognize me all right I have one car left it better be a good customer coming because I'm tired of these ladies coming on by and ruining all my inventory this one up and sell this car wacky Car Store come on come all I have a brand new Corvette right off the lot come on over and pick it up today okay I think my fourth and final disguise is ready and he will for sure not recognize me and bright green hair wow okay let's go destroy the Corvette now all right hopefully I can sell this one hello there hey I see you checking out my beautiful green hair yeah you know I've had a few of you uh ladies come by with crazy hair today oh really interesting well I am here because I just love Corvettes in Red Corvette was just calling my name I had to come over and check it out you know what what I would love to test drive this car awesome go ahead perfect just give me the keys and I'll be on my way okay [Music] [Music] all right so this time I'm going to rewire the car so it only goes in reverse well the fun time trying to figure out how to fix this foreign [Music] [Laughter] all right I saw you driving backwards there those are some good moves how did it drive it went great how Eddie's injuring how about how we do the ride it only goes in reverse now what yeah it just I try to put it in forward drive but it won't go forwards I don't know what happened but what did you do to my car we're gonna need to get this car fixed so I think I'm not interested in purchasing it today when I gave this to you it was driving fine forward and backwards so I have to say that you probably did something to this so I'm gonna have to sell it to you as is so if you don't mind whipping out your wallet and paying for this that'd be nice thank you but good luck getting a fix you know you really can't serve it if it only goes in reverse so I would scoot it on off to the shop and I'm sorry it looks like you're out of cars my friends this is so not cool so that's four cars now ah wow he is so bummed he's gonna have no cars on his Latin as soon as he scoots that one out of the way and takes it to the shop I'm just gonna pull out my crazy car store and start making some money almost time well I guess I have to close down for business today there's no more cars to sell on my luck thanks to all these crazy ladies that keep coming by and ruining my cars I guess I'll take this one over to the shop too and I'll just close my doors I can take my wig off now I don't need I won't be needing to subscribers anymore wow I'll write the crazy card store is ready to open Crazy card store come on back I've got two beauties a wonderful GMC truck and a beautiful black Cadillac Escalade come on by no competition here no wacky car store today we've only got the crazy car store come on bye friends come on bye [Music] so this isn't so much a crazy craft store today we're like a broken car store today I got all these lovely cars in the junkyard and I fixed them up just enough so they'll go about five minutes off the lot before they break down I can't wait to sew these beat up cars and make some money oh broken cars oops I mean crazy car store come on by buy some broken cars come on by while we see some new cars I would love to have a car oh I think I see my poor innocent customer coming right now I can't wait to help her out broken car Crazy Car Store hello there little girl are you in the market for a brand new car today I thought you would be well I have a giant selection can I show you of you all right right here we have a sporty Red Corvette car back here is one of our newest models a black shiny BMW and over here we have a sky blue sporty Mustang car a black Denali truck with an awesome bed to store things yeah I know it does over here we have a hot pink Escalade car with the best sound system in the country in the back if you like Escalades but prefer the color black we have a black Cadillac Escalade with tan leather interior aren't they all just gorgeous yeah they sure are you betcha and out of all these lovely cars which one would you like to purchase for me today oh the black Denali truck well let me tell you you are making a wonderful choice now this car is on sale today for a measly five hundred dollars perfect let me just take you over to my payment center and I'll collect your money and you can be on your way let's go here 500 well perfect 500 is definitely the cost for that beautiful black Denali truck and I'm sure it's gonna drive just beautifully for you so you can hop on in and drive on bye a little does she know it is gonna break down in probably about five minutes my money thanks [Music] hey what happened it just stopped going it still has gas in it well I better don't return this car right away [Music] um hello there welcome to the Crazy Car Store how can I help you today well um keeps on stop working oh well I didn't sell you this car yeah you did um no let's see this is a black GMC Denali truck no I'm at the crazy car store and we have never had a black GMC Denali truck at my store over here so you must be mistaken no I'm not no I don't recognize you I've never seen you before do you recognize me yeah you do oh well I've never seen you in my entire life and I have an awesome memory and I also have an awesome memory that tells me I've never sold a black GMC Denali truck so I am so sorry but you better take this and return it from wherever you got it I got it here do you have a receipt I don't know oh well without a receipt I'm afraid I can't do anything I can't return it or give you any money but if you like I can show you some of these beautiful cars on my lock yeah I can sell you one awesome come on up your little girl I have some beautiful cars here yeah I know I already seen them oh no you haven't these are brand new you have never been here before so what car would you be interested in purchasing today I have a red Corvette a black BMW a blue Mustang wow you do like the color black don't you these are tan leather seats aren't they so soft and comfy um yeah don't they feel so good they are super comfy plus this car has the best stereo system and it is just awesome so would you like to buy this baby yeah well let me tell you this thing is on sale you won't believe this this Cadillac escalate is only 800 today should we go over to my payment center yeah perfect here's your 800 800 wow I am just making money today perfect I will take this 800 and you know what that black Cadillac Escalade with the tan leather interior it's all yours enjoy it that is until it breaks down in about five minutes I love selling broken cars I'm just making so much money thanks for awesome time [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] not again this is the second turn that broke down on me yep and then it says it's full of gas too I guess I gotta go return this car now [Music] oh this is exhausting crazy broken car store come on by crazy car store come on by and buy some broken cars Excuse Me Miss well yes hello there welcome to the Crazy Car Store broken store how may I help you today card box down when I just bought it oh you just bought this card and broke down well what a bummer you know what if I were you I would take this back to the car store you bought it at and return it I bought it here oh of course you didn't buy it here wait let's see this is a let's see a black yeah Cadillac Escalade you know what hon so black Cadillac Escalades here I never have so you surely didn't bite here so why don't you take it on back to the store you bought it from and you can return it I bought it here oh I I don't think so I don't recognize you um do you have a receipt no no receipt oh I'm afraid without a receipt I can't help you you know what I I know I've never sold this car before so I think you're out of luck but you know where you're in luck what I have five beautiful cars for sale at my crazy car store would you like to come check them out yeah let's go okay if you step right up here miss I have a beautiful red Corvette a black BMW a sky blue Mustang I just got this black GMC Denali truck in hey I think I bought this truck oh no I just got this and it was shop so yeah you've never seen that before now I also have this pink Cadillac Escalade right here are you interested in any of these beautiful cars yes what would you like to check out today this one oh that one let me tell you this is a great choice this is a pink Cadillac Escalade kind of like the black broken one you had it has a pink exterior and check out the pink leather interior isn't it beautiful and guess what hon this car is on sale for only 900 today what do you say do you want it yeah all right come with me here's 900 for the pink Escalade oh 900. oh all right you can take your pink Escalade and have a blast bye bye have a blast until it breaks down in about five well he's selling broken cars is the best idea ever I wish I thought of this earlier I have made so much money today [Music] it happened again what do these cars keep on breaking I guess I have to do a push it back Excuse Me Miss well hello there and welcome to the Crazy Car Store how can I help you this tart shut down when I was driving it well isn't that just a giant bummer I'm so sorry if I were you I would take this back to the place you bought it and probably return it I found it here what no this is the crazy car store we have never sold pink Cadillac Escalade I found it at the Crazy Car Store no not at the Crazy Car Store you would recognize me and you don't recognize me to you yes I do no I've never seen you before in my entire life and I remember everything's I've seen you're so silly well I'm so sorry you're out of luck but you definitely did not buy it at the Crazy Car Store I did well do you have a receipt for this beautiful car no no oh well with no receipt I'm afraid I can't help you I give receipts to all of my customers so that leads me have any problem they can bring it right back here and I would be happy to help them so if you don't mind buying a new car I can show you some beautiful cars that I have on my lot yeah all right come on up now if we check these out I have this beautiful red Corvette car an awesome black BMW a blue Mustang a black Denali and we just got this one and this is a black Cadillac Escalade this is my car oh no this was never your car come back this way let me show you some of the cars over here we'll just ignore these two for now these three right here are beautiful and I think oh this one was just perfect with this one well this red Corvette let me tell you it is on a special sale today you want to hear how much this baby is it is only get this one thousand dollars you wouldn't buy this don't you I knew you would have come over to my office and take care of the sale here's one thousand dollars for a red car wow what though I am just making money you know what that red car is all yours go have fun Missy until it breaks down that is thank you for the color [Music] stopped working again I just have to push this one back too crazy oh Car Store come on buy lots of broken cars for sale come on bite the crazy broken cars come on by Excuse me miss my car broke again oh welcome well hello young lady welcome to the Crazy Car Store how can I help you today my car broke again oh bummer you had of a broken car well that's a beautiful car too if I were you I would go return it where you bought it and bought it here oh you did not find it the crazy cursed I only sell amazing cars here yes I did no do you have a receipt no receipt I always give receipts to my customers so it surely did not come from here I don't remember you I have never sold a red Corvette so I'm afraid you are mistaken little one you must have a little forgetful mind that's okay no I don't well I'm afraid you do because I don't forget a thing and this car is definitely not from the crazy car store we only sell the best cars at my store speaking of the best cars you know what I bet I have the best car for you'd like to come see what I have for sale today come right this way now I have so many cars I'm sure you'd be interested in I have a beautiful black BMW I have an aqua blue Mustang oh you want to see this one you love this one I would be happy to sell this car key forget this only 1 200 first what do you say yeah let's head to my office and I'll take my money here's our one thousand two hundred dollars one thousand two hundred dollars wow thank you so much you know what feel free to drive off in your beautiful blue car now [Laughter] until it breaks down in again about five minutes wow I have made so much money today thanks for the car [Music] thank you [Music] again I'm not going to that crazy toy store again I'm telling the police hello please I was trying to report this crazy guitar store has sold me a lot a bunch of broken cars okay I'm on my way perfect I'll be here waiting for you it's time to go help assistant I guess I want to sit that toy until the police sits here hello I heard you need help I'm fighter fighter Abby and police Abby how can I help well a person tells me all broken cars broken cars then the first let let me help you back that car out of the way and then we'll ride the police report let me get my rope and we'll get you towed out there I got it thanks for help I'm ready to go [Applause] all right now come on in my to my office to write a police report man so what happened again I I bought a lot of cars and they keep on stopping all right you buy a lot of cars were they broken hmm it sounds like she's selling broken cars on purpose I think so let's go find this crazy car store I'm gonna lift that way yes Crazy Car Store come on is that a police officer coming I better hide hmm I wonder who's behind this I better try to get out of here before they find me oh yeah no what what what can I help you with well wait here on my hand I'm under arrest warrant under arrest this is my wonderful crazy beautiful cards would you like a car I owe you one too no I told the police that you saw me broken what I did not sell her a single broken car I promise you you want a car don't I can sell you the beautiful I have a a black GMC Denali truck here oh really there's no need for that look I have this beautiful this beautiful listing this is the black Escalade with tan leather interior would you like this car no no no what about the pink Escalade please take my handcuffs off no no please why not let's come here I'm gonna talk you through this talk me through what this is my wonderful car store I'll sell you the best car am I going to jail yes I don't want to go to jail I want to sell my cars to Crazy Car Store I heard all your cards foreign [Music] pick the toys Crazy Car Store come on by Crazy Car Store I've got lots of fun cars and a lot today come on by to the Crazy Craft the car pick one out hmm business at my car store has been pretty slow lately but I have the perfect idea to get the customers flocking to my store I'm going to host a raffle for this awesome Lego Ninjago movie box so for anyone that comes and test drives the car they can enter to win my movie box stuff with all sorts of fun Lego Ninjago toys I know kids are just pumped to see the new Lego Ninjago movies so they will be flocking in to test drive my cars hey Maya I heard that the crazy car stores raffling off a giant Lego Ninjago box I want to win it so here's the deal every time you test drive one of their cars you get to enter the raffle yeah let's go well I want to enter more than once so let's come back in a bunch of disguises yeah so does that mean only to the internet three times each Addy uh-huh yay well let's go then Addie come on Crazy Car Store come on guys [Music] this is the Lego Ninjago box are you girls so excited for the movie and you want to win the toys inside all you have to do is test drive a car and you can enter in my bowl all right let's go [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good luck girls thanks for entering bye bye let's put these wigs on and do it again yeah [Music] all right let's go Maya come on [Music] back [Applause] good luck so let's change wigs and enter the raffle one more time [Music] let's go when that raffle box Addy yeah Crazy Car Store [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good luck girls thank you good luck wow I've gotten so many customers in my car store and it's all time for the live drawing Crazy Craft Store last chance to get your ride in parade The Car Store Lego Ninjago movie box drawing any minute Maya I think it's almost time for the drawing do you think we should go yeah all right it's drawing time if you win you share it with me and if I win I'll share it with you yeah and the winner is [Music] that you uh-huh awesome congratulations [Music] Crazy Car Store come on buy Crazy Car Store open for a business come on by and get some crazy cars today oh how am I gonna get that crazy car store lady today let's grab something out of my box here I have some Silly String and some wacky bath paints these will do just perfect to get her back Crazy Car Store come on by hot special all the coolest cars in town okay it's my new employee is supposed to be here soon I'm just exhausted from all this work I hope she gets here any moment Crazy Car Store come on by yeah starting my first day at Crazy Car Store I'm gonna be the employee ever I'm so excited yay yay wow so happy I am just going to be employee of the month every month [Music] crazy car store oh my gosh look at all these amazing cars yes oh look at the pink are you my new employee yes I am hello hello welcome to Crazy yes this is a very serious job oh yes yes so yeah let me go over all the details yeah got it wow should I get inside of it well we need to keep the leather pristine how do I look can you take a picture of me um yeah not my phone I want to take a selfie I need you to focus oh okay this one is 50 000.50 I'll just climb over oh okay yeah that works all right yeah we don't get in the car oh okay so again okay pink Cadillac how much is it um 500 50 000.50 you have to focus here this is a very serious guy next card now this is very unique what is a retired police officer's motorcycle yeah does that the sirens where's the siren oh that was so much fun okay no no no more Sirens okay now Focus okay now this is such a special car we are selling it for 42 000 okay 42 000 42 um okay zeros after three zeros gosh okay okay we're good on this one yes yes please a lot over here oh we also have a fire truck that is retired from the fire department oh my God yes now this was a siren too um yes but we're not gonna press the buttons right now okay so calm down okay this one this is a big one okay I'm ready 65 000. next yes after all it's a lot of money I don't know about that that seems like an awful lot of money so fire trucks okay yeah guys that's my favorite I love this one okay I like the pink a lot now listen I'm a little worried here 's a lot of money online here very pink cars the siren okay we have our fire and then oh my gosh we should get like a Dalmatian to help sell this that wouldn't that be so fun um okay it's not just blue pink it is powder blue Mustang okay I thought it was baby blue no oh pink Cadillac Escalade how much was this uh um they fit 500 000. no but if you can get 500 000 go for it okay okay oh okay okay now police motorcycle police motorcycle yeah how much was it maybe I should write these down yeah that might be a good idea I think I'm gonna start with the bath paint today that'll really mess up those cars she'll never be able to sell anything with those cars covered in red and green and blue bath paints this is gonna be so cool she's gonna regret ever messing with me in the past okay been working about let's see 167 and a half hours straight oh my God yeah I am dedicated to my crazy car stuff so I need to take a little bit of a break can you handle this can you like oh yeah are you sure you're responsible enough I got this okay well I'm Gonna Leave You with yourself okay okay all right thank you hey crazy crazy car store come on oh there you go I love this birthday logo what cute kitties are cool I'm gonna think it's okay with the car store out there [Music] oh it looks like she left now's my chance to carry out my plan oh I'm gonna get fancy okay okay I think so what can I what are you looking for today we have oh I want a new car well we have a baby blue card that's on sale I like this one isn't it great look at the good one yeah oh my gosh you would look so good in this car yeah and it has like a little horse on it so I think that it goes fast oh okay I think it goes fast um what's this thing right here um that is um uh I think it's just um it shows you like places to go okay with the horsepower on this baby um I think it's like 50. how many gallons is the gas tank uh oh it is I see all right well let's see pretty cool huh yeah I think you should get with information you have on the car um um it's it's it's a two-seater I can see that it has seat belts yeah I think all cars do um well yeah it has two rear view mirrors that's kind of a must I think oh it's okay those kind of tires do they have on it yeah it has black tires uh-huh yeah nice black and silver oh you don't know too much about this car do you oh well I thought what kind of engine does it have a good one okay we're good it's a good one and it's it's loud and it's like manly must be like good power card oh okay I radio it has radio yeah yeah so what kind of um what kind of songs do you like what music do you like well like load of everything oh okay blue oh my goodness YouTube has so many there's so many stations nice and soft and there's a cup holder ah yeah you do like your drinks drink something the ignition here technician then we have air conditioning oh yep that's kind of a box well because you know it gets so hot if it does yeah um so I think I I mean this looks like it's just made for you yeah it has all the features you need you know what I do really like it I might want to actually buy this baby [Music] they'll never know it was me well now before I make my final decision I do kind of want to like check the other cars out because I made the right decision oh okay sure well you know we have this beautiful um pink car yeah okay what about this one um okay well yeah well what happened here oh um you know what I like it it's like this how do I know my credit is with that on the inside so oh oh no I just lost a sale how did this happen oh it looks like she lost her first customer thanks to me and my divisive plan wacky Car Store is gonna be back in business soon 's coming hopefully that crazy employee is doing a good job go check this out oh my gosh it won't come sale I was gonna be the best boy ever oh my gosh what did you oh I'm gonna get a switch I'm not gonna get fired oh oh my gosh then I'm gonna have to find another job and no this is this is just this is not good oh dear this is n't it well I was really close they're actually they're coming back I think I sold the baby blue one it's still here though well they had to go um then go to the bank so um then they're gonna come back and so they'll be back soon look at that one isn't that one looking so good I polished it a little oh so I think it looks really great yeah I did all right just say it's still red still same thing I'm here I was I don't know about the car in the lot s 65. I don't know 65 00 I don't know what to do oh five thousand dollar car that's ruined how's it coming over there ladies how are the sales going oh gosh mind your business I am not happy one bit okay now listen here if you want to make it as my employee you have to understand well we'll see oh okay you cannot take a single eye off of any car the entire time you are here so I had to kind of just go like this the whole time um like this yeah I'm talking to people you know what you could also just stand back here oh that works and then you can see all the cars that I'm going like this okay now I do want to make sure you know the price of the card oh I got them I was practicing while you were gone okay blue blue thing powder blue how much is um 420 dollars no try again 250 that's right it had a 205 in it 25 000 okay so this is so important you cannot sell that car for like 100 something dollars okay 25 000 25 000 now this car is also super important this is my opinion right Cadillac Escalade this one was more it was it was always the 500 000 one no not 500 000 that's the price of like a super super duper nice town oh really wow it's 50 000. that's right 50. you added two museums okay you're never gonna sell for that okay all right this one yes we have our police motorcycles yes awesome addition to the car lot how much is that one now this one I remember you saying had three zeros in it so it was forty thousand no 42 000. sort of okay you would have owed me two thousand dollars just like you owe me how much for this card how much is the red fire truck this one I think was six thousand sixty five thousand dollars how much you owe me by the ways to unless you know 45 000. I'm gonna get the paint off listen I need to go to the bank again okay yes I have some important cards well I'm gonna stand right here so I can watch everything you better yes okay I'm gonna get the new tip you gave me I want a car to be sold by the time I get back okay do you understand that yes preferably one of the more expensive ones okay which ones are the most expensive ones probably this one I think this one was the most expensive all right I'm gonna go to the bank okay you need to watch customers please well that plan worked out perfectly now it's time to get those other cars and really shut down that store so I got these crazy Silly String bottles here and I'm gonna really decorate some of those other cars this will put her out of business for sure all right I I'm just gonna take my eyes out the cars for just a second and try to clean this up because I I really I can't afford to pay how much this car was what did you say it was like 30 000. ah whatever I still can't afford to pay that much so I guess I'll just take a few minutes and I'm really gonna try to get this clean [Music] you're right I really like that color of red if I could red car actually focus focus focus gotta get this clean or else I've never gonna be able to afford a car if I have to pair back for this one oh my goodness oh my goodness I wonder what I'm gonna tonight for dinner I'm gonna kind of get hungry I wonder if it's almost lunch time actually I'm really getting hungry oh Focus kidding keep cleaning okay this is looking pretty maybe I should go into like a cleaning car service I bet I could make a lot of money doing that well if this doesn't work out I'll do that it's just whatever who did this I can't believe this is so messy such a thing to a nice brand new car I've really got those cars bad all right okay I think I think I got it perfect that was so close what a crazy first day at Crazy Car Store that's funny yep looking good okay so the other car oh oh my gosh I'm gonna give it so much trouble who did this I know okay oh look how clean this is wow okay oh so now I don't have to pay for it yay okay well that's good but now you just need to sell it well yes and now it's ready to begin um um it was 30 000. no 65 000. 65 000. okay you are going to destroy my crazy car okay let me see I need my other cars sell um let me see what here there is silly Street all over all three no I told you to stand back here at one time I don't know I don't know this I'm gonna like go out of business this is my this is my business even my car we complete so I can clean these see yeah just I can just take it off yeah you better get to right because otherwise you have to pay me 25 000 plus 50 000 plus 30 000. oh no which is how much is a four or five forty five thousand no you owe me a lot of money oh my goodness okay I'm gonna now for the finishing touch sorry I can't I can't believe you're awesome no I have no idea what you're talking about that wasn't me oh are you the one who painted and Tiffany's over not me I have no idea no idea what are you talking about it I'm out of here constantly for all of my [Music] life it's your fault I left you in charge he destroyed it you're both paying for this I'm gonna go get him I'm out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] Crazy Car Store whoa okay we're gonna drive away my car customers nobody wants a crazy car crazy sign flipper girl so you go like this crazy car store come on by crazy cars door open for business you try now okay I think you do better okay perfect less silly a little lessons yeah you remember like this crazy car store come on bye crazy costume come on bye we're like that okay let's see again baby costumes you don't have to do this for now no you just go over there okay come on by I can't believe that crazy lady from the Crazy Car Store put me out of business again oh I'm so upset I gotta get back at her somehow crave The Car Store well what could I be doing um well maybe just go scene over there in the corner while I get some customers oh great uh-huh are you sure there's nothing else ah I can't really trust you you've kind of ruined my store a couple times so okay yeah well I'll just I'll just if I can watch the cars okay yeah great okay come on McDonald's why did I hire this girl oh there she is now's my chance to get even Crazy Car Store you do a good job thank you I'm actually getting kind of hungry so yeah I'm gonna go get some Chipotle I love Chipotle okay yeah I'm gonna get them for me though is promise I'm gonna watch all the cars okay super carefully yeah I saw what happened last time all right then well I guess so ridiculous okay okay I hope I'm doing this okay come on over oh hello yeah I'm interested in buying a car today what kind of car were you looking for let's see here what do you have we have a blue convertible too small too small but pink uh yeah Pink's not gonna work you don't want pink okay we have a moto this is look at this big wheel oh I think this one is perfect yes oh perfect yeah oh I think this card is just oh this is you you know what I'd like to take it for a test drive I think that's a great idea okay let me go get the keys I'll be right back perfect don't do that this is all going according to plan now all I gotta do is hot wire this baby and get on out of here okay let me just get down in here and get the wires hot wired perfect time to get going here we go [Music] oh he's so bad this is awesome I I can't believe I let this happen it happened oh I'm gonna get in so much trouble oh no oh that chipotle was so good so I thought I was and then huh I think it was the wacky cargo cargo yes he came and somehow got in it boys figured out [Music] I'm [Music] I'm Gonna Get You oh I can't believe you did this to me whoa that looks cool over there [Music] time for some off-roading oh [Music] hey is that him off-rooney car all dirty oh this is so not cool I'm gonna go get him where did he go [Music] oh my God that's my fire truck no idea what I'm talking about this is my car I seem to be stuck yeah there we go I I got somewhere I need to be so oh you're never gonna catch me foreign [Laughter] [Applause] help me help me I'm stuck the car is on me please help me help me stop you oh help whoa you deserved it nobody deserves this you know what I'll let you out under one condition please anything I'm stuck back to the crazy car store with me you fix my car clean it up and you leave I promise forever no more wacky cars I promise I will come back and help you you promise promise help me get this off me I pinky sway just get this out okay my muscles please thank you so much okay [Music] gosh I do everything wrong I just I really wanted to be employee of the year I'm never going to be employee of the year now I hope she catches that wacky Car Guy yeah you're never gonna catch me [Applause] [Music] well what should I do now it's kind of hungry maybe I'll go get the lunch in a little bit oh well I'll just sit here wait for her to come back hopefully she'll have the cars um [Applause] oh wow it's my first day at the cookie and I'm gonna have a fabulous day I have all my car soaps ready to go by Finding Dory over my class scrubbers I have my hose in my water bucket I'm all ready for a busy day of cleaning cars and making money [Music] all right ready for business all right wacky Car Store is ready to open up for business ES who are you what a crazy car store I don't think so yeah yeah crazy car so I've been part of this community for years I really doubt that what do you have over there beautiful do you have a lot of Motors who needs who sells motorcycles now I have a lot of people do a crazy car store does you need to go well I'm not giving up this location I've been here too long to give this up well it's the best location in town I'm settling for anything less well if that's the case then we're gonna have to set some boundaries here because I can't have you encroaching upon my area here get this tape here and I'm gonna divide our land in half so then that way you can't come on my side of the lot I think that's a great idea I don't want your wacky cars on mine you just keep your pathetic little cars over there and I'll keep my beautiful store over here and we'll see who is well deserving of this spot come on by cookie Car Wash open where are the cars cars Car Wash here Crazy Car Store hello anybody awesome cars wacky Car Store here hello brand new cars anybody come get your crazy where's everybody where are all my customers they've got to be dirty cars somewhere in town if there's no dirty cars have to take this in my own hands and make some dirty cars myself oh and I remember there were two car lots just down the road those are mine plan now oh crazy crazy car it's kind of store oh who did this [Music] hello what are you doing on my side of the house what are you talking about my car I don't do that I've been over here making sales all day oh my God that is hilarious how that you did it I've been obeying our former agreement of staying on each other's side of the line you did not obviously and you're breaking this rule right now you know what I'm starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable here why don't you just scoot on over here and then we'll have a conversation you are fixing this that is uh you know I don't think you're gonna be able to make a sale here you really need to take better care of your cars Miss I'm sorry but I need to keep an eye on you this is not the kind of uh business I like to be uh associated with so I'm gonna go back to over here and start making this video for this to get this washed oh that was way too easy to do that my first customer should be arriving any minute now oh no my poor motorcycle I'm not gonna make any money today if I have cars looking like this I think I saw a car wash just down the street hmm wacky car guy should be paying for this but I gotta put my business first I guess I'll take it over obey the boundaries [Applause] hello there welcome to cookie Car Wash I have a major problem I can see that that is one filthy police car this is so cool I think it was this wacky car sales guy that's right next door to me trying to take over my life that guy he is so good Awful no so good at all I can take care of it for you I am the kooky Car Wash okay I got my car washes now I have my super clean car wash package which is only twenty dollars and I have my super duper Clean Car Wash package for forty dollars and then what I would recommend for you is this super super duper duper Clean Car Wash package with only sixty dollars today it's a special sale so I would really recommend that because yeah that that car is perfect I know so you you think I you think I need the super super duper I really do super super duper duper is really necessary for this type of car disaster oh oh okay um let me oh well that's exactly what I I have so okay you can get on your way I'll get it I'll clean for you I do accept tips too oh okay I think 30 is the customer oh 30. okay well thank you all right well I really messed this one up I think my purple car wash soap will just do wonders on this let me get it nice and so beat up and I'll get this baby clean in no time and have my sixty dollars pull up tip wow I am on to something and to think those car washes are gonna be a gold mine today and now for their rent Cycles foreign and I didn't even have to do a thing this is just all too easy for me my car was fabulous is it done it sure is Miss it is fabulously sparkly clean that's super super duper duper Car Wash did wonders you are wonderful I'm so glad I did the super super duper duper car wash it is amazing I also take my tip and you can take continue on oh it yes absolutely well thank well thank you you're welcome goodbye goodbye eighty dollars and only a few minutes of work Wonderful [Music] keep it moving Miss respect the boundaries out of my lot please wacky car store so I got the best cars in town Mustangs and fire trucks you name it I got it crazy car store oh this is boring I wonder if it's almost lunch time you know what it was so easy to bring in that last customer maybe I just need to do that again maybe this time I'll visit the other car store yeah I think I'll do that wacky Car Store oh I'm so tired I might just take a little nap wacky Car Store folks come on by e well I'll take a snack break I guess slow day oh he's sleeping perfect oh [Music] [Music] well that was a good nap I better get up and get back to selling more cars oh my goodness what how did my car get ruined it's got paint all over the place this is so not cool you you did this I know it was you what why'd you do this to my car do that to your car lady that is so not cool you ruined my car there's no way I'm gonna be able to sell it now you're good for what you did to mine I didn't touch your car I respect this boundary well I do know a good car wash you could go to yeah yeah can I get her number sure thanks that was just too easy again now a minute or two before my next customer arrived oh this is way too easy I guess I gotta go on over to the car wash now I still can't believe he blamed me for that the nerve but you know what he kind of deserved it after what he did to me what goes around comes around wow what happened here my competitor over the Crazy Car Store you know she ruined this car she spread paint all over I think she was getting jealous about how many sales I've been having she's trying to ruin me you know I've heard some bad things about her eyes she did this I'm positive she did she denies it but I know it was her I bet she did too I've heard stories let me tell you anyways I need to get this why washed and detailed and get all this paint off I got customers waiting okay I understand now we have the Super Car Wash sounds good it sounds good but we do have the super duper car wash for forty dollars and what does that come with well you know what it doesn't really matter because you need the super super duper duper car wash for sure with this type of a disaster and that's 60 dollars sixty dollars yeah but you know what you'll leave with your car sparkly clean like it's brand new well that sounds a little expensive but but yeah I think you need it there's just no way around it it's a mess okay well let's see yep okay I'll please pop on back over when you're done okay 30 40 is customary oh that's that's quite a bit but thank you so much I'll be back shortly to pick up my beautiful new car beautiful thank you sixty dollars again let me get my little strawber now and get this off in no time wow it's keeping job this is all for 60 bucks this is easy money time to hold this baby it is new wow looks pretty good it sure doesn't super super duper duper Car Wash okay it looks pretty sparkly before you head out oh yeah that's the tip you know what I could only get a 50 bill out of the machine no worries yeah I think okay then well thank you very much for cleaning my car you're welcome as good as me you go sell that baby now okay back in business wacky Car Store open for business come on by folks I got a brand new shiny Ford Mustang come on still a little bit for business well this has just been way too easy I have made so much money you know what I'm not gonna waste any more time I'm gonna go back to those car lots and the car up so I can have more customers ours I know you need some cars I've got some specials going on and I don't know come by another customer will be headed my way soon [Music] I'm gonna have some more snacks what that is hilarious back for the boundary of course I did do you see me over there do that why are you blaming me for that you are sneaky sneaky good luck cleaning that up oh my God it's gonna cost me another 80 bucks for the super super duper duper car wash that yellow paint's Really Gonna See Now on the pink car well she should be pulling up any minute for her super super duper duper Car Wash back to the car wash oh what a day wow what happened that card you know that crazy wacky car sale guy I do know that guy he did this to me what what you know what luckily you're here at the cookie Car Wash I and I can help you out because we have had a flight rate increases oh and you were here oh so we do have our Clean Car Wash which is gonna run about thirty dollars now oh we have our super duper Car Wash which is now fifty dollars uh okay and are super super duper duper Car Wash is now a fantastic rate of seventy dollars wow so it went up just you know what surprise for me and let me tell you we've had so many cars and it's just at 70 now so oh go ahead and pay us and that's right we do take tips I I remember yes 40 to 50 is 40 to 50. oh yeah okay there we go and this will be clean in no time and I've already made 70 wow that rate increase thing just came to me last minute I'm so glad I decided to do that because I can make even more money now didn't Prince time done oh job kooky Car Wash I sure did oh I'll take my tip and you can be on your way bro um let's see I have 20 20. oh all I have is 40 then wow that's not customary thank you so much worth it be sure and tell all your friends what an awesome job okay okay hello hi I am like on a roll right now I'm gonna just be like swimming and money back to work the car looks awfully good now it looks a lot better yeah no thanks to you do a nice job over there at the Cooper car wash don't they ah you owe me so much money I don't have two car washes now because of you I am gonna get so many more sales today than you no doubt just to show you I certainly have the better inventory well my cars are really nice and clean now well nurses and a wasting any time I better go dirty up that last car [Music] you two just keep arguing away crazy car stuff slashing prices sale today hey what happened here oh yeah how did you do that this is so not cool oh my gosh oh the green looks fantastic all my money on the other car wash all right well I'll just take all the customers I'll send you the bill well I'm back oh wow what have we got here I have no idea what this is some sort of paint or something you know what this looks like it's the type of paint that's super hard to get off and you're free that's super hard I'm gonna have to charge you a full price detail those were in about 100 yes it'll be the super super super duper duper duper Car Wash Detail wow you're really trying to upsell me here lady you know what that type of paint is just turned just hard to get off so 120 plus a 60 tip will be just fine I'll take it oh my gosh just have it clean for me within the hour I'll be back yeah okay don't forget to protector yeah yeah I love easy money I love you hahaha yes this paint is just super hard to get off washes right take me about five minutes to clean and I've just made 120 60 tip wow all right I think it's already time for those [Music] very clean in less than five minutes over here he is all right thank you what's up [Music] five dollars we're gonna be more up there a few okay all right I'm back with a nice clean car no thanks to you forget the size this is all my side here I am so sick and tired of how you've been treating me and my car lot I'm gonna go ahead and just what are you doing what are you doing with that I'm putting you out of business for good ladies wait I can play that game too good luck oh no leave my cars alone please leave them alone let's try to sell this one please on your side there's no way you're gonna solve these cars now hey I just washed that car excuse me excuse me back away please back away [Music] 3 to 424 thanks to rate increases again this is the best day ever Tic Tac toy oh it's gonna be a great day of sales here at the Crazy Car Store I can't wait over at the wacky Car Store I'm gonna have a great day it's time to open up for business hey Wacky Car Store you are going down today I have got some hot cars on my lot no way crazy car story lady I have the best cars on my lot customers are gonna be coming here first and leaving with a car from my store going to see my nieces you know I really I heard that they want one of those new Power Wheels maybe I'll stop and get one for them they'll be so excited powder blue Mustang oh that's just so bright yeah I clearly her car is here buddy I doubt that have you seen all of my rescue vehicles the police cruiser over here brand new from the factory with all the lights and everything and then the fire truck with the lift and the knobby tires this thing could go over anything these will sell like that if the PAW Patrol comes shopping but I'm having real humans come over and so I think they're gonna go for my cars you want to put your money where your mouth is Lady sounds interesting what do you mean by that how about we make a bet for one who sells the least at the end of the day has to close up shop forever you know what I am so confident my cars and my sailing skills that deal okay deal right on looking forward to beating you later today good luck ma'am good luck crazy costumes there are two stores that don't worry about that silly store over here let me show you what I have here okay well she sure did grab her quickly I better come up with a plan to get her back over here so I have some real Beauties here at the Crazy Car Store wow it's super popular pink Cadillac Escalade I know isn't it just gorgeous oh wow it is beautiful I think this is the perfect coffee but let me show you my other ones they're actually not from either for my niece oh your nieces I have a four-year-old niece and a seven-year-old niece they can both sit in here you know what else I think I'm fit in this cartoon is my powder blue Mustang it is absolutely gorgeous this is fantastic I just don't know all right time to put my plan come on come on all guest of the wacky Car Store get a free Canterlot and sequestria Castle it's for a test drive come on by folks wacky car store so did I hear free My Little Pony toy no yeah that's right all you have to do is test drive one of these babies oh and this toy is all yours give me the key oh the nerve of that wacky Car Store guy well I can play this game too and he has no idea what's coming his way all right I'm so glad you came by me too why don't you check out the police motorcycle this is a good pick it up it's got the lights and the sirens check out the silence wow your nieces are gonna lie wow you want to hop on in it all right let's do this all right all right so I just hop on and oh I am so excited Here Comes My First Sale easy peasy that way over there it doesn't seem to want to go um are you sure you're doing it oh yeah it goes backwards okay just go forward now um that away it doesn't seem to want to go forward it likes going backwards well sorry about that um you know this is a special limited edition police cruiser it yeah you know it's a little uh finicky though why don't you hop off hop on off let me show you the the fire truck wait so does it only go in reverse um this one does yeah it's a special one so that's a special edition it sure is reverse only yeah people actually people actually look for cards as I drive um yeah this is kind of strange yeah it's just the way it is why don't you hop off and I'll flip it around and get it all set up for you all right and then you can go ahead and take it for a test drive just take it down here [Music] and hop on just hop on okay and then you're just gonna look over your shoulder well yeah I guess I have to go oh there you go see that's how it works [Music] I wonder what happened with that one I think I spun it okay though hopefully she buys it yeah I don't know about this I I feel like this would be kind of unsafe this is a special edition I'm not really not wiggled on this whole world and the lights pretty cool maybe I'll check out some of your other questions I think I really want this one let's see how he reacts to this free video boys for all customers over at the crazy craft store come on by test drive a car and get free beatbox toys come on bye what stun is she trying to pull what I wanted to hi did I hear you I hear you beatbox absolutely to all customers who Testify the car the Crazy Cart you know what what I heard you have some nieces that I think would just love these they would love that they love them though let's get back to our cars over here oh sure here let me put this down what are the blue ones I love them both but could I maybe test drive the blue one first I think you you can yeah all right let's pop that in okay let me okay bye this here all right there that'll fit okay okay perfect all right girl you're free riding my car great all right you can do your test drive okay and as soon as you get back we'll just sign the paperwork okay great okay oh this is great this is really nice I like this one I'm gonna go a little faster oh man I love the blue eraser oh it looks like she's test driving that car I better make sure she doesn't buy it so what did you think wow wow wow that was so fun I knew you would love it I love the color it drove so smoothly and I didn't have to drive in Reverse so that was pretty cool nice so I think your nieces are gonna love it I do too I'm gonna write up a contract you know what let's do it out to me and we'll get started okay so those are basically all the terms of the contract forty thousand dollars okay that does seem so expensive you know what they will love it okay I think we're all done so let me give this to you and I need your signature and the transaction will be complete I can't let her buy that car looks like she's about to sign that contract I better get her over here wacky Car Store come on by folks free ultimate Florida Speedway Cars 3 playset free with test drive come on by everybody the pink Mustang I just signature [Applause] [Music] look at all these cars probably yeah it's huge look at this all right what do I gotta test drive all you have to do is test drive this baby the fire truck let's do it let's do it you're gonna have a blast with this thing all right so I want you to be super careful with this out on the road it's a lot of power and it's lifted with big tires so it happened to go off-road you're not gonna have any problems yep and if people are in your way just hit that horn right there oh yeah they're gonna just move out of your way you're gonna have a blast with this thing and you're gonna get all the looks from all your friends love it and your nieces are gonna love it fantastic all right let's do it let's go for that ride have fun see you later bye that way yeah I've got this one in the bag [Music] he mentioned this vehicle could go off-roading and I I'm gonna go I think this Baby's the one oh that guy's a wacky curse for makes me so mad boy that's a tough one to compete with but luckily I think I have a plan so how was it bad awesome right awesome yeah this is it let's sign the papers I knew you'd be sold it on one test drive come on into my office all right let me just get all my free stuff out okay yeah you can do that okay there's just so much in here cool so I see that you enjoyed it awesome so let me get the contract out and you go ahead and get your your money it's gonna be oh it's a little pricey it's it's sixty thousand dollars okay so go ahead and get that started that just doesn't seem right okay if I could just have you sign my contract yeah it sounds good just tell me where okay special today crazy everyone who test drives the car receives the largest Shopkins a set ever the Shopkin Super Bowl come on by do a test drive free toys what Shopkins Shopkins oh hey guys okay I got this and then I got these oh man I got trips okay bye okay well come back please Shopkins how am I ever gonna compete with that that's such a cool toy I'm coming home this is the biggest Shopkin set they have ever made wow they sure will be you know what in order to get this right subscribe now I love to show you my other vehicle I have on the lodge oh the big pink one they love pink then they'll love this car the exterior is pink glitter a Barbie magenta style yes well it's a softer shade of pink and the pastel shade oh yeah and don't forget the pink leather seats back here so oh there's even pink speakers in the back of the car oh my goodness wow wow wow our nieces are gonna love this cool so before we finalize the agreement I bet you want to go on a test I sure do all right well here are the keys they're written ignition thank you and you can just take off and take the CD for a thin sounds good enjoy [Applause] yeah I've got this one in the bag [Music] foreign [Music] that was so fun I love the pink and so will your nieces I think this is it I think let's do it of course oh let me just step through all my toys it is eighty thousand dollars okay it is a hybrid Escalade absolutely all right well I guess I'll I guess it's worth it yep okay so here is your contract I'm just gonna have you sign right on the dotted line right okay thank you I see the pin oh yes I've had it with this that sale is gonna end real quick and what lady [Applause] Gaga okay all right um well let's go finish signing your paper real quickly I don't know about this you guys are a little weird for me I think I'm just gonna take my toys and go oh yep what about the pink car no I don't know the blue one you liked too what about the blue you guys need to work out your issues oh that wacky car Sports guy you you drove off my customers she was gonna buy my car and you drove her away that was a good move wasn't it it worked out perfectly so I'm not cool oh I'm so sorry hey hey careful with the police cruiser ladies that's an expensive car I don't care about your police cars and you ruined my customer and you ruined my how about we sell this once and for all let's see how much each of us made for the day bye bye what I lost three hundred dollars how did that happen let's see what I made uh oh I lost a thousand and not only that the car repairs now oh this is so not cool well since we both lost money I guess none of us wins or loses so we're both going to stay in business I suppose yeah except now I have no money I don't have to file for bankruptcy [Music] oh no my I think we missed the bus already well I guess we gotta start walking to school now it's gonna be a long walk Crazy Cart store open for business Crazy Car Store I have lots of wonderful crazy cars today I have fire engines I have aqua Mustangs I've got red Corvettes and even a pink Cadillac Escalade Crazy Car Store open for business come on by buy a car today hey there's a car store it will be so cool if we have a car to drive to school yeah but we don't have any money Addy yeah so what should we do Addie let's do it yeah so I'll go with distract the sales lady and then you'll go get the car from come on up to my crazy car store it looks like I have my first customer here how are you today good can I look at the pink pie you have you absolutely can't come right over here this is a pink Cadillac Escalade it is like bubble gum pink don't you love the shade and check out we even have pink leather interiors here they are super comfortable and guess what what they heat up during the winter so you stay warm and during the summer they cool down so you stay nice and cold and the hot sweaty weather now if you check out a steering wheel we have the Cadillac level on it isn't that super cool and if you see the speakers here oh where are you going well that was odd where did she go I thought I was gonna make a sale today we pulled them off let's head to school now or we're doing a skip store yeah let's go to the park yeah thank you what that was just so sweet is that girl oh my goodness my blue Mustang it was everybody stole it from my crazy crazy lot this is so not cool what happened oh my goodness how [Applause] come on [Music] come on let's go this is gonna be amazing [Music] best idea ever to go to go get that car and go to the car Daddy can you help me do that I don't know this is the best day ever I think so too this is so fun yeah but at least a lot high from the lava I'm gonna get higher okay I've got a plan if that car thief comes back I'm gonna catch them red-handed I'm setting up a camera and a tripod and I will have footage of the thief come over here aim it towards my car lot see here this will be just perfect I will catch somebody red-handed if they dare so back to my crazy car lot come on I got it thanks for helping me you're welcome oh the way I just want to watch you daddy want me to show you how you do it yeah all right first off camera I did it okay all your friends we should be hanging back soon yeah I think we should be heading back let's go grab our backpacks in our car yeah crazy Carlos Carla come on back Crazy Car Store all right where's my next customer hmm this has been so much fun Maya it would be super cool if we had two and we could race yeah should we steal another car yeah yeah you you distract the car lady this time and I'll get the car yeah crazy car store oh are you are you well hello there how can I help you today well I want to check out a fire truck the fire truck this is such an awesome card let me show you all about this now this used to belong to fire engine 23 which is why you see the number 23 right here and look at this it comes with its own squirt gun like crazy if you check out the driver side over here you can check out this really cool steering wheel check this out you don't want to move here this button right here oh siren siren to buy it no thanks no thanks well that was strange at the second time today someone's come to my car lot and just laughed like that what is going on big work Daddy wait hold on blue Mustang gone now the red corn coordinating it was rare ah the deep is back wait a minute I have my security camera up here I can go see who did this surely I got footage of this you see here okay here I am that strange little girl came up to check out the fire truck oh who is that behind her oh no that's that same girl that came back earlier these two must be working together oh my goodness their team yep there she goes oh so they're disguised oh they're kicking me one's coming up and distracting me and the other is running off with my car hmm I'm gonna be ready for the next time this is not gonna happen to me again now that we have two cars for us race to the light pump on your mark to get set down foreign that was fun but I have an idea what we could do next but let's do some off-roading yeah out there yeah that would be so cool but I think our cars are too low to do that well then we'll steal another one awesome all right I'm just gonna hide behind these bushes over here and wait for those Carthage to return my let's go steal that pink Cadillac okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs oh those girls oh my goodness yes she's done let's go off-roading now Maya okay let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay good idea oh my goodness that was a rough rough wreck oh my leg they only have one car left my whole lot is empty except for my fire truck oh we are not gonna steal this one I'm gonna make sure that happens my fire truck is staying here at my crazy cart store oh okay I am tying this truck up that if anybody tries to take this anywhere it's not gonna move tied up against this right here all right see I'm gonna get into position and wait for those little thief to come back look there's a fire truck right there let's go steal it yeah [Music] what's happening what's going on all right [Music] foreign is bigger than ever come on bye people visit the Crazy Car Store I've got all sorts of crazy cards I've got Jeeps I've got Corvettes even a super fancy schmancy Mercedes a pink Cadillac Escalade a fire truck a pink Jeep our second jeep that is and a aqua blue Mustang so come on by the Crazy Car Store I'm so glad we got out of the car jail that's even more cars yeah new customers for the Crazy Car Store well I have so many totally awesome cars in my car okay oh hold on just a second you two look familiar you two weren't the girls that stole my cars that time were you no no are you sure because I had these crazy car seats and they stole like four or five of my cards and I had to eventually grab them and haul them off to jail and it was just it was a headache why are you laughing girls hold on just a second you're not those girls are you let me get a better looking let me see this thing look at his face let me see run run wait I need a car pet oh they must be did they get out of jail oh this is so not cool if they did I'm gonna have to call the police station and find out okay Maya you go steal which one do you want to steal the blue one yes all right I'm gonna feel the red one what are you two doing here wait no no you're not going anywhere foreign [Music] yeah I've had a breath you can't steal my cars anymore oh oh get out come on come on no no no no I didn't do it no mommy crazy I'm getting your car I'm too tired I need a break and then I'm gonna go after them because that is so not cool all right we got two cars let's go get a couple more I'll steal the fighters okay okay no you can't take any parts hi there yeah no come on these are my part you cannot go anywhere with my car no get up no oh this is my car Audi loves the job what okay that's cool wow [Music] we only have four we need to get two more and we have three more yeah which one are you gonna get it no no I only have three cards left I only have three cards left and you guys are not taking these anywhere don't even think about it don't even think about it I said no no no no no here we go okay okay I found my car stash oh my goodness I'm taking these back I'm gonna start with a fire truck and I'm getting this back to my car lot all right reverse oh no no how do I do this taking this back no more car seats what are you guys doing all right you know what I'm gonna rescue two now hey hey this is my car okay Maya let's just let her have the pink caramel have fun in our cars yeah [Music] coming for them [Music] [Music] thank you and that's my car that's my car you have um are you gonna help me no what put us in jail so will you stole my cars so fast oh the doll okay oh I missed so much paint those silly girls the card doesn't even work anymore I'm gonna go all the way home like this so not cool this is my last car and it doesn't even work it's so much fun [Laughter] [Applause]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 3,473,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tic Tac Toy, Addy and Maya, Addy, Maya, Lucy, Jason, Colin, crazy car store, pretend car store
Id: kFK9RPjVbO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 18sec (13278 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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