Part 2 of the Skyscraper of Chips! High Risk Coin Pusher! | Joshua Bartley

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[Music] come on baby keep on fallin like that look at that we're just barely staying in this seriously [Music] get it off there there's Lance cooler [Music] [Applause] Highschool backwards home maybe big second wave like that [Music] come on baby [Music] revengeance oh man what was that geez alright so we're getting quarters back that's good whoa whoa push Nancy that should have been [Music] [Music] there we go your left side you flex that doesn't better set bangle and lip man [Music] sweating again have to one of their playing days pushing it good bear champ humble one all right [Music] look now let's call it fall apart once fall robbery there we go from there [Music] that's not where I want is it downside [Music] oh that's coming all what's that come down and get stuck all right the camera overheated again and I didn't notice it for a little bit but you didn't miss anything just back and forth back and forth I want it called it if I'll just keep getting quarters I think so far down in there my lips are going to play alright guys so one step in here for a second this part two is really long like I was sitting up here had me I'm getting all diaphoretic just who's ready to port and but the reason why I put this part to Africa's I never thought million years the outcomes gonna end the way it did so I hope you enjoy that I'm gonna try to cut to the point as much as I can because even part two is still like an iron head two hours long secondly I want to talk to you again about my favorite app winter winter if you get an opportunity link the winner winner will be down in the description also use my food partly 15 to save 15% off any purchase that you make and remember when our winner is going be having Queen pusher really soon life coin pusher so that in itself is worth going over and support them but they support me so if you can go over and support them I'd greatly appreciate it right now they're just for the iPhone they will be out for the Angela's really soon so go ahead and download them some support say thank you because they do support me too alright guys I hope you enjoy the rest of part 2 and I will talk to you soon thanks going out here twice there we go there we go baby baby push I've given up 140 [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go ready there we go it's got to get off there eventually we see the single one did it [Music] I got a left one battery 11% I clear this thing out I'm trying to get to 800 bucks [Music] [Music] I just lose and I gotta change battery out all right everybody so I'm not a whoreson sure whether this will be a pebble in the park you know if I can get this quick or if I can get it at all it's gonna be a part one but now my main objective is to see if I can win all that off there we please for a little bit while the provider is charging just to try to get a little bit closer but not too much so that's something if you have spare batteries for the Sony someone house bring it with me because I look they had the charger with me oh there we go come with me yes Oh earlier I started making a comment earlier gonna stop and I realize that that's a terrible habit for doing that but I was talking about how there's others because I have a queen pusher channel in my recommended news feed I always see like other point pusher arcane play and stuff I've been noticing a lot of these channels I know what the hell gap that the heat normally the storage shed stuff he uploaded one in a description is too high-risk or you pusher and those bitcoins in it let me check that out and I have watched him before for some other reason and well that's cool there's more of these cool pushes around I figured the hand to be well then just recently I found out AV games I believe he's just a young guys 14 years old and honestly do you think I have a country accent you haven't heard anything that boy is just his accent and he's up there playing games the poker chips and things in it well any such a good guy and he left someone had mentioned that paid my adjust partly I place when coin pushers and he was like yes I really like that guy so that made me automatically just really liking you know he just seemed like a good person but for booze you all think I have a country accent I've urged you to check him out he's he's definitely got a cousin accent but again it's all good just having fun with it good friend but you know take it do your own thing and take it yeah I guess it depends on whether you own it or you're in a casino like I am well well was whoever owns it what rules they have to know you pretty much I had a lot of saviors there's ideas of things that I thought that they had and that would say hey did you mind putting that in there now or hey Jamie hold off until like the weekend to put that video up so do a lot better so I've definitely had that kind of stay here I don't want anymore to think of that did [Music] alright sit down to do it that's a good one I don't know I don't know if we're gonna make it or not [Music] so everybody if we came back from having zero chance of winning all these because you see how far scattered they were and possibility of coming back and getting almost all of them what an amazing battle this officially is last time underreporting up here but and you want to make it look like it was just an older video since I already said my goodbyes video and stuff like that but I got this new camera and I wanted to test it out he was trying to give me some videos to record until they get put up in their new locations [Music] whoa that was a huge one I'm gonna stack it up here in a second I'm just trying to get rid of these single quarters in my hand all right gasps I always say Jeff is with me well I just noticed something that was editing at home once you ought to keep an eye out for something odd that pops up on the screen and let me know down in the comments what you see so there's a chance that I'll be playing on a new coin pusher that I have not played that just because it's at a location that's way too far for me it's in a connects County area and they say it tracks a lot of attention so that we get to a new location I got my fingers crossed because this was a school-wide thing with them getting rid of these others anywhere they had the casinos so I'm really hoping that you don't have that there and that would be amazing that will give me five good cool pushers to play - the keep it thing - the skilled driver I think that would be a Google and presenting the cell if you're all interested in buying that one for your home use title Mike and comment and say I would like to buy that I'm sure he'll make you a good deal on it but the other problem is you have to come to Eastern painting and pick it up or in the shipping everything is getting stuck there learning the right alright let's put your left side for a little bit do what we are going a little bit earlier [Music] alright guys so I apologize we've had camera heating in the memory cards right now god that poor K takes up so much more space I had a 128 gigabyte God and every part in there so there's going to be some cuts in here but move ahead and finish this off I really think this is gonna be part 2 so I'm just gonna go ahead and do an introductory like this is a part to you so guys thank you so much for stopping into part 2 of this major battle which it's been amazing battle up to this point but the deal is you have to win every one of these off every single one which I already have a huge collection as it is if you win every one of them off it's instant $800 but like 100 doesn't mean 100 none of that means anything it's just you're trying to win the chips and you can get them all on $800 and we've got a big Midori open mouth also this is the last [Music] one that I seen in there so altogether that gives us like five or six so this is Wow [Music] [Music] all right oh there is second wave yes ooh second wave got the hardest one to get over there I got it I got it I can get this I'm not trying to jinx myself I can get this no by N's there's nothing what an amazing video well it's really going to depend on how this works out if I'm going to do a part two because this would be a lonely part two we're short one more over here if I get the middle and the bit sorry I'm going baby second way is gonna be better look I knew it yes I think we want to do it I seriously believe now if you look there's others over here are starting to get bundled up I don't know let's River dancing I should have kept that video River dancing anyone thought this out over the summer a thing where we all come to play the point butcher and try to win some money also get to hate each other in person it's tough over there and I don't know how to get that out [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I would like to thank the fact that I've been trying to remind you all to subscribe to the channel there's a lot of studies done on that and show that people that actually put a call to action people that don't ask viewers to subscribe they won't and now that I mentioned it a lot more and tell you how much I appreciate it my account was from 80 some percent of the viewers that watch that business subscribe to down lower down to 70 so if we that cooling down I hope I mean obviously it's not going to be for everybody believe me I understand there's certain YouTube videos I'm just like internal one if I turn it on once I'm gonna return it again look perfect oh it's getting so close [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think well the chips fell off all right guys we're getting lower and lower and lower so I really need to focus all [Music] right [Music] and it's pushing farther and farther to the right come on baby ah maybe this school has to be two-bit is oh that was a good push but it's going straight over to the white we're seeing Adam Sandler movie where he's the golfer he's trying to win that money for his grandmother she gets all that retirement home and he's telling it to get into the hole some of the motions that I have [Music] [Music] oh look it commercially got it all out perfect oh sweet it's exactly what I needed [Music] [Music] come on baby all right there we go [Music] oh all right so the hundred came off now all it needs is those two chips if you are in life plan [Music] nice salad cool wish I could get it to fall over to the right like this dead [Music] going backwards not this time maybe it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that should have been in Moodle push it out oh yes that was it the middle should have done that a long time ago all right come on baby a fat butter is stifling on backwards that's the only way to do it [Music] [Music] you're getting there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm doing every trick that I know how to do [Music] you think it's going forward then it goes back home I'm sorry and I finally won that thing I just can't win the other [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] my boy oh my gosh so soon thank you appreciate it no he's happy seriously take the right side all those long sides I'm so much better [Music] you're right there dude you got the kid don't fall get it all all right got one left [Music] come on baby oh yeah why wouldn't you do something [Music] everything but there we go that's what I needed this wasn't strong enough but that's exactly what anything that needed to do all the way through right figure out how to get it always good right all right that got me more points this is officially the last holder in here the last one I went $800 thank you thank you down for $800 so therefore the frame I'm so tired I'm so over it lower there we go perfect right there right there all over the top there we go come on baby [Music] that's the spot that has to push it down [Music] come on [Music] maybe I can just get one good first off [Music] 1/1 go hope that one's going to have it come oh and here it is right here it is I can't freaking believe it three and a half out four hours I've been up here for stinking hours thank you i won alright I'm gonna collect all this stuff and let's finish this daggone video all right guys what an amazing battle so let's start off with this obviously that would be thousands of dollars if that was real a whole reel but that is eight hundred dollars we fought this thing to the end it took two videos to get here happy and even more tired and exhausted so there's eight hundred then money wise so we had four hundred and eighty dollars in this it looks like a massive amount but these are 40 stacks so there's four hundred and eighty so our grand total is 1280 1280 minus four hundred eight hundred and eighty s what we made second thing is we have 1 2 3 4 5 bitcoins another 5 bitcoins that's awesome and six entries into the giveaway for these how keep in mind this is not the only way I want to be doing it I'm going to be giving this way like I said if you've done it to Pay Pal gonna pick winners on the air so guys thank you so much for being up here for the battle I am completely exhausted if you like today's video and do me a favor by hitting that subscribe button and also hitting that like button lets me know that you enjoy it but alright guys thank you so much for watching guys and ladies no matter where you're watching out in the world I hope you have a fantastic day and I will talk to you soon
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 85,723
Rating: 4.913106 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: LPpT5QXsQ8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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