New $500 Chip! Live Stream! | Joshua Bartley

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hey everybody hey sorry this was a pain in the butt but we're getting it set up i think everything's good to go finally uh let me know if you all can hear me okay if you can hear me okay just uh give me a just let me know real quick because i want to make sure the microphone you hear me now awesome all right so this was uh not an easy setup oh so this is what we're going to do first off welcome to my first ever live stream here uh you get to kind of see the behind the scenes of what this is like definitely could not do this when normal operations in because there is just a lot of things in the way but i am today i'm officially rolling uh out on the channel uh this new setup but what we're going to try to do today is um as you notice there's not a lot in here because if you look right there let me get my finger on it there's the new 500 chips that they've had but we're breaking it out just for the live stream today so i greatly appreciate them letting me uh do this did a normal 400 buy-in um that's the reason why there's not a lot of other money in here uh it's setup's going to be a little bit different but outside of that i mean it's just going to be like normal playing so hopefully uh we can do this together now it's i have it set up where i can see uh what you're saying but it's kind of small but i just really want to uh kind of go by your suggestions on where to drop it where i should put it at and things like that so i'm kind of pause in a minute oh thank you so much coins and silver thank you so much for the 20 donation we'll definitely use that for the today's buy-in so thank you so much for the 20 super chat you are awesome well no this is not my first uh i'm trying to answer questions this is not my first live stream obviously i've done a lot of live streams but this is the first time i've been able to do a live stream up here the reason why is i was going to use my cell phone but my cell phone does not get reception where i'm at this area for whatever reason sprint towers just do not pick up very well so thanks to mike we're kind of using his setup but thank you so much natalie dragovich i'm not saying that right thank you so much all right without further ado i'm gonna go ahead and get started and i have a special way to get started for you all those y'all been watching for a little bit might understand but we're going to start today with oh you can't even see it there we go jeff's red quarter just recorders going to start this live stream i figure it's only fitting to start off with this they're going to let me actually keep this once before it goes back to normal operation but so uh this is uh this is how we're going to start it on so let's try to get this 500 jim davis thank you so much get all the money that's the plan all right so where do you think i should put jeff's quarter in the middle steve thomas thank you so much thank you oh big red you want me to try to put it in the middle maybe it's weak because uh there's a 500 chip right there oh thank you so much uh kelta i hope i'm saying that right thank you so much all right so let's put this in the middle all right and then there's this one lucky gunner thank you so much so a lot of the things that i cut out when i record these videos hopefully i'll try to purposely not try to do it where i sniffle with calls and things like this so this is going to be a little bit different for having very unedited version all right yeah i put just in the quarter i guess there's a delay i kind of gotta uh anticipate the delay though oh thank you so much hold on let me uh daniel moray let me get called up thank you thank you all let's see the next donation thank you daniel thank you so much curtis thank you hi josh could you check thanks mike yeah everybody if you can mike's watching right now if you could just tell him thank you so much he's in the other room watching definitely appreciate him just letting us do this all right i don't mean to not pay attention to what you're all saying for a second i just gotta try to take this one now that 500 chip is pretty far back but yeah thank you mike appreciate it you can probably hear me from here oh man see that look that spot right there there's a uh i don't know if they can take like some a sand sandpaper or something and smooth it down but it definitely lifts it up all right all right let's go ahead and uh let's try to load this thing build up a little bit there we go oh there's a good one oh man all right brit thank you so much hey lady lewis hey i see uh who else is here i see everyone thank you all so much for joining me first ever coin pusher live stream all right coming out on the floor second wave all right let me stop this see if i can get that that bitcoin i hate a lot of you all think wendy thank you so much you're here all right look there we go big push thank you so much wendy thank you all for all the good luck wishes i done lost jeff's quarter must be under that 50. so what we did is went ahead and got a buy-in ready just in case i'm going to need it um then if not i'll return it but it's hard for especially as far back as that is it's going to be hard for me not to do it with a buy-in all right so i'll put a poll up on the channel hope to see just quarter see just quarter popping out put a poll up and ask y'all which coin push you want me to play and this one won overwhelming which is my favorite coin pusher too patrick truth news thank you in memory of jeff thank you so much yes today's live stream hands down will be a jeff's live stream for sure start off with this quarter uh though they honestly they they're going to apparently on the bottom of this coin pusher somebody asked if they straighten it out yet there's apparently you can uh there's a thing that you can turn and they're going to mess with it with a level here coming up but he didn't get to it yet so you might still see stuff real christian miller thank you so much for the super chat thank you all for liking this live stream and joining me i know this is a little bit more entertaining than just me talking all right that's uh that two dollar bill remember that's two uh two hundred dollars worth of slot play and not 50 50 so that uh no no it used to be someone asked is that two dollar bill double your money it used to be set up like that but now they actually have it set up for that's uh all the big gold dollars or for slot play for more for on this in this case for coin pusher but so when i do a buy-in uh somebody said i need to speed it up sound like a chipmunk hey josh your camera focus is going in and out oh is it going in and out is it any i don't know if i can make it farther back steve thomas thank you up mix it up for jeff there we go i like it look at jeff's quarter fell yeah i don't know how to adjust this focus because the way it's you know set up with like the camera uh maybe if i want to put it back a little bit farther but it's probably still going to focus at it now all right oh that 40 is right there and there with the two all right all right so this is getting lower about the good buy-in here not smooth stream sorry you all like i said that's one of the biggest reasons why uh yeah thank you so much you find like a live stream that's it's kind of hard because this corn pusher playing field is moving back and forth so the camera is constantly it's not like the camera that i use record it's constantly trying to adjust its focus ryan whitman thank you so much for the 10 donation good luck thank you i need it all right playing the right side gotta reach over the camera all right this is my last handful before we have to do a pull some out there that 500 is getting a little bit closer thank you from the netherlands appreciate it bill thank you so much for the five dollar donation greatly appreciate it you might be able to turn off your own autofocus you know i if i i probably i could maybe turn in the stream and start it again if you want and see if i can do that oh hold on big push oh and that was awesome and that bloom thank you so much for the 10 donation looks great on my tv good good yeah sorry about the it's kind of like if you have bad eyes and you're uh focusing all right so we're down for our last 50 cents here then we'll do a look what is that there's something long looks like a hair [Music] all right so that was the last one big push oh man that 50 is right there all right so let's go do the first pull out here oh this is good oh you know hey thank you so much becky and walter thank you so much good luck a memory of jeff i love it so there we go so that's the first pull out try to get uh i'm gonna try to focus on this sax i need that 500 chip to break but i'm going to put me up maybe we can do this a couple more times before they open up which i think they're going to announce this week which one more live stream thank you so much thank you all i greatly appreciate oh look i'm i don't know that uh best quarter look just quarters under the bitcoin it's getting ready to start uh you all can't really see it that well thank you nancy greatly appreciate it thank you so much all right let's stack this plane fill it up second wave oh oh it's right on the edge let's push that thing ideally we can win this 50 back without doing or this 500 ship without doing another buy-in yeah i see it's kind of rolling a little bit oh there we go that was good except that one that's on top oh hey you all i dropped the new man the 100k shirts that was a complete pain in the butt big old long story behind that i can only do it in white just because the way to get all y'all's names on the back of it um i'm gonna do another one too with more names on it but there is a 10 off code which i put up in the stream if you use that code it's 10 off your purchase and that will put it down to actually going to cost me that's all for teespring [Music] yeah it is stuck all right so let's uh load this up just quarters working his way to the front that'd be cool we can recycling line them up line it up oh there we go good push oh man hey good luck thank you i love the accent well thank you so much we were just talking about that all right nancy thank you so much for the 10 donations wave all right [Music] all right so that was it let me go down here and well heck money came down i didn't see let's see maybe you all seen this i didn't all right you all uh hey thank you so much alex appreciate it all right so look we got 100 and the 40 so we got back 140 now i can't keep track of it up here but i didn't even see that thing fall and that's really that's another 40 stack that's pretty much right there but we still we got to get this thing right here this is our objective i don't care about the bitcoins someone made a comment if i don't win the bitcoin competition that listen to this mic very well if i don't win this bitcoin competition it's all conspiracy it's uh illuminati all right oh yes where did uh donations go um if you're talking about the donations on here um that basically goes into making more videos and then i think somewhere there's a paypal there's a channel paypal that goes uh linked into the uh for donations as well if that's what you're asking i'm sorry i'm trying to read and play at the same time i really want to get jeff's quarters back there we go here's a good one oh come on baby oh there we go and it's stuck in a chute hey thank you so much carol baskin did it john thank you buddy carol baskin did it love it did you all see that she just got interviewed by accident well not by accident but somebody poses jimmy fallon and did an interview with her it's up on my youtube linda i haven't watched it yet but i'm interested to see all right let's get this uh let's get this stuff off here india thank you so much big fan thank you well turtleneck appreciate loving my accent like i said for the longest time that was a kind of a something i tried to get rid of but i just now understand that's the way it goes i love the 500 chips that that uh that's a game changer but i have a feeling when you see a 500 chip in here the field's not going to be as loaded linda white thank you so much all right big bush oh man all right so that was the last quarter oh all right let's go down here pull this out [Music] now it's getting lower and lower unfortunately we got the 40 stack so that's good but that's all we were able to get out of that so let's try to get this hundred dollar chip off maybe i can just use that i want to get rid of my country accent i'm country well it's honestly i'll tell you a funny story about that uh my dad lived in scottsdale arizona and uh oh man went out to visit him and i asked for a diet pepsi and outside the military you know i was in san antonio texas and stuff like that but i hadn't been a lot of different places and this lady kept asking me what do you want and i said a diet pepsi please and she said are you messing with me becky hey thank you so much and i was like what do you mean am i messing with you she said hi the way you're saying pepsi thank you so much oh awesome thank you so much brian appreciate it so that's the first time that i realized some people have a hard time understanding what i said and i tried to work on it a little bit but then you know what like you said it's just the area i live in that's how we speak everywhere is different so oh man that 500 is getting so close and that was my last quarter ah man see we're at the point now we're gonna have to do buy in all right everybody let's uh hey france wow uh tracy tracy reeve she wanted me to say her name with my accent all right there we go that's a good one come on baby quarter is getting close big bush oh man that is getting so close i can't tell you all how much i appreciate all the super chats and those y'all that donate to the channels uh paypal and everything you are absolutely amazing i couldn't do this channel without you and i just got to tell you how much i i truly truly truly am blessed it keeps it work london doesn't get so upset listen i'm originally from ireland and you can tell people look at that sweet i was reading it and watched it fall on screen we're down to 50 cents so what's up all right christina hill thank you so much michigan boom there we go man that thing is right on the edge second wave you know what i'm gonna have to ask mike because i'm not 100 sure if this is 100 or what this is for they change it up here so much wendy thank you so much i agree i love your accent i wish sometimes i had one thank you so much so i'll find out uh before we're done if this is a hundred dollars or if this is for something else because they change this so much i'm not sure but it doesn't matter because what i'm going for is right there and this is what we were able to get back so let's thank you all so much for thumbs up uh giving this video a like greatly appreciate it carol bastard whoa holy did you see that ah so glad that that was here middle now all right let's do the middle jeff's quarters right there jeff's quarter look that's how fast it recycled online oh that thing is so close maybe we can win a booth at the same time all right down to 75 cents [Music] oh second wave oh jeff's quarters gonna be right there cliffhanger all you can say is awesome i do say it a lot last quarter oh got jess quarterback how about that [Applause] at least i think i did oh there it is all right isn't that awesome look jeff's quarter took that journey and came right back to me so i'm gonna keep that out put it up here that all right y'all so where do you want me to put it to get this i'm gonna wait for y'all suggestions on this put it in the middle play it on the left all right wendy sounds good so instead of having a real casino with all of those laundry rooms to have gambling at least oh it looks like a laundry room yeah it kind of it could look like a laundry room in here honestly it was just a smoking room that's all it really was just a small area that people came out and smoked in so i guess they really didn't spend too much time thinking worrying about what the cosmetics of it but i guess with that that the coat wrap but the coat rack kind of does look like something between laundry room all right i'm going middle right i'm listening to you all all right come on baby oh it's going backwards no no no no oh man got one quarter left last quarter you all oh oh it's so close all right let's go well that wasn't as good hey got another one thank you all right so i'm gonna have to take my time when i drop these just because i'm getting low i might have to do buy in i hate that because it's so dagging close we'll try to keep it in the middle come on i don't know it's looking promising thank you so much lady lotus all right we're down to a dollar well we're getting quarters back so that's good yeah i know i turn that auto focus off i literally i have it set up this is not my setup so i can stop the screen and do it again but i'm not real sure how to do it without stopping the stream i didn't realize that was going to be an issue i have just trying to get to where i can live stream all right that was my last quarter oh man that thing is right there oh man 75 cents left shoot all right well the right side has a bunch of quarters but that can be deceiving all right that was the last quarter come on baby please oh rough well the only thing i can do is i have jeff's quarter i can try to put that in there and see before i do another buy-in so let me try that there's jeff's quarter harry thank you so much are y'all i gotta go over and get this other uh bucket this this is not uh it's right there there's no way it's a shame so i'm gonna try to do a smaller one all right here we i go really trying to avoid this i'm going to put oh there it it is all right i'ma load this thing up come on knock off there we go this has got it hey let's see it shoot all right so i did a 50 worth and i might have to do another 50. all right let's see what's down here all right for those y'all keeping track 450 invested so far and there's that go big or go home i love it come on knock that thing off there is that not going second wave ah all right ah that was stupid brant thank you so much here's the second wave hoping we can get it now got one more quarter left left left left come on you got to be kidding me it's going backwards all right let me oh all right so everybody saying left let's do the left that's probably maybe maybe not just thrown it everywhere wow thank you so much third wave i like that ah come on love watching the coins good luck getting 500. thank you so much sonic that was my last quarter unreal oh 50 cents we are down to 50 cents all right i'm gonna try the left no i'm gonna try right there i'm going oh all right well that got me a quarterback two quarters back please oh it's right there got to be kidding me one quarter come on oh skill stop all right well i gotta go do another 50 buy-in sorry guys this is how my money gets ate up start to get nervous now but the idea behind it is we've got back more so if i win the 500 i'm going to be 500 invested now but we're still going to be ahead and we know we're going to win that so i mean it'll pay off all right 500 in the hole thank you becky appreciate the support here i need all of it joe hey buddy thank you halden thank you so much from denmark greatly appreciate it all right y'all that looks like a good one come on knock that thing off awesome sweet awesome awesome awesome [Music] awesome all right you all without further ado look at that look at that beautiful chip 500 in my hand right now amazing my new best friend awesome all right and we still have this so let's go for that 50. you all agree go for the 50 there's a 50 in that bitcoin christine thank you so much i missed some super chats i'm sorry you all if i miss any super chats anybody that's uh lady lotus said i missed some of y'all super chat i am so sorry i did not uh mean to do that i apologize and thank you all so much everybody that has done the super chats or donated on paypal everybody thank you so much all right so you think we should go to the right get this i mean that makes more sense all right i live in berkeley county william thank you so much found your channel a short time ago uh went by it's chat speeding up thank you so much william thank you uh so much for being a part of the channel we're going to try to get this stuff over here for you guys we're going to give away a shirt today too one of the 100k shirts and i'm going to try to do this one more time before they open back up let me know if you all like to see oh big bush all right curtis thank you so much yes i'm not sure how much we're up but we're definitely up i mean oh whoa christina hill thank you so much jeff's quarter making his way that'd be cool if we could recycle that one more time jason chambers thank you so much all right let's get jeff coyle off there oh there we go oh man that really pushed the field that was dog all right let's go see what we got oh that's a lot better all right gene thank you so much uh record live is that what it is yeah i think i'd like to do this one more time for you all before they open back up ah that was done sorry sorry sorry thank you so much you all hey it up the mic yeah mike's mike knows he's getting a hundred dollar tip little g streams thank you so much buddy oh you're you're awesome man thank you so much for everything that you've done [Music] too all right so we're getting low and quarters if you all want what do you think about me doing another 50 buy-in just because we are even this is something i don't do often and i'll load it up all right let's do that i got this right here let's go ahead and do another 50 buy-in and uh that way i can load this thing up all right so anybody that's keeping track we are 550 involved now keep in mind we've won the 500 chip and i think uh 250 chips and 240s i believe and there's that hundred dollar uh plaque that i'm not exactly sure what that's for but let's go ahead and load this thing up so it's a little bit more entertaining for you all because i know believe me when i'm editing this is parts that i have to yeah i probably should walk away i'm only doing this because you all are watching live and i really want that keep it entertaining maybe we can get that bitcoin getting close this thing's making all kind of noises i guess i paid 50 to try to win 50. that didn't make a lot of sense oh sweet oh that's so awesome thank you so much oh that was so awesome wow that was huge i love it when stuff like that i hope you win all right thank you robert thank you for stopping by appreciate it well we got the big coin all right let's go down here collect all right you all got the bitcoin one more chance this is a silver one awesome and we got that hey john how are you buddy wendy i do have my lucky shirt i need to show a picture of that wendy you all put it up on the channel but lindy wendy made a shirt for me and bray that was in honor of jeff it had all of our pictures on our last live stream i believe it's so nice of her to do all right so everything on the rights get piled up so let's load this thing up a little bit oh see it's leaning mike we gotta get this fixed big push oh second wave there we go gina thank you so much come off push that 500 ship off love it jeff sure did all right it's not cool how the thing rolls like that play the left side now all right we'll do it whoa all right let me see if i get this chunk of quarters to come off here yeah i don't even know where jeff's quarter is anymore oh that's right on the edge oh big oh right on top that's exactly what i didn't want to happen come on baby all right perfect right let's uh let's try the left side wait a minute what's that oh i thought that was jeff's quarter scary stay happy all right come on baby all right come on second wave ah all right that's all right all right so we're staying in there let's load this left side up just quarters under the two dollar bill oh is it really see when it gets on the ah that was dumb when it gets on the right side it's kind of hard sometimes they get lost oh come on oh it gets so close last quarter there's a good one maybe not let me grab some out here paul thank you so much for the donation [Music] oh love it just unsub not sending any donations not cool i would sub send money again if you take this mod crap off i don't know what you're talking about with the mods we uh i do have moderators on here that they uh make sure like there's no profanity or anything like that on there that's i think everyone that's pretty normal thing oh that was a good one [Applause] [Music] all right there we go what did with my face reveal i've uh i think i did a lot of videos with my face in there yes yes thank you so much for glenda i hope all the mothers out there i forgot tomorrow's mother's day happy mother's day to all the mothers out there thank you so much for all the hard work that you do your job is 24 7. all right come on i know if i there's no reason for me not to win this bitcoin this time but if i do win it that's awesome i love the whole concept behind the cryptocurrency and let's see yeah we are in berkeley county west virginia those that keep asking all right that wasn't as exciting thank you so much oh there's a good one is it me or is that 50 going backwards does anybody else notice that 50 looks like it's going the wrong way yeah exactly i hate the right side i hate it i hate it i hate it i don't know what happens in here that that happens that's why it's like a uh uh a washing machine it gets over here then it just starts circling i think this bitcoin right here probably has more of a chance to get than anything paul thank you so much keep it going i will thank you so much we're getting a little bit lower from quarters but we're staying in there hey texas now that's terrible about that 50s going backwards thank you so much you like hearing your name m chef ah come on oh let's go stop there we go thank you so much england appreciate it and we're getting low on quarters all right so look i'm gonna leave this decision up to you all you want me to do one more buy-in just to keep this thing going because this is what we're down to just let me know there's a lot of people in here talking about politics yeah i uh believe i appreciate everybody's that has a voice in politics that's what made this country this country but sometimes this is probably not the best place to to advertise your political beliefs but hey thank you a lot of people have died in this country uh give us the right to vote and things like that to definitely vote but all right so y'all want me to keep going or walk away so babe in the live stream one more time one more time there's a walk away do one more buy-in well i'll tell you what let's let me count up where i'm at here that would probably be easier all right so we have a bitcoin i have to ask mike if you're watching can you tell me in the comments what this is for is it for more slot play or what is it um we got the king right there 500. all right so let's see we got 500 600 uh 680 uh i'm not sure what this is for what would jeff do i like that what would jeff do jeff would probably tell me to play one more time seriously all right so look we're at uh 680 i'm at 550 we'll do one more just one more and then that'll still put me up uh 80 bucks all right one last buy-in and then i promise i'm done after that and look all these donations and everything that you all do this is so i can keep on playing for you all i know if i was up here playing on myself i would definitely tell say walk away but uh so this is gonna be the last buy-in i'm not even sure what i'm gonna go for there's not much in here thank you so much for the donation five dollars thank you so much oh oh oh whoa bitcoin fell off oh man we're getting ready to get a huge fall i've just seen everything cool push up kirk thank you so much you're so close to getting just a major fall here all right that was a pretty good one yeah thank you all everybody that's donated thank you so much that's one of the biggest reasons why i'm keeping him playing if you want while i'm here i can go ahead and have him reset the field and do another small one just do another video that's up to you all or we can just call it the day that's completely up to you all don't do not worry about the donation seriously you watching liking the video that 100 means more to me than anything and somebody stick here to the right side all right come on baby ah oh wrong time hey thank you so much dave norwood thank you so much buddy look how far back that 50 is now it's it's going back home it's done timotheran thank you am i still streaming no i'm not streaming from home i wish oh or you mean i will stream from home uh maybe next week when i can do with little man cause i like having little man with me oh there's a good one oh oh all right so how am i going to give away this new shirt oh by the way those of you all that entered in rafflecopter as soon as i get back home the rafflecopter competition is over with i will announce the winners i forgot all about that joseph thank you so much buddy let's see come on there's a bunch of stuff right on the edge there but i'll see that that uh i'm going to push sorry for those who are just tuning in but you cannot watch this video uploaded you can go back and watch it again paul thank you so much yeah john hold up and do that buddy sorry i'm i'm looking down watching the uh the playing field then i look up everyone files oh man there's already be a big fall all right oh man what is something stuck ah i got trying to keep that out sorry y'all bear with me for one second trying to see if i can all right sweet little persuasion all right bitcoin number two all right let's go to the right side here a little bit play on the left side all right i think you're right i just i want to get that stack of quarters that are getting ready to fall out oh there we go i'm going oh that bitcoin's gonna come off oh we got a good return that time beautiful yeah you're right well what i'm doing now is uh you can't cash in the quarters you've already used so i'm just trying to finish out the quarters that i have maybe i can win this other bitcoin though this is stuff i normally cut out on the videos come on baby tim thank you so much no no this is uh i'm actually streaming from a different setup right now not from my house um my phone doesn't get service up here so we're using mike's setup currently to do this live stream which is a lot more technical than what i thought it was going to be but i'd love to get a coin pusher and put it in my house every time i bring it up you all seem like you're not worried about me doing that but that way i can put out videos all the time come on look like a chip fell really i didn't see one in there remember this is the machine sometimes stuff fits the house too ah there we go that's what i needed play the right oh still falling all right playing the right i see uh no he's not the owner mike is not the owner mike is the uh manager of two of the locations [Music] the owner doesn't even live around here so he's pretty much i mean you could call him the owner i mean he's the one that oversees operations of this part of the business mike's my boy thank you so much luke you missed earlier donation about jeff's coin oh i'm sorry about that the thank you so much oh oh that one on top sorry about that you all oh big bush somebody said mike barrett i know mike barrett mr clark oh second wave [Music] all right all right so i don't have many cords loaded up but i'll try kind of load it up a little bit oh jessica somebody pointed out jess quarters right there maybe that's my new goal get jeff's quarterback i just seen that they took the trip all right come on baby second wave big push maybe not yeah unfortunately i don't have a lot of quarters left where i would load oh there we go there's the ugly quarter yes all right now oh second lady love it jeff's quarters right there right there man all right let's get jeff's quarterback sorry i know this is not quite as entertaining as since i've won stuff early we're going to get jeff jeff's quarterback luke thank you so much the heart of jeff's name of his coin hey i like it the heart of jeff sounds good to me josh is the owner i own the casino i own the uh cruise line you all didn't know i was actually a multi-millionaire i give elon musk to run for his money and i'm gonna name my next kid xyz123 follow e-line that's somebody said do another five hundred dollars buy-in to get just quarterback right it's worth it oh let's go stop oh come on all right hey that sounded was that a bitcoin i feel oh no oh yes i guess oh yes no no bitcoin fell i didn't even see it how do i miss this i also own the moon man how did you all know so i bought the moon a while back look i got a funny story to tell you about that so apparently i don't even know the year i might even want to try to guess but say the 70s 60s there was a big discussion about like ownership of the moon and no one country could own it or something oh big push and some guy from the united states did something where he says he's now the owner of it technically he is supposed to be or was the owner of the moon that's the funniest thing ever well jeff's quarter's gonna be i'm gonna think i'm gonna play oh come one all right why is jeff's quarter not moving ah come on unreal i'm playing left side i'm over right oh man i'm this is objective now you got to be kidding me out of quarters seriously out of quarters ah what to do i want jeff's quarter jeff is probably laughing and frustrated thinking you idiot you can't win one quarter um i will do a video here soon of what i'm up and down and i'm gonna tell you seriously last i checked if you just go with like actual cash value i'm probably down fourteen fifteen hundred dollars and that's that's just about where it is so look i'm uh i don't want to do another buy-in for just quarter that's not going to go anywhere because no one else is playing this thing so uh i don't know let's uh let's see what we've won today all right to start off with we got three bitcoins three more to the competition i'm super excited about that um now i've probably got like 400 entries into it but when you see the coin fobbling sorry i was trying to read it everybody's saying quit i think you're right so we got 100 600 which this was the prize for the day the new beautiful 500 chips as you can see them lined up over there just absolutely amazing so we got that 80 and i'm gonna say this is slot plate did anybody see mike's comment i lost mr clark i don't know if you're saying that like uh like the quarter or in real life yeah uh if you were asking unfortunately about a month ago jeff passed away during a uh somewhat supposed to be like a normal in and out procedure so unfortunately we lost him about a month ago i lost my best friend but he's always with me um this quarter we're talking about was one of our last videos we did together that was his quarter when we raced each other and uh so he's always with us one way or the other so what we have 550 or 600 i think we're at 600 negative everybody remember 600 uh no this isn't a masonic lodge but uh i do go to the masonic lodge um so i think we're 600 yen is that right i can if i reset the field we can do another video but uh i'll have to ask him first to see if he's one stay up here that much longer yes rest rest in peace jeff no this 500 is brand new is absolutely brand new it's uh you'll see it pop up from time to time i think they're honestly they got this for the machine over there that's impossible to win but they put it in here today for me so i'm sure we'll see it pop up anyways i think we're at 600 so we are up 80 bucks better than nothing i'll give this to mike for coming up here but we also got three entries into the bitcoin that's amazing so you all thank you so much um just keep an eye out i might just i'll talk to mike and see if he wants to do another reset but i don't want to push the issue too much but if another video quick video pops up then he's okay with it uh somebody said but saying go to a different machine maybe i can do that i can go to the old bonus hole [Laughter] but uh let's see let's give away this 100k t-shirt to somebody so let's see uh what can i do to get this thing away trying to think man this is hard i hate coming up with competitions uh anybody got any suggestions all right let's do this this is the best way to do it i don't have a pen and paper in here i'll use my cell phone all right so i'm going to do a number here between hold on let me pull up my calculator this is probably the best way to do this i think all right so i'm going to do a number one through 500. first person to get it will win the shirt one to 500 first person to get it will win 100k t-shirt one to 500. thank you so much lisa curtis thank you so much for the donation wonderful wait a minute wait we got a winner already already got a winner hold on let me get scroll up let's see hold on how do i scroll up on this thing dad doing it we have a winner michelle price congratulations you had it oh hold on michelle price the correct number was 420. congratulations you man you are super quick with this that is amazing so michelle price if you're not on my discord um i'll try to put a link to my discord in here get on discord's free go over there uh send me a private message just name your uh address and where you want it sent to but congratulations michelle i don't know how you all got i mean i guess 420 is a pretty common number but this first number that came to my mind so you all thank you so much uh i'll go ask mike real quick if he wants to reset so within the next 20 minutes uh if if i put another video up it's because we did that it had to be a quick one but if not thank you so much for coming over if uh thumbs this video up if you want to see me do more live streams uh up here i've only probably got like another week or two until they open up if you see the setup i have right now there's no way i can do this when business is in operations there's just no way it's just too much stuff but maybe we can do one more i'm trying to get caught up on the comments here but thank you all so much for stopping by really had a big showing tonight i thank you for all the support thank you for all the super chats and the paypal donations and everything that you did congratulations michelle that was a great guess 420. i know they got smokers the first number came to my head uh but you all thank you so much like i said just keep an eye out i might do another short video on one of the other coin pushers here but if not um i'll have another video out i'm probably going to go ahead and record a regular video while i'm here that way i don't have to keep mike um so that will be out here in a couple days thank you so much for all the support thank you so much for everything that you do for me i cannot tell you how much i appreciate each and every one of you all thank you for subscribing to the channel and i might see you here soon but if not thanks for watching alright guys
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 52,871
Rating: 4.896831 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot
Id: AVl_ND6dRzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 19sec (4519 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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