Touched By Grace (2014) | Full Movie | Stacey Bradshaw | Ben Davies | Amber House | Donald Leow

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great guys they're watching a movie they're never gonna hear us John they're catch pass these and Martha caution tape nice work Jay now we're starting to look brain [Laughter] what are you doing get away here help me out these the lat kara is Washington glow-in-the-dark now for the car here you earlier well she is bad where's Sean nevermind nevermind Sean go [Music] come on coward women drivers all right funs over everybody out thanks mom speaking of moms did you see Aaron's mom's face last night together I'm gonna miss you guys so much [Music] I can't believe I'm really moving at least we had one let epic hangout last night was pretty amazing here what is this I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid which half do you want I figured since you were staying here maybe you could have this ends part go on put it on perfect here text me by Kara [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] skaars go much oh come on Tara aren't you excited to see your dad again no I hate that new job it'll be better now after the last six months we'll finally be together again whatever now that you said it should I just forget it what you tell me what do I still aren't those your friends relax mom it's like in line so you need your friends could you cause so much pain closed myself all possible accept all the blame I've heard you say that she's sorry what do I do what believe I was there when you said but do you regret then tell me why do I still grieve [Music] [Applause] you're sorry and I struggle [Music] [Applause] oh sorry you're sorry better [Applause] [Music] my darling here better care beer alright see Kara as long as they are great smoothies around he'll be fine yeah there's nobody here my age I mean look at this place Cole oh that is so disgusting well school be starting soon you'll make tons of new friends yeah there's three weeks three weeks of hell-lo uh home tropic a lot of smoothie please I love the same Brandon will have the right off for you [Applause] did you think he was cute oh stop it come on hook it to noon don't you ask him for a ketchup packet or something hotly submit he was cute fine mom that Brandon guy was cute Thanks I have your drinks and there's anything else I can get you ketchup packet your smoothie yes I like to eat ketchup on its own to bring lots a problem Brandon is it yeah you wouldn't happen to be a high school senior would you my daughter Cara is a high school senior he's single senior I am actually I'm gonna be a senior at Greenbrier this fall really Cara is also going to Greenbrier but she just transferred in I'm sure she'd love to have someone to show her around the school she's no problem I'll definitely keep an eye for you care what what Care Bear he's a very cute boy who happens to be about your age and he just happens to go to your school I just want to crawl under a rock and die don't ever do that again I make no promises um you know why don't we just finish our smoothies in the car where are we the Special Olympics or something surprise hey oh hey I got it here thank you thank you no problem hey what about your ketchup forget about it catch I scream [Music] I care here I love you let me - dad yeah be good girl okay there is Brad in the pantry for sandwiches and there's the ton of snacks there's a park down the street in case you want to go and sketch or take some pictures or something if you leave the house please make sure you have your cell phone on you don't want any creepers getting you okay mom so if I see any creepers I'll send you a picture call me anything I've got it mom if any guy in a pimp man offers me candy I'll hop in and go with him to his cab okay stranger danger is very real okay now feed the fish Maddie I have texted you like a billion times so call me or message me or text me or something I miss you [Music] [Music] hello hold on let me turn down the music hey what's up Chris it's me Kara hello Chris can you hear me it's Kara I'm not here right now [Music] hey what's up it's Maddy I have my phone with me but I'm avoiding someone I don't like and if I don't call back it's you Madison Alex and Ricardo this is so stupid call me back though this is the last time you will ever hear from me again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi hi you he'll make you remember then yeah I did I'm grace British young nice to meet you great I'm Kara all right Tamara Thanks I take photos I'm not artists oh really that's cool I'm an art too kind of I have art to you at my house do you want to come over no that's okay I got to go home now it's nice meeting you actually I can't ask my mom if you come over no really it's okay take care can I ask you a question sure are you but his girlfriend what no why do you ask do you want to be Brenda's girlfriend if you do I can totally hook you up I'm a matchmaker you are are you how do you know Brandon he's my friend in school huh not your friend you do I felt that people like you I mean that's great I'm new here so I don't have any friends yet are you going to the grand bar they have one friend you're right grace I do thank you for the way you make a feeling rolling through my heart like a ferris wheel thank you for pretty little laughing heart thank you thank you for the way you make your light shine in seen the shadows in the back of my mind thank you for the children the love I found thank you aha let there be love there is me all the water flow together through the other and gathered you please thank you for the way me the showers father liked it on the fastest I was good thank you for creating and sustaining you know thank you [Music] so what did you do today oh you know art stuff hanging out been chilling a lot with the girl named grace and that boy Brandon Jarvis hey are you the new family that just moved in over on poplar I'm Quinn I live on poplar - Cara and what you're like a senior right yeah listen it is a plastic okay uh no paper actually you know what never mind I'll just do it myself move out of the way dummy she said she wanted to do it herself okay okay that's Ben just ignore him he's a part of our retardation outreach program is it just me or are those people everywhere around here oh they're everywhere all right anyways Cara give me your phone I'll put my number in it she's mine she's named your girl and bye see I told you you'd find some cool new friends around here so tell me more about Brandon mom okay what about your friend grace she pretty she nice she funny she oh that's is a oh my gosh well anyway you should at least have her over for dinner sometime or something Tom that is so olden times let's just get the stuff to the car and get home before dad does what what are they hey where's grace today I don't know well let me know if you need anything care oh my goodness do you know him Florida I come here a lot you've been here for a while like what two weeks and he already knows your name he's like only the most ripped guy Greenbrier I'm totally nice gonna answer that no it's nothing important so did you get your schedule yeah I just did cool cool Oh stockin Berg samesies she is the worst but at least we can survive it together good ap art are you crazy I like are sketching Photography means that sort of thing you mean you take it for fun Schuyler I have been waiting forever Quinny heard this Kiera she just moved here a few weeks ago so what are you two like besties now oh no I don't know we just met but Quinn has been telling me all about you apparently you've been really busy every year I set goals for myself and the spring it was what was it Quinn Sterns school play land a recording contract and becomes student body president you did all that in just one year and she even helped me become student body secretary shoot for the moon land among the stars but this year senior year I just had even bigger goals than ever before if I'm gonna make my mark on the universe well start by conquering my own high school first starting with going number one the reason why we are here today I want to get a homecoming date with Brad Michaels what about Ken ah I'm done with him easy Quinn Jim your tray excuse me mustard [Music] Oh guys no no wait excuse me Brad is it my friend Skylar stray is dirty what is your new one no look at it [Music] what do you think it works every time you know new girl I think the mare like you after all we sell a lot to learn [Music] [Music] hey young wife tonight 747 clubs tonight see they're young like tonight 747 [Music] first of all there's only one way and one way only into the end crowd and you're looking at her secondly if you want to get in with me well you're gonna want to stay on my good side that homecoming thing you did that was a great start up tonight 7:47 you coming I don't know I don't know anything about it you'll never know until you try certainly you're still there right now that if I don't go to something it's puzzling goal number one get a homecoming date with Brad Michaels captain of the football team Jack thanks to you whole number to become homecoming queen so obvious threesome sounds doable goal number three a lot the biggest baddest senior prank and the history of iron my last year our junior class float was just Apple to Skyler organized a group of guys who trashed the freshman and sophomore floats and made it look like the seniors did it they got in so much trouble and Skyler even had to give an address to the student body about the dangers of bullying and pranking I mean it was epic we did something like that last year there was this kid that nobody liked and so we ran this big campaign to get invited into the talent competition once he got in we rigged the votes made him the winner and then taught him this ridiculous victory dance routine we made him look like such a fool in front of the entire school it was the funniest thing ever hey Quinn I like this tip that's like that is genius tell you what if you help me pull off the rest of my goals I'll make sure you have the best of all semester of your life un [Music] [Applause] [Music] but the flood said the rapes gonna wash you out because of cardboard house ain't gonna keep you warm you better build on the rock and no weather the storm because it's on the loose yes coming down you better build your house on solid [Music] we brightest give it to Kara she's art nerd what is this [Laughter] [Laughter] Adam what are you doing you know I don't even want to know go over there sit down right now okay class settle down as you know today is a day when we nominate one girl for the homecoming court once the court is chosen the entire school selects the homecoming queen do any of you have any nominations I'm going to take two and at the end we're going to vote for one hope that's not too hard for you any nominations uh nominate my homecoming date Skylar girlfriend maja girlfriend Skylar sucker okay does anyone second Skylar's nomination all right we have one nomination does anyone else want to make a nomination this morning yes Quinn I would like to nominate grace young I think that having a student like grace on our homecoming court would be a positive statement to our school community about the importance of acceptance tolerance and diversity Quinn that's a beautiful idea does someone want a second Grace's nomination great [Music] this guy was a jerk both for grace spread the word [Music] okay if everyone could write for their pieces of paper make your choices that pass them forward remember your vote is anonymous [Music] [Music] thank you thank [Music] oh wow okay then our class nominee to the homecoming court is Grace young [Music] okay guys you know the drill we need to create some really rockin homecoming posters and decorations so let's get to work didn't miss this a just say rockin so let me guess your class nominated together bring it you're an idiot what did I say it's kind of got the out bye girl dude don't say it like that she's got a name and calling some is not okay fine Skylar and Queen nominated grace so that Skylar would win and it backfired big time grace is on the homecoming court yeah now instead of taking the homecoming queen I'm stuck taking drama queen yeah she's definitely a definition of a DQ and you knew that for you asked her out she asked me and she's hot so speaking of hot who are you taking you better get on that if you want to be part of our group yeah I was think about asking Keira Keira I'm pretty sure she's taken really why wouldn't she be she's smoking I trade care for Skylar any day it's hot without the issues know what kind of shoes do girls wear issues coming [Music] dad 17 years and you're still falling for that trick this came for you today format it [Applause] I'm so sorry Kara you know I knew it was over I just I just didn't want to admit it hey forget about the Madison's of the world all right focus on the friends who love you for you okay [Music] yeah hey Dorai it's great to see you we haven't seen much of you around since school started oh well you know I've been busy with classes and stuff but it's great to see you here today we were just getting ready to leave but I know grace would love to stay and catch up with you I know maybe grace could stay a while and you two could walk home together and have some girl time and I'll run a few quick errands oh sure thank you thank you okay okay grace I'm excited too well thank you Cara this is wonderful well you girls enjoy yourselves now so would you hear that our class nominated you is homecoming princess a princess me I go to a homecoming of course it's the dance for the whole school do you dance oh I love to dance I'm a great singer to like make an idol oh you are and inside youth group with Brendon - me bust a move sure bust me your best move okay Beyonce I did it you can bust a move tell me about this young life I keep hearing about it and I was wondering what it was it's for anyone who's in high school so much fun we dance with sauce we have pizza parties in for Wednesday's your life is going to have pizza party at my house I'm the special speaker they let you be the speaker I shouldn't that be the priest or whatever it's called I'm just a man test morning what's that my story about how Jesus came into my heart and changed my whole life you should come if you come see him my testimony and meet all my friends well I'll probably be too busy with homework or something you really should come you know it's awesome hey grace funny really like what Bessie GQ searches and sweat I thought you're supposed to be working yep she lucky day no my shift just ended stuff don't worry about the smoothies they're on the house I'm a pumpkin princess but I don't have anyone to go with no I'm sure someone will ask you know they won't know it has ever extra into homecoming [Music] okay sorry we're gonna fishes alright get your meds hey Gracie right okay with you okay princess grace you want a smoothie What's Wrong huh you say you stop crying if I give you a date you know hey grace grace if you are Tom stop crying and take your meds me and Carol get you there Tom coming for me yeah homecoming dance to Fridays from now but you have to stop crying and promise to take your meds here you can have my smoothie curse cross my heart promise why did you promise her that we're in the road you're gonna find a date for grace what I know just the guy [Music] hey Ben Ben Ben buddy could you I can you stop for a sec readathon I'm Brandon I've heard the Sun man I know I know I'm old but uh I need your love advice it's the doctor in hold on let me get my cane the doctor of love is in well there's this is this new girl at school is he hot yeah is she nice I think so if he uh you know his fan you know I don't know how to ask her but uh she probably is yes who's not a Beatles fan right anyway she doesn't have a date for homecoming yet and she's friends with Grace who would be a perfect day for you what about Elvis then do you want to go with me or not does it great no L oh dude who cares that you've seen Grace's dancing skills right you know she can bust a move that's sure she can but um move yes will you help me out we'll need balloons and stickers stickers where are you going with that buddy trust me Brandon I am a doctor of love that's true and chocolate I hear the ladies love chocolate they do so if we get balloons stickers and lots of chocolate do you think love a chance maybe but you'll need a gorilla a gorilla [Music] this hot in the hair Brandon yeah well this was your idea well doctor it's not doctor um no right hey wicker came just to see you right what's this all about I don't get it well apparently Kara can read well grace can help her out Chris yes hey this Monday thank you that's you sure is now read the other side come to fight okay so for us over here is that something you can spin you scheduled grace what about you Kara oh my gosh you totally have to say yes this is so romantic faster mark you thank you so much for getting everybody to come out a problem man hey it's gonna be amazing hey you have the two special balloons just gonna love it these are perfect I'll go in the bed they're coming going on Wow it seems like Karen grace have a lot of friends here who want to tell them how much they love and appreciate them and two special friends in particular grace do you still not have a date to homecoming and Cara here you're still an unclaimed treasure too right well there are two handsome dudes here who want to take you but to find out you and all your friends you got to pop all these balloons it's inside one of them is a special message just for you you ready start popping alright everyone let's help these ladies pop these balloons on your mark get set go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] they didn't find the message no but no one really that's strange maybe that's because there's two balloons to left [Music] who's that Oh special balloons for carrying grace okay I got a buddy well as you know guerrillas can't talk but that doesn't mean they can't write poetry and this girl is so smart that he came up with this whole idea and wrote this poem just for you guys all by himself so mm-hmm dear great Sin Cara we love your smiles we think you're great will you please be our homecoming dates love Brandon and Ben [Music] I think you are good to Ben thank you this would be the best Hong Kong date ever Thank You Cara will you go to homecoming with me of course [Music] you did it you got me a homecoming date I love you Kara you're the best fun ever I can't wait to be your group [Music] that was so much fun yeah you were awesome in there you know it takes a special person to look beyond the outside see people with disabilities as friends or equals your natural not really the way you in grazing out together I think that's amazing most girls are too busy thinking about themselves to care about others but not you when I saw that I knew you were special seriously I'm really not that nice of a person I don't believe that back home where I'm from I kind of have a different reputation my friends and I used to play really really mean pranks on people even people who couldn't do anything to change the way they were right grace [Music] well that's not the person that I've seen people can change I hope [Music] so I have something I need to tell you guys but promise you won't get mad anything anything right Quinn well the good news is that Brandon asked me to homecoming that's awesome but we kind of did something really dumb are you pregnant no seriously I'm not pregnant it's not that kind of dumb well you know grace you mean the girl we all accidentally nominated a homecoming court yeah I know grace well wouldn't Brandon asked me to homecoming he was with that guy that works with you what did you do i well Brandon he uh he had been asked us out together so no grace is kind of in our homecoming group he did what yeah I know I told you it was dumb I think race is rubbing off on you look it was like this whole big romantic surprise thing in front of half the school I didn't really have a choice I mean you saw the gorilla right everyone saw the gorilla that was pretty cute no no way I don't care how cute it was do we look like the make-a-wish Foundation to you I'm not riding on a short bus to homecoming eglise only to TD he's not deaf you idiot she's a like this so messed up you guys forget it she won't remember yes she will she has a real person with real feelings you know she's not coming let's just dish them both former group problem solved Kent Brad and Brandon are like between brothers from different mothers if Brandon isn't in our group you'll lose her t2 fine Cara you win that can both come be in our group what relax Quinn Kara's right it'll be totally fine [Music] hey Brad Brandon because you guys get just more glue and tape we're totally out again and glitter pretty please yeah sure it's actually pretty cool care to draw these up for us I know right I kind of feel bad about what we're about to do really no I mean who does she think she is ruining my entire senior year she's here for like what two days and changes up the entire group and now we're going with not just one but two retards and her homecoming group it's humiliating and she should know better well even if you can't be queen doesn't mean you still can't pull off the biggest step that is prank in the history of room for error and we will did you make the Flyers and I convinced mrs. a that senior class secretary should be in charge of telling the homecoming roads perfect and the best part is carosone prankin she won't even see it coming vote for grace crazy young for homecoming queen but with your heart please dance for homecoming great snack for homecoming queen for though with your heart grace young for homecoming what is this if Skylar can't win we'll make sure girl society I mean she's at our homecoming group right I don't know seriously Cara weren't you the one saying that grace was a real person with real feelings I mean what girl wouldn't want to be homecoming queen over here he'll stay here and pass up flyers Quinn and I are gonna work the breakfast cards the cafeteria vote for grace but for my friend grace for homecoming Beaufort great but for my friend grace hey what is this well it seems like a nice thing to do I mean grace has never been to a dance before and like Skylar said what girl doesn't want to be homecoming queen I don't trust the gallery to help she wants to be a part of this idea but I mean why shouldn't people vote for grace okay it's not some typical scholar plot that'll help so it's a great vote for grace that's a great sign for homecoming but Farfan grades hey hey [Music] we need to finish she's insisting on butterfly wings I've never seen her so excited in my entire life butterfly wings might be a bit much I dare you to tell her that come in come in now don't mind all that medical stuff grace sometimes has a hard time breathing which can be dangerous because like a lot of people with Down syndrome she has a heart defect we're not gonna worry about that we're gonna take good care of the one God gave us until we get a new one right grace okay grace you are gonna sit here and Cara is gonna do your makeup thank you this means more to me and grace well grace what are your favorite colors I want to know can I give birth i princess a butterfly princess huh well maybe we can give you some extra long eyelashes or something no I want to look like birth I process with pink and gold and green I get my book princess Wow see what I can do [Music] there now let me take your picture [Music] so why are butterflies so important to you I know them see Nick over there it's my second project for my supposed to talking to Wednesday's your secret project remember pizza party at my house is set for Sophia oh right those aren't butterflies they look like brown hairy worms no it's just like at first that's the outside if you are very very patient you'll see inside is a beautiful Purefoy and that's again tell my friends about at the piece of party well grace there you are and tonight you won't be hidden at all everyone will be able to see what a beautiful butterfly you really are girls come on let's go outside so we can get your pictures taken [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] back friends forever [Music] okay [Music] what that's great your artist friend yeah I just thought I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] on you and me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] even for that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for everything you're being so nice to me and making me feel at home brings me here are you kidding you're awesome and hey I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd meet someone as beautiful inside and out as you want [Music] good evening rain fryer hi it's the moment we've all been waiting for oh I forgot I wanted me to help her insane run the introduction of our homecoming court and the official coronation of this year's Greenbrier high school homecoming queen our first senior class princess is everybody's breath of fresh air and voted this year's best violet Greenbrier hi miss Tanisha Ryan a nation is escorted by the handsome and talented Christiane Williams one of the standout all-stars of our football team our next princess is always friendly and welcoming to everyone she meets please help me welcome Little Miss Sunshine sherilee [Applause] [Music] been dating since seventh grade our third princess and her escort please welcome miss Katie Mackenzie and Colt Kincaid [Applause] okay everybody we saved the best princess for last she's beautiful super smart and we hear very talented please welcome grace young escorted by none other than Prince Charming himself Ben powers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] greenbriar hi by a landslide boat your homecoming queen is great today can now be crowned by last year's homecoming queen and Baker and [Applause] [Music] take a bound grace now everybody knows that grace is an amazing singer in fact I think that everyone in the school needs to hear would it stop now you can't do this ray would you please think for us your most favorite song I think your date in here has offered to accompany you on his guitar [Music] go on sing for us Queen grace just like American Idol [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] what did I do things your idea [Music] kara kara what was that what's the matter with you how could how could anyone do that to another human being you said you change no no I'm sure Quintus has plenty to do with it you can't play innocent your class nominate her for homecoming and then you staged that whole campaign to get her to be queen and didn't you bring her onstage to see so everyone could have a good laugh I mean how can you know no what if I keep talking to you I'm gonna say something I'm gonna regret leave me alone and stay away from me and my brother [Music] running rings around the nose [Music] the children say of the sadness life exposes in perfect rhyme in perfect time they tumble to the ground it's just a game just the same [Music] we all fall down we all fall down we all fall [Music] now I am in black [Music] you're the time [Music] that holds my memory deep inside swept away the sea turns gray yes make no sound you know I just spoken up [Music] Tara have a tissue [Music] we're all gonna be a little late today we have got quite a large mess to clean up mrs. Harris yes I'm Sharon Jarvis we met yes the other night homecoming pictures and the limo right we need to talk to you about Skylar well come on in what are you doing here the girls we we wanted to apologize to you and to grace we we brought roses from SGA and balloons them Kerry said that grace likes roses and balloons we're really sorry mrs. young why don't you give me the roses and you go back home can we see her this is the intensive care unit family only ICU I thought it was just an asthma attack no it's much more serious than that grace has needed a new heart for a long long time and we were hoping it would last a little longer but her old heart is giving out and we still haven't found a donor mrs. young you should know that Kara really does care about grace I I didn't I mean I wouldn't she's my friend friend you call yourself a friend after what you did to her Schuyler has something to tell you because Almighty okay had nothing to do with I never wanted to hurt grace you have to believe me whether I believe you or not doesn't matter you did hurt her all of you I'm so so sorry here I have to explain everything to grace I have to make this right just one second please I think you've done enough can I just give her the roses and balloons this is young and you really need to make things right here fine you can see her but Kara if you do anything anything to hurt my baby girl I won't I won't I promise it's room 233 [Music] [Music] grace it's me Kara uh Karen wishes so much I brought you ghosts and balloons I don't know them in their love you you're the best friend ever thanks for the point assuming any butterflies yet yeah but soon they're sleeping yeah yes if they went up before I get other Hospital we'd give my tongue for me my took everyone by the fire fire grace don't talk like that you'll be out of here soon Brendan said that it was the people for an event me every homecoming queen sure but he said I won because my friends for differently I'm a terrible friend I'm so sorry everyone left at you crease that wasn't supposed to happen okay no it's not okay no one should ever be made fun of for being the way they are can you ever forgive me I'm your friend that's my defense to Jesus forgave me so of course I forgive you don't quite care you offer give it everything is all better now don't my promise cross my heart your grace something I should have given to you a long time ago because here was the first real friend I've ever happened see it matches mine and it says but when you put the two pieces together because that is what you are you're the best friend no great you're the best friend ever oh just in time maybe you are you waiting for me there sitting in your golden chair the gates be open wide when I crossed that graded by is there room there at the end for those who recognize their sin liason Dover once I scale that fine [Music] race eludes me the path is for this heart has turned to stone [Music] I've questioned destiny lies ahead is hard to see except for new Grace had so many friends is the trip for those well the blind be shown internationally-renowned nurse and journalist Claire Rayner once stated that the hard facts are that it is costly in terms of human effort compassion energy and finite resources such as money to care for individuals with handicaps people who are not yet parents should ask themselves if they have the right to inflict such burdens on others however willing they are themselves to take their share of the burden in the beginning this philosophy has been echoed throughout most so-called advanced civilizations in fact because of this philosophy over 90% of down syndrome babies are aborted before they ever have a chance to take a breath but we are here today because we believe in the words the first Corinthians 1:27 that God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise God shows the weak things of this world to shame the strong and we are here because one of the weak things one of the least in this world grace Elizabeth young touched our lives with the brightness of her strength and changed our lives forever with the light of Jesus shining in her smile let's pray [Music] [Music] kara kara hold on just one second I have something to give you hold on great I wanted you to have these but I was very concerned about them then she said you would know what to do I have buried her in the other half of that necklace I hope that's okay okay Yura pizza party tonight 7:47 grace Young's house you coming I don't know you'll never know until you try maybe we'll see [Music] I'm gonna do my homework mom I'm good [Music] [Music] grace [Music] mom what time is it 7:45 fish why Kara where are you going don't worry mom I'm just going to Grace's house I'll be back in less than an hour there's something I've got to do [Music] I'm so glad you could make it I didn't know that so many people from school came out to this yeah it's so much fun and everybody's so nice just wait you'll love it ok guys we're gonna go ahead and get started as some of you know grace was supposed to give her testimony tonight but I thought may I say something it's about grace is something she asked me to do I I know I'm new here and all of you think that everything I did at homecoming was meant to hurt grace but actually grace was a real true friend to me before she before she died all grace could talk about was her friends here at young life and as much as she was looking forward to him coming I think she was looking forward to having you all here in her house most of all I I hadn't come to young life before tonight because well I was afraid of what a few people thought of me but I was wrong I was looking for the wrong kind of friendship when grace kept trying to show me and tell me what true friendship should look like all along these are Grace's butterflies when I first looked at them all I could see was how brown and ugly and hairy they were but grace didn't see them that way she knew that if you only look at what something looks like on the outside you can miss the true beauty on the inside I'm really sorry for not seeing the world to Grace's eyes through God's eyes I guess [Music] I'm the ugly caterpillar and grace is the butterfly and I sure hope that one day you can see that my heart is different now because grace showed me but true forgiveness looks like what your friendship looks like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh can't you see that I'm not like the others the skinny jeans died tops like the others long wings from answer you just be a garbage blond hair dark skin by putting pickles all around me not please like this can defeat my run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ow [Music] [Applause] did you know I pretty popular [Music] can't you see they're far from perfect when names those things ever bit me diamond rings on my hands you'll never see not therefore a place like this [Music] my life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 865,969
Rating: 4.7980671 out of 5
Keywords: Touched By Grace, Full Movie, Stacey Bradshaw, Ben Davies, Amber House, Donald Leow, Chris Craddock, Katherine R. Craddock, Christian Movies, Touched By Grace Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies, Touched By Grace - Full Movie, Blakely Bunnell, Sara Cicilian, Carson Cash
Id: 5FFoURg1Y6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 35sec (5735 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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