Home Sweet Home Game Stream! πŸŽƒHome Sweet Home Live for Hallowstream on Outside Xbox πŸŽƒ

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[Music] hello cheers love Cavalry's here happy Halloween Christmas who is this who is this sitting next to me well as you well know Mike I am a tracer off of the overwatch I'm not Mike I'm sorry minecraft Steve hello happy Halloween everyone yes today let us know how you're doing let us know what you're up to yeah let us know what you're dressed as this is the result of some fairly hurried costume purchasing this morning okay I think you agree it's gone well yeah and these are definitely not children's outfits that we've squeezed ourselves in to tell people that they're large for large children this is absolutely what minecraft Steve looks like really the thing about Minecraft is a lot of curves and weird textures and I think tracer always needed the beard yeah so we are playing a game called home sweet home I'm gonna have to take this mask off at some point but not just yet so I've got to fight it says I got to find a way home I'm in a house okay I guess well you already know so far so objective completely I would say I'm just gonna yeah let us know what you think of the costumes as well crawl under a table oh no okay how do I use it uh that's a good question Andy I've literally no idea what the buttons are let me use my flashlight game you coward find a way home usable items not a flashlight all right good if you get spooked you can just hold that notepad up and it probably pauses the game history that's good safety oh there we go stuff safety Crouch so where are you at the wound are you in a screen house just a house it looks how see her off oh no I hate say Andy but I'm getting extreme PT vibes already why would I feel like probably there's a Lisa chasing your aunt you did a little cough I think okay okay safety Crouch lots of people are surprised surprised by what we look like I'm pretty loud as well apparently I've got um I've got a microphone inside this that's true I guess it's amplifying it's resonating try and talk quietly in today what are people saying let's have a look oh okay so Achilles Punk says yay finally made it to a livestream resting after a trip to A&E yesterday well a little cellulitis crikey that sounds bad don't need the costume today my face looks horrible enough oh well feel better soon and I hope your face recovers terrible I can hear a buzzing noise can you hear a buzzing noise oh my god definitely a spook Matthew Parker donates in says hey guys where we gonna fall asleep during the stream gonna wait the last 36 hours so I'm paying wedgies now hashtag keep Andy spooked thank you I think I think of all the holo streams this is the one that's gonna spook and be the most that crosses me remember hey welcome McCann says withdrawn from University to semester due to a shoulder injury also blade said happy birthday to my friend Samantha in Wakefield who introduced me to ox Boggs a few years back hello Samantha in Wakefield do you speak Thai Mike no I'm a bit rusty probably wise I grew up in a place called Wakefield it's probably the same one probably the same maybe the same one although it's us $10 so okay it might be wakeful tonight there's a wake there's a weight field near Boston really yeah okay I've been to it busted in Lincoln [ __ ] right I all make sense right well there was some spooky sounding stuff on the radio and yes we could use paper what someone saying hey you find a girl to ask for an exit owns oh dear rose six one seven says okay Mike's costume is amazing happy Halloween guys much love this is genuinely a child's Minecraft that gets stretched so badly over my adult form Tom to drinkin is back and says happy Halloween you guys are great Thank You Tommy thankful for your support watching this oh look it's all gone red hit it not working press it smash in case does ghosts turn on the sprinklers it seems red down this you should bring it on there to hell in the red basement to hell ah Innokin Wakefield in West Yorkshire yeah that's right grow up wait full of moisture good Ellery J says shout out to everyone drue chatter to everyone doing National Novel Writing Month you can do it yes none no no right now starts tomorrow good luck good luck and don't be disheartened don't don't I think the thing with NaNoWriMo is don't go into it thinking while it's an impossible thing to completely write a novel in a month start writing and and by the end of the month even if you haven't written an entire novel you'll have got somewhere right that's the point sad about white says we can crouch if we want to we can leave our fears behind it's really difficult to read these comments with this kind of mesh screen in this mask I've been a yellow tent wearing yellow visor yeah everything everything's so amazingly yellow it's like that Coldplay song about everything was all yellow oh dear she seems fine oh yeah it's supposed to do that because I've decapitated Steve I'm gonna put his head here okay no okay so this is like they're actually chasing you are they hey ghost come back Orin solace says my partner I got married today watching the stream from our hotel you please give a wedding shout-out to Dan and Susan Campbell much love congratulations Dan and Susan Campbell married that's not all that's nice oh it's bricks up she walked through here and it made it you could go through - it's not I mean I don't want to I would have closed this door just live in the wall well I feel bad for her that that head rotation thing seems bad norson says happy Luigi's Mansion day yeah yeah are you finally allowed to talk about whether Luigi's Mansion is good or not I don't know actually only son Silva says that was Buddhist chanting it's not spooky to us I mean yes I agree what's your position on Buddhist head rotation yeah I think anything chanted in a low tone yeah that is it's kind of spooky Clinton Stein is using their emoji that they have as a member they've got our faces time for work and then a kiss I still owe one sadly to cut a promo for his bout against home sweet home no a lot of homes talking a lot of garbage what's that what is that some weird noises is it the rope no it's not oh right sorry right just pin it spinster all the ghosts all right I can pinch open things now from there is she I don't know that's why spooky portals I was implying the Buddhist charity is inherently spooky I'm just anything at this point Kali Gosling says happy Halloween had a snow day today so getting to enjoy the stream misery whether it's truly chaotic evil love you guys and keep Andy Andy is being spooked to bits right now spooked right ugly skin John shop and says today's today and I hope you're prepared everything has led up to this I think our level of preparation is visible in the in the outfits we've got these were planned yeah I did have a better Halloween costume planned but parts didn't arrive in time yes I was also gonna do one but I didn't buy any parts in time as well so I was still in the UK yes in Felix Aurora says hollow stream with the decapitated decapitated head of a beloved character on the table yeah Sookie is that delightfully seasonal happy Halloween guys alec Fox says looking good guys got my first customer for years ready to remake Claire that's so good one nothing will ever beat my soleko costume happy Halloween and then a heart the pumpkin yeah kenji tears happy Halloween guys great costumes also Jane wanted us to tell you she has andis safety beanie so he's in danger oh no taking the day Tracy doesn't wear a safety beanie mrs. DaSilva says okay head rotation was very unbiased like probably just rats I do not blame you in the slightest and then wait out the stream here how long we got probably another hour and 20 minutes I'd say cool so how's everyone well we're not being actively spooked it's worth mentioning that so we're this like YouTube creator summit sing and they so we were streaming yesterday and we're very surprised by some like stickers appearing yes so now apparently you have the option to like put stickers in chat it's yes it's like a super chat thing but instead of oh yeah and there's a bunch of different designs one of one of those designs light is only available to like people who are here right now so right look after that it's kind of like a pixelated sort of game Karen it's designed by somebody worked on Rick and Morty and a bench time yes and yeah like I don't know have a look around if you want to put some fun stickers they are there apparently yeah but we were we were streaming before they'd even announced it to us and the stickers started appearing we were like what in the Jebus is going on so yeah new YouTube thing like debuting right now these fall says Happy Halloween have you guys been able to do any festive spook filled activities this year outside of your work scheduled scaring of Andy I watched a movie on the yeah I'm enormous we're flying back tonight on Halloween night so I'm gonna watch some speaking the plane I think low my phone up see what they've got going on the plane oh my god I need to find something to break the thing what about your pincers no I need like a crow crowbar or something a pry bar okay I haven't see what we can find oh this is cool can't stop the bees is going to Halloween is the tightrope walker from the stretching room in the haunted mansion months don't have Twitter or Instagram but had to tell Andy happy Halloween oh man I'm Guster that we're not gonna get to see what this that's really cool I think they sell like a replica dress in the address shopping that's pretty people the best Halloween costumes the ones you have to constantly explain to everyone oh yeah exactly yeah like this one obviously now they're taking the head off it's not really clear who or what I am other than a man in a very ill-fitting Charles cost but there's there's the crowbar need what will happen is you'll grab the crowbar and someone will get you all right that's what I would do if I was making this case don't get me I hear footsteps I hear footsteps oh oh flick knife oh we've all had nights like that overindulged at the Halloween party we've all been there no oh dear Oh Andy Kieser a dark light is a new member welcome welcome aesthetic phonetic says happy Samhain I mean am i pronouncing that right it sounds like someone's name Samhain who's this Sam hey oh okay we've got a lot of people fooling around with a stickers let's let's all right let's do in Austin first norse and says hey traitors does all the yellow increase the fear yes yeah well that's a bit like yeah those night driving glasses they used to get is it like your eyes started to adjust to it I've started to go partially blind okay if that helps I mean that's an adjustment of some sort yes we've got lots of stickers now lead loz garlic every face we really like look and I think that's the exclusive one right that little bit yes axilla the little kind of lozenge-shaped gamecontroller guy is our like exclusive one says axilla says GG he game sure des says watching this for doing some last-minute Halloween decoration crafting donating for the fantastic costumes I mean I mean Oh fantastic is such a strong word yeah yeah I mean that picked yeah Annabelle Annabelle yeah all there were loads of kids costume was left over but all the adult costumes were gone but we thought it'd be funny to just try and squeeze into these Craig B is listening at work while dressed as agent 47 oh cool which is a great Halloween costume unless you work at the ICA yeah oh there's that snake no pipe or something that's some Thai stuff cool yeah if you work in it like a bank and you're dressed as agent 47 yeah and probably display just to speak you look yeah a bank person is Innokin 2008 donates and says wait for it wait for it it's like a little sticker that's wait what's gonna happen under face paint says good luck little good luck sticker and a j XS j s also dates and has like a it's like that little game controller but with us with a broken arm what happened right maybe switch threw him across the room in fright what's the description hugging dolls wrapped with the holy through Oh Isabelle Robson so sorry caustic grandma it's currently setting a practice with my first-ever band that's amazing but here have some money to buy plenty of candy with okay cool that's cool they being in a band is good yes hurry jinx is a spell that could forcibly make people fall in love hmm no two dolls died having a hugging pose tied up create two dolls from graveyard clay and something that belongs to your target inside one of the dolls to be either nails or hairs I think yeah this seems bad yeah do you think that ghost lady had a lecture really jinx put on her maybe yeah maybe I'd be furious kill me about it getting this locker safety all right that's a rebel this lockers here in case she turns out yeah it's more obstinate then ate some candy money as well thank you very much Chris McGuire says Halloween's my favorite because I'm red green colorblind in the origins of oranges and purples blow my mind oh dear is it coming oh it's screaming oh it's angry oh my god it's real angry this is really good it's like it's an alien isolation type vibe hiding in lockers from a screeching Maria Peterson says thanks playing horror games so I absolutely don't have to have a great Halloween hashtag keep Andy safe Zach Ross has always led to support you all good welcome to costumes and Mike without the head can double as a strangely swole shaggy I can see yeah I can see it can you do it shaggy impression oh wait Scoob as far as getting a like a manager my throat is already shredded whoa swing swing swing Scoob yeah guilty missed answer is a new member welcome enjoy your emoji Thank You Manica Brock has done a little nope sticker yeah is that gonna troll around yeah get in there mm Jesus play with stickers like a little celebratory thing a tiny fire crown says watching this while trying to plan a spooky D&D game hoping to get some inspiration law happy Halloween well if your spooky demian game is happening at the weekend are we doing spooky d spooky D&D is the second one it's the second one there will be some spooky d coming up probably on outside extra yes that late for your inspo but photo arms arms arms coming through the walls have a bad time angel beat wants to know how comfortable our costumes are Oh mine's very snug but it feels like I've been given a hug so the leggings are actually very comfortable hmm can see why Tracy Wesson don't know do they offer good wall running mobility or teleporting mobility in the world how old Tracy does she can rewind time I bet swag as well as well I know yeah may I didn't even know the soldier 76 could heal so yeah expected me to know anything about what Tracy can do racist kids good DPS character what that sounds good whatever that means I know what DPS means I'm not a total noob go get okay oh no wait wait what music oh dear I think maybe she saw your flashlight shy behind her sleepy Susie is back in the chats hey guys happy Halloween good luck that speaks thank you Susie and thanks for joining us for all the holo streams sf7 says I know you guys wouldn't get real tattoo yes but have you heard of Inbox they sell temporary tattoos but they last longer and look more real okay I'm not heard of that I think running alerts her fair enough make sense but maybe also the light does because I Keizer a dark light says hey playing flat for him watching you guys becomes because I haven't slept in two days low oh wow maybe have some sleep I hope you get some rest too yeah okay I could I could use tracer right now let me tell you rewind back to time when you were being spooked can you hear the footsteps yeah right yeah got that binaural audio yeah I'll just see where she goes weird clicking is that her like doing the Stanley knife in and out or is that her baking the grudge just be cool all right just be cool be cool spook lady be cool sneak past stealthy like into the bathroom well I love about bathrooms is there normally like total dead ends and completely sealed in I could get out fire a toilet paper you just posted yourself through like Mario oh wait now it's not the time to be reading anything which would after blamed I can hear footsteps and E so tannic evidence I'm really newspapers rules oh wait it's in real time yes yes okay so there's been some witchcraft mistakes were made yes get in the toilet piping poor Miguel says I see there's no tracer left of Andy yeah yes I'm back from the dead with my puns Penrod Pinterest says quickly for the spook em defund time is running out also I just beat blood-borne five minutes ago well so my halloween is less spooky more rejoiceful yeah I hope the same will not be true for Andy yes I keep Andy sweets congratulations on finishing blood-borne that is intense but what a wonderful game to be playing oh dear slap too nice to be the head I died of it like a slap well man I probably shouldn't have run directly into it holding a torch okay oh oh you peek well thanks for the wait right trigger right hold right trigger and peek see okay doesn't seem that useful but that's fine Lukey Simon Says happy Halloween chaps and great stream I'm scared I'm scared too she's coming Alex Hypno's so it's gonna get a Halloween shut up oh yeah oh yeah go shagged I'm fully toast Alec stimuluses can I get a Halloween shut off my younger brother Valentin he had to go to the dentist today so no candy Oh enjoy Halloween anyway enjoy the sickness how aster says happy Halloween Kevin Klingensmith says was sent home from work due to bad weather so I finally get to watch a hallowed stream live keep and these meals welcome okay glad you could join us for the very last one of the year yeah okay Alex H says no clue was even going on the game all with your costumes but it's always good see you guys I think yellow light makes you hungry hope you picked up some candy during your late night costume run like an early morning costume right yeah we're in target widows look out she's behind you what that was a common ROM in oak in 2008 this is my opportunity to escape safety walking there must be an exit here yes yes yeah we're through the spooky room he did it hide in a locker for the treats she won't come through here she's patrolling okay this is where I saw through the other side get it is it gun no fuses I need to get the rest of the door up I bet okay okay now I just gotta get back through that room no gain that lock them chanting weird it's like panning around the headphones stuff in the air strange I use miss bladeless if you're not wearing headphones then where is he going that way Helen Anderson says regarding costumes you have to explain I was dressed as a date a bit once one guy got it but insisted I was to date a bit idiot imagine like someone's gone to the effort of dressing as a date a bit and then you're gonna like mansplain actually happy Halloween and hashtag keep nd safe because you're all precious Thank You Darren Thomas says it's so cool to see what you all create I thoroughly appreciate your existence thank you for fun and inspiration you offered just by being you thank you for joining us on this wild ride we call outside Jodi den Hartog come to walls so she doesn't need to be true that's true that's a very good point keep it a lot of that in case mom's come out of it I feel you came from oh dear what's the fuse for if not for that box that smoking right oh there you hear it this is where I was all right fuse quick as you like what is it with horror games and fuses going yeah I know David I must get up oh dear Esko do you think yeah hit the button runner that's so loud oh my god that's so loud so getting in a locker opens well ash Ketcham in the RAI good it says happy Halloween from Seattle is there still a chance to you might see some man of Mandan streaming eventually um I was keen on it yeah what oh yeah I I think it was I guess the issue with it was it in order to play that party mode which we'd like to play we all kind of have to be there and yeah and play right yeah that's a good idea but I played Manabu Dan and I think it's the story is pretty decent yeah yeah well that's one of those toys this is like one of those cat posts where they climb often oh yeah we pin it yeah maybe we'll do it I mean how he never really ends Randy so yeah there's definitely chance for placement this is good it protects me and makes me attractive so that's good I mean have you seen how I'm dressed game yeah don't need to be don't need to be any more attractive very much Zelda boy once one says hello guys love the costume has been hunting down the last achievements for dead space for watching these streams have a safe flight home let's go oh that's bad come on open ah Go Go Go Go yes I'm running I'm Britt Britt keep running keep running keep running oh no the blood slows you down bolt the table run up in it the metal amulet No yeah don't read your book not the time for reading run run why not running I probably injured that's why yeah i'm coffee yeah pull over the bookcase what oh yes tiny door for under the stairs like Harry Potter right good that's called Zelda boy wants you on it's good to be finishing off horror games that you have been mean he's finished for a while on Halloween that's a good strategy - Andy how's the spooky thing going wait oh it's like ring she's calling me up now get back here it's like that was ruined efferent we've been swell yeah we're doing exceptionally badly Tim we found some of Jane's diary no no what's she been doing here oh it was a dream all right okay police please back through the little under setting or is it made because it was a dream yeah it's a real whole Harry Potter tidy your room little Potter hole well this is nice yeah that's over we can do the washing up she likes fish sauce maybe that pans disgusting yeah we ate some kind of slob I guess yeah look at this outrageous Zoe had a session last night yeah absolute sesh oh dear red thread is that that seems like a high folklore thing yes Thai folklore people let us know what the res read for us yeah it's good if it's a protective ward of some kind yeah explains research just woke up at 3:00 a.m. see a live stream might as well stay awake yeah why not stir it and sit on faces happy Halloween everyone especially only Mike suddenly no costume for me today as I recently started working in a psychiatric hospital and did more risk scaring patients very wise fair yeah much love Claire that's cool here's my office where I do my ghost research mmm contact list of people Jane would probably go to Royal Thai police mr. Chad shut up Lloyd Tim don't ask then yeah I guess we're Tim guess we are and we're trying to find Jane okay probably fair enough all right let's get this contact list where is it my way it's there that's it we can pick up it's just we've been doing research trying to find this is always what the hell I mean smart yeah well let's just go upstairs then I guess alright is that Jane yeah I think the drawers let's check my corners I need one of those like SWAT team mirrors on a stick yeah or like one of those guns have been round corners and I need a corner like a ghost recon game what's this get it happy drawing hold is safe today Tim is very clear it's my house yeah thank you just FYI yeah you can you can pay rent stay here Jane okay thanks they're very confused looking yeah he's like what the hell's going away why are you dressed like that because Halloween man like brunch snacks though I know I know okay here's my guitar play one door yeah I'll Drive my shoe they get killed by ghosts a PC tech 7 1 4 s new members what okay enjoy your mochi and Cameron Murray says hi from Birmingham guys or myself some X motion dies today a safety beanie and a tee and poster for the adventure also little donations to keep handy sweet fun thank you so much yes I hope you enjoy your apparel and poster sure wish I had a safety beanie right now yeah it's a real shame it didn't arrive before we headed off isn't it never mind Oh Jane's drawing that's a map all right so what a horrid people really right-hand-rule yeah that's the kitchen isn't it so is there anything circled or anything there there's a key bottom left it's very hard to see in this visor oh yeah bottom left of Jay and then a key all right by the table is creepy isn't it yeah and it's getting closer so it's definitely black frodo baggins says she's coming out of the goddamn walls he was she was coming out of the goddamn walls yeah right it seemed like a cabin it wasn't the kitchen on the table was it no no I think it might be a cabinet by the door or it immediately forgot what the map look like so do you get keep a note now we didn't take the drawing for some reason I mean it's somewhere downstairs knit I think it's like in the main area the main living room area so maybe there's a cabinet over Oh like behind you maybe this I was put down try over there that drawer over there yes yes that seems right no oh there there keyring right let's get that door and get out of here oh it's the root is the key for her room come all make sense or sound sensible okay what I'm liking about this section is there's no terrifying ghosts women coming out I mean it's gonna happen at some point okay know what no shame Britain says these guys even realized Cheney's in the chat secret things Oh James just saying [Music] Robin Simpson bouquets hi guys oh goodie a scary scream to keep you awake while I file internal reports though fair enough yeah good good luck filing those reports this is keeping you amused I'm Johnny den Hartog donates 6 euros 66 oh nice good touch nice touch and says could I get a shout-out for my wife Beth we're spending Halloween in the Netherlands this year so we were cuddled up on the couch watching house dreams okay Beth hey going how you're enjoying the house dreams and I hope you're feeling suitably spooked in the Netherlands have you get the door open I wasn't even looking yeah I mean I was in the room I don't know if there's anything else I need to do more red thread over there yeah she was bad timer here we go what is I thought the phone was in the kitchen the bedroom I thought saw something strange around the house television broken signal I their oral prayer that chanting is probably know she could investigate the television then is supposed to do or the radio yeah okay I'm gonna go mice Firefly says no Jane today loving the costume guys glad to be off for three weeks so if I'm actually watch this year in the state's Halloween this year happy Holi scream good work the states is great for like America does Halloween right yeah Jane is in the chat I think yeah hey well that's back down oh dear oh dear that's not a good sign but yes Jane and Luke and Ellen did some live-streaming yesterday from the UK and we are live streaming from Palm Springs in California where it is a very spooky 9:37 a.m. and gloriously sunny outside but inside this oh oh running quick gonna go help threads there you go loading screen creepiest thing of all yes love Castle donates thank you and Maria foo says getting the key to my very own home tomorrow hopefully less spooky business yes I sincerely hope so that wasn't spooky until the horror thanks a great content enjoy some money for the candy fund thank you which I do like a mashup character yeah oh my god it's the mashup have they done over watch stuff for Minecraft yet it seems like the thing they would probably do Billy Williams says watching welding math work can't tell what spooky of the game or the math spooky math math is pretty spooky spooky unknowable maths maths and PC takes everyone for who is also new member says happy Halloween from Pittsburgh PA hey happy only it worked for the livestream that's it today off lens fun facts you live alive alive for now seem to be dead from I can tell there's a lot of screeching going on this is sort of typical James screaming Joe Trotter says just got engaged and a new job this week celebrating by keeping Andy spooked of you guys and happy Halloween yeah that's got a feeling you're gonna make it is happening this is like pretty effective this game I kind of totally slept on it when it came out like you know like didn't you notice it came out yeah but it was a year old this game it's really good like really atmospheric and IV I'm pretty spooked right now I gotta say it's got you know good bits of PT and good bits of alien isolation and fun okay no all the photos photos where's that door so weirdly sized Oh pit for now weirdly sized person inside normal time wait why are we in like an oldie house now and Aldi wouldn't have imeem this house is very spacious like beyond beyond well white King's back look at these guys uh-oh we the cool cowboy name oh man I wish I could pronounce this but it's something along the lines of yacht a a beanie or something yeah a a beanie which is good morning in Navajo I'm sorry if I brutalized that but very cool once again New Mexico loves costumes I had to balance out the greetings since I did it with Jane Luke and Ellen yesterday happy Halloween and safe travels Thanks hashtag save me Jigglypuff which i think is probably what Luke was saying yesterday it's got all new faces next it like Aria AC says for the and a young spooked fun yes what's this what's happening was conveying something but what is it conveying why not just write it instead yeah you know what else convey stuff writing language Zelda boy once he one says hello what was the scariest non horror movie you've ever seen the scariest non horror movie I think like as a kid the original Dark Crystal was kind of creepy and it's not specifically a horror movie in fact it's supposed to be a kids movie it's the witches the role doll oh that I mean that is cut I feel sorry some really horrific stuff happens well so I was like this stuff I was frightened of when I was a kid that was like not not super like horror II but like I was frightened of Darth Vader when I was a little kids yeah yes that'd be an empire strikes back where Luke goes into that weird like visions cave or where burn chops off though it's just like Cameron Murray any chance you guys are coming to MCM Comic Con at the NEC in November some chance yeah probably some chance we would like to be there we are currently working on making that happen so yeah keep we'll keep you posted well let you know but there's a there is I would say a good chance we might be there in Birmingham no no it if Karen also says if you guys could be in any horror game what would it be also what horror game would you really not want to be in man would not want to be in Silent Hill yeah sigh Neil's dad would be but surely Silent Hill is all happening inside your brain yeah well that's worse isn't it maybe but maybe not maybe you feel like you can't escape things in your brain nice for it's not you know you carry it around with you wherever you go don't you yeah in this attic now I need to do something what a horror game anything to do with these pictures I think even though it's absolutely terrifying I'd like to be an alien isolation because it cool and sci-fi yeah if I'm gonna die you might as well die in a cool sci-fi Space Station six like in Roman numerals or feel like you can hear laughing yeah I know it's bad mmm things that he couldn't sleep on it Kars Hansen's has been a long time since I caught a stream was writing essays so many essays at the time and now enjoying my first day off from my new 95 happy Halloween all congrats on a new job hope it's going well could you look up a walkthrough for me why cuz I'm stuck yes I will do after I've said happy Halloween from layers Vaart right walk through time unless someone in the chat knows there's someone in the chat now is anyone in the chat actually played this game maybe got something to do with those markings I mean it's a cup of thing I'm never quick look in the comments to see if anyone's played it meanwhile Elisha VIII says watching stream ready for my birthday tomorrow congratulations nice to be able to get hyped for Halloween and then immediately have your birthday afterwards yes so you're not on some kind of like Halloween downer when it's all over right people mean there meaning I John W says can't see the stream due to reception but I'm happy to be here and hear all the fun happy Halloween outside team well thanks for joining us even though you can't watch yes you're not missing much on the costume from the game front until I walk through yeah I'm looking for one there's nothing on nothing on gamer fakies I'm just gonna look up home sweet home chalk puzzle maybe I'm missing a door I don't think so stop laughing at me it's a puzzle okay I've got a final walkthrough okay good I think okay spare key ring correspond to the numbers for the lock holding the latch type of the hatch on the floor as a hatch on the floor have another look at the chalk have a look at the chalk again okay see if we can understand so okay so there's I can't actually see colors I might need your help with this so it's white the white ones first how many white marks are there one two three four four yeah how many purple marks other two so four two and then and then three blue or e43 try forty-three didn't even see that hatch yeah it's a tiny padlock try 43 okay see if it works yeah yeah we did it alright I'll just go down this hatch that's cool oh is like some horror horror dungeons with what with the wheel yeah like an old wheel that's not attached to a car some Horace Tabor Laura let's look at the chat again Oh Chris fallows a new member welcome Chris welcome Chris oh you should have now have access to like little Moe G's and things and have a little badge next to your name welcome to the crew to remind you of all the creepy laughing that you're hearing currently well the good news is Andy you've made it halfway through this stream so just another hobby half way to go yeah I did see who's like hello it wasn't doing the chat let's have a look Cameron Roman says just finished the first of by three history mock exams and I'm feeling good about it congratulations gotta treat myself to you Alice dream yeah by the way you're all right I'm back on board let's go I wanna see this motorbike gang speed yeah speeding speeding bikers go spike is like Ghost Rider Nicolas Cage they ran someone over probably picks brain said wants today to one of my fav travels on YouTube your content is so lovely and helps me on bad brain days so glad catch the last stream sorry it's just a post yes okay very happy to help and glad you like our stuff and yeah happy to yeah wait through bad brain days turn around very slowly I just keep turning it just keep turning yes more red thread faces on the wall all right fine ribbons on a post snakes on a plane yep are there any stairs or there's a doorway program game programming game mmm door no open game why program game em door no open huh Andy is terrified beyond the capacity for speech yeah why the door so loud oh well well you speak ties maybe it just says welcome to my home I'm sorry if you thought I was scaring you did anyone in the chat speak Thai can you tell us what this says I just had a leak like a sneaky peek that walkthrough and it sounds like some fun stuff gonna shut up no so what you ought to do Andy is just be extremely on edge because at any moment he's moving ass weakening could happen yeah oh it says I'll return I'll get what belongs to me I just suddenly round learned how to speak Thai oh wow um excellent work let's press on for all you know all right yeah rude words that's right rude words apparently giant hands that's what the that's what the watery said what I didn't even see it he said follow the red string throughout the house until a big hand bursts through the wall no well door-y program end door no open this door more wheels motorcycle wheels a what's that's weird okay cool outfit I'll be a biker gang be part of a biker gang a Suzuki biker gang of hell bikers from beyond the grave expert III says first it's got Jane and her Diaries now it's got Mike and his biker gangs what's your come here in this game Andy I'm just Andy is the terrified protagonist a terrified guy going around no game it's my objective chaotic bloody major says I love Thai horror Thailand knows horror thanks for playing this you're welcome I'm really glad we've been able to play this little super creepy and I'm really enjoying it Andy less so I think probably look down maybe why program balcony yeah oh good thanks okay any any clues I've got I can do better than clues I could do a full walkthrough locked in here now say I guess I've gotta find a way out of here what oh why is the door off that well I think you should sneak through there what yes how is it different now this is good that's not yes this works I like it it's bad this is this seems to drive with what the Waterloo say actively bad the hell was kind of spooky climbing yeah follow that red thread yeah it's been lighting candles yeah probably they best intentions at heart okay keep going keep going let's go let's go let's love red thread weird half-door thing again we'd have to pop it open hey photocopier normal there's nothing that's all photocopy your button I'm gonna face curfew my butt okay the game won't let me wipe em program no photo coffee bun Oh lots of comments Thank You Erik coughs si D I'm a regular D&D game and just wants to let you guys know that Cthulhu has cursed one of my players hardly and I'd imagine prudence had something to do with it other face mate says now that you've all been playing have any of you thought about trying to run a session of DD Luke running a one-shot allahΓ­s quiz on show the weekend breeze and the forty solarium ah I'm sure eventually will so I think it would be good fun yeah for sure I would love to run a little spooky speaking game Cornelius and toots no John W says Mike gonna grow a mustache for November is Movember common in the UK I'm unsure how trans across cultural barriers barriers is a useless American we do have memory in the UK but as you can probably tell from my facial hair I don't I'm not very good at growing mustaches so but I pre will donate to November I I think it's good cause it's really good cause so yeah we do have it in UK I just bear it going facial I think it's Australian originally right is it I think so and again Hagen again not not sure I've pronounced that right but says I'm bipolar and have PTSD for my time the US Army and your live streams help you isolation thank you oh sorry oh that's a giant hand they catalyze a giant hand oh and a big face stick face oh that is no that is amazing no oh that's super creepy I love it I love it so please continue doing okay thank you and Mike you're the only one who's ever even attempted my name thanks man Oh as it gained Hagan I think maybe I I I'm sorry if I'm getting it wrong but I'm happy to help you the PSD that's that's like rough and and yeah like you're always welcome here and if you want to hang out with us on live streams or just you know thanks for joining us Brodie Terrell says unfortunate I don't get to do anything for Halloween soap except to work site did you get murdered by the dog face think so I think I needed to run further I see Brady Terrell has to work tonight but glad I get celebrate it in this afternoon we do you find it and keep Andy feet thanks for joining us thanks and yeah it's a shame you have to work but um yeah we're hanging out having a little spooky thanks for joining poor posture yes etc I'm minecraft Steve I don't see ever catchphrase minecraft Steve I'm minecraft minecraft Steve yep me I think Tom Torrington says this is the most fun I've had while watching a horror game guys that's cool glad you enjoying it glad it's good this horror good games bad it's a very good game I like the china ham the weird face right hand is bad the game is bad Chris Malloy says keep Andy way smooth okay I'm gonna wait until he goes away or his looking away and then it's sprint for the other room get out of here your face your giant face okay go you did it right be careful cuz it might be another window yeah yeah like his face is definitely come up again sighs literally yeah there you go horrible and and probably a bit of his butts there yeah Chris Miller said 'keep anyways boobs I think Andy's waist boobs I think the singing indicates Andy's waste food it was a giant butt myself with the broom Jason Shoultz says being a manager of a team is hard people don't recognize I can barely manage myself oh yeah I can understand that well just do your best that's all you can do is your best Jason so remember the words of tracer cheer up love the Cavalry's here or Cheers level I'm glad you played all the research for this McKeever main otherwise that's what you'd be looking at right now sorry Alfred says happy Halloween exposure is the best wish me luck with my new job on Monday working in a lab good luck don't make a strain of a zombie virus in your lab if anyone says I've got a good idea for a TV iris yeah you stop them right there and you say now hold your horses yeah I know like we've created a bio weapon serum stop it just stop it someone comes in and they're like all I want to do is create the perfect genetic soldier not for power not for evil but for good and then it all goes yeah you know pecks up basically max by sonica they said we've transitioned to Yahoo have a word with them and he's gone full RAL Julia not the RAL junior is expecting him to go on a Halloween stream yeah speaking of that new Addams family film yes I saw it yes Oscar Isaac is good I good to go myself they should do a live action I know you're very particular about it yeah he's sort of channeling Raul but not in knowing a slavish lead yeah the same energy which is cool hello EJ's is my mom likes your facial hair Mike my mom doesn't she's like he looks so much nicer when you shave she's not actually that posh she's not that old and she's not that hot Michael but that's the money the mum voice I spawn anyway she doesn't like it so x-23 the attack on Titan feed plate the time oh the music's gone I think you just got smashed flat by giant hand I need just a few just protip yes Vania yeah and the commentators the aging wrestling commentators tonisha Monty was like and of course can you make er here as a sans from the undertale sure I can see his hand there that's where he is Oh update on Zelda boys dead space playthrough just kill behind mine got the last achievement congratulations get past this jerk William Kruger says Mike it's easy to grow a beard just don't shave for seven months PS and it's back there oh oh yeah why am I still looking at it oh it's the red light okay can you see that red light no can't see I can't sleep every night because everything's yellow okay it's got a little cone if it already gonna have to tell me what's a - between uh down I guess okay duck yeah okay it's gone red again it's been red again Andy we went to - I think it's fine now but don't like every ghost in red again okay look down down okay go oh no sorry whoa I think you made it mad I think yeah annoyed okay okay am i okay to run uh I'll just wait I think it's a bit red it's really difficult to tell because we're in this yellow cuz we're in this yellow ten by seeing your okay okay okay yeah just run just run that's right yeah cool slide do cool slide Jimmy Mars says any plans play Taiwanese horror game deletion deletion and devotion I don't know I would play in love from Taipei Oh Taiwanese horror game that would be very cool well we'll look it up we'll check it out Jimmy and yeah greetings in Taipei that's amazing it's the same thing happening here yes I think so how does Tracey get anything done you can't see anything today she'll always pop your goggles up for a moment okay it looks red at the moment it looks less red now I've always had some low Rumble seams man like angered him norson says you have to admire his commitment to his costume and keeping traces accent all stream that's good cheers love all right wait play the game again with Murray whines no see red over there okay go now good luck okay it's red at the moment super red Oh back off you know you can smash those fans about yeah kill me you coward okay replica it is still rare dish okay now but you might go red again I could make it there's no sense of urgency there and that running yeah should have done a slide Brady Terrell says we didn't think I'd like the new Addams Family movie but it turned out to be fantastic yeah it's fun I've noticed me getting like really bad reviews no it's like a despicable me with a disease it illustrates Jill is back in the comments saying happy spooky Christmas baking a spiced pumpkin tray bake and trying to ignore all the fun sized chocolate bars the trick-or-treaters kick monster but wait red red red red red yeah okay wait wait wait okay I think that's scripted yeah that's fine okay go and something know what go and I bind that big thing that's nothing that's fine at the moment it's red at the moment red red red red red less red go look I find that fan yeah good good good wait wait wait don't poke your face out okay it's good go to the next one but then stop wait wait wait I want to see another wave of it going red and then not going red oh yeah look at that it's completely red at the moment yeah red we agreed it's red shadows moving shadows moving okay go and into the door or wait nice wait okay red at the moment real red okay you know yes we did it nice well done well done thanks for that whoa oh it's big and horrible hand no worries it's really difficult to see in this white yellow pumpkin esque Cabana Oh Jimmy Wallace has detention detention and devotions I'll look up so the biker guy right he got away from his bike robbery and then became a big monster I guess he does look like someone who's maybe come off their bike and gone extreme road rash or tangled wheels what scared I feel like we probably completed this now okay but that was the final boss yep whoa be a safe office good police station 1ft Oh Andy it's just like Resident Evil yeah nothing of this what they're doing that floors with the deaths just see you love it okay five minutes I will get out of 1f okay because I need the three F key to F okay just check under the stairs check there's no spooks yeah that's fine check your corners fine normal took me a while to see Andy's costume - and I thought Mike was a half Hulk Hulk the credible Hulk yeah I'm extremely credible I'm an extremely credible holding it is a hard person to read oh my god Victor read the hell was that the bathroom and you like it's your fault for opening the cubicle door do you think this is a hard costume to read initially the goggles are pretty like objects I don't know I don't see what people chatting this is my this is my minecraft head that's who I'm supposed to be look look I'm Steve hello my nephew like a good Darth Vader with that on a row that sounds like a lower version of my mind yeah yes yes I see I see the offices Frankie a says any tips for getting into games journalism yes we had this dealer dated me we we had three tips yeah have a special ISM have a special ISM so news or interesting investigative features or if you like sports games yeah like a lot of game journalists don't so do those yeah maybe they want you to review it so they don't have to pitch things to editors that are not reviews because they have a billion people to do reviews for them and although reviewing games is fun they they already have lots of good people so what you should do is pitch interesting features basically editors of magazines and websites are always looking for interesting features from a you know interesting perspective of sort of fully researched and fully developed ideas for features and the final thing was do write for your own blog so don't hang around and wait to be invited to write someone write your own stuff it will develop your style and improve your abilities and if you're applying for staff jobs it'll give people something to look at yes exactly it's you know it's tough it's competitive out there but good luck get those scissors and stabbed that big monster in the face oh this is a bunch of so and that's the guy who have a safe yes here it is we know what the accommodation is though it's probably before yeah that's what mine would be no no a hint of something you've got twenty minutes all right walk through me oh this you will find him to the bottom of one of the desks in front of the safe there are three sets of numbers apparently oh wait here we go Oh 801 oh nine okay how does this work oh okay so around it oh no hang on reset does the other way around so it wouldn't be oh I oh 109 it would be the other way up right right yes it'd be 60 1080 yeah 60 1080 that makes sense all right that's quite a good puzzle so go to 60 okay 60 yeah and then it cost two and wait you went past it all right yeah you can't go past so all right 60 yeah and then ten and then back the other way to 18 yep hey no wait no that did not work 60 yeah 10 yeah 80 incorrect try going the other way around 260 then I can only go one Direction's all right that's weird yeah huh 60 1080 right yeah I'm not going and that one of the arrows mean it's not just it upside down or something yeah probably it can't be oh wait oh 109 you could try it try eighty ten 80 1060 ya know the walkthrough not got any know the numbers are different from the walkthrough it's one of those ones randomized it go have another look sorry one more time did we try 80 1060 no we could write maybe it reads yeah right to left right 80 1060 I do not understand any one of the comments who has any ideas as to how that works oh oh oh quickens ninety ten eighty past zero each time ninety ten eighty try that okay right ninety yeah ten ten and then back to eighty eighty new or eighty 1090 I thought it says reset all right 80 1098 he's like yeah 80 and oh damn it eighty ten yes No everyone saying combinations of eighty ten ninety or ninety ten eighty let's try it eighty ninety ten ten no try ninety ten eighty we've done that one I think we have yeah this is confusing well we like crowdsourcing a solution put the numbers where the arrow on the drawing is not where the triangle is oh okay interesting okay all right let me check that drawing so right so the bottom plate leo bright the opposite end okay fine yes so that's a good clue so we're doing we're doing well then mr. B 60 sorry 960 10 I still think it's 60 1080 but like the it's was the opposite of the alright so 60 the bottom 60 yeah yeah and then a tu is that right yeah oh yeah oh yeah maybe 90 1080 although that so confusing no way up it's so bizarre yeah so everyone reckons it's 90 not 60 that's fine okay it's definitely 9.6 all right 90 10 80 let's try that 90 the bottom 90 1080 do not understand what and the walkthrough is just like yeah just just solve it is it Ricky major I think little bit delay here but we're trying our best basically - what let's have one more look at the thing like the diagram yeah so if it's like mirrored then it's 90 1080 yeah but if it's upside-down it would be 60 1080 G I mean yeah I think or 80 1068 1090 yeah we'll try 810 16 eight to ten ninety eight to ten sixty 1890 right let's try that read out some comments why I do this okay try eighty ten sixty yes okay all right okay we made it game yeah right right Cameron Murray says did Andy channel Chauncey earlier yes he did brilliant so I'm supposed to get back upstairs now you absolute you absolute jerk face chicken parmesan says where's the stick of dynamite when you need it Red Dead Redemption to is where the silver the number has to be the opposite x-23 were you getting 64 it's a ninety it's because it was it's not married it's upside down so it was this the nine upside down to six basically is what we eventually found a screwdriver jam it in the eyeball of that stupid big monster yeah sticking his hand meet what right right between the thumb and the finger just like pin him to a table okay well thank you for everyone's help yeah that was good with the with the puzzle it was very confusing and obviously these games are designed to be played on your own and you know you've got as much time as you like to solve weird combination puzzles but it's definitely bit of a running theme of hollow streams just getting stuck on weird combination locks what does the walkthrough say about where I should use this screwdriver well I'll tell you in a moment because Francis LeBlanc says we should have a like spike for safe combination hits all things alright yes sorry like spike after three okay three two one like spike yeah because it's gone so well for you previously yeah it just takes me through to the past the thing okay now simply sprint upstairs so if you got the key for the three F now do you have the key for three oh nice message occasion says well done guys I'll be honest the hand probably doesn't want you to get upstairs again yeah exactly guess what too bad hand coming in breach and clear voice from the third floor find a way oh oh look chaser catcher got ten minutes left to get her all right flying rugby tackle yeah pick it down clues as clues about stuff only ten minutes of hollow streaming left handy for 2090 if you guys have any more comments get them in before we go cuz we are about to wrap this thing up for the year and look that's a Viking man is that Viking man oh my God look at him yeah yes fine you have time for clues chase spooky clue I'm really honest look at this over the organisation good rugby tackle Jane down the stairs up the stairs down the stairs obviously it's not the stairs okay get back here Missy okay here yeah reach and clear downstairs wait that's where it came from oh those big loop Oh No mystic vital clue alright Jane is in the comments saying hearing Jane shouted in a horror game is very creepy Rachel Sawin says my son's birthday is today he's gonna be ten yeah oh wait here we go hit the button drop a piano on the spook oh it's happening jump onto it grab it do something I get the hook one hook please maybe you gonna put something on like a platform or something right maybe yeah maybe I need to attach it down there yeah drop it down alright attach it at the bottom and then pull it up and good plan all blow path 426 question for Mike as a resident car guy works what's your favorite scary movie car 58 plymouth belvedere and christine or the cameras with a joker face from Maximum Overdrive for me I I don't know if it's technically scary but I like the the is it called the dragula the Bonnie from The Munsters yeah they're like the hotrod car that this otherwise semi-normal family would drive around it yeah they're like trying to pass as normal people in their neighborhood but they drive around in a massive hotrod dragster thing I like that one yeah James no watch Christine fairly recently and it it's not it doesn't hold up super well but I understand the Maximum Overdrive is even worse right that's just genuinely terrible movie yeah Stephen King directed that one is he a good director he's not a fan of it okay Lois what says contributing to the keep and be scared fund he is being scared did I die I don't know chicken parmesans s can actually see the stream now great costumes and Anika Brock says have a good not too spooky flight home Thanks will do okay seven minutes left let's see how much of this depicts it's the big spooky like a big stigman big can you you have to stealth your way past the giant monster no not really it's real dark now Oh some Reds going on okay we've like slightly lost game audio nor is anything done I don't know we're not far from the end you know pretty apparently okay well I feel I have been thoroughly spooked yeah all right I mean sort of is down wait wait wait that's right okay super red yeah even I can see that yeah okay go stay low I can't run with it I'm like yeah wait really difficult to see look back to right I feel like it's okay like go oh [Music] the hand pads oh yeah that was close that was close isn't it all right we are we safe now we're indoors yeah there's still a giant window so maybe maybe say hello yes just a tip Oh Andy this guy this guy absolute jerk is absolutely gay fire crowd says farewell and may you will get your preferred candy tonight a humid happy Halloween from Orlando Florida a don't do some spooky stuff from one of the theme parks that's what I would do for actual Halloween is the quietest really yeah the stream is discrete was before oh no way I'm supposed to go in here with my there we go right yeah okay [Music] I saw the red right at the end after we've been smashed flat from flashlights off to see red better at Stanislav Phil yes I mean that doesn't make sense yeah doesn't make sense your view of this must be terrible because we can definitely see the guy yeah is it's very difficult to see that's a bit red it's cuz it's it's like a reflective surface so okay that looks okay cover it be alright no it's not like Gears of War we have about three minutes to go okay yeah let's do some chat I guess we want to spoil the ending for this anyway even though I think quite the place bla bla woof woof 12 says what's in your worst-ever jump-scare moments I think the liquor in the original Resident Evil 2 was bad times when it bursts out the two-way mirror yeah that is bad I think when Lisa gets you in that was red Alex red see you can kind of see his face but we can't make out exactly what he's what he's doing yeah if I can do anything we can do with the brightness on this TV let's find out [Music] I think it's like we only got a couple of minutes yeah that's fair enough yeah I don't comes up behind you yeah it's pretty pretty creepy is pretty creepy just the worst thing that's ever happened okay last couple of minutes [Music] Alec teachers enjoyed the flight home and happy Halloween from freezing in Salt Lake City happy Halloween tt hey Jen see the ice sweeping across yeah [Music] God through first time yeah dang alright fine fine fine game I think we should wrap that up alright well I tried we did try we did our best that was real spooky but thank you so much for joining us on this hello stream yeah thanks for joining us on all the hallow streams has been many of the ones you've dropped in on it's been really good ok there we go yeah thanks for joining us it's been really good fun yeah ok great Halloween well yeah have a wonderful Halloween whatever you up to you we're gonna go get some breakfast now it's now free goods yeah not Ethan or more length dressed like this yeah presents ourselves for breakfast yeah yeah thanks for watching everyone hope you have a great Halloween and we'll see you soon thanks for more streams and cool videos see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 68,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, hallowstream, halloween stream, home sweet home, scary, spooky, horror, horror game
Id: oAk-CaWAhzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 2sec (5462 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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