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girls wait for me it's cool how they  close the streets in order to make   room for the restaurant right here we are capital nice little park in the middle of the city nutella nutella today it's uh monday and  i'm heading back to florida without the girls because the girls are  going to spend time with a lot of family   and friends here and uh it was a wonderful  weekend down in chicago beautiful weather We're going to uhhhh We're going to Palwaukee Wheeling We gonna stop at Saint Simon's island it's about a four  hour flight hey how are you good   a fuel stopped right there and we'll  continue on down to boca another maybe   hour and a half after that hour 45 or  so maybe so much easier if you're just   flying a vfr especially a beautiful day like  today just so gorgeous nice crisp midwest   summer morning we're gonna fly as always from the  skyline and then just pick up the clearance by sky   heights and we'll climb up to like seventeen  thousand feet just a little bit of a tailwind   four hours later or a little bit about about 30 45  will be in saint simons executive hours number one   to do sierra zulu holding short runway one six  in sequence for vfr departure selfie sponsored   later there's one two two co2 procedure course to  the southeast runway one six clear for checkout   all right files clear high and low the other  side the archer's turning let's get out of here full power it spins alive both places semis  are looking good everything in the green   looking for 77 knots and here she goes up   just a gorgeous day to fly jack sander good afternoon serious number one two  two sierra zulu level one seven thousand deviating   for the weather one two two zero zulu jacksonville  center roger the outlaw operator three zero zero   eight areas of moderate sedation south uh for  the next 90 miles of roswell back on course   so we're a ton of precipitation over here just  uh 100 miles from simon's island deviating left   and right just trying to keep up with the  radar here you know these things are moving   fast to the north so actually what i'm seeing on  the radar uh doesn't really make sense because   whatever i'm seeing up ahead it's already next to  me flying now for about three hours and 30 minutes   we got another 35 minutes ago it's about  26 knots it's uh kind of crazy all of a   sudden this is where there's a lot of work to be  done here the last 35-40 minutes of the flight   november uh two's here would be advised that i do  have the restricted areas three zero zero five and   three zero zero seven are both active at this  time um up to flight level two three zero so if   you need to deviate i'm only going to be able to  prove right of course so let me know uh which way   that you wanna start your deviation i think i'm  just going to stay on this course right now um   and we'll let you know if i need to go to the left  to schedule thanks roger and uh uh jax center as   we're looking at the radar here i'll tell you you  know uh staying on this course after 25 miles it's   not going to be looking good yes november  2 0 that's uh why i'm advising you of that   information uh because there's areas of extreme  precipitation um off your left beginning in about   28 miles and then those areas extend all the way  down practically to the airport so i'm only going   to be able to authorize right deviation so what  i'm thinking maybe you know once i clear all that   go between the two and then down and uh jack  center enthusiasm so there's a nice little gap   between those two restricted areas and it looks  like on the radar those uh right now look a little   lighter so maybe if i just fly east between them  and then cut south to ssi would be uh probably   working out the best of them i know over to zulu  um no i don't think that's the best idea because   i don't want to get it pinched between those  restricted areas with live fire uh look at the   table intersection h-a-b-l-e and then direct  to um st simons take a look at that and that's   showing areas of moderate participation through  that area all right hey let me take a look at   looks like this one is dying out and uh jackson  says it looks like a ball then ssi will work out   and choose here so it'll clear direct cable  direct all right that should work okay   surrounded by storms the ssi and now what where  the heck do we go number one two two zero zero   you clear direct same time and sometimes i stay  on this course for a little bit and then i'll let   you know when i'm able to do that exit all right  now i'm just here deviation is approved and saint   simons went able jax uh good afternoon sir number  one zulu with your six thousand four hundred and   seventy five thousand two zero zulu just gonna  maintain three thousand advising you have the   local weather and uh separate questions altimeter  three zero zero six three zero zero six will uh   do have the weather into uh since simon's  and descending down three thousand the two   sierra zulu deviation ride of course is approved  direct saint simons went able gathered there's   tomorrow heavy stream ship station along  a rear flight all the way into the airport i'm showing on my weather radar uh keeping  this track for about uh 20 miles and coming   east for about 15 20 miles and cutting into the  airport from there is that what you're planning   yeah something like that uh i do see a few opening  openings here in about 10 miles uh and i'm just   trying to see if i can uh you know sit through  that to today's schedule he's here zulu roger um   maintain 2000 and uh just let me know when you're  turning towards the airport all right down to two   thousand will help just have a little religion  a lot of precipitation all around that airport   it's crazy it goes all around it let's see that  airport bransley county 1609 just want to verify   you're gonna be thirty north at ten thousand  feet before we go scattered heavy and extreme   precipitation be off the left and right hand side  into jacksonville right two series it's gonna   maintain one thousand seven hundred that's as low  as i can go with you in that area all right one   thousand seven hundred two says thanks and jack  said to say as well have to fly southbound uh   southwest for a while and uh come back northeast  towards ssi because it's not gonna work out   yeah the only gap that i am seeing  is if you fly to the southwest   about a 225 heading for about five miles  there's a very small gap um about 1 45   after that heading and that's about the only way  i'm seeing to get in there yeah i concur as well   uh i said that gap is that's a pretty small  gap there so if you don't uh you don't like   the look of that we'll turn you back up to the  north there's some bigger gaps about 30 miles   north of your position but just let me know yeah  it's not gonna work uh with a fuel to schedule and jack's uh cancel i first i can  descend a little bit lower here   is your zulu riser maintain vfr let me know when  you see the airport please i will let you know let's stay vfr now this is a big lesson about 20 minutes so that was  a good move to cancel ifr and go down lower but   uh that was very very close and jack's uh center  at serious november wanted to say i do have the   airport inside he's here zulu roger uh glad you  made it through there enjoy watching your stuff   online squad 1200 free exchanges approving  enjoy your day all right thanks switch over   all right quick stop here  and then we'll be on our way alrighty well all right let's sit here  and do a little flat bladder and the wind has picked up drizzling  another couple of hours to go i'm ready to go is here zulu roger you release  at this time there's a five runway heading   and maintain three thousand and clear  sport is not puffed in five minutes   our runaway heading and uh three  thousand i'll take you in a second   since i'm in traffic as soon as i've ever  wanted to say azul is taking a runway one   sixth departure straight out simon all right  file is clear other side is clear let's go all right there's pizza live what places bars  good things looking good looking for 77 nuts   and here we go squawk one zero seven six  yep one zero seven six and uh heavy precipitation off the left side also  off the right side when you are able uh trying to keep you in between the cells  here when you're able to fly any 185 185   185 we'll try right now if you're able to keep  that heading to join uh victor three maintain   eight thousand i will uh keep that heading  for victor three and eight thousand processor   zoo is that heading look okay for the weather to  join the airway uh that looks great right now this   is relational he's here zulu roger again enjoy  your videos contact jax approach 127.0 enjoy your   day all right thanks so much uh great work bogo  return information november issued at one nine   four seven zulu the win one three zero one seven  gusts two seven visibility six miles palm beach to   san diego november two sierra zulu radar services  terminated keep your squad contact southern 128.42   bucket hour good afternoon series november one  two two sierra zulu is uh one zero miles north uh   northeast of the field and on the shoreline  one thousand inbound full stop november   one two two zero local town roger  report may feel left out on runway five   towers here to say lose reporting midfield now  two sierra zulu win one two zero at one six   gusts two six play five quarterly that's  gonna be a wild ride the speed up all those   gusts all right full flaps my phone's clear  the side's clear we are clearly on y5 500. back in boca all right man it's windy
Channel: Niko's Wings
Views: 89,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, Cirrus SR22, Cirrus Aircraft, Air Traffic Controller, Flying lessons, Flight Training, small plane, Single engine plane, mens fashion, travel in style, turbocharged airplane, airplane ice, bad storm inflight, bad weather flying, chicago, chicago airport, severe icing, florida to chicago, rime ice, aviation weather forecast, convective sigmet, aviophobia, fear of flying, fs2020, saint simons island, running low on fuel, low fuel emergency, surrounded by storms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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