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hey guys come along with us when we fly this p baron from st augustine florida to springdale arkansas [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] uh all right we filed direct so according to for flight we should be getting taylor directed brown baron 117 romeo's here with papa i put my ifr to springdale arkansas alpha sierra golf and the roman 7 mummy sarah sauce and ground you're cleared to alpha sierra golf radar vectors taylor direct runway headings maintain 2000 expect flight level 1 8 0 1 0 minutes frequency one two zero point seven five and squawk one five four two clear two alpha sierra golf radar vectors taylor direct runway heading two thousand one eight zero one zero minutes one two zero seven five one five four two one one seven four minutes here that mr mormont here read back correct all right airspeed indicating is good we got blue for brown three zero one two turn grenade is working heading is correct and we got the vr set and our heading bug set vertical speed is reading zero engine gauges are parallel and in the green and we are full of fuel flight controls are free and correct electric champ is working head to the helo pad and fuel is on atlantic seven affirmative left and dealt before and set the cabin you need to go uh pressure and set that to eighty five you wanna go ahead and set it you can that's the delta portland we're gonna be flying to one eight zero and we'll go 500 feet above that which i'll make it 18.5 you can see we've got two lights up here um these two lights that you'll see on takeoff are just letting us know that the cal flaps are open number seven romeo sierra fly runway heading runway three one cleared for takeoff runway heading three one clear for takeoffs everyone is here all right we are flavor takeoff runway heading up to 2000. we are clear right we're clear left so as always with turbo engines we will slowly bring the power up to 30 inches of manifold pressure and then continue on from there nice and smoothly and then it's after 30 inches that the turbochargers kick in when it's slightly off our left a little airline into it here comes the power there's the 30 inches and here comes the turbos feel them kick in do it slow so that way you don't worry about over boost air speed is alive gauges in the green fuel flow [Music] 80 knots [Music] positive rate [Music] gear up [Music] jack's departure baron 117 romeo sierra is at 400 climbing to 2000 for runway heading for 117 romeo's here attacks health emitters three zero one zero i didn't i didn't zero one zero seven romeo zero contact mile northwest the st augustine airport climb maintain one five thousand third uh direct taylor one five thousand direct taylor seven romeo sierra all right we're gonna climb the one five thousand bring the power back for [Music] right on course on navigation seven remy is here [Music] and then he wants us to resume our own navigation free change in other words go fly to your your fix number nine here definitely another way he could have said that is um turn right direct taylor okay and since taylor was one of our waypoints on our flight path that would automatically imply we're back to our own navigation 117 romeo's here you now cleared up the hatty intersection that's hotel alpha delta delta echo then direct to your destination keep clear after real entire space direct handy direct destination same moment thank you he said hattie taylor uh director now okay so i'll clear today 573 crossover lean at one three thousand two five percent first person hold on it's all good so if you look on purple light you can see right here it takes us direct to hattie which keeps us out of that airspace right there that must be active yeah it's like you should go yes put the ac on low i love saying that um yeah that keeps that airspace right here which is what i think he's trying to keep us out of puts us around it keep an eye on this weather lake city over here when we start getting closer you know i want a wing walk you know i don't i have zero desire i have as much desire to wing walk as i do to jump out of an airplane that's something else that i want to do zero val and i are supposed to do that let me know how that works out for you i will all right i'm going to turn the air yeah do it air cushioning off my phone do it just the outside air coming from you and we got three hours to go the flight plans are three and a half hours i have a sneaky suspicion by the time we route around where there's probably gonna be more like four hours or shortly four is better than 6.37 right somebody else called unanswered i don't know what you're talking about [Music] i was like we're good we'll be able to uh use the heat on this flight on the heat i can turn off the approach turn off the cold air coming in from the outside because right now i have the ac off i have cold air coming in then you'll actually will feel a little bit of heat from the pressurization because the pressurization comes from the turbochargers so it naturally adds a little bit of heat all right let's go ahead and lean the right engine i'll keep my left foot on the rotor right foot on the floor we'll do the big pull to get past either what they call the red box and then we'll fine tune it here comes a big pull all right now i'll do the left engine so i got my right foot on the right right or my left foot on the floor same thing we'll do the big pull and then we'll fine tune there comes a big pull guys what are we near disney [Music] you gotta remember i don't come up to these altitudes so these are all new for me oh yeah there's some good ones all right let's close count flaps [Music] were you smart yeah because i pre-cut it although it looks kind of questionable 47 romeo's here contact but also approach 125.47 2547 revenue sierra 117 romeo sierra flight level 180 all right your comps is avocado time my cause i miss my bacon breakfast i can't believe make await that whole bag of bacon [Music] she saw the commercial uh like so there's something on the floor and i'm like that's the bag of bacon that was the bag of bacon all right we're currently in cruise level flight level one eight zero how awesome is that flying in a bearing in the flight levels nice pressurized air conditioning it is uh about 19 degrees outside which equates to about eight degrees celsius we have an indicated air speed i currently have a hundred i'm actually using just increased 151 52 knots which gives us a a true airspeed of 200 knots and we have a ground speed of about 185 at the moment because it's saying we have about 15 knots headwind the inside cabin is only seven thousand feet so we're breathing air as if we're at seven thousand feet right now even though we're at flight level one eight zero and that's why this is the cadillac of barons pretty nice so anyhow guys um really not a whole lot to anticipate as you can see outside it is beautiful right now we do have some weather about 350 miles we expect some weather and possible deviations and stuff so i think at this time we're going to turn the cameras off and we'll check back in when we get closer to the weather [Music] don't worry so checking back in with you are we uh getting a little closer to the weather uh actually looked like for a minute there we were gonna zip right past all the weather just perfectly and and we would have except uh there's some active moas uh between us and arkansas so unless we want to go to two four zero which this plane is capable of as i mentioned before we're going to fibo but uh it's not really the optimum uh altitude for these airplanes so even though they're capable of it i don't mind doing it to get over something real quick but i didn't want to sit there for an extended period of time so we did a little negotiating because they were going to give us uh one routing that was going to be chokham which if you uh look right up here that would have put us that way there you see hiv so that was going to put us near this weather and there would have been no deviating to the left because that's actually the airspace that they want to keep us out of so after a little negotiating we uh they then gave us ldk minimum igb tomlin which puts us in possibly in a hint of weather for a short stand but that's just green and yellow we can negotiate through that pretty well and looking out the window you know we might be above most of that anyways as well so we'll see what happens when we get a little bit closer but um so that's the update for now we are still a good uh two hours out and uh so we'll check back in with you when we get a little bit closer to this weather uh see how it works out all right welcome back you can uh pause the six nine check out the weather you can see we're picking up a little bit of ice while the cameras are up directions and we started picking up a little bit of light right searching we requested higher and now we're going up to two zero zero affirmative we do have the weather and note of the greenville and uh yeah if we could get set up for the art nav off of badger that'd be great all right picking up more ice [Music] all now just right on the edge of this stuff i am there we go now we're out of it all right so as long as we don't get more than one uh that's fine that's just light rhymes the reason i have a question about it is because in 234 maintain file 2-1-0 when we were at 1-8-0 it was the light rain but because we were in the clouds that's why you wanted to get out because you knew it was going to gain more well because i wasn't sure you know how long we were going to be there because i mean for the radar we weren't in anything but um we're going to be there a while i didn't want to i can't light rhyme we could sit light ram all day long not too concerned about it center barrel one one seven more minutes here number seven romeo go ahead sir yeah we seem to pass that uh icing if we can go back down to 180 appreciate it same almost here let's have a normal third descent maintain five one eight two one eight zero seven sierra thank you nintendo 4808 contact map center 128.27 good day good day is it though is it a good day karma 7-9 you said you wanted to start bringing the aloha over here aloha hello bob jacksonville hello aloha bob all right we're about 37 minutes out from springdale arkansas they're starting to clear up they were in springdale the lowest layer is broken 2700 and the winds out of the north so we should be landing on 36. you know i've got some questions on some of the other videos asking about what this is here um so this is actually uh you've seen in my airplane i have the regular jet shades that are custom cut and molded this is actually the universal jet shade with the suction cups here so you can just pop it in now this one in particular isn't the universal for the p baron it's just the universal stuff that i had and so it actually kind of fits pretty well into the universal aspect of it unfortunately because the universal shades that i have is for the 55 baron the window on kim's side isn't the same size as is in a 55 so she's had to suffer with uh no jet shades but being that it's we've been flying high and it's colder um it's probably a blessing in the skies so that's your excuse is purely an excuse as to why i have to suffer because every time that we fly in this every time that we've flown in this plane the sun's been on my side first thing you button there's a new button here somewhere anywhere guys so if you do like these jet shades or interested in them for your um aircraft uh you can find them on the bear pilot shop.com site and um they've got them for the the baron the bonanza the cirrus diamond the diamond there's a bunch of airplane sports one of the pipers yeah there's now a piece for the 172s to put it in the front which um i love having that yeah there's even some for 737 pilots so um go on to behringerpilotshop.com and check them out memphis center baron 117 romeo sierra would like to start down when abel november 117 romeo sierra maintain one two twelve thousand the hairstyle altimeters two nine or eight eight one two twelve thousand two nine nine eight seven romeo two nine or eight two nine [Music] you haven't noticed uh this video i have been trying my hardest not to say 4 7 romeo sierra um i understand that it was a bad habit quickly picked up because i heard somebody else doing it and to be honest i was just trying to speak in a complete sentence i'm getting used to shorthand um working on that but you'll hear it you'll hear it every once in a while i can guarantee it i have that benefit sometimes i still do it on occasion and it's not it's not the worst thing in the world um i mean it sounds cleaner when you don't say it uh no one's gonna you're not gonna confuse atc with it right by any means and if you do then you read back again with out before and then it's done but i i do agree um it can definitely be a bad habit all right we're getting our descent so the field elevation is thirteen hundred feet so we'll go ahead and yank the area adjust the pressurization to five hundred feet above fuel elevation there plus so excited i'm so excited i don't want to think about it i'm kind of haven't really thought about the entire flight i know i'm just like all right we're just we're just flying again it's just another flight not a big deal i know but i have to admit i'm going to miss this airplane i'm going to miss the pressurization i'm going to miss the air conditioning i miss the ability to get high i get hurt i think it was awesome of jeff to let us borrow his plane oh yeah phenomenal for the couple of weeks that we've we've had it because we had to go home so i i'm honored that anyone would have that kind of trust and faith in me to do hand over the keys to their baby well you are called the baron pilot the baron call me maybe i should call myself the premier premier pilot hit up greg because if so if that's how this works here contact razorback approach 126.6 before you go there's an area of moderate precipitation 12 o'clock nine and a half miles precip area about a mile in diameter let him know if you need to deviate what 2 6.6 and will advise seven romeo sierra look at you i thought i need to tell you what to say yeah like shut up let me just say this before i forget we don't need to we're good just checking yeah where are we uh leveling off at one two thousand okay razorback baron 117 romeo sierra's leveling off at one two thousand here razorback approach advise if you have the weather at springdale expect to be visiting the uh our natural light 360 and your clear direct save or i don't know what to say there's too much all right we we have the weather we will expect the rnav drag zaber and six thousand seven arms here at this tower right there eighty two can we load not yet uh who are we talking to twenty six six actually yeah go ahead so where did you look to determine yes so on the on the approach plate you can see right here tower springdale tower 118.2 and then i also look to see who would uh who approaches purchases razorback 26.6 and we're talking to 26.6 so once i saw that i knew we wouldn't get handed off again so then what center doing up there like if you're going out 261 yeah it says left two seven zero five thousand seven zero [Music] yeah let's see he's gonna give us a left turn or right turn i think it was the right turn let's have it and i said purple just send us down see what he does number seven romeo's here clear the right hand turn direct xavore right turn directly where it's everyone is here all right director turn answer baron seven romeo's here across zebel right or above three thousand eight hundred cleared our never only three six say we're at our above 3800 clear dr and i have three six approach segments here i can see the field in front of us let's go ahead and go flat approach right slope is alive oh good guys slope intercept your down [Music] baron 7 romeo sierra contact springdale tower one one eight point two oh one eight point two seven or eight zero tower bear one seven four missile are now three six their one one seven romeo sierra spin hotel our wind runway three six clear two lands three six clear lands every sierra nice way to end a little series with the p baron absolutely and you know what made it the best part it wasn't egg 20 and i lived and i don't have a red nose that everybody could yell at you for now that you love me anyways guys if you like these videos as always hit that thumbs up and that subscribe button because comment we're going to see is your subscription the channel and i spread the word if you like what we're doing here let others know i haven't reminded everybody in a while and uh remind christopher also that when we hit what 75 000 subscriptions subscribers that uh i will start taking flight lessons all right i gotta turn your mic off batteries aren't dead yet so help us help us get to that goal you want to see me fly for real or rizzo that chat what didn't go where you thought it was going it's supposed to be a sterile cockpit our idol how is that for now all right parker see this weekend say good day samurais here i was trying to make that i know i was like i don't want to burn up his brakes though like is he really going to turn is he is he one thing this airplane is not is a short field airplane but apparently we're still going to try cedar key not this one ah this bad boy our baron all right problems make sure flaps up inflation off now flaps open welcome to springdale arkansas so we landed we still got 35 gallons of fuel on board over 190 so that's over an hour of fuel left our flying time was uh 4 hours and 23 minutes thank you for the redirect so end up being 423 and we still have an hour fuel so that's a five and a half hour worth of fuel so good stuff don't forget guys go to bear pilot shop your baron pilot gear your beach life gear we actually got something good other goodies not specific to the brand social distancing some other good stuff too oh look at the parents sitting there oh oh oh is it real is it real oh it's still open it doesn't sell don't forget to comment below with anything uh we want to talk about these next few flights let you know let us know how you're doing tell me how much you hate me all right guys we're gonna spin this bad boy around and until next time stay safe and we'll see on the next one next flight going to be all about avionics very exciting [Music] the next time guys bye guys [Music] you don't get much more you
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 503,154
Rating: 4.839304 out of 5
Keywords: icing, last flight, p-baron, pressurized baron, IFD550, Beechcraft Baron B55, Beechcraft Baron, Beech Baron B55, Beech Baron, Baron B55, B55, ATC, flying, Live ATC, Flight VLOG, IFR Flight, IFR, Flying Experience, Instrument Approach, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, pilot vlog, avidyne, IFD, IFD100, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, 3175W, whyifly, Beechlife
Id: 8ah6iVQ4II0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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