ACTUALLY the HARDEST START in KENSHI! (The Sims + Open World + Combat = Kenshi) s2e1

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alright guys so I got through like a third of editing Episode five of my original kenchi series what I realize is that the episodes that I streamed we're just really low-quality and I think having a low-quality episode in the series will just kind of ruin the series if people see that one bad episode they're just more likely to tune out of the entire series and now I know a lot more about the game so starting over would be a lot of fun and I think it might lead to a better series mainly just because I know the style of video I want less to do with the fact that I was unhappy with where we at cuz we were doing well like we had a mass a lot of money we had just bought a house but now I know more of like the style of video I want to do and so because that we're gonna be starting a new game rock bottom wasn't that difficult like starting with one arm it's not even much of a disadvantage from what I saw and it's actually kind of an advantage because you can get bonus stats from getting a really good prosthetic arm the only penalty you get as far as I know is if your only arm is damaged you can't fight it all but like having two arms doesn't help your labouring skill it doesn't even help your fighting ability I don't think which is kind of weird and so I think starting as a slave might actually be even harder I know the difficulty is only hard for a slave and rock-bottom says it's very hard but as a slave you're starting off in a position where you've a 10 hour debuff where if you get caught you become a slave again and then a 99 hour debuff after that where if you get caught I believe you're thrown into a cage as asleep again so I think this start is actually more difficult and for Advanced Options we're asking you everything on normal no 2 times production and research and building speed everything is completely normal bandits can loot me and yeah here we go I wasn't really a huge fan of high prince hive worker drone actually sounds pretty good I can have a plush 20% bonus of laboring and I'll be doing a lot of mining early and so since I think for the majority of the early game I will be mining I will be going hive workers oh and they also have a 20% bonus to athletics so I'll be mining and then when I run back to deposit the mined goods I'll be running quicker because I have bonus to athletics also having more athletics will allow me to be able to run away from enemies easier now my name is gonna be molten named after a character from a bug's life it's a really old movie but they made a game for the PlayStation 1 which I really liked when it came out I was really young and I played it to completion and in general I have really fond memories of the game I think the guy in the middle is mold he's kind of like a giant grasshopper type of thing this guy kind of looks like a grasshopper sorta I made his eyes a lot bigger and I made his body pretty fat you guys should make him quite tall as well let's just do that so I did a test run and I found out a few things about starting as a slave mainly that you start with two characters instead of one my second character will also be a high worker drone and he will again be named after a bug's life character called slim he's a stick bug and they are very tall skinny and lanky and here we go I'm gonna leave this start completely unedited as it is definitely the most difficult part okay so the way the start goes is we are going to run to the gate and there is a relatively good chance that they will see us and recognize us as slaves and they will chase us and they will put us in a cage where they will beat the crap out of us and we are just pretty much screwed but there is a chance that they will just not recognize this at all and so I'm just gonna keep running for the gate and hoping that they do not recognize this like right here is perfect actually they did not recognize this at all we are not home free though because there are other slave masters like there's one over here that I think might have seen us nope he didn't see us okay that's fantastic we're actually really good to go let's see can we sneak right now and no one is gonna see us we're not home free though I've gotten to this point before where we get here and yep there's people that see us yep third actually chasing us I think oh god no if they start chasing it's like we do not I'll run them yep there's a guy running after us okay I think we're screwed here yeah I think we're freakin screwed like I don't think is he gonna stop chasing oh my god I think we actually got out okay don't get me wrong you guys that was probably the 15 attempt at doing that there is a relatively low chance of actually being able to get out I want to say it's about 20 percent that you actually get out of that gate without them attacking you it might be a little bit higher you like 30 but there's guards outside of the gate that will chase you down and so the fact that we were able to get past the original gate guards and then the guards after that was relatively lucky it's happened to me a few times I did a playthrough earlier what happened to me once out of like probably four attempts but I wanted to do is start where I didn't edit it at all just to show you guys like how it kind of plays out because that right there is definitely probably the most difficult part if you do get captured it's just not the best like you can potentially have an arm just severed and like after they beat you down they do bandage you up but they don't bandage you up fully a lot of the time so what ends up happening is like your arm will just bleed out and you'll just lose your arm or like the worst thing that can happen is you lose a leg and then how are you gonna escape when you've lost a leg like it's just not gonna be something that is really all that possible to do and I don't really mind reverting saves at the very start of the game especially like I don't know if I'm gonna do it during this playthrough like I might just have a stipulation where I don't revert saves even though you guys wouldn't know because I'm gonna be editing out a lot of the boring stuff but that might be something I'll do where I like just try never to revert saves but like assuming this was a speedrun you can restart the game as much as you want you can go back to the original point of the game as much as you want and that's like the starting area so I don't think anyone can really have a problem with me just restarting the game until I get some kind of optimal start in the first like five minutes of the game but I was doing a playthrough earlier and I was reverting saves as I was going through the playthrough a lot and I want to try to do less of that and by the way I don't know if we're going the correct direction I think we're just going back to where we're just going back to where we started actually no it looks like over here there is a path that goes up this way so we could try to go that way right now we're here on the map I want to go this direction because I started here earlier and I know like pretty much how to survive over here I want to do some other place and I want to try to survive in like some other environment just so I can make the playthrough a bit different than my last one cuz there's a lot of you guys no I did just you a Kenshi playthrough and I think starting in a different environment would make it more interesting for you guys that being said though this will be a series where I'm going to make it last like a long time a lot longer than my last series of course and so I think this is gonna get a lot more views to my last series eventually so a lot of you guys watching this right now may have never seen my other kenji series and so all this might be new to you and we have discovered some ruins are the ruins down here I believe they are if there are ruins that means they might have loot that would be kind of cool when it is earlier I want to complete different directions so I have no idea what I'm about to walk and do this could be like a bandit camp or something I don't know so we can see there's a bunch of blood spiders which are super strong and they are angry so the ruins is definitely not somewhere we want to go can we just not through here or is this even a place where we can get through I think this is actually looking like a complete dead end so now the question is is there anything in here worth trying to go for like this damaged book is bootable one two three four five damaged books six that I can see there's one on the outside we could try to sneak in here there's two more over here as well try to get past all these blood spiders I don't know if we can outrun them they have max possible speed of 13 miles per hour we have a max possible speed of 80 miles per hour so we can outrun them if they are onto us accidentally I think we do go in here we can also try to sneak in as well so that's even less of a chance they can a girl Andalus I'm seeing that they're not patrolling towards these stairs like they are blocking us from getting over here okay so we are seen even over here which is kind of weirding me out and are they a growing on us already okay the art they are definitely they are definitely a growing on us can we just walk back in there maybe they were only a girl on us because we were sneaking but maybe if we just walk in this guy is hacking us yep he's attacking us okay and I was kept okay the ruins are not to play so there's like kind of a secret path that goes over this direction and we're about to run into some people who are they skeletons I don't think these will attack us Kitty did not attack us so we're just gonna run back to the main road I think we're just gonna keep going the same direction I went earlier River Raptor these guys are not aggressive from what I and they're pretty slow they have 9 athletics and they run it max possible 8 miles per hour so yeah we can just walk right by them here's a bone dog it's actually attacking us can we make it attack the river Raptors okay it's not wanting a ground then we're just gonna have to outrun it which is completely fine wait is it a car on them yeah it's a girl on them that's great bone dog is quite a beast too so I don't even know if they can take it out but if they do we can loot its flesh and we can hopefully eat the flesh and yet here is a massive fight the bone dog is got this one in critical condition but it's still holding its own two of them are now in critical condition its head is very wounded though take out its flesh I think he did eat the foul flesh yeah I did and then we get this - and there's a bridge over here we're just gonna head towards that and if we do find somewhere to trade the hides are worth 220 and the teeth are worth 30 each so that was a pretty decent turn of events earlier when I was doing this my main issue was I was running out of food so the fact that we got the food issue taken care of already is really good so to the right is towards the desert we're gonna go to the left this time though when I say this time you guys have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about but I did probably like two hours of plate through earlier where I went to the desert and a since I was reverting auto-saves a lot I just didn't really feel the best about it I was making a lot of like really sketchy decisions that I should be making assuming I'm not just gonna keep save revert spamming like what I want to do is I want to make safe decisions so that I don't have to autosave very much if at all like if I could just not revert any saves at all that would be completely awesome I'm assuming there's gonna be some situations where I'm just gonna get really really bad luck and I'm just gonna get potentially wiped or something where I might have to revert saves and if I do I'll let you guys know and like up here for example there's some paladin's of the holy nation which we do not want to run into so we're gonna keep our distance we're gonna go this direction I guess okay so we're gonna cross over because we do have an opportunity to and I don't really know where the Patrol is they could be behind us or ahead of us but there are a lot of ways to just kind of go off the path if we do run into them and then running this direction which is unfortunately the way we want to go however they are going pretty quickly so I think we're just gonna stick a bit behind them and whilst wait for them you get past this valley here and once they do we should be able to just be home free one thing we could potentially do is just mine until the ex-slave debuff wears off that would be definitely the safest play assuming we wanted to play through what I didn't revert and he saves at all by doing that I would be working towards my goal I would just be doing it slightly slower because I could potentially find a companion in the holy nation town but if this is a holy nation town which I'm assuming it is then they could potentially see through my disguise or I've heard they don't like anything that's not human so maybe it'll just attack me when I head through the gate I don't know and being an ex-slave even add some more chance that they're gonna see me and attack me when I go through the gate I'm not really sure where this is I've been heading up this whiny path for what seems like a while now what it looks like okay yeah there is a town up here is it a holy nation its tech hundred town okay these guys won't actually tack us for not being human but they will potentially attack us for being ex-slave do we go in and risk it and try to sell the stuff off I think no I think what we do is we just drop the animal skins and stuff right here and no one will loot those I don't think they do it's not that big of a deal but we'll head down I think this way and we'll try to find a copper node or an iron node and we'll just mine away 487 in-game hours so I found this iron resource and I was thinking about mining it but I think if we're gonna be mining for now 83 in-game hours we should definitely be mining a copper resource I don't think iron is very good the only thing is I wasn't finding any copper around this town so I think we're just gonna look for another town and oh god we just got ambushed by cannibals looks like we're faster than them though yeah I think we are faster than them we're in the hidden forest and we're gonna head up Northwest and see if we can try to find a town with a copper resource nearby well I did find some copper resource over here but they're fifty-five copper quality which is not good we might be better off mining the very high quality iron resource and we're not really that close to a town so we're gonna keep looking it seems like it's really hard to find and over here there's some people attacking something some kind of battle going on there's a beak thing interesting and they're fighting some cannibals looks like they're absolutely destroying the cannibals actually if we do mouse-over the beak things they are hostile so we're not gonna get too close to them until they walk away and then we'll try to loot the bodies what is it doing it's eating him oh yeah it goal is to eat body mole has some stuff on him so I'm gonna try to have him aggro the beak thing onto him and hopefully he can outrun it oh my god it's so fast okay that was not to play and we will be reverting be honest guys when you saw the beak thing you did not expect it to be moving at Mach speed like that thing is freaking fast so I'm gonna chalk that one down to a learning experience there is a village actually pretty close to where the big thing was killing those cannibals see is it a village that's hostile though it's got a bar like this might not be a hostile village at all we'll note the location of this thing and we'll head over to where the beak thing was destroying those cannibals try to loot them and maybe can sell the loot at this village can will hunter is fighting holy crap that is a massive battle over here who wins the cannibal hunters which have pretty decent dexterity it looks like or the regular cannibals I don't know but we're gonna try to Luke whoever loses that I'm not fighting those beak things anywhere I don't think I'm in the right area but that's quite all right we found potentially something better it looks like the Campbell hunters to win this one and there are a lot of crippled cannibals from trying to run away the cannibal hunters are not hostile to us so I think we just head in there and tried to start looting once if I heard is that when you're looting you can just pause and they have flesh cleaver which sells for 300 that's decent another flesh cleaver great bandage can loot this another flesh cleaver juice all while your paws to which a lot you guys have been telling me in the comment section that he appreciate that oh no mold damage I got too close it's right arms damage that's fine though you can heal himself up too we got some bandages what happened there is we got too close and we got cleaved by some AoE I don't believe the guy was even trying to hit us okay this guy wants to fight okay we were very encumbered to this guy's super fast my god we don't run him you might be able to kill him actually he's got a weapon he's got zero martial arts to the leveling up our melee attack skill to get him guys I think we're winning this for sure okay we got one of you good pick this guy up internment for a bounty if they do have some kind of prisoner thing at the village I doubt they do though it's a frickin village all right we got two cannibals and a bunch of weapons let's head over to the village and see if we can dump this off I'm not really expecting to be able to sell these guys off of this village I'm just hoping that we can sell off the weapons go back loot the rest of weapons solve those and then we can potentially stay at this village for 74 more hours or we can just move on to something else they only have a bar here so I'm not thinking we can sell these guys off this bar does anyone in here there's literally no one here and there's a lot of freakin loot I'm not sure how I feel about this like it's good and bad the fact that we can just take whatever we want but we just don't have any space we can do though is just dump all the weapons off and everything and was heading this bar and just started looting stuff dried fish take the meat wrap each try it's not that good it's really heavy on her statue bread it's pretty good the grog is decent let's see what's in these barrels and stuff there's a lot of stuff in here stealing chance one percent to me traps which are good bread this wooden barrel there's some dried fish decent price some bread megacity the beginning unique book it's really tiny animals take it and there's a safe I would like to lockpick that unfortunately we have zero percent chance of lock-picking it some dried fish and some meat wrap in this barrel we're gonna drop the water and some more dried patience more bread in this barrel oh my god what are these guys okay there's actually people here I'm not see anywhere to sell this stuff I'm thinking just dump it all in the ground we'll send more back in there like there's no one in there now some guy just came in randomly and left well send slim in there too and we'll have him start trying to block pick this safe right at the top there's a meat wrap and some fish the other barrel there's a water jug and we won't take that okay let's just start picking this oh he's not skilled enough can we just break it I'm strong enough we don't have any tools so we can't in the safe unfortunately it's kind of a weird town I get wonder if there's people inside these houses there's no one in here this is so odd take the grog splink it's good to secure wooden chests 8% to pick that whoo this can be good hey just guys come in be careful they're probably heading here this is probably their house no it's not okay we were fine continue so typical experiment I saved and as this guy was walking in I just decided to pick the lock just to see if he would be upset about it but no he doesn't care and there is a lot of random garbage looks like the damaged book is bad nothing too good here the statues okay and the hacksaw okay let's head in this house we might just be able to loot this house like I don't know if they'll care there's actually no one in here yet again let's see if this guy is gonna be mad that were in here nope absolutely does not care there's some dried fish some bread some barrels upstairs shredder Lutece there was nothing another one but there's some grog in this one so we'll take that tell us for like 1k I'm think we just grabbed the best stuff leave and then we head up towards this town like it's kind of far away but we got so much loot to sell and like these houses are just so juicy it another house where they have food and it's more grog well dump like the animal tea if we don't need those and we don't need so many bandages either I'm gonna hold one two three more grogs alright that's good enough I think we're just gonna head out of here and head back to this tech hunters town because we know it's like a good place to go they won't attack because I don't think unless they care that were slaves but I think we'll just take that risk and hopefully they will not attack us so originally I plan was I was gonna head back into this tech hunters town but I think we're gonna keep going left and hope we find another friendly town of some sort because the okay the camel Plains I don't know if we should be in cannibal plains okay we're getting attacked by some cannibals who are pretty pissed we're out to put these guys down my it's a ditch our loot to running faster in them xx lettings we're moving at 19 miles per hour they're moving at I don't know what speed we're about to find out doesn't tell us but I think we're moving quicker than them even with all the goods on us yep we're not running them I think we're good and it looks like there is a town pretty close to us I'm not sure if this is closer than the tech hunters town on the hill would have been seems looking pretty plugged out I'm hoping this is not a cannibal town and it is okay we are not welcome here at all well the question is do we just head back to the tech hunters town or do we keep going up this direction I mean the thing is is that we are still an ex-slave for 57 more hours so we are kind of just in the meantime wasting time until that runs out there's another battle over here tech hunters are absolutely slings more scrawny cannibals we'll pick some of them up and we can maybe sell them off in a town I'm seeing a beak thing over here which slayed a Berserker the only thing is this eating their body and if it a goes on to this we're freakin dead I feel like this area is not a place we want to be so I think the plan might be to loot this Berserker when this bee thing is done just ravaging the body oh it's killing something else already getting killed there's two berserkers fighting it they have pretty decent weapons it looks like but they are just not denting it at all it's way too tanky they actually might take out its right leg though the only thing is if these berserkers do have loot on them I mean we are pretty full the brim of relatively decent loot the best hope here is to lose some decent armor and a really good weapon then we'll just try to get out this beating is actually getting pretty wounded to chest at 71 and both its legs are pretty partially wounded as well Berserker himself is actually doing okay looks like they took out the beat thing it's apparently wounded slightly injured oh okay now it's going down it might have some fat loot on the beat thing actually and holy crap we're getting slayed by these scrawny cannibals okay we got to put these things down we can outrun them I think run run run and run okay I think we're faster you try to aggro them into the berserkers but like I don't really care about that as much oh no the scrawny cannibals are taking the bodies okay they're getting killed though I think the cannibals lose this because the berserkers were really strong shed loot this thing really fast so six hides holy nuts trouble hides all right that actually worked out pretty okay there's still some dead berserkers over here where they're knocked out at least okay this guy's got a really decent weapon fragment axe armor drag skirt which is better than what we got and a bandanna I'm assuming this other Berserker has the same weapon yeah he does stitch the weapon and the pants and the headpiece all right let's just get out of here so let me actually needs some banishing his stomach hurt his chest is actually not too good all right well we made it back to village with a few auto-saves one thing I did learn from that whole excursion is that the safer plate is probably the better play and so we're gonna be doing less of exploring into unknown territories especially at the beginning when we have absolutely no combat stats and we're gonna kind of stick to what we know which is we know that the tech hunter town is going to be relatively safe so we're just gonna head over there it's actually not even that far from the village either it's just the path goes on a really whiny road but that's completely fine I do not mind a very windy long path as long as it's safe alright so we made it did not take long at all did we still look like a slave at all one percent very low chance we get caught I think we made it past the gate fine and let's head into the bar and hopefully whoa they got three bars here that means there could be a lot of companions stolen goods no problem it doesn't look like there's any kind of penalty for fencing here so this is sweet we're just gonna sell off all the dried fish and stuff usually I'd probably keep it and the grog cells were full value that's awesome we got so much grog but why is this one only sell for 559 no there is a mark down if it's stolen and like some of them are stolen like these two are stolen but these four are not stolen so whatever we'll just sell even the stolen ones it's where the stolen dried fish have no mark down I'm thinking we just solve this weapon to maybe like I don't think having a really good weapon is gonna do much it weighs 12 kg too so it's making us really slow yeah I think we're just gonna dump it off we actually bought out the shopkeeper we have 9.40 k now traders wouldn't backpack seems pretty good - it doesn't slow us down at all it just gives a little bit of combat penalty and then stealth and dodge as well if we do try to stall it around we'll just put this on the guy that's not trying to stealth around and we have some more space now which is awesome see any companions in here we 3000 let's get them a hive Prince so the high prince is really bad at laboring and strength but he's really good at being a thief and stealth lock-picking as well so I think we'll have this guy be like the thief and we'll have him do a lot picking and stuff kind of like Pablo's role in the last series of you guys saw that and we'll have him named Cabo jr. just as kind of an homage to Cabo Jorgen just kind of good 3,000 and he's a check which means he's good at combat yeah it's 20% toughness attack and 10% strength just like that we have doubled our party size we got another guy over here Peas 6,000 whoa let's try solve the rest these goods and then if worse comes to worse we just come back with the rest of this stuff from that village we can definitely pick her up get some more food to sell off we're just gonna sell it cuz at the village they had a lot of food I said phones kykyxxx shoot he will join us for a three thousand let's just do it he's a human so he's good at farming cooking in science nothing really too spectacular about him and actually didn't look at the companions skills Shu has one and everything Jurgen has not even won everything some skills eo0 and cobbler jr. has again zero and laboring but one and everything else all of them come with katanas but no gear I think we're gonna have them solve all their katanas cuz we're gonna be running away anyways like we're not gonna be fighting we'll solve the other fragment axe we had and the iron stick is low like if we run into people we will be running away alright so pick up five companions we got a decent my money's still at three point five key left over and I think one episode 1 of season 2 right there in the next episode we're gonna be heading back down to the village and we're gonna be just looting it dry since we got five people now and before we do that let's head over this camping store and so you can get more backpacks so we could get a couple our backpacks that would really helpless and they do have a large backpack I'm thinking that since we only move as quick as our slowest member we just buy three small backpacks for now because like if one of our members is carrying everything in a large backpack he's moving really really slowly and he won't be able to keep up with the rest of the party so it's good one two Jurgen and one kite shoe and molt got one too and we'll leave cobbler without a backpack it does hinder your stealth skill and so now we got some backpacks and we'll be heading back down to the abandoned town looting pretty much everything and heading back here selling everything and we'll see where we go from there that will all be happening in the next episode I will see you guys then peace out
Channel: trmplays
Views: 212,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, games done quick, agdq, sgdq, speedrun, gaming commentary, Mount & Blade, Warband, Mount & Blade Warband, Mount And Blade, Mount And Blade Warband, new update, kenshi 1.0, kenshi update, The Sims, The Sims 4, The Sims 3, The Sims 2, trmplays, the rain man, gamesdonequick, sims, bannerlord, kenshi review, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi 2018, Kenshi lets play, kenshi steam, kenshi tutorial, kenshi part 1, kenshi episode 1, Kenshi Slave, Kenshi The Slaves
Id: RYw-_Vs0BSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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