Top tips for the night before your IELTS exam

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hi there it's asiya are you  taking your ielts exam tomorrow   let's discuss what you should do the night  before your exam and on the exam day to   perform at your best and pass your exam  with flying colors okay let's get started   first of all enough studying ielts is an  english language exam and you're not going   to learn english in the last night so let  the quiet knowledge settle in your brain   of course when i'm saying that i assume  that you've already done some preparation   but if that's not the case and you're  just discovering what the exam is about   then you need to learn the main strategies  and take one full mock test i'm gonna leave   the links for you in the description box below  and now let's continue the next thing to do is   to switch your brain to the english mode your  brain adapts to the environment so help it   help it to adapt to an english english-speaking  environment watch a movie in english something not   too challenging for example friends and don't  worry if you don't understand something just   accept it as it comes your brain is still  doing the work next review your exam strategies   think what you're gonna do in each section during  your exam for example ielts listening i quickly   read the task and then i start reading all the  questions and options i highlight keywords in   ielts reading i carefully read the task without  any rush maybe i read it twice i plan my essay   then i start writing and i don't pay any attention  to people who start writing earlier than me so   think about all that the night before then you're  more likely to follow through on your strategies   when it matters visualize your exam no it's  not some weird success attracting technique   it's scientifically proven that visualization  leads to increased performance and it's widely   used by sports people for example formula one  drivers visualize how they take the tough corner   or basketball players visualize how they ace  that crucial free throw and you should visualize   your ielts speaking exam imagine how you're  entering the room saying hello to the examiner   sitting down listening to the instructions  answering questions one by one feeling   confident feeling in control knowing answer  to every question and so on visualization   creates a sense of familiarity like you know the  situation and if you visualize your exam enough   then when you enter the exam room you have  a feeling like you've been there already you   know everything and that will help to calm  your nerves and feel better during your exam   you should also get ready the night before  your exam find your passport print the booking   confirmation make sure you've checked the precise  address of the test center and you're not thinking   about some other building by mistake check how  much time it's going to take you to get there   try to leave all the valuables at home you  won't be allowed to take your watch or laptop   into the room so don't carry them to  the exam center if you can avoid it   but prepare some pencils if you want to  take your own and a good eraser perhaps some   centers allow you to take a pen for ielts writing  i definitely prefer writing with a pen rather   than with a pencil because it's more quick but not  all centers allow that you should be able to take   a clear bottle of water with you no other  drink and no stickers so prepare it if you wish   if you're feeling stressed the night before  your exam work out go for a jog go to the gym   stress is adrenaline released into our  bloodstream and adrenaline makes all the blood   flow to our muscles and not to our brain  so that's not particularly good for an exam   this is our ancient fight-or-flight response  basically our ancestors are prepared to either   fight a bear or outrun it and both are  not particularly intellectual activities   so for your exam you need to find a way to calm  your nerves and if you exercise you help your body   to lower the level of adrenaline to calm down and  also to have a good night's sleep before your exam   on the exam day get up early set an alarm  or 10 alarms whatever it takes to get you   up in plenty of time have a good breakfast it's a  three-hour exam and your brain needs enough fuel   but avoid any energy drinks or caffeinated  drinks they will not help you perform better   quite the opposite they make your heart  rate go up and together with the stress   it may make you feel dizzy and well  and can make it harder to concentrate don't learn any new stuff in the morning i  regularly see comments on my videos from people   saying i'm sitting in the corridor waiting for my  ielts exam to start and i'm watching this video   don't do that just watch your morning news in  english it will help your brain to adapt to an   english-speaking environment leave home  early you know buses tend to break down   at the most inconvenient time and try not  to have any large drinks before your exam   it's a three-hour exam without any breaks even  longer with all the registration in the beginning   of course you can go out if you really need to but  you have to take time from one of your sections   you can't go out during the instructions and an  invigilator has to come with you and register   you before you leave the room and after you come  back i did it once and it takes a lot of time so   avoid it if you can help it and one more thing  very important in ielts speaking before your exam   try to talk in english aloud find some corner on  the street no one really cares what you're doing   and talk in english it will warm up your muscles  and help you pronounce words more clearly it   will also activate all the connections in your  brain you know whenever i'm recording videos   the second video goes much more smoothly  than the first one precisely because   i've already warmed up so do that before  your exam and one more thing to remember   don't worry about making any mistakes in  your exam you don't have to be perfect you   just need to be good enough to pass  your exam that's all that matters   good luck i'll keep my fingers crossed for  you and thank you for watching me today bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 52,164
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, tips for ielts exam day, ielts exam day tips, tips before ielts exam day, ielts test day instructions, ielts last minute tips, how to prepare for ielts in one day, ielts exam day tips 2021, eilts
Id: o2OUhbIPS1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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