Top Gear - Funniest Moments from Series 12

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so may this one's yours Scania P94 it's um this is the sleeper cab which has got the extra bit on the back where you can sleep we also did it as a day cab which didn't have that bit so you couldn't sleep in it um it's the uh what color is it what have you got there good James bad news the Dacia sandero the what the Dacia sandero was not coming to the UK oh now uh British cup [Music] unless you change that yeah I won't change unless you change that now you hit it again [Music] James wasn't really enjoying his company but then neither was Jeremy I didn't know you were the police police Reno Police I just I'm pleased I just saw it on the tires and the Rev of the engine oh no sorry my foot slipped off the clothes that's it no I don't buy that for a second okay sorry oh dear I honestly believe that at some point on our long and torturous route one of us would be killed probably wouldn't be Hammond though because unlike us two he at least could get a helmet which fitted the reason I don't ride a motorcycle is because I have a large Brain the reason why crash helmets are small is because people who wear them haven't got a brain otherwise they'd have a car some say that his favorite all-time tune is forever Awesome by Justin Hayward and that he has the world's largest collection of pornographical material all we know is he's not the Stig but he is the stakes Lorry driving cousin hours look he's got lucky draw the sun I see yes yes he's really as big as an American stick yeah have you turned the traction control off yes have you ever done that in your life no I think it's very games still straight oh talk you are such an imbecile what do you call that I over corrected this is a massive o-cock how can it have run out that rain makes a really annoying noise on my calendar helmet and he comes through meanwhile in the Renault come on spin foreign driving it turns out it's quite a lot harder than I thought we've done something to the leg as well yeah the gear lever's gone up my ass right okay moving on to our next award um it is now the most embarrassing flirting on television award in third place James May for this fantastic sonorous approach when presented with two girls during our Alfa Romeo trip through Warwickshire I have been rescued and I haven't even broken down hello hello okay I've forgotten how bad it was you have to start with hello what's next right in second place Jeremy Clarkson for this inept charm offensive on an American Girl in our studio only the other week American you're American oh you can't be you know we're near fat enough it was a compliment but that's not the winning entry because the winner is Jeremy Clarkson interviewing Will Young here he is let's have a look let's remind ourselves let's remind ourselves of when the magic first bloomed Resort here it is just got arms like pipe cleaners you can quite trim actually not trip fit I'm saying all the wrong things [Laughter] thank you away we go [Music] sadly though this was also too much for the U.S government I just wanted to make sure that you guys are doing the documentary so it is a documentary it's not a like a fooling around show now serious Jeremy's sincerity wasn't convincing and his hand gestures didn't help either everything you said everything you said made it last at one point I wanted to just they provided backup transport excellent excellent turned out to be the wrong word oh oh my God oh oh yes that is a bit oh God I don't think so it's slightly conspicuous that's born in the USA evidently that's Thunder and the village have you noticed it was a Rumble of Thunder and the Villager up we've got some road legal but very sticky track tires which could be worth several seconds you're gonna have to turn it round that's going to take the rest of our lives it's disappeared into the bloody dashboard I'm going to grab this camera so that you can actually see hopefully what has happened here now these are the buttons that change the gears that's park that's backwards and that was forward and I promise you I merely pressed it and my finger just did because this is a hard job and I'm not just saying this to win favor with Lorry drivers it's a hard job change gear change gear change gear check your mirrors murderer prostitute change gear change gear murder check you but that's a lot of effort in a day I don't really know what I'm doing here because I'm not very fashion conscious your suit's ready here it is thank you thank you thank you that's very nice it's perfect I'm measuring my biceps now she leaves that tape measure under my armpit any longer it'll rot so what what can you blend with it I could blend you if I wanted to but what I'm actually going to do under this uh high visibility Shield here is blend some beef beef yes beef this is going to be uh a man's V8 smoothie that I'm gonna make now so I'm going to plunk that in there like that is that beef still got bones in it yes and then I'm going to put some chilies in got a few chilies this is bovril because that's a V8 man's drink that's a collection of manly ingredients yes I'm finished yet Tabasco nice touch that wasn't yeah just a dash of that in there and I think for added bite uh brick brick Oh it's broken but there we are pop that in there okay this is the control oh God tell me that's not an accelerated pedal yes kind of a set there's just safety precautions is it allowed how James yeah because it's loud are we ready here we go this is in the kitchen at home yeah you get the thing off I'll prepare the glass so this is It's like a manly smoothie cocktail exactly oh this is a moment yes yes wow look at that that just is the business fantastic and delicious right are we ready what a creation here we go you need some names we should give it a name we should call it um desperate shagging to skip car [Applause] [Laughter] I think he likes it I've got the name for it what the bloody awful have you tried it yeah you haven't have you yes show me putting it in your mouth because that will put us that will put testes on your chest let's put hairs on my eyeballs I'm not sure this works no it's dying on me no no no you does understeer this Laurie now look what's happened the whole town is turned out to paint Richard Hammond's Bike Pink James and I are doing everything possible to stop them please don't do this I've given a try to tell them and you missed a bit there that you mustn't do as well you can't just go hang on everybody what's happened is she's got hold of the big painter decided everything in the entire carport needs painting one of the most important factors in economy runs is lightness which is why Jeremy and I had packed James's luggage yeah that's a paperweight just in case you're really funny man the wishbone yeah if you run out and then a lorry driver needs a gearbox you can give him one because it's transaxle and otherwise very very interesting experiment then Jeremy arrived on fire we got the next challenge Lads how can we be this Brothers stand up stand up stand up [Music] foreign [Laughter] it's covered in Santa's pubes it's got Saul Britain on it 38 pounds 50. but for that one it's given us an idea this see this this is a place of sick oh it is okay absolutely worthless but if I just pop a BMW Badger 13 pounds and 80 Pence it does work this sort of branding this Wizard's sleeve for instance absolutely worthless but it Bears a Ferrari badge 45 pounds this pork sword James don't go do the pork sauce this has it got four rings on it this is something I've wanted to do I've worked in television for 20 years never had the chance yet okay back to the studio and that's my line that's what I wanted to say hey yeah what I thought I'd do is put the fire out and then say back to the studio in fact James discovered there is a terrifying Third Way of stopping a big lorry [Applause] was it really that frightening yes we've got another challenge I'm not interested as a team we've done both halves as a unit we are licensed we are now licensed we could have a Top Gear license with all our faces yeah that's all right yeah no oi we brought in that I am sorry James you're not sorry please shut up this is somebody with a Nissan Micra perfect there you are and then I'm guessing here Jag A6 A6 Cog oh my God what kind of an idiot [Music] what I know it's you we're up to 40 miles an hour in the bagel it's James come on where's my Clark's a new infantile tell it you're tidying that up ah why is that so hot is that glue why is it so hot my suit I've dropped hot glue on my suits do you have anything to cure super glue burns to silt I've got my hand in the front of my trousers don't read anything into that oh oh the one thing the Renault Magnum can do is a hill start now we're not Petty but he just clipped it on the way back it was oh mate oh so close you just I know you must have did you feel it it never moved an inch you've smashed my drum kit that doesn't feel good move sorry Darcy's heads come off again [Music] don't touch it okay [Applause] I guess it is [Music] let's film something over here what's more our repair job wasn't brilliant when he finds that his precious piano is propped up by a mountain of pornography he is going to go eight okay may Let It Rock you'll be very good at this so he likes this sort of see look feeling in the power [Music] yes run away keep the pawn you can have that come in here simultaneously head busted me in the gentleman's region and snapped the prowl from Galleon you complete numpty happened [Music] after the crash my friends were deeply concerned he's woken up stuck in a lorry cab with five firemen [Laughter] apart oh come on [Laughter] [Music] yeah we left Saigon well one thing I can absolutely guarantee is that my Michael made it it's been quite a journey completing it I don't believe it this is the worst arrival that's a place ever made by anyone James and it is quite a rugged personable little thing yes it is actually I mean it is I mean because you can give it a name the Scotland neither do we've actually found a communist car that we like [Laughter]
Channel: Nonzah Gaming
Views: 1,659,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, TG, The Grand Tour, TGT, UK, Old, Original, Series 12, Season 12, S12, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond, Funniest Moments, Funny Moments, Best Bits, Compilation, Vietnam, Special, The News
Id: xAVKCy92tHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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