Biker Saves Girl from Creepy Man Chasing Her

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[Music] today's video is all about writers doing awesome things these factors went out of their way to help people in need it let's check it out of my feet no friends okay mate please go okay oh my God thank you so much are you okay yeah don't worry everything is safe yeah you're safe everything's fine uh where are you going I'm going home I was I was just going from the bus station uh I I could I can uh I can bring you home if you want it oh my God please thank you thank you don't worry don't worry everything's fine I'm here don't worry don't worry okay uh you say I have second helmet uh where do you live I live very nearby all right I just uh just sold me road yeah yeah cool cool just don't worry just okay okay it breathe everything's fine yeah no problem oh my God your hand's so shaky don't worry don't worry everything's fine I got some little kids got away from their parents or something foreign do you know where they are yeah yeah where are they okay you know what I've been this nice young guy will go try to yeah y'all stay right here hey he said his parents are walking this way if you'll go try to find them hey what's your Mommy what's your mommy and daddy look like do you know what shirt your mommy's wearing what's your mommy's name Andrea how was your daddy he's got security I couldn't believe this oh we couldn't either okay we like saw him just like wandering this road and we're like this I thought maybe their parents were one of these vehicles and they didn't see them walk over here or like this doesn't seem right no but you know what why don't you give your sister a hug excuse me somebody went to find yeah he left out he was gonna go look and Trail up here I wonder if they went up that yeah I'm gonna go ask this guy with the dog there's a guy with a dog right here okay hi it's Andrea and Jason is his parents foreign buddy I'm going to spray your arms with some sunscreen okay so you don't get sunburned is that okay that's what I'm wondering when we drove by it's like there's two little kids here you go let me let me hold this so I don't get sunscreen on it I'm gonna spray the back of your neck too okay here you go here you go yeah no I didn't you guys thank you so much holy [ __ ] how could your parents just walk off and leave you and not know you're missing thinks this was his mom and dad he's seeing he said his dad was wearing a black shirt and I was wearing a black shirt that's all I'm gonna see has has anybody come here looking for two little kids no we found two little kids down by the road by the road yeah okay yeah we're keeping them down there so they're uh I don't it's past this entrance like if you just walk straight off the hill okay great great okay hey little guy good job taking care of [ __ ] okay you have a good vacation oh I'm so glad we found y'all thank you thank you ladies so much for helping what what did they say she I think she was just panicky she says we gotta go find your daddy because he's panicked you know what I mean okay I met him at the top of the hill gave him a high five I told him good job so it's not what I expected to run into today do you need help with something I'm okay he's not wheelchair equip around here I wish they had a bus service they don't have bus service here I'll get you over on the concrete so you can move better today though isn't it oh yeah I mean it's been beautiful like the past three weeks [Music] you're ready to get a power scooter I'm tired of pushing myself oh yeah oh you're welcome thank you you have a good day foreign pull off the side get that out of the road because uh that's not good it's not good for nobody I'm glad I saw that that would have sucked a hit I probably would have plowed right through it because it's enough I don't know it's on somewhat of a corner oh [ __ ] I did the same thing the other day on a different corner you want to get that [ __ ] out of the road I did it the other day too oh this is the corner so this kind of sucks get most of it out of the road anyways foreign and uh this will be fun at least it's dead old and dry I could probably break this I'm out of breath now I'm fat hopefully save somebody from going down or a car from swervin and doing something stupid oh anyways back to the ride oh yeah my keys in my pocket all right that was it that's a great example of how everybody should be be sure to go check out the awesome writers in today's video links to the channels are in the description
Channel: Kaos Riders
Views: 18,236,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biker saves girl from strange man, biker saves girl from creepy guy, bikers are awesome, biker saves lost kids, incredible acts of kindness, best bikers, kaos, kaos riders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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