Officer Gets Crushed by Suspect’s Vehicle During Intense Police Chase

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in June 2023 an officer was on routine Patrol with his furry companion K9 jao when he observed a black vehicle without a license plate in manona Wisconsin furthermore it was known that this is a commonly employed tactic by car thieves the driver was later identified as a 20-year-old male named jquan records indicate that he has two active arrest warrants and a history of assault of behavior upon initiating a traffic stop jquan quickly accelerat and began driving recklessly reaching speeds exceeding 100 mph taking he continued to show complete disregard for others maneuvering through traffic at excessively high speeds approaching John speeds are 100 and passing joh no uh no plates approaching Rimrock speed 100 l number three I'll take youut late from fburg or Madison we're passing Redrock now 100 mph Lane number three K5 approach the park looks like we may exit never mind stay on it passive Park speed are 85 we're getting into some traffic here we're approaching fish speed are still [Music] 85 looks like we're set up to exit fish taking the exit all right they go Northbound fish hatch partner's calling it [Music] perfect me right [Music] now Cy that we've got spikes approved from the city and from the county miles hour light traffic approaching Park [Music] and Northbound Park in the South Lane Park in the [Music] lane sorry Joo ready for a bite buddy if this guy foot bails he's getting dog bit [Music] northala and Northbound Fisher and he's G mland eventually another officer ahead attempted to deploy spike strips on his vehicle however it was unsuccessful as jquan drove onto the sidewalk Northbound park there spikes he's going northbound in the South B yes found in the sou b l [Music] he driving on the sidewalks driving on the sidewalks oh man Drake Drake was like yeah passing so many City squads I know they got everyone El did he hit spikes negative negative no spikes God that was close though he almost got him on the sidewalk yeah there's another SA sou sorry eastbound Wing info for assisting units car number one's got a dog in it if he foot bailes he's getting dogged we're going to go outbound Park you you can call it again outbound Park he almost Ram the squad we're headed back towards fish now on Wing towards fish on Wing I need you to go again one at a time please we're approaching fish from Wingra and he almost rammed a squat sorry passing Spruce now Midland Eugene you can call it again all East on Aon [Music] streeton sorry Joo a few more officers ahead were able to successfully deploy spike strips on jquan car SP [ __ ] hit nice work we got hit did you yeah K 53 I've been spiked to I'm going to try and get out ahead of him and slow him down so I don't lose this Pursuit as the officer tried to stop his vehicle jquan bailed on foot with a firearm his abandoned vehicle then collided with the officer upon exiting the squad car briefly trapping the officer between the two vehicles he has been spiked though I can confirm that him and I both have B [Music] bail mab white sh Kaki bats K9 jao was then quickly deployed and gave Chase here Jacko here here here here here here jao here jao here you still see him Eugene jquan was soon observed trying to commit an armed carjacking but the intended victim rejected his ass get next to me get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground jao here attempted carjacking watch out Eugene get on the ground I'll CHS you get on the ground watch out Eugene jao here 32 in his hand 32 Stelling him jao Stelling him as K9 jao took him down jquan remained armed with a handgun but shortly tossed it toward the officers after being bitten get out the drop the gun drop the gun drop the gun drop the gun he's got a gun he's got a gun I'm sorry I'm sorry what a gun point I'm sorry roll on your stomach okay my dog's on the bite he's got a 302 okay please roll on your stomach all over I am I am please get him arms out put your arms out to your side on your stomach arms in your side hands behind your back now cover me cover hands behind your back do not move do not move I W man stay down it's right behind you where my ride along is my squad got destroyed I hit you I'm sorry no the suspect hit me you're good the suspect hit me you okay I'm good you guys both good we're good I'm B yeah you got bit the go man okay I'm sorry man damn hey you good think okay K 538 we're 10 to EMS for a dog bite I also got struck by the car I'm sorry did anybody secure the suspect vehicle hey okay airm if you can start EMS got a dog bite hey does anyone know what where we are right now where we are where are we we're at 755 BR 755 br and I got it on our channel one I don't know if I need Ems for me or not I got ran over getting out of my car my squad also got smoked all right hit try to hit you got dope on you or something man you got dope or no yeah how where did you get hit I got ran over getting out of my car it hit me on my this side mik Squad destroyed it ripped my whole driver's door off my car Fu okay um do you me to take Joo no I'm good okay my left leg's just starting to hurt a little bit we're going to need two ambulances here for one officer and The Suspect with a dog bite off shle no I think I'm going to be fine I just the adrenalin wen't off starting hurt little B I got hit on my on my left side so he tried to carjack somebody in a silver SUV over there the F you did shut up toj nobody so I yeah he tried to carjack somebody that was sitting in a silver vehicle over there time to take cover so somebody need to talk to them as well I think I should be good I just didn't check my I jumped out of my squad and the car ran me over I'm glad your [ __ ] dog recognized that it was me squ destroyed I think so I didn't see anybody else get out of the car okay you okay yeah oh I'm just out of shape good boy buddy good boy good Jobo that's a good boy where did you get run over buddy just on the passenger side I I jumped up on the hood of the car where did you get hit with their car buddy this side this side I should be good you just wenter off and sore we're going swap T 13 yeah I don't see anything bleeding I I think I'll be fine squad's destroyed I'm going to call actually my car my car is two okay will you wait here Jo o he might he might bite you be careful yeah he's growling already did that guy leave the fire arm was soon recovered which was loaded with one round in the chamber and reported as stolen you got a bag of dop load a gun nice he had it he had it in hising hand when we came around the corner here he almost got shot um I was right behind you yes would you holy yes please thank you right I should be fine I jumped out of my car and got ran over I didn't know the car was still in drive he got a toy for his mouth or is he your car's your front door you want me to just put him in the back yeah it's fine okay if you want I should be fine well one I'm going to switch to R I'm going to tell her she's probably call thirds in okay my fing Squad it we can't just replace a k9 car no K9 Squad missing a door 38 got hit by a car and is injured but up and walking he's going to get checked out can you call 85 10 or whatever and see we should probably start third shift in early this is going to take a bit okay dope was in front right pocket this is all him and then gone I saw yep uh is he a felon uh we want D if he's a okay yeah no idea I got these on okay perfect thank you we need a paper bag oh paper bag paper bag for guns if we want DNA we should transfer the drugs to paper as soon as possible okay me and the other injured cop are the only ones on in Monona okay so I'm going to have to see how many Madison cops I can steal sure is he getting transported you know oh I'm sure where's his car at out on the street I think his cars total oh okay jquan 35 copy of 29 perfect thank you very much first name jquan further it looks like uh K9 Officer is getting transported to a hospital so we're going to need more we're going to need more bodies here okay okay I'm going to go grab a car okay it sounds like schmidth is already here okay would somebody be able to go up to the hospital with him and stand with him for now is that the 9 property yes are there keys uh no the vehicle is locked and the trunk is locked too so we can't get in the trunk right now so we're having Schmid's come out they can probably prop it open for us I think what we'll I guess what we'll do probably just we might just put a hold on it we'll let our detectives worry about getting a warant and then they can dig through it so yeah I guess I'll go to uh stolen stolen fantastic us he's trying to carck the no it was in this parking lot here oh in this parking lot y you have case numbers off that off hand stolen from us I haven't looked in the case yet and then this is the serial number of the gun I'll remove it right now from NCC as a result of the 10-m pursuit jquan was charged with felony counts of operator fleeing alluding an officer causing bodily harm second degree recklessly endangering safety possession of a firearm and possession of stolen property all charges are repeaters with the two active warrants at the time of this arrest he is also a fugitive from the Wisconsin Department of Corrections serving Community Supervision for a previous conviction related to a legal gun possession the officer caught between the two vehicles was taken to a nearby hospital sustaining non-life-threatening injuries in the meantime K9 jao was picked up by one of his buds from a neighboring Department ultimately Jak Juan's cash Bond was set at $60,000 visit code and treat your family friends and enemies this holiday season with top-notch merch that is sure to [Music] impress
Channel: Code Blue Cam
Views: 3,249,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police chase, police, cop, bodycam, live pd, a&e, law and crime network, police siren, crime, cops, law enforcement, donut operator
Id: 38Z4_u7ZABI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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