Nightwatch: Top 6 Miraculous Recoveries | A&E

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all right so apparently we're going for a 64 year old male unresponsive yeah ooh wash it what what I was just watching that tree that was sticking out and she got real close to me just then that's all my heart is now my feet I was just saying that tree like sticks out and you were swinging over a little too far well there's construction on this side well I'm not saying it's your fault I'm just saying here you know 32-32 on the scene oh Lord this don't look good player no lights in the house we got a call for a 64 year old male unresponsive inside of his home I'm thinking low sugar I'm also thinking possible pass out episode on the High Spectrum cardiac arrest I hear him hollering so it's not good I think of like 29 I don't know oh man no I immediately see Jeremy doing CPR and I can smell animal feces and urine holy I go to put my things down and thousands of roaches started scattering there's roaches rats there's everything in here we got to get them out let's get them out all right we got to get them yeah this is a biohazard don't put anything down don't put it just give it to me yeah there's a little right don't touch anything I got you you wanna just pick them up and bring him over here his initial status is clinically deceased we want to reverse that we're gonna try to get his heart restarted and hopefully get him breathing again on his own I know all right turn our monitor on our pads are right there do we have a rescue pad on here we go here's a rescue pod what you got NADA where's the laser Philly entitled 88 so I'm pulled by a car but everybody called that yes whenever you're ready as time's really going by it seems to be confirming the suspicion that we're not going to get a pulse back on this guy he's still PA at 12 we're going to do a rhythm check and we're gonna push another epi you do let me see we're at 84 on a monitor oh look we got a BP 118 over 96. we have a pulse and all of a sudden boom back to life you were clinically dead two minutes ago and now we have a heartbeat yeah that's paramedicine you're loving it that's pretty yeah all right buddy let's keep this pulse all right yeah [Music] 21st and 5th her boyfriend was hit by a car and he's not breathing so we're right here and he's definitely got bleeding and he's barely gone all right listen we got help on the way okay I don't want you to move him unless he's in any danger and don't split any injuries okay yep [Music] to the right here he's playing trauma [Music] 21st Street which is a two-lane southbound one-way only street right there on the sidewalk right there on the sidewalk streets like that where they're not used to the one ways car accidents happen all the time rescue Forum scene all right guppy breathing all right load and go we get a call for auto versus pedestrian has he spoken to you at all no this might give me a caller real fast get the hell out of here there was a nurse on scene performing CPR when we arrived right away we know this is going to be a critical call for a pulse real quick he's throwing inspiration let's go hey come on let's roll let's go get him up going up and Wheeling here's the deal grappiness in the back of the head preference in his left arm his left leg and his neck his neck yeah the collars on him dude I need to see the back of that hip is it open is it shut it's open on my hand so yes just free for him right now let's get him uh hyperventilator real quick you got an IO in the right leg a lot of times on a critical patient we'll do i o access that's basically an IV that goes into the bone and we're able to administer the medications down through the bone marrow no CSF pupils are constricted okay you got a broken uh left please all right this guy has multiple fractures all over his body but our number one priority is securing an airway for this patient and this patient does not have a pulse and we don't know why where's my tube where's my two good fine that's all ass might give me a little pressure right here brother we need to breathe for him he's unable to breathe for himself so we innovate the patient that was it right there that was it right there all right put those ears up how's that feel how's that feel safe let's go same resistance yeah we get the patient innovated and something's not right his color's not looking good we're not getting the return that we want from our Innovation from our Airway go squeeze maybe busted up where are we at Bubba go again he's gone but he's got some food we have good lung sounds on the right we have bad lung sounds on the left so much reason dude it's getting harder to see hey we're gonna decompress this dude yeah I'm sort of fluid in the lungs and he has pressure on the left side of his chest which is basically pushing his lung closed flat decompress that [Music] yep what do we got Bubba that's better good yeah okay but once we decompress it allows that left lung to expand therefore we're getting more oxygenated blood through our compressions to the brain to the vital organs good yeah okay good let's go get out of it start to get a little color back now definitely the next 24 hours is going to be very critical for this patient but he does have a pulse he does have an airway and lung sounds patient is better than when we found CT multiple bleeds yeah c-spawn's cleared up to now no no C1 maybe that's what it said when it turns out brain bleeds so he's got a little ways to go they say he just stepped right out good so they're walking in his girlfriend what I got they just stepped right out and pop and look he's alive [Music] I'm gonna be in Ratchet at 34 ounce we have a person that shot we're not too far from it go over there and give the unit a hand 6210 on scene like busy room for my mail has been shot to his neck his shoulder also to his head with a high caliber weapon the way he's been shot he probably shouldn't be alive don't move baby don't move yeah all right right now okay we've seen worse baby we've seen worse I feel that you're talking right now we do some quick IVs on you and get you to the trauma center okay one too many times you're gonna be all right okay considering the injuries that he does have it's a very good sign that he's talking to us again what's our time okay four minutes you can't sit up on Call sent me trauma protocol we have 10 minutes or less on scene there's not a whole lot that we can do for the patient out in the field trauma patients need surgery all right y'all ready yeah I'm ready 6210 I'm clear that you get you get shot up with Dory very lucky advice of your bag and impatience damn it damn it yep all right and 232 on scene we get a call for a man down we hear the Sprint unit say that he's working a code they are not breathing they have no pulse you give them anything yet no hold on he was breathing yeah fire department's on scene our Sprint unit's already there doing CPR with the Lucas device trying to bring this personal life to life all right just get him on a stretcher the Lucas machine that we use works so well doing chest compressions all right let's go up it's doing better CPR than any person we could ever do and it never gets tired who called it in because I found him down so nobody knew him no the people said he was walking around right before he seemed pretty normal and he just collapsed so you're thinking one of two things you're thinking cardiac or you're thinking drug overdose you want to give Narcan ain't gonna hurt anything if you potentially did some opiate drug we'll give you Narcan to reverse the effects of that anybody got a rescue pod his heart is in ventricular fibrillation basically the bottom parts of his heart are quivering we need them to stop and we need them to beat like they are supposed to all right he's getting emo and Epi now amio which is amiodarone is an anti-rhythmic drug that's used in ventricular arrhythmias Epi is epinephrine it's like pure adrenaline for the heart all right amyon when you have a run of v-fib and nothing's working man like he will not come out of FIB medicine and shock is only two options that you really have watch the Lego move up I'm gonna pop him again all right Bob without a rhythm change we're gonna shock him as many times as it takes to hopefully restart the heart one two three four five boys go get your monitor part of our protocol is to do what we call Double sequential defibrillations and for that you need two cardiac monitors your monitors on tag team it we're giving double the juice trying to change the outcome for the better you ready charge double shot them several times we gave him Epi amiodarone Narcan this is the shock 010305 yeah you need Epi in another two we've done everything we can do at this point what our goal is now is to get him to the hospital so maybe they can do something a little different coming to you with a code it's been v-fib the whole time even after one two three four five six seven shots no change and he just moved his heart is not beating and that thing's beating his heart so well that he just turned his head and looked at that man right there the best CPR machine in the world the crazy thing about it is that you know we're giving you oxygen we're giving you all these great meds you know you have everything in you right now that you need and then with that Lucas doing such good job with CPR he's got a really good chance yep better than most yeah absolutely [Applause] [Music] [Music] we get a call overdose the CPR is being attempted by Tampa Police Department officers arrested 11 of those things travel board come on they gonna load them up all right personal rescue races we've already had the pads out let's just get him loaded pull the board down guys we're gonna roll him is that two man or one man one man rolls fine yeah let's just roll go ahead and strap him my brother's been tpd did a great job keeping this guy going until we arrive but he's fading fast he needs Narcan life now hey all right what's up we gotta go we don't got time for that let's go let's go carry it down one two and three okay that's what's going down your way all right slow it down slow it down inside the bag of that quick about it anyway we're going let's go everybody relax do what we do sugar is 155. let's get him on the pass yeah 16 right AC let's see something sir unresponsive dude what's your name all right keep back you know you got an Opa in I'm giving this patient a shot of Narcan it's an opiate blocker when it works it literally will bring a patient back to life hey hey what's up who's coming up hello take you to the hospital you are unconscious you know what I did I hit him with some Narcan I am ninja mode brother of course I ain't new to this I'm True to this what kind of drugs you took my name's Tony man I don't know what you did tonight but use this far man you was this far from the light I'm not preaching to you I'm just saying a little bit more if somebody wouldn't have found you man we'll be taking a trip somewhere else to the morgue this is a wake-up call for you buddy with ODS whenever I can I try to give the patient some real talk spike a bag for me try to get their heart rate down so I'm breathing on his own let's put the BP on what'd you take tonight you'll want to spit more out spit it out we say this guy's life this time but next time it may be too late [Music] well he said bless you and bless your families that's cool I mean he definitely looks shell-shocked like oh I messed up probably was a wake-up call for him so there'll be one less call we'll have to run to in the future hey that was good work thanks brother good work so we're going uh sounds like a cardiac arrest came out as a seizure and now they're doing CPR Holly Jolly Holly running my ass off tonight and some people do have you know what's described as seizure-like activity before they go on a cardiac arrest so my gut is telling me this is an overdose fire department's on scene that means that there's less equipment that I have to bring in and that means that they've already initiated some form of Care 6249 on scene what's up let's see Holly looking her stuff in there is it a code guys okay does it look like an overdose what's our pupils look like they pinpoint okay giving Narcan intra nasally can sometimes be less effective than giving it IV which means in cases where we don't really see a good response we want to try to give a lower dose IV to see if we can see a more rapid Improvement what's going on huh hey looks like an OD they gave her two of narcanion already is she breathing on her own at all dude I feel yeah I feel a little agonal ones all right fella this is the pub get on this test one two three she still ain't woke up let's continue to bag her man opening overdoses can be reversible and we could give Narcan in time but you know the longer that you don't get that Narcan to block that open you just won't be breathing which can make you epoxy hopefully the ibnr can't wait syrup I'm sure it would it's time to wake up sweetheart you're getting any response at all I can feel it she's uh she's breathing on the arm but it's still like six times a minute oh look at that yo what a little polyphoon oh okay when I find a little baggie with all the assorted pills and the white powdery substance that complicates things even further because the patient is obviously suffering from an opiate overdose but there's a strong possibility that there's something else in her system and so we don't know what's going to happen when we push this Narcan that should go a little bit oh there you go [Applause] back [Applause] come on get some restraints [Music] [Applause] we're responding to a patient with a suspected opiate overdose but it seemed like it may be something else in the system yeah they come out over there too no you're right baby calm down calm down you all right let me tell you what happened you passed out but now we got your back but I need you to come now all right there you go I'm gonna try to get another line and we can just give us a verse all right baby we're gonna give you something to help you calm down okay okay I know love that's why we're going to give you something to make you feel a little better it's going to calm you down she's just agitated and so it's either one or two things that's a cause it's the fact that we just rapidly detoxed her or it could just be that she's speedballing so we're gonna give her first side so that we can kind of get her back to a more normal State all right I gotta get this IV to give you medicine okay let me wipe him out love you all right you all right all right Mama that's it now you just got a wholesale almost done [Music] all right give me the damn person yeah all right five of them yeah it's gonna stop that medicine should kick in any second night night right now all right how's that all right let's put on a little old twice oh yeah oh twice I ain't coming on no more calls with y'all look you making us work oh drama let's go man oh all right all right baby we got you love you all right through the wars out she must have had like crack cocaine and then some type of opiate on board obviously what's going to come out first is the respiratory depression so you give them the Narcan and then they just pop up like crazy superhuman zombies and there's really no way to prepare for it because you never know if this is just going to be like a traditional opiate overdose where they're going to wake up and they're going to you know be totally fine or if this is somebody that's speedballing now she's being transported by Joe and Titus to the hospital where she'll sleep at all for a little while hopefully she stays sedated and then beat Titus up on her way to the hospital she could take it [Music] safe be strong let's do this no they're not dead I can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,078,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, night watch scenes, nightwatch episode clips, watch nightwatch, Top 6 Miraculous Recoveries, top 6, compilations, nightwatch compilations, best of, best of nightwatch, nightwatch top moments, top moments, miraculous recoveries
Id: lBDcARt-KK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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