Top 7 Aggressive Chess Openings

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/friedfox99 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone this is kevin from the chess website calm today we're going to be going over one of my favorite parts in chess a very aggressive openings so sit back relax and enjoy my list of the top seven chess aggressive openings number seven on the list we have the Danish gambit one of the more common openings that you'll see pani for pani five and white just starts giving up material as fast as possible starting with pawn to d4 after it takes the pawn just gonna come up here to c3 allowing his opponent to continue to take that material in his opponent doesn't have to but the intent would be for this opponent to take bishop here to see Ford not even worrying if black takes more material if black does continue to take bishop here to b2 all of a sudden white is down to pawns in material but as you can see he has a very aggressive setup both of his bishops are both eyeing down on this King side black has none of his pieces involved into the game White has a fairly open lane for his Queen to get involved both sides of the board in the middle very easily can get his Knights very easily involved Castle queenside or King side depending on if he needs some safety or if it wants to be very aggressive so Danish gambit definitely one of the openings that you'll get a lot of opportunities to play so it definitely makes my list of the best chess aggressive openings number six in our list is the cochran gambit definitely one of my favorites after pawn to e4 pawn e5 Knight here to f3 pretty common moves from both side if black tries the petrov defense which is not the most common but you do see it every now and then whites usually going to respond with Knight to e5 followed by pawn to d6 kicking this Knight back the night usually comes back here to f3 and then we see the knight take here on e4 and things continue but this is kind of boring and I like aggressive opening so instead of whites moving his Knight back and the Cochran game he's actually going to play Knight to f7 now he's going to be giving up his Knights early on now black pretty much needs to take this material he's gonna lose his queen or his rook which seems extremely bad so he needs to take this but this is going to be completely fine this is what white wants in this position he's given up a knight and material and in exchange he has two pawns and his opponent's king is wide open and white can pretty much attack it the rest of the game so there's a separate video on that so I want to go into a but definitely a fun fun aggressive opening the next regressive opening to make our list is the Scotch gambit starts out with pawn to e4 upon e5 I love Pawnee of four openings Knight to f3 knight c6 and then pawn to d4 this is the scotch game the scotch game is typically pretty slow pretty boring until someone came up with these Scotch gambits which makes it all the more interesting so after the pawn takes here on d4 White's going to forego taking this material here on d4 you know you could see an exchange of the Knights and the Knights here but instead White's going to play Bishop here to c4 and he's gonna have a very very strong attack that he's going to start so again the Scotch gambit if you're definitely looking for a way to kind of spice up the scotch game this is definitely your opening the next aggressive opening to make our list you guessed it it is the Kings gambits my favorite personal opening to play pawn to e4 pawn e5 and then pawn to f4 giving up material if you haven't played this before it's definitely great for an only beginners but those people have been playing for a long time after the pawn takes here on f4 usually Knight to f3 this is kind of the way I play you can play Bishop here to c4 if you want to but so many fantastic lines that actually want to go over one of my favorites because it's also extremely aggressive and so I'll keep it with the King's gambit and that is the musio gambit and so your opponent won't always play into this but if they play pawn to g5 the typical way for Kings gambit would be to play pawn to h4 and then when they push down you play your Knight to g5 and then you look to get your bishop involved but this pawn right here is kind of allowing for an outpost on g5 the musio game it just doesn't really care about all that it's always trying to get more pieces involved into the action so it plays Bishop here to see for the pawns gonna push forward attacking this knight white doesn't care why it's just gonna castle on the King side and pretty much give up that material so after the pawn takes the Queen takes right here and all of a sudden if you look at this setup that the King sides kind of weakened for black he has no pieces really involved into the action except this lowly pawn here on f4 all of a sudden from White's perspective he's castled he's got his queen involved he's got his bishop involved things are going to be very very difficult for blacks to kind of hold on to all the aggression that White has so not only is the King's gambit pretty fun and aggressive but the musio gambit takes it to a whole nother level the next aggressive opening we're going to be looking at is the Halloween gambit is extremely risky but it is so much fun to play starts out with pawn to e4 if people are curious why e4 is a pretty common occurrence it's this opens up the door for the LightSquared bishop to get the Queen involved into the game usually e4 is a much more aggressive opening so that's why a lot of the openings have efore in it but pawn to e5 and then we have kind of the four Knights game so Knight to c3 after Knight to c6 then we have Knight to f3 and the Halloween's gambit is Knight taking here on e5 which seems a little crazy and it is which is why it makes the video Knight ticking here on e5 the pawns gonna push forward to a d4 if the knight comes back here to c6 we kind of just push forward again we can kind of force it to come back here so very aggressive just continuously pushing forcing black to really just move his Knights across the board he could try another Knight move but all in all Weiss is gonna be pushing forward with his pawns trying to control the center give his Bishop involved his queen has some support right here definitely a fun opening and although Weitzman down a material many times if black doesn't play perfectly white can get that back so definitely a fun opening but very risky as well the next regressive opening we're going to be looking at is our only opening from blacks perspective and it is the Latvian gambit I've been playing it more and more just because it's so much fun to see your opponent's face when you play it they really think you have no clue what you're doing and it's really fun to play so pawn to e4 upon e5 pretty common Knight to f3 which you're gonna see all the times you're gonna have many many opportunities to actually play the Latvian game it and then you're gonna play pawn to f5 pretty crazy opening there's a lot of different ways that white can respond to this especially if they've never seen it they may try something super crazy so that's why there's another video specifically about that but the lab being game it is extremely aggressive opening up the King side over here there's a lot of different ways to bring the bishop here to c5 and actually give up material even the rook or the Queen if you want to and just go ahead and attack this square here on f2 so a lot of different ways you can do this but no matter how you slice it the lab and gamete is definitely one of the best aggressive openings rounding out our list of best aggressive openings is the fried liver attack it's just so much fun I had to include it on the list pawn to e4 pawn e5 Knight f3 knight c6 Bishop here to a c4 gotta love the light squared bishop in an aggressive opening Knight to f6 all very very common moves White has many different ways you could play could play pretty passive with King castling on the kingside he could play pawn pushing forward Knight to c3 these are all fun but these are all boring and that's why we play the fried liver attack and that's with Knights here to g5 getting ready to play Knight taking here on f7 could also if you really wanted to play Bishop here on f7 but all in all White's looking to exchange material off the board a lot of material get that King here to f7 go ahead and get that Queen involved into the game attacking if he needs to and just chase this King all over the board if you haven't played it I definitely recommend if you haven't watched the video also recommend watching that there's a lot more to this so many different lines that both sides can go to but all in all it is a fantastic opening and definitely makes the top of the best chess aggressive lines that I have so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you have any more requests for top video openings or anything else you'd like to see let me know if you have some other aggressive openings that I didn't include in this list feel free to leave a comment let me know I'm always looking for some great aggressive openings in chess but hopefully you guys enjoyed this video I'll see you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: thechesswebsite
Views: 10,486,640
Rating: 4.7736788 out of 5
Id: Ib8XaRKCAfo
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Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 03 2014
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