4 Catfish Exposed By Their Family 😱 Ranked: Catfish: The TV Show

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babe she's my sister can you read your sister yes [Music] I know you must get so many emails asking for help so I thought this might stand out true I really need your help with my friend Danielle she recently relocated from Buffalo to Atlanta for a fresh start but there is a big part of her past she's not letting you know she has this guy BJ but she's been in contact with for six years but they still haven't met face to face or video chat Danielle commits several businesses South Carolina see him and every time she gets there he cancels and go [Music] and all I can do to encourage her to let BJ go but she won't my friend really needs your help she can move on from the situation sincerely Dominique text from 8:03 number they said I know who Danielle is really talking to call Oh who's that I don't know I'll call [Music] hi whiz this this is BJ we search the number and it came up as bill all kids wait do you know who Danielle is so okay so you think there's a chance your brother might be talking to you no you weren't talking to her after she got shot so you don't even know about all that okay so how did your brother get her number so were you not pissed off with him the thirties are you both in South Carolina yes and do you know how he feels about Danielle but you're not are you still interested in Danielle right is it cool if we call you back we need to ask you something okay so the number Danielle has is your brother's number and what's-his-name Devin all right so I guess we'll just have to talk to him now we appreciate you calling all right thanks BJ oh that explains everything because the real BJ is not gonna meet up with her when she's right Carla he can't not only because he'd have to explain that he's not his little brother but he is married with kids there's a black cat walking by this is not a good situation right now you can't make that stuff that is scary that looks like they're stopping here I can't tell is that that is what's a bad person it's going on all right solo solo okay that little EJ yeah right so that's you Tammy nice to meet you obviously you know Danielle yeah I thought when we spoke yesterday you mentioned you were gonna maybe come with yeah Kevin yeah you wouldn't even come so he decided not to come what okay well we're we're all ears very eager to find out what's been going on here and kind of yeah Mike last two years it hasn't been me someone brother everything so he went through my social media and all that and like start talking to her so I wanted to pair it up I'm just curious like you log into his Instagram it was like my phone is already owned like mom he's already logged in so healed my phone until my death okay like here we go through here go to here like I didn't I would question him so why is your brother not stepping up to the plate and saying that it was him yeah I don't know like when I took when I was talking I talked to him he was on front like he was I don't know what to do with this I don't know y'all get it but I don't want to go out there I got a whole family all that but did he think about that when he was talking to her for the past two and a half years oh no sorry I'll just find out there but people are gonna find out about this either way right and he's gonna be in trouble anyway this isn't true like this is who I've been talking so like you sound like yourself we sound alike I don't I don't I don't believe you if that's the case call him an inch oh he won't answer he don't want like I try to get him come here don't clear my name you know so he you wanna do it like that my name but I don't know right so okay how you feel you might see they might see I mean okay my name you understand the situation is strange right don't you think it's kind of up that your brother would see you had a relationship with a girl and that he would then go behind your back and sneak and get her to start messaging him very malicious that just feels weird to me like why I don't know I don't I don't believe this I don't believe it I don't want to talk to him no more if you're gonna sit there in line dead in my face something else is going on and I don't have to put up with it I don't have to put up with the that's that's what I don't have to do so you think it was him the whole time I think it was seven the whole time I know you haven't had any interaction around her first time in a while it right in a few years but like do you still feel like any kind of cult like the friendship with her do you feel a connection to her yeah after that connection not and I came here to clear things up you were right to say if you have a brother than call him he might not answer our phone calls but why would he not answer his brother phone calls if he not gonna call his brother I went on to say nothing's wrong let's get him to call him that's the least he can do you'd never lie right about anything right you were friends with her from Instagram and then you stopped talking and then and that was it for you there's something else what do you mean it does not mean what's this something else something is not right why don't you just tell us what's going on basically yesterday so I kind of like I kind of panic we do a penny so I had to make that about my brother give me leeway anyway they take the pressure on me no Sam Wow this is now a whole new story yeah so not what you just said to be clear the only person danielle has been talking to you the whole time has been you yes okay do you have a brother I remove you but he is nothing to do with this and he's married yeah with kids right and you threw him under the bus why would you even play like that a penny now you want to have a conversation so the real reason that you encouraged her to come to South Carolina and then decided not to meet her was just because what you were nervous I wanted you to come I never we're gonna go through it yeah it wasn't a place for you economies why everybody's like grabbing at things and I was already telling I was describing I felt like I needed to say that they keep around I didn't have the faintest show you all the same so that's a big lie I got security bidding that's mine play that large you might think I said that they keep around wait wait wait what made you think that that would be something that would have been a big deal Danielle were you particularly interested in his money or something no I feel like a lot of said I had those things that she would be still fond of you felt bad and I go slow but not bad and that's a show up couldn't you at least sent a text that said oh I just got called on a job like just keep just to let her know so she doesn't fly all the way down there like you didn't realize that you didn't have it together before I came down here it's not happy together no senators every joke he's anything I'm coming on saying anything I have together is that every now I told you that wasn't it and once you see that I said you weren't you'll be turned off I don't understand like why you didn't even have to make a scene like it was something else I feel like I did I just really want to lay it all out there what's true and what things have aren't true that she doesn't know our lives can you kind of just clear the air your life everything is not a la me living the scrapping lifestyle traveling on that that's luck everything else come on I feel that's not a lot I said things to keep you around well all the things that you're trying to tell me that you have were you just waiting for the right opportunity until the business grew and you had all these things yeah I didn't want to meet like this why not face yeah why couldnt be placed right because I feel like she's once in my life though yeah but you could have just been a Burger King great having lunch it was sometimes like I said I'm out of town when I'm rooting on town I should try to freestyle I wouldn't do it here's the thing like the truth isn't even that bad right like the fact that you embellished your lifestyle a little bit pretty insignificant in the big picture of things what's really far up is that you wasted her emotional time and energy no but I'm here to come here I'm here as you know then I'm coming clean you know that I want to go forward before it huh I want to hopefully keep our relation you want me to go ahead and let go of everything I don't know what you told me is true that was the biggest lie everything else told you the truth I don't kid me I'm single I'm a bachelor that's the truth it didn't have to be like this you do love her [Music] [Music] observations of catfish who doesn't want to see you I just don't want to see where Sydney I [Music] Sydney right yes if you had asked about who work yeah well we want to know the same we were hoping you might have something to tell us and when I asked you if you knew someone in cachet you said yes I know passion are you cachet I'm not catching but I do know profession and so who is that who's cashing caches cachet but what's her real name I'm loving this whatever I wonder like that you guys stuff about her you know I don't look wonderful what can you tell us okay well she does this a lot talks to guys on the Internet as anyone else it's a kind of her theme I've told her lots of times I think you need to stop doing this like you know people get hurt their feelings get hurt it's not healthy it's not good I'm so sorry that that's been happening to you sorry anything else that we should know or I told you all I can tell you okay yeah all right so then should we let's call her when I get the card caller yeah all right well thank you okay yeah see you it's a [ __ ] you do you want [Music] best desk raise thank you for agreeing to meet us just to be very clear you've been talking today John yeah what's your name my name is Gervais Oh Sydney who we met yesterday is that your cousin yeah okay are you alright yes I'm okay it's overwhelming yeah twenty-one months down the drain I didn't know who you were got a whole bunch of question can we just get your stats are you 30 yeah and do you have a son oh do do you any kid children no okay well have you ever ran into dejan before because you guys live really close to each other what happened what did you ask for me meaningful one one time just just just be real I didn't even like this is not intentional like it just happened I guess in the beginning it was a game I was the fishing one day I'll POF and some type of way just it wasn't necessarily you I was fishing for it just happened and I over the years you know we just grown to be close I guess you know you had me believing in us and I hold another one no I had you looking at a whole nother woman but though the woman that you talk to every day this week why use somebody else's photos like you're an attractive woman you have beautiful eyes why not use pictures of yourself when you're behind that person you can do and you can be and you can create the image that you want to portray to somebody else and I don't know how people are gonna respond to me because I already know how I've been tormented in my past he knows and I know how I've been just cachet probably might be a little bit better than my real person when did you first start making a fake profile I've been fishing since before catfish was really death wish like the chat lines the phone chat lines and stuff like that it was like an outlet how many profiles have you that ain't no tellin I was so caught up in cachet that like a couple months ago when it purchased a engagement ring I was that serious because you guys talked about starting a life together yes I forked over a lot of money for that damn ring thinking that I found my one we got email from the casting Department which is a little unusual hey guys we forwarded you an email from an anonymous source is these think the way things normally come to us but it seems like an interesting case an anonymous person wrote in anonymous whistleblower here's the email dear Nev my mark I can't tell you who I am but I'm gonna ask for your help I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and the only way out was to send you this email okay okay I'm writing to tell you about this guy I know named Derek Derek Acorah is in the Vancouver Washington area and is nice to pretty much everything that's usually something I like about it but right now it's a problem Derek recently got out of a long-term serious relationships pretty torn up about it five months ago his friends took him out to cheer him up that night he ended up chatting the girl named Annabelle on snapchat he went from heartbroken to head over heels in a matter of days and hasn't looked back since I've broken to head-over-heels Derek won't stop talking about this girl and this but she's refusing to meet him even though she lives nearby says they've got a strong connection but I think he's ignoring a lot of issues because his heart is broken and Sheeta you guys don't help him I think he's gonna fall in love with Annabelle a waste month four years of his time building a relationship with someone who I think doesn't even exist erik has no idea I'm doing this but if you can please hit him up I think he will listen to you in German that's Becca's brother what's up Derek there's a lot of reasons and a lot of stuff I got to tell you what's your name sorry my name is Jeremy Jeremy I'm one of Derek's really good friends okay cool I am trying to just fix all this that's why I'm here bro I'm not here to hurt you in any way bro I'm here I'm just trying to help you know I care about you right now I'm not Annabelle I'm not Annabelle I'll just go get Annabelle we'll just I'll be right back okay I talk to him all the time like he showed I show them everything about handball and they keep just playing it off his own oh my god that better not be your sister did is that back that there definitely oh my god yeah if this is one big joke dude I'm in for life this is my sister Becca Becca okay we spoke on the phone right yeah even this is Laura can someone just explain what's going on yeah please so I'm Annabel you're not English I'm sorry everything I said was the truth everything you said everything I said was the truth I just was afraid to talk to you as me because you're like a brother to me I've known you for so long I don't know what to say we spoke to you yesterday and you very comfortable talking to us and denying to know anything and you're a good liar did you send the email no I I did write the anonymous email you wrote and I thought hero in the military I was in the middle of it listening to both sides and I couldn't be just holding a secret anymore between my best friend and my sisters Jeremy how long did you know she'd been catfishing Derek probably like after like a month or two I knew how did you find out I had a feeling this because she was always on her phone and I was asking her who she's talking to and then one day I just kind of figured it out I'm I'm mind blown right now so what is this snapchat group it's something that so my old roommate used to do that I / helped like participate in djenne yeah that's like how Annabel and him started talking it's like I can't really talk about the snapchat thing it's a private eye but you were on that illness 5 is snapchat does Jen know who Annabel is like she knows lots of girls so I don't think she's already it doesn't even process like do I know where you know she's a part of my group that's all that matters and it does not know that you're Annabel I don't think so okay I feel so stupid right now this is like my life we all been like one big family since we met like back in like high school days you know she's not trying to hurt you do it especially after all you've been through and you know she just cares about you I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't mean everything that I said I loved a talking-to animal well you like you know like he made me feel good but like there could have been like a better shot like if you really liked me as I'm gone through all this [Music] well here's an email from Travis how much time should I give her pain even max my name is Travis from Los Angeles I'm 25 and it's time to start settling down about two years ago I was on this dating site and saw a profile for this really beautiful girl from Las Vegas candy red I mean come on that could just be her stage name true sent her a message right away telling her I was looking for my queen we started sending each other messages every day and that started texting you know it sounds cliche but she really gets me I've opened up to her so much I don't think anyone knows me as well as she does I've been thinking about asking her to live with me in Los Angeles so I can take away some of her stress while she pursues her dreams why are they talking about living unless I wanted they just talked about like going on a great trip to the Hoover Dam so not that far from Las Vegas makes a great day trip yeah that would be good I want candy to be by my side but she won't meet even video chat which makes me think she's hiding something I've tried being patient and doing this on her timeline but I feel like we're not getting anywhere hope to hear from you Travis do you choose me a Miam Miam yeah so what's up people you called me he told me he wants to talk we looked up candy red and we found that the girl in her pictures is someone else so we already know that all right is there anything else you can tell us about who this mystery girl is and rape she's my sister candy red your sister yes are you your sister no are you just saying that she's your sister today but tomorrow it'll be you know your twin sister no no turn enough on the sister questioning is her name Tiana I don't know that name never heard of Betty huh oh that do you know that your sisters been talking to this guy no you know she I know she well like she's has been catfishing people for a very very long time and I'm getting tired of it my family's getting tired I made you tell my grandma that she was gonna stop but now that this is coming out I know like she's continuing to me to do this so I want her to quit you want her to stop for good she talked about Travis who was that yes she hasn't talked about she don't never talk about none of her catfishes part so how do you think is the best way for us to meet up with your sister I can take so much guys no are you gonna reach out to her okay thanks for coming forward I'm sure that must have been tough for you don't let me down okay that's wrong again so that must be candy [Music] kisses wouldn't this alright alright alright alright drop please calm down please you know why we're here you know why you're here stop looking over there start looking over here okay what what's your name candy candy is that your name yes really Oh candy I'm max hi hi do you know who this is if I'm wrong I'll apologize but I think you've been talking to him for a few years and sending him pictures of a different girl telling him you live in Vegas and that you guys are gonna be together and then asking him for some money and he thought he was dating this girl and he was right yes [Music] I'm sorry okay I actually this isn't about you okay we're here to help him think you owe Travis some answers wife two years pretty much claim you like this I'm sorry like I honestly don't know what to say Veronica she's under the impression that you've been talking to other guys as a catfish for a while is that true cool so you've been talking to multiple guys to last five six years as this candy red person right okay you're not scamming lots of guys pretending to be this girl are you know so is it true that you asked Travis for help paying bills I dated one time okay on paper it looks like you might be asking other people for money to have a nice anyone else I was kind of in a bind at the time I'm mistaken I believe I said if I could borrow it and I'm gonna pay him back and that's a lot to ask him someone that you've been lying to for a long time two years you've you build a relationship with me for more emotions out to you I'll let you know how I feel with one of my family and the fact that you build all this on bullets I put my life on pause for you it's not cool at all I mean look we already gave him a lot of today because he should know better but more importantly what he needs to know is was he just pouring his heart out for someone who really doesn't care but I really do care I wasn't trying to get money out of him like really like tribe it's like I just feel some type of way about myself how do we know you're telling the truth forgive interest on it it's not really why are you doing this [Music] [Music] we're gonna hopefully get here know what you do what I can't tell nobody why are you pretending because I'm not happy like myself that like I feel good I feel I like the attention like are you doing it for the attention yeah I me not what someone what a real person know what they're really it's hard it makes me feel like I'm just high you know like there are no it's not cool like I said I have a conscious you don't said it's a place where you have to stop did I bet that but I don't want to do it no words you really really really done this is it no one can fish you guys know more tough amount of it who you think you want to be I mean she's just very upset she knows she cares about you a lot sorry has heard you say you want to stop before and is worried that you're just not what do you not acting like it beat yourself people you are I would have accepted to you if you just honest all the way even if it came clean about the fake profile I would still want to give you a chance it says because of our conversation the song for other people I heard like I said I do have a conscience saying saying you feel bad I'm saying you're sorry saying you have a conscious are not the same thing as actually showing people that you feel bad no I'm ready to show I made us one way to show is to tell Travis who you really are and tell them the truth my name is Brianna but actually 28 years old are you on social media as yourself Brianna oh not Tiana aka Bahama Breeze oh no it's like Tiana but you see what is your name Brianna but for your social me used to you okay so that's really not used to there's nothing like oh really don't want to be yourself in any way shape or form not really when did this all start when did you start the fake profile there's been a while how old were you when you started by saying maybe 18 19 it was a long time ago 10 years yes we just feel comfortable if I wait for you see you guys okay thanks Veronica we'll talk to you later
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,839,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exposed, catfish exposed, Catfish caught red-handed, Catfish crew, Catfish multiple people, catfish video calls, skype, skypes, reveals, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, best of, reveal, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, MTV Ranked
Id: vD19HPDjnr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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