Top 5 Paint Polishing Mistakes to Avoid! ATA 203

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I'm loving this series. The sanding with the sealant section was awesome. I always kinda wonder how much protection it's really adding. Being able to stand up to sanding for a second is pretty awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/twoww πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

You know it’s going to be an informative video when the host gives you the talking points right away and doesn’t hit you with a bunch of B.S.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cleodius πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love that he has every opportunity to sell a bunch of his products, but instead he encourages limiting the amount of products in the arsenal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/subl1m1nal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just link his channel, the guys a detailing guru

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bougiepunk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The level of free information Larry constantly puts out is second to none. Amazing stuff

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rutgersjf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This stickiness tip is a new one on me. Very useful! Go Larry! Love your stuff.

All of these are really awesome and things I had to find out the hard way.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tacitus86 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love these videos. Always get something out of them

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Homerjsb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He references β€œpigtail” a few times. What’s that?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cacraw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys welcome to 8800 three where we're talking about the top five paint polishing the states and how to avoid them number five is overworking the quantity of liquid we're gonna chat about that in a second number four is having just way too many products and not really sticking with one number three unclean paint number two unreasonable expectations mean you're trying to do a Pebble Beach car and your first day detailing that might be a challenge and number one is residue control how do you manage that amount of debris coming off the paint so from a filmmaker perspective this was really challenging for me to capture the mistakes on camera and sort of demonstrate what's going on so that we can avoid them in the future so we did we did the best that we could Kevin and I we had a lot of questions from the crowd going back and forth so I'm gonna hop in with me on the board here and then back out into the classroom and we're gonna use lots of demos so before Warren there's lots of conversations and demos but the concept here if you understand this one I think two or three is probably one of the most impactful ones with respect to polishing so with that being said let me do a quick little intro to number five which is overworking the quantity of liquid the quantity of liquid we have three variables we have how much liquid you have on the pad meaning you have just a little dot or did you put a ton on there right so think of it from that perspective the area that you're working meaning are you doing a two by two spot or you're doing an entire room you're polishing a lot of space you know ten by ten or something ridiculous right so the area that you're working and number three is the amount of residue that's coming off the paint in that given area whatever you choose so if you think of these three variables in my mind you know I'm always examples is like a fader on a you know radio thing right you know you push one fader up the other one's got to go down you push this one up so it for instance residue if the residue goes up you've got to push the fader on the area down meaning you got to shrink that area if you increase the quantity of liquid hmm you can actually increase the area a little bit does that makes sense so in my you know demos I pulled out two brand new microfiber McGuire's microfiber cutting pad to kind of prove a point I sharply I put red three dots that look exactly the same these represent having compound or polish or whatever you want on there again for obvious reasons I can't put white compound there because you can't see it and to it a drip on my floor so imagine these are envision these as gas tanks or jams or whatever so I have three gallons of gas on each one of them and they're equal cars so I have you know this I have Lane a and Lane B now Lane a is one foot lane B is one foot plus another foot meaning it's double the area so we'll take you know the car here when I start the car up you have three gallons of gas three gallons of gas you're gonna get you this far and you ran out of gas right here you wipe it off it's good to go you have the you know car B or whatever you want to call it right three gallons of gas it runs out here but you keep going oh and the car start sputtering and hopping and chattering so what does that mean to us as Detailers it means when you start wiping this area off which Kevin is gonna show and prove it's very sticky and it's not working you weren't cutting as much you're having you know you're having some swirls and things come in there why because we didn't manage the amount of residue we ran out of the quantity of liquid meaning we overworked that liquid in a given area so I'll stop there because this concept alone is massive and it took a long time for me to sort of understand that but if you think about it as those three variables it's gonna change the way that you're polish oh I'm gonna hop quickly into the demo from Kevin and we'll jump back and forth but I really hope that you guys like 2:03 it's a game changer thanks for watching [Music] so let's hop into number five we'll start you know at the top they're overworking a quantity of liquid now explain in detail what's really going on here okay little difficult but when you use let's say a droplet a pea-sized drop that we talk about all the time of liquid it at some point when you're using that product it's going to cut away paint but our liquid also contains the the cutaway paint the contamination the residue the oxidation and it accumulates to the point that it dramatically impacts the performance so that means it can impact how quickly it can cut and also how well it can finish out meaning it can or cannot leave a perfectly polished finish right so know what that's really the crux of it is the quantity of liquid versus the residue that's right it could cause dusting it can cause stickiness it can cause chattering hopping scouring scuffing lack of cut all kinds of things right so we have a board here or a panel now the interesting thing about the this panel as I'm trying to encourage everybody to go to your local body shop right hey we did we went from very local yes across the street what have Kevin's friends and said hey is it cool we rummaged through your garbage and find something that's suitable reasonable and of course I hood is always a good one you can use door or whatever sure grab it throw it in your truck come home and now you have a practice panel this is also just using we're gonna do several tests on this one panel so show me okay so I've already primed these microfiber pads and I'm just using the random orbital polisher cordless and I'm going to apply three drops just I'm just gonna lightly smear it okay so I'm gonna start I'm gonna start right in the center okay right here mm-hmm I'm gonna go that way so here we go one foot that way one foot [Applause] and stop so one pass one foot one pass one foot will it get everything out likely not but we should be able to see that there's there's an obvious difference okay so you can already see it wipes very easy there yeah starting to stick here and there's there's a couple reasons for that look at that it was nice and very liquid there and it becomes drier and drier but look at this it's sticking we'll talk about that in a minute let me sleep that's one foot pass yep now you're removing the pad move the pads second pad put a very similar amount of drops well three drops the same size of clothes I can get the sizing okay tickets see now we've just increased we've doubled the link my pattern wasn't exactly perfect but for the most part we mimicked that and then we added in that extra foot and this should wipe easily here and get progressively harder to remove look at that oh man so so this mimicked exactly the same here and the increase in residue meaning the distance overwhelmed the amount of liquid right and we didn't get a whole lot of cut there just it didn't it didn't perform to the same degree as the first area it's it's obvious where I'm standing right I can see pretty good pretty similar it's progressively similar it's getting worse and worse and less cut so that's been on there so we can show that it's not coming up it's not coming up and it's sticking and we'll talk about that alright so I think that's a pretty good example anything else you have on that one in terms of the quantity of liquid like me people call you a teen in Kevin I'm running into an issue ba-ba-ba-ba and you know our top five one would be quantity of liquid quantity of liquid and impact so many factors that I hear about it's not cutting it's not wiping on me they're Newshour and they're doing too big of a surface well that's right so so basically you're gonna look at and say hey for the amount of liquid you're using right you're either using it for too long or doing too large of an area so how do you fix that well either do that area for last time correct or increase the liquid weight yes or decrease the size decrease the size so it's really just a function of all those yeah so when they say it doesn't work you you do some investigation say how big is your site how much liquid are using right and if everything sounds good except for the size is too big I'm doing a two by three foot and I'm going up and down and left and right and say how long does that taking you to do I do it for about literally three minutes okay I think I know the problem we try the same exact thing leave everything the same right but let's cut that to 30 seconds oh wow that's much better it's wiping off easier time getting more it's that easy to decipher what's going on if you just if you think of it that way many to many products all right so one of the things I wrote down here is the jack-of-all-trades your master of none I think that's a really good you know phrase it's a popular phrase in this case is the jack of all products master of none so what are you how can you well you like to go on the racetrack and racecars I do if you want to get better and faster on that track do you change the car every time you go no you don't do you change the tires every time change the fuel every time all that no want to try to keep something consistent and when we were talking about this off-camera I was saying my hockey stick or let's say golf clubs or something it's like oh I missed a shot well my throw the clubs away I guess some people do that but that's not what you're you know you made a bad shot okay let's refocus it's not it's not the actual club or the hockey stick maybe something you know yeah you tend to make incremental very small specific incremental changes so that you can dial in what works best for that vehicle for that track for that course whatever right so I think a lot of people give the excuse hey this isn't working and you look at whatever it is that you have in your hand or whatever's closest to your body at that point that's that's causing it not to work right and we're saying whoa hang on a second most likely that's not the case it's not the case right when in reality if you just stuck with whatever product again we put this as generic it doesn't matter whatever it is that floats your boat I think that's great use whatever it is right but just stick with something that's a reasonable brand that's been around sure something that's a industry standard there you go available in a multitude of places a lot of people use it overall feedback is great reputable company go with that right right and then and and become very very good using that specific system practice what we preach right we're gonna use one pad and one liquid and we're gonna take away these defects right it's pretty bad here it's pretty bad we've got we've got edgings and scratches and all kinds of good damage so we're gonna work a small area just to save time but I'm basically work this area here with the one pad I'm gonna remove the defects I'm gonna continually blow the pad out again you know and keep keep things clean and then finish out that area with that same one pad in one basically you're not using lots of product is the point here to prove the point that you don't need a lot of different options go simpler is better okay I want to hop in real quick before Kevin starts polishing and kind of let the cat out of the bag off camera keV and I were thinking about okay how do we prove too many products how do you show somebody that hey it's probably not the products problem it's the technique or the technicians issue yeah and change something and it's not just like throw throw the baby out with the bathwater so how do I prove that Kevin's father actually is in the car as in the personal care business and he makes all kinds of products one of which is you know cream for your hands that kind of thing and Kevin has one of them obviously so he said hey can you use that cream the hand lotion and polished the paint and he's like yeah absolutely of course so in this video he's doing that so I'll fast forward that and kind of speed up what's the point is he trying to impress you know we're trying to impress upon you that if Kevin can polish the paint and restore it with hand lotion the chances are you can probably do it with something that's actually designed to compound and/or polish the paint so that concept I think is very huge with respect to too many products people say oh something's wrong throw the product out it's not working if Kevin can do it with hand lotion I promise you you can do it with some you know a reputable product for paint so that's kind of the behind-the-scenes I'm gonna speed everything up the little caveat here is with the 10,000 things going on the only b-roll shot that I have the only proving shot that it's clean and believe me it's clean Kevin is insane the paint looked perfect the house actually wildly impressed the one pad one polish technique really worked out and so I have a far shot and you can see some scratches and then no scratches but I don't have like a microscope shot so that's my fault so anyways you get the point don't throw out every single product just work with what you have I've got my new pad I'm gonna prime it microfiber still be prime rub that in and blow the pad out quickly that's a quick quick burst thanks a little bit I'm not gonna add any new liquid right now I think we're gonna stop here and we got four time savings here like what are we trying to prove well what we're trying to prove is that you don't need a vast array of compounds and polishes and machines just just use a good system that works well and right you can do a lot with it the point is is that if I can do this with a lotion something was not designed to do this and still get that kind of a finish with one liquid and one pad and one machine imagine when you learn to master a small system stick with the golf club that you have learn it practice it master that particular thing you have you may find a little tweaks here and there as you go along but don't throw out the whole entire you know golf club bag or whatever because you miss the one shot does that make sense I'm happy I'm smiling inside all right so let's move on we have number three unclean paint right we're talking about something that was applied to the vehicle or the paint to protect it a wax a polymer a sealant a detailing spray and it's left behind an invisible barrier barrier protection but it's also can affect the rate of cut it can encompass your abrasive grain slow down the rate of cutting right it can kind of smear into your path and affect how those perform is because you're not actually touching the paint you're writing on top of the surface of whatever it is the polymer the coating the whack whatever it is you go you go through the rain and you go too fast you start to hydroplane this is essentially floating in inside that's being suspended by that invisible layer or being it's wrapping itself around your strands in your microfiber or against the face of your foam and so it not only affects the buffing liquid but primarily the pads right so when people would call you as the numb three you know we're doing this in the top five so the number three one would be unclean paint what would they say like give me an example like Kevin the theater is shocking but hey Kevin you know I didn't mean to bug you so late but I am working on the hardest paint I've ever worked on it will not cut even had a situation where a guy's been doing this for well over 20 years obviously knew what he's doing and he's like I have never encountered this I have hit it with 3000 grit I have hit it with wool and a heavy cut compound I say send me some photos and I look at the photos again it's over the phone and sure enough I mean he sent the photos of where he had already sanded and buffed and nothing happened so I said I think I know what's going on so long story short in the range of 20 to 25 minutes of trying different things it was a layer of the car wash by the top of the line Tunnel wash you can get it washed get the spray on protection Oh at the end the little things that come out goes on protection that we all think is not very good made this professional 20 year plus veteran of polishing and body shop work and all that think he was working on the most the hardest pain he's ever worked on when in reality he just wasn't even touching the surface of the paint all of the Mist and wifes and he used wax and grease remover as a petroleum-based products water-based products with detergents alcohol so he was hitting it with everything everything but there's no dwell time it's not as if you can just spray that on there and it magically just connects it right because a lot of the questions I get is hey if I hit it with isopropyl alcohol or I put it with wax and grease remover is it gonna remove and ice like you know each one varies I think you're in and in the case of isopropyl alcohol IPA there or cleaning solutions that are designed to do that they're mostly water right and we're using we're trying to remove hydrophobic a layer of protection mm-hmm so sometimes it just beads right off you obviously you spray it and it's beating up and you're wiping it like that's good no it just sat there for moments and it didn't have any dwell time whatsoever didn't eat up it didn't chew anything it didn't disconnect it didn't there you go integrate it didn't it didn't instill into that protective layer or remove it so here's our example we have number three what have we what have you done over here what we've done is we're going to do a similar type of a test but in this case this is raw or naked paint here so we're going to go ahead and so we're a hundred percent sure that when you put the polisher on here you're actually touching paint right but in this case we're gonna use a sanding disc okay okay we're gonna sand this to show you that how quickly this will sand when the paint is make it easy and then we're gonna replicate what we did here down there down here we've I've applied a polymer sealant and a mist and wipe detailing spray okay and we're gonna sand that again and see the difference between this one either naked paint versus on me yeah if it's consistently cut if it's deep if it looks the same or it's just skimming we're gonna be able to tell just by looking at that all right let's do it immediately thank insistant kilos s Larry yeah that's normal and that's where you started getting that pigtailing or pilling if you don't clean that out right there but mainly want to show that great of fat [Music] they will not clean up [Music] okay okay now we have a brand new pad or discredit yep new disk like a snowing now it's a fairly consistent ER and then now the same thing just gonna work the area Wow yeah you see him jumping it's just skimming and now probably got some of that in our Judas yeah consistent so quickly this one turned white because it's touching the clear coat and grinding away the clear coat this one's having trouble getting through and letting that pigtail look at that you know it's killing up now it's starting to cut look at that starting finally to go so now what's happening is we just cut through that top layer and we started to get naked paint clean up look at all that pig cow Wow all right so this one went through like immediately soon as soon as you did it so what is this so this is that's paint that's paint that weight coming off yep and we have less even though you did it basically the same amount because you were fighting the polymer all right so describe what's actually now that you wiped it away what's really going on you can see that I was a little light in the middle but I tend to tilt a little bit towards the edges to get a good cut but look at the difference here it's a lot more prominent where the shiny areas didn't sand to the same degree and look how consistently flat that is but look at here it's just it's bouncing and skipping and hopping and riding on the polymers and riding on the accumulated paint residue so it's about as easy as we can show you on film that what the effects are okay so the number two mistake that a lot of people are making when polishing their paint as we have here is unreasonable expectations give me a little example here well one of the most common ones I get calls about is someone says hey Kevin I got a new car and my buddy says it's got way too much orange peel texture so I need to sand that down so what do I need so I can sand my paint smooth and while we're at it he also said that I can't get the same results with a random over I need to have a rotary what do you think about that yeah and I was like whoa yeah those are two things that you should not be delving into right away as a beginner as your only car you don't need to do that slow down don't let someone convince you that what you have is not good enough right don't let them tell you that it's subpar there's there's actually some benefits to having some texture we talked about that earlier right a lot of the UV protections in that area you put a box down and slide it across the car it scratches the top it's easier to get that out right so shift your mindset slow it down don't let someone convince you that you need to do something to your car that you don't necessarily have to do you talk to guys that have been devastated because they cut through why well they don't know what they're doing exactly I didn't understand how much paint they're removing so they're buffing with the rotary and they're sanding and they're using IPA and they're using wax and grease moves to check it out and and they're doing all these things but every time they're doing multiple passes and changing pads and liquids and cutting away paint is getting under in thinner and thinner and more sensitive and spongy feeling in and there's just frustrating and eventually an accident occurs and they've cut through on their fender on their hood on their door and now we're talking about a lot of money so the number one thing to avoid when you're polishing your paint that we've heard a gazillion times and it flows into all the other ones five four three two and now this one of course is residue control so before you answer that just define what is residue well it's easier to show you and to do that we're gonna use wood and sanding so I'm gonna turn on this machine sand this wood and as this as the wood gets removed you can see that bath so here we go that's wood residue alright can you see that yep alright so that's basically what's happening on the paint right except for in the woodworking industry to control the residue they vacuumed it away keeps the sanding discs clean see how look at how dirty that disk is so basically this is mimicking let's say this pad here there's ad writer do you know scientists so now we're gonna turn on the vacuum do the same thing [Music] now take my hand I wipe it and look at the disk nothing on my fingers and nothing on the dish so the dream come true is basically what you're saying hey if we could create a paint power washing that had a vacuum or something in it it would be greatly great but unfortunately we don't have that technology all right now so our residue installs into the buffing liquid and onto the pads so when we first start polishing everything's as good as it's gonna get the compound is refined perfectly sized in shape the pads are soft and contourable and fluffy and and they don't Mar the surface but as you start to polish or you know compound or polish you're getting paint your grinding pain away paint residue and it's installing into the liquids and onto the pads and this is actually a pad that I confiscated from somebody that was polishing but it's not sure why would I getting scouring or buffer hopping or my rate of cut was greatly diminished you can imagine by seeing that sanding disk how all that wood is covering the abrasive grains and stalling ability to cut right so I maybe said another way focused on working clean yeah we don't have the vacuums okay we're living with that right now working clean is using a microfiber towel to clean the pad up using compressed air to use the pad on your environment every we talked about that earlier right don't work such big areas or use more liquid if you're going to do a big area so you're controlling the residue as best you can by keeping the percentage of residue versus your buffing liquid right low right so I would say the most single impactful element of something to avoid going forward and you see something's not you know not quite right it would be residue control I think after all this entire episode of you if your take one thing away this is the number one thing that you should consider always absolutely on the next episode we're gonna be talking about paint polishing machines and everything you need to know that's Kevin I'm Larry as always thank you so much for watching and stay tuned for more [Music] [Music]
Channel: AMMO NYC
Views: 540,603
Rating: 4.8975735 out of 5
Keywords: Scratch removal, Top Detailing Tips, Larry Kosilla Detailing, AMMO Detailing Products, AMMO Products, AMMO Detailing, How to remove a scratch, AMMO Car Care Products, car polishing, how to polish a car, how to detail your car, best car polish, ammo training academy, best detailing products, how to polish black paint, Top 5 Paint Polishing Mistakes to Avoid, car polishing video, scratch removal car, Paint residue control, car detailing, kevin brown detailing, auto detailing
Id: QEY-hyXkJKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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