Best Car Paint Touch up Tools Tips Tricks with Needle and Syringe Subaru Outback

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hey guys on today's episode we're working on my wife Subaru Outback now the car is completely filthy on the way home from our trip we went to the grocery store and sure enough we got a bunch of damage here cuz somebody whacked the car so we're gonna be talking about the top three tools that you can use to touch up your paint whether it's damage like this a rock chip or a scratch there's some tools that you can use to apply the touch-up paint a little bit more strategically so it looks a little bit better at the same time you're protecting the paint now if you're new to my channel I have hundreds of how-to car care videos please click the link below subscribe click on the notification button so you're notified when a new video comes out so without further ado let's clean this car up and apply some touch-up paint [Music] before I could even think about touching up the paint let's get the car outside and perform a midwinter desalting as the rims wheel wells and pretty much everything else is dirty from our family trip for step one I chose to lift the car and remove the wheels now this is not necessary but with a quick Jack it allows me to get into the tight spots much easier so if you have one it can be really helpful with the wheels off set them aside for now fill your reservoir with ammo boost and ammo Brut coat the area focusing on the wheel wells and desalting the suspension axle calipers rotors and so on [Applause] [Music] repeat the same steps on the engine compartment in the bottom of the car [Music] allow a few minutes to soak loosen and dissolve the salt while it's soaking agitate the suspension and brakes with a wheel brush now I've said this in the past this is extremely therapeutic so just enjoy the process next add four to five microfiber towels to your bucket three to four squirts a tamo foam and fill with water then coat the paint in door jams with boost it's important to brush the jams with boost and allow it to soak for two minutes and then rinse if you're using a power washer just remove the tip and allow the water to trickle along the door jamb to avoid spring the interior then rinse the paint next I use my wheel boss to clean each wheel apply the all-new mo plum to the rim now this new version is better at removing stubborn brake dust it doesn't actually turn on purple it is purple this is a completely different technology for more information click the link above [Music] next dry the paint in jams with a damp microfiber towel in ammo hydrate install the wheels lower the lift slightly and then torque the lugs before pulling the car inside ok now the car is clean we're ready to address the touch-up areas and certainly the damage now the white spots that you see here is what's called paint transfer when the object hits the car whatever the color of the object is goes on to the car in this case you can clearly see that it was white whoever has a white car you know whacked or smacked into the side it looks like it's a glancing blow because it's not super hard but there are some dents over here so who knows what happened there's a little bit peeling off over here I'll show you in a second now there's two ways to remove this one way is with a chemical and the second way is with abrasion or a mechanical so chemical or mechanical in this case what I like to do first is use a chemical this one that I use here is goof off and get at Home Depot it's relatively cheap and the reason I don't do it all the time so I'm not saying it's a rule but in this case it's okay on this particular paint we've talked about this in the past when I've when I'm doing my ata ammo training Academy when we get really deep I'll put a link up here if you're super nerdy on it if not you can skip this part but basically what happens is if you put a chemical on let's say single stage paint or sensitive paint or soft paint or kind of quirky paint the paint swells and contract swells and contracts and if you do that rapidly sometimes it doesn't go back into its normal shape that is a very short version of a very long explanation that you can see in this case because it's a newer car I think we'll be fine so what you want to do is take your towel here just pour a little bit over put your glasses on of course because you're working with chemicals now you have a little spot right there you're just going to go in and lightly wipe now once I do this to the rest of the white paint transfer what's gonna be left behind is a few marks and nicks and scratches so behind that what I'm going to use is mechanical in this case I'm going to use microfiber cutting pad a stronger compound and just lightly get in there but the challenge is going to be that there are and bends and cuts and all kinds of things from the impact that the twisting of the machine itself may actually flick off more of those touch up areas so you have to be a little bit careful so step one chemical step two mechanical and then you can remove it this needs to go to a body shop to be 100% perfect but for now it's eighty percent less annoying to look at however at this point we do need to protect the Outbacks open wounds with touch-up paint to do this properly we need to keep three rules in mind okay paint touch-up one of my favorite top is I get a ton of emails about it people think it's sort of black magic some sort of weird art and it's not you have to keep in mind three things the first thing is this the purpose of touching up your paint is to stop or slow the rate of oxidation so that in years to come you don't have damage that sort of run up your hood let's say for example that is the main purpose most people think it's the other thing which is hey I just want make my car look better I get it that's totally understandable but if you go into touching up your paint with that mentality you're gonna have some problems you're not gonna prep properly you're not gonna do things that are actually gonna prevent the rate of oxidation so in my endless analogies here think of a cut on your hand you put a band-aid over that cut because you don't want it to bleed right the upside is maybe it looks a little bit better okay fine but you don't put that band-aid on just because you want it to look better you put it on because you don't want to be damaged you don't to have a scar let's say same kind of concept here with the paint number two and it's an understandable one is there's this confusion that you need to paint on the touch-up you don't want to paint meaning the act of actually making a brush stroke with it and again it's understandable to be confused there because when they give you touch-up paint they give it to you in this sort of nail-polish little brush type thing and so I think subconsciously people think oh I think I should paint it on you don't want to do that when you do paint it on you create these weird sort of peaks and valleys that catch the light and it just doesn't look all that good so in this case rule number two is you need to drip it or dab it I don't know whatever word you want to use like use the word drip it because as you drip into the chip what happens is the paint kind of levels out there's a bit of surface tension and so it's it's a bit tighter than as if you were to paint it and it sort of mimics the paint meaning it reflects the light similar when you TripIt versus when you paint it when you paint it just doesn't look right so that's number two number three is kind of my favorite is you got to know when to say when what I mean by that is you can spend anywhere from a couple of hours to multiple days losing your mind trying to touch it up saying it's a and a touch without touch-ups and and go crazy versus just spending ten or fifteen minutes and using a couple of these tools and it will look okay but again the primary purpose is to stop the rate of oxidation and then secondary it'll look pretty good but if you go down this rabbit hole it is a very very deep windy road and you could only really get maybe five six percent better than if you just spent 15 minutes versus two days so that is a very large topic but prevent yourself know when to say when when you're touching up the paint keeping the golden rules in mind here are some of the most helpful touch up tools to apply your paint in certain situations first is the least expensive in the simplest to use a toothpick shake the touch up tube and unscrew the brush next wipe the toothpick along the dipstick to gather a raindrop size of touch-up along the tip here I'm using my glove as an example but basically carefully tap the toothpick into the damage to allow the drop to fill the cavity it's super simple and really cheap with that said this technique is not ideal on larger or vertical scratches as it can be time-consuming to fill the cavity next is the Lowell Cornell paint pen now I use this on an old 9/11 that was being donated to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City the paint was original and single-stage but I had thousands of super tiny sandblast chips all over the hood to use this pen drip your touch-up brush into the pipe like reservoir and then tap the paint down into the thin needle this technique requires gravity and tapping to work smoothly it's great for tiny chips on horizontal surfaces like a hood but it can be challenging with metallic paint as it can struggle to travel through the super small orifice at times this is the posh airbrush flow pencil that is normally used for cake and cookie decoration it produces a thick consistent bead for longer deeper damage I'll post the link in the description to the video shown here likewise I probably would have used it on my g55 wagon full body key scratch video many many years ago if I had known this existed this is the Iwata studio series compressor with the Eclipse airbrush now this is great for larger areas and I like to use it on non metal parts like plastic trim or bumpers I used it in the biohazard car we pulled out of the woods that had scrapes and scuffs all over the lower plastic trim but for super small and precise applications I tend to use the Lowell Cornell paint pen or my new favorite tool the needle and the syringe the syringes are about ten dollars for a hundred sterile units that come individually wrapped the blunt tip dispensing needles come in nine different orifice sizes and are about $10 for 45 pieces the larger orifice might be used for something like glue while the smaller orifice for more precise touch-ups on horizontal or vertical panels because the paint is propelled by a thumb plunger where the gravity-fed tool may not be as easy to use in that situation to use this tool attach the desired size tip onto the syringe then press the plunger all the way down and suction up about 0.2 to 0.5 mil depending on how many chips or the size of the damage you need to fill now the only real learning curve with a needle and syringe is how hard to press the plunger down versus how much comes out so you may need to do a few test spots like I did on my glove here but you'll quickly get the hang of it these little scuff pens come on some touch-up applicators or you can buy them separately once the area is scuffed up apply the first layer of touch-up and allow to drive for 30 minutes as the paint dries it contracts so make sure you apply enough to allow for this shrinkage now those of you who want to go down the rabbit hole in wet sand the paint for a possible 4 to 5 percent difference I'll have another video coming soon but for now keep the three rules in mind and use these tools to lay down a flat even layer of protection once you're done with the needle make sure you discard the tip in a plastic container to avoid poking yourself or someone else in the disposal process with the touch-up drying I use my time to quickly clean the inside of the kid mobile by first dislodging the dirt wrappers and who knows what else from under the seeds with compressed air on a normal or regular detail meaning a car that hasn't been hit like this one here I would typically work on the interior first to allow enough time for the seats and the carpet to dry while I was working on the outside of the car obviously this is not a normal detail because of the damage so I wanted to work on the outside first so that the paint would be cleaned for the touch-up us and used the drying time to clean the interior for efficiency with the interior now clean and after the three thin layers of paint were try I applied the clear coat with the provided foam sponge applicator the provided clear coat and the special sponge tend to lay down the clear a bit more flat so most of the time I find it unnecessary to use my special tools but just adjust the technique if needed same idea as before make sure you use the sponge in a DAB type motion instead of a brushstroke while one or two layers of clear are drying I switched needles to a thicker orphis to apply glue to the broken black plastic trim this is a great way to get into tight areas once the three layers of paint and two of clear were dried I finished the job by applying two coats of the all-new Amal reflex this protection is focused on water sheeting chemistry and it's applied with a microfiber applicator because of its thick adhesive consistency we're in production now so please sign up if you'd like to be in the queue and notified when it's ready to ship and after the first layer I applied a moment to the tires in the trim while the paint was setting up after the second coat of reflex was applied I pulled the out back outside to see if I could live with the touch-up but before it goes back to the body shop in spring all right guys one behind the camera right now I finished up reflex looks amazing I did some touch-up here rather with the mud on all the black trim - it looks really good wheels look great but more importantly come back here you still see there's a huge dent which I'm gonna have to play with later go a dent guy right there but the bang or the head or the whoever you know whatever happened in that parking lot the scuff I bit I was able to touch all this up here and protect it with some clear color on does it look perfect no that's the whole concept that's sort of part of the whole golden rules this one looks actually a borderline perfect you can even see it this was black right here and there was some more damage down there so that touchup looked good touch-up all around here really good that's kind of a rough spot but if you step back two or three feet other than the dent you can't really see the part where you're missing paint but more importantly it's protected it looks a lot better and I saved my trip I saved myself a trip to the body shop again if you want it perfect go to the body shop I will have to do it at some point before I sell the car I might try and get this dent removed I don't know the extent that might be a little bit too harsh to remove a dent but who knows we'll give it a shot otherwise it's looking pretty good and the car is ready to go but more importantly my wife is happy that mark is gone from this angle here you can barely see it other than the dent everybody's happy the baby's healthy life is good as always guys thanks for watching and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: AMMO NYC
Views: 1,136,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scratch removal, Top Detailing Tips, How to remove a scratch, Larry Kosilla, Car detailing, Auto detailing, car detailing, detailing, car cleaning, cleaning, cars, detail, how to, how to polish, how to clean, complete disaster, best paint touch up kit for cars, best paint touch up pen, best paint touch up for cars, best touch up paint for car scratches, subaru outback, scratch removal from car paintwork, needle touch up paint, touch up paint application tips, paint scratch pen
Id: WLJnqiBxKtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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