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what's up guys fury tv here and we're back with another episode of poker hands before getting into it i would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis it's not a bad place to call home it is a very nice place who gets sneaky with a limp normal rays joe is going to at least call a 7-5 couple of hearts out there that's not going to affect either player ian's hand far and away the best still let's see how he plays spicy float from from joe and the ace five seven with the queen ten just not relentless yeah sorry not relenting because he knows that uh ian's gonna bet that flop 100 of the time that he raises pre-flop or near it and that is a good card to bluff with got a little bit more equity with the gut shot after the jack comes you just hate to lay down kings yeah he's not gonna be folding kings on this flop why not on this why not because of the ace well it's blind versus blind and you're up against a guy who's creative and tough uh the only reason to fold right now is because you know a big bet is coming on the river and you're not gonna call that too so if you if you are going to call the river or if you don't know a big bet is coming then you have to be calling here because joe can call wider oh no oh devastating card for ian that is unbelievable he makes it set on the river and that gives joe broadway just crushing so if ian had any doubt in the back of his mind what you guys were talking about with being worried about that ace no longer instead it runs out perfectly for joe it sets a huge trap for ian ian goes with a big lead i think this is a game changer 800 000 is the bet 2.2 million already in the center and yeah like you said tyler we'll see there being any way all the chips don't get in here the look back poor ian this is not fair that is the worst card in the deck for him yes wow yeah wow indeed two biggest stacks at the table wow he's actually considering this is amazing i would have high-fived people and called already it's taken 30 seconds so far we've had to stop you on your victory lap until you didn't win yeah oh man just when you think it's your dream card it's your death card you know i mean it's such a terrible card for ian he's burning through those time extensions like you said tyler he's really considering this i can't believe it's his second 30 seconds there's no way he gets away from this right he has eight of those time extensions would be pretty amazing look at him he knows these feet somehow that's unbelievable how can he think he's beat here i don't know i i'm i'm shocked so third 30 seconds he's stacking up those time chips this is unreal that he's considering getting away from this this is my fourth one if i hit it again and yeah the time is wearing on him maybe without the timing maybe fourth time extension and he's just stacking them up oh my goodness i guess i can't wait 30 minutes to find out five incredible this is unreal i am like riveted right now another one six time extensions so i know how long he's waited on this one three minutes not going to be in a spot this hard again why is he beating himself he falls wow so sick wow joe is sick in this wait until he sees what he has yeah joe's hand was perfectly camouflaged how did he figure that out tyler take us through i can't you're gonna make it 600 into dana negrono and daniel's picked up a big hand as well ace king with the button well vance is in position now we know he's got a lot of chips but many pros when the pots raised and re-raised in front of him would lay down ace king here but not daniel negrano he makes the call and now it's on jim hannah well he has the same hand as daniel remember the pot was raised re-raised and called he's got to lay it down too many players and joe hashim going out action back on ebj call and he is making the call mike i don't blame him here vance it's a huge pot in there right now 1.6 million costing 400 000 more to call so he does make the call so three-way action here over 2 million in this pot tasty little suited connector seven eight of spades up against nines and ace king everybody holding their breath right now and the flop comes queen queen 10 with two hearts no real help to anybody actions on ebj he's gonna check his eight high now the man with the pair of nines mads anderson he checks vince he's scared not only because the guy raised in front of him but daniel called two bets behind him daniel has an inside straight draw but here we go with the turn they all checked now the four hearts pops off there come on ebj with the eight seven of black cards is gonna move in here for a million dollars an absolute his opponents drawing completely dead well how would you call with a pair of nines at this time you got a big pair out there you got three hearts and he's gonna lay it down and now it's up to daniel daniel does have the fourth heart and an inside straight drawing and it's a big heart for king of hearts what do you got how much i'm not what do you have in here well i mean i'm thinking you probably hit like the queen or something you got like scared three queens it looks like that heart you didn't like it too much daniel's gonna soon realize there's three million dollars in the fight cost him a million dollars to make this call but as it is he's just got ace high that's okay i can see it the guy who raised pre-flop has moved all in in front of you here good or i'm not you know let's see here if he puts his opponent on something like two sevens or two eight perhaps he'll make this call thinking he can win the pot with an ace a king a jack or a heart actually you know what count it it's close i think he got three queens so maybe i can like suck out on you i can't beat him daniel is off this time he thinks he has three queens but why wouldn't you well how would you like to be ebj right now vance your tournament life's on the line you moved in for your last million you're up against certainly one of the top poker players in the world who's the chip leader at this final table and you got to maintain your poker face right now she's got 1 million 45 000 is that right sound good to you all right yeah oh wow when daniel starts talking put a bag over your head don't talk with him well vince look at the poker face of ebj now he answered daniel you don't have to i've played a fair amount of poker with daniel negrano and my advice to everybody would be if you're playing a pot with him don't talk to him just a little bit over a million dollars it's a huge pot this would be an amazing call well this will be an all-star call vance no doubt about that for ebj saying to himself please go away please go away daniel please go away do not call me you're not full right no you're not never mind maybe you have these i'm definitely beat but i have out maybe uh it's only a million oh no he's doing it what a call by daniel negrano beautiful and that thud you just heard folks with ebj's heart hitting the floor he's got eight high seven oh i can beat that daniel tickle pink you are sick you are the sickest you are the sickest puppy okay don't give him an eight or a seven that would be pretty now folks you talk about one of the great calls in poker history whether or not daniel wins this pot that took a lot of heart to make that call right there a king eye flush draw a gunshot straight draw he could be drawn dead daniel sized him up perfect since he was bluffing and went after him it would be a bad beat for eight or seven goes and the look on ebj's face says it all he's got a spike a seven or an eight that's not a heart otherwise he's our sixth place finisher here comes the river card well the six arch comes off daniel makes the flush and takes down the pot and ebj has to say goodnight here at bellagio wow what a call by daniel negrano right there i thought i might have the best hand now finally the frenchman picking up the big hand pair of kings well we talked about limping in the small blind with your strong hands to protect your weak ones and david shares that philosophy he wants the chip leader to come over the top but that's not gonna happen darren with just a jack deuce not gonna fall into any traps wants to see a flop here we go and the flop is a massive jack deuce five here darren elias flopping two pair disaster for david benjamin who was hoping to be able to play a big pot post flop with his kings if that were to happen now he would lose a big pot oh boy so darren has bet just a measly 15 getting called and now it only gets better for darren elias that jack should prevent david from getting stacked before i think if the turn was a brick he would have looked to get a lot of money in now he's just going to be calling down 35 000 has been bet elias with his full house already benjamin's got to make that call going to the river has to hit a king here not to be four clubs on the river that four is an interesting card because if darren was semi-bluffing with a hand like 4-3 or 6-4 he's now made a pair that he can check and just try and show down with the fact that he's betting again and betting so big means his range has become polarized between strong hands like straights and trip jacks and weak hands like spades that are just bluffing david here with a really tough decision the bet is 125 by darren elias very tough to get away from this hand clock is ticking down to five seconds and he's taking more time well if you're in benjamin's shoes and you get to the river like this what hands are you calling with that are better than pocket kings like if you're gonna fold kings what's a better hand than kings that you get there like this and you call with i'm having trouble finding one it's gonna take more time but it's very tough to lay down this hand i think 90 percent of the players would make this call at this point but he's going to make the good lay down wow look at that he laid down the kings daryla is picking that one up a lot of heart there and what a poker player and he has picked up a great hand pair of aces i bet you've got to be an amazing woman to have five kids and put up with a poker playing husband i just raised to 300 and behind him david with a pair of nines here this hand could spell trouble for david especially if he three bets at ear but he doesn't he just makes the call on the button with the two nines so keith are getting out of their way jerry payne doesn't play the flop is six deuce deuce a very nice flop for two aces and there's a continuation bet of 500 000 but no way you're gonna throw away two nines here vince he's gonna make the call so this could spell trouble for david turn card five of diamonds doesn't change much maurice is gonna slow down and check when i got called on the flop i think you have to continue here on the turn in terms of betting david checks two nines oh no the nine on the river nine's full for david this is ridiculous maurice spent seven hundred thousand on the river action's on david now he's got nine's full it's definitely gonna get raised just a matter of how much david's wife caitlin in the audience what discipline david showed in checking on the turn there i'm wowed by that here it comes the hammer coming down and what a hammer a two million raise on the river here by david paredes and maurice has got aces up fencing how do you throw them away here the way this bedding's gone the guy called a raise before the flop called your bet on the flop but look at that maurice mocks two aces and he mucks them face up to show david i read you like a book my friend maybe it's not gonna show the hand that's the fold of the year that's incredible lay down by maurice hawkins right there right into seven-figure territory for her career great milestone for any tournament poker player how early did you get that in your career jonathan first year i played i lost pretty much everything i touched then the second year i i had i had an early score for like 320k but then i had a million dollar score shortly afterwards there you go so it's two years of live poker but the first three years i played literally every day of my life on party poker wow every single day i took no off days interesting spot here for emma she does have a quite a strong heads-up hand but not when you're necessarily crazy about um you know force facing a three-bet certainly an argument to continue here so this is a spot where if we were playing normal poker where she raised the cut off and let's say button three bet you would definitely be folding the king nine but heads up you just have to play more hands and right here you have to ask do we have 33 equity you do right a lot of the time are and we're also in position oh and she is betting here so she's using it as a bluff which i think is also viable i would be tempted to four bet slightly weaker hands like maybe king eight king seven but you know king eight king nine certainly a fine way to do it well she doesn't want to call the k9 it's effectively the same thing as the king eight isn't it right if you're whatever the bottom of your folding range or the bottom of your calling range slash top of your folding range those are all pretty good hands to use as a bluff now should patrick stick around i mean i think there's a chance he would show up to be honest he has to put in 2.2 to win what is going to be 8 million i don't think he's gonna wanna call but i could see him shoving to be honest i think shoving would be a little bit maniacal but hey nothing wrong with being a little bit of a maniac he does call nice what do i know i mean really again yeah i always have to look at what am i being offered am i going to realize 27 equity yeah with seven five suited out of position i mean it's tough but you probably are there are no payout implications anymore they're just straight up playing a heads up match for 300 000 canadian dollars so if it's plus eb it's plus even it probably just is wow this is the problem with calling the 7.5 suited is that inevitably you make some junky pair and it's pretty good notice here emma actually has a boatload of equity with just the nine of spades the other card doesn't even matter really more than a boatload she's a favorite even though right sorta is technically a head right now with the seven she's gonna check back here doesn't wanna have to bet fold this flop flopping all this equity so interesting turn if emma bets the turn as a bluff she probably needs to bet the river i would presume it's always a tense spot because you know the pots already huge lots of money to go in the pot emma has to be careful because if she makes a huge bet it may result in patrick only calling when emma's just crushed but at the same time you want him to fold pretty much anything right and i mean patrick is in a miserable spot and you know when you do call that pre-flop format you realize you are going to under-realize your equity meaning that pre-flop you have 30. oh my god he decides to stick around he can only beat stone bluffs problem is notice the stone bluff that emma has has a whopping 39 equity this hand is nuts brick city on the river does emma go for it this could be over right here if emma goes for it and patrick decides to be a hero and i'll tell you patrick his hero called emma once already and he hero called me yesterday in a huge pot as well so he is a hero caller if i've ever seen one and i mean we also know emma loves to bluff she has an ideal bluffing hand i mean it seems rather insane that this this would somehow be an all in pot but it really could be will she go for it does this king high have any showdown value at all and i think the answer is it's close griffin what's going to happen i'm so nervous it's hard because she's trying to figure out what hands he has that would call the turn and maybe fold river what kind of ten yeah she does it i love it i love it so much now patrick the master hero caller think there's any world where he finds this call i mean i don't know remember this was a four bet pre-flop hand right emma raised patrick three bet emma format oh my god he's gonna think about it i've only seen patrick use time bank chips a few times and every time he made the call he's chatting her up a little bit he's talking himself into it oh this would be a heck of a call could you imagine calling for 300 000 canadian dollars the difference between first and second here with psycho pretty much the nut low oh my god he did it oh my god wow just like that pair of sevens for all the money and i think it's done i think that was all the money patrick sarah just like that that is the way you win a wpt event emma wow goes down guns blazing in second place big hug for the champion
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 359,044
Rating: 4.7253013 out of 5
Keywords: poker, best poker hands, sick poker hands, amazing poker hands, top 5 poker hands, poker reads, top 5 poker reads, amazing poker reads, daniel negreanu poker, negreanu poker, negreanu reads poker, best negreanu read, best poker reads ever, poker compilation, poker youtube, poker videos, poker channel, pokerxpress, world poker tour, furytv, poker laydowns, best poker laydowns, top 5 poker laydowns, top 5 poker folds, poker folds, sick poker reads, best poker plays, negreanu
Id: 8JsURTd-92k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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