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what's up guys fury tv here and we are back with another episode of poker hands today we're going to be taking a look over the best poker traps ever seen in party poker live events from the past decade before getting into it i would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis it's kind of like when you're running out of time you only get 21 hands a level it's you almost gotta it's kind of like sam taking really high variance marginal decisions um you know even in a in a situation where he's trying to play kind of uh kind of small pop poker just tell me if i'm sounding like an idiot i don't know what i just said um you're saying sam is making some vibrancy no i mean that that that deciding to raise there he was like well i should probably fold like you were saying but instead uh maybe it's a little bit high variance that's not that high variance like if you were to shelve it'd be fairly high variance here he's slow playing and slow playing is fairly high variance here right uh we're just so standard i think it's pretty standard i mean ace is just such monster right now and then uh matt's almost always gonna see that just as he did now that you've turned your two aces into three and it's really hard to imagine getting on by fast playing these you you just have to call right yeah and just hope that maybe you can get some kind of bed in on the river or something yeah uh be looking for matt to run some kind of bluff he's got three aces he's got three aces that feels pretty good from from franklin's point of view though what is trickett's range here besides the the the three aces which is sort of a very narrow part of it um circuit can have like 8x uh king x i suppose what franklin is thinking he's thinking uh uh he shoves his aces to a min raise he really should too shouldn't he i mean it's so it would be really all odd for sam to have ace anything right now you know he might not even slow play ace king in fact he probably wouldn't and if trickett does call here does he check the river is that the whole is that part of the whole plan yeah he's checking the river that's for sure he's just trying to get franklin some ropes so that he'll uh shove the rivers above i guess this is just going to call as well he's got a good awareness sam trickett because this is the only way he's getting on he seems to know overall it's the best and how often are you shoving if you're franklin here well i'd be pretty concerned when uh sam calls a turn i'd have to decide whether he's calling uh light with kings or aces um the fact that there's a backdoor flush draw makes the shovel a bit better because now sam can fold some backdoor flush draws um i mean i it would just be mostly a matter of how often do i think he's turning up with like king actually folds over with uh in your experience does you know at this stage is is sam gonna fold the king if he's called this far with a king king 10 type hand is he is he folding um not necessarily but a lot of a lot of players i think will end up folding if they're if they get there with king x he's got him he went for it look at that yeah and you know franklin knows i mean you know this can this can happen i mean you just can never expect a guy to show up with like except for the absolute brain squiggle he had against phil bach and that big uh he went into that final table pretty sure he played well picked his spots um couldn't really get anything going but he never had that many chips you kids are much better i'm just uh but i saw him seen andy black here those who have played the irish open before it's it's not an easy tournament final table you have to go through a whole lot i actually flew overboard with sam just a couple of days ago directly with you guys [Music] yeah i mean he came into that table short in fact i think he was the the shortest if not the second shortest stack so uh he finished in like sixth or so and after it wasn't it was hard for him to make anything happen today so this pot opened by torelli and three bet by duhamel and you know it's i know duhamel's ahead but it's really the same hand isn't it so it's really going to be a question of who takes the lead here for you and uh john has the lead right now but uh there's a lot of flops where they both miss and anyone who bets will take it down this is however not one of them it's not the same hand this is a flop where they can get all of their money in uh right now top two versus top pair and uh not flush draw they both have absolute monster hands happens to be way ahead here only because uh alex both ace and six is no good here that's pretty unlucky and he's only drawing to the flush yeah well in a sense torelli is unlucky because in no way can he believe that he's a two to one underdog in this spot but um this could be a really big pot depending on what torelli does here whether he decides to call here or if he decides to raise uh that'll dictate what could be the biggest spot we've had so far and just think this through with me if you're torelli if you do raise there you know do you never get action except for a bigger ace perhaps so is that why he's chosen a call or something then you also build a pot for when you hit your tennis page in the turn there uh but i mean it's really lucky for duhamel that trailer decided to just flat and uh john will put uh trolley on a lot of flush draws here he could potentially check this back here um and then re-evaluate in the river depending on what alec does i hope that john can check back here and paul torelli's bet on the river because it puts him in a bad spot if he bets here and then troyley check raises him yeah but i mean really is torelli is that torelli's range is a lot more than right oh absolutely he has aces he has aces here all the time like uh jacks and ace queens also four flushes his range uh usually going to be a big ac or now a made flush being that torelli has the ace of spades you know you know he must be thinking that juhamel is buffing right i mean what has he got what does he value better that's that's why we might see a uh a call a call a call and a check on the river as well definitely possible of course yep he has gone for the call this pots really big and i wonder if alec checks it again if john is going to bet for value if if it's a non-spit i think john will bet for valerie he probably puts alec on a hand like ace jack or ace queen with maybe a spade along with it at this point i think john is going to put in another bed here there's no reason for john to think that he doesn't have the best hand and this is why torelli is checking torelli's checking because of his mind duhamel has to be bluffing such he's not checking because he thinks john has aces up here he's checking because he thinks jon has nothing and needs to bluff to win it and john is going to bet for value and he's going to be very surprised when he's check raised here yeah so if john makes any size a little bit here he's committing his stack right here i think that's about 14 or 15. i mean it looks like yeah john basically goes halfway through i promise and now moves all in and uh this would be really tough for john to get away from her because he's just committed so much yeah he just doesn't even think about it in calls they'll have to count these down but it looks like duhamel has been broken in this pot by alec torelli what a cooler i mean what a complete and utter cooler uh duhamel knows it i think the only way he could have prevented that is if he checked back one of the streets he could have uh he could have checked back the turn and then just called on the river but it's it was really uh alex played the hand really sneaky and i i totally understand why john would think his aces up and it's really a good idea with juan sitting in the big blind yeah somebody's going to slip up somebody is bound to slip up i don't see anybody slipping up here nobody has anything and this is going to be very frustrating for tony g well i take it back patrick we've seen him make some moves with ace fours already that's one of the hands he likes to play what kind of history do patrick and tony g have i wonder obviously they were in different groups in this premier league but they certainly go back a few years in the top tier gambling i would guess they haven't had a lot of history they might have played on a high-stakes cash game once or so but patrick is gonna make the call and tony g finally getting some action on the kings let's see if he wants it oh boy oh boy a full house for patrick antonius mike this is gonna get ugly i do believe that these cars are going to get shown and i think that zasko who now rests on the top of tony g's chips might find himself out in the dog pound well let's go and check check again on the turn how can he check kings twice here now the three of clubs comes off i think patrick has to make a bet here at this pot doesn't he matt's checked twice real he's checking again checked again oh no tony g's taking the bait 40. he took the bait well he took the bait and now he's going to be so angry because he's hooked he's not going to see the hand obviously that's unbelievable that patrick checked the third time there knowing how quick tony g was checking behind him mike i mean this this could be the end of tony how big is patrick going to raise right now when he raises tony's going out i promise you and tony's going to be kicking himself for betting here he checked it twice he just couldn't stand it a third time look at all the time right now there's a quiet on the table there's a calm and it's only the calm before the storm look at this tony's shaking his head he knows he's been had what a what a slippery play by patrick and just outstanding i'm trapped tony says i know i'm trapped look at the size of the rays too 140 000 130 000. this is just like a frustration call here that's a bad call by tony i think patrick's just not going to make a play here in that spot without an ace in that spot at a minimum that's the patience oh he hates that that could have been his premier league checked checked checked and the flop just hated him mike incredible what a deal how could you play the hand any better chicken three times in a row finally tony takes the bait and fell right in the well he was drawing dead on the floor yeah we're going to open the pot here oh sorry she must have three bet to 2700 yeah there we go kristen raises to twelve hundred lauren three better to thirty seven hundred and john cold called the uh two fours he limped and then oh look at four on the flop and king uh oh poor lauren this is going to be very tough luck for lauren here she picked up two aces and got no action now she's got top payer after three betting for the flop and john hopped the fence for the 3 700 flopped a set he gave a big sigh as he called there yeah she was paying attention she could read that as a tail people give those kind of sighs usually they got a big hand that might save her no she's going to go all in here no well she's only got 25k left yeah she is gonna get all our chips in at some point it's 29k in the pot already she hates that card so much she's trying not to put him in but she's gonna have to anyway yeah you gotta hate that card more theatrics from john boy he is going for the oscar folks but you know with a possible flustral out there this is the way he's going to make the most money by checking on the turn here now she probably thinks she's got the best hand here with two kings and a queen kicker yeah she should bet about seven thousand here and then throw it away if he moves in put a little blocker bet out there i think that's a pretty good idea come on call that was a good check on the turn by john you got to give him credit wow that's crazy yeah that is just tough luck yeah you three bet you flop top pair like that you run into a small set what time is it we have half an hour left to play the game you're always working ah this is an interesting one very strong hands heads up ace king four checks expect alex to check back do you think i'll bet here he's gonna bet i think he'll come on everyone knows you're a genius already okay don't have to fudge it it's just a cold ton ten of diamonds would have been nice because phil expect us to go check check it does check through oh yes oh wow that's what you call the nuts 70 million chips in the pot interesting check here ludo i guess he has quite a lot of 10x right he can check all his gut shots on the flop makes a pair so you're going to want to check the nuts to protect that and also you know you are going to list some blocks here aren't you this one feels interesting because he's trying to get like a king to fold but that doesn't make much sense so like he's tried to get some sort of flush draw straight draw that got there with a tent to fold right there's some yeah a lot of 10x here yes it's an interesting one or maybe he thinks it's like a merge where he gets them to call with some sort of four i don't know i'm saying like it's quite interesting i think i like to just check the pocket eights here you still got some showdown and you've not really got a good hand to bluff with yeah obviously you have a diamond which isn't blocked some of those missed straws as well miss yeah this is this is i think i would just be checking this back ludo yeah you still be like a four and also like let's say it's four or five or something can maybe turn that into a bluff right yeah unless he has like 10 jack i like what i'm saying if he's got actually like he could maybe talk queen 10 now he could bluff with his hands no i'm not too sure because that might i'm not sure they might have a bit too much showdown value as well because why wouldn't they just bet an ace again on the tongue so like yeah a king he is in a good position so like he's not really betting 46 million to get a king to fold no this isn't this is an easy call with a king quite well of lead as well the river himself right of course does move all in now obviously like this isn't a good hand to call with because you're blocking like eight ten of diamonds all these type of hands right that you want them to obviously you don't want them to have because he beats you with a pair of pins but the way the hand's played it's pretty messy it's a messy hand heads up here like the way those hands went that you don't get to see hands like this that often so it's like hard to like kind of commentate and be quite precise in certain departments because obviously obviously the value hands he wraps it up yeah it's basically queen jack yeah it's an interesting one well foxy's obviously thinking about it i suppose as well he must be thinking he might have four or five that he's turning into a bluff or always just say 10 jack jack jack four of diamonds queen four of diamonds like something that doesn't need to bluff the river because it's quite a showdown queen three three diamonds as well yes so like okay so we've got like we could say like he's got showdown with like jack four of diamonds jack three of diamonds queen three of diamonds queen four of diamonds and then maybe you can put on some like three five suited hands like four or five right and if the only hand that check raises all in for value it will be on your hands it did what a set of fours um is all set of fours and queen jack their other hands but the thing about this as well that alex will be thinking i'm pretty sure he's going to throw it away but i'm saying like the only thing he's going to be thinking about this situation is when i bet so much into the river 46 into 17 he shoves all on he's basically only repping queen jack yeah so how many combos of queen jack is there right there's there's not many companies so that's upsetting so if you stop throwing in like the jack four times jack three of diamonds the queen three of diamonds the 4-5 oh they type of hands there's more combos of those than there is of the jack queen so that's maybe where he's getting themselves leveled in his head i suppose there's something way as cool gets tabled and that's it that's oh that's insane babson that's obviously what he was expecting if he was beat wow was the hard queen jack just like that if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure you leave a like drop a comment and don't forget to subscribe for the best poker videos on youtube make sure to also check out our previous video if you missed it and let us know in the comments below what you would like to see on the next fury tv [Music] [Music] danny looks at queens you
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 3,229,320
Rating: 4.6166878 out of 5
Keywords: poker, poker traps, best poker traps, amazing poker hands, best poker hands, sick poker hands, top 5 poker hands, poker compilation, poker set a trap, patrik antonius poker, tony g poker, duhamel poker, torelli poker, best poker compilation, poker hands, poker videos, poker channel, partypoker, live poker events, poker cash game, poker tournament, premier league poker, poker highlights, how to play poker, poker youtube, best poker moments, furytv, poker bluffs, bluff fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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