Gus Hansen vs. David Chiu: one of the MOST EPIC heads-up poker battles!

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hey what's up guys this is poker express and we are back with another episode of poker hands wow you guys have thrown the gauntlet down nice play buddy before getting into it i would like to ask you guys hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos what is this it's not online here let's jump straight into the action gus hanson has completely wowed this crowd tonight he has made dramatic draw outs three times at this final table just been an incredible evening so far but it is not over yet he is up against david chu a prose pro a guy who knows how to win gus hanson pure poker genius going after his fourth wpt title here tonight 22 million out in front of him and david chu with about 4.3 million right now vince he's gonna have to change gears in my mind if he wants to take down this time and he looks down at an a6 of hearts makes it five hundred and ten thousand to go on gus hanson has picked up the best handy scene all night long two kings i'm all in he quickly says all in with that he's going all in here he wants to knock this out in one hand that could very well happen david chu just smiling when gus goes all in on him but that's only on the outside folks on the inside i guarantee you his stomach is churning right now and this is a pretty big over-raise here it's an additional close to 4 million for david chu but it's sneaky by gus because it's so much well vents against a player like gus hanson it's hard to lay down yeah a6 suited i can tell you that in a heads-up situation could this head the battle possibly over in one hand david chu is going to lay down the a6 of hearts you must the hand how do you do that well david chu does make the great lay down all right gus hanson now with the button he looks down at a pretty strong king jack off suit and he's just limping in vince not raising here i'm very surprised by that he's going to mix up his play and david chu was just a five deuce of clubs could tend to see the flop well happy to see a free flop especially against gus hanson that doesn't happen very often and here it comes it's ace 88 no help to either player action on chew and he quickly checks it's over to gus yeah he's going to get chips out he's going to put pressure on 160 000 i meant there's no way david chu is going to put gus on an ace in his hand because he didn't raise before the flop and probably didn't think he would bet three eighths if he'd flopped three-eighths either right now you see the wheels churning in david's mind but still it just has a five-deuce he has absolutely nothing himself defense he's just calling here now folks he's making this call on the flop because he's planning later on in this hand to make a bet at this pot and try to win it when a guy just calls you with a flop like this it's scarier than when it comes over the top of you this is what real poker players do let's see if it works for him a lot of imagination going on here now it's a four gives him an inside straight draw just like you said he was calling there to make a bet and steal it and that's what he's going gonna do 430 000 and now let's see if gus can figure it out i don't think gus is going to put him on an ace either vents because he didn't raise it before the flop either after gus limped in but he might be scared he's got something he did call a bet on the flop and then lead out and bet on the turn and gus lays down the king jack that is just a terrific play by david chu right there you get a glimpse of the greatness we've been talking about even though we haven't seen him play many hands today but even with this pod vance he's still six to one behind in chip count but could this be the first step back for david chu to turn this thing around did he be first to act pair of fives well any pair in a heads up situation is a big hand you only pick up a pair and hold them about one hand out of 17 deals so anytime you get one you don't figure your opponent has one and yes he is going to raise he's going to make it 505 000 to go when ironically gus has a pair himself unfortunately for him it's a smaller pair juices and this if you're sitting in gus's seat right now you just may come right over the top there with the two now he's doing it that's what he's doing he's going all in i don't blame him at all for making this play you just don't expect your opponent to have a pair when you're playing heads up most of the time they don't but then still if you're in david's situation at worst you figure your opponent's got two over cards in this spot and if he's got the over pair it's pretty much doom and gloom for you there's a lot of pressure on you here david is going for it and what a time he's picked it's pear over pear i have the only hand i lost with earlier today well david chu delighted to see that you cannot be in a better spot than this before the flop where you've got an over pair to your opponent's under pair and you got both flush guards cut off as well as the straight cards cut off for david chu in a great position right now to double up and be right back in there well vance we've seen gus hanson hit lightning several times at this final table to knock a couple players out here's the first three cards everybody holding their breath well the flop has come king jack seven with two diamonds don't pay the boys so far so good for david chu he's out in front with the two fives thus needs a deuce to win the pot if the board pairs twice he would split the pot and right now he would love to get a chop out of this well there's one pair on the board david chu shaking his head no he's seen this show too many times already tonight i say don't pay the boy even if he splits this pot it would be a very bad beat for david chu but just hanson needs a deuce to win a king or a jack would give him a split anything else david chu will double up down to the river can gus spike his card queen so david two nods his head in a happy mode right back down to the felt it's on gus hanson gus looks down at the queen eight off suit he understands that that's a slight favorite over a two-card random hand that's good enough for him to raise with he's going to make it 520 000 to go david chu with a 9 10 of clubs likes that hand he's going to call and then he's got those suited connectors that we all like to see flops with so david's made the call and what a flop for david chu he has flopped a flush now he's got to try to figure out how he can get chips out of gus the best way to do it is the check and that's what he's done this is reaching for chips like he's going to make the continuation bet even though he has no hand and no draw he's gonna bet it looks like 560 000 that is a dream come true if you're david well we know david's going to play this pot the question is do you want to just dry call here as we say and hope gus continues to bet this hand for you there you see daniel negrono former wpt player of the year in the house watching as is eric lingard another wpt player of the year and david is coming right over the top he's going to raise it right here another 660 000 i'm going to say i'm a little surprised that david chu would raise it in this situation if you're virtually pot committed when you flop a flush you're never getting out of this hand just in case gus has nothing like he does why wouldn't he just call and hope he continues to bet at it gus with nothing here he's gonna get crazy and try some silly over the top that is what david is hoping of course but no he's not going to he makes the nice lay down holding a king deuce of spades he's going to raise it here makes it 520 000 to go and again david chu gonna make the call out of the big blind this time david has the ace five here comes the flop it's come eight eight six with two spades david has the best hand with ace high but gus now has a flush draw yes he does david checking his hand and gus he's coming out to play with his four flush 635 thousand dollar bet david only has ace high you can see that skeptical look of his he thinks it could be the best hand and he's going to make the call with the ace high now folks here he's not calling with no hand he's calling because he really believes ace high is the best hand and indeed it is at the moment here we go with the turn card it's a five giving david chu fives and eights again david checks and gus still with his four flush well vince many players would check right here remember he bet on the flop and got called your opponent has to have something when it comes 886 whether it's some type of straight draw possibly a flush draw i mean the only hand that gus can conceivably beat right now is a 9 10. but if david has that hand then his king heis the best hand but in my view events there's no way gus can figure he's got the best hand now but it doesn't mean that gus couldn't drive him off a hand if he makes a big bet here remember he's got a free card to draw to flush if he wants to take it but that's not gus's style he's going to lead right out in bet and a healthy bet 1.2 million with the flush draw gonna try to muscle david and ben's in david's mind he's got to figure all he can beat is a bluff in this situation but a quick call by david how about this call well david just believes he's got the best hand here he's going with it he makes the call with the two fives this is just a great call you still got to dodge a king or a spade remember to win this pot and then call perhaps another bet on the river that is going to slow down gus river cart coming up he has to hit his flush can he get lucky no the deuce of hearts comes off this gives gus two pair now as well again david checks the fives gus has got enough now where he can check on the end i got that but it's not gonna do him any good david chu is gonna win this pot with eights and fives give him some credit he made a tough call on the flop and a tough call in the turn in my view david chu taking down this time david chu has gotten some momentum lately ramsay has cut this chip lead down to less than two to one starting to pick it up here and david with just a nine six of hearts is gonna raise making it 530 000 to go when gus hanson looks down at the dream hand the best hand possible two aces he picked up two kings earlier against david raised it and didn't get any action let's see what he does this time with the two aces things have turned around for david but if you're sitting in gus's seat you're saying to yourself yes this is the time i've got him how can i really man taking his time here gonna try to figure out how to extricate the maximum amount without shaking your fish loose this is gonna raise it an additional 880. yeah pretty good-sized raise there usually the sign of a quality hand that type of raise what he's hoping for of course is that david chu makes some kind of move and comes over the top of him to try to steal this part fortunate for him he's got a nine six of hearts not very good his raising was just a mediocrity at best i can't think he could make this call or get crazy wow vince look at dust just staring down at the table he's saying to himself please please please please raise me please but no david gets away from his hand a nice lay down again by david chu once just had two kings david got away from an ace high this time just for the two races and david mux's hand again very frustrating if you're sitting in guess a seat when that happens gus has a premium hand here king jack of hearts yeah he's got the kojak suited it comes in for 750 000. right behind him david chu looks down at a queen four of hearts well he's gonna defend vance he's making the call here with the queen four hearts david better hope hearts don't flop out there he could be in serious trouble oh and it's a queen seven deuce queens for david chu well nice flop for david he's gonna check here and gus does not make the continuation bet here well that's something you don't see often turn card coming up it's a four diamonds given two two pair again david checks now he is trying to reel gus in here now there is three diamonds out there there's no way he's gonna put gus on a flush at this point he would suspect that gus would have bet a four flush on the flop had he had one this guy's gonna get into this here he has nothing but a king jack but he's gonna fire at this pot nine hundred thousand he's betting with no hand and no draw you gotta think david feels he's in front you know david's gonna play this pot the question is do you just call here or just come over the top of us right now with the three diamonds out there just in fear another diamond might come off you think he might just raise it here is he gonna push no he's just calling well he's just calling with two pair no cart gus hanson can catch to win the pot here comes that river card nine at diamonds comes off and another diamond well that is not the card that david wanted to see he's gonna check the two pair because hitting nothing here but events the only way gus can win this pot is to bet at it but he's got to recognize that when david called on the turn he has something he's you got one pair two pair or a flush draw had to have one of those hands to call the 900 000 bed gus has got to try to figure out which one if he puts him on the pair of two pair he might want to try to bluff at it with the four flush if not he'll just check it down and give up the pot just riffling his chips over there and a predicament here over 3.3 million dollars in this pot fancy is gonna bet two million dollars almost uncallable what pressure gus hanson is putting on david chu yes he knows there's no way gus is gonna bet a pair or two perry just gonna check it down he's either on a stone bluff or he's got the flush there is no in between here however if he should make this call got news for you he'd be the new chip leader he's making the call no take me out there boy oh boy kind of both excited look at gosh he's doing this little tic-tac-toe thing well he's just ignoring him zen moves he did not change from playing that little game even when david chu was acting like he was calling david chu shaking his head no chastising himself for not betting on the flop and raising on the turn because look at the predicament he's gotten himself into now sorry guys no problem see that's nice i like a man when he takes a lot of time says sorry he has consideration that there's a lot of time well vince he wants gus to look up at him but gus is not doing it he's just playing a little game over there i'm not interested i don't care game what is that that's gus's game right now with the chips if they would glaze this hand down gus hanson will win a pot that he had no business winning whatsoever david lays down the best hand he gave gus credit for having a flush there if you enjoy our videos and would like to see more make sure to check out the links in the description also make sure to comment below what you would like to see next and we will work on your ideas as soon as possible looks down to the eight five off suit with the buttons gonna raise making what we call a position raise here comes in for 775 000 but that play is not gonna work because david chu finds two queens in the blind wow what to do with them 475 against gus hanson i would think he just raised right now here because we know gus likes to defend after he puts some money in the pot oh no sneaky playing he's going to bump it yep he's going to bump it in a healthy raise at that over a million dollar raise here by david chu saying if you want to outdraw me i'm going to make you pay gus august just with a measly eight five pretty easy getaway in my mind here you gotta think hey listen he took a shot but you took your stab at the pot by raising on the button it's a lot of money 1.1 million dollars in addition because hans is going to call this wow what a call by gus hanson here calls over a million dollar re-raise just love to get an 8-5 off suit it's a play i'm not really fond of it let's see if it works for him here comes the flop now the flop comes jack six three all spades it's on david first he's got the over pair and a spade i guess has nothing but the eight of spades a lot of money in the pot right now over 3.7 million dollars so even though david chu has a monstrous hand an over pair and a flush drill with so much money out there you just can't imagine he'll check it how much could he bet to possibly get gus to keep playing this hand that's the question these the poker moments that are absolutely essential to taking a title like this and yes he is going to bet 1.6 million sticking it in there well i love this bed dancers over 3.7 million in the pot he's only betting 1.6 million less than half the size of the pot trying to reel gus in let's see if it works gus he does have a flush draw he's thinking is this guy trying to pull a fast one on me as we can see he's about drawing dead here he'd have to hit two runners to make a straight two cards that are an eight and a five events he got himself in trouble by calling over a million dollar bet before the flop now he's flopped a flush draw that's not a great flush draw do you want to put in 1.6 million dollars more if you know nothing else folks you know gus hanson likes to fight for every pot he just hates to give up a hand but he could be jeopardizing some serious chips here he's gonna make this call wow well gus hanson makes a call drawn virtually dead yes he could hit two runners to make a straight you could also hit two running cards that are an eight and a five that's not a spade but not fond of that call at all by just hanson but let's see what happens this could be armageddon here for gus hanson here comes the turn card the six of clubs comes off there is no card in the deck gus hanson can win this pot with he is drawing stone dead action's going to david though he's still in first position and now david chu has got to figure things out here wow what does he have when he moved all in if he had the acer king of spade on that flop did he flop top pair and just wants to see if a spade's gonna come off before he makes his move was he trapping me all the time when he made that call it's the kind of stuff you have to think about if you're david shoe right now just can't imagine he's not going to bet here since he's only got about five million left and certainly gus could made three sixes on the turn but if you've got the over pair in the flush draw you're never getting away from this hand come on yeah he's gonna do what he's saying look if he hasn't that's tough luck he is gonna push it five million one hundred and seventy five thousand guys can't stand that kind of firepower so he goes out events in my mind he put in 2.6 million dollars more in that pot than he should have he called the first million dollar raise for an eight five off suit which i wasn't crazy about then he put another 1.6 million dollars in there on the flop but credit the amount that david chu bet on the flop there and he reels gus in to make that call for another 1.6 million one time in this heads-up battle gus had over a 6-1 chip lead david chu has closed that gap and folks i got to tell you if david chu comes back and wins this tournament it's certainly going to be one of the great comeback wins in the history of poker gus hanson with a jack six is gonna raise it up makes it eight hundred thousand to go well he may have lost some pots fence but he hasn't lost his aggressiveness but david chu quickly calls him with a 9-7 of hearts got one of those hands you want to see a flop with we're going to see the flop and here it comes it's a 5-5-4 two diamonds out there that's no help to either player david quickly checks and right behind him gus hanson's going to check gus gives it the wind up he checks right behind him turn cart comes up an ace of spades go still has the best hand with the jack high david checks and again gus with a little wind-up check going to the river well the nine comes off david chu has made two nines on the river to take the lead and again david chicks will gus wind it up one more time and check it down here as the cars lie he's beat and he is gonna bet now 900 and this i think david chu is gonna make the call here he's got nines and fives with an ace kicker the only way he can be beat is if gus was slow playing this hand where he had an ace in his hand or he flopped three fives well he could raise before the flop he could have an ace in his hand it's possible but we know better you're right it's so much easier when you can see the cards when you're sitting at that table you're scared to death the guy's got a big hand when he bets nine hundred thousand on the river now you see two former wpt players of the year eric lingard and daniel negrano chatting about what these guys have david chu has been right on almost every weed in this situation when gus has been on the river so far in this heads-up battle will he make the right decision once again well david is going to make the call i have a jack he's gonna win this pot with two pair excellent call there so a nice call by david chu and vance gus hanson's stomach has got to be doing somersaults right now there you see a very worried look on gus hanson's face he knows he could have bet that hand on the flop he could have better on the turn he had the best hand both of those times made the mistake of betting on the river and for the first time tonight david chu is now our chip leader with a little bit over 14 million gus goes down to about 13 million what a comeback by david chu nothing going right for him david chu now with the button he's got an 8-7 this time and he's going to raise he's going to make it 675 000 to go when you got momentum on your side you raised with these kind of hands on the button because hanson looking down at a king deuce gus hanson not going anywhere he's got the king high a little bit on tilt he makes the call with the king deuce offsuit has the best hand with the king high let's see how this one develops there's the flop ten six three there's two diamonds inside straight draw for david chu he'll gus out in front with the king high he checks david's got the gut shot straight throw now we'll give him a straight but he checks quickly also now the four hearts comes off david chu has a two-way straight draw now it gives gus a straight draw as well but if a five comes off there he's going to lose this pot but gus hanson reaching for chips with the king high he's gonna try to fluff and puff this one 850 000 bet well he's got the best hand right now with the king hi david is just studying gus i mean gus just doesn't look like the same guy action's on david chu let's see what he's gonna do the four gives him a two-way straight draw he could also win if a seven or an eight comes up and you talk about a poker play folks right here it is david is coming over the top with a raise and a healthy raise of one and a half million dollars and it's gonna work gus has to muck his hand we're seeing david chu change gears brilliantly and what a heads-up bat we're witnessing between gus hanson and david chu it is anybody's game gus hanson 10 8 off suit and he is going to raise going to make it 750 000 with 10 high stays aggressive on the button but david's gonna call him with the ace nine of spade does not raise with it just makes the call here comes the flop oh what a flop it's come ace ten eight davis flop top pair but gus has flopped two pair in advance of all the downward spiraling that gus has done lately in this heads-up battle he could get all his chips back right here i don't think david's getting away from this hand and certainly gus is not david has checked it and gus is going to bet 900 grand oh yeah there's a two card flush and a two card straight out there so yes you bet i just can't see david getting away from top pair here he's made the call gus hanson out in front with the two pair big pot developing between the two big guns turned cart comes up it's a five of spades that gives a four flush to david chewis as well as his aces he leads out and bets 1.2 million with top pair in the four flush and gus hanson looks like he's agonizing over there when in fact he's very joyful right now he's got the two pair but there's two possible flushes out there possible straights out there just knows the guy called a bet on the flop and now he's let out and bet on the turn he's got to have something but if he's got two pair beat he just kind of beat i think gus is going to have to raise it here well there's a raise for you gus has gone all in and folks we're talking about an 8.6 million dollar raise here and david chu is on his feet and he's got top pair and a flush draw he knows he's got outs to win this no matter what gus has but in truth if he puts gus on ace jack or ace queen he'll be a substantial underdog to win this pot if he should call this and get lucky and outdraw gus he would become our champion that's about a two to one favorite not quite to win this part if gus wins his hand if it holds up and he wins it they'll be back to where they started this heads-up battle gus will have over 23 million in chips if his hand stands up here this is yeah boys said i knew it but he kind of feels it i call he's made the call he's got top pair and a flush draw just hanson out in front as the cards lie ace highway flash off not quite a two to one favorite to win this pot and double up and once again have a commanding chip lead in this tournament david shakes his head as he sees the two pair knows you're gonna have to get lucky now to win this pot i'm talking about david chu must catch an ace a nine a five or a spade so we certainly got a lot of outs nye nyaya diamond five gus hanson in great shape to double up and get back to about square one where they started this heads up battle where gus head over a five to one chip lead everybody on their feet anxiously awaiting this river card if it's an ace nine a five or a spade david chu will be the wpt world champion david chu has done it he has come back and won this tournament gus hanson has out drawn on the river he put three guys out of this tournament by catching a card on the river fate finally does him in when david chu catches a card on the river to take down this tournament wow you
Channel: PokerXpress
Views: 1,081,165
Rating: 4.681818 out of 5
Keywords: poker, poker gus hansen, poker gus hansen david chiu, poker hansen chiu, poker hansen heads up, heads up poker, gus hansen heads up, gus hansen, gus hansen wpt, gus hansen final table, poker final table, david chiu, heads up poker battle, gus hansen poker battle, poker 2021, poker tournament, high stakes, gus hansen pokerxpress, pokerxpress poker videos, pokerxpress
Id: SzY1ujxXigg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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