SICK bluffs and CRAZY hero calls ♠️ Best of The Big Game ♠️ PokerStars

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that is just a sick sick call should get an academy award for that one and joe shows my notion about my first instinct alongside joe stapleton i'm chris rose and tonight it is all about bravery as we bring you hands filled with sick bluffs or hero calls these are my favorite hands to watch because it takes a lot of moxie to push with air and even more moxie to look up a big bet with a marginal hand so let the bravado begin our first hand of the night is one we've showed a bunch of times and it's one of my favorites it involves antonio esfandiari and phil hellmuth now phil often takes a lot of criticism for his moves here he'll be running a sick sick bluff we'll see if antonio can make the hero call oh my god here we go boys here we go we have cards let's light this candle cameras and this and so this hand counts right no mulligans first tee shot plays haxton nine eight folds mercer's out phil ace six pot what is it it is pot limit pre-flop phil raises to two thousand got a nice hand to start with the needling has already started these two have quite a history the cannon folds jacks for esfandiari who calls and tony g's in as well can you beat ace nine off soon i know you can tony i can't that's for sure i wish phil is tony dominated but antonio has them both in bad shape the flop 10-8-10 a gut shot for tony g antonio's still with the best hand and he's first to act antonio probably likes his hand on this board so much so he leads out betting 4400 tony g folds antonio doesn't want to give a free card and on a board like that he knows he can get called by ace high phil might think he has the best hand in this spot announces a raise to 14-4 antonio can't really like the flop raise but the likelihood that phil hasn't beat on that board is pretty slim now phil had a good hand here there wouldn't be a real point in raising there's only a couple draws to protect against him we all know phil's a big trapper antonio calls and it's already a juicy pot good game the turn three of spades esfandiari checks antonio's checking to the aggressor he might like his hand but he doesn't want to bet and get raised that would make him more likely to be playing for his whole stack on the river phil's got to decide if he wants to fire another barrel if antonio had something phil thought he could fold on the flop that three probably didn't help him bill bet 17 thousand this is more indicative of the kind of bet phil would make if he really did like his hand antonio's probably realizing that making this call will basically put the rest of his stack in play on the river on the very first hand of this game antonio calls phil's got a pretty slim chance of actually making the winning hand the river the five of diamonds antonio checks we've got almost 70 000 in this pot and antonio has stuck with phil the whole way if phil wants to win this pot he will have to fire a third barrel phil's trying to decide if he can make antonio fold and just what that perfect size barrel is to get the job done the winchester the 12 gauge or the howitzer wow sorry i'm taking so long guys tony seems cool with it phil finally bets 22 grand should get an academy award for that one phil's chosen to make a fairly small bet less than one-third of the pot antonio could interpret this as a classic mchelmuth extra value meal and he's not loving it ace ten huh no translation omg please fold and omg antonio does show the bluff phil bluff that's a nice start for you phil isn't it beautiful yes yes our next hand features daniel negrano he was even for the night while committed tony g had grown his stack to 225k it was hand number 74. hashem was utg and this is a fun one joe hashem queen trey folds william reynolds ace eight for tony calls nine eight for the loose cannon out i'm gonna raise you nothing crazy nothing crazy just two more to twenty eight hundred i'm committed tony committed to the river he's committed this is that phrase is just gonna stick with me for forever now queen 10 deuce daniel's open-ended i will have to check that and i've qualified i qualified committed and qualified like those daniel batts few lines tony just put into the poker dictionary at linga tony calls he's committed well he qualified he's got hot with ace high the turn five of clubs tony checks daniel's bricked the turn but he shows no sign of slowing down that's 7 500 if tony thinks his ace high may be good he's right he calls he's qualified okay not qualified enough yet to raise not enough i'm hoping to re-qualify the river the six of clubs tony checks another brick for daniel here comes the third barrel 11 000. daniel's really hoping that tony hasn't qualified qualified with a deucer a 10. ice ice high i thought for sure it was a deuce i think daniel's done a pretty good job of making this look like a value bet easy money there's so much in there take it tony calls what if if i'm on the show betting i can't possibly have a pair ace is good i have jack nine it's unreal how many times that's me committed to the game you're qualified tiny hundred percent clearly qualified on that flap i never catch anything brilliant so annoying 500 qualified czech trapped him check chat with the ace eight i was just hoping i was good here it was late in the session and loose cannon russ harlow was down with only 25 hands left to play young pro lex feldhaus and the player he talks strategy with the most daniel negranu both decided to go after the cannon at the same time it's hand 126 action was on doyle and this is how we called it doyle folds to get us going king eight suited for lex raised to 1400 no surprise he's raising russ's big blind suited one gapper for daniel in the small blind he calls ace eight for russ he's in i try not to lie about my hands on these tv games because he had caught a six jack two hearts top pair for the cannon daniel checks harlow checks russ has given lex a chance to fire at this he does betting 2700. lex's bet could easily just be a c bet which it is and russ checks so he looks pretty weak four deuce should be an insta fold so it looks like daniel's cooking something up here and he cooks up a raise to 7 200. russ is in a good spot daniel's juiced the pot for the guy with the best hand but he folds that's a ridiculous fold rush just doesn't have enough time or chips to fold there why call pre-flop if you're gonna fold top pair if rust doesn't end up turning a profit he's gonna regret that fold nice confusing yeah it's confusing to me action back on lex who has just king high lex calls a stone float the turn would have given russ trips allow me blarg daniel checks lex checks the river the nine of hearts both these guys were up to the same thing checking the turn so they can fire a bet on the river without it having to be too big there's that valdejian stare daniel's gonna have first crack at it he bets nine thousand this is a pretty good bet from daniel 9 000 makes it seem like he wants to get called looks like lex might have to reconsider his float plans lex could very well fold this or follow through on the float maybe but i don't see him calling he does call i will play the board king haiya that's good nice call geez what the hell was that that was sick i had four high you missed his draw that is just a sick sick call what did you put me on exactly four high that was sick i didn't think you had anything on the flop our next hand also involves daniel on this night he was up about a hundred grand early on and world champion joe hashem was pretty much even as hand number 14 there was a straddle on so action began at hashem enjoy jack 10 off suit hashem no you didn't have a flush draw on the river on the river makes it 2 500 still talking about the last hand hashem raised to 2500. it's a pretty loose raise unsuited under the gun action folds around to the cannon who's out fours for the straddler who calls the flop ace 810 all spades daniel the only one with a spade and checks hashem middle pair 35. makes it 3 500 to go 35. will sometimes have the best hand in this spot and he calls he's got the best draw king of spades on the turn giving daniel a flush this is a weird spot for daniel because you're either way ahead or way behind he fires 5 000. daniel's thinking that without a spade joe would pretty much have to give up this hand he doesn't appear to be giving up nope he races to 13 000. daniel's bet was pretty small maybe joe sensed weakness and decided to try to make a move on him daniel calls move hasn't worked so far jack of clubs on the river giving joe two pair daniel checks his flush joe's got two pair but he's gonna have to rep bigger if he wants daniel to fold let's see how badly he wants to blow daniel off his hand how's 28 000 this is a bluff designed specifically to get daniel to fold exactly the type of hand he's got a weak spade let's see if it works i feel like flipping a coin but then i'll hope it comes to call do you ever do that oh yeah flip a coin but you want it to be call at the end okay i don't have the queen of spades just want to make that clear sure joe likes that thing is i've seen you do this before who was it against howard lederer you remember that yes and it was for flush and you didn't have anything so long ago yeah and you just totally bluffed him in the same exact spot but you raised the turn you bet the river and you didn't have it and he folded the better hand and i feel like he might do the same thing total recall see if i knew you watch television i wouldn't do the same thing there's only one problem daniel if you watch tv nobody would ever try to bluff you i'm just trying to tell you if you've ever watched nobody would try to bluff you oh man i was gonna fall i mean i was gonna call now i think i might fold damn it even though daniel's got a flush it's only a bluff catcher at this point no worse hand would ever bet this for value we made a real good show here i changed my mind my first instinct was call and unfolding daniel folds oh dad joe did you show us that and joe shows oh if i knew i should want my first instinct i had the forest base wow high five this next hand took place towards the end of the session barry was up about 160k and playing ultra rocky while daniel was getting crushed and was stuck over 275 grand we now bring you hand number 121 action was on lex and barry is about to be betting with his table image lex with the brunson next to brunson unfolds bonimo's out barry raises to 1400 king jack for daniel on the button calls harlow folds doyle he's in doyle's got them both dominated barry won a big pot earlier in the week against doyle we've seen him play very few pots since then queen eight king brunson checks his straight draw greenstein with a c bet 2400 with a gut shot very semi bluffing even with his tight image daniel probably can't lay down top pair you are correct he calls barry and doyle have different ends of the same gut shot doyle's is to the nuts and doyle calls eight of diamonds on the turn that eight doesn't change anyone's hands nor does it provide any additional outs brunson checks it does affect board texture since any smaller king just caught up to daniel barry bet 7 000. the bear's been in hibernation but it looks like he's hungry and aggressive daniel pretty much has to call this but he can't be too happy about it that's a 25 000 chip looks like he's thinking about a raise maybe not you get 18. daniel does raise to 18 000. doyle folds daniels essentially turned his hand into a bluff because now it looks like he's trying to rep the eight either daniel's got a great read on barry or he's trying to avoid getting bluffed on the river looks like barry may have gotten caught i don't see him calling here well he hasn't folded yet and if he's not gonna fold he must be thinking about a three bet barry might be thinking that if daniel really did have an eight that he would have played it differently daniel plays so passively in a lot of spots that sometimes when he plays aggressively it can look like a move there's the repop i guess i should have just raised the flop daniel folds bear was able to pull that one off through combination of image and knowing daniel's game i'll put more money on clean school yeah i had a king i figured i thought he might have had an eight i wanted to find out for 11 not for 25 on the river daniel's really not gonna like watching this one on tv in our next hand a bunch of the pros wanted to play a hand with loose cannon ernest wiggins out of washington d.c but it was daniel who did his best to seize the opportunity it was hand 97 and here's how it all went down i got to stay positive man i mean i i got to stay positive it's not it's like really not easy for me staying positive yeah it's really interesting try when you're losing 200 000. yeah that's true and you you fluffed off like a couple hundred too i mean i don't think so i think you're mistaken where's phil's life coach the loose cannon ernest wiggins has limped in daniel raises to 1600 doyle folds once again ernest is limping with a hand you should really be raising with six-handed phil laak makes the call with five high tony g queen eight suited that's so sick also calls phil knows he's getting a good price but doesn't seem all that excited about ace deuce all these guys more than happy to play a pot that ernest is involved in except for phil hellmuth his tight reputation precedes him ernest does make the call so four players to the flop 10 jack king a pair of spades ernest wiggins has flopped top pair and the nut straight draw tony g checks a little bit 5 000. hey all right ernest way to fire one off daniel negrano looking at a gut shot straight draw makes the call you do all right phil laak gets out of the way and tony g does as well i guess it's been that way hasn't it i know right a five of clubs on the turn about i respect his eagle as i respect doyle man cause you're not slacking up with me at all you really going to make sure that you know saying you making sure i wear my stripes on this tape that's right yeah you know what i mean all right let's let's let's keep it fair let's just say 25. ew makes it 2500 to go this is a very small bet it reeks of weakness even though ernest's hand is strong this bet is definitely going to read his weak daniel raises to 12 and a half thousand you beat me in the pot right there so that was an awfully quick call by e-dub e-dub is eager to see the river which is a jack of hearts what's that jack i checked damn ernest is now utilizing the little-known and even less successful begging play daniel bets 35 000. oh my you really try to pull the trigger called the jack didn't you go to jack you had it the whole time didn't you no comment too late you already know your head yes i thought i fold you know you know you're here yes real quick too fast for me daniel pushes ernest off another winner seems like an easy call to make with top pair but let's remember ernest is playing with his own money now dude did you guys do that really well i'll tell you after the show how's that fair our final hand of the night matched two of the game's young rising stars justin bonamo and jason mercier to this point in the game mercier was treading water while bottom was rolling over the table on his way to winning nearly a quarter of a million dollars for the week here's how chris and i called the hand king nine suited for justin a raised to 1400. bonomo still trying to take control of yet another pot tonight barry folds jason ace jack calls joe cassidy ace three suited makes it three to the flop some players would re-raise ace jack but jason is out of position ten seven eight all diamonds mercier checks cassidy checks bottomless flop the second nut flush with a straight flush redraw and bets 4 000. jason's also flopped a straight flush draw but we see justin has the nine he'd need mercy or calls justin's trying to build a pot in his reputation for playing aggressively with marginal hands will only help him in these types of situations cassidy folds so we're down to two on the turn which is the ace of clubs this is a terrible card for jason he's been drawing dead since the flop now his hands improved mercier checks bonimo bets 11 000. still building this pot for jason top pair and a strong draw is only going to get him to commit more money to this pot even though we know he has no redraw mercier calls bonimo's got to be loving this deuce of hearts on the river jason hasn't improved mercy or checks he'd probably be very happy if justin just checked behind for a cheap showdown no such luck justin reaching for value betting chips how about thirty thousand dollars worth it's a pot-sized bet jason's trying to figure out if this is a bluff or a value bet jason knows at this point he can't beat any hand justin would be value betting so he has to figure out how often justin would be bluffing in this spot very tough spot come on jason mercier all in really make no mistake despite the fact that he is top pair this is a straight bluff from jason mercier once he saw that 30 thousand dollar bet he's a pretty good idea justin's value betting a check raising the spot is very strong he thinks that by making this bet he can get justin to lay down almost any hand that isn't the nuts this is a sick bluff by jason he's giving justin really good odds to make the call which makes jason's hand look even stronger he just happened to run to the top of justin's range i guess you have the ace of diamonds what's the other card yeah i call vase jack nice time bonimo wins a pot of nearly 230 000. that's uh kind of a good hand that you have there and jason's now busted thanks jason got pretty unlucky that justin had the second nuts any lesser hand in that bluff may have just worked
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 1,129,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poker bluffs, hero call poker, daniel negreanu, phill hellmuth, tony g, lex veldhuis, joe stapleton, Pokerstars big game, the big game, big game season 1, big game season 2, throwback big game, bill perkins, david viffer peat, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live, negreanu bluff, negreanu hero call
Id: dUl9JCo2Ns8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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