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what's up guys fury TV here and we are back with another episode of poker hands today we're gonna be taking a look over the best poker hands seen in party poker live events from the past decade before getting into it I would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis kind of [ __ ] who's bluffing the hole then so I thought about flying loads you could have showed me a scissor I better look for I don't get this a team oh this here okay [Music] okay yeah [Music] Kelly peeling from the big deuce three and the same suit and what a flop we have here nine four five two hearts Kelly opening his straight flush draw Erin with two overs and a flush draw having opened from +1 he decides to check back on this book oh my word have you seen a sicker hand straight flush versus nut flush we are playing Texas Hold'em these guys need to get themselves over to a cash game but I beets galore 60 kept from Kelly into Erin who now haunted and nuts and always bet 60 she's basically seen a 65 on a car that should favor him he does make the call deuce on the end let's see how much acting goes on in this pot both cannot wait to get their chips in nice nice nice pretty big everything she's targeting a sex a lot there we go 175 just a shade under the pot Aaron do his best acting job before jamming and when he gets snapped he's gonna assume he's won no way he's thinking she has a straight flush is a sickening hand he does move it all in she cuts it in that was fun he's played in nearly every of one of these big games Neil this was his karate suit moment but he does know how to get in good in big pots doesn't he yeah Neil's a quality player good temperament generally gets money in the best an efficient and Ruben there I believe playing the seven deuce care where they want like a set of this game so both is holdg and then Ruben and with a chance chanting wins this pot Johnny wins is that yeah look how easy it is when he sees Davis cause he's like all miserable moaning you know not he chooses to run it once good job he did and this was the one I loved about the seven-deuce game was with you know guys had to know when they should kind of bat bombs trying to win the end to 500 pounds of the seven deuce this might have been a good time raising before the flop it's the three grand a pop there furth chatting at sexy he's a famous guy Rubin uh for last always has been so chemo told is the one out it's a bigger chance reporter comes out in the river look at that oh yeah the right suit the horror funk it's under five two percent on the turn can you believe this winner in this game eel chatting really after forgotten about that can never mode sigh also short all the moves volume an ace five suited last three Kelly it ace payoff in the cutoff tight size beam this is a tough one three players behind doing the short stack in the big blind teams let this one go she does make the cool mark finds Ace King in the small it was Canada I'm stuck with Ace King just before the break taking a very peculiar line with it this time should be pretty easy to play a bit here should not Kelly out it does make it just shy of 2.4 million david o-67 suited you may decide just to put this in chances are Kelly's folding as you can see is 34% equity would not be a bad spot to get it in at all as it is sigh at risk against mark sign e25 of spades here King nine deuce pretty much seals it well wait a minute forma turn three on the river runner-runner straight King nine deuce so I needed perfect perfect and he found it three four run out that is about as bad if it is you a free path is a real race it just started to call three four and five pets because it got confusing when you say here erased me or her ear erased me so there's a race done is a free pet for pet five six let's elevate a pet and then you should normally be already all in I just got the private message that David is really a good online poker player he's up like $500,000 with multi-table tournaments ah well I did not say that he's a bad bad player okay who make Quaid so Dalek the guy in the Nirvana shirt is the one that has a lot of online poker experience there is an ace like there could be a monster pot if a speed hits the river our diamond sorry I'm mixing up the suits all the time so both players with a pair wow it for it has a pair and the god should I hand the flush draw and Dalek has top pair with the nut flush draw and he quickly calls here and there will be blood there will be blood I hear people cheering I don't know what did year about but there is the straight flush straight flush reprove yay and Dalek with the nut flush he is all bad out here guys for all of you guys to think that stuff is only happening on online in online poker it happens life as well Wow Brewer catching Paulo is killed because there's like zero chance that we are not going to lose a Dalek in that end it's just sick it's also sick yeah you guys in shitbox agreeing with me yeah that's that's like just a link straight flush dalek can't believe it wow that's such a brutal spot oh yeah nothing to blame about Wow well it's supposed to fall the neighbor Wow Julio finds a full on the turn Fabian xiexie Julio bets 135 we will set of hands I mean it's it's a little odd to have a lead Ranger through a port on this board isn't it so yeah does it make it a little difficult to try and give someone a range that peels and then bets this turn or we can see obviously a falls in there but it doesn't have any force is he yeah quads on the river Julio Fabian I I guess just worried about bigger over pairs to this stage right do his go first and at the table just counting how much she wants to win near potting 500 in there 575 the vet gun over part have some of that I mean what blusters Huli I have him it II don't know if not run this in I mean he kind of ace five right he's five suited with a back bar on the flop also a fake you should probably should be floated like koala onsens you know like even like King Queen of Hearts maybe right I would've thought what was the sizing on the flop I think it's slightly over when I was slightly less than half wasn't it let out fabulous I feel like he's made it a little bit difficult for himself having led the flop yeah this is the problem isn't it they specially bluffing here than to actually have a hand Jeremy just got bet that bet on this run out yeah the other guy is a bit of a coffin but here you're like it's a full house they made in it lots of powerful houses and Texas Hold'em yeah well known false full house no possible hand in the tank torturing him no shot clock of course here on day one of the millions main event and he's gonna oh that's all follow either hold up I mean he's the mo was definitely gonna have a good opportunity to make some money here I met with the old news three on the button and she's got chaining to small my gosh Wow now we can see our action right here especially the flush draw and the word Channing is not going to be too quick together credit for how Kenny they're gonna be thinking only pocket fives in my case five beat him pretty much because there's so many hands that chanting she could be willing to and from Channing's perspective he's gonna need it and that could just be making a play she could have a billion different drawers and he's not gonna be thinking she has a belly and - awesome we'll just see how much travel he gets himself it's amazing because most players would have erased chanting he's not the kind of guy who loves to get it in big on the flop but now actually see the stacks the stacks were actually pretty good for chanting go ahead and just give them their 20k deep I might like a call a little more but [Music] anyway Channing doesn't go broke here and that has to think about making sure she bets this heavy enough to get this paid off big right yeah exactly she should be making pretty large bets because for Channing to call you know he could even be as strong as like Ace King now when he calls the Rays out of position and then the King turns so she's loving that card and actually Channing's loving that card because he's not putting her on an Ace King and he still got her on a number of like six eight of Spades and you know three sixes fades and random like Jack Tennis fades and maybe a bluff to decided a two-barrel now that's unfortunately gonna come out actually that's gonna save Channing a lot of money there 4,200 pounds in this pot and right a big ray a big part of Annette's range for from where Channing perceives it is the spades but still still you feel like he may just check and call here or what's this this is this is definitely water yeah he must be going for something real small and somewhere you made that decision quick somewhere between a blocking bet and a value I don't know I'm not sure it he's going there for because if he was gonna call us um if he was gonna put more money in the pot he probably should have been better off letting and that maybe he go for a triple barrel blah maybe try and pick off some six seven eight three sixes some of those busted straight draws than this he's got to put more money in I mean checking and folding was an option and it's really a good idea with Duan sitting in the big blind she's got the Kings again unbelievable I ratings King yeah somebody's gonna slip up somebody is bound to slip up anybody slipping up here nobody has anything and this is gonna be very frustrating for Tony gee well I take it back Patrick we've seen him make some moves with ace forwards already that's one of the hands he likes to play got a history to Patrick and Tony G have I wonder obviously they were in different groups in this Premier League but they certainly go back a few years in the top tier gambling I would guess they haven't had a lot of history they might have played on a high-stakes cash game once it's oh but Patrick is gonna make the call and Tony G finally getting some accident on the Kings let's see if he wants it oh boy oh boy ace ace for a full house for Patrick Antonius like where this is gonna get ugly I do believe that these cars are gonna get shown and I think that zasio who now rests on the top of Tony G's chips might find himself out in the dog pound well let's go and check check again on the turn how can he check Kings twice here now the three of clubs comes off Patrick has to make a bet here at this pot doesn't he man check twice room he's checking again again oh no Tony G's taking the bait 40 he took the bait well he took the bait and now he's gonna be so angry he's hooked he's not gonna see the hand obviously I don't believe all the Patrick check the third time there no one how quick Tony G was checking behind him Mike I mean this this could be the end of Tony how big is Patrick gonna raise right now when he raised his Tony's going out I promise you and Tony's gonna be kicking himself for betting here you checked it twice he just couldn't stand it a third time all the time right now there's a quiet on the table there's a calm and it's only the calm before the storm Tony shaking his head he knows he's been had what what a slippery played by Patrick and just outstanding I'm trapped Tony says I know I'm trapped look at the size of the raise to 140,000 130,000 it's like a frustration call here that's a bad call by Tony I think Patrick's just not gonna make a play here in that spot without an ace in that spot at a minimum that's the patience oh he hates that that could have been his Premier League okay channel checked checked and the flop just hated a mic how could you play the hand any better chicken three times in a row Tony takes the bait and fell right I didn't got the million plus what wolf lost but wolf lost at least three times wolf lost 385 so you got that 1.3 whatever I'm up on here 800 plus plus this 910 nine six two hearts here well another huge flop Leon flops the nuts Rob with openers straight row and a flush draw 80,000 are already in the middle bets 30,000 from the small blind what comes up potting once more Manny let's go as aces ragged hand we could see here Leon has the nuts but it is Rob who's a small favor of just a moment ago he pet folded top pair and a flush sure all this time he has top pair Oakland and flush draw is he gonna get it in here well he called to see a turn and stack sizes here we just had the biggest pot in party poker livestream history could it be broken within 15 minutes body broke a big game getting bigger every second to casino owner squaring off maybe two winners in the game today I'd shake against the nut flush draw and made hand against the hands up against the bare nuts he's in great shape here King eight or heart as well is it running full house draw options huge action here in Montreal 170,000 u.s. dollars is the bet while they are it is a big decision all him he moves all in Leon snap cause $940,000 partitas right Rob is the favorite five on the turn he will need a king a or heart and it is the nine of hearts on the river nine of hearts on the river Leon just won the biggest pot in Party Poker live history I gotta go Rob quickly Trump's him and takes all the profits Rob Young takes down this $940,000 pot that's it you've made the record again yeah I think out what you haven't you destroy you he was favorite you would say working in the hand with King six he comes in for a raise papal has Queen seven suited in the big I don't see him going anywhere he raises to 35 million have our course a nice tour card and both players have flopped the pair senior debt as a backdoor flush for as well with his king he keeps the aggression up as he has done every time he's flopped any hand in the heads-up play a block off course has backdoor diamonds now if he catches a diamond on the turn you might want to play the hand far more aggressively and force therefore heart comes this order will be in the same spot currently winning and it is the ace of diamonds on the turn back this is a big pot developing here pepper with third pair nut flush draw these were putting a sizable bet there 105,000 currently winning with his king have always he will call here does have a pair and the back door not flush draw it wouldn't surprise me if he raised well I think raising just makes all the Bluffs fold and every better hands tool calls oh he doesn't I don't think he's thinking as well as necessarily necessarily gonna bet this big was the king he knew that he would raise but I think he's expecting is it a check back isn't the wouldn't the ice have been a good card just to wrap it though well he's got a pair no pair then I think he might try and Bluff have all have a losing hand I suspect this will go check check how we're trying to work out how you missed that one that's what it gets showdown party he knows rep he moves all him wanna play what a play he who is a dark call here he's he's thinking it through in his head he's thinking he called me on the flop if he caught the ace on the turn surely would have bet its hearts or Nothing raised yes he's checking the chip count surely he can't call this just thinks there's no way foul ball check calls a hundred million with a flush draw that's a fact he did he had the nut flush draw in diamonds flush draw that he's most likely to check call with with me the king-high flush draw four pair of kings and visitor has that blocked that is what was playing into Ezzor does mind here if he had the King of Spades he would he would just have to fold this he does have the pretty much the only flush draw he is seriously considering calling here James I can see why I can see his reasoning and he's right this what hand does he call with a flush draw could of course be the nut flush draw what's your feeling I think he's gonna cool on edge here what do you think at home I mean like this is phenomenal willing him to fold this is for the title doesn't wanna call but its guts telling him God that is the greatest goal I've seen live he reverse with a few sorry ezel there made the call of the tournament oh hi would that cool is the party poker millions Germany champion that is phenomenal James I tell you what I'm so glad I was ever coming to remove when that but oh my god oh wow I mean listen you you make it sound lot easier where you explain that you know because you've got the King of Hearts that's the blocker to the flush you know it doesn't make sense it's having the call on the you know with the thing with a nice so what can he possibly have some his hand there it's basically the same as the king-high flush it's it's the only way he can check call the turn with a flush droids if he has the a slight flush so is it always losing to just one hand PartyPoker live president John Duffy and of course founder and owner of King's casino Leon zuker Nick and our party poker live millions made of it champion Victor Blum now a part for take from taking home this incredible 1 million euro prize how does it feel to take home this trophy really good it's always nice to win back so I'm very happy so you have so many people that have been railing you for so long and they are enjoying this victory with you so who would like to do the honors John Goffe your love around the poker community that you have a lot of funds and there's tens of thousands people for praying that you win this tournament and and the miracle the dream came true for a lot of people the sympathy came on your side and you win this beautiful trophy a million euro to go with it and congratulations in regulation let me let me Leone do the honors please there you go our champion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he does rep well he moves all hit on a PHA this would be an astonishing call if he likes it and there's a guitar on a great hand talker [Music] is the greatest goal I've seen live irreversible of you sorry ezel that night the call of the tournament [Music] if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure you leave a like drop a comment and don't forget to subscribe for the best poker videos on YouTube make sure to also check out our previous video if you missed it and let us know in the comments below what you would like to see on the next fury TV you
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 387,217
Rating: 4.6526523 out of 5
Keywords: poker, best poker hands, top 10 poker hands, sick poker hands, best poker moments, top poker hands of the decade, best of poker, sick poker moments, top 5 poker hands, antonius poker, tony g poker, rob yong poker, obrestad poker, hellmuth poker, poker compilation, most iconic poker hands, best hands, poker videos, poker channel, poker youtube, partypoker, party poker, premier league poker, wpt poker, world open poker, poker legends, furytv
Id: BZ5D3_bQCvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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