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what's up guys fury TV here and we're back with another episode of poker hands today we're gonna be taking a look over the craziest four of a kind hands ever seen in Party Poker live events from the past decade before getting into it I would like to ask you guys hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis times you get for bet or just called you can play it a lot easier ace in the window it comes eight seven seven I love this a call with a seven suited by main event champion he doesn't know it's gonna flop into us just knows he's gonna out flop the two jacks makes it look so easy crafting leads for 300k let's watch the master huh like contact little smirk makes a call there why not turn and now this is ridiculous because it's gonna be hard for Grafton to think all right what what aces would ho sing call me with free that he's not three betting what he really call with a sec suited the answers maybe yeah some of the time I'll say it's sort of an old-school player go through this gut check check on the turn oh yeah just quads on the river for the World Series of Poker Main Event champion what in the world this is why you call with a seven suited free look at this board he's is full drafted raft image quality for Jose and son absolutely no reason to believe that his hand isn't best he's gonna try and get value worse full House's yeah we thought a pretty good flop for a Saints Evansville then he turned to aces full then he river quad look at this the over bet two million we know how saying is simply gonna put it in and Crafton is gonna have to shrug it say what in the world the shove is for a bit over 3.4 million every eighth and the deck nearly every seven in the deck rough start for Sam Grafton he's run into some hands to begin day three dad to use the time extension they're just no Bluffs here I heard granny's pops you're sure he was he was value betting against worse full house that was the time that it another time being used just toss it into the mark he plays he reminds me of the English guy in the world - John has done this yeah Jordan oh-ho definitely will be raising up a lot of places you're not supposed to but look at this Nick with Ace King raises the button Jake defends between eight and eight eight six the flop Jake looking to do a few chips in this pot you think he bets Jake is not going to give up it's gonna see a turn card Jake also good stay down yes they asked him down and he's got a car and then on the turn it's gonna interesting Nick is obviously gonna bear a bet again it's gonna hit the queen [Music] takes his time he does eventually make the cool jr. 40,000 was too fat Wow low what a turn for Jake no G gate and again he's just gonna check them let Nick hang himself a much time right guys yeah I don't know if you're supposed to bet allergy or sometimes maybe how do you how much behind Tremayne thank you alarm people they bed out or you just put a stop bat so you encourage them to race you with the nice now he's gonna make up never back here it's gonna encourage him yeah 575 the pet days is gonna get really interesting because I can see if Nick is gonna call you on the river it's gonna go it's gonna get expensive yeah I think it's probably gonna go on in because one point nine now in the middle and two point four behind this one more for mr. Jack [ __ ] looking like Jake Shinda runner-runner quads gonna shove it now house now the fingers gonna get him to make an instant call here too and she can loose rock quads offices other than that is like I mean if you shall say what I mean it is checking better I mean if you check here you get seven nine and nine ten flawed maybe to bluff yeah but you lose out on getting called by they just move all in you miss Adam getting called by its lush and the A's and if you check the ACE my check behind you cannot go nowhere with this deck is too small now for the pot he think he's trying to force him out most times he doesn't occur of course course I usually good in the game of Texas Hold'em in this situation are different jake takes that another ace king all the flop comes eight eight seven trips for Bignell but a full house for Michael Zane the good luck bigger stack old spear bad news our Kristen that she's short through there's tough to navigate out of the pins still having some chips not much room to get away Zhang is going to fire here pick not just calls oh my god what's four aces for Kristen signal against the now aces full of sevens for Michaels a talk for Chris me get anymore for the race now with the quads and Czech Racing quads may seem a bit strange but she's out of position and she's gonna have a hard time getting any more money in on the river this was the final table of this is now the first big wind she ever had and Tony G at this final table in the world open and she puts a hurry that's Johnny Houston Texas Johnny he's a great character for a couple of years until the ice poker as well had a bunch of success yeah I played in a few times recently actually the UKIP T had a drink with him seemed like these toilets in those days there were so many great characters for the Midlands that used to come up and play in these tournaments that that's hole seed like little definitely way more northern in the Midland place playing on the TV anyway look at all the characters with the cowboy hats and the big rings and the way Tony G sets when he plays but if he just flats here letting pip in which is I guess pretty fine on a final like this but looks like a mob boss doesn't it yes it's done I kind of feel like he was just developing his personality back in his time these final tables were so big to him back then you know to try and he hadn't really had any big wins stage she all expect everyone's expecting the Tony G blow up here I think he he gets really frustrated should fall as you should have folded I slow play them you always feel dumb when you slow play and they flop a bit hand the new book thank you just a little bit Lucky's nothing really a done different know he was end up being the first player out on this final table after I think they wanted the chip leaders well done you can't even find his way after the door that's done okay Wow Julio finds a full on the turn Fabian checks it Julio bets 135 I mean what sort of hands I mean it's a little odd to have a lead Ranger through a pot on this ball isn't it so yeah does it make it a little difficult to try and give someone a range that peels and then bets this turn or you can see obviously a falls in there but it doesn't have many causes he yeah quads on the river Julio Fabian a I guess just worried about bigger over pairs to this stage right do his go first and at the table just counting how much she wants to win near poor thing 500 is there 575 to that gun over part have some of that I mean what blasters hooli I have him it II don't know I've not run this in I mean he can up h5 right it's five suited with a back bar on the flop also a fake issue probably should be floated like koala Lancers you know like even like King Queen of Hearts maybe all right I would've thought what was the sizing on the flop I think it's slightly over oh no it's slightly less than half wasn't gonna let out fabulous felt like he's made it a little bit difficult for himself having led the flop yeah this is the problem isn't it they spiritually bluffing here than to actually have a hand Jeremy because you should bet that bet on this run out yeah the other guy is a bit of a coffin but here you're like it's a full house they may be in it that's powerful houses and Texas Hold'em yeah well forget that no affordable house no possible hand in the tank torturing him no shot clock of course here on day one of the millions main event and he's gonna oh that's odd follow either fold there from Fabian he's to mow him he's not thinking obviously wouldn't kind of thought he was bluffing the whole hunt yeah I never then so I thought about fly-in was so much money in the middle isn't he could have showed me aces bot so I guess I'll get there mate huh I don't forget this 18 oh this here [Music] okay right [Music] doing all this for the people to enjoy the show enjoy poker be like bring back the old-timers like me and have fun with again I know what they're doing I know what they're thinking I've thought of everything they have I have forgotten everything they know and you've got the town your Resort open to pillaging you know you have it you have the tiny resort unlimited drinks you have nor does protecting you at night both and now I don't even that you should never drink on the job and where's your tie wear your tie and represent 25 yeah but someone has to protect you I gave you a room next to my room yeah everyone's protecting you just because it's one chip and I don't even have a nice there you go I don't have a nice and is it about these big game cache games that just seems to always do well or almost always Lou Tony yeah it just Ryles people up and force them to make big mistakes people off the game and themselves them and his own way of doing it doesn't matter it's one of those parks were you gonna chop he actually plays his Hank quite well not Devi right because he knows that he's Chomp Chomp they say if Tony's bluffing he has to just call yeah I like it was call here and hope a high card comes off and then trained you know [ __ ] that way I'm showing commitment it doesn't really matter don't know you gotta beat four sixes beat four sixes fall your hands folded folded wow I'm not lying come on you trust me fold it please for me show me some confidence you can do it twenty thousand parties kids of the rug deal with that he's bet sixty thousand I told you all the way we are we will we always knew where we were after this six that was on day one I'm saying all this guessing I could just check on look yeah I'm willing I would love to come back later if we'd love to have you now you'll see you gotta play that satellite yeah we'll see what happens you know you got when you reg at the end you get 25 big blinds so from the hijack ace Jack of Diamonds behind him in the cup come on boys this is to me this is a flat calling super-rag today yeah and to me this is I think it's a bit of a mix like I think I don't think you should be flattened every time but I think it's just a really nice spot to be flowing because you can you can withstand three bets from behind still a bit and when you do three bet and face resistance you're not liking your hands so much all right when you call you're kind of liking it no matter what happens I feel including Ludo in here with a seven off when you do yes Wow always coming to seven sevens also myself today this shirt he's got 77 on the shirt there's the clue whoa it's all there the signs all pointed it's a quads face he's like home toy really this is what you're going to remember I had wrong to have a seat did I get that wrong does it really come 7/7 don't know if I would have checked it's got a good rep to have like to be bluffing potentially right most people it's a good flop for the preflop raiser yeah and most people most people wouldn't be able to Bluff this flop too much because I think I understand when you're going too much because the people appraiser is going to bluff a lot so when he checks he probably has a hand that's not gonna give up just yet this is very because like if you're gonna have some bluffs in there this is this is a good one to bet and when Joe calls preflop like when people do this they get sticky on the flop though even if they have like King Jack suited they'd love to float you because they're just firstly they're they're gonna have a lot of pocket pairs so they can just represent that they've got a full house on the turn potentially and you just have position so you can just and you against the player who can see how this plays out anyway I'd be surprised if joe keeps betting this he was kind of doing what thing manic he was doing what manic was doing earlier with the a stand more for just protection because you feel like I've got the best hand now and I'd rather take the part than face a tough yeah it's tough getting really weird there was a lot of that in poker where you're just like I I really don't want this to get really weird so I'm just gonna check like what hands do you have that you can have as Bluffs right now right is the problem he's Czech called the flop check all the floor what am I going to turn into a bluff you check called king queen suited and now you've just decided that I have to love this this might actually get paid though because Joe is gonna be like what the heck is going on what hands would you check call the flop would I don't I don't understand why you check all the flop hey man Luke make good folds no pay off right I've gotta go well thank you Tommy I understand you got run register this satellite yeah we don't see you later but it was it was fun it was just so fast pace was he end up winning up pretty unlikely flip 10 8 suited against serie de vars fives getting a 30 pigs in each another big hand queens in the hijack 9001 Makita nines in the next seat what do we like here guys what are the blinds 40 - 40 ko makita's gonna call all right let's see tell me everything I said we get it wrong seven sickness I do either the seem to get it wrong every single time these guys can make down like a silly as well I guess it does it cool Wow nick ace king in the small blind big hands clashing on his phone on table he's gonna reread and winters gonna mix it up between for bed and call winter plays pretty goofy relative to most No Limit players yeah not necessarily in a bad way but he just he plays differently big three better is 475 obviously a function of being out of position and they're being Makita in between it was flat the big size makes it hard to for bet not all in it's a it's a strong play the downside is you make your price a lot worse look for an on all in for a bit you can make it like 1.1 but it it's [ __ ] working phenom be swearing well look at this he does go 1.1 no I mean yeah you can do it and like Queens is one of the hands that you can do it with are you but it's kind of surprising how quickly he did it there yes I mean I know you guys obviously focus a lot on the imbalance it's not just in play but in time II but it seems it seems that if he was gonna make a buff it would take a little bit more time to kind of think that one through Sean is very good at the live element and that is someone who I would I wouldn't try to get in his head with that sort of okay you feel like he balances that stuff out pretty well not even necessarily balance he's a tricky guy so he's totally capable of just thinking like okay Nick moves all in Sean calls and we have a ginormous pot on the final table 8.1 million chip flip well Sean said it wouldn't he called it in the self it won't take long to get to the final six he's gonna I hope he's wrong here that's here's at risk with those pocket queens if you were to double up would take a very commanding chip position here Nick of course with still five million very comfortable Queen in the window a pretty good start and the Queen behind it as well there we go that is the end of this one Nick starts paying it out easy game well I for one I'm glad that it didn't get the final six now is we've just got down in the booth would be pretty a short-lived stint with us guys if you are watching and do want to find any questions to Toby or dan please do put them in a chat we'll try and answer jello pocket tents about to say that my experience of playing with Joe as he is very much on the aggressive side and just aside to three bet on the button and Craig finds jacks in the small this this is a much different area this is pretty easy jam right because Joe does have a three bit forward range that's the submit is substantial definitely is and it's such a huge pickup fifty six million chips already in the pot before it gets to Craig he can increase his stack by third if this Jam gets through yeah I mean this is this is a no brainer shove and if Joseph has it then nice hand this is gonna be a pretty horrible horrible spot when it comes to old no don't do it oh you can't do he's got to do it now he's done that body language yeah he got us he learned for the fold and then say this is a great spot for Joe I think one aspect that makes us more inclined to fold here as the fact all the stacks were super close but he's cold he has cooled and crazed may be delighted to see it is in pocket tense all of a sudden we have a I think it chip lead pot Constantine maybe a little bit actually but this will be a choice you have me human here and do you have any covered Joe's like just shut up me please leave me alone I've just called it off I've got seven things behind if I lose that's very very tough jack in the windows a good start and another Jack behind the drama here at the finals the Jack of Hearts Oh plenty of cards we chose some outs but well another check behind not the one third Joseph look Emmy wants the ground to swallow if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure you leave a like drop a comment and don't forget to subscribe for the best poker videos on YouTube make sure to also check out our previous video if you missed it and let us know in the comments below what you would like to see on the next fury TV [Music] [Music] and he looks at Queens [Music] you
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 2,749,530
Rating: 4.6395965 out of 5
Keywords: poker, best poker hands, poker quads, poker four of a kind, four of a kind, poker full house vs quads, bad beats poker, best poker moments, sick poker hands, amazing poker hands, sam grafton poker, kristen poker, tony g poker, tony g quads, when you hit quads poker, four of a kind compilation, crazy poker hands, poker compilation, poker channel, poker youtube, poker videos, furytv, premier league poker, partypoker, partypoker live, dusk till dawn
Id: opxjXvCQq98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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